2 minute read
The ACD Past Presidents: Profi les and Prerogatives
The Digital Archive Project (DAP) established by Dr. David W. Chambers in 2018 was founded to preserve and provide access to historical materials, support research, and create interactive programs and exhibits that educate and inspire. This project was crucial to the production of the centennial presentation book ACD Our First Century—The Narrative History of the American College of Dentists 1920-2020. The DAP also revealed areas where our history is less complete and this was evident with regard to our past presidents and their contributions to the College, the public, and the profession. Therefore, we have resolved to rectify this issue and create an ACD Presidential Archive. Presidential archives and museum collections promote a unique understanding of the presidency and the time in which the president served as well as their experience in that service. This is the fi rst of many installments to preserve our presidential past. Fellows, we present President Willard C. Fleming for your reading pleasure.
The ACD Past Presidents: Profi les and Prerogatives
Willard C. Fleming, DDS, FACD
Dr. Willard Fleming entered the University of California College of Dentistry in 1918 during America’s involvement in World War I. In 1923, he earned a DDS degree and in 1924, he became part-time instructor in operative dentistry. From the start, he demonstrated a keen interest in the emerging fi eld of periodontology and after fi fteen years on the dental faculty, he was appointed Dean in 1939. His popular style of leadership was fi rst demonstrated in his student days when he served as president of the student body during a time of student unrest and faculty discord. As he engaged the deanship in 1939, he focused on enhancing basic science instruction and recruiting research-oriented faculty. He served as Dean for twenty-six years (1939-1965) and he was remembered as a caring and charismatic leader who was respected by all.
Forever concerned with advancement in dentistry and dental education, Dr. Fleming surveyed the profession and established a landmark program in postgraduate dental education. He remained active in professional organizations, serving as President of the American Association of Dental Schools and the American College of Dentists (1952). He was chairman of the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association, and active in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and received honorary degrees from the University of Southern California, the University of Toronto, and the University of California.
In 1965, he was appointed to the position of Vice-Chancellor of the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, and subsequently served from 1966 to 1969 as Chancellor. A resourceful administrator, he was able to negotiate many complex issues by drawing on his humor, common sense, compassion and humanity. His well-earned reputation as a consummate leader who had great understanding of human relations allowed him to serve as an effective university administrator during the troubled social and politically charged atmosphere of the late 1960s. In 1966, he was the recipient of the William John Gies Award from the American College of Dentists. After a forty-fi ve-year career in university service, he retired from the Chancellorship in 1969, and departed this life in 1972.