Brisbane Boys' College 2019 Annual Report

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B R I S B A N E B OY S ’ C O L L E G E

From the Headmaster There are many competencies and qualities we desire in a BBC graduate. He should be a critical thinker and a problem solver; creative, communicative and collaborative. He should also be curious, willing to take initiative, persistent and adaptable. He should possess leadership qualities along with spiritual, social and cultural awareness. He should be able to love and be loved. To be all these things, he must first be ‘Confident’. Our most fervent wish is for our

Just as rewarding as our boys’ individual academic achievements

young men to be confident in heart

were the whole year level experiences that saw our boys come

and soul and mind – to have the

together as a cohort to embark on innovative curriculum projects

confidence to face the world that

designed to enrich, extend and excite.

exists beyond the College gates with hope, faith and enthusiasm, to lead a happy and purposeful life. It is our collective ambition to enhance every student’s wellbeing, alongside providing best practice teaching and learning, that focuses our decision-making around providing opportunities for our boys to grow; spiritually,

In the sporting domain, GPS Premierships were won in Volleyball and Tennis (our seventh consecutive Premiership) and we were crowned GPS Cross Country Champions for the second year running. Our music program continued to cement its place as one of the best in the country, with impressive performances across the year and the international release of BBC’s first imprint record label, Big Green Records.

academically, pastorally, and in their cultural and sporting

The College Art Show, Brisbane theatre production, Debating and

endeavours. We want to instil in our boys the confidence and

Chess achievements added to our success across our vibrant

capability to contribute; to make a difference to the world they are

and diverse co-curricular offerings here at BBC.

helping to create.

Our boarders, who make the College their home-away-from-

We made significant inroads into realising this ambition in 2019,

home, enrich our community by their presence and through their

being the foundation year of the College’s adoption of Positive

contribution to the life of the College.

Education – an evidence-based framework based on the science

Outside the College gates, our Service-Learning initiatives

of positive psychology – which will underpin our new student wellbeing initiatives in 2020.

continued to encourage students to grow their circle of concern as they shared their knowledge, time and compassion with

2019 was a year rich in confident and capable BBC boys

organisations nationally and abroad. The Red Earth Indigenous

achieving great success inside and outside the classroom, in their

Immersion was a new experience offered in 2019, providing an

academic, sporting, cultural, leadership and Christian service

opportunity for students to connect with traditional owners, each


other and nature, deepening their understanding of the rich

We began our academic year celebrating our 2018 Scholars and

culture and history of Indigenous Australians.

the results of their Senior cohort, with 40.44 percent of OP-eligible

While reflecting upon the many achievements of 2019, it is also

students receiving an OP1 to 5, 83 percent an OP1 to 10 and 100

a time to consider our future. With dedication, purpose and

percent an OP1 to 15.

perseverance, we will continue to enhance our offering and fulfil

Highlights in the academic arena abounded, including on the

our vision of being a truly world class school.

international stage, where a team of Year 12 mathematicians


eclipsed more than 140 other submissions from Australia alone


to contest the International Maths Modelling Challenge in Hong Kong. In Robotics, we had three teams represent Australia in the 2019 RoboCup Junior World Championships. Our Junior School also had success at the hotly contested and very challenging Queensland da Vinci Decathlon, with our Year 5 team being crowned State Champions.



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