INSTANTCERT ACADEMY ... It gets even beXer!!! Proven Results. Thousands of Members. NO Textbooks. NO Classes. 100% Online. Why do people cringe at the sound of tests? Mostly because they’re not prepared or confident in their ability to do well on them. If you know the informa;on on a test, there isn’t a thing to be afraid of — in other words, preparaLon is key. InstantCert’s revolu;onary “interac;ve textbook” study materials are based on the official content outlines for each exam. With a team of developers, made up of professors and professional writers, they’ve condensed en;re college textbooks into a database of ques;ons which teach you the important points and essen;al vocabulary. With InstantCert, you get everything you need to pass CLEPs and DSSTs. No classes, No textbooks, no papers, no lectures... hundreds upon thousands of users are using InstantCert, passing their tests, and receiving college credit! This is the BEST study resource out there for CLEPs and DSSTs! Get access to ALL the courses for a monthly fee of $19.95! There are no hidden fees or addi;onal costs. With their 30-‐Day Money-‐Back Guarantee, you can cancel at any ;me — Try it Risk Free today! Go to and start gaining college level knowledge in just days!
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Higher Educa;on Revolu;onized Have you ever thought it was possible to earn a fully accredited Bachelor’s degree for less then 10K and in under two years?
Well it’s more then a possibility, it’s a reality for thousand of students...
Take 2 minutes and learn how to: ➥Save hundreds and even thousands of dollars on College,
➥Dras;cally shorten the ;me it takes to complete a degree,
➥And do it all without Student Loans, and the chains that come with debt.
How is this possible? C L E P s
The CollegeBoard, the creators of the AP and SAT, are also the creators the College Level Examina;on Program (*CLEP). A CLEP is a mul;ple choice subject exam and though it’s been around for over 40 years and is accepted by over 2,900 colleges (including Ivy league schools like Harvard), it’s largely unknown to the public. Summed up, a CLEP simply tests your knowledge in a par;cularly subject and awards you college credit if you pass. It’s almost like just taking the final, and skipping all the lectures, notes, papers, etc.
CLEPs are worth 3 or 6 credits, are $77 per test, and the average study ;me for someone with a full ;me job is 1-‐2 weeks! So instead of spending the average $600 to sit in a professor’s class for 3 months, you study for a week or two, spend $77, and then take the CLEP! You get the same amount of credit that your peers get in a class but for a frac;on of the cost and ;me. It's almost too simple. Think it sounds too hard? Think again! CLEPs are designed so that an average C student who just Serving finished the actual class should pass the CLEP. With a liXle studying every test is very Sizes doable! CLEPs are pass or fail so no leXer grade is awarded, just credit!
DSSTs Similar to CLEPs are Dantes Standardized Subject Tes;ng (*DSST). Two major dis;nc;ons between the them are that DSSTs have 4 op;ons per ques;on, instead of CLEP’s 5, and some DSSTs award upper level credit! There are 38
More Informa1on at:
Who can take advantage of this? Anyone and everyone! ✓College Students ✓People working full ;me ✓High-‐School Students
A degree is within your grasp… and it’s cheaper and faster then ever before!
The list goes on and on!
These tests can be used to fill educa1onal requirements and in a lot of cases, “skip” at least a year of college! With thousands of ins1tu1ons accep1ng these exams, you save 1me and money by taking the test instead of the class. Check with your school to see what tests will fit into your degree!
can find the complete list of all the CLEPs, tes;ng
Thomas Edison State College, Excelsior College, and Charter Oak State College, are referred to as the Big Three. Why? Well these regionally accredited colleges accept an unlimited number of transfer and/or tes;ng credits!! This is huge as most colleges will limit the amount of tes;ng credits that will fit into your degree.
centers, credit awarding ins;tu;ons and more...
Here's what it would look like if you went to one of the big three… This is the official website for CLEPs, where you This is the official website for DSSTs. You’ll find fact sheets for every exam, informa;on for test takers, and more...
DSST ;tles and they're all $80 per test! Like CLEPs, a
On Free-‐CLEP-‐Prep you'll find an abundance of
DSST is worth 3 credits,
informa;on! It’s one of the most invaluable
which is less then $27 a semester hour!
websites you’ll come across. Free study material, tests, and much more! Go there today!
Phase 1: Test out of the majority of your degree through CLEPs and DSSTs Phase 2: Enroll in one of the Big Three and take 1-‐6 classes (depending on your degree). Phase 3: Graduate! It's that simple, that fast, and it's a way to earn a degree from a Regionally Accredited school! With a college degree becoming more of a necessity today, this is the fastest and cheapest way to get one! Don't seXle for student loans, and the chains that come with debt, when you can get a degree for under 10K! This is Higher EducaLon RevoluLonized! *CLEP is a registered trademark of the College Board. *DSST is a registered trademark of Prometric. This Publication is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by these organizations.