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Footpath signs needed
SOMETHING I have noticed and experienced is bike riders going to school dominating the footpath.
Could we have some signs on the footpaths stating whether they are for walkers/joggers and/or bike riders?
I have a small dog on a lead and sometimes we have to jump off the footpath, because if we don’t we would get cleaned
Foodbank is there for those in need
up by fast-travelling bikes. There are often more than one at a time.
Also, many thanks to all the people who cleaned up Collie’s roads at the weekend. Thanks to the Friends of the River environmental group who cleaned along Palmer Road, and Harry Wiggers for all the overtime he put in.
Geoff Wilkes, Regent Street
HAVING been a teacher for nearly 30 years in various schools across the state, the one thing that broke my heart was kids coming to school hungry.
Any teacher will be able to tell you about the link between adequate nutrition and student learning.
Schools have run breakfast clubs for students over many decades, a sad reminder that this is not a new problem.
Last year, I visited Foodbank in Perth to meet with Kate O’Hara, CEO of Foodbank WA, which is funded by the state and federal governments, and corporate sponsors.
I asked Kate about their plans for a mobile service in the South West, and was pleased to hear they were looking at this.
During the visit I advocated very strongly to ensure Collie was included in any mobile service.
That’s why I was so pleased when Foodbank recently announced they would be coming to Collie on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
There are some requirements to be able to access the service – the first of which is to be referred to Foodbank after meeting the criteria for eligibility.

For more information contact the Emergency Relief and Food Access service on 1800 979 777.
I’d like to thank Gael Varian from Harvest Life Ministries for her work to support the service coming here, and for providing the location at 120 Prinsep Street.
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank those people and community groups who already provide support for people in our community who are doing it tough.

FINALLY, I’d also like to thank the Collie Cardiff RSL for coordinating ANZAC Day services again this year.
I had my staff representing me this year, as I was in other parts of my electorate for the dawn and 11am commemoration services.