6 minute read
Hundreds honour ANZACS
SOLDIERS’ Park was packed for the ANZAC Day dawn service, and a good number braved the cold and wet weather for the main community commemoration service later in the morning.
Roadblocks were set up for the march, which featured three military vehicles, including a recently restored Mark II Ferret driven by Alan Bowers.

Parking was at a premium as people arrived for the 11am service.
The march was led by Stirling-based Lt Paul Apelt, RAN.

His fellow officer, Lt Dwayne Davies, gave an address.
Collie Senior High School ANZAC tour students formed a guard of honour. Thomas Whitney played the Last Post and Rouse, and his sister, Ruby, sang “I Am Australian” and the national anthem, accompanied by Paul Petriw.
Students gave readings, Pastor Shayne Goldfinch led prayers, and shire president Sarah Stanley gave an address, with 27 wreaths laid at the cenotaph and the Noongar memorial. With many children involved in the service, it was a family affair, and people young and old sheltered under trees or large umbrellas.
Two marquees were set up for added shelter, with veterans under one, and the general public under the other.

Collie Community Radio broadcast and streamed the service live on radio and Facebook.

Collie-Cardiff RSL hosted a lunch following the service, however the wet weather put a dampener on planned twoup activities, as punters huddled under a veranda out of the rain, rather than gathering around the traditional circle.

5. deep wrinkle in the skin (6)
6. pullover (7)
7. laze about (4)
12 small bits of wood for a fire (8)
13. globe (3)
14. having dark complexion (7)
15. a large heavy book (4)
16. witty remark (4)
18. get people to be disloyal (7)
19. passage in a building (8)
20 truth (6)
1. make a systemic inquiry (11)
2. caterpillar becoming a butterfly (9)
3. sea-bird (3)
Church Notices
Church Services: Every Sunday at 9am. Morning tea after the service.
Holy Communion - Second Sunday only
5. deep wrinkle in the skin (6)
6. pullover (7)
7. laze about (4)
12. small bits of wood for a fire (8)
13. globe (3)
14. having dark complexion (7)
15. a large heavy book (4)
16. witty remark (4)
18. get people to be disloyal (7)
19. passage in a building (8)
20. truth (6)
1. make a systemic inquiry (11)
2. caterpillar becoming a butterfly (9)
3. sea-bird (3)
4. keep within a particular area (8)
8. a great fall of rain (8)
9. nothing (6)
10. morsel (6)
11. tolerate (7)
17. skunk-like European ferret (7
4. keep within a particular area (8)
8. a great fall of rain (8)
9 nothing (6)
10 morsel (6)
11. tolerate (7)
17. skunk-like European ferret (7)
Police seized cannabis and unlicensed ammunition
More than five kilograms of cannabis and unlicensed ammunition were seized by Collie police from an Allanson property.
Travis Craig Orwin, of Allanson, was charged with possession of cannabis with intent to sell and supply, and possessing unlicensed ammunition following the seizure.
Mine noise rising
Wesfarmers Premier Coal wanted to exceed its allowable noise level in 2003. The company applied to the Minister for the Environment to have its allowable noise level raised because it was struggling to meet the then-prescribed standards.
Mine nominated for award Rehabilitation programs at Wesfarmers Premier Coal's Collie operations were nominated for a prestigious Golden Gecko Award for Environmental Excellence in 2003. The nomination was in recognition of the company's success in converting former mine sites into valuable community assets.
Plan included name change
The Shire of Collie joined a state-wide initiative to give more identity to areas around town by introducing former localities. The localities were intended to make finding addresses for emergency services easier. The proposed locality names were Yourdamung Lake, Palmer, Harris River, Worsley, Allanson, Mungalup, Lyalls Mill, Cardiff, Collie Burn,
Shotts, Muja, Buckingham, Preston Settlement and Collie.
Salinity scheme launched
A new groundwater pumping trial to help the Collie River recover from salinity was launched in 2003 by then-Environment and Heritage Minister Judy Edwards. The trial was recommended as part of the Collie Situation Statement to evaluate the usefulness of engineering options in combating salinity.
Sport Eagles won tough game
The Collie Eagles league team won a tight and tough game against the Eaton Boomers in Eaton, coming from behind at quarter time to win 16-14 (110) to 1311 (89).
Morning prayer: all other Sundays. Contact Warden Marie Woodward, 0478 640 379
Office: by appointment
Website: www.allsaintschurchcollie.org
BAPTIST CHURCH: Cnr Prinsep and Elouera Streets, North Collie.
Church Enquiries: snr Elder Bob Greig 0418 903 693

Elder Stephen Sopolinski 0457 896 365 Sunday Service : 9.30am Visitors Welcome.
Kid's church: during Service. Morning tea after service.
Ladies Bible Study Group: Tuesday 9.30am at the Church.
CHURCH OF CHRIST: 165 Prinsep St.
Pastor: Shayne Goldfinch 0422 515 257.
Elder: Evan Mandry 0407 445 788.
Secretary: Glynis 0403 159 668.
Sundays: 9.30am, Family Service and Kids Church.
Thursdays: 9.30am, Craft & Friendship – Phone Heather 9734 4066
Saturdays: 7.30am, Periodically, Breakfast – Phone Evan 9734 1354.
Weekly Bible studies on various days. All enquiries welcomed. Vision Radio (87.6FM) is a Ministry of our Church.
41 Venn Street, Independent Baptist Church, Simple Bible Preaching, Psalms, Classic Hymns and Spiritual Songs, KJV, Friendly Congregation. Main Service Sun 10am Bible Study Sun 4pm. All Welcome! Tea and Coffee Refreshments after Services.
Enquiries: Pastor Josh Denford 0403 300 802 coalfieldsbaptist@gmail.com facebook.com/cbccollie
46 Johnston Street, Collie. All are welcome to join with us in fellowship. Friday: Food Ministry 10am-12noon, Prayer meeting 7pm Sunday: 10am morning service. Sunday School during service. For enquiries phone Pastor Garry Fisher on 9734 3796.
Cnr Prinsep and Medic Streets. Parish Priest: Fr. Gerald Tan Office: 9793 2011. email:stbrigidscollie@ optusnet.com.au
Weekend Masses: St. Brigid’s: 6.00pm Saturday, 10.00am Sunday. St. Mary’s, Darkan: 8.00am, 1st and 3rd Sunday each month.
Baptisms and weddings by request. Vinnie’s shop: 9734 5664. Shopping hours: 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.
CHURCH: Cnr Wittenoom & Steere Streets. You are welcome to fellowship with us, we meet every second and fourth Saturday. Bible Study 9.30am, Service 11am. 88.0 faithFM
The Uniting Church meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 9am. KYB is held on Tuesday at 9.30am at the Old Duranillin School.
The Catholic Church meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 8am. The Anglican Church meets on: Second Sunday of the month at 8am at Darkan Fourth Sunday of the month at 8am at Darkan. Third Sunday of the month at 8am at Arthur River.

Smoke Alarms
Only working smoke alarms save lives. Ensure your alarms are in good working order, and if they are not, change the batteries or replace the alarm. Check the smoke alarm is in date. Smoke alarms have a lifespan of ten years.

If you haven’t done so in the last six months give your alarms a vaccuum to remove dust and any insects.
Have your chimney serviced by a qualified tradesperson prior to using it. Purchase a fire screen if you do not own one. Fire screens should always be placed in front of fireplaces when in use. Ensure your wood pile sits at least a metre away from the fireplace. Choose a safe place to store matches and lighters where children cannot reach and that is at least a metre away from the fireplace.
Check your electric and gas heaters before you use them. If you suspect a fault have the item checked by a qualified repairer or replaced.

Check all cords for fraying and damage and plug heaters directly into wall sockets only.
Remember to keep everything in the house a metre from the heater, including clothing, curtains, tablecloths and bedding.

Place a 20c coin into one of the central circumferential grooves of your tyres. If the tread doesn’t reach the bill of the platypus, your tyre has less than 3mm of tread remaining and needs to be replaced.

Check that your battery and exterior lights are in order. Winter brings shorter days and foggy mornings, especially in Collie, which makes working lights more important than ever.

Electric Blankets
Test your electric blanket before use by laying it on top of your bed, feeling the internal wires for any abnormalities and inspecting cords/controls for damage. Turn it on for 5 minutes and then feel for any uneven hot spots. If you notice any of the above the electric blanket should be replaced.
Ready to pack your electric blanket away? Roll it for storage, folding can cause damage.

The start of winter is a good time to go through all your jumpers and jeans to see what no longer fits or needs replacing. This will help stop you from impulse buying clothes you don't really need. Before the weather gets too wet thick and heavy coats should be cleaned and dried to get rid of any dust that may have settled in them over summer.