1 minute read

Summer reading quest

THE Collie Public Library joined some 80 libraries around the state in the second year of the Summer Reading Quest.

Sara Cole, the shire’s manager of information services, estimates 15 local children have taken part.


She said the quest is divided into two sections, for children five and under and five and over.

The five and under complete the Summer Steps card, similar to a bingo card of reading activities. Those above five log how many minutes they read each day into a reading log, also completing an adventure card.

“During schooltime children have reading goals and assigned tasks but over the holidays they might not be reading as much so this encourages reading for enjoyment,” Mrs Cole said.

“What I like about this challenge is that it broadens their ideas of what reading and the world of literature is, and how it can enrich our lives.

“The challenge includes listening to audiobooks, reading to your family, making recipes from a cookbook, and enjoying music, which makes it interactive and varied”.

The reading quest has also benefited the library. “The families that participate certainly visit more often,” said Mrs Cole.

The children are motivated to read as much as possible, with many prizes on offer.

“We’re offering small participation and progress prizes locally, and at the end of January participants can submit their reading logs online to enter the State challenge and have the chance to win prizes.”

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