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Regent’s Refl ection: Connecting Using Technology

Regent’s Refl ection

Connecting Using Technology: A Silver Lining in the Pandemic’s Dark Cloud

Teresa A. Dolan, DDS, MPH Regent at Large, American College of Dentists

Like many, I’ve spent the past nine months in front of my computer working remotely from my home in Florida. I am fortunate that I can continue my work in the comfort and safety of my home, and I realize that many people do not have that option. I am grateful to the front-line health workers including dental professionals whose daily work in service to others exposes them to health risks including COVID-19. As an American College of Dentist Regent at Large, and as Dentsply Sirona’s Chief Clinical Offi cer, my typical work week prepandemic included offi ce-based meetings with team members and attending dental congresses and events. All of that abruptly ended in March as we began to experience the impact of the pandemic and the necessary shut down, and as we searched to understand the nature and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The pandemic continues to have a dramatic impact on our personal lives, our families, our workplaces, and our communities. One silver lining in this dark cloud is the dental profession’s resiliency and recovery. In March, professional organizations, state agencies and licensing bodies asked health systems and clinicians to cancel or delay nonessential elective procedures. The rationale was to free up the health care work force to care for patients in the greatest need, and to preserve PPE for frontline health care workers. Now that we are many months into the pandemic, dental teams and organizations have reviewed and updated their infection prevention protocols and resumed providing non-urgent dental care. Public and private organizations have worked together on the PPE supply chain, we have studied emerging scientifi c information about the virus, and we have implemented best practices for infection prevention in the dental offi ce. And we’ve observed that now, more than ever, our patients value the importance of oral health to overall health and well-being. The American College of Dentists did its part to support the dental community by providing continuing education with an emphasis on the ethical challenges associated with providing dental care during a pandemic. In collaboration with the American Dental Association and Dentsply Sirona, the College offered the free webinar, “Pandemics and Dental Practice: Ethical Challenges” with speakers Nanette Elster, JD, MPH and Guenter Jonke, DMD. The College also provided an excellent curation of available resources for dental practitioners entitled, “Resources for Patients and Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Based on the success of the fi rst webinar and the resource guide, the College offered a second CE program, “Reopening, Risks, Responsibilities and Reevaluation” hosted by Dr. Theresa Gonzales with Nanette Elster offering her ethical expertise and Drs. Kristi Soileau and Erik Klintmalm sharing their personal experiences with dental care delivery during the pandemic. The webinar recordings and resources are available on the ACD website www.acd. org/education/covid-19/. And please visit the Dental Ethics section of the College’s website to explore an ever-growing collection of online courses, resources and materials related to dental ethics. Technology, fueled by commitment, creativity, collaboration, and considerable expertise, enabled the College to offer timely and important clinical education and resources to thousands of dental professionals. And, from an interpersonal perspective, technology helped us stay connected. The Board of Regents met virtually to conduct the business of the College, and we had some fun and toasted the College on its 100th Anniversary, under the leadership of then President Stephen Ralls. While we were disappointed that the College could not host an in-person annual meeting, the College hosted a beautifully orchestrated 2020 Annual Meeting and Convocation (www.acd.org/annual-meetings/). As noted on the College’s website, “In a time of tremendous change and tumult, our Fellowship helps to keep us grounded and focused on the things that matter — excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership, as well as collegiality and friendship.” It’s such an honor to be a Fellow in the American College of Dentists, and a privilege to serve as a Regent, and to work together with like-minded colleagues – using technology – to stay connected and advance the profession of dentistry in service of the public.

2020 Silent Auction “Small, but Mighty!”

In addition to planning and preparing for the virtual meetings, convocation, and continuing education offerings, the ACD staff also hosted the fi rst virtual silent auction. Thirteen out of twenty items found high bidders for a total of $2,375.00. According to the staff, it was not as fun as seeing the Fellows and being part of the excitement of a live event, but knowing how to move this kind of event to an online environment will serve the organization well. If your section would like to donate to the 2021 Silent Auction, which raises money for the education initiatives of the ACD Foundation, please contact Adrian Campos or Suzan Pitman at the Executive Offi ce.

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