Karen Bagge
The deaconesses were limited in visiting our homebound congregants but continued to connect by calling, sending notes and delivering poinsettias at Christmas and lilies at Easter all organized by the Visitation Committee.
Once it was safe to do so, our Helping Hands Committee arranged 48 meals for 16 individuals/families in need of support and the encouragement. Many in our congregation and on the Greetings, church, from the Board of committee answered the need to provide a hot Deaconesses! meal. What a blessing these kind volunteers are. And, sometime in the future, we are lookI know I speak for all the deaconesses that ing forward to once this year has been a privilege to serve the “We Will Work With Each Other again facilitating rides for those in congregation. I am so grateful for the We Will Work Side by Side… need. optimistic, prayerful, Our Corresponhumble and flexible And They’ll Know We Are dence Committee women who answered sent out 229 handChristians By Our Love, By Our Love; written notes and the call to serve! They are Vicky Bailey, to our conYes, They’ll Know We Are Christians cards Allison Bonga, Laurie gregants and the Costley, Joanne Engand women By Our Love!” men eseth, Becky Garrett, serving in the milLinda Gulbransen, (song by Peter Scholtes) itary to encourage Betsy Love, Shirley those experiencing Mathews, Lindsay loss and hard times McCracken, Mary Neland to share in the joy of new life and new belessen, Angie Schroeder, Nancy Taylor, Sarah ginnings of marriage. Tews and Susan Zimmerman. On behalf of our church, the Care and Share As the church shifted programs and procedures Committee disbursed $148,878 in financial to accommodate the restriction of the pandemassistance to 57 College Church families/ ic, we too were busy evaluating our individuals for rent, counseling, utilities and responsibilities. medical expenses. The fund also contributed quarterly to Outreach Community Center and The Funeral Committee was saddened not to the Churches United for Hardship Assistance. be able to minister and love grieving families by The church staff administered the COVID Relief providing a funeral reception or luncheon, but Fund throughout the year until last month when we prayed for those who lost loved ones and the Care and Share Committee took over the sent notes. responsibility and disbursed $9,609 in financial The Baptism Committee shared the joy of assistance to seven families/individuals. The assisting with 31 baptisms (29 were held outCare and Share Committee prayerfully considside!) having a front row seat to witness people ers each request, knowing that they are stewof our congregation publicly acknowledging ards of the generous contributions from our Jesus as their Lord and Savior. church family.
Board of Deaconesses Chair