3 minute read
Sibling rivalry Bushfire twins contest Oz Da award Bushfire twins contest Oz Da award y
LESS than two weeks ago, twins Alexis and Beau Milne’s family home was destroyed in a bushfire. Today (Thursday), they will contest the Young Citizen of the Year award at Collie’s Australia Day ceremony.

On January 14, the Milne family home was burnt down amid outof-control bushfires in the Donnybrook-Boyup Brook road area.
The fire, which was started by a lightning strike, took almost a week to extinguish.
Since the devastation, the Milne family has received more than $15,000 of community donations to get back on their feet.
Alexis said she and Beau had worked hard to put the fire behind them, and looked for a silver lining.
“We are a family that focuses on the positives,” she said. “We’re focussing on the fact that we were nominated, and that we get this opportunity.”
For Beau, his silver lining was that he no longer had to wake up at 6am to travel into Collie for the 7.30am presentation ceremony.
“We’re now living just down the road,” he said.

Alexis and Beau were nominated by the Collie PCYC for their volunteer work in gymnastics, parkour, and club events.

They also volunteer for the Collie Agricultural Society.
The twins agreed there would be no hard feelings when the winner was announced.
“We’ll joke about it,” Alexis said. “There’s a pretty even score between us.” since after kindergarten,” she said.
“There will be eternal hatred,” Beau joked, before agreeing with Alexis.

The twins’ mum, Kristy, said she had ensured Beau and Alexis were “their own people” from a young age.
“They’ve been separated at school
“At school they did their own thing, but they’ve joined up now that they’re older and set in who they are as people.” yAlexis and Beau spent last week checking in with friends as a way of keeping their minds off the fire.
During the interview with the Bulletin, Kristy wiped an eyelash from Beau’s cheek. She told him to make a wish, and true sibling rivalry shone through.
“I wish to win!” he proclaimed.
“I’ve been with my friends,” Beau said. “It’s really good to know that Kristy said she was proud of her

“I’ve people care.” Kristy children’s achievements.
“I’ve the nominations,” she said.
“I’ve been focusing directly on

“The kids have been volunteering since they were eight, and now the community wants to help them.
“They have been given an opportunity that not many people get, and it will open doors for them.”
And in Beau’s parting words: “May the best Beau
And win!” the
Collie’s Australia Day Citizen of the Year awards ceremony will start at 7.30am at Central Park.

For more details, see pages 10 and 11.

Australia Day (today)
Breakfast 7.30am free live music, face painting, crafts
Pool party 10am-6.30pm, all free, all day, games, fun, ice cream.
Picnic in Park, 5.30pm, giant games, bubbles, movie Muriel’s Wedding, 7.30pm
Parkrun at Soldiers’ Park every Saturday, 8am. Walk or run at your own pace. Fun and fitness is the focus.
Collie Child and Parent Centre
Playgroup Mondays at 9.00am (for parents and carers with children birth to 5 years old).
MyTime support group (for parents and carers with children with additional needs) Tuesdays February 7 from 12.30pm.
Baby Business (for parents and carers with children birth to 2 years) Fridays at 9.00am.
For more information call 9734 3364 or drop in at 6 Cable Street Collie.
Collie Art Gallery
Open Thursdays to Mondays, 10am to 4pm, “The Visitors” exhibition.
Coalfields Museum
Open every day, 9am to 3pm. Children under 16 free when accompanied by an adult.
Riff Raff dancing
Every Monday from 7pm at Collie PCYC. Beginners welcome, no partner necessary. Supper provided. Cost is $5 per person.
Signing centre
Monday 10am to 12-noon; Thursday 2pm-3.30pm; Friday 10am to 12-noon at the courthouse.
Op shops
The Anglican Op Shop has reopened, Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 3pm.
Vinnies open Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 3pm. Jo’s Bazaar, Monday and Thursday, 9am to 12pm.
Send it in
This column offers free publication of events for not for profit clubs and organisations, or for items of social news.
If you would like to have details of your events or organisation published in this column, send copy to nola.crvbulletin@ gmail.com or classies@crvbulletin.com.

Deadline 5pm on Fridays.