3 minute read
Welcome Centurions (continued
(continued from page 1)
Prevailing COVID-19 guidelines allowed for a maximum of ten individuals in a congregate setting and we staged the production within the parameters of this guidance. The College’s original mace and torch, crafted by the Gorham Company, was on display for this celebration. Drs. Blanton, Gonzales, Ralls and Rouse welcomed the Centennial Cohort from the historic Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, DC.
Just like the traditional ACD convocation, the 2020 ACD virtual version needed to be planned and produced. We worked with our presenters and partners to generate the continuing education presentations, prerecord the convocation address, secure a world class venue, and execute to standard. The sequence of events began with a message from President Ralls offi cially welcoming the Fellows into the College. In advance of the convocation ceremony, each Fellow received the convocation materials and was preregistered for all the events. The schedule of events mirrored our traditional ceremony with continuing education, a keynote speaker, the ever-popular Fellows Forum, the Regency breakout sessions, the annual business meeting, the best days of their professional lives.
Outstanding dentists from across the United States and Canada, as in good standing. Please consider President-elect’s address and of course, the ACD Convocation Ceremony.
The staff of the Executive offi ce committed every effort to the execution of this virtual event and from the fl ood of reports that we have received from the Fellowship, we were able to deliver a quality experience for our Centennial Cohort, Fellows, Friends and Family of the American College of Dentists. These materials have been posted to www. acd.org for you to share with family and friends, and to rewatch at your leisure.
While we are encouraged by your participation in and response to our virtual event, we acknowledge that there is really no substitute for the in-person ACD Convocation and Gala experience. colleagues who have a demonstrated history of leadership and excellence.
To be considered for the Fellowship
Class of 2021, nominations must be received by January 15, 2021.
Nominations received after that date will be held for 2022. Fellows are encouraged to use the online We are family and we want to personally greet you, get to know you better, and learn from you. Our Convocation is steeped in grand tradition befi tting so signifi cant an accomplishment. Our Gala and Dinner Dance are legendary and provide us a great opportunity to meet your individual families. This type of camaraderie is a necessary and predictable causality of the global pandemic. As family, we have an obligation to care for one another, which includes restricting social gatherings until it is deemed safe to reengage.
The Centennial Cohort occupies a special place in the history of the College at a unique place in time. We are counting on you, our Centurions, to lead the to the profession and the public we are privileged to serve begins.
Nominate an Outstanding Colleague for Fellowship
“ It is my privilege to inform you that you have been elected to membership in this very worthy organization, an organization that which stands for the highest and best in the whole domain of dentistry.” – Ritual for the Conferring of Fellowship by Charles N. Johnson
Those words are part of what many Fellows report to be one of the well as other parts of the globe, are nominated each year by Fellows nominating for Fellowship your
charge as our second century of service nomination forms. We are accepting the old form through January 2021 but will only accept the online form beginning in 2022. The online form is located at acd.org/nominations and ACD staff are always happy to help with any questions that arise throughout the nominations process. Happy nominating!