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Roadside litter halved
FORTY kilometres of roads in Collie are cleaner thanks to some 40 people participating in a litter pick-up on Saturday.
They collected approximately two tonnes of litter – that’s the bad news.
The good news is that this is about half the amount collected at the last pick-up two years ago, and a fifth of the amount collected in the biggest clean-up to date, some 12 years ago.
On hand to audit the litter was State Tidy Towns co-ordinator Shirley Brindley and her righthand man, husband Les.
They sampled five bags from each of four vehicles involved in collecting the roadside bags.
The most littered item was takeaway food containers, about half of which were plastic and half paper.
“Even with businesses switching to paper instead of plastic, people are still throwing the container out the window rather than taking it home,” Ms Brindley said.
Teams from Rotary, Friends of the River, the Veteran Car Club and individuals picked up the litter.
Organiser Harry Wiggers said other teams such as South32 were doing their pick-up on another day.
“We still collected a good number of cans and bottles, approximately 260 10-cent deposit containers,” he said.
“A big thanks to all who participated for doing another great job.”
Keep Australia Beautiful WA funded a barbecue following the litter collection.

Dear residents,
Every beat of this ordinary life is an extraordinary thing.
And we need your help to protect it.
We urgently need volunteers to help us make a positive difference in Collie, so we can continue to provide vital, life-saving services your community depends on.

Our volunteers are everyday people just like you, who live in Collie and donate their free time to ensure that your local St John sub centre is ready to respond to any emergency, incident, or other community need. Anyone can help change lives, and it’s easier than you might think. Much of our work is non-life threatening and involves routine patient transport.
You will be supported every step of the way and trained in a friendly, encouraging environment to feel confident and ready for your role. This includes monthly training as part of our Continuing Education Program. St John volunteers choose their own hours, because we know your life is important too. There are no ongoing commitments, and any amount of time you can offer will make a real difference. We welcome anyone to apply for a position, and to see if it’s the right fit for you.
I’m more than happy to answer any questions or provide further information if needed, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested in volunteering.
Thank you for your time. Andrew
Eyre, Station Manager St John Collie
Phone 0447 120