Collegian Magazine - September 2015

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COLLEGIAN The MAGAZINE of Brisbane Boys’ College

September 2015

All about the boy Unearthing the boy in the great outdoors.

Also inside:













A few words from Headmaster Graeme McDonald



Healthy minds thrive Building emotional intelligence in boys


Hello science

Viewing the world through a scientific lens

16 32 Unearthing the boy BBC's Outdoor Education program

21 Fishing in fatherhood

Catching more than just fish


Confidence and capability to change the world Creating pathways that enable boys to go forth into the world


BBC en route BBC's rural visits

Published by Brisbane Boys’ College CRICOS Code 00491J Kensington Terrace, Toowong, Queensland 4066 T 07 3309 3571 F 07 3371 2679 W A MEMBER OF THE PRESBYTERIAN AND METHODIST SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION

Editor and Art Director Adele Graves Graphic Design Tracey Maree Contributors Nicole de Vries, Chris Hartley, Bren Arkinstall, Kelly Edwards, Helen Jackson Photography Michael Marston, Jesse Smith, Holly Hope Cover Rupert Gooding. Photo by Jesse Smith

The path to speaking a universal language

Meet BBC's Math Wiz, Brian Chen

33 360

Opening boys' eyes to the world of social enterprise


The power of narrative

The secrets behind public speaking



75 years in the making

BBC's Pipe Band has much to celebrate in its anniversary year


The next Mozart Alexander Voltz's compositions brought to life


ANZAC Day The BBC Community honours its 98 fallen old collegians in a special service



62 88 Insight

The experts offer advice to navigate through the journey of parenthood

82 Snapshots


The story of Maxwell Herron Bell DFC

90 Last word

The BBC manifesto: All about the boy

Scenes from Founder's Day and other events in the College calendar



A broadening world view

SANIX World Rugby Youth Tournament


The future is now

Team Pi secures a world title in China


Onwards and upwards

BBC Tennis experiences ongoing success


70 73 Making a splash Old boy Mitch Dalton appointed National Junior Team Program Director with USA Swimming

Young entrepreneurs

BBC Old Boys make their mark as young innovators and changemakers

72 77 Talking history

Vintage Collegians share their knowledge with students at the Living History Centre

Eye of the outback

Butch Walker captures the unique beauty of Western Queensland

From the Editor Adele Graves

Courage, determination, creativity and compassion; this edition is all about celebrating human beings and human doings. In April this year, following an extensive

the complexities and varied dimensions of

refreshed look for the magazine and we

consultative process with our community,

education – it honours the importance of

hope you like it as much as we have enjoyed

we launched ‘A New School of Thought’ – a

relationships as the foundation for learning

working on it.

story that speaks to who we are and what

and the benefits that come from diverse and

I feel incredibly lucky and humbled to be

we stand for. One which highlights our unity,

accumulated experience. You can read more

able to speak with so many amazing people

yet also the individual endeavour of each boy

about our approach below and I encourage

in pulling together the magazine. Thank you

and the role we, as educators, play in helping

you to look through this lens when reading

to all those who have shared their story in

them to discover their place in the world.

the stories that follow.

this edition.

‘A New School of Thought’ encapsulates

In this edition, we also bring you a



To produce men who have the confidence and capability to change the world.

Knowledge-based learning is no longer

better place. Our school is full of inquisitive,

enough. We need to teach children how

well-rounded boys. Boys who will grow up

to think, not only to solve problems, but

and make a difference, not just when they

to recognise them in the first place. This is

leave school but now, at Brisbane Boys’

something we do every day at BBC. We

College. We know boys. We know how to

teach our boys to question the status quo

harness their energy, curiosity and thirst for

and solve problems to make the world a


We call this: ‘A New School of Thought’. COLLEGIAN SEPTEMBER 2015

HEADLINES Graeme McDonald, Headmaster

Design thinking In the commercial world, one of the buzz phrases at present is ‘design thinking’. Organisations are no longer just thinking about the products they create or the services they provide, but rather they are thinking about the way their whole organisation thinks and by definition, that means the way their employees think.

and this was beautifully articulated recently

you are ready – but you must believe this

BBC been more important, because we are

Never in history has the role of schools like

in a Harvard Business Review article entitled,


producing the men who will change the world

Managing Yourself – How to Embrace Complex

we live in. Of course we have to prepare boys to do well in examinations and to achieve a high OP Score, or under the new system to begin in 2019, a high ATAR Rank, but we must do far more than that. The ultimate battleground in education for the future is to teach children how to think. At BBC we recognise that learning happens everywhere and it is not just restricted to the learning activities that happen in the classroom. We aim to provide a world of opportunity so that each boy can discover what his special talents are. Once this goal has been achieved, we strive to inspire every boy to have sufficient confidence in his ability to pursue his dream with a passion. In this edition of Collegian, I want to address my remarks specifically to our Seniors who will soon be leaving BBC. The search for talented employees in the world you are about to enter is going to become intense. As you prepare yourself for major change, when you leave BBC, I would like you to view this as a training ground for the much greater change that lies beyond; perhaps

Change. The author, Linda Brimm, asserts that we have to be able to navigate through the seven ‘C’s:

• • • • • • •

Complexity Clarity Confidence Creativity Commitment Consolidation and finally, Change itself.

Complexity reminds me of Edward De

Bono’s CAF (Consider All Factors) strategy for thinking – consider all factors in play when you are facing change. Clarity requires you to fully understand and

prioritise the issues you are facing.

Confidence in some ways is perhaps

the most important of all, because you must believe in your ability to cope with change. The challenges we have set you over many years have prepared you for this. We have set high

managing employees or working in another

expectations and at times, you have faced


disappointment, but you have developed the

Change is inevitable and the pace with which

Creativity is going to be the single most

important factor that organisations are going

important quality of resilience, the capacity

it is happening is accelerating. You need to

to bounce back. Along the way, we have

have a framework for thinking about change

celebrated your achievements and we know

to look at when employing you and when they consider promoting you. Are you able to brainstorm innovative solutions to problems? Commitment is the factor that distinguishes

between the highly successful and those who have strong natural ability. The final two factors are a little harder to explain. Consolidation refers to the fact that when you are required to embrace complex

change you have to leave some parts of your previous identity behind and adopt a new one. “We” in the future for you will not be BBC, but the team you work with. You need to understand that change is developmental and every step brings you closer to the possibilities which you might achieve. Finally, of course, is Change itself. You have

to live the change and savour the positives as well as the unexpected challenges. Remember boys, change is forever. You must never seek to go back and you must always be looking for new opportunities. The

world is waiting for you boys, and I know a new and exciting chapter for Australia and the world is about to begin; go for it!


BBC NEWS 8 Healthy minds thrive

Building emotional intelligence in boys

12 Hello science

See how science universally unites us all

16 Unearthing the boy Experiential learning at its best

24 Confidence and capability to change the world

We congratulate our 2014 Scholars and explore the importance of pathway creation


The nature of happiness

The best of both worlds improving the environment and your own wellbeing




WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR SON’S HAPPINESS AND ACHIEVEMENT AT SCHOOL, A RELATIVELY FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION APPEARS TO BE AT PLAY: A HEALTHY MIND EQUALS BETTER SUCCESS AND INVARIABLY STRONGER FUTURE OUTCOMES. IT MAY SOUND SIMPLE ENOUGH IN THEORY, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO CULTIVATING HEALTHY YOUNG MINDS A PROACTIVE APPROACH IS KEY. In August, BBC was officially recognised as a KidsMatter school – a national mental health and wellbeing initiative. The program, created for primary schools, signifies a unique partnership between the health and education sector and is the first of its kind in Australia. The accreditation represents what has been a two-year process, with the College first piloting the framework in 2013. "Kids have always mattered at BBC,” says Junior School Deputy Head, Mark Griffith. As a member of the BBC KidsMatter Action

It was about implementing change that would add value to existing structures and this approach led to the creation of our Social and Emotional (SEL) program - designed specifically for boys and in support of the College’s current pastoral care curriculum,” said Mark.

Team, Mark saw the process as an opportunity to formally embed a range of initiatives aimed at improving mental health outcomes for boys and the whole school community. IMAGE BY HAMISH MCGREGOR YEAR 4






During 2013 and 2014, following a professional development series, Junior School staff mapped out social and emotional competencies for each year level in the Junior School to inform the development of the curriculum. Boys now participate in timetabled SEL classes on a weekly basis. The lessons look to specifically develop skills such as self-awareness, social awareness, selfmanagement and responsible decision making. According to BBC Counsellor, Hazel Raymond, who was a key driver in the program’s implementation, these skills not only impact on a boy’s personal happiness but his learning.

“In Prep for example, boys adopt ‘Bounce Back’ and ‘Stop, Think, Do’. By exploring these themes they learn to manage feelings such as being scared or worried whilst developing patience and learning to interact appropriately with their peers,” said Hazel. “Year 5 boys have been exploring the ‘rock and water’ concept, where they learn about boundaries, self control, being assertive, responding appropriately and what respect should look and sound like,” she said. “Lessons are held at the start of each week so that concepts can be reviewed throughout the remainder of the week. We’ve seen boys respond openly and positively to these lessons. It has also enabled teachers to enhance their relationship with students in their class. “We’ve been piloting the lessons since 2014 and it’s been incredibly pleasing to see some very tangible results; boys are finding it easier to manage themselves and relate to their peers better, they’re showing increased confidence in trying new things and a noticeable sense of positivity within themselves and their community.”

A POSITIVE SCHOOL COMMUNITY To get boys thinking about their own wellbeing, motivational posters were created and spread across the Junior School. The use of mirrors with the message, “You must learn what matters at BBC – you” encourages boys to reflect and to see themselves as a person who matters in the school community. The 16 Habits of Mind, which the College has endorsed for many years now, also act as a visual reminder to employ the skills and values the school promotes.

PARENTING SUPPORT AND EDUCATION Providing support for parents is also an

+ STUDENTS RULE On 5 June, Year 6 student Orlando Hunter, switched places with BBC’s Head of Junior School as part of a national campaign designed to unleash and inspire leadership qualities in students across Australia.

important component of the framework. Parents are encouraged to get involved on a number of levels including assisting with learning and reading groups, visiting their son’s classroom as part of the Classroom Café initiative, and attending parenting seminars at the College.

EARLY INTERVENTION As part of the framework, Junior School staff have also been trained to identify signs associated with mental illness such as anxiety or depression. The integration of KidsMatter has also been beneficial for developing structures to assist staff in supporting students who experience mental health difficulties. This includes a case management process and integrated action plan, as well as forming partnerships with local allied health providers.

Student Principal for the Day was created by the Principals Australia Institute (PAI) to provide students with a unique opportunity to demonstrate leadership and to gain a valuable insight into the responsibilities associated with running a school. Leaving his books behind, Orlando undertook a number of tasks in his new role including leading the Junior School assembly, a Maths lesson and later taking part in a special webinar, engaging in a national online conversation about leadership with other students around the country. According to Orlando, the role of Head of Junior School is all about connecting with community. “The most important role of the principal would have to be looking after the friends and families of the Junior School. I think it is such a high honour and it was great to see what it’s like from a teacher’s view when in front of the class.”



Hello science During Science Week in August, we sat down with Senior Science Teacher Colin Noy to investigate further the benefits which come from viewing the world through a scientific lens.



hen the world appears

everywhere and drawing on real world

for solving problems and we don’t just want

seemingly to work at the push

examples that boys can relate to in some way,

them to be proficient in using all that modern

of a button, the flick of a switch,

shape or form greatly assists with the learning

science affords, but rather to know how it

or a turn of a key, it can be


works, how to fix it and even enhance its

easy to go about daily life without giving much thought, if any at all, to the science behind it. Yet science, be it gravity, motion or energy, universally unites us all. And when it comes to learning about science at school, developing an understanding in the early years is vital. Aside from the hands-on, dirt under the fingernails and slime on the face type fun that science naturally engenders, the knowledge acquired from this subject is both foundational and invaluable to children as they progress through their schooling and life. For Brisbane Boys’ College, it’s about providing science experiences which ignite the imagination, are interesting, engaging and most importantly, relevant.

Exploring science enables children to become much more acutely aware of the world around them as they start to contextualise their inherent understanding of science, which accumulates from the day they are born,” explains Colin. “You see children naturally experimenting with science from a very early age, exploring physics as they learn to walk or projectile motion as they throw their spaghetti from the highchair, watching the food intensely as it falls to the floor. I’m sure every parent has no doubt seen this experiment in action numerous times,” he said. “As educators, providing experiences which

“If a boy is interested in sailing, this opens up and wind, if he’s interested in rowing, friction and the property of fluids can apply. “When I begin teaching our Prep students about matter and particles I start by cutting up a Mars Bar, explaining that even though the pieces become smaller as we continue to make cuts, each piece remains a Mars Bar -

When science plays a part in virtually everything we do, increasing science literacy amongst boys sits at the core of fostering innovation and critical thinking.”

they can then start to think about this principle when playing with playdoh or sand.” A Senior Science Teacher, Colin has been

But science doesn’t have to only start and stop in the laboratory at school. Parents can

working closely with BBC’s Junior School

play an active role in increasing science literacy

in the delivery of its science curriculum. The

in their children simply by taking the time to

collaboration provides the perfect platform for

explain how things work.

a dynamic and engaging science program, with

“It’s important to provide children with basic

Colin drawing on his expertise in the field and

knowledge which can help them piece together

Junior School staff their unique understanding

puzzles. It’s also equally important to let them

of early childhood development. It’s a fullproof

explore the problem on their own first and then

way to ensure boys acquire key scientific

show them how they can improve so they

concepts from the get-go.

can apply this to the next situation they come

“Teaching early years learners science concepts in particular can present some

across,” says Colin. So when it comes to children learning

challenges. A lot of the time, Prep students are

about and enjoying science the benefits are

quite set in their understanding of the world

undeniable, with a sound knowledge base

and need physical proof in order to change

undoubtedly the foundation for future learning

their perceptions,” said Colin.

and innovation. And when you start to look

“The development of psychological and

at the world through a scientific lens, the

behavioural skills is heightened in the primary

real question to challenge the avid learner

years and demands a teacher’s attention,

becomes; "How can science not be a part of

so having both sets of expertise - that being

your daily life?"

the early childhood and subject specialist in the science laboratory greatly enhances educational outcomes.” Just like science itself, opportunities to explore this exciting field are everywhere at Brisbane Boys’ College. In addition to

connect with the content is key. While science

the traditional academic science subjects,

is a specified component of the Australian

the school runs a dedicated Science Club,

curriculum, at BBC we differentiate the content

Robotics Club and a Student Scientist

by tapping into the interests of boys and

Partnership program which sees seniors work

tailoring experiments to suit.

with leading researchers at the University of

relevance comes into play - science is

a window to talk about low pressure systems

relate to everyday life and enable students to

“And this is where the importance of

application,” said Colin.

Queensland to assist with industry projects. “We want boys to see science as a vehicle




in Year 6 investigated the structure of the

Earth and how the related forces can result in earthquake, tsunami and volcanic activity. In

Classroom Café A simple “Good” is no doubt a response many parents can relate to when asking their son how his day was – and whilst they often feel no need to divulge further, this was not the case when Junior School boys turned their classrooms into cafés.

the Junior School Technology Lab, the boys collaborated on designing and engineering a structure that could withstand a simulated natural disaster. Throughout this unit, students identified the causes of these events, the geological effects, and how their destructive potential is monitored in the real world.

Designed to provide Junior School parents

“In our Prep Café – Create, Learn, Play –

with an insight into the day-to-day activities

some of the boys' older brothers were able

taking place in the classroom, the initiative

to join them and enjoyed reminiscing on their

saw each year level host a café focused

own time in Prep,” he said.

around a unit of work. According to Head of Junior School,

Year 6 students were able to share their investigations around the structure of the

Gary Musson, it allowed parents to actively

Earth and the impact natural disasters have

engage in their son’s learning and speak

on the societies and economies involved.

informally with class teachers. “It was obvious that the boys were

“It was wonderful to see students demonstrating their knowledge and passion

extremely proud to show off their work and

for science and geography in sharing their

to explain in their own words the topics they

scientific diary, pictures and videos of their

had been exploring in class,” said Gary.

work and findings.”

A DIFFERENT PACE Being driven by a student at speeds in excess of 230km/hr is not an everyday occurrence. In August, Year 12 student Liam McAdam did just that – taking BALLOONING KNOWLEDGE: When it

comes to learning about air density the hot air balloon is a great place to start. Earlier this year Senior School Science Teacher Colin Noy visited Year 5 students to help them construct their own hot air balloons, looking at the role air density plays in making it float. Apart from being one of the earliest forms of air transport, balloons are now used in a variety of applications from medicine through to filming and even in capturing data on the Earth’s atmosphere.

two BBC staff members including his Housemaster Peter Wilson for a spin around Queensland Raceway in a V8 Holden Commodore VZ. Racing with Eggelston Motorsport Liam continues to prove his ability on the track, taking out a Kumho V8 Touring Car race win in the Winton round of the Shannons Nationals in June, followed by a win at Philip Island in September. For Liam’s Housemaster Peter, it was an incredible opportunity to support Liam in his endeavour and to see him in action with the experience undoubtedly giving weight to this young man’s skill, determination and absolute dedication.


+ HOW THE COMPETITION WORKS The competition is played over two separate 10 week periods during the year. Students form into sharemarket syndicates comprising up to four players. Each syndicate is allocated $50,000 to buy and sell from a selection of over 300 shares on the Australian Stock Exchange. Syndicates are able to earn capital gains and dividend returns using real life stocks and market pricing.


Next stop Wall Street When it comes to discovering how the world really works there’s no place quite like the sharemarket.

“Johnny, Anthony and Harry proved to be real movers and shakers, securing the best result ever achieved by BBC students since first participating in this competition. What’s even more impressive is they were all competing as individuals.” – Chris Bates Johnny Nguyen Year 10 Justice Money Markets QLD Rank: 2nd

With a virtual $50,000 to invest, Senior School students recently experienced the

some valuable life lessons along the way. “In 2015 we’ve seen a volatile market for


dynamism and volatility of the Australian Stock

share trading and many students found out

Exchange (ASX) firsthand, competing in the

the hard way that simply buying shares does

ASX Sharemarket Game, with several students

not guarantee investors a positive return. In

securing notable gains from their investments.

fact only 36 percent of syndicates from across

Of the 17,374 syndicates across Australia,

Australia managed to finish with a profit,” said




Year 10 students Johnny Nguyen and Anthony Cerqui ranked fifth and ninth respectively at

“The competition represents a hands-on,

a national level and second and fourth in the

interactive experience whereby boys are

state. They were closely followed by Harry

encouraged to be decision makers,” he said.

Mogg who was ranked 20th nationally and

“Ultimately though the real lesson lies in

eighth in Queensland.

understanding the importance of researching

Anthony Cerqui Year 10 Justice Money Markets

PORTFOLIO TOTAL: $62,129.48 Harry Mogg Year 10 Justice Money Markets

The competition is integrated into BBC’s

world events, economies and individual


core program in the Year 10 Justice, Money

companies and using this knowledge to

and Markets course and in Year 11 Economics.

contextualise their decisions. We want our


For Commerce Teacher Chris Bates the

boys to learn about wise investment practices

competition enables students to develop their

– the Sharemarket Game provides a perfect

knowledge of the sharemarket whilst learning

platform for boys to prepare.”




Unearthing the boy A wise Chinese proverb reads, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” When it comes to experiential learning, outdoor education is at its pinnacle and learning by doing or learning through reflection on doing, is at the frontier of what it means to be a boy. As research and experience will attest, exploring in the natural world undoubtedly increases a boy's sense of connectedness – with nature, with other people and importantly with himself. According to Richard Louv, author of the

new role. She has led a number of youth

international bestseller Last Child in the

development expeditions to The Kimberley in

Woods, “As young people spend less of their

Western Australia, Litchfield National Park in

lives in natural surroundings, their senses

the Northern Territory, not to mention overseas

narrow, physiologically and psychologically,

trips to Africa and South America.

and we deny them access to a fundamental part of their humanity.” He referred to this phenomenon as the ‘nature-deficit disorder’, highlighting the restorative powers of nature and how it can increase creativity, improve wellbeing and help build stronger communities, even economies. “Given a chance, a child will bring the confusion of the world to the woods, wash it in the creek, turn it over to see what lives on the unseen side of that confusion.” It’s these very sentiments that sit at the core of Outdoor Education at BBC and that resonate strongly with new program coordinator, Virginia Mitchell, who commenced at the College earlier this year. As a lecturer at the Australian Catholic University in Outdoor Leadership and Exercise Science and having coordinated programs that have seen students explore some of Australia’s greatest displays of wilderness, Virginia brings a wealth of experience to her

Our goal is to inspire boys, encourage them to dream, take control of their lives and create their own bright futures. There’s no better environment in which to guide boys in this journey, than the natural environment itself – it’s the perfect classroom,” said Virginia. “Outdoor Education can be described as 'educating healthy relationships through sustainable outdoor experiences' built on three central pillars – self, others and the environment,” explains Virginia. “The College’s sequential program has been designed to foster five key values within these pillars – self-discipline, integrity, resilience, positive relationships and community mindedness.”


The programming and sequencing of activities is purposefully selected and is specific to age, ability and development. We also encourage boys to be challenged by choice – everyone has different limitations and allowing them to negotiate their own level of challenge empowers them in their journey toward independence.” Trekking, climbing, boating, hiking and good old fashioned adventuring aside, it’s as much about 'fun' as it is about 'fail' and more about ‘why’ and less about ‘what’. “We ask boys to look within and think about how the natural world impacts them and equally how they impact it. “The experiences are also designed to provide boys with an environment where they can safely make mistakes. It’s about giving boys all the information they require but getting them to work together to develop solutions, as opposed to them looking to a teacher for all the answers. It’s about guidance, not

“I strongly encourage parents to prompt their son to share his reflections as this will assist him in transferring his learning from the peak of his experience back to home and school life. The Outdoor Education experience is a great reminder for parents of their son’s capabilities in that he can cook, he has prepared his own meals all week; he is able to rise early in the morning and climb a mountain before sunrise; and he has the ability to articulate his experiences and to reflect on his learning. “One mother commented after her son returned from the Year 9 experience that she was surprised at how much he pushed himself and committed to the task without complaining. For her, the opportunity for her son to get closer to nature and to allow time for self-realisation was invaluable.” BBC’s Outdoor Education program runs from Years 7 to 10. The school partners with Outward Bound in the delivery of the Years 9 and 10 programs. The independent not-for-profit provider has been helping people discover, develop and achieve their potential since 1941 and has pioneered outdoor education across the globe with almost two million people worldwide having completed an Outward Bound course.

necessarily direction." It’s an invaluable opportunity for boys to be decision makers, and an even greater opportunity for staff to see each student in a whole new light. “The outdoors naturally unearths various sides of a boy’s persona and we often have staff commenting on this. It’s an opportunity for staff to bring back with them stronger bonds, new understanding and a shared experience and to use these insights to inform their teaching practices.” The ‘transfer of learning’ also extends to parents at home.



+ OUTDOOR EDUCATION Year 9 students recently embarked on an expedition style journey in the Upper Tweed Valley region. The boys were able to enjoy activities such as bushwalking, mountain biking and paddling between camp sites. At this stage of the program, boys focus on building skills that will be used on future expeditions. Earlier in June, Year 8 students explored the landscape of Camp Somerset, an experience that introduced them to a range of activities whilst building interpersonal skills.


“On the Outward Bound Program I learnt that as challenging as things can get, as hard as things can be, if you think positively this will lead to positive and rewarding outcomes.”

Outdoor Ed is worth every second to me, because everyone today is stuck on technology. It is so good for our social skills and working together in a team. Even practising leadership skills. It was worth coming and just experiencing the outdoors.”


Orient and Connect The first day of high school represents a monumental milestone in a boy’s life. It marks the start of a period of great growth and increased independence, a time when a boy’s character begins to take shape and show prominence. As with any transition, it’s often and quite naturally met with a level of

“Being off-site and outdoors often removes a lot of the barriers that

anticipation, excitement and some trepidation. Yet at BBC, a boy’s first

can create challenge in those first few weeks of school, where boys are

day in the Middle School presents the chance to foster new connections

trying to find their way and are having to navigate through social and

and to set the tone for the entire year.

emotional changes.

Whether progressing from Year 6 or joining the College family for the

“The retreat made a huge impact on the start of our year, with the

first time, when it comes to boys finding their bearings at BBC, forget

benefits of the experience far outweighing any initial reservations boys or

the ‘first week’ classroom activities or lunchtime meetings, it’s time to

their parents may have had. The commonality of experience has helped

retreat to the great outdoors.

boys to create friendships across the entire cohort and the reaction we

This year the College introduced a refreshed Orient and Connect program for Year 7 students which saw them head out to Camp

received from parents upon their son’s return was truly amazing.” For BBC's Dean of Studies Peter MacDonald, the experience was

Somerset for a unique retreat experience. The initiative was driven by a

as much about relationships as it was about providing an important

team of staff including Dean of Studies, Peter MacDonald, Director of

rite of passage, with the retreat symbolic of the partnership that exists

Middle Schooling, Natasha Podoliak, Outdoor Education Coordinator,

between parents and the school.

Virginia Mitchell and Head of Health and Physical Education, Ben

“As boys experience different stages of development, they are

Spearritt. Designed to foster a strong sense of community, boys were

constantly on the move, physically, mentally and emotionally. They live

able to immerse themselves in the school’s values and traditions from

for the moment and are firmly focused on having fun," said Peter.

the very first day.

“Rites of passage and providing new privileges and responsibilities

Whilst the prospect of going on camp may have been daunting for

as a boy moves through the stages gives him a sense of achievement

some - boys and parents included - Director of Middle Schooling,

as he grows into a young man. You could see this being brought to

Natasha Podoliak said the initiative was born out of a desire to

life as boys learnt to work together and overcome obstacles through a

proactively build relationships from the get-go.

series of activities including climbing on low ropes, hiking and preparing

“Strong relationships are central to a healthy and connected community, one where everyone feels valued and is encouraged to

meals,” he said. "Boys left the campus in casual clothes and returned in full BBC

contribute. That’s the type of environment we want to create for our

uniform to honour the start of their next chapter in becoming ‘gentlemen

boys,” said Natasha.

of honour’.

Our ability to educate each boy depends on our ability to connect with him. We know that a boy’s relationship with his teachers, peers and indeed parents will greatly determine his ability to build resilience, to problem solve, to show empathy or cope with conflict. Therefore providing opportunities that honour relationships as the foundation for learning is paramount,” she said.

"Parents also played a significant role in the experience and were given the opportunity to write a personalised note to their son which he received when opening his locker upon returning to the College. “By entrusting their sons to our care, it highlighted the important role each party plays in a boy’s development - it’s about the change we can affect together. “A strong partnership is central to a boy’s schooling journey. Parents are able to support their son through a strong emotional connection, whilst we’re able to draw on our expertise as educators to objectively facilitate and guide. This makes for a great partnership and this sentiment sat at the core of the retreat.”



The Nature of Happiness BBC Prep students and their Year 6 ‘buddies’ escaped the classroom to play their part in National Tree Day – an initiative which is proving not only good for the environment, but for wellbeing.

Organised by Planet Ark in partnership with

According to Head of Junior School Gary

happiness and the physiological impacts it

Toyota, boys were given a hands-on lesson in

Musson, boys regularly explore the natural

has on the brain. The surveys included in the

caring for the environment whilst showcasing

environment and campus surrounds as part of

report used internationally-recognised scales

their artistic talents at the same time in three

their every day learning. “We know that boys

to measure the connection to nature and the

collective hand paintings.

learn better when they move and taking a

happiness of participants. It also supported the

lesson outside is just one tool teachers can use

notion that exposing children to environments

to engage their learners,” said Gary.

that reduce stress and increase wellbeing has

The enthusiasm shown by BBC’s youngest students in Prep was contagious and their admiration for their fellow Year 6 mates heartwarming. The day is designed to engage students in fun and practical activities that can reinforce learning in other areas such as maths, science

In a independent survey commissioned by Planet Ark, it was found that children who engage in just one third more outdoor activities than their peers grow up to be happier adults. The results have been published in a

and creative arts. It’s an approach which sits at

Planet Ark report Needing Trees – The Nature

the core of BBC’s philosophy and particularly

of Happiness. The report investigates how

boys’ education.

contact with nature affects people’s life-long

long-term effects on the structure of the brain and happiness later in life.


FISHING IN FATHERHOOD Father and son; it’s a unique bond from which great things can prosper. In honour of this a number of BBC dads and their sons left the city behind earlier this year to revel in some quality time together in the great outdoors.

The group headed out to one of South East Queensland’s top fishing destinations to take part in a Father and Son Fishing Adventure hosted by Sports Tuition. Boys and their dads took to their tinnies in

closer or to a similar depth of water,” said

O’Grady there is no right or wrong amount of


time fathers should spend with their children.

Every year, boys in Years 3 to 6 are able to take part in a trip. It represents a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time together and

search of Bass, Golden Perch and Mary River

for dads in particular to meet other dads in

Cod at Maroon Dam. Despite windy conditions,

their son’s year level.

it didn’t take long to secure a catch and by lunch there was enough for dinner. Director of Sports Tuition Steve Wilkes, who has been creating experiences that combine education and exhilaration for more

Beyond the pure enjoyment of it all, these types of experiences are incredibly beneficial in cementing the relationship between a father and his son. Earlier this year in recognition of National

than a decade, said it’s all about fostering

Families week, KidsMatter reported, “Research

connections - whether it be between father

shows kids who have a solid relationship with

and son or the group as a whole.

their dad or a male carer get along better with

“It was fantastic to see the 13 boats working together as a team to secure a catch. When people saw others catching fish, they moved

Children benefit from quality interactions so it’s really about making the most of the time you have by sharing experiences and being there emotionally for your children.”

their siblings, have more developed social skills and experience less emotional distress.”

So whilst BBC dads and their sons may have headed out in search of the ultimate Bass, the joy they found in simply spending time with one another was by far the greatest catch of all.

According to KidsMatter psychologist Dr Lyn



Solace in silence There is nothing more moving than the silence of over 1500 boys. In April, the Brisbane Boys’ College community joined together to honour a century of service by Australian and New Zealand servicemen and women. It was a solemn day as the community remembered the fallen in the shadow of the 1930s main building; a building that has seen too many boys – some too young to enlist – not return. The clock tower continues to keep time moving forward, yet ANZAC Day was an occasion to look back and remember our fallen; the 98 old collegians who lost their lives in World War I, World War II and Afghanistan. With the bugle echoing its final note, it was a poignant reminder of

69 other students from Queensland, will be visiting Gallipoli and the Western Front,” Max’s speech read. “As dawn breaks in Turkey on the 25th, we will commemorate the day, 100 years ago, when the young men of Australia, by their actions and sacrifice, demonstrated that we were truly a nation in our own right.

how fleeting life truly is. At BBC, we speak of Gentlemen of Honour and

We will remember the 8,709 Australians who died during the Gallipoli

Stalwart Sons; traits embodied by the old boys who paid the ultimate


sacrifice but will forever remain our brothers. Boys, some a similar age

“We will also remember the 295,000 Australians who served on the

to those who were remembered, placed a cross on The Green and

Western Front and commemorate the 46,000 who were either killed in

removed their boater as the names of the fallen echoed across the

action or died of their wounds.

campus. Special guest, BBC Old Collegian Jack Bell - aged 97 - delivered a moving address as he reflected on the spirit of ANZAC while College Vice Captain, James Aldridge, spoke on behalf of the student body. Year 9 student Max Kirsch who was awarded a Premier’s ANZAC

“We will reflect on the thousands of service men and women who have served their country during war time and on peace-keeping and humanitarian missions, from the Boer War to Afghanistan. “We will be proud to acknowledge their deeds, which have formed the very identity of our nation. We will dedicate ourselves to keeping alive

Prize, sent a beautiful message from Turkey as he, along with students

the memory of the service-people who did what was asked of them on

from across all corners of Queensland, commemorated the 100th

our behalf – and to ensuring the ideals for which they so bravely fought

anniversary of Gallipoli in ANZAC Cove.

for are not forgotten.”

“As you gather today to honour soldiers from our school, I, along with


THE FALLEN The Fallen is a commemorative publication honouring BBC's Old Collegians who lost their lives in World War I, World War II and Afghanistan. Take Howard Douglas Wheller for example. Howard D. Wheller, son of Rev. Wheller of Wheller House, attended Brisbane Boys' College from 1935 to 1939. He enlisted in 1942 and by just 21 years of age, Flying Officer Douglas Wheller had lost his life. In a letter written by Howard to his parents, he wrote: "Don't you see, my dears, I am one now of that number, who have given their lives that you and your way of life may be preserved. Death in such a cause as this cannot but be a Victory." The book was launched at the ANZAC Day service and presented to the Headmaster by BBC OCA President, Alex Persley. “The pages of this book tell the stories of 98 heroic men, who paid the ultimate sacrifice but will forever remain our brothers,� said Alex.

PIPE BAND ANZAC Day was once again a very busy time for the Brisbane Boys' College Pipe Band, with boys playing at various marches and services at Stuartholme School, services at Graceville, Bardon and Indooroopilly, our own BBC Service and in the Brisbane City Parade. As the centenary year for the ANZACs, the crowds in Brisbane swelled, cheering for every contingent that passed. Our boys - all 76 members - marched around the parade course, first leading the Seventh Combat Service Support Batallion, and, secondly, the Sunderlanders Association. For the city parade the pipe band was joined by the BBC Brass Band for the very first time, which was a huge milestone in the band's 75th year. The ANZAC Parade was televised on the ABC.





CONFIDENCE AND CAPABILITY TO CHANGE THE WORLD In January BBC’s Scholars returned to the College to celebrate their outstanding achievements in the academic arena. The 2014 Seniors secured excellent results with 42.5 percent receiving an OP between 1-5 including 18 OP1s and 95.9 percent between 1-15. Results were well above the state average of 20.51 percent (1-5) and 79.26 percent (1-15). According to Headmaster, Graeme McDonald the assembly provided an excellent opportunity to commend each student, now a young man, for his hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence. “We know how hard our boys work in their final years of school and this is a real indication of their staunch focus and ability to look to the future with passion and endeavour,” said Graeme. “When the educational research indicates that the biggest impact on student learning is the influence of teachers, it’s also an opportunity to recognise the important role our staff play in the lives of those they teach and inspire,” he said. “At BBC we are focused on creating pathways that enable boys to go forth with the confidence and capability to change the world. These results and indeed all the achievements from throughout the year – be it in the classroom, on the sporting field, in the community or on stage - reflect the breadth of opportunity available and importantly, the depth of each boy’s individual endeavour.”

PREPARATION FOR LAUNCH In May the College hosted its annual Careers Conference featuring sessions in law, medicine, urban planning and design, music, health, trade, business, Australian Defence, engineering, sports, agriculture, property development, real estate and science. Students had the opportunity to hear from a variety of industry professionals including Darren Buchanan from HAYS Recruitment who discussed current employment trends

CAREER BLUEPRINT Senior School students at BBC receive

formalised career education, based on the Australian Blueprint for Career Development – a framework for creating, strengthening and evaluating career development programs for young people and adults. Competencies learned promote purposeful career development, lifelong learning and work-life balance. The Blueprint identifies the skills, attitude and knowledge that

START SMART In July a number of Year 12 students took part in a series of Smart Seminars delivered by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Students explored the fundamentals of investing and enterprise with a focus on superannuation, the stock market and small business; all part of a program designed to equip students with the competence to make smart decisions about money.

individuals need to make sound choices and to effectively manage their careers.

and future projections.



THE FUTURE STARTS NOW They may be hundreds of kilometres from home, but their connection with the country and the land remains strong with a number of BBC boarders currently undertaking a Certificate II in Agriculture as part of their senior studies. Earlier this year a group of students visited the University of Queensland (UQ) Gatton Campus to complete a practical component of the course, looking specifically at workplace health and safety and sustainability. The boys were also able to explore UQ’s impressive Solar Farm and Piggery and will complete further practical training this year in working with livestock and operating heavy machinery. According to BBC Headmaster, Graeme McDonald, the program is a fantastic example of providing boys with diverse opportunities that enable them to discover their place in the world.

School’s don’t have to be purely theoretical all the time – at BBC we see our College as a place where students can think about real world problems and real world solutions. Providing practical boy-centric experiences is essential to creating this type of environment,” Graeme said.

“We want boys to engage enthusiastically

Careers Department, which provides support

with their learning and most importantly to find

for senior students by bringing pathway

what truly makes them tick,” he said.

options into focus whilst boys are still at

“And the benefits gained from these types of experiences don’t just start and stop with the

school. “We encourage our students to think of their

individual. In the case of our boarders this is

future as being in ‘the here and the now’, not

yet another way in which they can foster their

something which begins when they leave the

love for the land, whilst bringing their unique

school gates,” said Graeme.

perspective to a city boarding school and imparting this knowledge to their peers.” Year 10 Boarders Kye Geall (Biloela), Callum

“It’s also about getting boys to understand that learning to think, being adaptable, recognising problems, asking questions

Coe (Durong District), Max Reilly (Dalby) and

and challenging the status quo are critically

Oliver Armstrong (St George) are all currently

important in creating their future.”

involved in the program. For Kye the course represents a great opportunity to take part in activities he would traditionally enjoy at home. “We’re currently undertaking a quad course which looks at the safety side of things particularly in off road conditions. I hope to return to our family farm and it’s great to be able to access specific training which I know will help later down the track,” said Kye. For Callum it’s an opportunity to build on the skills he learnt whilst growing up on the family property that has both cattle and crop. “I’m looking forward to the next section on weed control and specifically managing pests and diseases as well as chemical preparation – it’s quite a scientific process and I’m interested to find out more,” said Callum. Max Reilly is also hoping to eventually return to his hometown of Dalby to work on his father’s Piggery after finishing school. “The Ag course will give me skills that I’ll be able to use in the future,” said Max. The program is facilitated through BBC’s

A STRONG START: BBC day student Trevor Edwards is currently completing a work placement from the Queensland Department of Education and Training as part of their AccelR8 program - an employer led, school to work transition program for students wishing to enter the automotive industry. Trevor is experiencing the industry firsthand, developing employable skills and will receive a nationally recognised qualification, a Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (light vehicle).


BBC en route From Biloela to Roma, Condamine and Moree, BBC staff, students and old collegians have travelled to all corners of the countryside this year to host a number of free sporting clinics for local children and to catch up with boarding families and friends. Roma represented the first stop, with a team of staff and coaches travelling west to deliver BBC’s annual rugby and cricket clinic for boys and girls aged between 7 and 14 years. The initiative was followed by a rugby clinic in Biloela held in conjunction with Rockhampton’s premier event, Beef Week, and more recently Moree where 30 BBC boys became big brothers to local children as they mentored their younger counterparts in a one-day clinic. Families travelled from Inverell, Goondiwindi, Gurley, Pallamallawa, Gravesend and Moree to take part in the second consecutive event in Moree. BBC’s Director of Community Relations, Jarrod Turner, said all too often country families were forced to go to the city to obtain resources or to attend sports clinics. He said it was important to bring real world experiences to the regions with a community tour.

The clinics not only benefit the communities where we host them, but also benefit our boys greatly because they continue to learn as they teach,” Jarrod said. “Following the success of last year’s clinic, we felt that providing another great experience to the Moree community, and for our boys, was invaluable.” The school’s visit to the area wasn’t only about sporting prowess and relationships this year, instead giving focus to community service. “It is our boys’ ability to work as a team that is most important to us,” Jarrod said. “To ensure they are capable of doing good in the world, not just in the future, but now while they are still at school.” Following their mentoring at the rugby clinic in the morning, the 30 students provided community service at the Moree Air Show, ensuring the area remained clean of any rubbish. The following day the students formed greater bonds with 800 children at the Moree junior rugby tournament at Ron Harborne Oval. They also hosted a barbecue for families and friends of the school to catch up and renew acquaintances. The school is already planning visits to the respective regions for 2016 and in September hosted a clinic and community function in PNG while visiting current boarding families.



Meet our councillors Everyone has a story and in this edition of Collegian we provide you with an insight into the lives of our BBC Councillors; their qualifications, careers and industry experience. Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge to the College, working across various industries and each with their own personal connection to BBC. Their objective: to ensure BBC remains a place that provides an outstanding teaching and learning environment for boys. The School Council may consist of up to eight members, up to three of whom are members of the PMSA Council, up to four from the BBC Community, and the Headmaster.

JACQUELINE MCPHERSON Born in Fiji in 1949. Early education in Kenya from 1953 to 1963. Emigrated with parents to Brisbane in 1963. Secondary and tertiary education at Cavendish Road State High School and the University of Queensland respectively. Admitted as a solicitor in 1973. First female solicitor in the City Solicitor’s Office of the Brisbane City Council. Widow of Bruce McPherson, former Judge of the Court of Appeal Queensland. Three sons and two step-children. Communicant member of the Ann Street Presbyterian Church since 1986. Appointed to the PMSA in 1992. Member of BBC Council from 2001 to present, and Chairman since 2011. Oversight of child protection in PMSA schools between 2001 and 2013.

JIM DEMACK Born in Brisbane in 1966. Educated in Brisbane, then Rockhampton. LL.B from the University of Queensland in 1988. LL.M from QUT in 1995. Holds the diploma A.Mus.A in piano from AMEB. Solicitor in private practice since 1990, and a member of the firm Gadens since 2001, practising primarily in construction and infrastructure law. Is a graded arbitrator and registered adjudicator. Appointed to the Council of the PMSA, by the Uniting Church, at the end of 2012 and to the BBC board in 2013. Member of the legal reference committee of the UC Queensland Synod. Married with two daughters.





Born in Brisbane in 1952.

Born in Brisbane in 1940.

Secondary education Brisbane

Attended BBC (1954-58). B Econ

Boys’ College (1964-69),

(University of Queensland), M

graduated University of

Econ (University of New England).

Born in Brisbane. Secondary

Queensland (First Class Honours

Economist with significant private

in Economics) 1973.

and public sector experience.

Appointed to BBC Council 2015.

Cofounder GRM group of

Also a Non-Executive Director of

Companies 1972. Coordinator

Queensland Cricket and the Royal

General Government of

Flying Doctor Service (Queensland

Queensland (1992-95). Founded

Section); a Member of the Griffith

Viking Industries in 1997. Former

University Council; and a former

Director of Austrade, QCT

Chief Executive of the Queensland

Resources Ltd, Anaconda Nickel

Treasury Department, the

Ltd, Export Finance and Insurance

Chartered Accountant and

Queensland Competition Authority

Corporation, Santos UK and

Company Director. Partner

and the Queensland Independent

USA, Herron Pharmaceuticals,

Ernst and Young (Chartered

Commission of Audit.

Baynes River Cattle Co Pty Ltd,

Accountants) 1958 to present.

Australian Rural Exports Pty Ltd

Managing Partner 1981-1992,

and Construction Queensland.

currently a Consultant.

Group and BDO, and various

Currently Chairman of Asia Pacific

Former Chairman of A.I.M.S,

company director positions.

Aircraft Solutions Ltd and MSL

Golden Casket Lottery

Awarded Prime Minister’s

Solutions Ltd. Married with two

Corporation, Ports Corporation of

Centenary Medal for services

children and three grandchildren.

Queensland. Former Director of

Education – Brisbane Boys’ College (1965 – 1969). Tertiary Education - Graduated University of Queensland (BA 1973; LLB 1975). Partner Morris Fletcher and Cross from March 1981 and a Partner in the national merged firm of Minter Ellison until 31 July 2005. Appointed a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia 4 August 2005. Honorary Doctor of Griffith University 19 December 2014. Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. Formerly a Director of Stanwell Limited and Chairman of Sunwater, Government owned corporations of the State of

Has held senior executive positions with the Macquarie

NORBURY ROGERS AO Born in Longreach in 1938. Primary education by correspondence, then Eagle Junction State School. Attended BBC between 1954 and 1957. National Service 1959. B.Com and Hon D.Econ from the University of Queensland. FCA and F.A.I.C.D. Australian Sports Medal 2001. Order of Australia 2002. Centenary Medal 2003.


to banking and finance 2003.

CSIRO and Magellan Petroleum

Formerly a member of the

Married, with three daughters and

Australia Limited.

two grandchildren.

Advisory Board of the Mater Medical Research Institute. Adjunct Professor of Law in the TC Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland.

Member of A.P.R.A. UQ Senate member 1990- 2009. Married with two sons (old collegians) and five grandchildren.




At BBC we encourage our boys to develop compassion for those around them. In a busy world, it can be easy for boys not to see and face the challenges of the real world. Boys need a sense of purpose and identity to make the journey from boyhood through adolescence to manhood. Involvement in BBC's service activities - and fundraising for various causes - helps our boys to see that they can be a part of our changing world and truly make a difference.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH In May, 182 boys and 45 parents met at BBC to collect for the Red Shield Appeal. The Red Shield Appeal is an annual event run by the

Salvation Army to raise money for struggling Australians. BBC has participated in the collection for decades and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. This year we raised a total of $11,261.60 through the outstanding efforts our community. In Term 2, following a call out to the BBC community, Rev Cole’s office was transformed, flooded with donations of milo, coffee, tea and cordial. The goods were donated to Access

Outreach with a number of Year 12 students accompanying volunteers to various hostels to provide those who are severely disadvantaged

with a free meal. The boys soon realised that whilst it was great to give the gift of food, the true purpose of the trip was to share in conversation and provide emotional and spiritual support to those doing it tough. ISCF students helped raise $980 for the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress to assist with children’s education, getting behind the BBQ to produce 300 mega steak burgers and 400 sausages.


CREATING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Earlier this year, BBC students Konama Matthew and Phillip Stumer along with Deputy Headmaster, Kyle Thompson, and Cultural Program Coordinator, James Lennon, joined the Prime Minister, corporate chiefs and educators to mark the launch of a report into best practice in teaching young Indigenous students. The report, published by the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), draws on interviews, surveys and discussions with over 160 educators at more than 50 leading Australian schools. It identified the critical factors influencing successful outcomes, Year 12 completion and career transitions among Indigenous boarding students. The AIEF program provides scholarships which empower Indigenous students to pursue their education at some of Australia’s best schools, including Brisbane Boys' College. Students supported by the program access high quality education in culturally inclusive environments, where they develop the skills and confidence to fulfil their potential and make the most of their opportunities.

LIFE LESSONS FROM RED FROGS When it comes to learning about life, Red Frogs have been at the forefront of helping young people make positive choices since 1997. Each year the Christian organisation visits BBC to talk with seniors about leadership, relationships, mental health awareness and what it means to look after your mates, with a specific focus on navigating Australia’s rising drinking and party culture. Founded by Andy Gourley, the organisation was created to educate young people about the lasting impact a poor decision can have and was aimed around the Schoolies celebration period. The boys were fortunate to hear from Andy and also Andrew Walker, a dual Rugby League and Rugby Union International and Indigenous leader. According to BBC Chaplain Graham Cole, Andrew’s story highlighted the importance of learning from mistakes. “The boys were captivated as Andrew shared his personal story where he reflected on some of the decisions he had made – good and bad – and how his mistakes have influenced his decision making today. He also talked about the way in which his Christian faith helped him to discover his potential and identity.”

INTERNATIONAL THINK TANK International representatives visited BBC in March to find out more about the College’s approach to challenging gifted and talented students. The conference delegates came from all over the world including Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the Philippines and Austria to share ideas and build links with like-minded colleagues. The delegates were in town for the 2015 joint international conference, Illuminating the Spectrum of Giftedness and Talent Development, hosted by the Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children (QAGTC), Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) and the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE).



The path to speaking a universal language The basis of all human culture is language. To some, mathematics is an enigma – a subject that brings anxiety and frustration. To others, mathematics is a special kind of linguistic endeavour – universally understood and precisely expressed.

For teachers in the BBC Mathematics Department, it is their own love for the subject

students of pre-university level. The Chemistry Extension student has also

that has helped develop Year 12 student,

applied his abilities to the co-curricular realm

Brian Chen’s passion and achievement in

of robotics, having recently travelled to China


to compete at the RoboCup International

“The passion of the teachers really passes

Championships. Brian and his team members,

down to the students; a lot of the time you

Andrew Su and Robert Kopel, won the

have to see their love for the subject in order

Superteam round with a robot they built and

for you to develop the passion yourself,” Brian

programed themselves.


Brian was first introduced to robotics when

And with this, Brian has truly excelled in

he arrived at Brisbane Boys’ College in Year 8,

the area of mathematics. He finished Year

but is self-taught with the coding aspect of the

12 Maths B when he was in Year 11, and


has recently completed Mathematics 1051

which has assisted me to a limited extent,

of Queensland whilst completing Maths C

but you can also approach robotics with a bit

studies, all in his final year of schooling.

of physics. It’s a bit of everything, but it’s all

at university, you could say that Brian is well

applied knowledge,” Brian said. Although maths may be his strength, Brian

on his way to becoming fluent in the language

hopes to follow a pathway into Engineering

of mathematics and enjoying the journey. And

and is currently weighing up his university

Brian has no intention of slowing down.


“It was a good experience and an insight into university life,” Brian said of his UQ course. But it seems Brian’s heart truly lies with applying mathematical reasoning. “I think school maths is better. University maths seemed to be very knowledge-based, but at school, there’s more application. Applying maths is where the fun is,” Brian said. Earlier this year, Brian was one of the top 100 students from the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians and the Australian Mathematics Competition, and invited to participate in the Australian Mathematical Olympiad; the pinnacle of competition between

Twenty-seven BBC students from Years 4 to 10 took part in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians in April. The activity, run by the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee, comprises four problems for those in Junior School and six problems for boys in Middle and Senior School and is designed to encourage and foster the joy of solving problems in mathematics.

“In robotics there are applications of maths,

(Calculus and Linear Algebra I) at the University

At just 17 years of age and with a head start


“I’ve just always liked maths, even as a little kid, but maths isn’t my life. Robotics is what I find truly interesting.”

+ BREAKING THE DA VINCI CODE Leonardo da Vinci said, "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." In May, two teams of BBC boys competed in the State da Vinci Decathlon, an academic gala day designed to excite, enlighten and challenge Year 5 and 6 students' understanding in 10 different subject areas. The program covered Science, Creative Producers, English, Philosophy, Engineering, Art and Poetry, Mathematics, Cartography, code breaking and general knowledge. Both teams performed excellently with the Year 5 team placing first in Creative Producers, second in Science and third in English. Our Year 6 team placed third in Cartography.



This is a story of how a chance encounter and a shared passion can change the way young people see their world. It’s a story about connection; not a sense of knowing or the act of coming together, but about recognising how empathy coupled with action enables us to truly connect. It's about the ones who, despite the discomfort it may cause, are able to look the world straight in the eyes and ask, “What’s wrong and how can we make it better.”



"IMPACT Social Enterprise provides young people with the skills, knowledge and resources they need to create real change in their communities. We run programs that support and upskill young entrepreneurs as they enter the social enterprise space."


360 ”

When Dom Piacun, Head of Drama and

enterprise and were given the opportunity to

Sustainability Coordinator, ran into Zachary

plan, structure and pitch their social enterprise

Fooks, old boy and social entrepreneur, at


the TedX Conference in Brisbane last year, it

“We found that many students knew about

signalled the start of something great. A few

Corporate Social Responsibility but were

conversations later, it was BBC boys who

unaware of the difference between it and

found themselves to be the core beneficiaries

social enterprise,” said Jarred.

of this coincidental meeting, learning about

“As soon as we provided some examples,

social enterprise and in search of solutions to help solve complex social issues. “After meeting Zac, I was impressed with his energy and passion. Zac is one of the many young volunteers working with IMPACT Social Enterprise, a non-profit whose aim is to support and empower young people to create solutions for society's problems,” explains Dom. “He introduced me to Jarred Turner who looks after the schools program and the rest unfolded from there.” IMPACT was started by University of Queensland (UQ) students to provide experiences that set up young changemakers with the know-how and network required to translate their ambitions into social impact. Brisbane Boys’ College is the first school to participate in the IMPACT program. “After a few meetings with Zac and Jarred I

however, of current social enterprises like

"Thankyou Water was established in 2008 and has evolved into Thankyou, a movement overseeing three different brands - Thankyou Water, Thankyou Food and Thankyou Body Care. The Thankyou system works by providing consumers with high quality products that might be utilised every day. Clean water, nutritious muesli bars, and a range of hand soaps. The purchase of these products funds projects internationally, providing clean water, sanitation, food, and other life changing support for those living below the poverty line." IMAGE COURTESY OF HTTPS://THANKYOU.CO/ BLOG/1-MILLION-GIVEN-TO-PROJECTS

Thankyou Water and Who Gives a Crap – both started by people under 25 – the boys were able to easily identify with the themes they were exploring. “It then became a case of guiding the boys and getting them to hone in on a single issue. Instead of trying to grapple with a massive issue like pollution, we encourage them to break the issue down, start small and to think about how they can gain traction within their immediate community, whether it be at school or in their local suburb. “Developing a social enterprise idea is all about problem solving. It requires students to break an issue down and understand it, but then build upwards from there. That's where the creativity comes in. We asked the boys to think deeply about what would be the best

knew the schools program would be a great fit

solution, one that embodies a sustainable and

for our boys at BBC. To see young, intelligent

specific approach.

and motivated university students mentor

“Their ideas were super awesome. Every

our boys was fantastic,” said Dom. “Social

group came up with a concept that fitted

enterprise is an emerging space and I am keen

the social enterprise model. Some were able

to ensure this program remains part of the school for years to come.” For Jarred, it’s about empowering young people to create meaningful change within their communities. “We want to inspire the students to see themselves as changemakers – we want them to get a sense that they can make a difference in the world even at a young age,” he said. Through a series of workshops and with the support of the IMPACT mentoring team and Dom, 30 boys across Years 10, 11 and 12 were able to learn more about social

"Who Gives a Crap was founded in 2012 by Simon Griffiths, Jehan Ratnatunga and Danny Alexander. The idea was simple: sell environmentally friendly toilet paper, and use the profits to fund sanitation projects in the developing world. Who Gives a Crap’s story demonstrates the power of crowd funding; in July 2012, they launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise $50,000 to make the first bulk order of toilet paper."

to be enacted immediately, whilst others represented bigger blue-sky thinking, which is absolutely fine.”

IDEA GENERATORS Boys tackled a range of issues from youth unemployment, paper wastage, food wastage and homelessness to assisting young refugees, pollution in the Brisbane River and domestic violence. “It was fantastic to see boys addressing a range of issues, and for me personally, the group that focused on assisting women living



360 ”

with domestic violence were a stand out. It

“The entire program was able to spark

takes a lot of courage to tackle an issue like

inspiration for how to positively change the

this and for an all boys school this really shows

world through your life’s work, as opposed

that they were thinking outside of themselves

to only through donating to charity or

in a big way. If they are able to get their mates

volunteering. Whilst both of these practices are certainly beneficial in the cause of helping

to talk about domestic violence that is an

others, we were taught that a social enterprise

amazing step in raising awareness of the

should be an organisation with the mind of a

issue,” said Jarred.

CONNECTING WITH SOCIAL CHANGEMAKERS Following the workshops, Year 12 students James Aldridge and Rishabh Gandhi were invited to attend IMPACT’s National Conference, where they heard from serial social entrepreneurs including Lee Crockford, Director and Founder of Spur Projects, Sandy Blackburn-Wright from Social Outcomes and

business and the heart of a charity.”

“Community is the core part of a person's wellbeing which was particularly evident during my school years. There’s not that many opportunities when you finish school to get that feeling again, so when I stumbled across social enterprise it really changed my perspective. Zachary Fooks CO-FOUNDER I PRESIDENT THE TIPPY TOE CO.

Famine and organising a Hamilton Bridge to

“We had to answer a question prior to the

Brisbane team in his final year at BBC, Zac

conference and were grouped with others

was drawn to the unit as a way of connecting

according to our areas of interest,” said

“Rish's group's idea was based around altering the stereotypical archetype in regards to refugees and people seeking asylum in the eyes of the Australian population. My group’s idea aimed to resolve the issue of Australia’s growing textile waste, and made it through the preliminary rounds of pitching to place second in the final.

Tippy Toe Co. – a non-profit ballet school for

Access Outreach, Red Shield Appeal, 40 Hour

from across the country was a real highlight.

eight keynote speakers,” he said.

work of his own as the Co-founder of The

participated in service activities such as

like-minded university students and graduates

over the two day program and inspired by the

social enterprise, he is also doing incredible

business management degree at UQ. Having

For James the opportunity to mix with

in small groups. These ideas were moulded

connected BBC students with the world of

in social enterprise, offered as part of the

for social benefit projects.

and at the end of the event we had to pitch it

Whilst old boy Zachary Fooks, may have

The idea was born from a university subject

– the world’s leading crowdfunding platform

involved generating a social enterprise idea

Going back to where it all began, there’s another story that is impossible to overlook.

children and teenagers with special needs.

Tom Dawkins, Co-founder of StartSomeGood

James. “Part of the conference program


with community.

Founded in 2013, The Tippy Toe Co. (TTTC) Incorporated is a non profit ballet school and social enterprise for children and young adults (three to 18 years) with special needs. The class sizes are kept small, from six to eight students per class, to ensure each ballerina has individual attention as well as a warm group environment. “Our vision is to develop and facilitate activities that emphasise fun and inclusiveness and meet the physical and social needs of each of our students.”

“Community is the core part of a person's wellbeing which was particularly evident during my school years. There’s not that many opportunities when you finish school to get that feeling again, so when I stumbled across social enterprise it really changed my perspective. Everything I had been learning up until that point is that the sole purpose of business is to maximise profit and that profit should be the end game,” he said. “Social enterprise advocates a people centric approach to business, where profit is seen as a secondary or third objective. To ensure we understood the practical




360 ”

implications of this, 100 percent of our course

responsibility to continue, as there was simply

charity will change, the way he’s going to see

grade was dedicated to creating a project

nothing else out there for them. I’ve come

business and his ideas about consumerism

that would make a sustainable difference in

to learn that social enterprise is about taking

will change – we’re essentially getting them to

the community and produce a MVP (minimum

responsibility and acknowledging our role as

look at their world through a different lens.”

viable product).”

global citizens.”

Zac turned to his mum, a teacher for children with special needs, for inspiration. “At the time, I remember thinking about how

The Tippy Toe Co. has been running for two

Today Zac finds himself in an amazing position, but things may have been largely

years now, inspiring more than 70 students

different had he chosen to pursue a more

and training seven teaching staff. They’ve

traditional pathway.

little I knew about social inequity, so I did what

been referenced in parliament by the Minister

anybody would have done and sought counsel

for Disability Services, Coralee O’Rourke,

fortunate to have worked in a corporate

with mum, who suggested I meet one of her

when discussing the NDIS – National Disability

environment for two years. For me this

students. I then met Isla and everything fell

Insurance Scheme – appeared on the Today

experience taught me about systems and

into place from there.

Show, been in talks with Queensland Ballet

customer service, the only issue was the

and recently featured in UQ’s Create Change

interactions I was having with customers

she was born had a seizure, which severely

campaign. But Zac insists it’s not about him

were based around selling them a product

damaged the cognitive and emotional

nor all about The Tippy Toe Co.

that didn’t align with my core values. I’m not

“Isla has Cerebral Palsy and shortly after

learning pathways in her brain. For the first

“From our experience we’ve learned that it’s

“Whilst completing my studies I was very

very sales oriented unless I truly believe in the

three years of her life, Isla was restricted to

actually a lot more sustainable if the classes

product and that it’s not coming at a cost to

basically lying in the foetal position, having

can be incorporated into a dance school’s

others or the environment. Social enterprise

seizure after seizure. I will never be able to

offering. We want to be able to not only

exposed to me concepts such a triple bottom

fully comprehend or empathise with how her

provide a service but to advocate so girls like

line, blended value and design thinking and

parents must have felt during this period, but it

Isla - and there are thousands who share her

once the implications of these lessons started

must have been extremely difficult.

story - have a service which caters for them,

to hit home, I decided to pursue opportunities

just as any other child does.”

where I could further my understanding of

“Over time steroids, medication and mum’s determination to help Isla, who is now eight years old, led to a relatively normal life which has seen her develop physically

For Zac it’s about changing the industry and inspiring the system. “We’ve gotten very good at what we do

them.” At the young age of 22, Zac is travelling down a very different career path – one where

and intellectually. Although Isla has a limited

over the last two years and we plan on sharing

the ladders are not linear, where traditional

vocabulary she loves to sing and dance. It

this knowledge through teacher training

hierarchies are removed and collaboration

was in conversation with her dad, Alistair, that

workshops. After the Today Show there has

becomes the name of the game – not to

he mentioned that every dance school they’d

been significant interest from dance schools

mention the fact that he talks about ballet, a

ever taken her to hadn’t really understood her

around Australia. What needs to be at the

lot – something he jokes he never envisaged

needs, with some teachers even shouting at

forefront of everything we do is the cause and

whilst at school. In addition to his work with

her. This is when the dots began to connect

the stories of the girls that we’re teaching.

The Tippy Toe Co. he has recently taken on

and we decided our project would be to create

They all have a set of lungs, a beating heart,

a role of Account Executive at Youngcare

a dance school that could cater for Isla - she is

blood flowing through their veins and they

– a non-profit committed to helping young

the true inspiration behind The Tippy Toe Co.

want to feel connected just like everyone else.”

Australians with high care needs live life with

“I didn’t have a clue about ballet,” laughs

As a Design Fellow at IMPACT Zac has also

Zac, “But was able to draw on the expertise of

been heavily involved in the development of

my girlfriend Courtney Crack who is probably

the schools program.

one of the youngest qualified RAD classically trained ballet teachers in Australia.

“The workshops we ran at BBC as part

choice, independence and dignity. Whilst social entrepreneurship might not be for everyone, if there’s one thing we can all take away from stories like those of Zac,

of the pilot well and truly exceeded my

Jarred and indeed our boys at BBC, it is the

expectations in terms of the way the boys

connections we can create simply by looking

trial program, which attracted 10 children

started to think differently about business and

beyond ourselves.

from Red Hill Special School. After getting

how to maximise social impact. Even if it only

to know each of them there was a sense of

changes their perspective, how each boy sees

“Our MVP for the course was a five week


360 ”



Issue: Domestic violence in Brisbane Social enterprise idea: Selling t-shirts online that have quirky slogans in support of women and against domestic violence. The profits from these shirts will be sent to crisis houses that support victims of domestic violence.

Paper wastage at BBC Social enterprise idea: The paper collected from the recycling bins next to each of the school phtocopiers would be sent to a manufacturer which can create recycled notepads / booklets to be sold at the school’s bookshop and used as scrap paper in exams. The proceeds would go towards expanding the business, creating an awareness campaign and also giving away books to schools in lowSES regions in Australia.


CAMPBELL STARKY, NARESH SINNATHAMBY, JAMIE KIM, SPENCER HAYWARD, CHARLES MEYRICK Youth unemployment in Brisbane Social enterprise idea: Two groups explored the issue of youth unemployment. One idea was to hold workshops that teach typical employment skills not learnt through school to young people. Workshops would be conducted by relevant experienced volunteers (initially at BBC for local young people). Focus areas could include barista training, workplace accounting and finance.

Food waste + homelessness in Brisbane Social enterprise idea: Develop an online store that sells boxes of merchandise for teens to subscribers on a monthly basis. The profits from this will be sent to food recovery organisations to help them fund providing food for homeless people.

RISHABH GANDHI, JAMIE GRALTON, CAMERON WATKINS Pollution in the Brisbane River Social enterprise idea: This group has acknowledged that a big contributor to pollution is the dirtiness of tributaries that lead to the Brisbane River, one of which is in their school. Their idea is to get a vending machine where the proceeds from this will go towards buying posters to raise awareness of the issue, buying equipment to clean the tributary, and getting professionals to come in and train student volunteers on how to clean the tributary. The vending machine stock would also support other social enterprises like Thankyou Water.


SAM MILLS, RORY MILNE, CHRIS PORTWAY, CONOR BARRY, THEVAKUMAR SATHANANTHAN Refugee youth unemployment in Brisbane Social enterprise idea: Free English language courses for refugees to build foundational English skills, the costs of which are offset by a tutoring / language program run by university students.

Youth unemployment in Brisbane. Social enterprise idea: A program to help at-risk youth by linking up boys or girls who left school early with tradespeople who could train them in skills, provide mentorship and give them work experience. A cut of the wages of the youth will be used to reinvest in the operation and growth of the organisation.



The power of narrative In his book, Talk Like TED, Carmine Gallo refers to ‘ideas’ as the currency of the 21st century and being able to convey those ideas effectively, the key to having them heard. According to Gallo three central themes appear to be at play when it comes to delivering an exceptional speech, pitch or presentation - it must be emotional, novel and memorable. Gallo has coached CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders the world over, he has analysed over 500 TED talks and has spoken with leading neuroscientists, psychologists and communication experts to reveal the secrets behind public speaking. If you’re able to master the art, it will serve you well for life. Imagine then the cumulative benefit that can come from these skills being instilled during the early years of school.



ayden Greer was quick to win over his peers, delivering a compelling case as to why the primary school years should be free of homework! Drawing on a report from the OECD, he noted that Australian students have one of the longest school careers in the world - so surely there is time to reinforce ideas at school.


ccording to Nick Marshall, “12 million Australian hens are locked into tiny wire cages scarcely bigger than an A4 piece of paper, living their short lives under the cruelest of conditions.” He called on his peers to help abolish factory farming by arming them with the facts and the power of informed consumer choice.


om Brentnall cautioned his fellow peers to think twice before asking their parents, “Can we have McDonalds for dinner tonight?” as he presented some compelling facts which might “…find you developing a closer relationship with your local dentist than you would prefer.” Tom explored the world of fast food and the nutritional facts every boy and parent should know.



If you were lucky enough to be part of the audience at BBC’s Junior School Public Speaking Grand Final in June, you will have witnessed

boy), factory farming through to consumerism and the fact that advertising is designed to leave us feeling dissatisfied, our boys posed some very interesting ideas. Perhaps most

boys, some as young as eight, demonstrate their skill in

impressive was their ability to understand the

the three ‘all important’ themes.

importance of tone, the value it adds and

They entertained and engaged their listeners as they presented ideas which reflected their own personal interests and individuality. From a pizza being delivered by drone, likening the Northern Lights to the sun burping

the drama or humour it can create, not to


mention their ability to source and filter

homas Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Lachlan Leow explored the inventions of Edison and the role he played in creating some of the modern technologies we enjoy today, from his electric light system to motion picture. According to Lachlan we can thank Edison for helping millions of people live more comfortably today.

information to delivering a compelling case. They might not be on the TED stage just yet, but these boys are well on their way to becoming effective communicators, avid investigators and masterful storytellers. Each year, boys from Years 1 to 6

after a fizzy drink (very

participate in the Junior School’s Public Speaking Competition. Whilst held as two interhouse events, one for Years 1 to 3 and the other for Years 4 to 6, the program is integrated as part of the curriculum. For the older boys, the process often commences with a persuasive writing piece that is then used as the basis for developing their speech. Unlike many of the presenters you see on TED, some of whom have invested more than 200 hours rehearsing their speeches, boys are required to complete their initial preparation in class and at school. The competition is made up of three rounds, with the same speech delivered in the first two and the selected grand finalists delivering a new speech, as well as an impromptu speech in the final round. According to Master in Charge of Public Speaking Julia Cornish, the program is designed to provide boys with an insight into the science of communication and at the same time the importance of sharing and respecting individual ideas. “Through the competition, boys are able to develop their confidence, fluency, vocabulary and leadership skills, all of which are essential when it comes to communicating effectively,” said Julia. “We also want boys to become good listeners, capable of being able to truly understand and respect their peers' point of view, to enable them to make informed decisions about their own views,” she said. “The Years 4 to 6 competition was of an exceptionally high standard and each boy delivered his speech with an incredible sense of energy and aplomb. "Congratulations to Lachlan Leow and Fergus Mills (Year 4), Tom Brentnall and Nick Marshall equated first (Year 5) and Hayden Greer and Avi Ranchigoda (Year 6)." More recently the Years 1 to 3 students battled it out delivering some exceptional speeches with the following boys named the winner and runner up respectively: Oliver Marschke and Xander Sloan (Year 1), Lucas Lu and Charles Bateman (Year 2) and Nicholas Hendricks and Copper Morey (Year 3).


BBC ARTS 44 75 Years in the making

Celebrating the 75th anniversary of BBC's iconic Pipe Band

48 The next Mozart

Alexander Voltz's music reaches thousands visiting the Sydney Opera House

50 Symphonic dances from the Westside BBC's Collegians join with a number of local enembles in UQ's Carl Orff's Carmina Burana at QPAC


Creative capital

Enter the magical world of Shakespeare with this year's Senior Theatre Production, A Midsummer Night's Dream





Earlier this year, the band was crowned

and more recently receiving an invitation to

“When it comes to piping and drumming,

champions at the state championships hosted

perform at the Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo

it doesn’t get much bigger than performing

in Ipswich and their success doesn’t stop

in 2018 from Mr Steve A Walsh MBE, the

in the Military Tattoo with a TV audience in


Tattoo’s Production Manager.

excess of 300 million,” said Steven.

The achievement follows on from the

According to BBC Pipe Band Director

Established in 1940, the BBC Pipe Band

band’s success at the 2014 European

Steven Stanley, it’s an honour that gives

has always been one of the most notable

Championships where they ranked sixth

weight to the band’s calibre and growth in

icons of the College alongside its boater.

in the world in the Novice Juvenile Division

recent years.

BBC ARTS | 45 “The tartan speaks of our origin, the drum line our heartbeat, the bagpipes our voice,” said Steven. “For anyone who has been involved with BBC it’s almost impossible to imagine College life without a pipe band.” Yet despite their active community involvement, just a mere four years ago, band numbers were slowly diminishing as boys finished their senior studies and the much-loved icon with so much history was at risk of being history. It was at this point that Steven joined BBC as the Director, coming from the Queensland Police Pipes and Drums. With the support of the school and parents, Steven began to put in place an ambitious recruitment plan designed to engage boys across the board. “When it comes to playing in a band, or with any life endeavour for that matter, you have to have a benchmark, a goal which you can collectively work towards, and competition is the ideal vehicle,” he said. “With this in mind we invested our energy in creating an environment that would harness boys’ natural energy and their thirst for competition. “The goal was to provide a framework, in which boys could thrive, one where they felt challenged, rewarded and inspired by playing good music. Today, our boys are starting to have the competitive drive and determination that is required at the top level, especially as we come up against the best school and adult bands in the world when we head overseas. With hard work and focus there is every possibility the BBC Pipe Band could bring a European or World Title back home in years to come.” And when it comes to getting boys actively involved in their endeavours, for Steven there’s no such thing as too many opportunities. “We want boys to not only compete but to be exposed to a diversity of experiences which engage them at various levels.” This approach resulted in the creation of Sounds of Scotland, a now annual sell out event hosted by the College, the BBC Highland Gathering, which still in its infancy is recognised as the best pipe band competition in Queensland, along with

ACCOLADES FOR PIPERS AND DRUMMERS Three BBC boys won their individual events at the Queensland Solo Piping and Drumming State Championships in June this year. Congratulations go to Ben Morris for C Grade MSR, Cameron Lawson for C Grade Snare MSR, and Sam Tait for D Grade Snare March. Cameron also recently competed in the Australian Drumming Championships, securing a first place award in the Victorian Solo Drumming and Australian Solo Drumming Championships.

an international tour to Scotland, which is set to become a bi-annual event. Band members also regularly contribute at community events such as the ANZAC Day march and recently were invited to perform at Suncorp Stadium to honour BBC Old Collegians and former Reds players Will Genia and James Horwill in their last home game. “All of these experiences add a certain depth to our program and encourage boys to be active in their own progression and development.” Brisbane Boys’ College is one of only two schools in Queensland with a pipe band which means more often than not they are competing against adult bands, including BBC’s very own Old Collegians’ Pipe Band. “At every prominent moment in the life of our College, the Pipe Band is there,” says Steven; a sentiment which is clearly beginning to ring true on a much wider scale as they make their mark on the state and indeed the world.

+ RECORDING ITS ANNIVERSARY As part of its 75th anniversary celebrations, the pipe band is also working on a number of initiatives including the band’s first 12 track compilation. Working alongside artist and BBC’s Rock Coordinator Dan Pratt, the band completed its first recording session late last term. The soundtrack will be available for purchase at the upcoming Sounds of Scotland concert in October. The Support Group is also in the process of compiling the band’s history, which will capture key moments in time across the last 75 years. COLLEGIAN SEPTEMBER 2015


Creative Capital There is no co-curricular program of significant worth at a school if there is not great strength in the arts. At BBC you need look no further than this year’s Senior Theatre Production to find evidence of this.

Over three nights in May, BBC boys along

and fun that is so much a part of this magical

“The primary point of a theatre production,

with students from St Aidan’s and All Hallows'

fantasy gives rise to some heartfelt characters

beyond the joy felt by the performers and

treated audiences to a witty and brilliant

dealing with big life issues – some which are

crew in being able to present the story, is the

just as relevant to us today as when they were

total experience the audience enjoys. On both

written,” said Michelle.

levels, performance and audience experience,

performance in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Platform shoes, flares and mirror balls combined with the charmed world of Shakespeare to create a magical outdoor atmosphere in the College Amphitheatre. From set designers to sound technicians and stage and support crew, students, staff and parents were involved in the production on a number of levels. For Director and MIC of Theatre, Michelle Carey, Shakespeare provided the perfect platform for exploring universal themes. “Shakespeare’s stories are not all about kings and battles, thees and thous. The frivolity

“The cast continued to amaze me throughout the entire process – from the early days of Term 1, creating back stories for their characters and trying out ideas and problem solving – their willingness to be pushed out of their comfort zone was inspiring. I’m sure

our BBC production is a very professional and successful event. It enables the audience to enter a newly created world for a few hours and it is immediate, urgent and alive,” said Mark. “Creating a representation of a work of

they also discovered that the 70s were actually

Shakespeare has all sorts of challenges. Our

pretty cool,” she said.

talented and experienced Director, Michelle

For BBC’s Head of Co-curricular Activities, Mark Dwyer, the production gives weight to the dedication of staff and students and their commitment to delivering a professional performance.

Carey and her assistants, set this weird, funny and magical story in the 1970s, with all the trappings of the time, including what looked like a fairly original VW Kombi,” he said.


DESTINATION THEATRE On 20 June, a dozen theatre students boarded Singapore Airlines in pursuit of the ultimate arts experience; Europe their destination, a complete cultural immersion their goal. From exploring the architectural wonders of Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum and Palatine Hill, through to paying homage to Michelangelo in Florence, viewing Puccini’s opera Tosca in an outdoor arena with live cannonry in Verona and discovering a set from Indiana Jones in Venice, the trip was filled with adventure and discovery. For BBC’s Master in Charge of Theatre Michelle Carey, the experience enabled boys to not only further discover the arts but to immerse in them completely.

Some things simply have to be experienced to be truly understood. The cultural inferences gained whilst on tour will no doubt add greater depth, character and colour to our boys’ experiences in theatre,” said Michelle. “It really is about broadening their experience, heightening their engagement and contextualising their learning.” The group also visited Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, a highlight for any avid theatre lover and a fitting tribute following this

+ IMPROVISATIONAL ANTICS Following four months of heats and preliminary finals, The High Stocks (Sam Webb, Ruaraidh Peck, Jono Hides and Tom Kubale), took their improvisational antics and theatrical prowess to the Powerhouse Theatre in August, competing in the Queensland Youth Theatresports grand final. Vying for the title against six other schools from across the Greater Brisbane region, the boys were selected to compete from 122 schools initially. A team-based activity, theatresports can be a challenge for even the most accomplished actor, with performers given a topic in which they must instantly improvise scenes under the scrutiny of the audience. The boys delivered outstanding and witty performances on the night.

year’s Senior Theatre Production - A Midsummer Night's Dream.



The next Mozart Eight young composers including Year 11 student Alexander Voltz will bring original music to foyers throughout the Sydney Opera House as part of Artology’s Fanfare program.

and I look forward to hearing what the second

He composed his first piece at the young age

was selected as one of eight finalists to have

Following two intensive rounds, Alexander

group of young Australian composers have

of 11 and spent many holidays creating rough

his composition recorded by the Australian

come up with.”

composition sketches in the family’s caravan.

Youth Orchestra. The competition is open to Australians aged 12 to 21 years with Alexander the only participant to be selected from Queensland in the final round. As a result, Alexander has spent the last few months working alongside renowned Australian composer Nicholas Vines in refining his composition Awakening, and from February 2016, his composition will be played on rotation for six weeks in the Opera House foyers to call audiences to their seats before every show.

For Alexander the experience represents

education, particularly in the realm of

creativity and musical talents.

composition and I hope that this opportunity

I have always been surrounded by music: my father, a prominent musician; my mother, an amateur pianist. At the age of two I was presented with a piano, which I continue to play today,” said Alexander.

Sydney Opera House Chief Executive Louise Herron AM said, “Since the first fanfare rang out in the foyers in March this year, audiences

“Today, I only try to further my musical

an amazing opportunity to further explore his

will only lead to greater accomplishments.” Many of Alexander’s works have been brought to life by the Third Queensland Youth Orchestra and also numerous BBC ensembles. His composition Awakening tells the story of one who has just awoken to a hectic day, something he jokes is perhaps biographical. “The piece is one of my more experimental works, emphasising changes in both tonality and modulation. I am considering expanding Awakening into a larger composition; perhaps

Alexander is also an accomplished viola player performing in the Third Queensland

this will be a future project.” The Fanfare concept was created by

making their way to their seats at the Opera

Youth Orchestra, and a baritone, performing

London’s Royal Opera House in 2009 and

House have been entertained, intrigued

and singing in a number of BBC ensembles,

has been brought to Australia by Artology in

and inspired by these original compositions

having been trained by BBC’s Head of

association with the Sydney Opera House and

played alongside the theatre bells. I’ve been

Performance Music, Theo Kotzas, and

the Australian Youth Orchestra.

so impressed with the quality of each fanfare,

Director of Choral and Vocal, Brett Holland.

CONCERT SERIES KICKS OFF AT TWILIGHT BBC’s Twilight Concert in March saw the official launch of the BBC Music 2015 concert series. The evening featured all senior ensembles at the College including the Pipe Band, Big Band, Camerata, Collegians, Symphonic Band, College Strings and College Symphony.



Symphonic dances from the westside BBC’s Collegians joined with a number of school ensembles in May in the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Carl Orff ’s Carmina Burana at QPAC, under the direction of Warrick Potter. According to BBC’s Director of Choral and

noted, “Arts education experiences not only

Vocal, Brett Holland, performing in front of a full

develop skills and knowledge in the relevant

house, the students delivered an extraordinary

art form, they also provide opportunities for

musical experience and received a standing

participants to explore materials and ideas


to imagine a range of possible contexts and

“Our boys experienced rehearsals and

experiences, to communicate ideas, thoughts

performance of the highest possible calibre in a

and feelings, and, to understand vicariously the

‘Grande’ format that is all too rarely attempted

experiences of others.”

contemporarily,” said Brett. “The boys now have the opportunity to work further as individuals with UQ’s vocal ensembles and are able to earn a Diploma of Music in doing so,” he said. “We currently have six old collegians also

Margaret also went on to write to the College to congratulate each performer for their outstanding musical achievement. “The performance of this complex program at such high levels of musicianship and professionalism is testimony to the hard

involved in the program and their presence

work of all concerned – students, staff, and

in the ensemble alongside our current boys

colleagues from guest ensembles. I particularly

highlighted the depth of talent at our College.”

commend all performers on your positive

“I was extremely proud to stand and sing

energy and evident enthusiasm for your music-

in Queensland’s premier performance venue

making – an energy that was felt by all in the

amongst our very talented Collegians choir.”

audience and acknowledged in that standing

In her program welcome, Professor and UQ Head of the School of Music Margaret Barrett


+ COMPOSITION ABROAD International concert pianist, composer and music educator, Professor emeritus Gilbert de Greeve, visited BBC in May providing a composition lesson to Years 11 and 12 Music Extension students, where he featured a composition by Alexander Voltz. BBC students Fraser Erskine and Sean Daniskevicius were also fortunate enough to have a private lesson with Gilbert. At the age of 25, Gilbert became one of the youngest professors at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp and Director of the Sate Music Academy of the same city. He is a renowned supporter of student music and is the former President of the International Kodàly Society. With BBC’s Music Every Day program based on the Kodàly philosophy, which supports the importance of fostering a life-long love of music and music education, it seemed only fitting that Gilbert perform for the College’s youngest students from Prep to Year 3.


BBC SPORTS 52 A broadening world view BBC boys explore the world stage completely

56 The future is now

Team Pi crowned world champions in the RoboCup Junior Open Soccer Superteam Competition in China

58 Onwards and upwards

BBC Tennis experiences continued success with a premiership win

59 Record Leap

Long jumper Darcy Roper makes his mark abroad


Second third

A swimming dynasty begins at BBC, as the College Swim team secures third in the GPS





A broadening world view It’s been affectionately deemed the ‘mini world cup’ - an honour and a privilege in the world of schoolboy rugby. Each year eight travelling teams converge on Fukuoka, Japan to compete against eight of the nation’s best in the annual SANIX World Rugby Youth Invitational Tournament at Global Arena. For 30 BBC boys it was a chance to show themselves to the world – New Zealand, Canada, Russia, England, Korea, Japan - with the tournament a test of each team’s mental strength, muscle, grit and sheer determination. Following six intense days of competition BBC secured second place; not merely runners up but second in the world of schoolboy rugby - a testament to their skill and strength as a team. Scrums, dummy halfs and trys aside, experiential learning was the real game at play, with the tour a champion for expanding each boy’s world view, his sense of adventure and cultural understanding. According to Tour Manager and BBC’s Director of Rugby Steve Phillpotts, the tour enabled boys to not only play on a world stage but to explore it completely. “Securing victory in the semi final against New Zealand was undoubtedly a highlight, yet our visit to Hiroshima and Beppu continue to stand out for the boys as they reflect on their trip,” said Steve. “Hiroshima is a place which will forever remain in the minds of the boys; visiting Hiroshima Castle they were able to absorb its rich history as a group, holding samurai swords, trying on warrior costumes and scaling the staircases for a great view of the surrounding city,” he said.

Boys were also lucky enough to explore the island of Kyushu visiting Nagasaki and Beppu’s hot springs in Ōita Prefecture. The experience was equally as diverse on the field with the team delivering some stellar performances in Pool D to secure a place in the final deciding match. After claiming victory (22-14) against Russian school Enisei-STM, boasting 19 national team members, BBC was set to face 2014 Schoolboy Champions Scots College, New Zealand. The stakes were high, as was the anticipation. “In a 60 minute match against the reigning New Zealand Secondary Schools Champions, I can honestly say I have never seen a College team with such commitment and purpose go about a task so completely - and I started coaching at BBC in 1989!”

“What was achieved in this match was monumental. The final College score line of 34–8 reflected the dominance of our players in completely shutting down the New Zealand school’s representative players.”

“The most solemn occasion of the trip was to follow - a two-hour excursion of Hiroshima Peace Park and Museum. The significance of atomic warfare and the total devastation it caused touched us all. Many boys were able to place a paper crane in memory of Sadako Sasaki and pledge to play their part in world peace. The Shinkansen ride home was extremely quiet as boys reflected deeply on the experience.” On day three, the group checked into Global Arena in Munakata, which was to be home for the next 10 days and proved to be a place of immense cultural exchange. “We shared the venue with 15 other schoolboy teams and during the day eight additional girls Sevens teams. Nathanael Carswell was lucky enough to have Happy Birthday sung to him by an international

“It was a 30 man squad effort and had been all along. Leading the way to provide total inspiration to all was a dominant Kris Verevis at halfback. His sniping runs, dogged defence and accurate goal kicking continued to lift those on and off the field. Every other player in our squad was right there with him when needed as well.” Following the emotional high of the semi final, BBC faced tournament favourites, Paul Roos Gymnasium the very next day and were defeated by the South African team – which remained undefeated for the entire tournament. “Whilst we were all disappointed at the final outcome, the boys soon rallied to appreciate the significance of their result, second

cast of hundreds as everyone converged on the dining hall for dinner

in the world in what had been an outstanding experience and an

one evening.”

opportunity of a lifetime to work together to achieve a dream result.”





For me, being the youngest in our squad, seeing all the older guys playing not only in our team but others, was a great experience and definitely something I will cherish. Being given the opportunity to play against and alongside some of these guys is something that was unreal!




I thought that culturally, Hiroshima and Nagasaki couldn’t be any more important and special and I think the boys took a lot from that.





My most memorable moment of the Japan trip was not an activity, nor our wins, but the whole experience: playing rugby in a different country, competing against top schoolboy teams and learning about different cultures in Japan. Growing up in a small city like Cairns, I would have never even dreamt of playing rugby in a worldwide tournament with 16 different schoolboy teams, let alone the great outcome we received. I am so fortunate to have been able to play against the top schoolboy teams and to see how other countries played the game we all love.




We left Brisbane with great anticipation, and after months of training in the Powerzone and at Camp ‘Straddie’ we knew our squad was well prepared. We definitely looked the part as we left with our matching kit, but what we came home with was life altering; a sense of true achievement and a camaraderie that is hard to explain. It occurred to me as I stood arm in arm with my College brothers and sang our National Anthem prior to the grand final that we were playing not only for our school and family, but for our country.

+ CREATIVE CONNECTIONS Prior to BBC’s SANIX Tour team travelling to Japan, student Phillip Yeatman created a beautiful Indigenous artwork to be presented to Mr Shinichi Munemasa, founder of the World Rugby Youth Tournament. Mr Munemasa was the visionary behind Global Arena Munakata, a US 80 million investment incorporating an athlete village, two gymnasiums and five playing fields. Mr Munemasa generously funded all accommodation and meals for the 10 days of the tour for all tournament teams. The artwork reflected the diversity of the cultural experience itself, providing an insight into one of the oldest ongoing traditions of Indigenous Australians. Phillip’s artwork will be hung in the Main Hall of Global Arena as a memento of BBC’s visit.





THE FUTURE IS NOW IF THE THOUGHT OF WORKING ALONGSIDE ROBOTS SEEMS FUTURISTIC, THINK AGAIN. ROBOTS ARE EVERYWHERE AND WHILST INDUSTRIAL SECTORS REPRESENT THE BIGGEST INVESTORS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS SET TO INFILTRATE OUR DAILY LIVES IN A BIG WAY – AND SOONER THAN YOU MAY THINK. FOR BBC’S TEAM PI, WHICH WAS CROWNED WORLD CHAMPIONS IN THE ROBOCUP JUNIOR OPEN SOCCER SUPERTEAM COMPETITION HELD IN JULY IN CHINA, THERE ARE NO NEW REVELATIONS HERE. The team remained undefeated in its three Superteam matches, with Team Pi’s (Andrew Su, Robert Kopel and Brian Chen) robot scoring a third of the goals as they represented Australia. The achievement followed its eighth placing in the individual competition with the boys also receiving a certificate for Best Teamwork and also for Spirit of RoboCup. BBC’s Master in Charge of Robotics, Colin Noy, couldn’t be prouder. “What the boys achieved is truly amazing and the results certainly reflect their dedication. Yet it’s the work they put in behind the scenes, which often goes unobserved, that really gives weight to their skill and passion and for this I truly commend them,” said Colin. “The fields in China were very different from those the boys had been training on in Australia. In some cases they had to completely rebuild and reprogram their robots to suit the conditions, fine tuning them on a daily basis,” he said. “On some days they worked from 6.00am through to the late hours of the night. “Most impressive was the way the boys interacted with other participants and this was acknowledged with the Spirit of RoboCup award – many teams had difficulty adjusting to the conditions and our boys went out of their way to assist these teams with getting their robots on the field, even loaning them equipment. “In the Superteam challenge, boys worked with students from

Slovakia, Portugal and Taiwan, and in an amazing show of collaboration overcame language barriers, differences in technology platforms and programming methods to remain undefeated in all of their challenges.” Team Pi secured its spot in the world event last year after taking out the title in the Open Robot Soccer Competition at the Australian Championships. The boys have continued to invest considerable energy into the engineering of their robots and are to be commended for their efforts. BBC’s Robotics Club has continued to go from strength to strength under the leadership of Senior Science Teacher, Colin Noy. The club sits at the core of the school’s philosophy, with a focus on developing boys’ minds to be forward thinking and to foster new world capabilities such as creativity, invention, imagination and importantly problem solving. In a survey, Expectations of the Future Workplace, conducted by The Australian, 71 percent of respondents agreed “the rise of the digital economy will greatly benefit Australian productivity” and 72 percent “that to be competitive Australian industry needs to adopt greater automation…” These insights give weight to statistics released by the International Federation of Robotics which show no sign of the field slowing down – and when it comes to utilising these skills to innovate in the workplace, Team Pi will no doubt be at the forefront.



ONWARDS AND UPWARDS For the third consecutive year, BBC has claimed the prestigious GPS premiership for Tennis. The achievement gives weight to the depth of talent across the board and the unparalleled opportunities for growth and development which exist within the College’s holistic tennis program. In addition to the First IV, consisting of Jie Dong, Lewis Edwards, Nick Liddy, Tom Liddy and Mitch Wilson, a further 12 BBC teams finished the season undefeated. The premiership follows a string of successes, including a fourth place in the World Schools Tennis Championships held in Qatar earlier this year. As defending champions, the team will also compete in the State Secondary Team Championships in Rockhampton later in September, followed by the national event in Albury, NSW. A grass court event, played in November, Santokh Bains, Casey Edwards, Lewis Edwards, Bryn Nahrung, Colby Norman and Josh Shiels will represent BBC this year. The College will also send teams to the orange ball and green ball Primary Regional Team Championships.

INTERNATIONAL PATHWAYS Earlier this month, BBC presented a U.S College Pathways Seminar providing parents and students with an insight into the educational pathways available to boys beyond our borders. Presented by BBC Commerce and English Teacher and Tennis Head Coach, Chris Bates, who spoke about his own experience in the U.S at Oklahoma State University, the seminar explored areas such as employability, global networking and pastoral care, through to the practicalities associated with pursuing a U.S College pathway. According to Chris, strong academics are the key to College entry, “Whether the aim is a sports or scholarly pathway, it’s important that boys develop a roadmap for improving their cognitive strength as well as their physical strength and ultimately performance in their individual areas of endeavour.” BBC Old Boys Jonno Knowlman and Ethan Wilkinson also took to the floor on the evening for a Q&A session about their experience in the U.S. Whilst both were accomplished tennis players whilst at school, Ethan used his experience at Junior College to decide what he wanted to do - become a teacher. Ethan has now returned to BBC and is teaching Year 10 Health and Physical Education, as well as assisting with the tennis coaching program. Jonno is now working in finance at KPMG. The U.S pathway provides many opportunities for boys beyond tennis. Opening a boy’s eyes to the world which awaits him is central to the ethos of the school. Assisting boys in identifying and exploring pathway options is essential in this endeavour and in ensuring boys are prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Record Leap At just 17 years of age, BBC student Darcy Roper is one of only 10 athletes under 18 to ever break the eight metre jump barrier. Darcy recently secured silver in long jump at the IAAF World Youth Championships in Colombia, leaping 8.01m and securing an Australian junior record in the process, last held by fellow Queenslander Chris Noffke for his jump of 7.95m in Marrakesh at the 2005 event. Darcy's efforts would have secured the last nine World Youth titles but he fell just short of Cuba’s Maykel Demetrio Masso, who claimed gold with a jump just 4cm further than Darcy’s. In media interviews following the event Darcy remained focussed on the future.

No disappointment, it would have been great to get the gold, I came here to win and give the Cubans a good go, but an Australian record, it’s amazing, finally getting in the eights,” Darcy said. “It felt great, I know there is still room for improvement, technically there is a few things I can fix up and hopefully that will get me closer to the Beijing qualifier,” he said. “To go over eight metres was crazy, it actually really hurt my toe on the take off, I’ll need to check on my toe nail later on to see how that’s going. “I’m really happy with the consistency, knowing I can jump the high seven’s and now we are into the eight’s.” Coached by Luke Donatini, Darcy now looks to the 2016 IAAF World Junior Championships in Russia as his next goal. IMAGE COURTESY OF PATRICK SMITH I GETTY IMAGES

+ ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS Darcy has already hit superstardom in the eyes of the College’s youngest students, with Years 3 and 4 boys able to speak with Darcy as part of the IAAF Kids Athletics program which is currently being piloted in the Junior School. According to BBC’s Director of Athletics Russel Hansen, Darcy is a fantastic role model for any boy aspiring to make his mark in athletics. “Darcy’s achievements are a result of not only his talent but more importantly his personal qualities and attitude. I emphasised to the boys that regardless of the competition, whether it be a Friday night GPS lead up at QSAC, or the Australian Open Championships, Darcy without fail always makes the effort to thank the officials at the conclusion of his event,” said Russel. “Each boy was able to take home a signed photo of Darcy from the Australian Open Championships and Darcy also spent part of his lunchtime in the boarding house signing 40 photos for our Junior School boys,” he said. IMAGE COURTESY OF PAUL KANE / STRINGER I GETTY IMAGES



RIVER GLORY Still water and calm winds produced near perfect conditions for

“The day began with our Year 10 boys leading the way and what

racing at this year’s Junior Head of the River where BBC’s Year 9 crew

a way to start with the First and Third Quads delivering exceptional

delivered a spectacular win to secure the title.

results,” said Andrew.

Success was experienced across the board with BBC taking home

“The Year 10 First Quad led from the front and dominated their

four wins from its nine competing Junior crews, with all bar one claiming

opposition to win by clear water to deliver their best race on the most

a podium finish.

important day. It was wonderful to see them realise their potential in

Conditions may have been tranquil, but the racing was intense, with BBC’s First Quad securing third place with only one second separating them from the top spot.

such a high pressure environment,” he said. “Our Third Quad in this division was pipped from first place by a strong Nudgee College crew which won by a mere 0.2 seconds. Both

The Year 9 crews had a particularly strong season securing 53 podium finishes (88 percent) and 32 first place positions from their 60

boats swapped their lead on a number of occasions. “Our Senior Crews put in an outstanding effort but were challenged

races. The Third and Eighth Quads proved a force to be reckoned with,

with ferocious winds which created difficult conditions. Despite this our

enjoying undefeated seasons.

First VIII delivered their fastest row of the season, completing the 2km

As the Juniors celebrated their success, focus quickly turned to the pinnacle event on 14 March.

course in 5.53 seconds. The crew placed fourth in a very tight final with only seconds separating all crews.”

According to BBC’s Director of Rowing Andrew Cruickshank, in true Head of the River form, the day was filled with both glory and tragedy.

Next year marks the Centenary of Rowing at BBC, with a number of initiatives planned to honour 100 years of rowing.

SECOND THIRD This year saw the start of what may well be a swimming dynasty at BBC, with the College swim team finishing third in the GPS Championships. The achievement represents a back to back top three finish, the first in the history of swimming at the school. The championship saw numerous personal bests secured, courageous swims delivered and evidence of a united and spirited team which managed to finished with 242 points on the board including nine first, two second and four third individual places as well as three first and one third relay places. Whether it was enormous improvement or formidable performances, all age groups gave the BBC army of supporters much to cheer about. The Kieran Perkins Trophy, named in honour of the BBC Old Boy, was awarded to Lachlan Byrne and Ben Carlyon who both earned a maximum of 40 possible points in the championship. Under 14 swimmer Oliver Mitchell took home the Most Improved Trophy, whilst Lachlan Byrne received the Headmaster’s Award for dedication to BBC Swimming. The special Andrew Morley Memorial Trophy was duly awarded to Matt Rose.



CZECH MATE Congratulations to Sean McMillan (Year


12) and Nathan Yoon (Year 11) who were invited to take part in the Under 19 Youth Football Tournament in Prague held in July. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to play with some of the top youth football teams from Central Europe, South America and the United Kingdom. It is a wellknown scouting tournament, with the final televised live from the Czech National Football Stadium.

QUEENSLAND HATTRICK Three BBC cricketers were selected to compete for Queensland in the 2014/2015 season. Congratulations to Jack Clayton (Year 11) for his selection in the Queensland Under 17 Cricket team, Will Crook (Year 10) in the Queensland Under 15 Cricket team, and Tom Bunzli (Year 7) in the


Queensland Under 12 Cricket team.

Year 10 student, Mark Nicolaidis was selected for the Queensland Under 15 Volleyball team. BBC Senior, Jamie Ivers will travel to


Singapore in September to compete with the

BBC student, Ethan de Beers earned his

Queensland Schools Under 19 Volleyball team.

place on the Gymnastics Queensland State team, following his outstanding results at the Gymnastics Senior State Championships. The Year 8 student competed in the Level 8, Under 14 (International Stream), placing second on Vault and third on Pommel. Ethan also qualified in fifth place for the National Championships in Melbourne. Three BBC Old Boys - who are also current coaches at BBC - also competed; Jordan Yasse, Jeremy Milne and Josh Chambers.

GOING THE DISTANCE Eight BBC students competed at the Australian Age Swimming Championships this year securing outstanding results. Lachlan


Byrne claimed gold in the Under 13 100m Freestyle in a time of 54.16. Lachlan also

Year 9 student, Kian Dennis will tour the US as

claimed bronze in the 200m Freestyle, bronze

an emerging Queensland Under 15 Basketball

in the 200m Individual Medley, silver in the

player, while Year 10 boys, Jack Buckley and

100m Butterfly, bronze in the 50m Freestyle,

Nick Stoddart, will compete in the Australian

and silver in the 100m Backstroke. The

Under 16 National Basketball Tournament in

championships are the highest level for an age


group swimmer in Australia.





63 Fail forward

Director of Clearing Skies, Michele Juratowitch shares her thoughts on the power of failure

64 Making decisions

Supporting children to make decisions

66 Get connected

Putting parents in touch with resources





Harvard University Lecturer and

academic challenges. Patterns of behaviour

has passed quickly. The end of each term

Psychologist, Tal Ben-Shahar says we must

that served well at one time may not be

is an appropriate time to review progress

“Learn to fail, or fail to learn.”

sufficient to achieve the same level of academic

made by students. At this time, it is common

Most people are familiar with the stories

success that was enjoyed previously. Failure

for students, parents and teachers to reflect

about Thomas Edison who repeatedly failed

in any area can help to speed up the process

on what has occurred during the term and

when working on his inventions. When

by focusing attention on the changes that are

to identify anything that needs to change in

questioned about his failures, he reframed

required. Behavioural changes; increased focus

order for success to be achieved in the term

the experience as a learning opportunity

in class; gaining greater understanding; giving

ahead. Reflection may highlight successes

and replied, “I have not failed. I’ve just found

attention to detail; skill development or more

and satisfactions, but there may also be

10,000 ways that won’t work.” Michael Jordan,

effort may be required. It is important to identify

disappointments and regrets. Failure to meet

the famous basketball player and Abraham

what specific changes are needed. Failing

expectations – whether one’s own, those set

Lincoln, the revered US President are just

forward is using the experience of failure to

by others or specific academic standards – can

two who experienced repeated failures before

guide us towards a more positive future.

result in a sense of failure, inner turmoil and

achieving outstanding successes.

conflict with others.

Failure serves a purpose and is essential for achieving success. This is a confronting statement, but there is an important caveat: failure by itself does not guarantee success; achievement depends upon how we respond to failure.

A defining feature in the lives of exceptional people is that they reflect upon their failures, identify what went wrong, learn from their mistakes and implement changes that will increase the likelihood of success in the future. They learn from their apparent failures. At each step along the way, they identify patterns or behaviours that can be changed to move them towards their goal. They are not overwhelmed or discouraged by failure but recognise it as a critical turning point to shape the future. Successful people understand that failure is a part of life and that this experience provides a

Failure allows us to find out what we need to learn, how to develop essential skills, to grow and to ultimately achieve success.

valuable opportunity for learning. As students move through their education, it is normal to encounter greater intellectual and




Making decisions Even from a very early age, children start to make decisions. Providing guidance and ongoing support are the keys to helping boys become good decision makers. The following resource is courtesy of KidsMatter – a national mental health initiative. BBC was recently recognised as an official KidsMatter school, receiving national accreditation in August.


Learning to make good decisions helps children become more independent and responsible. A good decision is one that, on balance, is most likely to lead to a positive outcome for everyone concerned. Learning to consider the situation carefully and weigh up the options before coming to a decision helps children make better decisions. It also helps them to understand and take into account others’ views when making decisions that affect them.

HOW YOU CAN HELP Allow children to practise making choices

Giving children opportunities to make choices helps to build their

sense of responsibility as well as their decision-making skills. It is important that the choice really is theirs, so provide options that you will be happy with no matter which they choose. Showing interest in their choice helps to reinforce that you see their decisions as important. Talk about everyday decisions

Involve children in your own decision-making. For example, you might

say, “I’m trying to decide whether to take up a sport to get fit or go to a dance class. Which do you think I should do?” Talk through the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion so your child can learn how to thoughtfully evaluate different options.

and think ahead. It helps them understand the link between making decisions and taking action. Appropriate goals for children to choose include developing a new skill (eg learning to play chess, learning to swim), improving performance in school work or in an area of particular interest (eg learning to play a particular piece of music, masters a difficult skill in sport), or earning pocket money to save for something special. It is important that the goals set are achievable and motivating for the child. In addition, the steps needed to reach goals need to be definite, clear and small enough for the child to manage. Providing praise and acknowledgment for small steps of progress supports children to meet their goals.


Support children to use decision-making steps

Check your expectations

them the steps of decision-making and show them how to use them

and ability? Do children understand what they need to think about to

effectively. Decision-making steps:

make an effective decision? Are the options clear? If not, then you may

As children develop their skills for thinking through decisions, teach

1. Identify the decision to be made 2. Think of options 3. Evaluate the options and choose the best one 4. Put your choice into action and check how it works Ask questions that promote thoughtful decisions

“What do you like about that?”, “What makes this the best option?”,

“How would this work?”, “Can you think of any reasons why…?” Asking questions that prompt children to think through their reasons for choosing a particular option helps them learn how to evaluate options

Are the decisions you want them to make appropriate for their age

be expecting too much and need to make the task simpler or take charge of the decision yourself. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes

Allowing children to experience the consequences of their decisions

can provide useful lessons in responsibility. It is easier for children to accept difficult or disappointing consequences when they feel supported and cared for as they learn to correct their mistakes. Talk through good and poor decisions

Children learn best when they are calmly helped to think through the

and think through consequences.

outcomes of their decisions and supported in making a better choice

Encourage children to set achievable goals

how to improve the situation teaches skills for more effective decision

Setting their own goals to work towards encourages children to plan

next time. Helping them to accept responsibility for mistakes and plan making.



Get Connected

Putting parents in touch with resources



For early years children and their parents

For young children and their parents

A dedicated digital radio station for young children, Kinderling

An initiative of Nestlé, in partnership with the Australian Institute

grew from the Australian independent music and arts community

of Sport, Healthy Active Kids is a place for children to learn about

which had a vision to create a contemporary radio for children and

healthy eating and the importance of living an active life. Educational

indeed the whole family.

games, videos, recipes and a special ‘Kids Corner’, make the site

Kinderling Conversation, a parenting program, is broadcast

both interactive and fun. From learning about proteins, carbohydrates

daily with the simple aim of assisting parents and helping to make

and vegetables through to how-to garden guides, infographics on

their lives easier. Through talkback and conversation, with both

how to create the perfect lunch box and skills to learn in the kitchen,

experts and parents, Kinderling Conversation provides knowledge,

children are able to explore the full world of nutrition via one central

perspectives and techniques that are relevant to a parent’s daily


routine. The Kinderling founders have backgrounds in the music industry, community and commercial radio and are believers in the power of

The site also acts as a valuable resource for parents with a number of materials available for download with ideas as to how parents can encourage their children to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

radio to foster imagination and sense of adventure.

WONDERPOLIS For all ages Have you ever wondered why we sneeze, how helicopters work, how much water is in a watermelon or how the month’s of the year got their name? Wonderopolis is a space “Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease”. From the wonder of the day, to asking your own question, the website is designed to not only provide an answer but to encourage extended thinking. Suggested topics, word games and related videos are all there to keep you learning and wondering what’s next. An interesting resource which will no doubt capture the imagination and curiosity of your son.





68 A message from the OCA

OCA President Alex Persley reports back on the recent OCA Long Lunch

70 Where are they now

BBC Old Boy Mitch Dalton is making a splash internationally at USA Swimming

72 Talking history

Our youngest students learn more about their school from the Vintage Collegians

73 Little Toyko Two

Find out how Jock Fairweather is challenging the traditional nine to five


Eye of the outback Meet BBC Old Boy, Alec 'Butch' Walker, who shares with us his life on the land





UNITE The inaugural OCA Long Lunch was held in August; a sell out event which went well into the evening. That is a huge success in my books and to achieve that level of success takes the input of many people. The concept behind the lunch was to showcase old boys, with every element of the event, down to the knives and forks. The Triffid, with the building owned by Scott Hutchinson, was an ideal venue for close to 200 old boys and community members to spend a solid 10 hours together; The 'Long' Lunch was an accurate description of what took place. 'Butch' Walker's steaks were absolutely superb and particularly well prepared by TJ Peabody's team from Nantucket Kitchen. Mitch and Rowland Allen from Northside Party Hire were generous with their sponsorship of the event, as was Nick Gregorski of the Alliance Hotel. Danny Wong is worthy of a special mention as he, in true OCA spirit, put his substantial 50/50 raffle winnings behind the bar. These events are a barometer of the closeness of our group, with the common connection transcending eras, as I looked across to see 80 year olds chatting with 23 year olds and everyone in between. Having spoken with a majority of the attendees since the event, I can say with a fair degree of confidence that it was one of the best OCA events ever held. The lunch was also the last opportunity as a group to say goodbye to Bren Arkinstall. Bren has been with us for close to five years now and

endeared himself to all old boys whom he had contact with. At a professional level, Bren has played a pivotal role in the successes of the OCA and the Foundation alike, leaving the Development Office in a strong position. On a personal level, Bren has become one of the most liked and well respected people within our community and is always welcome at future OCA events. Bren has been an absolute pleasure to work with over the years and we wish him all the very best in his future endeavours. He will be an asset to any institution fortunate enough to have him.



ADIEU It seems like only yesterday that I took up the position of Director of Development at Brisbane Boys’ College. In reality that was four and a half years ago, but as they say time flies when you’re having fun. I now find myself preparing for the next adventure, having accepted the role of Head of Development at Caulfield Grammar in Melbourne, starting in October. As I look to this next chapter, it feels apt to reflect on my time at BBC. During my time I have met some amazing students, who are now

Indigenous students ride 100 kilometres and raise funds in support of

men, no doubt destined for great things and I have spent quality time

future Indigenous Scholarship recipients, or working with our Vintage

with some great men who were once students – some were here well

Collegians and seeing our Rugby Team from 1954 attempt to squeeze

over 60 years ago. I am genuinely excited by the prospect of what our

into their playing kit from 60 years ago… or seeing Rupert McCall deliver

young alumni will achieve, and I believe they will follow in the footsteps

his poem ‘The Green, The White, The Black’ to a group of old boys,

of those stalwart sons who have gone before them.

leaving everyone with goosebumps! I have loved seeing our sports

My focus has been to work with the OCA to keep our alumni engaged

teams fight for a win and I have been gobsmacked by the intelligence

with BBC once they leave the College and also to assist the College

and poise of many of our students who deliver moving performances

with raising vital funds via the BBC Foundation for key projects, so the

and speeches in front of their cohort… none more moving than Christian

school can keep providing the best possible facilities and programs for

Malaulau’s Valedictorian Speech of 2014. BBC students past and

the boys. This is a big job and one that required the assistance of many

present have a great understanding of sense of occasion and I have

people to be successful. I have been extremely humbled to work with

thoroughly enjoyed the many events and occasions that I have been a

such a committed group of generous human beings that have made

part of where our boys have truly shined.

my work not only enjoyable, but very rewarding. It would be silly of me

Let me conclude by once again thanking those people within the

to attempt to thank all of those people who have been such a huge

College community whom I have got to know, for your friendship,

support to me over the last few years, as I have been extremely lucky to

guidance and support over the last four and a half years. It has been an

have worked with so many groups, committees and individuals, whose

enormous privilege to work at BBC, with all of you. The College should

love for the College is so strong that they are prepared to give up their

be very proud of the young men it produces and I am very proud to

time and in many cases pledge their financial support to BBC.

have been associated with BBC.

There have been some memorable moments that stand out for me

I wish all of you, and this great College, all the best for the future.

over the last few years - like the Closing the Gap Ride - seeing our




Making a splash In July this year, BBC Old Boy Mitch Dalton (2002) was named the National Junior Team Program Director at USA Swimming, following five successful seasons as Assistant Coach of the Princeton Men’s Swimming and Diving team at the private Ivy League university. According to USA Swimming, Mitch will work closely with National Team Director Frank Busch to provide framework for coaches, athletes and staff for year-round development in and out of the pool at the National Junior Team level. "Mitch is recognised among his peers for his leadership and communication skills and possesses a big-picture philosophy, which will be of great support for our athletes and coaches,” Frank said. “He shares our vision for the process of developing rising stars into National Junior Team members and ultimately into the ranks of the National Team.” As National Junior Team Program Director, Mitch will direct domestic and international National Junior Team programs and activities,

National Junior Team athletes, USA Swimming staff and outside professionals. “I am humbled and honoured to be joining the team at USA Swimming,” Mitch said. “Swimming is my passion; I love the sport, the people involved and the lessons it teaches. While coming off deck is bittersweet, I am energised at the chance to work alongside some of the best coaches and athletes in the world,” he said. "Princeton University, Princeton Athletics and the Princeton community has changed my life; I am so thankful for my time at this

In his five seasons on the staff at Princeton, Dalton helped guide the Tigers’ men’s team to four Ivy League titles. He also worked with a number of highly regarded junior-level swimmers to assemble a trio of nationally ranked recruiting classes at Princeton. Dalton also served as an assistant coach at George Washington University and James Madison University, his alma mater. He is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree for Organisational Leadership at Rider University. Mitch was part of BBC’s GPS Open Swimming team from Years 9 to 12 at the College and was awarded the Andrew Morley

exceptional institution and to be surrounded

Memorial Trophy. Also in the squad was

by such a supportive, collaborative, caring and

fellow old collegian and BBC’s Head Coach

ambitious group of people. Education Through

including training camps and competitions,

Athletics is not a catch phrase on this campus;

in regular consultation with the coaches of

it is a way of life."

of Swimming, Adam Hosking. He was also a boarder and loved his time in Rudd House.


New honorary member After 25 years at BBC, Steve Phillpotts aka ‘Pottsy’ for those who know him well, was inducted as an Honorary Member of the Old Collegians’ Association at the recent Rugby Assembly. Steve attended The Southport School as a boarder from Years 7 to 12 and was School Captain in 1981. After graduating from the University of Queensland in 1987, he taught at Bremer State High School in Ipswich before coming to BBC as the Head of Health and Physical Education from 1990 until 2010. He took on the role of Deputy Director of Boarding from 1992 to 2001 and has been Head Coach of our First XV Rugby team from 1995 to 2002, 2004 to 2006, 2011 and 2015 as well as Master in Charge of Rugby in 1994 and now Director of Rugby, a role he started in 2013. Whenever Steve finds some spare time off the rugby field, he is an avid camper and angler, and regularly enjoys family camping trips having already toured around Australia twice.

GRANDSONS AND SONS It was an evening for all ages as BBC Old Boys and their families came together to watch the Brisbane Lions take on the Carlton Blues at the Gabba in August. Hosted by Brisbane Boys’ College, the event saw more than 40 Old Collegians and their sons and grandsons swap the green, white and black for maroon, blue and gold as they watched the Lions take out a win in round 20 for the season. With hot food, cold drinks and the perfect view from the Queensland Cricketers’ Club, the function was an ideal opportunity for old boys to catch up with BBC staff, including Headmaster, Graeme McDonald and Director of Community Relations, Jarrod Turner. The AFL evening followed the success of a similar event, which took place in January at a Brisbane Heat cricket match. Brisbane Boys’ College is looking forward to hosting further functions at sporting events in 2016.



TALKING HISTORY Junior School students ventured up to College House earlier this year to discover more about the Vintage Collegians. The group hosted a number of classes, providing each with a personalised tour of the Living History Centre whilst imparting stories of their time at BBC. According to Vintage Collegian Keith Smith the younger collegians love hearing about the past, particularly when it comes to sport, the subjects studied, extra-curricular activities such as cadets and life in the boarding house. “The session always culminates with the school war cry, led by President John Stewart, where younger and older collegians stand side-by-side, enthusiastically chanting their beloved school war cry – proving once a BBC boy, always a BBC boy,” said Keith. “In our busy world it is such a rewarding experience for two different generations of collegians to spend some quality time getting to know one another,” he said. Year 5L were so impressed with their experience that they presented the Vintage Collegians group with an Honour Award as a thank you for sharing treasured memories and moments from their time at the College.

+ HELP PRESERVE OUR HISTORY The Vintage Collegians work alongside BBC’s Archivist to help collect and preserve the history of the College. They are always seeking to improve the school’s records and are grateful for any insights the College community are able to provide. Their current areas of interest are: • Information on recipients of Imperial Honours generally pre 1970. • Recipients of Australian Honours 1970 onwards. • Recipients of Olympic Medals. • Recipients of State Sporting Medals. • Sportsmen who have played in teams representing Australia. • Old boys who have excelled in their field of endeavour. If you have any information that may of interest please contact the Development Office via 07 3309 3513 or


Little Toyko Two “So you can hear the amount of activity going on – if you go up to our restaurant, full, to our seminar room, full, the board room, full, it’s out of control and it’s like this every night, it’s really incredible.” So says the man overseeing the action, Brisbane Boys' College Old Boy (2007) and former women’s shoe designer Jock Fairweather. LT2 is a co-working space, a business community that brings together freelancers, sole traders and SMEs under the one roof to share resources, experiences and most importantly of all expertise. It covers approximately 600 square metres, not including the ‘Happy Boy’ restaurant, and includes hot desks, meeting rooms, discussion lounges and a board room. What Fairweather is coordinating is an in vogue commercial working trend called collaborative consumption; think Airbnb or Uber but for businesses. And what began in December 2014 as a 35-member enterprise has in nine short months grown to over 150. “What I’d learnt from my shoe venture overseas was that building business relationships is the key,” Fairweather said. “I spent so much time and so much energy building an outsourced network of staff and it was hard work, satisfying but such hard work. “When I came home to Australia I could see all of my friends doing the same, struggling along trying to get their businesses up off the ground. “So I said to them that I wanted to build a house, that we’d all live there and that we’d

It is 7. 30pm on a regular July evening and there is a vibrant buzz at Little Tokyo Two (LT2) in Brisbane’s Spring Hill. While most commercial offices around the CBD would be well and truly shut down for the day, you get the sense this hive of activity is not unusual for this unique venue.

get all of these amazing people to come in and mentor them and work with them to help build their businesses, and it all sort of grew from there. “Literally all I was going to do was have a place where I could facilitate as many opportunities as possible for these guys, and so we opened with 35 members and that’s all I did. I would just meet people and work out how I could help them, and then over the past eight months we’ve grown to 150 plus people. “It’s outsourcing in-house.” While the original idea’s potential may have seemed obvious, Fairweather is also realistic about its genesis. “It was total luck to be honest, good timing and luck,” he said. “When I was in shoes I was ignorant to the whole world except for fashion and when I started this I was still ignorant to everything, particularly in a commercial sense. “All I knew was that many hands make light work. I just believed that small, specialised teams working together could do a better job than a typical big company but they need to be easily connected to each other, and this brings them all together. “That’s the way we believe things are going with business. It’s more mobile and more agile, and the more agile the better.” The 25-year-old believes LT2 is one-of-akind in terms of Australian work spaces. “There are two versions that currently exist in Brisbane – tech incubators which are basically tech start-up places and office real estate models,” he explained. “So there are people that provide cool offices

but it’s just offices, no community, no events, no mentors, no courses, and then there are the incubators where the offices are plain but they’ve got great tech people there to help other tech people do tech stuff. “We’re the one that caters for both, for anyone who wants a very cool office space with a very cool and diverse community, as well as facilities and resources that connect everyone. “I think we’re the only work space that has its own dedicated café, bar and restaurant in its building." Part of the key to the LT2 culture is managing the volume and quality of clients. “A really important part about LT2 is that we vett people for the simple fact that one bad egg can ruin the experience for an entire group of people,” he said. “There are about five or six core clients, and then about 20 or so outside of them, that have made this their home and so if people muck around, they step in, or if someone new comes in and I’m not here to walk them through, they do. “It’s like a 30-man vetting team rather than one, meaning we all become accountable. “There’s a place in America called WeWork. It’s the biggest co-working space in the world. I’ve been there and it’s cool, but it is just a real estate model where they have overgrown into a triple-decker mega-space where there’s 800 people. To me that’s not a community, that’s chaos. “You can’t have that community feel with that many people, so we’re trying to maintain ours at 150, because we believe that’s the upper limit of a singular community.”



Fairweather is a likeable man, instantly engaging with equal parts charisma and warmth. He possesses absorbing conversational skills with a casual eloquence and as the head of LT2, he needs every bit of that business acumen. “Currently my position here would be Community Manager and Business Development Manager, so I meet an enormous range of people each day,” he said. “My day generally consists of getting here at 6.00am in the morning. I try to bash out two hours’ worth of emails and then from about 8.00am until 8.00pm I’ve got back-to-back, hour-by-hour meetings with different people. “That would be current members so that I can get to know them better and see where they might need help in their business, or a prospective member who wants to come and see the space, and talk about what they want to do. “I basically learn all their details, what they’re doing, what they want to do, their desires, their struggles, where they want to be in six months, and then I work out who to hook them up with because through this place my networks have skyrocketed.” Diversity is the other main component to creating the community feel. “What I’ve generally seen is younger people come in and they’re like ‘this is a cool work space, this is not like an office, this is not like home, perfect,’ so we get a lot of them,” he said. “And then the older 45 plus come in and they’ve done the corporate thing or they’ve been the Mum or Dad at home, and they go ‘yeah I want to be in a cool place like this’.

“They see young, energetic people and want to be surrounded by them, and the young, energetic people want to be surrounded by these experienced people, and that’s how it works, and somehow the 3035s just fit in too.” “So we’ve got ages 15 to 61, we’ve got artists, fashion labels, we’ve got art historians,

lawyers, accountants, bookkeepers, real estate agents, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, hardware developers, software developers, NGOs, not-for-profits, charities, two in construction, one development manager, and that’s just happened organically.” Fairweather said expansion wasn’t initially intended as part of the LT2 plan but its success has demanded a rethink. “So we’ve reached our capacity. We’re going to open a second space in Petrie Terrace called the Substation, and we will presell almost the entire thing through referrals from existing clients, and the reason that’s so amazing is that it means that entire new space is basically one step away from LT2,” he said. “All the people who were going to grow into this space in time, and half of our community managers, will move there to manage it, and thus we will have two 150-person, fully-vetted business communities that now can crosspollinate. “We’ve also got an in-house app coming out that streamlines all the booking system, events calendar and internal communication.” When pressed on advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, Fairweather offers this: “Figure out what your passion is, or a common problem that surrounds you or the people around you, or find something that you’re really interested in that you could make better, one of those three things. “Ask every single person you know about your idea, and then work out a way to start it without spending too much money which can mean preselling. “Both businesses I started I presold; I presold my entire shoe range and for LT2 I figured out my breakeven was 35 members so we started with 35 members on day one.” Fairweather spends most of his time helping others to achieve their business goals but what he wants for himself remains quite simple. “My original goal was to create a global community of educated, good people. You can find a lot of educated people and you can find a lot of good people but it can sometimes be hard to find people who are both. “I’m just building an incredible hybrid community of businesses in Brisbane and making that vibe as strong as it can be, that’s my life goal.”


LUCIDUS CREATIVE BBC STUDENTS, BOTH CURRENT AND FORMER, MAY VERY WELL HAVE SEEN THE EXPERTISE OF HENRY CUNNINGHAM (2011) AND NIC COATES (2011) AND NOT EVEN REALISED IT. The inspiring 2014 College rowing First VIII video perhaps or maybe the Boarding Experience video showcasing the daily lives of the Rudd fraternity. Lucidus Creative, the ingenious force behind these incredible videos, is a media production firm formed in 2014 by these two men that specialises in film, photography, web development and graphic design. And while maybe going slightly unnoticed until now, with the rise of social media and the increased demand for content, this is one business venture that is fast becoming very noticed in the wider Australian business community. “People just sort of come from everywhere for this sort of content because there is a real gap between an amateur with his little Canon and a professional film studio,” Henry said. “People who want content for their Facebook or small videos for their website, they want it done professionally, they don’t want a kid with his Canon or iPhone making his film and reckoning it’s top shelf, because people



learn very quickly that it’s not and that you

to College in America and while I was there

don’t know what you’re doing.

I made a website for myself and called it

“We’ve had some great clients so far like

Lucidus, which is Latin for light.

business but it’s been profitable so far.” And Henry admits, “operating without a debt and doing that within the first 12 months” is

Johnson and Johnson Medical, the Air Gold

“By the time I came home Nic had been

Coast. BBC is really good to us, we’ve got

doing photos for the Wallabies and all sorts of

ASX-listed companies as well as people who

cool stuff, so we just decided to make a go of

servers in the Valley that we own, we’re

started yesterday and need some help, and

this together.

hosting email, and we turned over quite a bit of

they all appreciate that we can do this content production thing well.” Like many business partnerships, Lucidus Creative was founded upon a long-time friendship. “Nic and I are childhood friends, we went to the same primary school and met on the second day of Year 1 and we lived 500 metres from each other when we were growing up, so we’ve been buddies the whole time,” Henry explained.

“So we made ourselves producers of ‘stuff ’ where we didn’t really know what it was yet but we did photography, videography, Nic also did some web design and graphic design, and we eventually stumbled into what we now call Lucidus Creative.”

“Nic was always a very good photographer, he was in and around the rugby scene during school, and at the same time I was in the Basketball First V in Year 12 and got asked by my coach if I was able to help with some video stuff, making promos for schoolies. “I’m not sure why I said yes when I really

their biggest achievement to date. “We own all our gear, we’ve got dedicated

money last year in our first year of operating.” All-in-all an impressive ledger given what the pair confesses was their one and only mistake to date. “When we first started working we undervalued our work. We put a fair amount of time into a project and we used skills that were really high level, but we only realised after we’d done the work that we undervalued what we’d actually produced,” he said. “That’s not necessarily a big mistake but it definitely didn’t help us, but when you’re just

Both men are completing Engineering degrees at university, Henry majoring in Civil and Nic in Software, and will continue to juggle their commitments until graduating later this year. “We don’t have much time between us

starting out you can’t really say no to any work because you need to fill your portfolio.” Upon graduating, Henry anticipates working four days a week in his engineering firm and one day a week with Lucidus, but that may change.

meant no – I had no working skills in this area

because we both study full time and work in

– but I said ‘yeah I’ll work it out’ and so I did.

engineering firms, but we reckon with the team

you to have this one grounded career but I’m

we have and the equipment we’ve got, we’re

happy to have that co-existence of two careers

ready for more,” he said.

at once,” he said.

“So I made a really good promo and the Katarzyna Group which owns Family, Cloudland, Birdies, that whole block in the

“Traditionally we don’t bite off more than we

“There will always be people who expect

“How long that lasts I don’t know because if

Valley, said ‘we like this, come talk to us’ so

can chew, but we essentially don’t say no to

we turn over a truck load of money next year

I started making nightclub videos and sort of

anything because if we can’t already do it we’ll

then we may just go ‘this is cool, let’s do it’ but

just tripped into film.

learn how to do it.

at the moment, I think for 21 year-olds, we’ve

“I then went overseas for six months to go

“I don’t know if that’s a good way of doing



EYE OF THE OUTBACK Deep in the dusty plains of Western Queensland you’ll find ‘Gillespie’ a 55,000acre cattle property purchased by the Walker family in 1959. To get there from Brisbane alone you’re in for a 960 kilometre drive, a long 12 hours north west.Yet you needn’t go far to gain an insight into what it’s like to live on this station thanks to the amazing photography of BBC Old Boy Alec Walker – affectionately known as ‘Butch’.




Despite the long days, physically demanding work and living amid some of the country’s harshest conditions - with drought a constant threat - Butch reveals what can only be described as the true beauty of Outback Australia, his love for the land and his daily endeavour captured in every frame.


Beyond the lens, Butch now runs the family business, following the passing of his father, Butch Snr, who in 2003 made the decision to go organic. Today ‘Gillespie’ is known for their ethical practices and high-quality organic beef; their produce in international demand. Having recently supplied the meat for BBC’s OCA Long Lunch, we caught up with Butch to find out more about life out west, his love for photography and to reflect on his time at the College.


I think the biggest thing was the sense of freedom, I mean physically there are these huge open spaces and no one around for miles, it’s great for thinking which is why I often enjoy working by myself. In an operational sense, the cattle industry and in particular the day to day running of a cattle property seem to be one of the last bastions of common sense. Although we are very safety conscious there is still a lot of freedom in choosing how we do just about everything. It is an industry that is yet to see the broad scale implementation of strict OH&S policies and bureaucracy (although the bureaucrats are slowly sneaking in). Another thing that I like is that most deals are still done on the shake of the hand or on your word, it’s a great way to do business.

The decision to go organic was made by my late father Graham ‘Butch’ Walker (graduated BBC 1966). He saw it as a way of being able to rest the land while still maintaining our bottom line. Essentially the idea behind it was that if we could gain a 30 percent premium on our animals sold, we would be able to reduce the herd by 30 percent. The added advantage was that due to much stricter stock selection we could improve our herd as well. We were actually very lucky because our climate meant that we had essentially been running very close to organic for many years. This meant minimal changes and a much smoother transition to certification.

WHAT DOES AN AVERAGE DAY LOOK LIKE AT GILLESPIE? Luckily, there's no such thing! Usually we start work at 5.00am or 5.30am. From there we could be doing anything from mustering, feeding cattle, repairing fences, grading roads, branding cattle, checking watering points by aircraft, mechanical maintenance, shoeing horses or just about anything else you can think of. We usually finish around 5.30pm to 6.00pm and as late as 8.00pm if we are mustering.

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR LIFESTYLE? EQUALLY WHAT ARE SOME OF THE CHALLENGES? I love the balance of being outside and working long physically demanding days and spending time on developing the business, constantly trying to improve efficiency and profitability (the commerce degree is very handy here!). I also enjoy the laidback atmosphere in the bush, there are no social barriers - everyone is keen to help or give you advice whether they be a stockman, mechanic, truck driver, publican or business owner. The biggest challenge at the moment is the ongoing drought, it can be exhausting having all of your hard work and planning depend on how much rain you get. Having said that it is a great opportunity to concentrate on running the business as leanly as possible. Distance can be both a blessing and a curse, particularly if you need to sacrifice some of your social life for work.


WHEN WAS YOUR INTEREST IN PHOTOGRAPHY SPARKED? It actually started when I was around 15. In my school holidays I was recruited to photograph our sale bulls for catalogues. Not long after that I started taking a camera mustering with me for something to do during long walks.

HOW DO YOU GO ABOUT CAPTURING THE IMAGES? If I’m using a digital camera I generally have it slung on my back in a bag with an old t-shirt on top of the camera to (try) to protect it from dust. I tend to favour my digital camera when I’m on a bike as it bounces around a bit much on a horse. If I’m shooting film I’ll have a light rangefinder camera slung around my chest but with no bag or lens cap as they seem to handle the dust much better. It also saves time if something fleeting happens that I may have missed if fumbling with a bag. Otherwise I always have my phone on me and take a lot of photos with it as well. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of aerial stuff as it has been warm enough to remove the doors from the plane. It’s a very relaxing way to spend an afternoon.

YOUR IMAGES PROVIDE A UNIQUE INSIGHT INTO LIFE ON THE LAND – WHAT’S BEEN MOST INTERESTING TO YOU IN TERMS OF SHARING THESE IMAGES WITH THE WORLD? I think just how far the images reach and the varied audience that seem to enjoy them. I’ve been contacted by people from so many different countries and it’s very humbling. It’s amazing to be able to take a photo of something which, for me is so normal but for someone else is totally foreign.

WHAT WAS IT LIKE COMING FROM THE FARM TO BOARDING AT BBC? I was actually very excited to become a boarder. I had been hearing how much dad had enjoyed his time at BBC for years and had a lot of pre-conceived ideas of what I thought it would be like. Luckily being away from parents was something I had experienced from a young age as we would have sleepovers at cousins places some 300km away. This meant that I didn’t get homesick so spent the first few weeks (and probably the next five years) making new friends.



CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT THE MENTORING WORK YOU’RE DOING WITH YEAR 12 STUDENT NICHOLAS SWINBOURNE. I was contacted by Alex Persley about a senior boy looking to start a career in the rural industry after completing his studies. I emailed and met with Nicholas in Brisbane and offered him a position at ‘Gillespie’ as a Jackaroo for a couple of months in early 2016. This will coincide with our mustering period so he will be able to get a really good idea of what it’s like out here and whether he still wants to pursue a career in beef production. I’m looking forward to teaching him as much as I can, not just on the practical side but also in the way different pastoral businesses are run. A big barrier to the rural industry is the lack of regimented training, there’s nothing better than experience to make a young person employable but it becomes difficult when you’re basically turned away by employers for lacking experience. Essentially you need experience to gain experience! I’m hoping I might be able to give him as good a start as possible to make him easily employable. Also, there are quite a few older old boys that I’m sure will be more than happy to help out.

HOW DO YOU KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR MATES FROM SCHOOL? I generally get to Brisbane about once every six weeks and I usually try to organise a dinner or a night out with my mates from school. It is difficult being so geographically removed and you do feel as though you miss out on a lot but it’s always exciting to catch up.

WHAT HAVE YOU ENJOYED MOST ABOUT REMAINING CONNECTED WITH THE SCHOOL? I’ve really enjoyed growing up with a close-knit group of friends, the core of which are mates from school. It’s great seeing each other become successful in their chosen careers and be able to help each other out when needed. I think of the old boy network as a larger version of my friends, always happy to help and excited to reminisce or discuss how the school has changed over the years.

To see more of Butch’s amazing photos visit: @_butchwalker_


Friday 23 October 2015 Indooroopilly Golf Course 4 Ball Ambrose . Teams of 4 . Sponsorship Opportunities

Register your team

$600 per team Team Registration includes: • 4 Player Registrations • Light Lunch • Complimentary use of Practice Range prior to play • 18 Holes of Golf • Golf Cart • Drinks and Meal at Presentation Function

Become a sponsor

$1200 per hole Hole Sponsorship includes: • Team Registration • Exposure of your business on your selected hole • Recognition of your support at the awards presentation • Promotion of your business in all teams registration packs on the day


BBC LEADERS' ASSEMBLY MONDAY 2 FEBRUARY – COLLEGE HALL BBC's 2015 Leaders were officially inducted at a special assembly earlier this year. Students were presented to distinguished guests, parents and fellow collegians in attendance to celebrate their achievements. Seniors also unveiled their theme for the year, Conquer. The theme is designed to inspire students to strive to conquer their personal goals in all facets of their life.


BBC FOUNDER'S DAY WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY – COLLEGE CAMPUS On 10 February 1902 Mr. A. W. Rudd opened our school at Clayfield with just four students. In recognition of this significant day, the College hosted three special Founder's Day assemblies for Junior, Middle and Senior students and guests. BBC Old Boy Dr John Stewart AM gave a special speech on the day.



PARENT INSIGHT TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY – COLLEGE CAMPUS A special Insight event was held early in February to equip parents with key tools for their son's journey in the Middle School at BBC. Guests were able to speak directly with a number of staff, including Year 7 Principal Teachers, Housemasters and BBC's Executive team as well as student leaders. They were also able to observe Middle School classrooms in action with the event culminating with a lunch designed to connect BBC parents.

BBC OPEN DAY SUNDAY 24 MAY – COLLEGE CAMPUS BBC's annual Open Day again drew in large crowds, keen to find out more about the College. BBC boys proved to be great ambassadors for the school and it was great to see genuine, confident and capable young men, engaging with adults and children alike in interesting and spirited conversation about their experiences at BBC.


P&F WELCOME PARTY THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY – COLLEGE HALL To officially welcome all parents to the new school year, the Parents and Friends' Association hosted a social get-together in College Hall. The event is a great opportunity for parents to connect with other parents and the wider school community.



PRIDE OF THE RIVER THURSDAY 12 MARCH – BBC BOATSHED Despite the threat of storms, the Pride of the River event saw clear skies as four new boats were named in honour of BBC Old Collegians Scott Laidler, Tim Aplin, Andrew Macarthur and John Stewart. More than 90 people from the BBC Community attended the function and wished the First VIII crew well for the pending Head of the River. Three members of the 1955 crew (Russell Kerrison, Norm Clough and Barton Clarke) also presented the First VIII crew with the newly reinstated horseshoe badges.

BBC BOARDERS PRE-FORMAL SATURDAY 9 MAY – COLLEGE CAMPUS Close to 100 boarders, their formal partners, parents, siblings and grandparents joined together in the College Hall courtyard for a pre-formal get-together. The gathering was a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet their son’s partner and to of course take some family pictures.



WEDDINGS 10 January Matthew de Plater (2001) and Heather Jones (pictured above) 21 February Andrew Lyndon (1992) and Katie Williams 28 February Simon Rowell (1998) and Viktoriya Volkova 7 March Benjamin Narramore (2002) and Carly Furler 14 March Andrew Nguyen (2007) and Elizabeth Bennett

VALE James Phillips (1937) passed in September 2003 Matthew Davies (2002) passed in February 2014 Andrew Stone (1994) passed in February 2014 George Hall (1935) passed in July 2014 Graeme Russell (1955) passed in July 2014 Philip Davidson (1957) passed in August 2014 John Fisher (1950) passed in December 2014 Arthur Hartwig (1970) passed away early in 2015 Rev Hubert “Paul” Trigge (1947) passed in January 2015 Andrew Watt (1978) passed in January 2015 John Adam (1957) passed in February 2015 Keith White (1939) passed in February 2015 Alfred Taylor (1937) passed in February 2015 Ron Wright (1938) passed in March 2015 John Creighton-Roberts (1940) passed in March 2015 Harold Carseldine (1966) passed in April 2015 Bill Richards (1959) passed in May 2015 Murray Low (1949) passed in May 2015 David ‘Frith’ Fysh (1956) passed in May 2015 David Illing (1961) passed in June 2015 Major David Roubin (1962) passed in June 2015 Anthony English (1961) passed in July 2015 Phillip Allan (1964) passed in August 2015 Lionel Jones (1950) passed in August 2015




Helen Jackson, Archivist


before they were replaced by American P-51 Mustangs. He was flying in Mustang

FX943 when he helped to shoot down a LeO451. Warrant Officer (W/O) Bell’s first strike combat report reads: I opened fire from 400 yards, closing to 250 yards. The enemy

aircraft stuck its nose down, which brought me into line astern, and I continued firing and saw strikes on the port engine, which blew up. The port wing then fell off and the aircraft dropped away in flames.

No.19 Squadron (RAF) was one of the first to be stationed in Normandy after D Day. On 9 September 1944, while strafing bridges and locomotives near Apeldoorn, ‘Dinger’ radioed that his Mustang FX887 had been hit by flak, and he was bailing out. At 21 years of age, W/O MH Bell was the highest scoring Australian Mustang ace, and was IMAGE TOP: MAXWELL HEROON BELL 3 BY WOUTER VAN DIJKEN. IMAGE ABOVE: MAXWELL BELL IN FRONT OF HIS MUSTANG III. IMAGE NEXT PAGE: MAXWELL BELL - GROESBEEK, THE NETHERLANDS

awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross for gallantry. Max’s father posthumously received the DFC for him in November 1944. The citation reads: W/O Bell RAAF is an efficient and resolute pilot. He has taken part in many harassing attacks at the enemy and has invariably displayed a high degree of gallantry. He has destroyed four enemy aircraft. [4xFocke Wulf 190s]. As only one of two Australians buried in the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, (plot 9, row A, grave 12), Netherlands, Pilot Officer MH Bell is remembered there, and also on panel 118 at the Australian War Memorial.


MISTAKEN IDENTITY A large cloud of smoke rising from the forest marked the spot where Maxwell Herron Bell’s Mustang III grounded. Hastily parachuting from his seriously damaged plane, Max left a flying boot behind. After landing he was soon captured by a German patrol. Bell’s fate was unknown for decades. He was classified as missing in action (MIA) and not listed as a prisoner of war (POW). In 1953, when the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey was opened, saluting those having no known resting place, Max’s name was recorded on panel 258. Post-war, the British National Archives maintained a file referring to The Klarenbeek Case: the Shooting of an Allied Airman (unknown). This report outlined the murder of an unknown airman and its surrounding events. The file was compiled by a Field Investigation Team which was part of the War Crimes Group, NW Europe. In the 1980s, a Dutch researcher, Huub van Sabben began to investigate the matter. Due to his painstaking research in determining the identity of the unknown airman, he uncovered the following information: After combat in Normandy in September 1944, part of the 9th SS Panzerdivision was sent to Holland for rest.

authorities commenced an investigation into a possible War Crimes charge. In September 1945 the assumed remains of Cupps were transferred to the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, and the body was buried as ‘An Unknown Canadian Soldier’. In March 1947, a more thorough autopsy was performed. The doctor noted several anomalies: Cupps’s lower jaw dental work was absent, the clothing appeared to be that of a pilot, not a soldier, the presence of a bullethole on the body, and the wearing of only one boot. Eyewitnesses, including Mr Albert Verhoeve, saw an Allied plane shot down and the pilot captured by German soldiers. The pilot was considerably taller than his captors, and strikingly, Verhoeve recalled how he wore only one flying boot. Other witnesses saw an Allied forces pilot brought to a local pub for interrogation. On 10 September, on a nearby farm, the execution of a male wearing a RAAF uniform was also witnessed. All attempts to prosecute any of the German soldiers responsible for the shooting proved futile. Due to lack of evidence the case was closed. Pilot Officer (P/O) Maxwell Bell was officially listed as Missing in Action since 1944. The persistent Huub van Sabben eventually

At this time, Stanley E. Cupps, a Canadian

convinced the War Graves Commission that

prisoner enroute to a POW camp, was kept in

the interred body was that of Maxwell Herron

Klarenbeek by the SS to perform household


duties. A few days after Max’s Mustang was shot down, local farmer, Marinus Diks found a freshly dug grave and uncovered a foot and some burnt clothing. He believed that the body was that of Cupps, who disappeared around 17 September, when the Germans also left. Fearing for his life, Diks said nothing until the area was liberated in April, 1945. After liberation, Diks told his story to a

SIDENOTE Special guests attending our 2015 ANZAC Day service were the Bell family from Bowenville, in particular, Dulcie Bell sisterin-law of Max and wife of John, old boy (1940-42). Reinforcing the significance of this poignant occasion and ‘Dinger’s’ story was a packet of photos briefly lent to me by Dulcie. The fate of 34 BBC Old Boys was not resolved until post WWII. The truth of Max Bell‘s disappearance was not determined during his parents’ lifetime. Without the doggedness and attention to detail of Huub van Sabben the answer may never have been uncovered. Max’s three siblings: John sadly deceased in 2013 Patricia, Mrs McDougall, Mary Mrs Brimblecombe, Diana Mrs Moorcroft, and family members including Dulcie attended the service at the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, Netherlands, 27 May 1999. Dignitaries namely the Defence Attaché from Bonn, Colonel, Gerry McCormack, the Australian Ambassador from The Hague, Ted Delofoski, members of the Royal Netherlands Air Force and band two RAF air men representing Max’s No 19 Squadron were present at the formal service conducted by the Australian, Rev Dr Stephen Miles based in Cologne, Germany. Important guests were Huub van Sabben, Marinus Diks, Albert Verhoeve the last man to

In 1992, P/O Bell’s Mustang was unearthed,

speak to Max saying, “the war is nearly over”,

and in the wreckage was found Max’s second

as he was marched away at gunpoint. These

flying boot.

partisans were able to point out and recount

Appropriately, the name was changed on the headstone. A memorial service attended by Max’s surviving three sisters, brother and family occurred at the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, Netherlands, on 27 May 1999.

the details of Max’s last day and show the Bell family the field, the restaurant where Max was given his last meal, and his miserable place of captivity. Truly one of the remarkable stories in The Fallen book is that of Maxwell Herron Bell made touchingly real by the family’s 55 year

Canadian official and members of the Dutch

agonizing wait, speaking to Dulcie, and a

Resistance. The grave was opened, and

packet of photos.”



We will bring out the best in you We will educate and enlighten you – not just teach you We will encourage and empower you – not just coach you We encourage you to discover what you’re good at We will help you find confidence by unearthing your talent We see you as a son of the world and the world will always be your playground We know you as the knight, crusader, viking, gladiator, or pirate you are We know you as the real person you are We understand the changing you We know boys, we speak boy We watch you grow and develop from child to man We guide your development into a good quality human being – a gentleman of honour We support you to grow strong in body, strong in character and big in heart We will watch you make mistakes, make robots, make music, make amends and make a difference We will inspire you, back you, nurture you, care for you and about you We will help you develop, evolve and find your special place in the world We know you’ll do well, we’ve watched you win We will watch you go forth with the confidence and capability to change the world.



We know how to stop our boys from looking out of the window. We take them outside. Boys thrive through activity and we use this to drive learning. They’re visual and tactile. Take our Year 7 geography class. Our students use scientific testing to compare the catchments of Toowong Creek, and are encouraged to look at them in the context of the surrounding ecosystem. It’s about turning the theoretical into the practical. Why wait to leave school to experience the real world?

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