Toll Free: 800-823-7516 Chip Collins Owner & Broker-in-Charge
2009 vs. 2008 Home Sales Sales Volume: While 2009 started out even less vibrant than 2008 (which was no banner year itself), a “rally” in the last two quarters has put production back on track to essentially match that of 2008. In particular, activity in October and November has been substantially above the same months in 2008, suggesting that more buyers are becoming active in a year-round marketplace.
Average Sales Prices: The average sales price of a home in Hilton Head dropped from $869,323 in 2008 to $723,106 in 2009 (a 16%+ decline), while the average sales price of a home in Bluffton dropped from $318,032 in 2008 to $279,573 in 2009 – or roughly a 12% decline in average values. Average villa values dropped most significantly, falling from an average sales price of $401,554 in 2008 to $268,065 in 2009 – a whopping 33% decline! For more detailed information on the market performance of any particular segment of our area, please email or call us anytime. We will be glad to do the research and provide you with a valuable market update anytime!
Collins Group Realty – A Successful 2009! What’s Selling: In 2008, the percentage of home sales on the Island under $500,000 was 28%, and that number has jumped to 46% in 2009, demonstrating that buyers are focused on lower-priced properties AND that MORE properties fall into that price category than in 2008. For properties priced between $500,000 and $1 Million, the percentage of sales dropped from 49% in 2008 to 37% in 2009…and the price category of over $1 Million accounted for only 16% of total home sales on the Island in 2009. Similar trends established Greater Bluffton where the percentage of sales under $200,000 went from 35% in 2008 to 42%
in 2009, while the other price categories all showed a smaller percentage in 2009 vs. 2008.
I might summarize our marketplace in a single word: Soupy - There’s a little bit of everything all mixed in! From the increasing presence of short-sales and foreclosures to the nice jump in ocean/waterfront sales to the disappointing lack of homesite sales, there are stories of success, failure and everything in between in our current marketplace. It has become increasingly difficult to predict when sales will occur, which homes will sell right away vs. which ones will sit, whether a qualified purchaser will actually GET his/ her loan, etc. In all, though, our market is ANYTHING but boring, and at Collins Group Realty, we are very proud to be beating the odds. We have outperformed the market in our increase in number of sales (up 40%), our increase in our volume of sales (up 10%), and our increase in overall market-share (up 30%) – and we give our THANKS TO YOU for your continued support and business! In 2010, we hope we can earn the opportunity to serve YOU AND YOUR REFERRALS with your real estate needs in buying or selling property in the greater Hilton Head Island/Bluffton marketplace. We are available everyday and around the clock, so PLEASE CALL ON US ANYTIME. We look forward to serving you! From all of us, have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!
In Greater Bluffton: 843-837-6700 On Hilton Head Island: 843-341-6300
Andrea Albright Buyer Specialist
Serena Crisan Buyer Specialist
Ann Eden Buyer Specialist
Joan Weaver Buyer Specialist
Holiday Food Drive A Collins Group Realty holiday tradition continued on Saturday, November 21st with our annual Food Collection! This year’s drive took place in the communities off of Spanish Wells Road on Hilton Head Island and was a huge success!
Carl Girth
2009 STATE OF THE TEAM UPDATE Collins Group Realty is not only alive and well…but we have had a very successful and exciting year! Increasing our sales performance by over 40% from 2008 is the icing on the cake of rewarding accomplishments we have had this year:
with our clients has created some terrific new communication avenues, such as our company blog, our company Facebook page, our monthly market pulse report, our weekly pending-sales report among others.
Our move in the Spring to our new
has perpetuated our annual food and toy drives, earned us the Hilton Head Association of Realtors President’s Cup Award, and even prompted us to invest in fresh wrapgraphics so that our Community Vehicle (15’ box truck) shines as it serves so many local charities, churches, non-profits, and annual events.
office location on Hwy 278 has increased our exposure while creating a very convenient operation-base for our Island-wide business.
Bluffton Specialist
Our launch of an all-new user-friendly Bill Weis Bluffton Specialist
Carrie Collins Client Care Coordinator
The team collected nearly 700 pieces of non-perishable food items to benefit local charity The Deep Well Project!
Kent Collins Business Development Manager
Holiday Toy Drive Gail Bonnett Closings Manager
Kimberly King
The team also just completed our second annual toy drive benefiting Bluffton Self Help! Held on Saturday, December 12th, we were able to collect a multitude of toys for children of our less fortunate neighbors.
Listings Manager
Ollie Wingfield Office Manager
Much thanks to the wonderful residents of Fern Lakes, Lake Linden, Pinecrest and Martin’s Place for their generosity and help in bringing some holiday cheer to local children who might otherwise have to go without.
real estate website has proven to be very effective in “creating conversations” with literally 1,000’s of new buyer and seller prospects.
focus on education has landed us a series of new designations, which better enable us to serve a wide and robust base of clients.
Our commitment to quality staffing and enhanced resources has provided us with the foundation for a service platform that clients consistently rate as “Excellent”.
Our team-structure has strengthened and supported our sales agents with ideasharing that enables us to anticipate and overcome obstacles in each unique transaction.
Our investment in technology has launched a whole new level of informationbased services by our Group, such as our weekly video Q&A series.
Our genuine desire to stay connected
Our interest in community involvement
Our family-style Group environment has allowed us to support one another through a variety of personal events, successes, and challenges, reminding us what makes Collins Group Realty so special to US on a daily basis. In all, we’ve got no complaints. We have great hope and promise for what we will accomplish in 2010, and we are more grateful than ever before for the continued business, support and referrals that YOU provide us. I am so very, very proud of the Group’s commitment to putting each client’s goals, happiness and success FIRST, for I know that this attitude and outlook alone is what guarantees that Collins Group Realty will continue to grow and thrive regardless of market conditions.