LOCAL & GLOBAL STORIES, NEWS AND EVENTS OF COLLEGE CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2022 CONNECTIONS “ Flowers have a purpose that I didn’t realize before: sometimes they are used as anesthetics.” Read “Flowers as Anesthetics” by Sergey Sologub on page 15 FACE TO FACE Interlude in Summer SUSAN ZIMMERMAN | 6 LIFE LESSONS Meeting the Deaf ALTA JOHNSON | 8 GLOBAL VOICES In the Shadow of His Wings CHERYL WARNER | 12 I BELIEVE This Is Crazy TONY VISCONTI | 18
Connections is a monthly newsletter published for and about the people of College Church. Send news items and suggestions to: connections@college-church.org.
Keep Connections in mind to promote a community event to the College Church family. Send event information by the following dates: For the October issue: September 9 For the November issue: October 9 | For the December issue: November 9
CHERYL WARNER PAGE 11 Milestones PAGE 27 Looking Ahead PAGE 28 Campus Maps PAGE 24 At the Bookstall PAGE 15 Flowers as Anesthetics SERGEY SOLOGUB PAGE 16 Meet Your Leaders PAGE 06 Interlude in September SUSAN ZIMMERMAN PAGE 17 These Are My Sisters MEAGHAN ZAINO PAGE 18 This is Crazy TONY VISCONTI PAGE 20 Recalibration after Roe SARAH LINDQUIST PAGE 22 Under the Radar PAGE 05 From the Editor WIL TRIGGS PAGE 04 Prayer Gatherings
332 E. Seminary, Wheaton, IL 60187 (630) 668-0878 | www.college-church.org
Our Pastors, Directors and Residents: Josue Alvarado, pastoral resident | Matt Anthony, pastoral resident | Cheryce Berg, director of children’s ministries | Roger Burgess, pastor of visitation and care | Julie Clemens, director of disability ministries | Erik Dewar, pastor of worship and music Baxter Helm, high school pastor | Dan Hiben, middle school pastor | Tim Hollinger, technology director | Howard Kern, facilities director Bruce Main, pastor of visitation and care | Josh Maurer, pastor of discipleship | Curt Miller, missions pastor | Josh Moody, senior pastor Richard Moomjian, pastoral resident | Ben Panner, college pastor | Mindy Rynbrandt, director of women’s ministries | John Seward, executive pastor | Nancy Singer, director of administration and finance | Wil Triggs, director of communications
Our Council of Elders: David Bea | Mark Berg | Howard Costley, chair | Dave Gieser, vice chair | Randy Jahns | Heinrich Johnsen Josh Moody, senior pastor | Jeff Oslund | Roger Sandberg | David Setran | Jeremy Taylor, secretary | Chad Thorson | Brian Wildman PAGE 02 September Highlights PAGE 11 Artist Spotlight— Kathryn McBride PAGE 08 Meeting the Deaf: A Partial Memoir, A Brief History and a Personal Invitation ALTA JOHNSON PAGE 12 In the Shadow of His Wings
SERGEY SOLOGUB is a pastor at Irpin Bible Church in Irpin, Ukraine. He has worked in church ministry with the Warners and received training at two LittWorld conferences, where he has connected with John Maust and Wil and Lorraine Triggs. He and his family recently returned to Irpin after living and ministering in a different, safer part of Ukraine. He is the author of Kitchen Table Devotions from A-Z (Moody).
COVER IMAGE: Scottish Sheep at Sunset by Kathryn McBride
ALTA JOHNSON Alta Johnson lives with her husband, Paul, and their two great teenagers whom she homeschools, and her father whom they care for, in Winfield. She has been an interpreter and teacher of ASL in a career that spans more than three decades. Among other jobs, she’s interpreted for George W. Bush and Barack Obama and taught at Moody Bible Institute for several years. However, her favorite memories include clients and students who are not famous, but still precious to God. Her passion is to help Christians open their minds and hearts to communicate with others using this beautiful language.
CHERYL WARNER serves with her husband, Charley, in Ukraine with Barnabas International. They teach missions students and help churches mobilize and care for Ukrainian missionaries. They pray to be able to return to their home in Irpin.
KATHRYN MCBRIDE is the creative communications coordinator at College Church and the designer of Connections. She is a Colson Center Fellow and enjoys various creative pursuits. In all that she does, she endeavors to make things beautiful. The images in this issue all come from her recent trip to Scotland.
SUSAN ZIMMERMAN serves as a deaconess and Mom2Mom mentor. She loves exploring all manner of walking trails with her husband, Todd, and keeps up with their daughter and family in Oswego and their son and family in Chicago.
SARAH LINDQUIST serves with the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force and the Evangelism and Culture Impact Committee. She homeschools her young sons and teaches violin, viola and performing ensembles at Community School of the Arts at Wheaton College. When time allows, she enjoys working in her garden and admiring historic architecture.
MEAGHAN ZAINO has served in the nursery, Kids’ Harbor and as a high school small group leader, and she will be serving as a small group leader in Women’s Bible Study this year. Meaghan has called College Church home since she was in third grade and loves seeing her four children grow up in the same church she did.
TONY VISCONTI serves at College Church as the digital ministry manager since November of 2019. He lives in Winfield with his wife, Kristin, who also serves College Church by teaching music in the Stars Disability Ministry. They have two boys, Pearson (5) and Isaiah (1).
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES Everyone welcome Join us at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Livestream broadcast is at 9:30 with a rebroadcast at 11. You can watch it at college-church.org/livestream
SEPTEMBER 4: No Service (holiday weekend)
Dan Haase: The Gospel of John
Everyone welcome. In Commons Hall at 5 p.m. The Church of the Gospel
LIVING WORD Sundays 9:30 a.m. in C104A & C Dr. Doug Moo, Pastor Josh Maurer, Felipe Chamy: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
ALL NATIONS Sundays 9:30 a.m. in C104F
SEPTEMBER 18: The Power of the Word, Mark 4
LIFE TOGETHER COMUNITY Sundays 9:30 a.m. in Commons Gym Teaching Team; Authentic biblical community for adults ages 25-40
Bruce Main: Life of Christ GREEK CLASS Sundays 9:30 a.m. in the Board Room
SEPTEMBER 11: Who Really Are His Disciples , Mark 3:7-34 (Back to Church Sunday)
Dr. Neil Wright: The Book of Revelation Young parents are welcome.
SEPTEMBER 11: 1 Timothy 1:18-2:7, Pastor Ben Panner preaching SEPTEMBER 18: 1 Timothy 2:8-15, Pastor Josh Moody preaching SEPTEMBER 25: 1 Timothy 3:1-16, Pastor Baxter Helm preaching ADULT COMMUNITIES
NEW: THRIVE Sundays 9:30 a.m. in Crossings For adults in their 40s-50s to live out God’s Word in community. VERITAS Sundays 9:30 a.m. in C104B & D
LOGOS Sundays 9:30 a.m. in C104E
SEPTEMBER 25: Both Sides of the Lake, Mark 5
Dr. Jim Tebbe: The Mission of God in Scripture FORUM 15 Sundays 9:30 a.m. in CL01
Dr. Jon Laansma; Knowledge of Greek is not required for this class.
The Gospel of Jesus Pastor Josh Moody preaching on Mark SEPTEMBER 4: Conflict, Mark 2:1-3:6 (Communion)
20 s GROUP A landing place for you to grow in Christian community and launching pad to send you out in the ministry and mission of the church. Weekly gatherings and events. For more information, contact Kaitie Girgis at kgirgis@ college-church.org 20 s RETREAT: September 16-18. Come enjoy a weekend at the Warren Dunes in Michigan with the 20s group! We will carpool together, leaving College Church Friday evening and returning Sunday afternoon. Activities include exploring the dunes, hanging out at the cottage and private beach where we will stay, hearing from God’s Word and enjoying fellowship together. See the 20s Group page on the College Church website to register.
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY starting September 14 Morning: 9:30-11 a.m. Evening: 6:45-8:15 p.m.
Next spring, we look forward to diving into Luke’s Gospel and seeing the compassion of Christ revealed. We anticipate a joyful and fruitful journey together this year. To register, visit our website.
SUNDAY MORNING NURSERY (0-2) at 9:30 and 11 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL (preschool-fifth grade) at 9:30 a.m. WONDERS OF WORSHIP “WOW” (K-third grade) during second half of 11 a.m. service CHILDREN’S CHURCH (preschool) at 11 a.m. PRESCHOOL at 5 p.m.
This fall, both Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies will study the Book of Deuteronomy. There’s no registration needed, and we look forward to seeing you as we gather around God’s Word together. Our hope is to cultivate a hunger for God and an ability to handle God’s Word in daily life. Next spring, we will study the Gospel of Luke together.
SUNDAY MORNING FOUNDATIONS, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the KMs room WEDNESDAYS large group gathering, 6:45-8:15 p.m. in the KMs room HIGH SCHOOL (HYACKS) SUNDAYS at 9:30 a.m. in the Crossings WEDNESDAYS from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Crossings COLLEGE GROUP SUNDAYS at 10:45 a.m. in the Crossings Building Gospel Friendships, Shaping Biblical Convictions HOME GROUPS: Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m. (Starting September 5-8) Bible Study of Romans
This fall, we’ll study the Book of Deuteronomy. Through this last book of the Pentateuch, we see the unfolding story of redemption as God chooses a people to set apart for his specific purposes. We’ll look at this Old Testament book through a New Testament lens, seeking to better understand God’s revelation of himself and what this means for us today.
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY starting September 14 6:45-8:15 Commonsp.m.C002 (tunnel level)
BEARS, BAGS & BBQ Sunday, September 25, at noon in Commons Hall We’ll watch some football, enjoy good BBQ and have a Bags Tournament.
GOD’S CHILDREN SING (Kindergarten and Pre-K) and CHILDREN’S CHOIRS (grades 1-6) start September 11 at 5 p.m. KIDS’ HARBOR WEDNESDAY CLUBS begin September 14 at 6:45 p.m. The Wednesday clubs include Pioneer Girls (grades 1-5) and Boys Brigade (grades 1-5). Join us this year. STARS
GRACE GROUPS Mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and other problems with mood stability are real and need compassionate support. Living Grace and Family Grace are support groups that will meet twice a month on Monday nights in the Crossings starting September 12, 7-8:30 p.m. Living Grace is intended for the person who is living with difficult mental and emotional challenges; Family Grace is for the person who has a loved one who struggles. For a schedule or more information, email gracegroups@ college-church.org , or register using the QR code.
VISITORS LUNCH Know someone new to College Church? If so, invite them to join you for a casual lunch in the Narthex (the Sanctuary Lobby) catered by Jason’s Deli on Sunday, September 11, at noon. Lunch is on us! Come and meet pastors and staff, learn about College Church and find out how you can get involved. Help us plan by checking the box on the online connect panel, using the QR code or by emailing welcome@collegechurch.org
AARON-HUR PRAYER FELLOWSHIP will meet on Thursday, September 22, at 7 p.m. at the home of Everett and Marcelyn Peterson, 127 Westminster Drive in Carol Stream, (630) 784-0569. Our guest will be Elizabeth M., serving in Asia.
PRAYER GATHERINGS ONLINE & IN PERSON Call the church office or email info@college-church.org for details on these prayer meetings.
SEPTEMBER 7: Daniel Bair, Englewood Family Outreach
Sunday Morning Prayer 8:15-8:40 a.m. in C101
SEPTEMBER 14: Scott Polander, Caring Network
SEPTEMBER 28: Former career workers Friday Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Board Room) 12-1 p.m. Led by Wil and Lorraine Triggs. The weekly prayer guide is also available at our website: https://bit.ly/3vzdcAz
Wednesday Night Prayer (Zoom only) 7-8 p.m.
HANNAH PRAYER FELLOWSHIP will meet Wednesday, September 14, at 1:30 p.m. in C101 in the Commons. We welcome you as we pray for our missionaries.
BARNABAS PRAYER FELLOWSHIP (formerly Dorcas Prayer Fellowship) will get an update on the translation and other work done in Papua New Guinea by Ben and Mandy Pehrson when the group meets on Wednesday, September 21, at 1:30 p.m. in the Patio Dining Room at Covenant Living at Windsor Park. Prayer for some of College Church’s global workers is also part of the meeting. Both men and women are welcome to visit and join the group. Questions? Call Wanda Z. at (708) 262-6934.
GRIEFSHARE Despite it being part of life, death is never easy. It hurts to lose someone, and it may be hard to feel optimistic about the future. GriefShare is a 13-week class, which features video seminars with experts, focused group discussions and personal study and reflection that can help you face your challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. GriefShare will begin in the Crossings on Monday, September 12, 7-8:30 p.m. You are welcome to begin attending GriefShare on any week. Each session is selfcontained, so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. For more information, contact Christy at griefshare@college-church.org, or register using the QR code.
KEENAGERS Join the senior adults (55+) of College Church as we enjoy a delicious dinner, followed by a lively program—from educational to inspirational to musical. The season starts on September 16 at 5:30 p.m. with speaker Joe Hanson— I Climbed to the Bottom of Mt. Everest . Joe was raised in a missionary family in China and Taiwan and was stationed in Taiwan while in the Navy. His career with Standard Oil also drew him to that part of the world. We know you will enjoy Joe’s pictures and the reason for the tonguein-cheek title of his presentation. The evening begins with a reception at 5:30, dinner at 6 and the program at 7 p.m. Reservations are required by September 13; email keenagers@college-church.org.
Our Prayer Pulse email goes out every Monday. You can get prayer updates via that email. Sign up by clicking “Enews signup” on our website. If you already receive other emails from College Church, click “manage my preferences” at the bottom of any email and select Prayer Pulse to add yourself.
SEPTEMBER 21: John and Pam P.
Monday Morning Prayer 6:15-7:15 a.m. Board Room
Perseverance is sometimes amazing to consider. Somehow, I did not know until a month ago that Claude Monet went blind but continued to paint. It began at the time when he was becoming popular, even famous, as a painter. Monet reportedly painted the celebrated water lilies series when he could barely see. He continued to paint for as long as he could. John Milton also lost his sight and penned the poem “On His Blindness” and other works. Depending on who you believe, Beethoven began to lose his hearing either in his 20s or early 30s. He wrote some of the most amazing music ever and continued to not only compose, but also perform for a time, doing his best to keep his condition secret. Beyond the physical, there is also the contrast of facing the emptiness of life without faith in Jesus or facing sorrow and grief with the companions and friends of a Bible study group here at College Church. Many times, people help us unknowingly. I can think of times when a person does something or says something that is just what I need. This kind of thing happens often, and we have only to act in the littlest way. God uses even us. I am reminded of the Charles Spurgeon quote, “God helps those who cannot help themselves.” So read this issue and consider the God who is at work in and among us. He is marvelous because of how he walks through so many different difficult things with us.
This issue of Connections is filled with longing and suffering, but also hope and perseverence. Our contributors point us to the challenge of ministering to the deaf, living through the devastation of a decimated Ukraine as home, the nostalgia of the Sandwich Fair and more.
All the while, Kathryn McBride, our creative designer, was discovering Scotland and agreed to share some of what she experienced on the cover and in this month’s Artist Spotlight. Thank you for taking us to another part of the world through your photography!
Generations of a local board of directors (including, at one time, my grandfather) have kept the fair going through world wars and the Depression (though sadly, not during the height of COVID. Local and area residents sell tickets, park cars, run food stands and manage exhibit
Interlude. “An intervening or interruptive period, space, or event.” (Merriam-Webster.com)
I know because I lived it growing up.
But still. A seasonal interlude, a final embrace of summer warmth and languor, can exist.
The evening twilight creeps in much too soon, and there might already be a tinge of coolness in the air. Gardens need to be harvested, and pumpkin spice everything is taking over coffee shop menus.
The fair is and always has been a local effort and major source of local pride.
The Sandwich Fair, the Midwest’s oldest continuously running fair, and the last of the season county fair in northern Illinois, is hosted by my Dekalb County hometown. Since 1888, it’s been held every year (except for 2020) the Wednesday through the Sunday after Labor Day. In the eyes of many, the heart of the fair is not the carnival or the vendors or even the country music concerts in the grandstand.
This is an old-fashioned agricultural fair, with display entries of livestock, garden produce, flower arrangements, baked goods, arts and crafts, photography and collections from wonderful to weird (this year’s exhibitor’s guide includes wasp nests [no wasps allowed] and Star Wars Pez dispensers.)
Interlude in September Susan Zimmerman FACE TO FACE
Late summer, that time shortly before Labor Day (the practical and unofficial end of summer) and summer’s actual, meteorological end on the autumnal equinox (this year, September 22), has always seemed to me an interlude of sorts. Yes, I know. By then school has long since started, fall activities have kicked in, and schedules are filling up with new to-do lists and mounting expectations.
I like the sound of this word. It has a graceful musical ring, and indeed, Webster’s second definition is “a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition.”
The experience of an interlude, wheth er in music, or a short time span during the day, or a brief season of life, can be pleasant and uplifting.
In September, as summer’s intense light and heat fade into cooler and shorter days, the accompanying shift of slower days into busy and hurried ones seems to set aside opportunities for interlude. Yet interlude doesn’t always have to be a week or two of vacation or a long lazy summer afternoon at the beach. It can be as brief as a walk around the block, a 10-minute tea break, observing the dance of clouds in the sky or a quick text or phone exchange with a good friend. It can be as simple as taking a meaningful pause to appreciate God’s gift to us of our senses and how they let us interact with his creation around us. But most of all, true interlude comes from times of Scripture meditation, quiet prayer, listening to a hymn or simply joyous awareness of the magnificence of our Lord and Savior, his power beyond anything we can think or imagine and his incredible grace in salvation. This fall, take time for interlude.
7 buildings. For a week in early September, it feels as if the entire town comes together to showcase its annual fiveday celebration. Which brings me to the idea of interlude. One of the biggest delights for schoolchildren growing up in Sandwich was the way the local school district accommodated the fair. School would usually start the last full week or so in August. Then came Labor Day weekend, and then—FAIR WEEK. Tuesday through Friday after Labor Day, we went to school for half days only. Not only were these half days, but they were easy half days. Lower expectations. No homework. If you were caught nodding off in class, well, everyone knew you had probably been up late the night before enjoying the fair at its best, when darkness fell, and the lights glowed on the carnival midway.
4H exhibits where kids our age showed their cows, pigs, and goats. The home arts building with mouthwatering displays of cakes, pies, cinnamon rolls and cookies. The honey vendor with his eye-riveting display box of live bees. Otto’s train ride with a real steam engine whistle. Cotton candy, lemonade shakeups and syrupy sweet elephant ears. Beyond the break from school and the fair entertainment, this late summer interlude was something to savor with all your senses. To this day, even if I don’t make the trip to Sandwich to attend the fair, I am attuned in early September to its sights, sounds, tastes and smells. Warm, sunny afternoons. Cooler evenings. Happy crowds. Gracious old oak trees still in full leaf. The taste of barbecued pork chops and buttered sweet corn. The roaring crescendo of the tractor pull. Lights on the Ferris wheel spinning against the night sky. Singsong calls of the game vendors. And yes, even the pungent odors of farm animals. The sensory rush brings lingering hints of summer possibilities still to be grasped. My September memories of a hometown county fair are a limited analogy of the real interlude I seek in my daily walk with Christ. But they do help me consider what interlude can do to refresh my spirit and encourage me for the days ahead. There are so many instances in the New Testament where Jesus seems to call himself and his disciples into interlude. His prayer times in the early morning darkness. Retreats to the Mount of Olives. Teaching by the sea (who hasn’t found the very presence of water lapping a shore to be calming?). Taking a nap in a boat, even during a terrifying storm. Dinners at the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Private times teaching and explaining his parables to his closest disciples. A conversation by a well. Directing the crowd to sit down and enjoy the dinner of bread and fish he miraculously provided. All of these, in a sense, are a type of interlude, moments of refreshment, reflection, and at times, deep communion that bring peace and comfort to busy and distracted souls. But beyond his example to us, Jesus himself is our enduring interlude, our only way to true rest amid life’s pressing demands. In Matthew 11:28-30, he urges, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (NIV)
My family always made the most of those glorious late summer days at the fair. My parents would provide my brothers and me a generous ration of carnival ride tickets, and we would race to see how many rides we could fit into one afternoon. They were less indulgent on tickets for carnival games (which always seemed kind of rigged), but that didn’t matter when there was so much else to do.
“Mom, how are you always able to meet deaf people everywhere you go?” my son asked after we’d met a sweet young woman who bagged our groceries at the local Mariano’s. I honestly don’t know. It’s something God has prepared me for over decades, although I didn’t always realize or appreciate it. But my son is right. I have met people from this overlooked and unreached people group in every job I’ve held from an EMT in the emergency room to packing brown trucks at UPS to a nanny in Hong Kong. I meet them in Walmart, Chick-Fil-A and Target, at auto and RV shows, at museums or while traveling. I was even privileged to have deaf neighbors for many years at our most recent house in Wheaton. Of course, you meet them too, but you may not know it or know how to respond when you do. Continue reading and join me on this fascinating journey.
You may have seen sign language in terpreters next to state governors on TV during the COVID-19 pandemic or heard about the Academy Awards given to deaf actors. Marvel has included deaf characters in recent movies and the New York Times has featured articles on Deaf people recently. Who are the Deaf and where are they? Deafness is considered a “low-incidence disability” so it’s rare to find groups of deaf in one family or com munity. You may pass them on the street
*”Deaf” with a capital “D” was adopted by many in this people group as a cultural indicator of acceptance and honor and is used regardless of level of hearing loss. To distinguish between the culture of being “Deaf” from the label “deaf” as in hearing loss, the word is often capitalized.
Deaf*theMeeting InvitationPersonalaandHistoryBriefAMemoir,PartialA JOHNSONALTALESSONSLIFE
It’s difficult for someone without hearing to learn to read well, so printed material is not always an effective way to communicate.
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed into law. Well-intended, it mandated greater access to vital services such as medical care, employment and education for disabled people. In public schools, children who were previously grouped in distant residential schools were now mainstreamed with neighborhood children, allowing them to live with their families and attend the local school.
In the first part of the 20th century, American deaf children were often sent to residential schools where they lived away from their families, but with other children and adults who communicated like them. These schools functioned like surrogate families and became a vital part of the rich culture of American deaf people, and American Sign Language flourished. Within those schools, attending a chapel service on the weekend was often required so some of these students received a type of religious instruction. Beyond the reach of the deaf schools, however, typically no interpretation or instruction was provided in churches until the late 20th century. In fact, there is much evidence that deaf people were regarded as cursed and something to be ignored or fixed. Collectively, culturally Deaf people think of church as distasteful or irrelevant and are proud of being nonreligious, according to a post, “Deaf: An Unreached People Unlike Any other.”
Inadvertently, this resulted in greater isolation for deaf students, who, often being the only deaf person, had little communication with anyone except the school interpreter. Also in the late 20th century, cochlear implants were developed. This recent technology requires surgery to bypass the inner ear and implant a device in the brain, destroying any residual hearing in the process. While continuing to improve, such devices have limited scope, require specialized training to understand sounds and may lead to medical complications. CIs, as they are sometimes called, are not a cure for hearing loss and have led to divisive controversy among the deaf. Unfortunately, some parents have relied on medical technology to bridge the communication gap between them and their deaf child.
9 and not realize it. However, if deaf people were gathered in one geographical area, they would be considered one of the least-reached people groups in the world for the gospel.
FAMILY Often a deaf person has hearing parents and hearing children. This leads to unique challenges, including isolation from one’s family and community. Understandably, this can have devastating consequences. Statistics show that 90 percent of deaf children are born into hearing families. And, perhaps from shock, a feeling of being overwhelmed, poor guidance or disinterest, a mind-boggling 90 percent of those families don’t learn sign language to communicate with these children. Many deaf people never have a meaningful conversation with a parent. If a deaf person has a deaf mother and father, they are considered lucky by other deaf people. Why? Deaf children who are born to deaf parents are given immediate acceptance and access to language.
For decades, sign language use was discouraged or prohibited in the United States and other countries, partly due to the influence of Alexander Graham Bell and his destructive theories on working with the Deaf. An international conference of educators in Milan, Italy, in 1880 led to a global focus of teaching deaf children to rely on the difficult task of lip reading to communicate. This led to a generation of deaf people furtively using gestures to communicate and being ashamed of their deafness.
In the 1960’s, a group of professors at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. studied and validated American Sign Language as a unique and beautiful language, complete with its own grammar, syntax and idioms. Around the same time, a scourge of Rubella (German Measles) impacted pregnant women, causing large numbers of babies to be born with various disabilities, including deafness. When this generation of children was school age, special education continued on next page
It might be surprising to learn that the first sign language translation of the Bible was finished only in 2020 after nearly forty years of work.
I envision people within our church family learning sign language, our church hosting monthly social events to include both hearing and deaf people and developing counseling and prayer ministries for deaf people in our area. I envision a Sunday school class that is patterned after the adult STARS ministry—where the class joins the main service for corporate worship and then has a safe place to discuss the Bible in their own language and at their own speed. I believe our church is strategically located and has the resources to consider this ministry.
Become aware of people who might be isolated due to hearing loss. Make a point of facing them, making eye con tact, smiling and speaking clearly (without exaggerating or shouting). Understand that the majority of deaf experience isolation from their families, co-workers and communities, so reaching out with love is immensely powerful.
Again, are you willing to join me on this journey?
If your heart is broken to learn this information, you are in good company. God yearns for his precious creations to enter his kingdom and receive his salvation. He has entrusted his church with extending the invitation and equips and empowers us through his Holy Spirit to carry out the task. I see him raising up a new generation of people who embrace this joyful burden, including students of all ages in the Sign Language classes I’ve taught. God may be nudging your heart as well. There are some practical steps you can take right away.
10 programs were developed and mandated. Sign language interpreters, previously relegated to helpful family members or friends, became legitimized and trained. All this helped set the stage for a successful peaceful protest by college students in 1998 demanding a deaf president at Gallaudet University, the only deaf liberal arts college in the world. By the 1990’s deaf people had made great gains in being seen, supported and united. They proudly identified as a people group with a comprehensive visual language and unique culture. Note: The moniker “hearing impaired” is offensive to many in the Deaf culture. It focuses on a limitation rather than celebrating their identity. Many prefer the term “Deaf and Hard of Hearing.”
This is the point where my story joins the deaf world. As a child, my first exposure to sign language was in the mid-70’s when my first-grade teacher taught her class the chorus to “Jesus Loves Me” in American Sign Language. I was captivated by the ability to express concepts visually and kinesthetically. Still fascinated, I decided to become a Sign Language Interpreter in college. I was studying this distinct culture and language while their silent revolution was happening. While there is beauty and strength in the deaf culture, there is also bondage and dysfunction. In part because of deaf people’s isolation and vulnerability, abuse of all kinds (physical, emotional, sexual, substance) is extraordinarily high, and there is a dearth of educated therapists and counselors familiar with the unique needs of the deaf. As a young interpreter in a higher education setting and willing to “help,” I was unprepared for the overwhelming needs of the deaf students around me. I decided to quit. But God, in his mercy, never let me lose my love for the deaf, nor totally leave the field. As mentioned, I worked a variety of jobs over the years while I studied for another career and found ways to help support my family. I also returned to interpreting and discovered I love teaching about the language and culture of the deaf. My greatest passion is now alerting Christians to the immense needs in this field. This is where you come into the story.
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people are everywhere: in Wheaton, Lombard, Chicago, Washington D.C., in every country and on every continent. You meet them too. How is God preparing you to interact with these precious individuals whom he loves?
Learn a few signs. Even imperfect attempts at commu nication are encouraging, and those who depend on sign language to communicate will happily teach you more. Accept the responsibility for clear communication. The burden to bridge the communication gap should not be on deaf people, who may be limited in how successful their interactions can be. Hearing people have the obligation to learn what we can, extend patience, give attention and make efforts at conversation.
Pray. Pray for the unreached deaf to be exposed to the gospel and find freedom in Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw people to Jesus. Pray for workers for the harvest. Pray for churches and mission organizations and counseling centers to have wisdom and resources to make accommodations.
Do you want to learn basic sign language or join a group that regularly prays specifically for deaf people? I currently co-host an international prayer meeting every second Sunday night on Zoom. I’m preparing to start teaching some fall classes and am looking for people to be a part of regular game and coffee socials in sign language.
Samuel David was born to Danny and Allie Benson on July 29. Samuel’s maternal grandparents are Gary and Mary Lange .
Pray for College Church missionary Holly (Joe) Greeson and family as they grieve the loss of Holly’s mother, Hannah Baumann , who passed away last month.
These images are from a recent trip to Scotland. Not only is it a beautiful country, but it’s also the homeland of my ancestors (the clan McLeod). I went there as part of a group of friends that toured the country with two guides who researched who our relatives were and where they lived. The experience was nothing short of amazing as the nine of us spent two weeks traveling throughout the Scottish Highlands with all our belongings stuffed into a nine-passenger van. All along the way, we laughed and cried as our guide regaled us with stories about our family clans’ fortunes and misfortunes.
Pray for Patty Edmonds and Debbie (Tim) Hollinger and family as they grieve the loss of Patty’s husband and Debbie’s father, Gerald “Jerry” Edmonds , who passed away on August 11. Visitation will be Friday, September 9, 3:30-8:30 p.m. at College Church, and a memorial service will be In the Sanctuary on Saturday, September 10, at 2 p.m.
Isaac Daniel was born to Joel and Dana Weinberger on August 7. Isaac joins his siblings Leah, Noah and Grace .
Pray for Brian (Donna) Aldridge and family as they grieve the loss of Brian’s sister, Marianne , who passed away on July 6.
On a trip to the Isle of Lewis, my sister and I saw the home where my great-grandparents spent most of their lives. We were particula rly moved the day we went to our missionary grandfather’s birthplace. Though a proud Scot, he loved Jesus more and left his beloved land and language for more unfamiliar soil, spreading the gospel as a missionary in South America for fifty years. Like Abraham, “he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” (Hebrews 11:10) Though my grandfather left home nearly a hundred years ago, not knowing where Christ would take him, my sister and I returned with the sure testimony that God led him all the way.
When people ask what I do, I like to say that I am a profession al graphic designer and an amateur photographer. Photography provides me with an avenue to combine composition, beauty, travel and Photoshop. In short, it’s my art. In his book Art for God’s Sake Philip Graham Ryken captures the heart of why art is central to my life. He said, “because we know God as both our Creator and Redeemer, we seek to display his beauty and grace in our life and work.” It’s probably for this reason that I love Colossians 3:11, which someone once paraphrased, “There is only Christ, he is everything.”
As refugees, these women found places of physical safety, but our souls were battered, stunned, wounded by the disruption and terror. Other friends didn’t leave. I texted with people hiding underground in bomb shelters in Irpin, Bucha and Kharkiv. As God brought people to mind, I would send a message and hear another story of danger or deliverance.
God, forgive me for seeking security anywhere else. You alone are my hiding my place.
David goes on, “I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me; God sends his love and his faithfulness.” (57:2-3) What could God’s purposes be for Ukraine? For Russia? For us? We didn’t know—his ways are not our ways—but we trusted that his love and faithfulness would not fail us.
As the war drags on, it’s hard to sleep. “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” (63:6, NIV) I also think of people sheltering in basements in Ukraine, their sleep disrupted by the sounds of sirens, shelling, children crying. On those sleepless nights, shelter for the soul is found in the shadow of his wings. It is quiet there, with space to think, to pray, to draw close and feel his heartbeat. That place of rest comes with an invitation to repent and trust. “In repentance and rest is your salvation. In quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15, NIV)
SUFFERING Questions naturally come up in our small group. Why was my friend’s home spared and mine was bombed? How In the Shadow of His Wings Cheryl
Following the February 24 Russian invasion of Ukraine, we watched with horror from afar. Irpin, our home for the past four years, was on the front line, fighting to keep Russian troops from reaching Kyiv. The Ukrainian resistance was successful, but the price was high. By the time Russian forces withdrew, 71 percent of the buildings in Irpin were damaged, with a third of those completely destroyed. Our beautiful, thriving city in the forest lay in heaps of rubble. Most residents had fled. The women in my Bible study were dispersed around the world: Poland, Sweden, Australia, the UK, western Ukraine, and I was in the U.S. We continued meeting online and turned to the psalms for comfort. David the warrior, hiding from Saul in a cave, voiced a prayer that we could echo: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. (Psalm 57:1, NIV)
The BBC reported atrocities committed there in a June 8 article titled “Irpin: Russia’s reign of terror in a quiet neighbourhood near Kyiv.” It tells of residents who died. Larisa, 75, a retired kindergarten director. An unidentified young woman in a red coat, found with a handwritten shopping list in her purse. For nearly a month her body lay in Vygovskogo Street near our house. “More than half the victims in this part of Irpin were shot,” the BBC reported.
HOPE During that time of intense fighting in Irpin, volunteers from Irpin Bible Church fed hundreds of people a day and opened the basement as a bomb shelter where people slept overnight. A generator supplied electricity for cooking and charging phones. Throughout the fighting, nearby buildings were damaged and a vehicle in the parking lot burned, but the church building only sustained a broken window. They helped 3,000 people evacuate by the end of March. One church member Anatoliy, 26, was killed along with a family he was helping evacuate as they crossed the broken bridge that leads to Kyiv. continued on next page
13 could God let this happen? Will I ever be able to go home? Does God really love me? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35-39, NIV) Under his wings, his love surrounds us and holds us close. Because we are in Christ, united with him, as Dane Ortlund explains, “Nothing can touch you that does not touch him. To get to you, every pain, every assault, every disappointment has to go through him. You are shielded by invincible love. He himself feels your anguish even more deeply than you do, because you’re one with him; and he mediates everything hard in your life through his love for you, because you’re one with him.” Ortlund continues, “Your suffering does not define you. His does. You have endured pain involuntarily. He has endured pain voluntarily, for you. Your pain is meant to push you to flee to him, where he endured what you deserve.” ( How Does God Change Us? Crossway, 2021, pages 36, 43)
LAMENT Russian soldiers occupied our part of town and were living in our home in March. We lost contact with our landlady, Tamara, during that time and knew she had remained in our house and declined an opportunity to evacuate with people staying at Mission Eurasia across the street. We feared the worst. We asked our friend Roman to check on her, and he texted back that he couldn’t—that area was occupied, he would be shot if he went there. I imagined combat boots and guns where we usually keep guest slippers and Bibles.
Weeks later, after Russian troops left Irpin, we learned that Tamara was alive and well. Thank God! She told us she had been sheltering in our basement with a neighbor and a dog when the Russian soldiers came, but they did not hurt her. They told her to leave, sparing her life.
Others were not so fortunate.
“So many of the dead in this residential quarter were women that the mayor renamed it the place of ‘women’s killings.’” Lord, how can this be? Writing a lament for that woman in the red coat expressed some of my grief and sorrow for my neighbors, my home, the life we once lived there so brutally interrupted. He weeps with me, with my neighbors, with all of Ukraine.
Mykola and Vasyl (two of the pastors who visited College Church in February) and Roman visited Tamara and sent us a video of the damage. Our house fared better than many surrounding us that were destroyed and burned, including the Mission Eurasia building. Our windows were all blown out from the impact of bombs falling nearby, the fence was knocked down, tank tracks marred the garden, and some personal possessions were stolen or damaged (but not Charley’s library of theological books!). Yet the house still stands. Windows were replaced in July, and Tamara has been restoring order.
Much worse than the loss of property is the loss of life.
When Irpin was on the front line of the war, I asked God to daily renew my hope in his character and his purposes. He has done that through stories, Scripture and song.
SINGING David repeatedly looks to God for refuge and returns to the image of God’s wings in Psalm 63:7: “Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” (NIV)
Children’s events and day camps have been held this summer. God does send forth his love and faithfulness.
As I hide in the shadow of his wings, is God inviting me to something deeper than refuge and safety? His wings cover me when tears flow, when worry for my friends distresses me, when sadness over the losses is too deep for words.
But can I be in that place and sing? Yes. And you, my church family, have helped me do that.
The College Church children’s choirs sang John Rutter’s “The Lord Bless You and Keep You,” reminding me that children are the future, and God’s blessing is sure. Lena in my small group said yes to her boyfriend’s marriage proposal on the morning the bombs started falling, and they were later married in Lviv. Another small group member who had long wanted a baby after a miscarriage is now expecting a child in December and doing well. God reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11 hanging on the wall in our home in Irpin: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Charley had picked up another framed copy of that verse in 2020 when we were away from Ukraine because of COVID. We pulled it out of storage, and it hangs on our wall here.
Songs of hope. Songs of lament. Songs of thanksgiving. Songs of longing. Songs of praise. Your voices help me raise mine and see the bigger picture. Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still, his kingdom is forever!
There in the desert, he is singing?
*** Be still, my soul, thy God doth undertake to guide the future as he has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake. All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
*** When peace like a river attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul. *** We will feast in the house of Zion We will sing with our hearts restored He has done great things, we will say together We will feast and weep no more.
Some who evacuated have returned to their homes if they have homes to return to. The church has established help centers in Irpin and in two other nearby towns. People come for food parcels, hot meals, help repairing homes and spiritual conversations. Bible clubs meet twice a week with newcomers. Visitors fill the seats at Sunday services.
Friends offered us a home to rent in Wheaton at a time when we felt homeless and needed stability. After five months of travel in Europe and the U.S., moving into a home in late May that dear College Church people had prepared for us was an extraordinary gift, truly a foretaste of “I go to prepare a place for you.” We needed our home church and our daughters, and God has placed us in a lovely home with all four of our daughters in close proximity, two of whom recently moved back to Wheaton from out of state.
We pray for the day when we can return to our home in Irpin, and it is strange not knowing when we can go back. Our friends there are telling us “not yet.” Meanwhile, we continue to pray, to seek wise counsel, to stay in touch with our Ukrainian friends and ministry partners, to find hope in God’s Word. I pray a favorite verse for myself and for my Ukrainian brothers and sisters: “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”
(2 Thessalonians 3:5, NIV)
Perhaps, people bring flowers to the cemetery in order to show their disapproval of the fact of death. The unbearable pain of loss needs to be concealed with something, it must be anesthetized. The wreath covers the unsightly ugliness of death. It distracts from it, shifting our attention to colors, bright colors...
Flowers have a purpose that I didn’t realize before: sometimes they are used as anesthetics. Perhaps this can explain the bright sunflowers that one artist painted on car—over the bullet holes on their hulls.
I remember that I thought about the anesthetic effect of flowers for the first time when I was at the cemetery. Being a clergyman, I have to visit cemeteries several times a year. It is always tragic, and every single time it is deeply depressing. Life is a festivity that a person starts celebrating from the first days after their birth. Our Creator made us eternal, so death is the most disgraceful thing we experience. We hate death. That day, watching the burial, I noticed that two things dominated the cemetery’s scenery: crosses and flowers. A lot of flowers and a variety of bright grave wreaths. If it wasn’t for the crosses all around, the cemetery would have passed for a flower show. “Why are there so many flowers here?” I asked myself since obviously nobody was celebrating anything. Birthdays, days of the proposal, weddings, various holidays—these are the days decorated with flowers. The usual purpose of flowers is to please the eye in happy moments of life. So it seemed strange.
I suppose that flowers in the cemetery are our protest before the eyes of death. We face it with a declaration, “We deny you!” To resign ourselves to death, for us humans is to die alive. We can’t live like that. We cling to life, we strive for hope, and thus, we cover death with flowers. It brings some tranquility to our souls. The anesthetic does help, even if only partly. Flowers are the human response to death, but there are also crosses in the cemetery. The cross is God’s answer to death. It’s interesting that in his speeches Jesus Christ did not disguise death. He spoke straightforwardly about it. Later, he stepped into the very darkness of death and defeated it. He rose again. But we can’t do that! It still frightens us. Perhaps, that is why we hide behind flowers. May the sunflowers painted on bullet-perforated cars remind us of the eternal desire to get rid of death. To forget it. To cast it away to the very hell. One day it will be just so. Jesus assured us of it and did so himself. The victory will come. as Anesthetics Sergey Sologub
WHERE I SERVE: Board of Missions, leadership team for Veritas Adult Community
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: joyful, self-disciplined, God-fearing
WHY I SERVE: Selfishly, it helps me get to know brothers and sisters in Christ that I would not otherwise cross paths with, but ultimately because of the great love shown to me by my Savior. I want to respond with a grateful heart that desires to obey and serve the Lord, and one way I can love his people is by serving them.
BRIAN WILDMAN WHERE I SERVE: Council of Elders and Men’s Bible Study WHY I SERVE: I serve in obedience to Christ’s commands and because it helps build community.
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: encourager, Norwegian, New York Yankees superfan MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: any tennis court CHAD THORSON WHERE I SERVE: Council of Elders
WHY I SERVE: College Church has had an eternal impact on my family over the last 34 years. I want to give back, through service, to ensure other families have the same opportunities for gospel growth at College Church.
WHY I SERVE: I like to serve and encourage others to serve as Christ leads. There are so many ways to express God’s love through service and giving.
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: loyal, practical, encouraging MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: a park bench especially where there are flowers
JEFF WHEREMANNISERVE: Board of Deacons, Men’s Gathering WHY I SERVE: I love our church and want to be involved THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: upbeat, creative, reliable MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: the beach DAVE SETRAN WHERE I SERVE: Council of Elders, discipleship committee, teaching team for Thrive (the new Adult Community) WHY I SERVE: to glorify God by helping his people grow in community to the image of Christ, and it is also a great way to get connected with amazing people at the church.
COLLEGE CHURCH Meet Your Leaders
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: My family says loving, loyal, genuine MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: with my family and my new granddaughter Lexi Leigh Rizzo
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: generous, loyal, fun-loving MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: wherever my family is
THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE ME: according to my spouse, detail-oriented, funny and generous to a fault MY FAVORITE HANG-OUT SPACE: Bethany Beach, Michigan COURTNEY GRAHAM WHERE I SERVE: Board of Deaconess, previously served as a holder of babies in the infant nursery, College Group brunches
WHY I SERVE: My husband, Eric, and I have great respect and love for our College Church missionary friends in service around the world, and we want to do everything we can to support and encourage them.
DIANA CLEM WHERE I SERVE: Board of Deaconess, Women’s Bible Study tech team and Logos Adult Community leadership team
And here’s a fun fact: I went into labor at Bible study with said colicky child. My small group leader was so nervous I was going to have him right there at the table, but I really wanted to stay and be a part of the group’s discussion and listen to the teaching. So, if that doesn’t convince you to come and check out how amazing this ministry is, I don’t know what will! By the way, I made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare. This ministry has blessed me in countless ways but nev er more so than when I lost my dad tragically almost two years ago. Not only did I receive many condolences from small group lead ers and group mem bers, but for the whole first year without him, I received notes filled with
I have been able to study with, pray fervently with and be encouraged by have become much more than just “people from my Bible study.” They are my sisters in Christ, my encouragement when times are hard and my prayer warriors who I depend on. I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing ministry, and I hope that you will join us this fall as we study the Book of Deuteronomy. Are My Sisters Meaghan Zaino
Eight years ago, I walked into Women’s Bible Study as a brand-new mom eager to study God’s Word and eager to be around other fully functioning adults. I had fully ex pected to discover new truths in the Bible and prayed that my relationship with my Creator would be strength ened but I never imagined all the other ways in which God blessed me through this ministry. Every week, I was sur rounded by wise, godly woman of all ages who challenged and strengthened my faith, prayed for me earnestly and gave great advice on motherhood. I remem ber that we studied the minor prophets that fall, which if I’m honest, I wasn’t that excited about because I was more partial to the New Testament books at the time. But sitting around the table, dis cussing those proph ets and seeing the impact they made in their time truly impact ed my life now. The small group discus sions followed by the large group teaching opened my eyes to see God’s redemption plan laid out. I was hooked. What a blessing it is to have your eyes opened to God’s promises. You know what else is a big blessing of Women’s Bible Study—childcare. I love my children, but let me tell you, it is amazing to have two hours away where you can study the Bible without changing a diaper, getting a million snacks, reading books and breaking up arguments. I was never more thankful for this free, Christ-centered childcare than when my second child was colicky and a screamer. God bless the nursery workers who rocked him for two hours trying valiantly to calm him.
I BELIEVE! This Is Crazy
There are times when you read something and know your life will never be the same. This was one of them, and I wondered if life could be different going forward, had I suddenly come back to reality?
I wonder if the Prophet Isaiah had something in mind when he wrote: “This lover of emptiness, of nothing, is so out of touch with reality, so far gone, that he can’t even look at what he’s doing, can’t even look at the no-god stick of wood in his hand and say, ‘This is crazy.’” (Isaiah 44:30, The Message)
I grew up not far from Wheaton in the northern suburbs. Whenever my mom was in a silly mood, she would just call for us by number—I was number 5 of 7. Being a middle child, I rarely encounter a problem Tony Visconti
I first read this passage from Isaiah as a sophomore in college exploring the Bible. Instantly, these words gave me a piercing glimpse into my heart. I knew undeniably that I was a lover of emptiness and that so many of the problems in life had arisen from my inability to see the idols I was worshiping, an inability to say “What I am doing? This is crazy.”
Have you ever played with kinetic sand? It is both pleasing from a tactile standpoint and infuriating all at the same time. The sand somehow loosely sticks together and quickly captures your attention, but if you try to build anything with it, it instantly falls apart.
In college I discovered a closeness to God whenever I volunteered. Later, when I returned home, I was eager to find a local organization where I could serve. In my search, I stumbled upon a church called The Chapel where I met Rebekah. Rebekah was curious about my faith walk and helped pull together a small group of people just to help me read the Bible more. It was inside the context of this small group that I began to read God’s Word more thoroughly and began to see up close and personal what friendships with a group of Christians could be like. The more I gave myself over to who God and my church family were calling me to be, the more at peace I was. A year after college, I decided to get baptized and shared my new excitement for Christ with my family and friends.
Today I still feel that same excitement to share the good news about the only One who can fill the deep hole in our hearts. Although there are many days when thankfulness fills me up with joy, there are others when I grieve the shame and sadness that hounded me throughout my adolescence. I find peace knowing I don’t have to run any more. It’s an eternal peace knowing Jesus is by my side. I set my sights on him, and I have found the One that I can please. God is pleased with me as I put on Christ and all that he has done for sinners like me at the cross. I can’t fix all the problems the world presents, especially those that originate in another’s soul, but I can serve God out of thankfulness for the grace he has extended to me. Christ is my centering point. When I am dragged under because of the trails of life or my own sin, he lifts me up, and reminds me that: “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)
I don’t feel at least a little bit responsible for resolving or at a minimum dissecting. From an early age, I can remember developing an identity as a problem solver. One problem I desperately wanted to resolve as a child was the brokenness I saw in my parents’ relationship. I knew my parents loved me and each other, but I couldn’t understand why they fought so often. This confusion revealed a longing in my heart to find someone who I could experience wholeness and peace with, someone I could please. Throughout high school and college, I was driven by an ever-growing sense of emptiness. However much the rush of life could distract me, my depression was growing. On the outside I appeared content and relied on my strengths and abilities in sports (volleyball), academics (honor classes) and friendships (I was that goofy friend). But on the inside, I longed for something more.
The more I tried to fill this emptiness, the more disappointed I became. I often thought if I could just find the right girl, things would all work themselves out. Sadly, the relationships I invested so much time in only created new problems. After disappointments in longterm relationships and a growing sense of emptiness throughout college, I was ready to reconsider Christ.
I had started reading the Bible on my own more regularly my sophomore year of college and was reconsidering who God was. I had been taught throughout my Catholic upbringing a “Jesus plus” mentality. Jesus is key to the Catholic and his or her faith, but culturally speaking, the problem is that there are so many other keys, foremost of which is doing good. In God’s generosity and his pursuit, he placed not one but many people in my life who would help me discover the truth about his Word and his way to live and his eternal hope. Here are just a few people in a long list of the grace and love God poured out over me. One was my Grandma Jack who bought me The Message , the Bible in contemporary language. This gift and my limited reading of it prepared the soil for others to plant more seeds. One of these consistent planters was my life-long friend Nik. Nik was the Christian closest to me, and he repeatedly presented an alternative to the things I placed so much hope in. He invited me to read the Bible with him and kept being my friend even when I declined the invitation.
Caring Network Annual Banquet: Thursday, October 20, 6 p.m. at Drury Lane, Oak Brook Join Caring Network in celebrating and increasing efforts to reach more women facing unplanned pregnancies and to save more lives. Hear clients share their stories and special guest speaker, Benjamin Watson, NFL Super Bowl champion (New England Patriots). He is a husband, father, author and vice president of strategic relationships for the Human Coalition, leading in the pro-life movement. For registration, visit www.caringnetwork.com/annualbanquet , livestream and in-person options available. I have attended both in person and online banquets, and you will be glad you went! Most banquet goers wear business attire, so don’t worry about finding a formal outfit. After receiving the registration confirmation email, you can reply if you want to request to sit with others from College Church. Hear Benjamin Watson on 40 Days for Life podcast at watsonwww.40daysforlife.com/en/benjamin or on Apple app http://bitly.ws/tNWu
TELECARE INITIATIVE Caring Network seeks to open a Telecare clinic of skilled experts who provide virtual consultations and support to help women considering abortions and those who have already taken the first abortion pill and are having second thoughts. More than half of Illinois abortions now happen at home. Abortion medications can be purchased through abortion clinics and by mail, without even a visit to a medical professional for an exam to determine if the pregnancy is ectopic or normal and the age of the preborn baby. Through the Caring Network telecare center model, even clients from out of the area will be able to make in-person appointments at pregnancy resource centers near them, receive abortion pill reversal services and find support for those who are not seeking face-to-face assistance.
Recalibration after Roe Caring Network Needs Us to Meet Increasing Needs in Illinois
Sarah Lindquist
MONTHLY PRAYER FOR LIFE Join the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force in prayer across from Planned Parenthood. We pray in partnership with 40 Days for Life’s year-round peaceful prayer vigil for the pre-born, their parents, abortion industry workers, and our community. Saturday, September 17, 1-2 p.m. Park at Mariano’s or behind AutoZone and meet on Waterleaf pregnancy resource center’s property across from Planned Parenthood Aurora’s driveway. Sign up at https://college-church.org/impact/sohl/ to receive SOHL monthly e-newsletter to receive events schedule and life-related news. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE TASK FORCE Did you know Illinois has the highest number of abortions in the Midwest? Join the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force in working locally to create a culture of life and support the unborn, their families and those affected by abortion in our church and community. Volunteers needed to help with various tasks such as planning or logistics for pro-life events or communicating the events and activities of the Sanctity of Human Life Task Force. Click link for involvement options: https://forms. gle/eCyfuJctRno3q55G7
Back to Church Sunday
The Word Conference is designed for all who are involved with any Word ministry, whether paid or unpaid. Do invite friends and ministry partners who would enjoy this conference. We look forward to seeing many of you there. The cost of the morning conference is $15 and you may register here: word-conference/www.godcenteredlife.org/events/theThe Word
To everyone who calls this church home, let’s start this new season together. We’re calling September 11 our Back to Church Sunday. On that day, we’re calling everyone to come to church that Sunday morning. This is a covenant moment. Let’s begin this new season together.
Maybe you’ve been away for the summer. And now you’ve packed up a summers worth of your belongings, stashed them in the car, checked them for your return flight or stowed your backpack on the train—headed for home.
So now, as summer ends and fall starts up, it’s time to come home—your church home. College Church.
Maybe you’ve been mostly at home, watching church from a distance that you’ve become accustomed to. We’ve all gone through the masks and distancing, and you’ve made adjustments that now might seem a little too normal .
SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 AT 8, 9:30 AND 11 AM God Centered Life, the Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Josh Moody, is sponsoring The Word Conference on Monday, Septem ber 26, at College Church. The conference is on “Expository Preaching and Teaching in an Age of Tweets, Memes, and Sound Bites.”
Dr. K. Edward Copeland, lead pastor of New Zion Baptist Church in Rockford (IL) and Dr. Josh Moody, senior pastor of College Church, will lead the morning of fellowship, which begins at 9 a.m.
Monday, September 26, 2022
August 24–September 21
It’s no fun to hear about an event after the fact. That’s why we’re Introducing Under the Radar. you know of a local event that includes College Church members or attenders or may be of interest to them, email connections@college-church.org with the details and may event this space.
be able to include your
Walford Art G aller y EXHIBIT
CAMERATA CHICAGO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Haydn Cello Concerto with master cellist Leonardo Altino 3 p.m. Saturday October 1, 2022 College Church, Wheaton Fabulous master cellist and Wheaton College lecturer Leonardo Altino performs the Haydn Cello Concerto in C Major with the Camerata Chicago Chamber Orchestra. Conducted by Maestro Drostan Hall, the orchestra will also play the Souvenir de Florence by Tchaikovsky and String Symphony No. 10 in B Minor by Mendelssohn. After Discount: $37.50; $30; $8; $1.50. coupon code CCCC for a 25% event is not sponsored by or a function of College Church. coupon available online only and not at the door. cameratachicago.org
Constructed Mysteries is an exhibit that offers a conversation through artwork and interviews about the ways in which spiritual practice and artistic practice intersect. This exhibition is free and open to the public. The Walford Galleries are located on the first floor of Adams Hall and gallery hours are from 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday.
When: Tuesday, October 18 and Wednesday, October 19 Where: Wheaton College
Amplify Outreach Conference
Tuesday & Wednesday, October 18 / 19 at Wheaton College.
Are you ready to make an impact? We’re so excited to learn from crucial voices leading the way in helping Christians engage the culture with the gospel in the areas of evangelism, apologetics and church leadership. Some of the most important Christian voices today—including Kim Reisman, Sam Chan and Max Lucado— will be joining us as speakers to serve pastors, evangelists and leaders like you who are helping churches and ministries stay on mission and effectively share the gospel. Bring your teams and build a culture of learning, evangelism and cultural engagement for the kingdom.
Date: Friday, September 9, 2022 Time: 7:00 a.m. Location: Abbington Distinctive Banquets, Glen Ellyn, IL
Get tickets here: https://bit.ly/3plxQSo
JOHN SEWARD, executive pastor A Guide to Friendship (available at the church bookstall only) By James Seward JOSH MAURER, pastor of discipleship Strange New World How Thinkers and Activists
CHERYCE BERG , director of children’s ministries
24 at the Bookstall
How the Gospel is Good News for Our Physical Selves by Sam Allberry ERIK DEWAR , pastor of worship and music
Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution By Carl Trueman
BAXTER HELM , high school pastor BEN PANNER , college pastor Words of Life Scripture as the Living and Active Word of God By Timothy Ward
The Wingfeather Saga By Andrew Peterson DAN HIBEN, middle school pastor
JOSUE ALVARADO, pastoral resident Conscience What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ By Andrew Naselli STAFF PICKS
What God Has to Say about Our Bodies
Adorning the Dark Thoughts on Community Calling and the Mystery of Making By Andrew Peterson
By Dane C. Ortlund
JULIE CLEMENS , director of disabilities ministries God Made Me Unique Helping Children See Value in Every Person By Joni Eareckson Tada MATT ANTHONY, pastoral resident Owen on the Christian Life Living the Glory of God in Christ
By Matthew Barrett and Michael A.G. Haykin MINDY RYNBRANDT, director of women’s ministries Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners
NANCY SINGER, director of administration and finance Heaven, How I Got Here The Story of the Thief on the Cross By Colin S. Smith
Piper gives married and single Christians the answer—to be a picture of God’s covenant faithfulness to the world. This book was a great reminder and encouragement to me as a husband.
WIL TRIGGS, director of communications Do You Pray? A question for everybody By J. C. Ryle, Mary Davis
RICHARD MOOMJIAN, pastoral resident This Momentary Marriage A Parable of Permanence By John Piper Why did God create marriage?
God Centered Life
Kids’ Harbor Welcome Back Party SEPTEMBER 11 3:30-4:30 in Commons Gym Parents, meet the teachers. A fun time for all who come.
the media ministry of College Church, features the Bible teaching of pastor Josh, both online and on the radio. This exciting ministry with a global reach continues to grow in impact. Here in the US, the program is heard on the radio in about 70 locations. Globally, the ministry also has a mission impact. The teaching is heard online through the OnePlace and TWR360 platforms, which have extensive listenership outside North America. Imagine! More than 35,000 people have been touched with some form of gospel content through this outreach of our church, either an online audio message, a spiritually encouraging article, or a devotional reading. You can listen locally on Moody Radio (WMBI) at 10 p.m. M-F and 7:30 p.m. on Sunday and can have daily devotionals delivered right to your inbox. Your prayers and partnership with this ministry are greatly appreciated. godcenteredlife.org
Ministry Associate for Inclusion (10-13 hours per week) See details: https://bit.ly/3T7nxie
Ready to participate fully in the life and ministries of College Church? Come find out about College Church’s history, articles of faith, core values, initiatives for the future, ministries, missions and more. Meets Sunday mornings October 2, 9, 16 and 23 at 9:30 a.m.; registration is requested. For more info, contact Christy at QRchurch.orgmembership@college-,orregisterusingthecode.
Current job openings at College Church include the following positions: Ministry Associate for Younger STARS and their families (12 hours per week) See details: https://bit.ly/3R66riR
Ministry Associate for High School Ministry Music (7.5 hours per week) See details: https://bit.ly/3pL5voF Ministry Associate for Missions (20 hours per week) Contact Ann Karow (below) for details For more information, please contact Ann Karow at: akarow@college-church.org Stay updated by visiting our job opportunities https://college-church.org/job-openings/webpage: