Temple University Parent & Family Guide

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Parent & Family GUIDE2022-2023

T H E P O P L A R . C O M 9 0 0 N 9 T H S T R E E T, P HI L A D E L P H I A , P A 1 9 1 2 3 D i s c ov e r m o de r n a p a r t m e n t s c r ea t e d f r o m a n a u t h e nt i c P h i la d e lp h i a w a r e h o u s e w i t h a n e x p a n s i v e r o o f t o p po o l cl u b F ea t u r i n g s t u d i o t o f o u r be d r o o m r e s i de n c e s w i t h e x clu s i v e a cc e s s t o s t un n i n g a m e n i t y s p a c e s i n cl ud i n g a 1 0 , 00 0 s q f t f i t n e s s c e n t e r, c o l l a b o r a t i v e c o w o r k i n g s p a c e a n d m o r e . A M A Z I N G V I E W S A R E J U ST T H E B E G I N N I N G

About This Guide CollegiateParent has published this guide in partnership with Temple University. Our goal is to share helpful, timely information about your student’s college experience and to connect you to relevant campus and community resources. Please refer to the school’s website and contact information below for updates to information in the guide or with questions about its contents. CollegiateParent is not responsible for omissions or errors. This publication was made possible by the businesses and professionals contained within it. The presence of university/ college logos and marks in the guide does not mean that the publisher or school endorses the products or services offered by the CollegiateParentadvertisers.is committed to improving the accessibility of our content. When possible, digital guides are designed to meet the PDF/UA standard and Level AA conformance to WCAG 2.1. Unfortunately, advertisements, campusprovided maps, and other third-party content may not always be entirely accessible. If you experience issues with the accessibility of this guide, please reach out to editor@collegiateparent.com ©2022 CollegiateParent. All rights reserved. Please note that what you see here reflects what Temple’s campus life has looked like both before the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the pandemic. To stay up-to-date on how Temple is keeping our community safe and healthy, temple.edu/coronavirusvisit CollegiateParent 3180 Sterling Circle, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 Advertising Inquiries v (866) 721-1357  CollegiateParent.com/advertisers Design by Morgan Keegan For more information, please contact: New Student & Family Programs 1755 N. 13th St., 318N Philadelphia, PA 19122 Л (215) 204-8531 ƍ parents@temple.edu î orientation.temple.edu

Welcome to Temple University! ......................................................... 6 New Student and Family Programs ..................................................... 8 Temple Family Council ................................................................... 9 Academic Calendar ..................................................................... 10 Academic Degrees and Majors ........................................................ 11 Access to Student Records: FERPA & Proxy Access ............................... 12 Athletics .................................................................................. 13 Campus Recreation ..................................................................... 14 Campus Safety Services ............................................................... 15 Career Center ........................................................................... 16 Dean of Students Office ................................................................ 18 Disability Resources and Services.................................................... 20 Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses......................................... 21 Financial Aid and Billing................................................................ 22 Fly in 4 ................................................................................... 24 Campus Map ............................................................................. 26 GenEd..................................................................................... 28 Good Neighbor Initative ................................................................ 29 Information Technology Services .................................................... 30 Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL) .............. 31 International Student Affairs .......................................................... 32 Office of Parking Services ............................................................. 33 Office of Sustainability ................................................................. 34 OWLcard/Diamond Dollars ............................................................ 35 Student Activities ....................................................................... 36 Student Center Operations and Conferences ....................................... 38 Student Conduct and Community Standards ....................................... 40 Student Health Services ............................................................... 41 Student Success Center ................................................................ 42 Temple Culinary Services ............................................................. 43 Temple University Bookstore ......................................................... 44 Temple University Libraries ........................................................... 45 Title IX .................................................................................... 46 Tuttleman Counseling Services (TCS) ............................................... 47 University Housing and Residential Life (UHRL) ................................... 48 Wellness Resource Center............................................................. 49 Temple University Resource Directory............................................... 50 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5Temple University

As your student prepares to enroll at Temple, you can be confident that projects and adventures outside the classroom will be as rewarding as experiences inside the classroom. Temple University is recognized for its comprehensive academic programs, diverse student body, and proximity to the City of Philadelphia. Temple students have access to myriad events and programs such as: lecture series, cultural performances, world-renowned speakers, and athletic events. Approximately 400 student organizations — focusing on academic, service, and social life — are available

You can be proud to know that your student is among the brightest and most talented class we have ever admitted. I am delighted they have chosen Temple as the place to pursue their higher education and leadership journey. As Vice President for Student Affairs, I want to personally inform you that the staff in the Division of Student Affairs is here to support our students in every possible way.

6 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university


offamilyCongratulationsTemple University!TOonbeingaparent,member,orsupportsystemaTempleUniversitystudent!

Go Owls!

The Division of Student Affairs is a resource that can assist your student in becoming a successful, contributing member of the Temple University Community. Please encourage your student to take the time to carefully examine our various components, as Student Affairs is the beating heart of student life on campus. They can begin by taking advantage of programs and services offered in our state-of-the-art facilities like the Howard Gittis Student Center. Here, students socialize and dine in the food court, enjoy movies in the theatre, prepare for class in the study lounge, attend a reading or lecture, or mingle and unwind in the game room. We are here to help our students achieve academic, personal, and career goals. Please visit the Student Affairs website to learn more about campus life at studentaffairs.temple.edu . I look forward to meeting you and your student this fall. We are all very excited about the journey upon which they are about to embark.

for our students to join. Indeed, student life at Temple is vibrant and alive!

SINCERELY, Theresa A. Powell, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Affairs 7Temple University

New Student and Family Programs Ȱ 1755 N. 13th St., 318N Ȱ Philadelphia, PA 19122 Л (215) 204-8531 ƍ parents@temple.edu î orientation.temple.edu ` facebook.com/TemplePFP q @templensfp New Student and Family Programs’ mission is to integrate new students and families into the Temple community through innovative and inclusive programing. We welcome thousands of students and their family members to Temple each year through the coordination First- year Orientation, Transfer Orientation, and Parent & Family Orientation. These programs are designed to support and ease the transition of students into the Temple community, as well as provide essential information about the campus and community. Parent & Experience PortalFamily Stay connected to Temple University by signing up for the Parent & Family Experience Portal! Your one-stop shop for: • Access to important campus news and deadlines • Personalized newsletters • Announcements via email • Sharing of updates with friends and family To create an account and set up your profile, visit frequencyaccount,users/sign_intemple.campusesp.com/.Onceyoucreateanyoucanselectthetypeandofinformationyoureceive. If your email address or contact information changes, please update this on your Parent & Family Experience profile. 8 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

• Must be a family member of a current Temple undergraduate student.

Objectives: Contribute to shaping the parent and family experience at Temple University. Foster communication between the university and Temple families. Provide strategic input to university administration regarding topics and issues of importance to parents and families. Provide programmatic support serving as volunteers, as needed, at events such as Parent & Family Orientation and Homecoming & Family Weekend. Serve as a regional representative of Temple in your area by acting as a contact person and building relationships with family members in your area. Assist in fundraising efforts in support of Parent & Family Programs. and Expectations:

Temple Family Council

• Participate in scheduled conference calls with Parent & Family Program Coordinator.

The Temple Family Council is a diverse group of highly dedicated Temple family members who volunteer their time and knowledge to enhance the Temple student and family experience.

î orientation.temple.edu/temple-family-council ƍ parents@temple.edu

• Write at least three articles per academic year for the Parent & Family Portal. Interested? Applications occur once a year during the fall semester. The number of family members selected each semester is dependent on the number of available spots.



• Attend two meetings per academic year, one of which will be held during Homecoming & Family Weekend, and the other will occur mid-semester during spring.

Temple University

• Must be willing to serve on the council for at least one academic year.

Academic Calendar Fall Semester 2022 August 16–18 Fall 2022 Move-In August 22 Fall courses begin September 5 Labor Day (no classes held) September 6 Last day to add or drop full term courses September 26–October 10 Midterm progress ratings October 31 Priority registration for Spring 2023 begins November 21–23 Fall Break (no classes held) November 24–27 Thanksgiving holiday (no classes held) December 5 Courses end December 6–7 Study Days December 8–14 Final exams December 15 Winter Break begins December 17 Final grading ends Spring Semester 2023 January 16 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no classes held) January 17 Spring courses begin January 30 Last day to add or drop courses February 20–March 13 Undergraduate midterm progress ratings March 6–March 12 Spring Break (no classes held) March 23 Priority registration for Summer 2023 begins March 30 Priority registration for Fall 2023 begins May 1 Courses end May 2–3 Study Days May 4–10 Final exams May 11 University Commencement May 13 Final grading ends Please note: The above calendar does not include dates related to 7A and 7B courses. Please visit temple.edu/registrar/documents/calendars/22-23.asp to view the full calendar. collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university10

Academic Degrees and Majors Temple University has fiveandprogramsdegree-grantingin17schoolscolleges,includingprofessionalschools. Students take classes on 8 different campuses: Main, Ambler, Center City, Harrisburg, Podiatry, Health Sciences Center, Rome and Japan. For a full list of academic programs, visit: temple.edu/academics Professional Schools • School of Dentistry • School of Law • School of Medicine • School of Pharmacy • School of Podiatric Medicine Schools and Colleges • Boyer College of Music and Dance • College of Education and Human Development • College of Engineering • College of Liberal Arts • College of Public Health • College of Science and Technology • Division of University Studies • Fox School of Business • Lew Klein College of Media and Communications • School of Social Work • School of Theater, Film and Media Arts • School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management • Tyler School of Art and Architecture 11Temple University

A student must designate a parent or family member as a FERPA-waived contact for a University official to disclose academic information. To designate a FERPA-waived contact, your student should follow these steps: Log into TUportal Click on the Student Tools tab. In the Records Channel, click on FERPA Waiver Menu. Click on FERPA Contacts to add or remove a contact. Proxy Access A student can grant others permission to access certain components of their information in their TUPortal. This is called granting Proxy Access, by creating an additional login for a proxy. Students can set up multiple proxies, granting each different access depending upon who they are. A valid e-mail address of the proxy is required for access. To grant someone Proxy Access, your student should follow these steps: Log in to TUportal using your AccessNet username and password. Click on Self-Service under TUAPPLICATIONS.Banner link Click on Student menu tab. Click on FERPA Waivers menu item and then select Proxy Access. Click on Add Proxy. Students have the authority to make changes to FERPA Waiver and Proxy Access permissions at any time.




FERPA Waiver

As required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Temple University cannot disclose a student’s non-directory education records without the student’s written consent or without proof that the student is the tax dependent of the parent. Examples of educational records include grades, course schedules, disciplinary actions, and financial records. We encourage you to have an open and honest conversation with your student about FERPA to gain a mutual understanding of the expectations you have of each other regarding your access to their educational records. Once a mutual understanding has been reached, your student can complete a FERPA Waiver and Proxy Access form in their TUportal.

Access to Student Records: FERPA & Proxy Access





12 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university




Athletics î owlsports.com ` Temple Owls _ @TempleOwls q @TempleOwls Temple Athletics consists of 19 Men’s and Women’s varsity athletic teams that compete at the Division 1 level. The university is a member of the American Athletic Conference (AAC) and several of Temple’s teams participate as members of the Big East Conference and the East Atlantic Gymnastics League. Temple students receive 1 free ticket to all Temple Athletic events providing them with a great experience cheering on the Cherry and White! All Fridays before a home football game there will be a Pep Rally by the Bell Tower! Free bus shuttles leave from 1300, J&H and The Student Center 3 hours prior to each game. As part of our #CherryOn Fridays everyone on campus wears Cherry! #CHERRYON 13Temple University

• Pools 30, Lower Level: Recreational swimming, with specific hours identified for lap swim only. Water Aerobics sessions and swim lessons are also offered.

14 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university


Temple Sports Complex (TSC) Ȱ Master Street between 13th and Broad Streets

Aramark Student Training and Recreation (STAR) Complex 1800 N. 15th Street

• Main Office: Campus Recreation information hub is also where program registration and membership fees are collected.

Ȱ Pearson and McGonigle Halls, Ste 303 Л (215) 204-1267 ƍ campusrec@temple.edu î campusrecreation.temple.edu ` templecrec _ @ TempleCampusRec q @tu_campus_rec Temple University Campus Recreation is the coordinating office for recreational sports programs on Main Campus. More than 4,000 students, faculty, and staff participate daily in one or more of the various activities offered by our department. These activities include intramurals (men’s, women’s, and co-rec), sport clubs, informal recreation, special events and programs, group fitness, adapted recreation, aquatics, and student staff development.

• Climbing Wall : Features a 31-foot climbing wall and a 14-foot bouldering wall.

Pearson and McGonigle Halls (PMcG) Ȱ 1800 N. Broad Street (Broad and Montgomery Streets)


Recreation Facilities

Features three floors of fitness areas, including free weights, cardiovascular machines, group fitness rooms, martial arts room, racquetball courts, indoor track, and outdoor multi-purpose court.

Quality recreational opportunities greatly enhance the campus life experience for students, faculty, and staff. Access to these facilities is through a valid Temple University ID with recreation access privileges assigned.

Independence Blue Cross Student Recreation Center (IBC) 1701 N. 15th Street

• Multipurpose Courts: 35,426 sq. ft. of court space used for basketball, volleyball, and badminton, as well as a golf driving range.


Outdoor complex containing two fields utilized by Sport Clubs and Intramural programs with a 6-lane track typically open to the Temple community on non-event days.

Campus Recreation

• Indoor Turf : Used by our Sport Club program and is not open for general use.


• Weight Room: 8,000 sq. ft. of weight room space. Outdoor Field Complex 15th Street and Polett Walk 342,450 square feet including grass oval and the turf fields with lights as well as outdoor tennis courts and a sand volleyball court available for general student use.

Campus Safety Services Ȱ 1101 W. Montgomery Avenue Л (215) 204-1234 ƍ police@temple.edu î safety.temple.edu Safety is not just in our title – it’s in everything we do. Our mission is to serve the university community, to protect person and property, and to enforce university policies as well as local, state and federal laws. We offer many resources and programs to complement our law enforcement initiatives but central to our success is working collaboratively with you to make our campus as safe as possible. We appreciate your assistance and cooperation, as public safety is a shared responsibility. Well-trained police and security personnel staff Campus Safety Services. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist Temple students, employees, and visitors. Temple University has many safety features including five locations throughout campus, extensive lighting, Code Blue emergency phones, a state-of-the-art camera system, and an integrated computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system linked to the Philadelphia Police Communication Center’s CAD system. Our newest technology is RAVE Temple Guardian, a one-touch mobile app that provides direct communication with Temple University Police. We encourage you to review our Annual Security and Fire Safety Report to learn more about our department and services. Services Offered • Bike registration • Fingerprinting • Flight shuttle service • Walking escorts • RAVE Temple Guardian • Self-defense workshops • Temple University Emergency Medical Services (TUEMS) Campus Safety Services Locations • 1101 W. Montgomery Avenue • 1801 N. 11th Street • Polett and Beasley Walks • 1513 Cecil B. Moore Avenue • 1600 N. Park Avenue Temple Police Patrol Map Main Campus Visit safety.temple.edu to review the Main Campus patrol map. 15Temple University

In addition, the Career Center delivers access to a full suite of tailored online resources to support your student in identifying relevant career information, opportunities, and enhancing their professional brand.

Our staff also provides expert advice and feedback on a wide variety of professional documents, ranging from resume creation to working on their graduate school application.

Career Center Ȱ 220 Mitten Hall Л (215) 204-7981 ƍ careercenter@temple.edu î careercenter.temple.edu î @TempleCareers q @Templecareers q @TUCareersInColor ] Temple University Career Center The Temple University Career Center is a central resource that builds successfulservices,careercomprehensiveandandtherelationshipscollaborativeamongTemplecommunityempowersstudentsalumnithroughdevelopmentdrivingcareers. Our career coaching staff provide expert advice for students to confidently navigate individual career success. Students work with the career center to assess their strengths and identify goals along with the action steps to reach them. Spread your wings with the Career Center! Make Your Path We work directly with your student to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to direct their own career success. When they make a coaching appointment, they will work with our career coaches to assess their strengths, identify their goals, and develop tangible action steps to reach them.

16 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Beyond the University Career Center, your student has access to a much larger Career Network across campus. Our Career Coaches collaborate closely with network partners in specific schools/colleges to coordinate tailored professional development experiences.

EXPLORE • Take advantage of our career coaching services and self-assessments for career exploration. • Receive guidance on choosing a major. • Utilize several 24/7 online resources to strengthen career development. • Explore and grow through quality career development and employer events and career fairs. GROW • Visit us for a free headshot to use on LinkedIn and Handshake. • Build your LinkedIn profile and resume with help from our career coaches and 24/7 resources. • Customize and tailor your resume and cover letter with the use of Job Scan and career coach support. • Gain experiential learning opportunities and make connections at career network events. • Meet employers hiring Temple Owls at Career Fairs and employer events each semester. FLY • Customize the search for internships, on-campus opportunities, and jobs using Handshake. • Prepare for Interviews with our online interview prep resources and mock interviews with a career coach. • Learn work etiquette tips and how to negotiate salary. • Get support from a coach in planning for graduate or professional school. 17Temple University

The Dean of Students office provides assistance to students and their parents/ families in an effort to ensure co-curricular learning and overall collegiate success.

The Cherry Pantry


More information about how students can access the Cherry Pantry, as well as how you can donate to the cause can be found deanofstudents.temple.edu/cherry-pantryat


The Dean’s office also responds to student emergency and crisis situations through leading the university’s CARE Team (Crisis Assessment Response and Education) and serves as a resource to faculty and staff who have concerns about a student.

Ȱ Howard Gittis Student Center, Ste 304 Л (215) 204-7188 î deanofstudents.temple.edu ` Temple University Dean of Students _ @TempleUDoS q @TempleUDoS Dean of Students TheOfficemissionof the Dean of Students Office is to ENGAGE, DEVELOP and RETAIN Temple students by providing them with supportive services, advocacy and education.

The Cherry Pantry is the the University’s food pantry. It is designed to combat hunger insecurity and provide nutritious emergency food for the Temple community.

ResourcesDisability and Services Ȱ Howard Gittis Student Center South 420S, 4th floor Л (215) 204-1280 ƍ drs@temple.edu î disabilityresources.temple.edu Disability Resources and Services supports students with disabilities. Our coordinators work with students who encounter barriers to success or full participation in all university programs and services. We help students and instructors understand what steps they can take to be successful in removing those barriers. Services • Pre-matriculation information and support as students transition from high school or another college • Orientation and placement assessment accommodations • Accessible housing requests • Academic accommodations • Assistive technology • Scholarships • Peer support group 20 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

How to start the process


Students should attend a Foundations of Study Abroad information session and speak with their Academic Advisor about their academic plan.  What kind of support will you offer my student? Guidance in choosing a program, predeparture preparation, on-site support for Temple programs, and sessions for returned students. We also encourage students to take ownership of the process to gain independence and become more prepared for their time abroad. University

is your student ready for the GLOBAL MARKET? EXPLORE OPTIONS AROUND THE WORLD AND GAIN: Foreign language skills Internship experience Increased GlobalNetworkingindependenceopportunitiesperspectives studyabroad.temple.edu Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses Ȱ 200 Tuttleman Learning Center Л (215) 204-0720 ƍ study.abroad@temple.edu î studyabroad.temple.edu ` TUabroad q @templeuabroad Education Abroad strives to strengthen international education, providing access to quality study abroad opportunities that help students acquire knowledge, gain experience for professional success, and develop life skills needed to become competent, engaged global citizens. What and where can my student study? Almost anywhere! Students can choose from a broad range of courses and internships at Temple campuses in Rome and Tokyo; exchange partnerships in Australia, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East; language and cultural immersion in Oviedo, Spain; faculty-led summer programs worldwide; school/college options and external partner programs expand offerings to maximize the possibilities for students year-round.

Financialand BillingAid Student Financial Services Ȱ Ground Floor, Carnell Hall Л (215) 204-2244 ƍ sfs@temple.edu î sfs.temple.edu Bursar’s Office Ȱ 115 Carnell Hall Л (215) 204-7269 ƍ bursar@temple.edu î bursar.temple.edu Please join our virtual line to select a telephone or video call appointment with a financial aid representative, sfs.temple.edu/about/appointments The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) assists students and their families with the financial aid process, financial counseling, and planning. Temple University’s Bursar’s Office assists students with tuition and fees information, billing, and payments. Financial Aid Financial Aid offers are available to review in the Student Financial Services (SFS) channel in the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal. Students must review and complete all financial aid requirements shown in the SFS channel. Parents should review the Financial Aid Resource for Incoming Students & Their Families handbook available in the Forms section of the SFS website for helpful information, including loan borrowing options. 22 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Scholarship Search

Temple University’s tuition rates vary by school or college, student level, residency, etc. Use the student tuition calculator to estimate your tuition, fees, housing, and meal plan (if applicable) at topaymentfees/tuition-ratesbursar.temple.edu/tuition-and-.Youcanalsoentermethodstohelpdeterminehowfinanceyourstudent’seducation.

Student Direct DepositRefunds:

Students can review the scholarship search tool through iGrad, Temple’s Financial Literacy tool. iGrad is a free online resource available to students in the Bursar channel in the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal.

Temple University

Tuition Calculator

Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit for their student refunds. With direct deposit, refunds are available sooner and safely deposited directly into the student’s bank account rather than waiting for checks to arrive in the mail. To sign up for direct deposit, select TUpay with the Costs and Aid tab on TUportal. In TUpay, select Student Choice Refunds and then follow the prompts.

TUpay: Authorized Payers TUpay is Temple’s online student account and payment system. An Authorized Payer is someone the student grants access to TUpay on their behalf to view the student account as well as make online payments. Authorized Payers also receive balance due notification emails when they are issued. Your student must set you up as an Authorized Payer via the Student Tools tab in the TuPortal. The Authorized Payer will receive an email with the URL to access TUpay and instructions for creating a password. You can visit bursar.temple.edu/how-to-videos to watch a video on how to access TUpay and how your student can create Authorized Payers.



What are my theresponsibilitiesstudent’sunderplan?

How does Fly in 4 work?

Students are required to consult with an academic advisor each semester; register during early registration; advance annually in class standing; and complete a graduation review at or prior to completing 90 credits. Students must sign and submit the Fly in 4 partnership agreement in TUportal during the add/drop period in their first semester at Temple to be eligible.

Fly in 4 is Temple’s innovative way of getting your student’s future on the fast track.

To pay for their education, some Temple students (particularly those from middleand low-income backgrounds) work a number of hours each week at off-campus jobs, which prevents them from graduating on time and adds to the debt they acquire for living expenses. To help remedy that situation, Fly in 4 will provide $4,000 annual grants to 500 students with demonstrated need in each incoming class, so those students can focus less on working and more on finishing their degrees. Under Fly in 4, Temple will also provide all incoming first-year students with the tools and incentives to graduate on time, including academic plans and advising that keep them on track and classes that are offered when students need them. If students fulfill all of the responsibilities of the plan but still can’t graduate on time, Temple will pay for any remaining coursework.


The Fly in 4 partnership guarantees that your student can complete their degree on time — or Temple will pay for their remaining coursework. Like most partnerships, both sides have to do their parts for it to work. For its part, Temple provides your student with the resources they need to graduate in four years, like academic advising and classes offered when they need them. The best part? There is no penalty if they opt out of the agreement or if they take longer than four years to graduate.

Fly in 4 Ȱ 1801 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 ƍ flyin4@temple.edu î fly.temple.edu

Modern 1- & 2-BR Apartments Steps From Campus DORM-STYLE PRICING STARTS AT JUST $425/PERSON • APPLY ONLINE Private bathrooms In-unit washer & dryer Pet friendly Fully-equipped fitness center Community lounge area with billiards and ping pong table Card-controlled building access On-site parking available Included in Temple security patrol loop TAKE A VIRTUAL OR FACETIME TOUR OR SCHEDULE A PERSONAL VISIT TODAY! 215.236.8862 •TUHOUSING@PMCPROPERTYGROUP.COM LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE AT TEMPLE UNIVERSITYTEXT833.945.2263TOLEARNMOREPMCPROPERTYGROUP.COM/TU University Apartments 1500 N. 15th St., Philadelphia COMMUNITY LOUNGE AREA WITH BILLIARDS AND PING PONG TABLE PET FRIENDLY

Campus Map DIAMONDST. SUSQUEHANNA JOHNNYRINGTERRACE TENNISCOURTS BROADST. BROADST. 15thST. 16thST. CARLISLEST. 13thST. CAMACST. PARKAVE. LIACOURASWALKWILLINGTONST. WATTSST. BEASLEY'SWALK NORRISST. PAGEST. FONTAINST. MONTGOMERYAVE. CECILB.MOOREAVE. OXFORD BERKSST. VOLLEYBALLSAND LIACOURASLIACOURASCENTERVISITORSPARKINGCENTERVISITORSPARKING 69 51 35 36 40 58 6 46 10 61 11 7 33 62 16 42 48 57 12 35. Hardwick Hall (student housing/dining) C3 36. Johnson Hall (student housing) C3 37. Kardon Building (privately developed housing) B9, C9–10 38. Klein Hall (law) E5–6, F5–6 39. The Liacouras Center F4–5, G5 39A. Esther Boyer Theater F5 39B. Independence Blue Cross Recreation Center G5 40. Mitten Hall (Diamond Club) D4, E4 41. Mitchell and Hilarie Morgan Hall (student housing/food court) F6–7, G6–8 42. Newman Center (Catholic center) B2, C2 43. O’Connor Plaza/Founder’s Garden D5–6, E5 44. Oxford Village (privately developed housing) G5, H5–6 45. Paley Hall D6–7 46. Pearson and McGonigle Halls E3–4, F3–5 46A. OWLtech store E5 47. Presser Hall (music) C4–5 48. Public Safety Station G4 49. Ritter Complex (education) E6–7, F7 49A. Ritter Hall Annex/Kiva Auditorium F7 49B. Walk Auditorium E6–7 50. Rock Hall F6 51. Edward H. Rosen Hillel Center for Jewish Life D2 52. Science Education and Research Center C6–7 53. Shusterman Hall E5 54. Speakman Hall (sport, tourism and hospitality management) D6, E5–6 55. Sullivan Hall (administration) D5, E5 56. Leon H. Sullivan Human Services Center H9 57. Susquehanna-Dauphin Subway Station (SEPTA) B1 58. Temple Performing Arts Center E4–5 59 Temple Towers (student housing) E9, F8–9 60 Temple University Regional Rail Station (SEPTA) B8–9 61. Tomlinson Theater C4 62. TU Pavilion E3 63. Tuttleman Learning Center D6–7, E6–7 64. Tyler School of Art and Architecture B4–5, C4–5 65. University Village (privately developed housing) C10, D10–11 66. Wachman Hall (computer science/ mathematics) E5 67. Weiss Hall (psychology) E7–8, F7–8 68. Welcome Center/TECH Center D7–8 69. James S. White Hall (student housing) C1–2 1. 1300 Residence Hall (student housing) F7–8, G8 2. 1510 Cecil B. Moore Ave. G4–5 3. 1700 N. Broad St. F5–6, G5 4. 1810 Liacouras Walk E5 5. 1938 Liacouras Walk (international affairs) D4 6. 1940 Residence Hall (student housing) E3–4 7. 2026 N. Broad St. (IDEAL) D2 8. Alter Hall (business) E6 9. Anderson Hall (humanities) C7 10. Annenberg Hall (media and communication/ film and media arts) C3–4 11. Aramark STAR (Student Training and Recreation) Complex F2–3 12. Architecture Building C4 13. Atlantic Terminal (privately developed housing) C10 14. Avenue North complex G5–7, H6 14A. The Edge at Avenue North (privately developed housing) G5–6, H6 14B. The Shops at Avenue North G6–7 14C. Temple University Fitness (second floor) G6 15. Barrack Hall (law) E4–5 16. Beech International Village (privately developed housing) G4, H4 17. Bell Tower/ Lenfest Circle D6 18. Beury Hall (geology and chemistry) C5, D5–6 19. Biology-Life Sciences Building C6, D6 20. Campus Police substations 20A Center Station D4–5 20B. Morgan Hall Station F7 21. Campus Police Administration D8 22. Campus Police Security Station D8 23. Carnell Hall E5 24. Cecil B. Moore Subway Station and Plaza (SEPTA) F6 25. Charles Library C4–5, D4–5 26. Conwell Hall (undergraduate admissions) E5 27. Conwell Inn D5 28. Edberg-Olson Athletic Hall A5–6 29. Engineering Building C6 30. Entertainment and Community Education Center (home of WRTI) G4–5 31. Facilities Management Building C9, D9 32. Howard Gittis Student Center E7–8 32A. Student Center North/ bookstore and food court [includes Diamond Dollars office (student ID cards)] E7 32B. Student Center South E7–8 33. Geasey Outdoor Field Complex E1–2, F2 34. Gladfelter Hall (social sciences) C7 – Must-see spot – Police station – University dining options – SEPTA Regional Rail & Broad Street Line – Parking KEY TO C AMPUS MAP 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|


ƍ gened@temple.edu Л (215) 204-6248 î undergradstudies.temple.edu /about/g The GenEd office oversees the required curriculum for Temple undergraduate students. What are GenEds? GenEd is the required curriculum for all Temple undergrads. Every Temple undergraduate student must complete GenEd area requirements by transferring in credits, taking GenEd courses at Temple, or receiving waivers for one or more requirements. Why do Temple students have to take GenEds? There are skills and knowledge we want to be sure all Temple undergraduate students practice and learn about before graduation. The competencies and area built into your student's GenEd classes describe skills and habits of mind that are important not only in an academic context but are also sought after by employers and central to their civic participation. How do students find GenEds? Students can browse a list of GenEd courses that fulfill each area in the Temple bulletin GenEdOrientation/viewedu/hapi/v1/contents/permalinks/YearViewtofindTUPortalSchedule"Yourgeneral-education/#GenEd_Courses(bulletin.temple.edu/undergraduate/).studentcanalsogoto"PlanYouror"BrowsetheSchedule"inandusetheAttributefiltertoaGenEdarea,andthenusekeywordssearchfortopicsthatinterestthem.theGenEdOrientatinforFirstStudentsatensemble.temple.. GenEd 28 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Good InitiativeNeighbor Temple University 29

Л (215) 204-6248 î goodneighbor.temple.edu

The Good Neighbor Initiative educates students about how to contribute positively to the North Central Philadelphia community. It is important that students understand the history of the neighborhoods around campus and act in ways that develop positive relationships between themselves and their neighbors, both long-term residents, and students. What do you recommend I do to help prepare my student for living off campus for the first time? Consider the things that you do to create and respect the community in which you live. What are some of those things that students may not be aware of you doing? Simple examples include introducing yourself to your next-door neighbor, rules about trash and recycling, or being respectful with noise. Small acts can go a long way in developing a community. Make sure that your student understands these things. How does Good Neighbor help students? We provide students with useful information about being members of the community. This includes tips about city resources and notable locations, ways to connect with neighbors, and how to respectfully move into/out of their apartments.

What kind of technology does my student need?

Are there computers on campus that my student can use? There are a number of computer labs on Main Campus, as well as at Temple’s other campuses, such as the Health Sciences Center (HSC) TECH Center. Most labs feature workstations with general and specialized software, and printing for lab workstations and wireless devices where students can take advantage of their print quota.

Can my student get tech support on campus?


ƍ help @temple.edu Л (215) 204-8000 î its.temple.edu

On Main Campus, there is also the TECH Center; Temple’s computer facility housing Windows and Mac workstations equipped with specialized software, break-out rooms, specialty labs, and specialty printing stations.

We offer tech support to Temple students at no additional cost through the Help Desk (its.temple.edu/technical-support).

See our Shopper’s Guide (its.temple. edu/shoppersguide) to see if a specific computer configuration is recommended or required for a particular school, college or program. If no particular configuration is needed, see the Shopper’s Guide section on suggested minimum recommendations.

Students can also borrow a laptop from our Laptop Share kiosks for up to four hours and return it to any kiosk around campus.

The guide also has information on hardware and software discounts, and where to shop for technology.

The Help Desk provides a wide range of technology, application, and university support and offers extensive hours throughout the year to assist students by phone, email, chat, and walk-in services.

Information Technology Services (ITS) provides technology support, resources, and innovative solutions in alignment with academic, research, and administrative goals.

30 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Temple students also have access to Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud at no additional charge so you don’t have to purchase these software programs.

(IDEAL)LeadershipAdvocacyEquity,Diversity,Institutionaland Ȱ 2026 N. Broad Street Л (215) 204-7303 ƍ ideal@temple.edu î diversity.temple.edu ` @templediversity _ @templediversity q @templediversity Mission Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL) embodies Temple University’s commitment to sustain and nurture a strong, inclusive campus community, capitalizing on our demographic diversity to inspire meaningful engagement across identity groups in all their various forms.  Authoring a Better Tomorrow Institutional Diversity (IDEAL) creates a sense of belonginess for students by providing social program, dialogues, and immersive experiences. IDEAL thrives in creating a brave environment that stimulates identity exploration, authentic conversations, and social change. Programming and Services • Owl Talk Dialogues • Queer Lunch Dialogues • South Africa – Global Experiential Learning • National Coming Out Week • Cultural Unity Week • Cultural & Ethnic Identity resources • Rite of Passage Ceremony • Lavender Graduation • Safe Zone Certification • Speaker/Film Series • Student Advocacy • LGBTQIA+ resources Diversity Peers IDEAL have 10–13 trained student leaders that facilitate workshops, plan student programming, and provide diversity consultations. These students utilize an intersectional lens to foster visibility, empowerment, and awareness for principles that promote a socially aware campus. 31Temple University

StudentInternationalAffairs Ȱ 1938 Liacouras Walk, 2nd Floor Л (215) 204-9562 ƍ intl@temple.edu î isss.tem student-affairsple.edu/internationalThe globalandstudentsprepareandarrayimplementingcommitteddepartmentStudentInternationalAffairsistoadiverseofprogramseventsthatallTempletosucceedbecomecompetentcitizens. We value the unique experiences and perspectives international students bring to Temple and provide personalized support to help them succeed. Our office supports thousands of students each year and we truly enjoy seeing each one make friends and become leaders on campus! We plan events and activities in conjunction with campus partners to ensure our international students are knowledgeable about campus resources and have many opportunities to socialize during their transition to Temple. Some of our signature programs and services include: Peer2Peer Mentoring, the First-Year Global Living Learning Community, our #YouAreWelcomeHereWeek program, Thanksgiving Dinner hosting program, the International Student Advisory board, and more. If your family is interested in hosting international students for a fun and memorable Thanksgiving dinner at your home, please email us at intl@temple.edu 32 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Office of Parking Services

credit or debit card.


Permit Due to Covid-19, all parking permits must be purchased online at t2hosted.com/cmn/auth.aspxtempleparking..Youcan log

ƍ parking@temple.edu î

33Temple University

Temple University has a variety of parking options at its Main, Health Sciences Center, and Ambler campuses. For its Center City campus, Temple has negotiated parking discounts with nearby garages. pride ourselves on providing affordable, convenient, and secure parking to the Temple community, and look forward to helping your student park with ease.


Does my student receive an assigned parking spot? No, students are not assigned a specific space in their assigned parking lot/ garage and may park in any available space that does not have signage restricting certain vehicles (examples: Reserved, Handicapped, etc.). However, your student must park in their assigned parking lot or garage, since their permit is only valid for one facility. 204-5301 temple.edu/parking

First-year students, or freshmen, are welcome to bring their cars with them to campus and can park in whatever facility fits their needs. a Parking in using your student’s Accessnet username and password and pay using a The permit will be mailed to the address on your student’s account, so make sure that it is updated with their correct mailing address.

Л (215)

First-Year Student Parking

• Create, implement and manage programs and events that advance climate action and environmental justice.

Office Sustainabilityof î sustainability.temple.edu Temple University's commitment to sustainability has a profound impact on the health and quality of life of a large and diverse population within Temple and its surrounding community.


What We Do The Office of Sustainability's mission is to lead the integration of sustainability into Temple University's curriculum, research, culture, building design and campus operations.

• To develop policies that promote and support environmental best practices.

The Office of Sustainability's main objectives are: To be a Climate Change Leader and execute Temple University's Climate Action Plan.

• Establish metrics and track institutional performance.sustainability collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

DiamondOWLcard/Dollars ƍ owlcard@temple.edu Л (215) 204-3140 î fi nance.temple.edu/owlcard Our office manages OWLcard production. We provide both OWLcard Mobile access for Apple devices and Androids. Additionally, we manage Diamond Dollars and the vendors around campus that accept the program. Feel free to contact us about any of these areas. What kind of online resources do you offer? Does my student need a physical OWLcard?

How should my student obtain an OWLcard if needed?


Students should make an appointment with our office to come in for their OWLcard. Our office is in Suite 101 of the Howard Gittis Student Center. We are on the same floor as the Food Court in the back left corner as you go up the main stairs. The site for appointments is Booktuod.timetap.com . How do I add Diamond Dollars? You can add Diamond Dollars in our office with cash or check. You can also deposit with a credit card via our website (available through TUportal), or with tuition billing for the first few weeks of the semester (also through our website via TUportal). Temple University

The university now offers an OWLcard Mobile solution for both Apple and Android devices. For most areas on campus, the OWLcard Mobile is enough. Students will need a physical OWLcard if they will have a student worker position that requires swiping at a time clock on campus, or will utilize Temple's Parking Facilities. If not, the OWLcard Mobile solution will suffice.

Student Activities supports about 30 recognized fraternities and sororities.

Recognized OrganizationsStudent(RSO)

Student Activities

Student Activities supports and empowers student organizations as they enhance campus culture with their events, ideas, and leadership. With organizations devoted to everything from competitive dance to academic development to community involvement, chances are we have a registered organization for your student. Our office provides these organizations with advisement, leadership opportunities, and programming assistance.

Student Activities is the way to make new friends, join organizations, explore the city, and enjoy your time outside of the classroom!

Fraternity and Sorority Life focuses on empowering one another, engaging with our community, exploring our identities, ensuring health and safety, and enhancing the co-curricular experience. Information about all active organizations is provided in the community report on our website.



Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)

MCPB is a student-led organization that plans some of the largest events at Temple. From trips to Broadway, campus concerts, and weekly Night Owl events, students craft responsive programming with social, cultural, and educational topics in mind. with Student Activities staff, MCPB plans and implements programs during Weeks of Welcome (WoW) and Homecoming and Family Weekend.



Temple GovernmentStudent(TSG) serves the Temple community by advocating and representing student voice experience. encourages all students to exercise their democratic rights and explore the intricacies of representative government. all unite,


they do, TSG strives to serve,




Main Campus Program Board

and build. Service ProgramImmersion(SIP) SIP actively engages Temple University students in meaningful experiences that foster cultural awareness, global understanding, and social responsibility through learning, service, and reflection. Students can apply to participate in one of our programs during the fall semester. Ȱ Howard Gittis Student Center, Ste 219M Л (215) 204-7131 ƍ studentactivities@temple.edu î studentactivities.temple.edu ` TUActivities _ @TUActivities q @TUActivities 37Temple University

What's Inside: Cherry Pantry, Starbucks, UPS, Credit Union, Temple University Bookstore, two PNC ATM’s, Laptop Loan Kiosk, and more!

The Game Room: Billiards, table tennis, foosball, air hockey, and a big screen TV lounge


Student OperationsCenterandConferences Ȱ Howard Gittis Student Center, 219M Л (215) 204-7131 ƍ hgscinfo@temple.edu î studentcenter.temple.edu As one of many areas within the Division of Student Affairs, the Student Centers play a vital role in support and development of students as part of the greater campus community. We also cater programs and services to a larger audience including campus departments, schools, and colleges, as well as the local and regional community.

Main Campus – Howard Gittis Student Center Video Game Lounge: New in Spring 2022, featuring two PlayStation 5 consoles, two Nintendo Switch consoles, and an Xbox console

The “Reel” Cinema: A full digital surround theater showing current movies with fresh concessions


The Howard Gittis Student Center (HGSC) on Main Campus and the Student Faculty Center (SFC) on the Health Sciences Campus serve as a community hub for informal interaction with lounge and food service spaces and host other fun spots including Game Room, Cinema, and Recreation programs. Our facilities are also available to student organizations, faculty, staff, and the public, to host events small and large in our variety of event spaces across campus.

The Graphics Media Center: A full-service design studio for students, faculty, and staff including large format printing and graphic design

39Temple University

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (SCCS) is committed to working with students, faculty, and staff in an effort to create a campus community of integrity and respect. Services include administration of the Student Conduct Code and the conduct process, educational sanctioning and programming, and case consultation(s) with student, families, faculty, and staff.

At your student’s request, family members are welcome to participate in the student conduct process and attend all associated hearings and meetings as personal advisors/persons of support.

SCCS will not contact you directly if your student is charged with a violation of the Student Conduct Code. However, your student will be encouraged to speak with you about the incident and to include you in the student conduct process.

SCCS will notify you in writing if your student is under the age of 21 and is found responsible for violating any provision/section of the university Drug and Alcohol Policy. SCCS will be able to share specific case information with you if your student has waived their FERPA rights. If the FERPA rights have not been waived, the office staff will be able to speak with you about disciplinary procedures but will not be able to share specific case information with you.


Student Conduct and StandardsCommunity


Л (215) 204-3286 ƍ sccs@temple.edu î studentconduct.temple.edu

Student Health Services Ȱ 1700 North Broad Street, 4th Floor Л (215) 204-7500 ƍ studenthealth@temple.edu î studenthealth.temple.edu Student Health Services strives to promote a high standard of health among Temple University students through programs in preventive medicine and health education, in addition to diagnosis and treatment of injury and illness. Care providers include doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses. Services offered at the Main and Health Science campuses include basic medical care, an immunization/allergy injection clinic, women's health, nutritional consultation, HIV testing, and a self-care center. Please visit studenthealth.temple.edu for the latest information on COVID 19 and any changes to our services. How does my student make a routine or future appointment on main campus? Students can call us to set up routine or future appointments. Examples of future or routine appointments include: • Medication refills • TB testing and Immunizations • COVID testing • COVID Vaccine, Flu shot, Hepatitis B, Meningitis, MMR, etc. • Annual and gynecologicalinitialexams • Birth control starts and refills • Follow-up appointments • Nutrition consults Additional services listed on website. How does my student make an urgent or same day appointment? There are multiple ways a student can schedule a same day appointment: • Students can log on to Patient Health Portal by going to shs-portal.temple. edu/login.aspx and log in using their Accessnet username and password. • Students can call (215) 2047500 to make an appointment. 41Temple University

CenterSuccessStudent ƍ ssc@temple.edu Л ( 215) 204-0702 î studentsuccess.temple.edu The Student Success Center (SSC) is a comprehensive academic support center serving Temple students. We offer an array of free programs and services including tutoring, coaching, group study sessions, workshops, and more. Our services are open to all Temple students—grad and undergrad—from all academic disciplines. What services does the Student Success Center offer? • Academic Coaching • Conversation Partners • Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Program • STEM Learning Lab • Writing Center Accessing Student Success Center’s Services Students can get information about accessing each of our services, including how to make appointments, by visiting our website (studentsuccess.temple. edu). Students can also stay informed about the latest SSC news by signing up for our newsletter or following us on Instagram @templessc Who are the tutors, coaches, and peer facilitators that work in your center? Our staff includes more than 150 graduate and undergraduate student-workers, and they represent a wide range of academic programs and disciplines. The students who work at the SSC come to us through a competitive hiring process and are chosen because of their high levels of academic achievement as well as their strong orientation toward helping others. All our staff members participate in extensive and ongoing professional development activities. 42 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Temple Culinary Services Л (215) 204-5374 ƍ aramark@temple.edu î temple.campusdish.com ` TempleDining _ @TempleDining q @TempleDining Temple Culinary Services offers flexible Meal Plans and a variety of dining locations for students, making campus life convenient. Whether you’re living in oncampus housing, or have a local apartment, our goal is to nourish students, tend to any dietary restrictions, and to provide delicious and affordable food options. How do Meal Plans work? Board Swipes Use board swipes at our all-you-careto-eat dining halls, J&H and Morgan. Meal Equivalencies This part of your Meal Plan can be used in many of our retail locations, like Bento Sushi, Chick-fil-A, Panda Express, Saladworks, and more. Meal Equivalency is valued up to $9.25 per transaction. New students (first year/transfer) with housing contracts through University Housing and Residential Life (UHRL) on main campus are required to purchase a minimum Meal Plan of 10 Meals Per Week. To add or change a Meal Plan: login to the TUPortal and select the MyHousing / Meal Plans link. Meal Plan billing inquiries: contact housing@temple.edu WeeklyPlans SwipesBoard EquivalenciesMeal Unlimited Unlimited 14 15 PerMealsWeek 7 8 12 PerMealsWeek 6 6 10 PerMealsWeek 5 5 5 PerMealsWeek 2 3 Block Plans SwipesBoard EquivalenciesMeal Block 100 25 75 Block 50 15 35 Use the Find your Fit Questionnaire PlanFindYourFit(temple.campusdish.com/MealPlans/)tohelpyouchooseaMealthatworkswithyourschedule! 43Temple University

How can my student order their books online and receive them?

Temple BookstoreUniversity Л (215) 204-4494 ƍ sm693@bncollege.com î temple.edu/bookstore The Temple University Bookstore Templesupplies,textbooks,everythinghasfromschoolandapparel.

Students may order textbooks directly through their TU Portal or by going to our website and entering their course schedule. The Bookstore can ship online orders directly to students for a nominal fee. Students may also pick up in-store for no charge.

Students may purchase textbooks new at full price or used for a reduced price. Some titles are also available to rent for a further reduced price. Renting a textbook allows students to use a textbook for the entire term (including during exams) for a reduced price. Students may highlight and write in rental books. This is advantageous for non-major-based courses or noncontinuation courses. Digital versions are also available for certain titles.

Textbooks are the third greatest expense for college students; the Bookstore strives to offer savings on all course materials.

Do you price match? Yes, we price match with Amazon and Barnes & Noble as long as the book is in stock and in the same condition. We do not price match with thirdparty vendors from these sites. collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university


What buying options are available for textbooks?

LibrariesUniversityTemple We host free workshops and events and offer access to the latest technology including 3D printers and VR equipment. Each discipline has its own librarian, and students can access help in person or from home. Whatever the next school year brings, we’ll get your student the support they need. Opened in 2019, Charles Library has a makerspace, dedicated event and exhibit space, and one of the largest green roofs in Pennsylvania. Charles Library is designed to inspire collaboration, innovation, and discovery, answering the question: what is a library in the 21st century? And while we’re more than books, we have those too: more than four million physical and digital titles, over 260,000 print and electronic journal subscriptions, over 700 research databases, and a broad universe of special collections, including rare books, manuscripts, archives, and photographs. Ȱ 1900 N. 13th Street Л (215) 204-8212 ƍ asktulibrary@temple.edu î library.temple.edu ` Temple Libraries _ @Templelibraries q @tulibraries Temple University Libraries is your one-stop shop for information, research help, study space, and everything in between. 45Temple University

What type of support can students receive through the Title IX Office?

Whether or not a student files a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator can provide the student with academic support as well as helping the student get connected with university resources that include, but are not limited to counseling, healthcare services, and the police. How can a student get connected with the Title IX Office?

A student can get in touch with the Title IX Office directly by phone, email, or by stopping into the office. There is also an online reporting form on the sexual misconduct resources website that allows for anonymous reporting.

ƍ andrea.caporale@temple.edu Л ( 215) 204-3283 î sexualmisconduct.temple.edu

The university’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the university’s compliance with federal regulations pertaining to gender equity. With a focus on education and support, we are here to support students through the provision of supportive measures and a fair and equitable resolution process. What types of concerns are addressed by the Title IX Office? Examples of behavior that can be addressed through the Title IX Office include, but are not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

The Title IX Coordinator will work with students on developing a plan to move forward that feels comfortable and safe for all involved. This is accomplished by taking the time to work with the student and determine their needs. In addition, time is spent explaining the various ways that the university can address the matter through an investigation process.

Title IX 46


Students have an initial brief assessment with a counselor at which time a treatment plan is offered that may include group or individual counseling, use of the Resiliency Resource Center (RRC), or referral to on or off-campus resources.


TCS has licensed psychologists, social workers, and counselors to provide students with short-term individual, couples, and group counseling, as well as consultation, education, and referral to other resources on campus or nearby. Services are free and confidential.

Tuttleman Counseling Services (TCS) 1700 North Broad Street Л (215) 204-7276 î counseling.temple.edu

Students request help with common problems such as depression, anxiety, relationship issues, stress, family problems, drug and alcohol problems, sexuality issues, LGBTQIA+ issues, racism, sexism, academic problems, and vocational/career decisions.  Services Psychiatric services are available for evaluations, medication consultations, and medication management.

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Our After-Hours Support and Crisis Line can help you when Counseling Services is closed. Call ( 215) 204-7276 . When calling after hours, please listen to the recording and press "1" when instructed. You will be connected with a mental health professional who will help support you and identify resources, if appropriate. If your student requires immediate assistance, please contact 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For Main Campus students, the closest Crisis Response Center (CRC) is Temple's Episcopal Campus (100 E. Lehigh Ave) and Campus Safety ( 215-204-1234) can facilitate transport.

Temple University 47

Students register for services online at counseling.temple.edu

Students that need to arrive early on campus for fall 2022 are welcomed to select an Early Arrival option via the MyHousing portal in the TUportal. Students must meet certain requirements for early arrival or agree to pay the per diem rate.

Scheduling Move-In Time Regular Schedule Students will be able to schedule their move-in time by logging into the MyHousing portal via TUPortal after July 1, 2022. Students are pre-assigned a time frame to move in and will be given the option of selecting a specific 20-minute window to check in to their assignment. An instructional video and instructions for using the system will be available at housing.temple.edu and YouTube channel.

To learn more about Housing Extensions during the academic year, Room Change process, details about the Fall Move-In process, bed dimensions, staffing in our residence halls, or off-campus housing, please visit us at housing.temple.edu . Be sure to also follow TempleUHRL on Instagram and Twitter, and Temple Res Life on Facebook for more updates and highlights of living in the residence halls.

Fall 2022 Move-In Fall 2022 Move-In is scheduled to take place Tuesday, August 16 through Thursday, August 18, 2022. Specific Move-In days and times will be distributed to students both in the MyHousing portal in early July and as part of the Fall Move-In messaging through their Temple email address. We will keep our website updated with important details and remind students to check their Temple email regularly for important announcements.

LifeResidentialandHousingUniversity(UHRL) Ȱ 1910 Liacouras Walk, Ste 201-301 Л (215) 204-7184 î housing.temple.edu ` @templeuhrl _ @templeuhrl q @templeuhrl

For More Information

Move-In Early Arrival Requests

48 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

49Temple University

WellnessCenterResource Ȱ Howard Gittis Student Center, 201 Л (215) 204-8436 ƍ temple.eduTUwellness@ î wellness.temple.edu ` @bewelltu _ @bewelltu q @bewelltu

The WRC team believes well-being is influenced by many different factors in a person’s life experience and environment. By offering students accurate information through creative and innovative programs, we hope each person has the ability to make choices that can bring them closer to balance.

The Wellness Resource Center is Temple University’s health promotion office, focused on helping the campus community explore ways to flourish. We are a team of dedicated professionals and Certified Peer Educators who work to promote well-being and create connectedness through a variety of programming and services. Our guiding vision is to ensure Temple students feel empowered to make decisions that enable them to thrive. We do this by offering intentional learning opportunities around four areas: alcohol and other drug prevention, interpersonal violence prevention, mental well-being promotion, and sexual health education. With these topics as a guide, the Wellness Resource Center cultivates community in a number of ways:

• In-office services, including individual wellness consultations and referrals, informational materials, and free safer sex supplies.

• Encouraging dialogue and positive change through peer educator-led presentations.

• Developing student leaders through our HEART Peer Educator program.

• Campus-wide events to raise awareness and connect students to resources.

Temple AthleticsResourceUniversityDirectory Л (215) 204-8499 ƍ tixsales@temple.edu î owlsports.com Bursar’s Office Л (215) 204-7269 ƍ bursar@temple.edu î bursar.temple.edu Campus Recreation Л (215) 204-1267 ƍ campusrec@temple.edu î campusrecreation.temple.edu Campus Safety Services Л (215) 204-1234 ƍ police@temple.edu î safety.temple.edu Career Center Л (215) 204-7981 ƍ careercenter@temple.edu î careercenter.temple.edu Dean of Students Office Л (215) 204-7188 ƍ dos@temple.edu î deanofstudents.temple.edu Disability Resources and Services Л (215) 204-1280 ƍ drs@temple.edu î disabilityresources.temple.edu Education Abroad Overseas Campusesand Л (215) 204-0720 ƍ study.abroad@temple.edu î studyabroad.temple.edu Fly in 4 ƍ flyin4@temple.edu î fly.temple.edu GenEd Л ( 215) 204-6248 ƍ gened@temple.edu î edu/about/genedundergradstudies.temple. Good Neighbor Initiative Л ( 215) 204-3237 î goodneighbor.temple.edu IDEAL Л (215) 204-7303 ƍ IDEAL@temple.edu î diversity.temple.edu Information Technology Services Л ( 215) 204-8000 ƍ help@temple.edu î its.temple.edu International Student Affairs Л (215) 204-9562 ƍ intl@temple.edu î isss.temple.edu 50 collegiateparent.com/school/temple-university

Leadership Development Л (215) 204-7145 ƍ lead@temple.edu î studentleadership.temple.edu New Student and Family Programs Л (215) 204-8531 ƍ parents@temple.edu î orientation.temple.edu Office of Parking Services Л (215) 204-5301 ƍ parking@temple.edu î t emple.edu/parking Office of Sustainability î sustainability.temple.edu OWLcard/ Diamond Dollars Л ( 215) 204-3140 ƍ owlcard@temple.edu î fi nance.temple.edu/owlcard Student Activities Л (215) 204-7131 ƍ studentactivities@temple.edu î studentactivities.temple.edu Student Center Operations Л (215) 204-7131 ƍ hgscinfo@temple.edu î studentcenter.temple.edu Student Conduct Community Standardsand Л (215) 204-3286 ƍ sccs@temple.edu î studentconduct.temple.edu Student Financial Services Л (215) 204-2244 ƍ sfs@temple.edu î sfs.temple.edu Student Health Services Л (215) 204-7500 ƍ studenthealth@temple.edu î studenthealth.temple.edu Student Success Center Л ( 215) 204-0702 ƍ ssc@temple.edu î studentsuccess.temple.edu Temple Culinary Services Л (215) 204-5374 ƍ aramark@temple.edu î temple.campusdish.com Temple University Bookstore Л ( 215) 204-4494 ƍ sm693@bncollege.com î t emple.edu/bookstore Temple University Libraries Л (215) 204-8212 ƍ asktulibrary@temple.edu î library.temple.edu Title IX Л ( 215) 204-3283 ƍ andrea.caporale@temple.edu î sexualmisconduct.temple.edu Tuttleman Counseling Services Л (215) 204-7276 î counseling.temple.edu University Housing and Residential Life Л (215) 204-7184 î housing.temple.edu Wellness Resource Center Л (215) 204-8436 ƍ TUwellness@temple.edu î wellness.temple.edu 51Temple University

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