2021 American Heritage Museum / Collings Foundation Annual Magazine

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2021 - 2022 NEWSLETTER


www.CollingsFoundation.org & www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org

WELCOME In many ways, 2021 has felt exciting and encouraging at the Collings Foundation and American Heritage Museum. As COVID vaccinations progressed, safety precautions began to lift, and we were able to continue many of the programs, restorations, and events we had before the pandemic, and even added new ones!

COLLINGS FOUNDATION 2021- 2022 NEWS MAGAZINE Address: 568 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Telephone: (978) 562-9182 Contact email: info@collingsfoundation.org The Collings Foundation and Collings Foundation Inc. / American Heritage Museum are 501(c)(3) Educational Non-Profits. Primary editor and designer: Hunter Chaney Contributing writers and editors: Mikael Carlson Joe Scheil Tim Savage Colin Powers Matt Flegal Jim Busha Ryan Keough Don and Marcia Rising Contributing photographers: Daivd Watts, Jr. Scott Slocum Brit Dietz Mikael Carlson John Collins Glenn Perry Rich Oliver Rick Helie John Dibbs

Cover photo: Photographer Rick Helie captured the American Heritage Museum’s M4 Sherman as it advanced down the field during the Battle for the Airfield WWII re-enactment. 1


The star of the show this year has been the American Heritage Museum (AHM). We couldn’t be more pleased with the glowing reception we are getting from visitors all around the country. We are grateful to the late Jacques Littlefield, his family, and the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation for helping us build the Museum and present his absolutely jaw-dropping collection of tanks and armored vehicles. The Museum has become a national destination, often mentioned alongside the Smithsonian. Featuring the WWI trench experience, captivating dioramas, over 21 unique artifacts and extraordinary immersive videos, the American Heritage Museum offers visitors a truly unforgettable American history experience. Over the summer, after attendance restrictions were relaxed, we were thrilled to host many wonderful living history events and education programs through 2021. The new Tank Demo Days have been a favorite for history and armor enthusiasts. This is a rare opportunity to see some of AHM’s tanks operating around the grounds with captivating narration describing each machine’s historical provenance. Seeing the WWII Russian Su100 tank destroyer driving was a very special attraction. But the favorite of the show was (and is) the American Sherman tank. A WWI ambulance has been added to our operational collection and is used as an educational outreach vehicle to schools. Several other events enjoyed warm receptions. The Military History Through the Ages event on August 7th and 8th featured an astounding chronological line up of living history from the Roman Legion to the Vietnam War. The highlight of the weekend event was the Civil War re-enactment with Confederate and Union soldiers battling it out mid field. Our WWII reenactment Battle for the Airfield was the most attended event in our history. Other traditional events we hosted were the classic car exhibition American Elegance and the Race of the Century. Many of the American Heritage Museum’s artifacts from an 1867 Stagecoach and early race cars came out into the sunshine in a series of amusing and educational presentations. The success of these programs has further energized us for 2022. We are planning a new large Revolutionary War re-enactment called Battle for Bunker Hill on July 23rd and 24th and will have the WWII re-enactment Battle for the Airfield again on October 8th and 9th. Please make sure to visit our websites to see the full line-up of 2022 happenings at the American Heritage Museum in Massachusetts. On the historic aviation front, the American Heritage Museum is making great progress on several world-renowned restoration projects. As we write this address, the legendary Nieuport N.28 WWI fighter is getting ready for its maiden flight. This will be

the only original fully restored N.28 flying in the world. The Grumman Goose amphibious WWII aircraft had hull work completed and is now sporting WWII Coast Guard markings. The German Fw 190 fighter restoration is near complete and should be flying within the next year. The Collings Foundation’s work continues on the P-51 Mustang restoration and marking conversion from “Betty Jane” to the paint scheme sported on General Eisenhower’s reconnaissance P-51 called “Stars Look Down.” The Foundation is also making great progress on the B-17 Flying Fortress restoration. The bomber is currently at American Aero Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida undergoing wing and fuselage work. If all goes as planned, we are working to have the plane flying by late 2022 or 2023. As we think about all the fantastic things happening now, and plan for 2022, it is important to recognize all the people who make it happen. The members, volunteers, docents, mechanics, and specialists that help us keep the aircraft, collections and programs running are invaluable. Their dedication and professionalism can be seen in every-

thing we do. We also want to express our gratitude to all the supporters who provide financial donations to our educational efforts. Your generosity turns concepts and dreams into reality. Please consider making an additional contribution to help us sustain this momentum. We squeeze every penny with the goal to inspire young and old in the importance of remembering and knowing our history. Keep an eye on our websites for all the great things that lie ahead in the new year. From all of us at the Collings Foundation and American Heritage Museum, we wish you good health and happiness.

Rob Collings

Bob Collings

Photo Above: Executive Director Rob Collings and some young friends admire the smoke effect on the WWII Russian T-34/85 tank in the Clash of Steel exhibit inside the American Heritage Museum in Massachusetts. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM




Living History and Volunteers


M36 and Panzer 1 Restorations


PBY, G-21, B-17 and P-51 Restoration


Nieuport 28

Volunteers are the backbone of our operations. See how they contribute to our programs.

The American Heritage Museum’s tank restoration projects underway and complete.


Work on three amazing WWII aircraft with new paint schemes continues.

The last fully restored and Nieuport 28 is nearing completion.



Mosquito FB Mk.VI


Battle For The Airfield Re-enactment


WWI Ambulance Education Outreach


Park’s WWI Aviation Collection

Restoration of this rare British fighter is underway.

One of the country’s most impressive WWII re-enactments scheduled for 2022.

A very rare WWI Ambulance brings history education outreach to schools.

Incredible collection of WWI LaFayette Escadrille artifacts at the American Heritage Museum.


Heinkel He111 Restoration

Exceptionally rare WWII German bomber being restored to display condition.


Military History Through The Ages


American Heritage Museum Education


An extraordinary living history event on the American Heritage Museum’s grounds.

The American Heritage Museum offers many valuable education programs.

Revolutionary War Re-enactment

One of the country’s largest Revolutionary War re-enactments at the American Heritage Museum.


Tank Demo Days and Driving Instruction


Dauntless SBD Restoration


The Ultimate WWII Fighter Sweepstakes


How You Can Help

See real WWII tanks operating and learn how to drive the M4 Sherman and M24 Chaffee.

WWII dive bomber coming to the American Heritage Museum for public display.

Winner will fly in the Hawker Hurricane, TR.9 Spitfire and TP-40N Warhawk.

We rely on your contributions and membership. Help Us Keep History Alive.

Photo Above: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX BR601. This is one of the world’s most historically significant Spitfire restorations in the world having been flown by two aces and surviving 121 combat missions during WWII. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM 4

AHM LIVING HISTORY We can learn a lot about history through immersive exhibits. At the American Heritage Museum, discovery and inspiration can come from seeing or reading about a rare relic, or feeling the thunderous booms from a WWII re-enactment. In all the methods of engaging people in history education, one of the most effective is through intimate conversation.


The Collings Foundation and American Heritage Museum’s strength is in the people who help tell the stories of history. We have volunteers and docents from all walks of life and ages who engage our audience through discussion and demonstration. We hope you will join us in this journey through time.

Photo above: American Heritage Museum’s lead docent Colin Rixon standing in front of the Normandy Landings exhibit. He is wearing a uniform similar to the one his father wore during WWII. Colin started as a volunteer with the Foundation in 2014, as one of a small group of specialists tasked with preparing and moving the Jacques Littlefield collection from California to Massachusetts. He and his family have a long history of military service. Both his grandfathers served and were wounded in WWI and his father was part of the 1st Royal Dragoons during WWII, landing on Sword Beach during the Normandy Invasion. Years later, Colin followed his father into the same regiment.

Photos above: Not all living history events have to be serious to learn something. Our “Eliot Ness captures Al Capone” skit is performed during the American Elegance event. In this show, Eliot Ness (Prohibition Agent) pulls over Capone (mobster) in his original 1940 V-16 Cadillac to try and arrest him for tax evasion. Looked like he was going to get away until Ness discovers Capone’s accountant in the trunk! 5 COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM

Above: Some of our volunteers who received a certificate of thanks during our appreciation night at the American Heritage Museum. Back row, left to right: Jim Carroll, Larry Sumner, Jackson Rhodes, Everett Heller, Kent Hautanen, Liam Walsh and Aiden Lane. Front row, left to right: Remy Carroll, Peter Carbone, Jessica McNeil, Sara McDowell and Tom Cox.

Photo above: Volunteer Kelsey Cox shares the history of women’s service in WWII as she plays the role of “Rosie the Riveter” during our Tank Demo Days. Top right photo: WWII Veterans Bill Purple and Alfred Consigli share their war-time stories with a young enthusiast. Bottom right photo: A young boy and his sister admire his modeling skills of the P-40 Tomahawk; its markings match our Pearl Harbor P-40B. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM 6



MOSQUITO FB MK.VI The wooden wonder of World War Two

The American Heritage Museum has been offered the opportunity to undertake a comprehensive static restoration of a de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI using rare original materials, including major components from RS505, a combat veteran Mosquito of the No. 235 Squadron based out of Banff, Scotland in 1945. The de Havilland Mosquito was one of the fastest operational aircraft of World War II and, because of this, carried out a host of special duties and missions that required speed and stealth. It could be configured as a low- to medium altitude daytime tactical bomber, high altitude night bomber, pathfinder, day or night fighter, fighter-bomber, intruder, maritime strike, and photo-reconnaissance aircraft. The Mosquito was often flown in special raids, such as Operation Jericho, an attack on Amiens Prison in early 1944, and precision attacks against military intelligence, security, and police facilities (such as Gestapo headquarters). On January 30, 1943, the 10th anniversary of the Nazis’ seizure of power, a morning Mosquito attack knocked out the main Berlin broadcasting station while Hermann Göring was speaking, taking his speech off the air. The de Havilland Mosquito, made mostly of molded wood, is a rarity in museums due to age and fragility of its original construction. Though three have been restored to flight over the past 10 years, these aircraft are mostly new construction around select original pieces 7


of non-combat planes. This project is unique because it will utilize both original wood and original components of an aircraft with combat history, providing an aircraft of high provenance to join the AHM collection. Though overshadowed by more well-known battles and campaigns, persistent struggles for control of valuable Norwegian raw materials took place throughout World War II. Germany fought hard for power over Norway because their own nation did not have rich iron, nickel, and aluminum resources of its own to feed the Nazi war machine. The Norwegian Campaign of April 1940 to June 1940 was the first effort by the Allies (England and France) to take this region back from Germany, but was ultimately unsuccessful. The RAF Coastal Command maintained pressure with regular attacks by air from 1940 to 1943, but was never fully able to disrupt the supply line. Regaining command of the region was considered vital by the allies in 1943. Efforts were stepped up to deal a striking blow to Axis powers. Fast, concentrated attacks began using Bristol Beaufighters and de Havilland Mosquitoes from bases in Northern Scotland. Flying low over the North Sea in challenging weather conditions, Beaufighters and Mosquitoes had only their speed to protect them from deadly anti-aircraft defenses and their forward facing cannons and machine guns to fight against pursuing attack fighters. Despite the dire odds, attacks by these squadrons successfully maintained pressure until the end of the war in Europe.

Left photo: Fuselage on a jig undergoing restoration. Right photo: The Mosquito’s landing gear in storage ready for shipment to New Zealand. Once the restoration is complete, this Mosquito will look as if it came off the manufacturing floor of de Havilland.

ORIGINS OF THIS FB MK.VI Mosquito RS505 of No. 235 Squadron was attacked by one of the defending Fw190 fighters from JG-5 and suffered major damage to the tail surfaces including the elevator and rudder. Unable to maintain altitude, the pilot diverted to the ice-covered Lake Langenvann in Telemark, Norway and attempted to land on the ice (potentially allowing them to repair the damage and escape before capture). The effort seemed successful at first, but as the weight of the aircraft settled, the ice broke and the plane abruptly fell into the freezing water. Both pilots were rescued by local farmers who rushed to their aid, caring for them until the German military transported them to hospitals where they recovered. The pilots were released weeks later after Germany surrendered to the Allies. Norwegians recovered many components from this crash over the years. Two Merlin engines, the landing gear, and a number of large components found their way to both the Forced Landing Collection (FLC) Museum in Sweden and the Sola Flyhistorisk Museum in Stavanger, Norway. The American Heritage Museum has established a relationship with FLC for the acquisition of the He-111 bomber from their inventory, and has been given the additional opportunity to acquire the components of RS505. We have also reached out to Sola Flyhistorisk Museum and they have

generously offered their Mosquito collection for the project. The American Heritage Museum has recently received a donation of significant Mosquito parts from a collector in the United States that will be used in the project. These original major components with outstanding historical value will be combined with original wooden fuselage structure and wings currently stored at Avspecs Ltd. at Ardmore Airfield in Auckland, New Zealand. The wooden fuselage and wings cannot be used for a flying restoration due to their age. But, being original construction from de Havilland, they are perfect for combination with the original components from RS505 to restore a complete de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk VI for static display.

Photo: The mostly complete wing section of the Mosquito in storage ready to be added to the project. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM 8



Tank Destroyer

The American M36 tank destroyer was used during World War II and the Korean War. The M36 combined the hull of the M10 tank destroyer, which used the M4 Sherman’s reliable chassis and drive train, combined with sloped armor, and a massive new turret mounting the 90 mm gun. Conceived in 1943, the M36 first served in combat in Europe during October 1944. It then saw use in the Korean War, where it was mobilized against Soviet tanks. M36 tank destroyers were also supplied to South Korea as part of the Military Assistance Program where they served for years alongside re-engined models found in Yugoslavia, which operated into the 1990s. Two M36s remained in service with the Republic of China Army until 2001. In WWII the M36 was capable of destroying any known German tanks at reasonable range (1,000 to 2,500 m depending of the armor thickness). Its gun left little smoke when firing. The M36 was liked by its crew for being reliable and lethal. Only 1,300 M36s were manufactured, of which perhaps 400 were 9


available in December 1944. Despite its strengths, it was still vulnerable to shell fragments and snipers due to its open-top turret, like other US tank destroyers. The restoration shop at the American Heritage Museum started work bringing the M36 back to near original operational condition. This will involve a complete disassembly with general components removed. The diesel engine will be taken out and replaced with an original Ford GAA engine. The whole interior and exterior will be sandblasted, primed and painted. A new dash board and wiring will be installed. We expect the tank to be finished by mid spring 2022. Once completed, the M36 will be showcased during our Tank Demo Days and will be available for tank rides! We hope you will consider making a donation to the M36 restoration. Check the American Heritage Museum’s website for more information on the progress of this restoration and information on other tanks in the collection.

Rare German Panzer 1 tank moved into the War Clouds exhibit.

Top photos: The very rare Panzer 1 tank moving into the War Clouds exhibit inside the American Heritage Museum. This is the only example on public display in North American and will provide a key addition to the story of Nazi Germany’s clandestine efforts to build its military while under the Versailles Treaty and the “Blitzkrieg” rampages through Europe and Russia.

German WWI and WWII artillery restored and on display.

Left photo: The restored German 7.5 cm infantry gun 18 on display in the War Clouds exhibit. Right photo: The WWI German 17cm mittlerer minenwerfer (middle mortar) was just moved to the main entrance hall. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM




Far left photo: As people walk through the Allied and Axis encampments they have the opportunity to see demonstrations of the gear used during WWII. Here a re-enactor is showing how to put on a parachute and gear as if he were preparing to jump out of a plane. Left photo: The Allied infantry and armor advances on the German positions. A key objective of the battle scenario is to take control of the dreaded German 88 cannon featured in the center. 11


Photo: The M4A3 Sherman fires its cannon while advancing on the German positions.

The American Heritage Museum will host our 10th annual WWII re-enactment and WWII Veterans roundtable discussion on October 8th and 9th, 2022. There will be over 350 re-enactors representing several branches of Allied and Axis military participating. Fully restored military equipment of all kinds will be on display, operating in a captivating living history event. Allied and Axis camps will be set up with authentic materials and appearance. Re-enactors will act as docents sharing a wealth of information about life as a WWII military person. WWII Veterans from all ranks and branches of service will participate in a roundtable discussion. The American Heritage Museum will be open during the Battle for

the Airfield weekend. The American Heritage Museum features one of the largest collections of tanks and armored vehicles in the United States. There are over 21 rare artifacts that can only be seen at the American Heritage Museum. These include the rare WWII German Panther tank, a combat veteran Russian IS-2 tank, an Iraqi SCUD missile and the only publicly displayed M1A1 Abrams tank in the world. There will be an amazing living history event at the American Heritage Museum every month starting in May, 2022. For a complete list of events visit our website. Advance purchase tickets for the WWII re-enactment will be available at www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM



PBY-5A Catalina

Top photo: The PBY flying over the water in the Netherlands before coming to the United States. Bottom photos: Restoration work on the nose turret, bombardier’s view port and waist gun turrets nears completion. Once the work has been finished, the bomber will be repainted in markings it sported when flying with the VP-73 Squadron based in Iceland during WWII. This PBY (Bu. No. 2459) was the United States’ highest scoring U-boat destroyer in history, and is the oldest PBY in operation. For this plane’s complete chronology and photos see our website.

Grumman Goose

Left photo: The amphibious Grumman Goose on the grass airstrip at the American Heritage Museum. This aircraft was assigned to CGAS Biloxi, and as a USN aircraft was used by the Coast Guard. Top photo: A WWII Goose with Coast Guard markings that we will duplicate once work on the aircraft has been finished. The Goose is currently at American Aero Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida with the PBY and B-17 undergoing repairs and new paint scheme. 13



P-51C Mustang

Top left photo: Capt. Wallace Emmer, 353rd FS and cameraman 1st Lt. A.R. Madsen stand by “The STARS LOOK DOWN”, the P-51B Mustang fighter that carried General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, over front lines of Saint Lo, France. Top right photo: The Foundation’s P-51C Mustang flying with prior “Betty Jane” markings. Bottom photos: The Collings Foundation’s P-51 Mustang is getting a complete restoration and new paint scheme in honor of General Eisenhower’s famous P-51 reconnaissance aircraft.

B-17G Flying Fortress

Top photo: The B-17G Flying Fortress when it was on display at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in Oregon. Bottom photos: The B-17 was flown to American Aero Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida in 2017 to start a complete nose to tail restoration. Work on the wings and wing spar has been ongoing. We hope to have this B-17 flying by 2023. For latest restoration updates see www.CollingsFoundation.org COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM 14


WWI ambulance and the history of the American Field Service World War One History and the Ambulance: World War I began in 1914 - when Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist, assassinated Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off a series of territorial conflicts. This terrible war lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). WWI was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, with an estimated 9 million combat deaths, and 13 million civilian deaths. World War I was a significant turning point in the political, cultural, economic, and social climate of the world. But the 15


conflict involving 32 countries quickly faded into memory as WWII began just 21 years after. The American Heritage Museum’s WWI Ambulance is an excellent artifact to engage people in the history of WWI. Using this rare vehicle we bring to life stories of our veterans and volunteers who served. The American Field Service (AFS): Before the U.S. entered the War in April 1917, many young Americans volunteered to fight with the Allies. 2,500 of them were driving Ford Model T ambulances with the French and American Field Service, carrying supplies and more than 500,000 casualties. 77% of the

volunteers were college students or college educated. Prompted by sense of duty, a search for adventure, or hope for the redemption of a devastated Europe, these volunteers engaged before the United States entered the conflict. They paid the cost for their uniforms and passage to France. The choice that tens of thousands of young men and women made transformed the meaning of volunteerism in the world. Between 1914 and 1917, AFS volunteers evacuated 500,000 casualties near the front lines in France, Belgium, and the Balkans, and drove trucks to the front with needed supplies. After entering the war, the United States military absorbed the AFS ambulance and its auxiliary units into their ranks by the end of 1917.

Traveling from his home to New York City, Ted Littlefield left his three year old son and wife and boarded a British ocean liner, Andania for England. Ted’s Atlantic crossing was a dangerous journey. Packs of German submarines (U-boats) roamed the seas around the British Isles, the North Sea and the coast of France. While ocean liners like the Andania were faster than German submarines, the threat of a sudden torpedo attack kept Ted and his fellow passengers awake and alert throughout the voyage to Liverpool. Ted arrived safely, October 11th, 1917. The Andania was sunk by a torpedo just 3 months later, in 1918.

WWI Ambulance: One of the most numerous and famous cars in world history is the Model T, produced by the Ford Motor Company. When the United States entered World War I, Ford Motor Company personnel collaborated with the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office, as well as drivers who had served on the front lines in France, to design a Model T-based ambulance suited for battlefield conditions. Ford built 5,745 ambulances for the Allied armies during the war, and another 107 for the Red Cross. Its light weight made it well-suited for use on muddy and shell-torn roads in forward combat areas. By November 1918, 4362 Model T ambulances had been shipped overseas. WWI Ambulance Driver Ted Littlefield: The grandfather of Jacques Littlefield, whose family and foundation selected the Collings Foundation, Inc. to receive his amazing collection of tanks and armored vehicles, served as an American Field Service ambulance driver during WWI. Like many college educated volunteers of the time, he kept a detailed journal and took many pictures of his experiences during this time. Learning about his personal journey through the war brings us closer to understanding the great dangers he and other ambulance drivers faced as they moved the wounded from the battlefield.

Photo above: Ted Littlefield in his WWI AFS uniform.

Ted served in four of the largest battles of the war, including the second battle of the Somme, which was fought between March and September 1918. Ted was awarded the Croix de Guerre medal and four service bars during WWI for his bravery in France.




NIEUPORT 28 C.1 America’s First Fighter



Photo: The Nieuport 28 near completion. Once finished, this will be the only airworthy N.28 in existence. The aircraft is painted in honor of WWI pilot Douglas Campbell who was the first American trained pilot to achieve the status of Ace.




World War One Artifacts

Photo above: The Lafayette Escadrille squadron with their Nieuport 11 aircraft getting ready to fly reconnaissance and attack missions.

The Vintage Aero Flying museum in Colorado had one of the most complete and unique World War One collections. The majority of these artifacts have now been transferred to the American Heritage Museum thanks to a generous donor.

LaFayette Escadrille, there are 4 of these pilots in the collection. The uniforms and artifacts were acquired by Dr. James Parks over many years and ultimately displayed at the Vintage Aero Flying Museum.

Of the 103 WWI US Aces, the collection contains uniforms from 15 of these pilots. A total of 26 WWI Aces uniforms from the United States, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary and Britain are in the collection. One of the three founders of the LaFayette Escadrille, Elliot Cowdin, is featured in the collection. The first US pilot to have a victory and become an Ace in WWI, Doug Campbell is also featured. Artifacts from first ever US air victory by Stephen Thompson is in this impressive collection.

Now, in the hands of the American Heritage Museum, the collection will be thoroughly conserved and stored in preparation for display in the coming years.

The scope of the LaFayette Foundation WWI collection is tremendous. The artifacts consists of authentic WWI uniforms, medals, side arms, photographs, citations, fabric and artwork from WWI aircraft, first edition books, sterling silver, log books, pilot certificates, letters and ephemera, and a complete reference library that many books have been generated from. Of the original 38 American pilots who volunteered with the 19


History of the Lafayette Escadrille The Lafayette Escadrille was created primarily by three individuals: Mr. Norman Prince of Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. William Thaw of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Dr. Edmond Gros, an American expatriate living in France. Seeking to aid the Allies, they lobbied officials in Paris to create an all-American squadron within the French Air Service. In need of more combat forces and aware of the positive propaganda value of Americans flying under the French flag. France gratefully accepted these efforts.

Photos above: Eddie Rickenbacker was an American Fighter Ace during WWI with an astounding 26 aerial victories. His original flight jacket and suit are part of this collection. Rickenbacker liked to personalize some of his clothing and accessories with his name (bottom left). Also in the collection are Rickenbacker’s Medal of Honor (center) and an original reconnaissance camera (right).

Their first combat patrols saw them strain to master their aerial craft amidst a hail of enemy gunfire. With Kiffin Rockwell scoring the unit’s first victory on May 18, 1916, these amateur airmen rapidly matured into seasoned veterans. Operating from austere bases close to the front lines, the airmen took to the sky to secure air superiority during some of the war’s largest campaigns, including the Battle of Verdun, the Somme Offensive, the Nivelle Offensive, the Aisne Offensive, and the Ypres Offensive. The American flyers also escorted Allied bombers as they struck targets deep behind enemy lines. The risks associated with daily combat operations

were pronounced—with some units experiencing casualty rates in excess of 400 percent. Flying amidst such odds proved their bold dedication to duty and sacrifice. As tales of the Lafayette Escadrille spread around the globe, these young men stood as noble champions of the Allied cause. Hundreds of Americans traveled to France in a quest to join the famed squadron. Unable to accommodate the flood of volunteers within the original unit, French Air Service leaders formed the Lafayette Flying Corps—an effort that saw over two hundred American volunteers join a variety of French squadrons. Their contributions were invaluable, with the volunteers shooting down 199 German aircraft. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM



One of the most iconic German bomber of WWII


The American Heritage Museum began importing an extremely rare, original German Heinkel He 111H-3 from Sweden to the United States for restoration to static display condition. The most produced and successful bomber aircraft operated by the German Luftwaffe during World War II, the He 111 was initially built in the mid-1930’s as a civilian transport to comply with the Treaty of Versailles. Quickly, the “sheep’s clothing” came off and the He 111 took part in the Spanish Civil War bombing of Guernica, immortalized in Picasso’s famous painting. The He 111 is famous for its role during the Blitzkrieg and the subjugation of Poland and France. Later, the He 111 was used in nighttime bomber raids on key British cities during the Battle of Britain in 1940.

Today, there are only three other complete, original wartime He 111’s: one in Germany, one in England, and one in Norway. Once complete, this He 111 would be the only of its type on display outside of Europe and one of four with documented combat history in World War II. Though the aircraft was recovered from a lake after belly landing on ice, it is remarkably complete and the previous restoration team had assembled many additional artifacts to further complement the restoration effort. A great deal of work remains to be finished, but our experienced preservation partners have the skills needed to take on the challenge. There is no doubt that the aircraft will 21


emerge as a true world-class example of one of the rarest bomber aircraft in existence from the early days of World War II. Further, it has the ability to tell a very unique story about the start of World War II and some of the lesser known offensive battles in the Scandinavian peninsula. The Norwegian Campaign of World War II took place from April to June of 1940, as the German Nazi Kriegsmarine and British Royal Navy fought for control of the ice-free harbor of Narvik. The port provided crucial access to iron ore supplies from Kiruna in Sweden and both sides had significant interest in securing this natural resource. OVERVIEW In May of 1940, German Heinkel He 111 bombers made daily attacks on Allied troops disembarking in Narvik. The only protection against these attacks came from Blackburn Skua aircraft based on Royal Navy carriers. At 10:10 am on May 15, 1940, three Blackburn Skua fighters, of the 800 Squadron, launched from the English aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. Their orders were to protect the anchorages of Allied ships at Tjeldsund and Harstad. Shortly after launching, the fighters observed four Heinkel He 111 bombers in formation over Hartvigvann attacking the British ships at Bjerkvik. The four Skuas attacked the bomber formation and the He 111’s released their bombs into the sea and disbursed, disappearing into a

Photo: The He 111 after belly landing on the ice of Sitasjaure Lake in 1940.

cloud bank heading south. Moments later, a lone He 111 was sighted by the Royal Navy fighters and though it attempted to evade the attackers by weaving in and out of clouds, Skua “Red 1” flown by Lieutenant EGD Finch-Noyes with stern gunner Petty Officer airman H. Cunningham, attacked the bomber five times assisted by “Red 2” flown by Midshipmen L. Gallagher with gunner P / O R. Rolph. The He 111 was significantly damaged by the attacking Skuas. Piloted by German pilot Uffz. Siegfried Blume, this He 111 of KG 26 was in a dire situation. Blume quickly decided to attempt a belly landing ahead on the dense wet snow still covering the ice on Sitasjaure Lake. Blume and his crew survived the landing and climbed out into the frozen surface and began a long trek over mountains in an attempt to reach farms that they had spotted near Skjomen. On May 16 at 2:00 pm, they were captured by a Polish patrol and transported to England as POWs. The He 111 was left at the lake and was not recovered by the Germans due to the remote location. In 1977, a police officer from Kiruna applied through the Swedish lost property law to become the owner of several aircraft wrecks that remained in northern Sweden after the war. One of these wrecks was this He 111 at Sitasjaure. The recovery operation began in August 2008. After nearly two years of planning, a Sikorsky Sea King helicopter from the Norwegian Air Force transported the components to a staging area

accessible by road. The pieces were loaded onto trailers and transported to Sweden, where restoration began. In the years since recovery, the mostly volunteer restoration team has transformed these salvaged pieces into a very complete airframe with components from other recoveries contributing to the effort. Though this could be a three-year restoration project, the value of the completed aircraft for display and its importance in the context of the World War II history make it a key addition to the American Heritage Museum. We hope you will make a donation toward this project.

Photo above: Restorers Sune Andersson (left) and Bengt Hermansson (right) sit in the unique nose section of the He 111. The highest level of detail is going into this static restoration. COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM 22


Tanks Demo Days

Tank Demo Days 2022 MAY 21 & 22 AUGUST 13 & 14

The American Heritage Museum in Massachusetts is hosting several Tank Demonstration and Tank Ride & Drive Days through 2022. This is a remarkable opportunity to see some of the Museum’s tanks operating on the grounds with accompanying historical narration. We also offer tank driving instruction and rides in the M4 Sherman and M24 Chaffee. Our first Tank Demo Days are on May 21st and 22nd. Tank driving instruction and rides can be scheduled throughout the year. For a complete calendar of events visit our website www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org Photo above: The WWII Russian Su-100 operating during our Tank Demo Days. This is one of two on display in the United States. Left photo: People enjoying a ride in the M4 Sherman. 23


M4 Sherman M24 Chaffee

Scan QR code to see video of the M4 Driving Instruction Program.

Driving Instruction & Ride Programs

Learn more at:


The mission of the American Heritage Museum is to bring visitors an immersive experience in history, to provide greater appreciation for those who lived through it and spark excitement to learn more. For the ultimate immersive experience, the American Heritage Museum is offering you the opportunity to RIDE aboard or even DRIVE a real tank from World War II… the M24 Chaffee Light Tank or the M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank!

WWII Tank Driving Instruction Programs

The American Heritage Museum offers tank riding and driving programs in the Chaffee and Sherman at our tank training area behind the museum in Massachusetts. Check in for your experience and be transported back to 1944 as you squeeze inside these amazing tanks!

All tank driving experiences are tax- deductible contributions. 100% of the donations for the experience goes to the upkeep and restoration of the vehicles and expanding educational programs at the American Heritage Museum.

An hour long training experience with 20 minutes of you at the controls. M4 Sherman: $1495 M24 Chaffee: $995

WWII Tank Ride Programs

A 10 minute ride experience. M4 Sherman: $595 for two people M24 Chaffee: $595 for three people.






Military History Through The Ages The American Heritage Museum hosted a living history exhibition called Military History Through The Ages on August 7th & 8th, 2021. This extraordinary weekend program featured multiple historical encampments laid out chronologically over the great expanse of the museum grounds. Each encampment contained a variety of artifacts, uniforms and weapons. As people visited each area they learned about the life of a solider from that era. Featured history included the Roman Legion, the French Indian Wars, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Top left photo: A Pilgrim era re-enactor demonstrates how to use a matchlock musket. Top photo: Civil War Union soldiers fire on the Confederate positions. Bottom left photo: Roman Legion III soldiers. Bottom right photo: British home front soldier.

The variety of re-enactors participating in this expansive timeline was amazing. In the Roman Legion, the re-enactors representing Cyrenaica soldiers came fully adorned with Roman armor. The Revolutionary War was represented by the Stow Minuteman Company, 64th Light Infantry and the Loyal Rangers. WWI and WWII had groups such as the 165th US Infantry, 99th Infantry, 26th YD and many more. The highlight of the event was the Civil War battle re-enactment. The Union and Confederate soldiers clashed midfield in an amazing battle with tremendous effects. Visit our website for a complete list of events www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM



Douglas SBD Dauntless The American Heritage Museum is proud to announce the upcoming addition of one of the most impactful aircraft types used in battle: the Douglas SBD Dauntless. Douglas SBD-5 BuNo 36177 will be on display in Stow, MA this winter. The SBD (Scout Bomber Douglas) Dauntless was the primary carrier-based dive bomber used by the U.S. Navy throughout the war. It was known for its long range, great maneuverability, potent bomb load, and fantastic diving characteristics that allowed it to deliver a crushing blow on the target. Though slower than other attack aircraft used later in the war, crews popularized the name “Slow But Deadly” as an alternate meaning of the SBD acronym. The American Heritage Museum has been working closely with the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL on an opportunity to bring this pivotal aircraft type to our museum in Stow, MA. In May, 27


representatives from the U.S. Navy notified AHM President Rob Collings that we were approved to receive the SBD-5 BuNo 36177 currently on display at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii. The SBD-5 BuNo 36177 was accepted by the U.S. Navy on October 7, 1943 at Naval Air Station Alameda and shortly after was transferred to NAS Glenview in the Chicago area for use in aircraft carrier landing qualification training on the USS Sable and USS Wolverine on Lake Michigan. On January 19, 1944, while attempting to land on the USS Wolverine, Ensign Ronald Kelly experienced a loss of power on approach and soft landed in the water prior to reaching the carrier. The aircraft lay on the floor of Lake Michigan for over five decades. It was recovered in nearly original condition and has been on display at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum with the very same paint since 1944. See our website for more information and history on this amazing dive bomber aircraft www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org


The American Heritage Museum features an extraordinary collection of historical artifacts. There are military vehicles and rare aircraft displayed in chronological order from the Revolutionary War to the present time. Our country’s military history is presented through a series of dioramas and immersive exhibits within our 67,000 square foot facility. Each exhibit has reader rails and other forms of media designed to engage, educate, and inspire.

In addition, we will have a WWI lesson plan and ambulance that is available to schools in the area (see pages 15 and 16). This program is designed to engage students in WWI history and American Field Service. Scheduling for school trips and the WWI Ambulance outreach has begun. Please contact the American Heritage Museum for more information and to schedule your school trip. We are excited to have received initial education funding to use for student transportation and resources.

The American Heritage Museum’s exhibits incorporate over 26 lesson plans aligned with the Massachusetts History and Social Science Framework. We have an extensive range of subject matter pertaining to US History. For example, students can explore themes and events surrounding the Treaty of Versailles, President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and frustrated efforts at post-war diplomacy including the establishment of the League of Nations. History from Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Gulf War and War on Terror are also represented with unique displays.




TR.9 Spitfire

TP-40N Warhawk

Win the Ultimate WWII Fighter Experience

P-51D Mustang

The American Heritage Museum is offering the ultimate WWII Fighter Experience at the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar near London, England. The sweepstakes winner will fly in the very rare two seat P-51D Mustang, TR.9 Spitfire and TP-40N Warhawk fighters. Imagine taking off from the famous Biggin Hill airport and soaring over the countryside of Kent. Fly through the skies over the English Channel where the Germans and British pilots fought aerial duels during the Battle of Britain. This is the only sweepstakes opportunity like this in the world! The WWII Fighter Experience sweepstakes is a fund raiser for the American Heritage Museum in Stow, Massachusetts. All proceeds will be used to support the Museum’s educational programs and collection up keep. The winner of this one and only fighter flight package will also receive a $2,000 travel allowance. Sweepstakes winner will be selected on July 29th, 2022. To purchase sweepstakes tickets visit: https://ahmus.me/2022sweeps. The American Heritage Museum is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit. 29


“The Revolution Has Begun!” The American Heritage Museum Presents:

Battle of Bunker Hill

Breed’s Hill, as depicted by Don Troiani

July 23rd & 24th, 2022 - Stow, MA

Join us July 23rd and 24th, 2022 for an extraordinary Revolutionary War re-enactment and living history event unlike anything you have seen! Period encampments and re-enactors will tell the tale of this infamous battle. Action will include bombardment of the redoubt on Breed’s Hill, the landing of troops on the Charlestown peninsula, company flank attacks on the Boston shore, and the multiple assaults up Breeds Hill, all done with pyrotechnic effects! It will be a spectacular experience! The scenario: June 16, 1775, on the heels of the events at Lexington and Concord that kicked off the Revolutionary War, American troops learned that the British were planning to send soldiers from Boston to occupy the hills surrounding the city. Some 1,000 colonial militiamen under Colonel William Prescott built earthen fortifications on top of Breed’s Hill, overlooking Boston and located on the Charlestown Peninsula. (The men originally had been ordered to construct their fortifications atop Bunker Hill, but instead chose the smaller Breed’s Hill, closer to Boston.) By daybreak of June 17, the British became aware of the colonial forces on the Peninsula and mounted an attack against them. Two assaults on the colonial positions were repulsed with significant British casualties; the third and final attack carried the redoubt after the defenders ran out of ammunition. The colonists retreated over Bunker Hill, leaving the British in control.





Your dedication helps us navigate the changes ahead. “There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.” Franklin D. Roosevelt It’s been a year of profound change and challenge for all of us. Throughout American history, there have been many obstacles but through it all, there is one constant: we are stronger when we are united behind a common cause. A year ago, when we were unsure what the future held for us as an organization, you made it abundantly clear: you were united with us to ensure the future of preserving the past. You contributed, you visited, you became members, and you took part in our experiences. You stepped up in so many ways to keep our mission alive and thereby ensured we would continue to go forward. You showed your commitment, and for that we thank you. But as shown within the exhibits here at the American Heritage Museum, the future is not preserved through a single victory or a single deed. It takes ongoing effort from many people to keep America strong, and it takes the same effort to keep our mission of preserving history alive. That is why we ask for your help this year - we ask you to make the American Heritage Museum and the Collings Foundation a part of your year-end giving in any way you can. Through all the challenges and changes, you have kept us moving forward. Will you help us maintain this positive direction over the coming year? We invite you to consider becoming an even more important part of our mission now, as a contributor. There are many ways to make a lasting impact. Your generosity could have an immediate effect with an annual fund gift, or a donor advised fund (DAF) distribution. Specific programs like those you see to the right of this page are also available to earmark your donation. Please also consider a longer-term legacy, making the Collings Foundation and the American Heritage Museum an important part of your planned giving strategy. We would love to discuss how we can work together to connect your special passion with a program that preserves your legacy as part of our mission.

We can do it... together.

We realize it has been a difficult year for many of our supporters, but we sincerely hope you will consider the Collings Foundation and the American Heritage Museum in your year-end giving plans. Your financial support means more than ever as we continue to move forward and grow... keeping our mission alive. Every penny of your donation goes right into the living history programs, restorations, exhibits, and events that you deeply care about. Please help us develop a brighter future, keep the memories of our veterans alive and educate future generations for many decades to come. Remember that the CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act in 2021 have provided enhancements to charitable contributions in 2020 and 2021. For non-itemizers who take the standard deduction, these acts provide a deduction for cash donations of up to $300 ($600 for joint returns for 2021). They also eliminated the limit on cash gifts of individuals to public charities such as the American Heritage Museum. This means that your gift not only supports our mission, but may also help your personal tax filing this year.

You can make a difference by helping us make a difference... see some of the ways you can >>>>> 31


There are many ways to ensure our future... Give to our educational endowment...

Prior to the pandemic, an American Association of School Administrators survey found that 50% of schools did not plan field trips for the coming year due to dwindling budgets. In the post-pandemic school environment, we fear this will only worsen. We have developed an endowment to assist with admissions, provide bus funding, and develop outreach opportunities at schools so that the American Heritage Museum can bring much needed history and STEM content to students in both large groups and oneon-one.

Preserve your legacy in a gallery...

The American Heritage Museum in Stow offers an unparalleled way to connect your family or corporate legacy to pivotal events in American history through Gallery Sponsorship. We have a variety of opportunities including new galleries and exhibits planned and available in our world-class museum that will assure your impact is visible for generations to come. Contact us for existing and future naming opportunities as we expand and grow.

Fund a restoration...

The Collings Foundation is committed to identifying, recovering, and restoring historic artifacts from around the world, preserving the valuable history that they embody. Donors play a critical role in funding these major efforts. As you have read in this magazine, we have added many projects in the past year and your generosity will help move their progress forward for eventual inclusion in the American Heritage Museum and our outreach programs.

Become an annual or lifetime member or sponsor...

Membership provides sustaining support to the Collings Foundation and American Heritage Museum with some great benefits. Student, Individual, Dual, and Family programs are available! Consider going the extra distance with a Lifetime Membership or become a Plane Sponsor or Armor Sponsor to support the aircraft or tank you love most! Corporate Memberships are also available for businesses as well.

Make a lasting impact...

We hope you believe, as we do, that our mission is crucial to future generations. There are many giving options available to preserve your legacy, provide valuable charitable benefits to you and your family, and even preserve income well into the future. We accept donations of public or private common stock, real estate, and other appreciated assets as options to continue our mission.


There are many ways you can join us and help keep our mission alive. Reach out to Ryan Keough, Director of Donor Relations and Development at 978-562-9182 or rkeough@collingsfoundation.org and let us help develop a plan that matches your passion today.





The mission of the American Heritage Museum and the Collings Foundation to keep history alive requires an enormous level of support to sustain for our future generations. We are extremely grateful for all of our supporters who have helped to keep this mission moving forward, year after year. We wish to recognize our loyal and generous donors who have taken their giving to a higher level. Thank you for your committment.



Lifetime supporters of the Collings Foundation have risen above and beyond to help keep history alive for future generations. Their support has helped to ensure the future of the American Heritage Museum, Wings of Freedom Tour, and Vietnam Memorial Flight.


Anonymous Donors The Bassick Family Foundation James Dearborn Gerard B. Lambert Foundation Huisking Foundation Nate & Tawni Franklin


Anonymous Donors Jack Croul Darmochwal Family Glen Hanson George Kuchenbecker


Anonymous Donors Virginia M. Ballard Stuart Bemis Henry W. Bull Foundation Curtis Burton Daniel B. Clark David L. Craven Mark Dunham

Stewart McMillan The William J. & Deborah S. Nutt Foundation Prescott Foundation Bill Shea and Family William M. Sheriff Vincent Family Charitable Foundation

Edmund Littlefield Dorothy A. Metcalf Foundation Tony O’Neill Joe J. Osentoski Kevin Schuerman Gary B. Grainger Michiel Hanou Ed Harder Thomas G. Harrison David W. Kuchenbecker Michael Lam Brad Lemons Foundation Michael Malcolm

Chuck McElwee Joseph McGrath W.L. Miller Carl F. Moore James R. Moriarty John Muhr Jim X. Mullen Norris Foundation

Denise Littlefield Sobel Eric M. Stroud David O. Swain David J. Walker

Paul Parfrey Mike Poirier Roy Reardon Charles Robidart Scott and Pam Sheeler Warren Reed Sprinkel Ryan L. Stoner Stephen D. Wolfe

SILVER Davey L. Adams, Jr. James Allison James Althoff Craig M Arellano Lawrence Bachman William J. Bachschmidt Anna Bailey Trust Richard L. Bellmer Bret Berry Bob Best Frank Bilotta Barry Birdwell Barbara Bishop-Ward James Blake Letha S. Blankenship James W. Blatchford III Mark Jon Bluth Gregory Booze Lawrence Borger Brad Lemons Foundation Jim Bryant Ann M. Burger John Burnett Beth Butler Joel Caldwell Donald J. Campbell Jerry Carlson Bob D. Carufel Ray Cawley Michele Ciancio Maudie Clark Patrick B. Clark Kenneth Clendenin Brian Cleveland Thomas R. Cockfield Pamela Coe


Philip K. Coleman Keith E. Collett John C. Cooke Bruce P. Creighton Charles Cumbaa Christopher Dale Frank Darabont Paul Darmochwal Dale H. Davenport Richard E. DeKostic Tracy Delahunt-LaPelusa John Dillman Ken Eldred William H. Everett Gregory Falk Gregory Fang Helga M. Felsch Caruthers S. Jean Fernandez Michael K. FitzSimons Thomas J. Flaherty John K. Flanagan Ricky Foster Glenn L. Frizzell Owen Gallagher Robert J. Galloway Ethan Galstad Johnny Gates Jere Gerszewski Robert D. Gilligan Patricia P. Greenhood Dirk Griffin Steve Grogan Thomas Haddock Stephen Han Douglas Hart William T. Hawkins

Alan Heffron Bruce R. Hegdahl Barry Hennings Norman Henry Steven J. Herson L. Clarke Hill Larry Hinton Stephen J. Hoffman James M. Holley Chris R. Huber Charlene Hunter Laura Huston Paul Jernigan Thomas D. Johns James A. Joki Kenneth Jones James L. Joslin Jeffrey Karnes Ed Kirik Leroy Kirk Matt Kuehn David Kuntz Bob Laverty David A. Lintz Manuel J. Lozano Roderick MacLeod Gunard O. Mahl Maurizio Maranghi Ron A Marquis Clifford Martin Bruce Martini David Masiello William Maxwell William C. McAllister Mike McCune Betty McMicken


Michael J. McNamara William T. Meehleis George Michel John Miller Don Miller Kent M. Mueller Thomas Mueller Andrew T. Munson Mark Nickerson Kevin Nish Mary L. Norton Robert G. Oneglia Brad O’Neill Paul Orr Walt Orth Joan Patterson Mary Paulin, Jr. David W. Payne Matthew M. Perez Paul Peterzell Eric Pintard David T. Plakias Robert D. Poole Michael Pozarowski Scott Prawat Jack Quinn Dennis Paul Rego Lloyd Robidoux Donna Rosenkrans Peter C. Rosenthal Jeff Rusk James Rust Andrew H. Schmidt Susan Schueller Cesare Segalini Barry Semler

Nathan Simpson Stephen Skalski George Slye Cynthia P. Smith Richard J. Smith David A. Smith Richard Spatz Robert Stack Robert Stanford Carl Stanley Cory Stirling Susan F. Swanson James Taiclet Alexander B. Taylor Phillip Tenwick Jack N. Thornton Robert Torres Michael Martin Tull Ellie Unum Michael E. Vadvilavich L.A. Vander Putten Norman Veldhoff George Waal Jimmie Waldon Robert Warmack Harry Warner Urs Wettstein Steven Whisler Lorne Wickerson M.J. Winer George Wiseman Alan Wolnek Howard B. Young Justin E. Zabel Stan Zeiden Nancy Zverina


Anonymous Donors The Bassick Family Foundation Brad Lemons Foundation Marilyn J. Collings David L. Craven Jack Croul James Dearborn Mark Dunham Frank W. Dworak Bruce E. Dworak Paul Erickson Gregory Falk The Fannie Cox Foundation Nate & Tawni Franklin Owen Gallagher Gerard B. Lambert Foundation Gary B. Grainger Joanne Harper Jeffrey Karnes Edmund Littlefield Richard Lorson William C. McAllister McMillan Family Foundation Kent M. Mueller John Muhr David Nichols The Pizzagalli Foundation Stuart Pratt David A. Smith Denise Littlefield Sobel David O. Swain L.A. Vander Putten The Vincent Family Foundation 2021 LIFETIME MEMBERS

Robert Bartlett Bob and Janet Baylis Frank Cooke Daniel Ervin Kristin Everett Dean Gilligan Scott Hindley Glenn D. King Kenneth Mooney Wally Owens Paul Petry Lt. Gen. L. Scott and Dr. Nancy Rice Sean Rogers Vernon Squires Toeniskoetter Family Foundation




All memberships help support the programs of the American Heritage Museum and the Collings Foundation. By becoming a member, you join the ranks of others who have taken the extra step each year to keep history alive!




Annual Memberships include one year of unlimited admission as outlined below to the American Heritage Museum and the Wings of Freedom Tour, a 20% discount to special event tickets at the American Heritage Museum, a 10% discount to the museum store or PX, a window decal, and a subscription to member publications. Student Membership - $35 - Membership for one student 18 and under includes standard annual membership benefits as described above, including admission for the student member.



SELECT BELOW TO BECOME A MEMBER OR SPONSOR � Student Membership: $35 annually (18 and under) � Individual Membership: $60 annually � Participating Membership: $100 annually

Individual Membership - $60 - Membership for one person includes standard annual membership benefits as described above, including admission for the member.

� Dual Membership: $100 annually

Participating Membership - $100 - Membership for one person includes standard annual membership benefits as described above, including admission for the member. Also includes a $50 voucher to use toward a flight or armor experience.

� Plane / Armor Sponsor of _________: $7000 one time

Dual Membership - $100 - Membership for two adults. Includes standard annual membership benefits as described above, including admission for the two adults. Family Membership - $140 - Membership for two adults and all children under 18. Includes standard annual membership benefits as described above, including admission for the family. ADVANCED MEMBERSHIPS Advanced Memberships include lifetime unlimited admission as for the member and up to three additional people to the American Heritage Museum and the Wings of Freedom Tour, a 50% discount to special event tickets at the American Heritage Museum, a 10% discount to the museum store or PX, a window decal, and a subscription to member publications. Additional benefits are outlined below. Lifetime Membership - $2500 - Membership for one person includes the advanced membership benefits as described above. Also includes two (2) certificates for a flight experience on a Wings of Freedom bomber (when available) OR two (2) certificates for an Tank Experience ride at the AHM. Plane Sponsor or Armor Sponsor - $7000 - Support a specific aircraft or tank of your choice from our collection. Membership includes the advanced membership benefits as described above. Benefits also include flying privileges on tour flights when available for Plane Sponsors or tank rides at the AHM for Armor Sponsors. Members may also receive either a personalized A-2 Leather jacket, or a model of the aircraft or tank they sponsor.

� Family Membership: $140 annually � Lifetime Membership: $2500 one time contribution

OR, SUPPORT US WITH AN ANNUAL CONTRUBUTION Support our Annual Fund where your donation is applied to the most urgent needs.

I wish to support... (must select one) � American Heritage Museum programs and restorations (Collings Foundation, Inc.) � Wings of Freedom Tour and Vietnam Memorial Flight (Collings Foundation Trust)

Donation Amount � $500

� $250

� $100

� $50

� Other_________





SIGNATURE Make your check payable to COLLINGS FOUNDATION and Mail your donation to:

The Collings Foundation Attn.: Membership & Contributions 568 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749

Give or Become a Member Online at: http://ahmus.me/give COLLINGS FOUNDATION - AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM


Collings Foundation Inc. American Heritage Museum 568 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749 (978) 562-9182

Non Profit Org US Postage Paid




The online PX Store features a great selection of gifts for the aviation and history buff in your family. C u s t o m Te e S h i r t s a n d C a p s

M o d e l s , To y s , B o o k s a n d U n i q u e G i f t s

We have many new Cobi building block toys, models and vintage WWII tin signs now in stock at the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation gift shops.

Great selection of books for the aviation and history buff. We also carry custom challenge coins, a variety of custom pins and patches, key chains and magnets. Proceeds help the Collings Foundation. Every purchase helps!

Wonderful variety of tee shirts and wearables featuring the Collings Foundation’s historic aircraft collection and American Heritage Museum’s tank collection. Visit our online store to see all our full inventory of shirts.

We have many more items to choose from! See all items in our store at: www.AmericanHeritageMuseum.org YOUR PURCHASE HELPS SUPPORT THE COLLINGS FOUNDATION AND AMERICAN HERITAGE MUSEUM


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