Year-End Giving to College Church out on the Lord’s adventures. When we’re at the point of choosing life or death, we need the warning, and the restoration if we choose wrongly.
We invite each of us to prayerfully invest in the work of the kingdom of God in and through College Church.
As the Lord said, “I set before you life and death. Choose life, that you may live.” Life and death were starkly contrasted sixteen years ago on the Notre Dame quad, as Kris and I stood at a cross graveyard, a memorial for victims of abortion. It was hushed and deserted, but two-year-old Elena was twirling between the rows of crosses. The sun shone brilliantly on her wavy red hair, highlighting her vibrancy like rays illuminating stained glass. Someone with us quietly remarked, “There’s a photograph waiting to happen.”
GIFTS IN PERSON: Cash envelope contributions or checks may be dropped off at the church office until 5 p.m., Friday, December 31. Or they can be dropped through the mail slot on the southernmost door of the Commons until midnight December 31. Contributions dropped off after midnight will be credited to 2022 even if the check or cash envelope is dated 2021.
There is so much life waiting to happen—spiritual and physical. Pro-life work is really gospel work, at the crossroads of sorrow and joy, sin and mercy, ashes and beauty. So our family does what we can, and we are even coming full circle as Elena has developed her own pro-life convictions and joined Voice for Life at Wheaton College. Above all, we aim to help others at the point of life and death, and join the Lord’s work building his body—from the littlest bodies on up!
Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling on Saturday
At Christmas we celebrate hope for the world through the birth of a Jesus. Join the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force in cooperation with Pro-Life Action League as they sing carols of Christmas hope and pray that God will change the hearts of those entering Planned Parenthood in Aurora. Organized carol-singing at abortion facilities can move people who hear the Christmas caroling outside to not go through with abortion. For more information visit Details will be published as they become available.
CHECKS IN THE MAIL: Checks received in the mail with the envelope postmarked December 31 or earlier will be credited to 2021, but those postmarked after December 31 will be credited to 2022 even if the check is dated 2021. ONLINE GIFTS: Making online gifts is easy through our website at by clicking on “Our online giving” on the Giving page of the website. Gifts made before midnight on December 31 will be credited to 2021. Online gifts made after midnight will be credited to 2022. GIFTS OF STOCKS OR MUTUAL FUNDS: In order for a stock gift to be credited for 2021, it must be received by Monday, December 27. To make a gift of stock or mutual funds, call the Church Office at (630) 668-0878 and ask for Deb Carlburg, ext. 127, or Nancy Singer, ext. 113. For the second year, the IRS is allowing donors to contribute cash in an amount up to 100% of their Adjusted Gross Income to churches. Contact your tax advisor for details. If you currently use contribution envelopes, a new box for 2022 with your name on it will be available in the Narthex. If you do not have contribution envelopes and would like a box, or if you would like to transition to online giving, please email for help.