San Miguel Lions Club hosts old timers at annual barbecue
Paul and Joy King were honored as the two oldest people at the fundraiser for Pioneer Day
PASO ROBLES — The Pioneer Day activities continued at noon this past Sunday, Aug. 25, with the annual Old Timer BBQ in the San Miguel Community Park. Lions Club volunteers were working hard in the hot weather selling tickets for the barbecue and making sure everything ran smoothly. Many also generously donated their time to prepare and serve the delicious meal. In addition to Lions Club members, there were the Pioneer Day royalty. The Marshal, Queen, and Belle, with her attendants, all had their own tables for family and friends to accompany and eat with them as they enjoyed the event.
Miki Saunders, who coordinated the event and was MC for the announcements this year, said, “People who are 80 and over get to have a meal here for free, so that’s why it’s called the Old Timers BBQ, but it’s also an opportunity to identify and give some respect to the people who are considered the royals for the parade.
were honored as the two oldest people at the barbecue.
Saunders added, “It’s quite a tradition and has been going on for years, and I’m just really proud to be a member of the
While there are many reasons for this event, one of them is to highlight the Pioneer Day Parade happening in October. Many of the
events leading up to the big parade day begin in August, including the announcement of Pioneer Day Royalty, The Old Timers BBQ, The Queen’s Luncheon — which includes a list of certain people invited by the Queen herself — the Pioneer Day Kick-Off Party, which is open to the public, and the Ladies Tea.
There will be another Old Timer’s Dinner at the Paso Robles Event Center the week of the parade, which is by invitation only. Following that, the parade will take place where it always has through downtown Paso Robles on the second Saturday of October.
The Belle and four of her attendants were able to make this event and sat intently at their own table.
“It’s nice to connect with the attendants and Belle, and it’s also cool to see all different generations of people just coming together, having fun, having a good ol’ barbecue,” says Ava Friedling, one of the Belle attendants.
Many of the girls expressed how they enjoyed talking with the attendants at the event and learning lots of history and new things.
“I think it’s been really fun because we’ve been able to connect with the older genera-
weigh new cellphone policy following governor’s urge to regulate
PASO ROBLES — Following a letter released on Aug. 13 by California Gov. Gavin Newsom regarding cellphone use in classrooms, the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District (PRJUSD) discussed possible changes to the district’s cellphone policy.
Back in June, Newsom released the following statement: “As the Surgeon General affirmed, social media is harming the mental health of our youth. I look forward to working with the
SLO County supervisor votes down use of eminent domain in Bob Jones Pathway Project
Supervisor Debbie Arnold reaffirms stance against use of eminent domain to protect property owner rights
COUNTY — The use of eminent domain was denied by a 1-3 vote during the Tuesday, Aug. 20, San Luis Obispo
County (SLO) Board of Supervisors meeting. The “resolution of necessity” to acquire a rightof-way easement from a private landowner to complete the Bob Jones Pathway from Avila Beach to San Luis Obispo was denied when Supervisor Debbie Arnold voted no in a decision that required four votes to pass.
The project, known as the Bob Jones Pathway City to Sea,
PASO ROBLES — Paso Robles lost a true pillar in the community this past July. Matt Masia died on Sunday, July 28, in his home with family by his side. There are many ways that one could have crossed paths with Masia, but the main would be at one of his cherished hotels — the Adelaide Inn or Black Oak Motel (now Best Western Black Oak).
“Don’t take yourself so seriously,” that is what Mitchell Masia hopes people take away from his brother’s life. “I think he was a pretty simple guy when it came down to most aspects of his life.”
A lifelong Paso Roblan, Matt was born in Paso Robles on Oct. 5, 1956, to Mario and Shirley Masia. A proud Bearcat, he graduated from Paso Robles
High School in 1974 where he was active in FFA and served as ASB president. And we cannot forget that he was a member of the 1972 Bearcat CIF Championship football team. Matt continued supporting
FFA well after high school, following in his grandfather’s footsteps. His grandfather began buying animals at the California Mid-State Fair in 1949, and Matt continued the tradition ever since. In 2017, he was
inducted into the California Mid-State Fair Hall of Fame for his contributions and dedication to the fair.
“Matt loved that part of his life. The connection that he had growing up and his involvement in both FFA and 4-H were a real foundation for him,” said Mitchell of his brother’s livestock showing days. “He got a lot of joy out of participating and being a leader in those different organizations.”
After attending Fresno State University, Matt came back home to get back into the family business.
“We literally grew up attached to the property,” explained Mitchell. “It’s kind of a classic story ... you’re kind of exposed to everything.”
Matt’s maternal grandfather, Hugh Black, opened the original Black Oak Motor Lodge in 1961, and owned the property where the motel was originally situated, extended all the way down Riverside Avenue, and was home to the Black Poultry Hatchery. Later, his maternal aunt, Linda, operated the fami-
We have the Marshal and the Queen here, and we also celebrate the two oldest people here: male and female.”
year, Paul King (97) and his wife Joy (92) of Paso Robles
San Miguel Lions Club.”
Top: (from left) Pioneer Day Belle Attendant Ava Friedling, Belle Reese Jaureguy, and Attendant Adelaida Coelho. Bottom left: Dana Thiel and Pioneer Day Queen Bonnie Thorndyke. Bottom right: Claudia Woodland and Pioneer Day Marshal Dick Woodland. Photos by Derek Luff
Matt Masia is shown in front of his Adelaide Inn motel after being named Roblan of the Year in 2018. Masia, a respected community leader, died at the age of 67 on Sunday, July 28. Photo by Nicholas Mattson
ly-owned liquor store; he worked there during high school, on weekends while attending Fresno State, and after he graduated college.
Growing up, Matt had experienced all the jobs at the Black Oak Motel. At the age of 6, he answered phones and later cleaned rooms, changed beds, and greeted guests.
“It was so much a fabric, part of the fabric of our childhood and our surroundings that it just kind of happened organically,” explains Mitchell. “You just kind of get thrown in there and exposed to everything. And so there’s no tasks too big or too small.”
Matt was instrumental in helping grow the family business with the development of Black Oak Corner and building the Adelaide Inn in 1986. Famously, Matt’s old bedroom would eventually become his office. To his staff and others who worked with him, Matt was a quiet but respected leader.
The only thing more important to Matt than his business and community was his family. He married Robin Tuley in 1998, and they welcomed their one and only son, Mateo, in 2001. Along with supporting the San Francisco Giants, the family was vital to Matt’s well-being.
“He got a lot of enjoyment out of bringing happiness to others, and I think that’s really important for people to know,” said Mitchell. For many who knew him, Matt invoked the feeling of “Christmas.” His long-time friend Dana Stroud says Matt was known for surprising loved ones with meaningful gifts, just because.
FFA president, Chamber president and long-time board member, City of Paso Robles “All Aboard” Train Station Committee chair and board, San Luis Obispo County Visitor and Convention Bureau founding member and board member, Travel Paso board member, and a founding member of the Paso Robles Business Improvement District. For all his hard work and dedication to the community of Paso Robles, he was awarded Roblan of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce in 2018.
Legislature to restrict the use of smartphones during the school day. When children and teens are in school, they should be focused on their studies — not their screens.”
In 2019, the governor signed AB 272 (Muratsuchi) into law, which grants school districts the authority to regulate the use of smartphones during school hours. The legislation was meant to help minimize distractions for students during learning hours. On Aug. 13, Newsom said, “It is imperative that school districts take full advantage of this law to address the
tions and learn a little bit about them and hear some different stories from them,” says Belle attendant Khylah McKee.
As previously mentioned, a new Queen, Marshal, and Belle are chosen each year. The Pioneer Day Court is chosen
Stroud describes her childhood-and-beyond friend as an offensive lineman (which was his position on the team when he was a Bearcat).
“He would just clear the path and let others achieve the success or let others gain the recognition or catch the pass or run the ball or throw the ball,” explained Stroud. “He cleared so many paths for people in the community and that was a reflection. That’s what he did in life. He opened up the holes for all of us to run through, or for all of us to pass through or for all of us to be open and catch the ball. He created those opportunities for so many people here in town.”
Matt touched almost every organization in Paso Robles. He had a passion for helping youth and donated time and money to Bearcat Boosters, Boys
“He was very considerate and kind and goodhearted. I think that’s the best way to describe it,” says Stroud. “His heart was always good and always in the right place and not everybody had that right. And Matt did. Matt’s heart was good.”
growing concerns surrounding student well-being and academic performance.
Leveraging the tools of this law, I urge every school district to act now to restrict smartphone use on campus as we begin the new academic year. The evidence is clear: reducing phone use in class leads to improved concentration, better academic outcomes, and enhanced social interactions.”
District staff provided a presentation that explored what large districts and local ones are doing for their cell phone policies.
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) plans to ban cellphone usage on campus beginning with the spring semester using Yondr bags that clock
based on a tradition of families who have relatives who settled in the area or have been a long-term resident that has made an impact in the community to reign over the special event. This year, Bonnie Cary Thorndyke was chosen as the Pioneer Day Queen, the Grand Marshal is Dick Woodland, and the Belle
aims to connect Cal Poly and the City of SLO with Avila Beach and with another planned trail connecting to Pismo Beach. Specifically, this segment of the trail is referred to as the Bob Jones Pathway “Gap Closure” Project and would close a 4.5-mile segment of the trail. Of that segment, 1.2 aces is needed for a permanent easement.
However, to complete the trail, the county needs a portion of the Bunnell family property, which previously denied selling a stretch of the land into an easement with the County. In November 2023, the board directed staff to look into rerouting the project onto Ontario Road to avoid the Bunnell property. However, in April 2024, the proposed change did not obtain approval from the California Transportation
& Girls Club, Children’s Museum, and Studios on the Park. He also helped build and develop a working garden for Bauer Speck Elementary School. Gardening was one of Matt’s favorite passions. He was instrumental in a variety of community organizations, including Estrella Warbird Museum, Pioneer Museum, Pioneer Day, Main Street Association, and the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce.
Main Street Association Executive Director Norma Moye was friends with Matt’s family and knew him almost his entire life.
“He was the kindest person you’d ever want to know,” said Moye who recalled Matt bringing an annual jar of pretzels to the Main Street office.
Another Christmas trait of his, adding that he was “Like a lovable teddy bear.”
His committee and board involvement over the years includes being 4-H president, Paso Robles
in at about $30 each. However, Clovis Unified School District (CUSD) is going with the phones-put-away policy while giving teachers the right to allow the use of an electronic device for teaching purposes.
Locally, Atascadero Unified School District (AUSD) says cellphones are to remain off and away at all times in the middle and elementary schools and off and away during class at the high school.
Trustees looked to the newly appointed student trustee Brandon Nguyen for his perspective.
“As a student, I do like having my phone, but I do have to agree it does intrude on educational purposes as well,” Nguyen said. “I’m not a fan of
is Reese Jaureguy, representing the Shandon area.
It’s been a big year for Woodland, earning two titles in one year: Roblan of the Year and Pioneer Marshal.
When asked what it meant to him, he replied, humorously, “My first thought was there was probably something the doctors weren’t telling me.
Commission (CTC), and the board went back to the original route.
Advocates of the project have cited safety as the biggest reason to push the project forward.
In 2012, a Shell Beach man died after he was hit by a big-rig truck while bicycling near the intersection of Ontario Road and South Higuera Street south of San Luis Obispo. Thirty-nineyear-old Damian Horstman was the chief of anesthesiology and vice chief of staff at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center.
According to the county staff’s report, the county has sent two offers to the property owners, both of which were denied, leaving the county to seek eminent domain to obtain the property for the easement.
“The public safety aspect cannot be denied,” said Supervisor Dawn Ortiz-Legg when advocating in favor of the eminent domain vote.
She continued, expressing frustration that
When Paso Robles Press interviewed Matt in 2018 for being named Roblan of the Year, he was asked what advice he had for others in the community about giving back. Matt replied, “Honestly, I think giving back helps not only other people, but it’s good for you. You get a connection you would otherwise not have. Everyone is busy, but if you can do just a little to help, do it. You will help Paso Robles, and you will develop friendships with people of all different backgrounds, people you might not otherwise have the chance to interact with during your everyday work or family life. Invest just one day a month if that’s what you’re able to do — that is what makes a community.”
A public Celebration of Life will be held at the Paso Robles Event Center on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 3 p.m.
Additionally, Sensorio will be hosting two nights of rememberance for Matt. On Sept. 8, a portion of ticket sales will be donated to the Bearcat Boosters, and on Sept. 22, a portion will be donated to Paso Robles High School FFA. You can find more information on those events here
the magnets [Yondr] personally, but I do think that maybe it may need to be implemented because some kids don’t care about the cellphone policy.”
Nguyen also mentioned that some teachers have a “pocket” or bag that they use in class for students to place their phone into at the start of class.
“Any policy we have, one of the largest challenges, particularly at the secondary, is monitoring and implementing it,” Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Erin Haley added.
Trustee Sondra Williams mentioned a few examples with her own children that advocated for students having access to their phones — one was when her son had an injury and another when
But seriously, no, it’s really an honor. I’m not sure how many people have ever gotten both awards let alone in the same year. I’m just overwhelmed by it.”
her son was not on the bus heading to a game like planned.
The current PRJUSD cellphone policy is the following:
Cellphones are not out in class, except as permitted by teacher within instruction
Cellphones may be out at lunch and passing periods
As the cellphone policy was only a discussion item, the board directed staff to remind teachers of the current cellphone policy and if anything further happens at the state level, the policy will be discussed again.
The next Paso Robles Joint Unified School District meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 6 p.m.
Thorndyke has lived in Paso Robles for the majority of her life and is very proud to call this area her home. Her mother was also chosen as Pioneer Day Queen in 2003. When asked what it meant to her to follow in her mother’s footsteps, she replied with, “Something totally special.” Jaureguy just started her senior year at Paso Robles High and is passionate about showing livestock, which she does competitively all over the state. When asked what her experience is so far with this year’s Pioneer Day Events, Jareguy told Paso Robles Press, “There’s a lot of friendly faces, the people are amazing here, and it’s been pretty good so far.” To learn more about the Pioneer Day Parade and its upcoming festivities, visit
Bunnell would not voluntarily sell his property: “I feel bad that Supervisor Arnold has to make this decision because it is a no-brainer.”
Supervisor John Peschong recused himself from voting on the item because he received campaign funds from the Bunnell family in 2023. That left four supervisors to make the vote that required four votes to pass. Ortiz-Legg, Bruce Gibson, and Jimmy Paulding were all in favor of moving forward with eminent domain over the Bunnell property. However, Arnold was not.
“It’s pretty clear that we’re going to see this board fail because one county supervisor chooses not to act in the public interest,” said Gibson.
During the Board’s Nov. 7, 2023, discussion on the possibility of using eminent domain for the easement, Arnold declared her stance against using eminent domain to gain portions of the Bunnell property. She again reaffirmed
her stance on Tuesday.
“I won’t be supporting this today,” Arnold said. “I have talked to staff; there are other pathways; this isn’t the end of the road.”
The county has paid almost $7 million into the trail extension project and received about $18 million in federal funding for the project. However, if the project does not begin by March 2025, the funds will have to be returned. Arnold further explained her decision: “The core case of property ownership needs to be protected, or a lot of things will change in our society.”
In a social media post following the meeting, the county said, “Public Works will further examine the proposal to see if there are any other options to save the extension project.”
The next San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 a.m.
A young Matt Masia poses with ribbons and trophies he won as a member of FFA and 4-H. Masia graduated in 1974 from Paso Robles High, where he was ASB president and member of the 1972 Bearcat CIF Championship squad. Contributed Photo
Proposed funding to enhance vocational training, STEM education, campus safety, and accessibility in AUSD Atascadero voters to decide on Measure B: $110 million bond to transform
ATASCADERO — This November, voters will have the opportunity to vote for Measure B, a new General Obligation Bond proposal that promises to transform our local schools and provide significant benefits to students and the community. If approved, Measure B will generate $110 million for Atascadero Unified School District, funding a variety of essential projects designed to enhance educational opportunities and campus facilities.
Here is what Measure B could fund:
Renovating Vocational and Career Technical Facilities: Improvements will be made to classrooms and facilities that focus on vocational training, preparing students for successful careers with state-of-the-art resources.
Upgrading STEM Classrooms and Labs: The bond will provide modernized equipment and resources for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics classrooms, ensuring that students
have access to the latest tools and technologies.
Expanding Classroom Workshops: New and enhanced workshops will be created for hands-on learning in robotics, coding, woodworking, and computer programming, encouraging students to explore and excel in these exciting fields.
Improving Campus Safety: Safety upgrades will be a priority, ensuring that students and staff are in healthy and secure environments.
Creating Greater Accessibility: The bond will also address accessibility needs, making sure all facilities are welcoming and usable for everyone.
In addition to these key areas, Measure B will support numerous other improvements that benefit both students and the community.
Measure B is the formation of an Independent Citizens Oversight Committee. This committee will be dedicated to reviewing and reporting on all expenditures related to the bond, ensuring that funds are used effectively and transparently. It’s a commitment to accountability that gives taxpayers peace of mind.
Measure B funds cannot be diverted to the state, guaranteeing that every dollar stays within the local school district to benefit the schools directly. The bond is estimated to cost taxpayers less than $46 per $100,000 of assessed valuation.
Must! Charities and Lumina Alliance transform emergency shelter into transitional housing for survivors
Initiative in North County to provide long-term support and housing for those escaping sexual assault and intimate partner violence
PASO ROBLES — In its most recent innovative project, Must! Charities has partnered with Lumina Alliance to convert an existing emergency shelter into transitional housing that will support individuals and families who flee sexual assault or intimate partner violence. The project investment will give more survivors in Northern San Luis Obispo County access to housing and wraparound support services.
Studies show transitional housing programs are more effective than emergency shelters, increasing the likelihood of permanently breaking the cycle of abuse. Currently, in Northern San Luis Obispo County, there is no long-term transitional housing available for survivors. Yet Lumina Alliance has two existing emergency shelters, operating
at 50 percent capacity. Transforming one of their existing emergency shelters into transitional housing units will not only increase Lumina Alliance’s capacity to provide essential services to survivors and their families; but also, provide a $60,000 cost savings to the organization.
“This partnership with Lumina Alliance is a form of trust philanthropy,” says Becky Gray, executive director of Must! Charities. “With trust philanthropy, funders approach their relationships with nonprofit partners from a place of trust and collaboration. Our original focus was on emergency shelters but after hours of open and honest dialogue, we determined that transitional housing was the real need for this region. Transforming one of the emergency shelters into long-term affordable housing is pivotal for individuals and families who are healing and building a new life on their own.”
Survivors may reside in Lumina Alliance’s transitional housing units for up to 12 months with prorated monthly rent calculated as 30 percent of their income. Lumina Alliance then sets aside 10 percent of the rent paid in a savings account. Upon exiting
the program, these funds are returned to the resident, making the transition to permanent housing more accessible.
Lumina Alliance’s comprehensive wraparound services are aimed at helping survivors establish emotional, physical, and financial well-being that predates their trauma. Advocates facilitate access to Lumina Alliance’s full range of services, including a 24-hour crisis and information hotline, individual and group therapy sessions, legal service referrals, case management, skills training (parenting, budgeting, resume building), and client financial assistance.
“An amazing amount of collaborative effort and collective discussion has gone into this partnership,” said Randy Gray, project manager of Must! Charities. “As a result, we were able to identify the most critical needs facing sexual assault and intimate partner violence survivors. Investing in affordable transitional housing is vital for these individuals to start over, heal, and build a foundation for future health and wellness.”
To find out more about the Must! Charities fundraising charitable campaigns, visit
Imperial Valley goes dry as farmers act
New federal program incentivizes farmers to reduce water use, impacting one-third of Imperial Valley farmland
By CALEB HAMPTON California Farm Bureau Federation
CALIFORNIA — Irrigators cut off water to a huge portion of the Imperial Valley’s half-million acres of farmland earlier this month after the federal government approved a long-awaited program designed to bolster water levels on the Colorado River.
The conservation agreement, authorized Aug. 12 by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), pays farmers to stop irrigating forage crops such as alfalfa for a period during the summer. Farmers participating in the “deficit irrigation” program will be compensated to sacrifice one or two hay cuttings without — they hope — killing the perennial crops.
“Our staff has been super busy locking a large number of (irrigation) gates,” IID Water Manager Tina Shields said last week at a district board meeting. About 150,000 acres have been enrolled in the program, close to a third of the valley’s farmland and, by some estimates, around half the ground that is farmed in the summertime.
The landmark agreement, which capped years of negotiations and reviews, is part of a shortterm effort by water users in California, Arizona and Nevada, the three states in the Colorado River’s Lower Basin, to conserve 3 million acrefeet of water through the end of 2026. The plan relies on farmers in the Imperial Valley, whose senior water rights entitle them to the largest share of the river, to come up with about a quarter of that conservation.
The agreement also uses federal funds to increase the compensation rate for IID’s “on-farm” conservation program, which pays farmers to install water-saving irrigation systems.
Officials are aiming to incentivize more participation in that program by upping rates from $330 to $430 per acre foot of water saved. Farmers participating in the deficit irrigation program will be paid $300 per acre foot. IID will also be paid to administer the programs.
In total, the irrigation district and farmers in the valley could receive close to $700 million in federal funds over the next 30 months to leave some 700,000 acre-feet of water in the Colorado River. The monetary commitment and scale of conservation are unprecedented for the drought-ravaged river system that supplies water to 40 million people in the West.
Farmers proposed the deficit irrigation program more than a year ago and were waiting for state and federal wildlife agencies to complete an environmental review.
The agencies had raised concerns that reduced water use could cause habitat loss for endangered species that live in the marshes at the edge of the Salton Sea, which has been fed for decades by runoff from Imperial Valley farms and is shrinking as farmers conserve water. Health advocates also warned the water reductions could worsen air quality by exposing more of the inland sea’s dusty lakebed.
Authorization of the conservation agreement this month unlocked $250 million in federal funding for Salton Sea habitat restoration and dust suppression projects.
The deficit-irrigation program, initially slated to begin June 1 and last 45-60 days, was shortened to a maximum of 49 days this year due to the delayed start date running up against a Sept. 30 end date for the summer program.
After receiving approval, participating farmers wasted no time shutting off water to their crops.
“You have a real hiatus here where there’s not going to be a lot of water flowing,” said Mark McBroom, who farms in the Imperial Valley and chairs IID’s Agricultural Water Advisory Committee. “If you were to drive the Imperial Valley, it’s going to look really tough with all the fields that are brown and idle.”
Farmers in the region have long resisted fallow-
Community advocate seeks to be a voice for Roblans
PASO ROBLES — Linda George, a longtime Paso Robles resident and community leader, has announced her candidacy for Paso Robles City Council. George, who was a chief proponent of the referendum that ended paid parking downtown, says she vows to be a “true voice for Roblans and will prioritize roads, fiscal conservatism, lower taxes, and no paid parking.”
George has been a supporter of the Paso Robles Downtown Main Street organization and believes that a healthy Main Street is one of the keys to Paso Robles’ continued vitality.
“The paid parking fiasco is a prime example of a bad policy the current incumbent implemented,” according to George.
“My opponent is clearly not listening to her constituents and is making bad decisions for the city,” George said. “She is supporting the airport over fixing the roads, was the deciding vote to start paid parking from the first minute, and made the horrible vote to accept the inferior bid for the Fixed Based Operator.”
According to George, these decisions were against the will of the people, cost the city money, and showed extremely poor judgment.
George says, “This blatant disregard of the public interest cannot go on.”
George said she believes the City Council, not the city manager, runs the city and will fight for low taxes and a balanced budget. She will not vote for a sales tax that does not have a sunset clause. She will also make sure that fixing roads is the number one priority on the budget.
A campaign Kick-Off Event will be announced on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 2 p.m. on “The Stew Jenkins Show” on K-News 96.5.
to protect Colorado River
ing as a means of water conservation because of the far-reaching impact agricultural production has in a county where one in six jobs depend on farming. But farmers said the objectives of the short-term conservation effort cannot be met solely by installing better irrigation systems.
“We just can’t ramp up that fast,” said Larry Cox, who farms in the Imperial Valley and serves on the water advisory committee.
Cox said drying up forage crops in the summer months, when water demand is highest and yield and quality tend to be poorest, is an attempt to “thread the needle” of meeting the conservation goals without cratering the local economy.
The program could sideline harvest crews for some workdays, Cox said, but overall it would have
“a minimal impact on our community and farm service providers” compared to year-round fallowing. Enrollment in the first-of-its-kind program was likely boosted, farmers said, by rock-bottom hay prices that made it more attractive for growers to take a payout and skip one or two low-earning cuttings.
Because of the seniority of the Imperial Valley’s water rights, the region has so far shared and conserved water through voluntary programs, with farmers making business decisions on whether to participate. Next summer, “if things turn around and you start seeing forage prices where they were at two years ago, you may not get folks who are in the program this year wanting to forgo those cuttings,” McBroom said.
Linda George Running for Paso Robles City Council District 1 seat
Linda George. Photo by Michael V. Messina
Paso Robles High School Class of 1974 to celebrate 50-year reunion
The Paso Robles High School Class of 1974 will be celebrating its 50-year class reunion on Saturday, Oct. 19. The planning team members have located more than half of their 206 classmates, and the search for classmates continues.
Reunion planning chair Carol Stratton-Holliday said, “We are looking for classmates near and far to join in the celebration. Our goal is to reach as many classmates as possible with our flyer invitation and get them to the celebration.”
The deadline to register and pay to attend the reunion is Sept. 1 — time is running out. The planning team has created a fun-filled weekend of events, beginning with a no-host meet and greet at the Backyard in Paso Robles on the evening of Friday, Oct. 18. Saturday, Oct. 19, the evening’s main event will be at the Paso Robles Pioneer Museum with dinner, dancing, raffles, and lots of storytelling. The weekend will round out on Sunday, Oct. 20, in the downtown city park with brunch. Saturday’s dinner and drinks and Sunday’s brunch and drinks are included in the $40 registration fee. For more information, contact the reunion planning team via email at or join the Facebook group called “Class of 1974” or contact classmate Ellen (Iffert) Roof at 805-674-3639.
Arrest made in reckless setting of a fire
On Friday, Aug. 23, at approximately 9:43 a.m., The Paso Robles Police Department was on patrol and located a brush fire in the area of North River Road and Union Road.
When officers arrived on scene, they saw a male juvenile running away from the scene of the fire. The fire was set to the hillside that backs up to a residential street. The Paso Robles Fire Department was able to quickly extinguish the fire. None of the nearby homes were damaged.
At about 11:08 a.m., the police department was notified of a male juvenile seen attempting to light a fire next to the burn spot from the earlier fire. Officers arrived on scene and located the juvenile. The juvenile was determined to be the same person who was seen running away from the fire earlier. He was placed under arrest for 452 PC, recklessly setting a fire.
This is an ongoing investigation, and the Paso Robles Police Department is requesting anyone with any information to call the PRPD at (805) 237-6464, or persons wishing to remain anonymous areencouraged to call Crime Stopper’s 24-hour hotline at 805-549-STOP or by texting “SLOTIPS” plusyour message to CRIMES (274637).
Residential structure fire burns attic
On Friday, Aug. 23, at 2:56 p.m., Paso Robles Fire and Emergency Services responded to a reported structure fire in the area of 15th and Vine. First arriving firefighters arrived within 3 minutes and identified the location as 1533 Vine St. with the report of moderate smoke showing from the rear of the structure, with no exposures threatened. The homeowner was found attempting to put out the fire on the rear porch and stated that his son and dog were still in the structure. They were all told to leave as the fire had spread to the attic. The fire was contained to the attic and exterior of the structure.
Three fire engines, one battalion chief, and one deputy chief responded from Paso Robles. Under the city’s automatic aid agreement, one fire engine and one battalion chief from CAL FIRE/SLO County responded as well as one engine from the Atascadero Fire Department.
Additional assistance was provided by the Paso Robles Police Department as well as San Luis Ambulance.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
The JD Project to play Atascadero’s “Saturdays in the Park”
The City of Atascadero is pleased to continue to offer the 2024 “Saturdays in the Park” Summer Concert Series. The last concert will be held on Saturday, Aug. 31, at 6:30 p.m. at the Atascadero Lake Park Bandstand with The JD Project.
The JD Project is comprised of veterans of many California touring acts, including former members of SLO’s ownnationally touring act, Itchy McGuirk. They have played throughout the San Francisco Bay area, The Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, the Morro Bay Harbor Festival, the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center, and many other local venues. Throughout their musical careers, the members of The JD Project have maintained San Luis Obispo County as their home base and take great pride in being members of the SLO community. Their combination of original and cover tunes, outstanding musicianship, soaring vocals, and overall stage presence will ensure a great time had by all in attendance.
All the city’s concerts are outdoors at the Atascadero Lake Park Bandstand and free to attend. We recommend that you bring a low-back chair, and if you would like to purchase any food, bring your wallet. Zen Dog & Paradise Shaved Ice will be there selling delicious concert treats.
Atascadero’s Saturday in the Park, 2024 Summer Concert Series is brought to you by the City of Atascadero and their fantastic sponsors including their Concert Series Sponsor: Central Coast Community Energy; Platinum Sponsors: Grigger & Alice Jones, K.Jons Jewelry Company, & Fatte’s Pizza; Gold Sponsors: Kirk Consulting, Coastal Communities Physicians Network (CCPN), Union & Vine Ranch Kitchen, and Waste Management; Silver Sponsors include Starna Cells, Inc., All Signs & Graphics & First 5 of SLO County; Bronze Sponsor: Five Star Rain Gutters and Annie Gallagher Graphics.
For more information, go to, or give them a call at (805) 470-3360.
Atascadero High School goes cashless for athletic events
Atascadero High School has announced that, this school year, they will be using GoFan for mobile ticketing for their home athletic events and will be going cashless. The new ticket policy is designed to enhance convenience for all in attendance.
Fans must purchase tickets online through Atascadero High School’s GoFan page or the GoFan App.
For individual tickets, download the GoFan Mobile App. or go to Links can also be found by clicking Go Fan Tickets on the left side of the AHS’s Athletics website, AHS/Department/32-Athletics
Before the event:
1. Purchase your ticket on the GoFan app or
2. Once you purchase your ticket online, you will get an order confirmation email and click on the “View Ticket” on your mobile device. This can also be done in the app.
3. Pay attention to the important information shown on the confirmation screen
At the event:
1. Prior to arriving at the gate, access your confirmation email or view the ticket in the mobile app and click on the“View Ticket” on your mobile device.
2. Show your mobile device to gate personnel, who will validate your ticket for admission.
3. Do not validate your ticket prior to arriving at the gate. A staff member will validate your ticket. If you validate your ticket in advance, you may need to purchase another ticket.
4. Tickets cannot be printed. You must use your mobile device to access your ticket(s).
Charles Paddock Zoo announces 11th Annual ‘Brew at the Zoo’
The City of Atascadero and the Charles Paddock Zoo are announcing the 11th Annual “Brew at the Zoo.” Mark your calendar for Saturday, Sept. 7, as they “Party with Purpose — Sipping to Support Wildlife Conservation” from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
A variety of craft beer, wine, cider, seltzer, and distilled spirits will be available at this exclusive evening at the zoo. Expect a special welcome reception with a pouring of special spirits, cider, and wine as you enter the zoo (first come, first served). Guests can expect a wide variety of craft breweries from San Luis Obispo County and the surrounding area.
Check out who is participating (and the list continues to grow):
• Ancient Peaks Winery (Santa Margarita)
• Ballast Point Brewing (San Diego)
• Black Market Spirits Central Coast Blast & Brew (Atascadero/ Paso Robles/ Pismo)
Cali Squeeze Seltzer (Paso Robles)
Central Coast Brewing (San Luis Obispo)
• Eberle Winery (Paso Robles)
• Fig Mountain Brewing (Buellton)
• Firestone Walker Brewing (Paso Robles)
Golden State Cider
KiloKilo Brewing (Paso Robles)
Kula Vineyards & Winery (Atascadero)
• MEA Wine (Atascadero)
• Oak and Otter Brewing Company (San Luis Obispo)
• Pupoloco Sangria Shindig Cider (San Luis Obispo)
SLO Cider (San Luis Obispo) Spent Grain Brewing (Atascadero) Tarantula Hill Brewing (Thousand Oaks)
• Topa Topa (Ventura/ Ojai/ Santa Barbara/ Camarillo)
• Wild Fields Brewhouse (Atascadero)
Non-alcoholic beverages will be available for designated drivers from Paradise Shaved Ice, and plenty of water will be available for all the zoo’s guests.
Enjoy special guests, The Vibe Setters and Ghost Monster, rockin’ the evening away. Entertainment and music with Medina Light Show and Designs will include games, a costume contest, plus a hula hoop and a dance contest, so be ready to win some great prizes, too. A variety of food will be available for purchase, including everything from tacos to gourmet wraps and sandwiches to hot dogs, as well as sweets from shaved ice to cookie dough to pies. Plus, attendees will receive a collectible glass and T-shirts that are available for purchase.
Thank you to our sponsors, including Gold sponsor Waste Management and Bronze Sponsors 5 Star Rain Gutters & Mechanics Bank. A special thank you to Pacific Beverage Company and En Fuego Events for assisting with the variety of beverages. All proceeds from this event will benefit the zoo’s ongoing education and conservation efforts.
The Charles Paddock Zoo is one of only 236 total institutions that are accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA). The zoo is dedicated to the conservation of endangered species, educating the public about the natural world, and providing a safe and stimulating recreational resource for residents and visitors of the Central Coast of California. Over 200 animals call the Charles Paddock Zoo home, including red pandas, monkeys, fossa, meerkats, parrots, a Malayan Tiger, a variety of reptiles, and more. Online tickets are available now for $40 per person (service fee is not included). Designated driver tickets are $15 per person. If not sold out, tickets will be $50 per person on the day of the event starting at 5 p.m. at the ticket booth at the zoo. Don’t delay, purchase
your tickets at Brew-at-the-Zoo
This very special event will be closed to the public and is available only for guests 21 years of age and over. Designated drivers must also be over 21 if attending this event. For information, go to or call the zoo at (805) 461-5080.
Atascadero Unified School District announces amendment to meal policy
Atascadero Unified School District announced an amendment to its policy for serving meals to students under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2024/2025 school year. The school sites listed below are approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), which allows all enrolled students to receive breakfast and lunch every school day at no charge.
Atascadero High School
Atascadero Middle School
• Carrisa Plains Elementary School
• Creston Elementary School
• Fine Arts Academy
• Monterey Road Elementary School
Paloma Creek High School
San Benito Elementary School
San Gabriel Elementary School
Santa Margarita Elementary School
• Santa Rosa Academic Academy
Families are encouraged to complete the 2024/2025 Educational Benefits Form (LCFF) so the district can continue receiving the proper funds for educational purposes. The form can be completed through the districts online registration platform called Aries during the Annual Parent Data Confirmation.
Morro Bay Art Center offers free Painting with Gouache demonstration
The Morro Bay Art Center is proud to host Tricia Reichert on Demo Day Monday, Sept. 9, from 3 to 5 p.m. Reichert was born and raised in England. She studied home economics and textile art at Battersea College, London University, and then taught high school for many years before relocating to the U.S. with her husband. From a very young child, she had always had a yearning to create, and that original, inventive journey has taken many different forms over the years, including drawing, painting in all media, fabric panels, costumes, theater sets, illustrations, prints, and even unique wedding cakes and invitation. There has always been a little teaching along the way.
The opportunity to seriously focus on art began over 30 years ago. Over time, Reichert has become a specialist in the practice and theory of portraiture, particularly in the mediums of pastel and watercolor. Her other areas of expertise and interest include many forms of printmaking, clay figure, and bust sculpture. She is currently a professional commissioned portrait artist with many paintings in private collections in the U.S. and Europe and many award-winning juried shows in the U.S.
Reichert is also an art teacher working with groups and individuals on a wide range of classes and workshops, both privately and for 16 years, all art classes through Cal Poly University’s Extended Education division. This demonstration is “Painting With Gouache … The Most Forgiving Watercolor.”
Reichert will be doing a live demonstration. Plus a raffle for a free print. This event is free to the public.
Early Warning System Siren test successful
The Annual Early Warning System Siren test took place on Saturday, Aug. 24, with all 130 sirens operating successfully. The system, which was sounded twice to test both the primary and backup activation points, operated seamlessly. During an emergency, the sounding
of the sirens is an indication that the Emergency Alert System has been activated and the public should tune to a local radio or television station to receive emergency information and instructions.
The siren system is only one of the alert and notification systems that may be used to alert the public during an emergency. For more information on public alert and notification systems or how to prepare your family for an emergency, visit or call the County Office of Emergency Services at (805) 781-5678.
Ex-SLO County employee convicted and sentenced to six years prison for theft of public money
District Attorney Dan Dow announced that Atascadero resident Norman Hibble, 54, has been sentenced to serve six years in state prison. The sentence, which was imposed by Superior Court Judge Crystal Seiler, also requires Hibble to pay restitution to the county for his theft.
On July 17, Hibble pleaded guilty to seven felony counts of misappropriation of public funds on numerous occasions between April 2017 and October 2023. He also admitted that his criminal taking was more than $100,000, which provides a penalty enhancement for aggravated white-collar crime. The plea and admission of the aggravating enhancement resulted in his six-year sentence.
Hibble began working for the County of San Luis Obispo in 2008 and was terminated from employment in January 2024. In 2016, as a supervisor in the Information Technology Department, Hibble was issued a county credit card which was to be used for official county business only. Over the course of the next several years, Hibble used his county credit card for countless personal and often exorbitant purchases. Hibble concealed his crimes by falsifying records and modifying invoices to disguise his thefts as legitimate purchases.
Hibble used the stolen funds to purchase items such as disc jockey (DJ) and lighting equipment believed to have been used in his personal event company Light and Sound, high-end photographic gear, an electric scooter, a telescope, a crossbow, and even large shipping containers, which Hibble appears to have used to store many of the items he bought with stolen county funds.
The amount of theft is estimated to be above $500,000. A hearing to establish the exact amount of restitution owed will be held on Oct. 2.
“No one is above the law and those who steal from the public that they serve deserve strict accountability for their betrayal of the trust given to them,” Dow said. “We are grateful for the diligence of the County Auditor staff member who detected the unusual financial activity and reported this so it could be investigated and successfully prosecuted.”
The investigation was a collaborative effort between the San Luis Obispo County Office of the Auditor-Controller and the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Unit. The case was prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Ben Blumenthal of the Major Fraud/ Public Integrity Unit.
The mission of the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Unit is to ensure that public and appointed officials and their subordinates fulfill their legally mandated duties. To this end, the District Attorney’s Office will use all resources at its disposal to detect, investigate, and prosecute criminal misconduct at all levels of public service.
Through its efforts, the Public Integrity Unit’s primary goal is to increase the public’s level of trust and confidence in its elected and appointed officials serving in local agencies.
Holloway Agriculture reminds rural drivers to brake for harvest crews
Holloway Agriculture is promoting a #BrakeForHarvest public service announcement campaign
Steve was born and raised in the Los Angeles area with siblings John and Mary Encell. Steve’s father died when he was very young, and he and his brother were sent off to a military academy. Later, he attended Dorsey High School, where he excelled at cross country, tennis, and golf. One of his first jobs was at See’s Candies. After Dorsey, he attended El Camino College and met his future wife, Celeste. Together, they raised their two sons, Steve Jr. and Dan, in
the San Fernando Valley and spent summers at their cabin in Malibu Lake. At Malibu Lake, they met many lifelong friends, including Steve’s best friend, Roger Darby. Steve and Darby were true outdoorsmen and enjoyed a lifetime of travel, backpacking, hunting, fishing, bodysurfing, and sailing.
In 1971, the family moved to Paso Robles, an area Steve had fallen in love with while serving in the Army/National Guard at nearby Camp Roberts. He bought the iconic local auto parts shop, Pioneer Auto, which he ran for several decades, providing career employment for dozens of locals. Many of his Pioneer Auto “family” worked their entire careers with Steve. Today, the Pioneer Auto building is home to Studios at the Park, a local nonprofit that benefits the Paso Robles community at many levels.
Steve flourished in Paso Robles, making great friends and becoming an important
through October during the busy harvest season, warning rural drivers to use extra caution while traveling through agricultural areas where harvest machinery and crews are working.
Throughout California, August marks the start of the busy harvest season, with tomatoes, almonds, grapes, and other fruits and vegetables being harvested at all hours of the day and night.
According to the Census of Agriculture, nearly 4.5 million farm vehicles operate on U.S. farmlands, and those vehicles are overrepresented in road crashes considering their limited miles
00:49 — Audrey Bridget Michelson, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 2800 Black Oak Dr. for POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL
WARRANT [978.5PC], Case no. 242851
10:04 — Andres De Jesus Sernarosalez, of Oceano for VIOLATION OF RESTRAINING
ORDER [273.6(A)PC], Case no. 242853
21:38 — Shelby Kay Blank, of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 3300 Block of Spring St. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], Case no. 242860
22:12 — Angelica Monique Smith, of Templeton was on view arrest on the 2700 Block of Black Oak Dr. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], Case no. 242861
07:41 — Felipe Partida Moreno, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 100 Block of Niblick Rd. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], OUTSIDE WARRANTMISDEMEANOR [O/W-M], Case no. 242862
10:37 — Timothy Ray Maloney, of Tulare was on view arrest on the 400 Block of Pine St. for DISORDERLY CONDUCT/PUBLIC INTOXICATION [647(F)PC], RECEIVING/ CONCEALING
part of the community. There, he enjoyed fishing, camping, hunting, golf, tennis, skiing, gardening, raising animals, and flying his airplane. Steve and his son Dan were formidable doubles partners at the local racquetball club. Steve was a longtime member of the Paso Robles Trail Riders, where he enjoyed riding mules on the annual trail ride.
After several moves within the local area, Steve acquired “The Ranch,” a beautiful 95-acre property at the base of the Santa Lucia mountains, with 1/4 mile of Jack Creek flowing through it. This property became one of the great loves of his life, where he enjoyed being a “gentleman farmer” and later planted the largest Pinot Noir vineyard within the Paso Robles AVA.
After 20+ years of marriage, Steve and Celeste went their separate ways, and in 1995, Steve met the love of his life, Sue Shannon. This was the start
traveled. Additionally, several studies have found the majority of farm vehicle collisions occur in the fall, with October being the peak month as harvest season accounts for nearly 40 percent of farm vehicle crashes.
“On behalf of our agriculture operations, we want to remind rural drivers to use caution when driving through harvesting regions,” Holloway wrote in a social media post kicking off the campaign. “This is a busy time of year, both with back to school and harvest season heating up, so we want to caution drivers to slow down while driving in agricultural areas, put your phones down while driving, pay extra attention when crossing intersections or busy harvest
DEVICE WTIH INTENTION TO PREVENT HELP [591.5PC], Case no. 242825 21:20 — Christian Garcia, of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 1100 Block of Black Oak Dr. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], Case no. 242874
21:51 — Ross Newman Irot, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 2700 Block of Black Oak Dr. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], WILLFULLY RESISTS,DELAYS,OBSTRUCTS…[148(A) (1)PC], POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], Case no. 242875
15:46 — Michael Eugene Harris, of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 2800 Block of Black Oak Dr. for VIOLATING PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC], Case no. 242880
19:01 — Kerastin Dawnyelle Abron, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 1200 Block of Alamo Creek for DISORDERLY CONDUCT/ PUBLIC INTOXICATION [647(F)PC], WILLFULLY RESISTS,DELAYS,OBSTRUCTS… [148(A)(1)PC], Case no. 242882
19:25 — Talee Crespin, of Atascadero was on view arrest on the 1200 Block of Alamo Creek for ABANDONMENT AND NEGLECT OF CHILDREN [273A(A)PC], Case no. 242882
15:14 — Christian Garcia, of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 2800 Block of Riverside for POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL
[853.7PC], Case no. 242890
14:07 — Taylor Diane King, of Paso Robles was take into custody on the 2100 Block of Riverside Ave. for VIOLATING PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC], UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A CONTROLLED
[1203.2(A)PC], Case no. 242889
14:09 — Vyron Fontaine Pennywell, of
of a 30-year fairytale romance that lasted until Steve’s last day. As much as Steve loved the Ranch, he loved Sue more and quickly moved to Tulare to be with her. Steve was “all in” with living in Tulare near Sue’s fine sons, Blake, Trevor, and Chris, their families, and Sue’s countless awesome Valley friends. Steve and Sue loved following the athletic careers of their many grandchildren and were regular fixtures at as many sporting events as they could possibly fit in. Steve enjoyed following the Dodgers, celebrating his birthday each year with friends and family at Bass Lake, weekly Taco Tuesdays, organized by his dear friends John and Sandra Jones, dressing up for many holiday dinners at Hearst Castle with Sue, Dan, and his lovely wife, Caroline, and attending Old Mule Days in Bishop where he won World Champion Mule two times! Late in life, Steve connected with his half-sister, Elaine,
zones, and let’s keep all of our ag workers, residents, and children safe.”
The concept for the PSA campaign came about a couple seasons ago while Holloway Ag Operations Manager Alex Parsons was driving across the Central Valley en route to an orchard removal project, when he noticed heavy equipment operators having a hard time making the turn onto a ranch while residents sped past dangerously.
“Harvest is always a busy time for harvest crews and equipment,” Parsons said. “We just want to make sure everyone is driving safe with all of the dust, heavy equipment, and trailers moving in and out of operations. Agriculture brings a lot to our community, so it’s nice
Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 2100 Block of Riverside Ave. for VIOLATING PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC],
[290(B)PC], Case no. 242889
19:43 — Basilio Mejia Pacheco, of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the 2000 Block of Riverside Ave. for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], Case no. 242893
22:09 — Glenn Kinford, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the corner of 12th and Vine Streets for POSSESS NARCOTIC CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE [11350(A)H&S], POSSESSION OF SPECIFIED CONTROLLED
SUBSTANCE [11377(A)H&S], Case no. 242894
09:26 — Michael Andre Monette Larry, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 2700 Block of Spring St. for UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION [11550(A)HS], POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], Case no. 242897
19:13 — Aaron Michael Roth, of Paso Robles for BENCH WARRANT [978.5PC], Case no. 242908
23:12 — Henry Joel Gonzalez, of Paso Robles for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL [23152(A)VC], DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENT [23152(B)VC], Case no. 242912
21:40 — Erik Michael Skupien, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the corner of 13th and Paso Robles Streets for POSSESSION OF DRUGS WHILE ARMED [11370.1(A)HS], Case no. 242911
00:07 —Juan Antonio Esquivel, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the 3400 Block of Spring St. for DOMESTIC BATTERY [243(E) (1)PC], DISORDERLY CONDUCT/PUBLIC INTOXICATION [647(F)PC], PRISONERS ON PAROLE MUST CONTINUE TO BE UNDER THE OFFICIAL SUPERVISION OF THE STATE [3056PC], Case no. 242913
11:22 — Paul Yciano Sr., of Paso Robles was taken into custody on the corner of Creston and Rambouillet Roads for VIOLATING
who lived in Texas with her husband, Henson Dunn. Steve, Sue, Elaine, and Henson were a regular foursome traveling, dining, and golfing together around the country.
Just before his 80th birthday, Steve had a severe stroke, which diminished his strength and short-term memory. Despite the challenges that followed, Steve remained gracious, positive, optimistic, fun, kind, and loving until the very end. He always believed the best about people, and he was forever grateful for all of the wonderful friends and family in his life. He was especially thankful to have Sue by his side until the end.
A very special thanks to all of the fine nurses and staff at Quail Park, who cared for Steve with extraordinary love and compassion.
There will be a Celebration of Life on Saturday, September 7, at 4 p.m., at 4775 See Ranch Lane, Templeton. All friends and family are welcome.
when our residents do their part and give harvest crews a brake this time of year.”
Holloway asks those in the agriculture industry and beyond to reshare and support the #BrakeForHarvest campaign during the harvest season running through the end of the year.
Social media followers and other ag vendors are welcome to visit for more information and to download #BrakeForHarvest logos, example social media posts, and photos of harvest machinery moving on our local roadways. Let’s keep all of our harvest workers and drivers safe this harvest season.
Visit for more about the #BrakeForHarvest campaign.
PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC], Case no. 242915
13:55 — Manuel Ramirez Ortiz Stone, of Paso Robles was taken into custody at Sherwood Park for VIOLATING PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC], Case no 242917
20:01 — Christie Marie Asberry, of Paso
Robles was on view arrest on the 800 Block of 33rd Street for POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A)H&S], WILLFULLY RESISTS,DELAYS,OBSTRUCTS…[148(A) (1)PC], POSSESSION FOR SALES OF METHAMPHETAMINE [11378 HS], Case no. 242919
00:21 — Bulmaro Bucioruiz, of Vista for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL [23152(A)VC], DUI ALCOHOL/0.08 PERCENT [23152(B)VC], CHILD ENDANGERMENT [273(A)PC], Case no. 242923
14:34 — Arturo Hernandezjuarez, of Paso Robles was on view arrest on the corner of Airport Rd. And RT 46 W for DRIVING WITH A LICENSE SUSPENDED FOR A DUI [14601.2(A)VC], HIT AND RUN [20002VC], DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL [23152(A)VC], Case no. 242927
21:13 — Cord Davis Charlton, of Paso Robles for VIOLATING PROMISE TO APPEAR IN COURT [853.7PC], PROBATION VIOLATION [1203.2(A)PC], Case no. 242932 ATASCADERO POLICE DEPARTMENT
23:28 — Robin Merritt Weza was arrested on the corner of El Camino Real and Morro Rd. for DISORDERLY CONDUCT/PUBLIC INTOXICATION [647(F)PC], Case no. 241402
01:03 — Raul Preciado was arrested on the corner of Sycamore Rd. And Capistrano Ave. for SUSPENDED/REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE [14601.1(A)VC], Case no. 241403 03:31 — Joseph Anthony Paramopanos was arrested on the 2600 Block of La Gracia Cir for OBSTRUCTION/RESISTING
AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER [69(A)PC], Case no. 241405
09:59 — Nacowa Marię Penner was arrested on the 5900 Block of East Mall for OUTSIDE WARRANT-FELONY [O/W-F], Case no. 241407
20:11 — Jason Scott Nogo was arrested on the corner of Sombrilla and Robles Avenues for POSSESS NARCOTIC CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE [11350(A)H&S], Case no. 241420
20:18 — Sierra Rose Fleming was arrested on the corner of Sombrilla and Robles Avenues for OUTSIDE WARRANT-MISDEMEANOR [O/W-M], Case no. 241420
20:29 — Darrell Devin King was arrested on the corner of Sombrilla and Robles Avenues for POSSESSION FOR SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE [11351HS], Case no. 241420
12:35 — Benito Salinasrodriguez was arrested on the 7000 Block of El Camino Real for LOCAL WARRANT-MISDEMEANOR [B/W-M], Case no. 241423
15:04 — Joseph Edward Pennington was arrested on the 6300 Block of Morro Rd. for FAILURE TO APPEAR AFTER PTA AND NOT POSTING BAIL [853.8PC], Case no. 241425
19:16 — Veronica Rochelle Paramo was arrested on the 5400 Block of Hermosilla Ave. for OUTSIDE WARRANT-MISDEMEANOR [O/W-M], Case no. 241430
19:29 — Julian Ramon Gomez was arrested on the 5600 Block of West Mall for LOCAL WARRANT-MISDEMEANOR [B/W-M], Case no. 241428
20:19 — Alan Wayne Duniven was arrested on the 5600 Block of West Mall for POSSESSION OF UNLAWFUL PARAPHERNALIA [11364(A) H&S], Case no. 241428
20:46 — Albert Deonte Allen was arrested on the 6400 Block of El Camino Real for PRISONERS ON
TERRY RUEDA MORENO, 82, of Oceano passed away on August 17th 2024.
Services are in the care of Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel of Grover Beach.
A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.
— Albert Einstein
Can you believe it’s September? You may have noticed some of the changes that are going on around us. The early sunrises of summer are gone. The days are growing shorter. Evenings have a dash of coolness in them that wasn’t there a few weeks ago. School is already back in session for many. For many of us, our summer vacations are just a pleasant memory and fall lurks just around the corner.
Labor Day is not just the last hoorah for summer
September (Septem) was the seventh month of the ancient Roman calendar. Before Julius Caesar and Siogenes reformed it. The Roman year began in March, which is why September was the seventh month. Caesar’s calendar reform moved September to the ninth month. Through the ages the old name remained, revealing just how much humans are creatures of habit.
Monday, Sept. 2, is Labor Day and for most of us, the last hoorah for summer. It is a somewhat misunderstood and under appreciated holiday. When I was a youngster, I was too concerned that Labor Day meant that school was about to start to care about the meaning or even the name of the holiday. Why is it called Labor Day? Monday is the day set aside to honor the American worker. As a holiday, Labor Day is 142 years old. I’ll bet many of you may be a bit hazy about how it even became an American holiday. Would you be surprised to learn that this holiday originated in Canada? Labor Day grew out of rail-
road labor disputes in Canada and the Eight-Hour Movement of the 19th century. Both movements advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. In the 1870s, Canada’s Parliament passed the Trade Union Act, which legalized and protected labor unions in Canada and led to an annual labor celebration in Canada.
The two men who receive most of the credit for the origin of Labor Day in America are Peter J. McGuire and Matthew Maguire. They were active unionists, lived in New Jersey and campaigned for the eighthour workday. Peter McGuire is credited for coming up with the idea of Labor Day in America, while Matt Maguire is credited for making the idea a reality.
In the 1880s, Peter McGuire was in Toronto for a Labor Day celebration. Inspired by the Canadians, Peter introduced a resolution at a Central Labor Union meeting calling for a street parade of workers on the first Monday in September. According to the New Jersey Historical Society, it was Matthew Maguire,
secretary and one of the leaders of the Central Labor Union, who sent out announcements of the parade and invitations to attendees, and even rode in the carriage leading the parade. But, it doesn’t really matter whose idea it was. What is important to remember, is on that on a Monday in 1882, 20,000 workers paraded up Broadway carrying banners that read “Labor Creates All Wealth,” and “Eight Hours for Work; Eight hours for Rest; Eight Hours for Recreation!” The parade was not a demonstration — it was a celebration. There were picnics and fireworks in the evening. It was also an idea that quickly captured the interest of the nation, spreading from coast to coast. Many states legislated their own Labor Day holiday, years before it became a federal holiday.
In 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed a law designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day nationwide. Since 1894, both the United States and Canada have celebrated their Labor Day holidays on the same day. Labor Day differs from our
other holidays of the year. Many holidays are connected with religions, commemorating the end of wars, or a significant person in history. Labor Day is devoted to, and honors all workers, blue collar, white collar and no collar.
And even though the American work force has changed dramatically since the industrial revolution, many of us still work more hours and take less vacation than our counterparts in other nations. We all desire a good standard of living. Part of the promise of America is that with hard work you can build a better life for you and your family. These days that promise does not feel quite as assured as in the past.
Take a moment to reflect on the American workers who came before us, to build railways, roads, infrastructure, and more. The lifeblood of America has always been its workforce, the people. We should never forget that it has been American labor that helped create the highest standard of living and the greatest production capacity the world has ever known and has helped bring us closer
to the realization of our ideals of democracy. It is not unusual to be impressed by the sight of the architectural landscape of a modern city, or a magnificent bridge, or the technical wonder of a jetliner in flight. But how often do you think about the hardworking people who built these and all of the supporting infrastructure around us?
It often seems that America observes Labor Day weekend with mattress sales, picnics, and barbecues. Labor Day, admittedly, is not the sexiest holiday: There are no fireworks, turkeys to cook, or chocolate-covered bunnies to bite the ears off. Just one Monday off for all the ordinary men and women trying to make ends meet; raising 2.3 kids, trying to save for the down payment of a home, while paying off their credit cards and student debt. Thank you to all hard working Americans for building our country and for keeping the wheels turning and the lights on.
John Copeland is an independent opinion columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email him at
Car insurance rates projected to escalate meteorically
Many readers have likely noticed a significant increase in their car insurance premiums in the last year. According to finance company Bankrate, when compared to last year, Los Angeles area drivers are
paying 26 percent more for premiums.
On Aug. 15, Insurify, a leading insurance tracking company, released a study projecting that auto insurance rates in California will increase yet more, up as much as 54 percent compared to what they were just last year.
The study states that the average annual cost for full coverage on a car was $1,666 in June 2023, compared to $2,417 in June 2024, and will increase to a projected $2,681 for December 2024. Nationwide, premiums have increased by an average of 28 percent, render-
ing California one of the most expensive states for car insurance, partly because the state imposed a freeze on insurance rates during the COVID lockdown, leading to insurers incurring record underwriting losses estimated at $33.1 billion in 2022. Only drivers in two states will face higher premium increases. In Minnesota, premiums will increase by 61 percent and Missouri drivers will face a 55 percent premium increase, according to Insurify’s projections.
Insurify’s study analyzed two-year median costs for drivers between 20 and 70 with
clean driving records on policies with comprehensive and collision coverage with deductibles of $1,000.
“Some insurers are requesting double-digit rate hikes [from regulators] while they struggle to return to profitability, while others are exiting the state entirely.” The report stated.
Insurify also attributes the high premium increases to a combination of inflation, traffic volume, increased accidents and crimes, and also to an unprecedented climate catastrophe that drives weather-related claims in states
that historically haven’t experienced much of that type of damage. Insurify emphasized that insurers have experienced an increase in losses caused by the rising costs of repairing vehicles or replacing them.
Bart Baker, a longtime insurance broker and Farmers Insurance representative, opined about the projected premium increases.
“Both home and auto insurance have increased a lot.” Baker said. “I believe it will continue. The increases are due to the cost of repairs which has increased with inflation and to attorneys litigating.”
With increased insurance premiums, more drivers will possibly become uninsured, which may also increase premiums, industry commentators have noted.
“We can bring down car insurance rates by increasing the deductible,” Baker noted, adding, “It’s wise for drivers to check how many miles they’re being rated for — if it’s more than you expect to drive in the next 12 months, have it reduced.”
Barbara Burke is an independent opinion columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email him at
Don’t be misled by all the talk of inflation coming down. It isn’t. Only the rate of increase has tapered. The 2.9 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) must be added to the 20 percent that resulted from the administration’s overspending. But I don’t believe 20 percent (now 22.9). Why? Because too much is excluded, like credit card, real estate, car, and home insurance. How did we get to this point? The answer is simple: a combination of government spending and energy policy. Biden spent much more than government took tax receipts. While Washington has been doing this for years and has not balanced the budget since Bill Clinton, it was the huge
amount Biden — and Trump — spent that ignited inflation.
Mr. Trump actually ran larger deficits in his four years than President Biden, though that was largely because of COVID and the economic shutdowns.
But as we came out of COVID, Biden thought he could spend with impunity and, with Kamala Harris providing tie-breaking votes in the Senate, ran deficits of $2 trillion each year.
While Biden’s pledge to unite the country somehow got lost to the country’s detriment, the parties are now further apart than at any time since the Civil War, creating unknown geopolitical vulnerabilities. Economically, however, we can gauge what the next four years will bring by looking at the candidates’ positions and past statements.
Trump wants to “make America great again,” touting his success at spurring the economy through cuts in taxes and regulation similar to 2016, plus adding tariffs on countries practicing unfair trading. When he left office in 2021, inflation was only 1.9 percent, and real incomes for working folks were at all-time highs, resulting in tax revenue gains of 40 percent. Trump now
wants to lower taxes further on individuals and corporations, and he also pledges to increase oil and gas production, opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and promoting nuclear power. And while his no tax on tips (now supported by Harris) gets publicity, his plan to lower taxes on Social Security makes more sense, since the marginal tax rate for retirees who are working can be as high as 85 percent, which contributes to our low labor participation rate. Trump also passed and Harris supports a child tax credit.
Harris has said she totally supports Bidenomics and wants to pay for additional spending by raising taxes on those earning over $100,000, including taxing unrealized capital gains (i.e. paper profits from stocks, property, and other assets, which have risen in value. But part of such gains come from the devaluation of the dollar due to the inflation Biden caused). She has accused businesses of gouging consumers and therefore wants to increase taxation on corporations, specifically mentioning grocery stores, which have among the lowest profit margins. And businesses will certainly pass increased costs to consumers and/
or lay off workers to cut costs, causing the economy to slow and the role of government to expand. Objectively, her economic plan is riddled with ideas that have failed in the past.
Energy is key to a booming economy, and while there are issues with both fracking and nuclear power (as there are with all energy sources), because energy costs spiral throughout every aspect of our economy, starting with food production, the Biden/Harris policy of limiting domestic fossil fuels led to a devastating regressive inflation tax on the working and middle class. As James Carvel once quipped referring to President (then candidate) Clinton’s platform, “it’s the economy, stupid,” meaning people vote their pocketbook. Harris has countered this with incentives like a $25,000 credit for first-time home buyers and support of Bidens’ student loan forgiveness in spite of our huge deficits.
I thought Harris would retract her past progressive statements about taxes, spending, and fracking (the latter hurts her in Pennsylvania and Michigan), but her new economic plan calls for more government controls, which have always failed. (Remember Nixon’s long gas lines in the ‘70s?) and prevent-
ing the corporate buy-up of single-family homes. (I love this conceptually, but government’s involvement in housing brings memories of the 2008 liar loans and the subsequent housing collapse and nasty recession)
Whichever candidate prevails, I see prices falling only because of a recession. So far the FED has prevented a hard landing, though the unprecedented interest hikes have already slowed the economy to the point rates may soon be tapered. Paradoxically, a downturn in the economy allowing lower interest rates will result in a rising stock market, which is great for those holding Nvidia, though the other 50 percent of American families are experiencing a precipitous decline in living standards, further expanding the divide between rich and poor. Even young people entering the workforce with college degrees and good jobs now find buying a house out of reach. This fits nicely with certain elites who want to own and control everything, so that the average person owns nothing and becomes a life-long renter.
Scott Dittrich is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email them at
Pioneer Day Old Timers BBQ Cider Fest
Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel
10 am-4 pm
For $15 per person (children under 12 are free with adult) you can visit the farm and pick enough lavender to make one bouquet. After harvesting your lavender, find a cozy spot in one of our picnic areas to relax and unwind or visit the farm animals or farm store. For more information, visit
Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave.
Bring a blanket or chair while listening to live music on a summer evening. Aug. 3 - Josh Rosenblum Band, August 10 - Stellar, and August 31 - The JD Project.
SHOW 940 Main Street, Cambria 10am-3pm
Enjoy a day of admiring beautiful mechanical works of art, along with food, games, music,
and family fun at the Pinedorado Grounds.
ART IN THE PARK City Park, Downtown Morro Bay 10am-5pm
Every year Morro Bay Art Association holds Art in the Park Labor Day weekend as their annual fundraisers, with proceeds from art sold helping fund children’s art classes, provide scholarships and other programs throughout the year.
September 6
SERIES J Dusi Wines,1401 CA-46 West, Paso Robles 4:30-7pm
Bring your own chair and sit back enjoying the live music, food, and wine.
The Plaza at El Camino, Atascadero 5:30-7:30pm
Enjoy an evening of music from the 90’s Babiez Tribute & Party Band. For information, visit events/index.php?id=586.
Traffic Way, El Camino Real, and Entrada Ave. in Atascadero 6-9pm This free, family-friendly event transforms downtown into a lively gallery, showcasing the work of regional artists across over 30 participating businesses on a self-guided walk.
New partnership connects SLO farmers with fresh produce distribution to over 36,500 residents each month
Harvestly and the SLO Food Bank are launching a new partnership to support local farmers and bring fresh produce to people in need. Through this initiative made possible by the Build Back Better Act, Harvestly connects the SLO Food Bank with local farmers to build relationships that provide the freshest, most nutritious food to people in need, all while helping farmers increase profitability and expand production.
Frank Martinon, owner of MG Farms, shared, “For me, it was a big relief to move my produce. Such a great opportunity and a big help to me — I would always end up with extra produce and not know what to do with it. This funding came in at just the right time, and I’m really excited about it. It’s a big deal.”
SLO Food Bank CEO Molly Kern said, “The partnership with Harvestly and the funding will dramatically increase the amount and variety of hyper-local, in-season produce distributed through the SLO
Food Bank network. In the few weeks since the program started, we’ve been able to get avocados, strawberries, tomatillos, corn, and so much more to the over 36,500 people we serve each month.”
Harvestly Director of Operations Taryn Mohler stated, “Having the ability to pay farmers what they deserve in a very timely manner, while serving the community with the
freshest produce is incredible. Everyone wins and gets the best of the best. I’m so grateful to be a part of it and to see the positive impact it’s having on our community.”
This program is funded through the USDA’s Local Food Purchase Assistance program and administered by the California Association of Food Banks, Community Alliance with Family Farmers, and Fresh Approach.
About the SLO Food Bank
The SLO Food Bank’s mission is to work with a network of community partners to alleviate hunger in San Luis Obispo County and build a healthier community. In 2023, the SLO Food Bank served over 36,500 neighbors on average per month through its Neighborhood Food Distributions, a network of over 70 nonprofit Agency Partners, its Senior Home Delivery Program, and Children’s and Seniors’ Farmer’s Markets. All of this is made possible by the generosity of volunteers and donors. To learn more about resources offered by the SLO Food Bank or ways to get involved, visit
About Harvestly
Harvestly, a nonprofit program of Slow Money SLO, is a user-friendly online marketplace offering over 1,200 locally sourced products from nearly 100 vendors. From fresh fruits and meats to baked goods and ready-to-eat meals, we provide a wide range of items delivered to your door on Friday afternoons, from Paso Robles to Orcutt. Our mission is to empower small food and farm businesses by enhancing their marketing and sales while increasing community access to healthy, local foods. We believe everyone deserves nutritious food and are committed to making it accessible, reliable, and affordable. Join us in creating a sustainable and resilient food system for our community.
Bee’s Blossoms (formerly Arlyne’s Flowers) announces new ownership as long-time employee takes the helm
Michelle Cardenas succeeds Alyssa Reid to uphold shop’s tradition of excellence and commitment
ATASCADERO — Bee’s Blossoms Florist, a local business known for its exquisite floral arrangements and exceptional customer service, announced a change in ownership. After a continued extended illness, Alyssa Reid, the owner for the past five years, is passing the torch to long-time employee Michelle Cardenas. Reid has built Bee’s Blossoms (formerly Arlyne’s Flowers 1950-2018) into a cornerstone of the community, providing beautiful and innovative floral designs for every occasion. Under her leadership, the shop has become a go-to destination for quality and creativity in floral arrangements.
“I am incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved at Bee’s Blossoms,” said Reid. “It’s been a labor of love, and I am confident that Michelle, with her dedication, talent, and outstanding team, will continue to uphold our high standards and bring fresh ideas to the business. I will miss seeing our regular customers but trust that Michelle and her staff will continue those relationships we have built together.” Cardenas has always had a passion for floral design and loves trying new styles and methods. She has worked at Bee’s Blossoms
for the past three years, working closely with seasoned staff mastering the art of floral design.
“I am honored to take on this new role and continue building upon the legacy Arlyne’s Flowers established and Alyssa worked so hard to uphold,” said Cardenas. “I look forward to serving our loyal customers and welcoming new ones with the same passion and dedication that has always defined Arlyne’s Flowers and Bee’s Blossoms.”
The transition of ownership will be seamless, ensuring that customers can continue to enjoy the high-quality service and stunning floral arrangements that Bee’s Blossoms is known for. Cardenas plans to introduce new offerings and community events, enhancing the customer experience and strengthening the shop’s ties to the community.
For more information, visit
About Bee’s Blossoms Florist
Bee’s Blossoms Florist is a premier floral shop located in the heart of downtown Atascadero. Originally established in 1950, the shop has earned a reputation for its beautiful and innovative floral designs, exceptional customer service, and commitment to the community. In 2019, Arlyne’s Flowers became Bee’s Blossoms. Bee’s Blossoms offers a wide range of floral arrangements for all occasions, from weddings and events to everyday bouquets and gifts.
Gary Eberle and more to headline Garagiste Festival
Held Nov. 8-9 in Paso Robles, the event for microproduction winemakers celebrates 13th anniversary
PASO ROBLES — The Garagiste Wine Festival will be held Nov. 8 and 9 in Paso Robles, celebrating its 13th anniversary as it showcases over 50 of the region’s micro-production winemakers. The festival will also feature Paso Robles’s own Gary Eberle in the tasting seminar “1500 Cases & a Plan(e): The Gary Eberle Story: A Trip Across the Vintages with an Original Paso Pioneer.”
“We love our Paso Robles festival, where it all began in 2011; and it is especially fitting that, for our 13th anniversary, we are recognizing Gary Eberle, without whom this area would not have such a rich and renowned winemaking scene,” said Garagiste Festival Co-founder Douglas Minnick. “It is no exaggeration to say that, in every one of the wines poured at our Paso festivals — including many Cabs, there is a little bit of Gary.”
Minnick noted that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the release of Eberle’s flagship Cabernet Sauvignon and that Eberle’s winery was recently crowned 2024 Winery of the Year by the Central Coast Wine Competition.
Among the over 50 wineries pouring at the Paso festival are Garagiste Festival first-timers, including Arbuckle Ridge, Creek Cut Wines, Cutbow Wines, Loom Wines, Slouch Hat
festivities return this year, including Friday’s Rare and Reserve “No Repeats” Tasting at Pavilion on the Lake in Atascadero and Saturday’s main event, the Grand Tasting, as well as the popular, “it takes a lotta beer to make great wine” Keep It Rockin’ After Party.
Moderated by Garagiste Festival Co-founder Stewart McLennan, “1500 Cases & a Plan(e)
Event Line Up
Wines, and Tribeca Wine Co. who will be sharing their wines side-by-side with a wide range of some of the best Paso and Central Coastbased small-production winemakers. Over 200 wines, including unusual blends, single varietal wines, sparkling wines, and more, from over 25 different grape varieties, will be available for attendees to taste — all under one roof.
“Over the years, we have shone a light on more than 600 under-the-radar wineries, with each festival revealing the incredible diversity of winemakers, wine styles, and grape varieties that Paso Robles is famous for,” Minnick continued. “This year is no exception. As our winemakers pour their gems, and share their personal stories, they continue to illustrate that The Garagiste Festival is the best place for wine insider information and new wine discoveries.”
In addition to the tasting seminar, all of the Garagiste Festival Paso Robles’ fan-favorite
The Gary Eberle Story: A Trip Across the Vintages with an Original Paso Pioneer,” will explore with Eberle his winemaking journey — from his discovery of food and wine in New Orleans in the late 1960s, to beginning his own winery in 1979, producing just 1500 cases (like a true garagiste), then piloting his own plane across America to promote his wines — to how he grew his winery into the Paso legend it is today. The seminar is only available to advance purchasers of VIP All-Day and Weekend Passes.
“Gary was instrumental in building the vineyards and reputation of Paso Robles, propelling it onto the world wine map and making it one of the most popular wine country towns in America — and he continues to be one of Paso’s most generous and inspiring legends,” said McLennan.
“We are proud to welcome Gary to the festival and to offer seminar attendees the opportunity to taste Gary’s wines and see for themselves why Eberle is one of Paso’s most famous, approachable and longstanding brands.”
Since its inception in 2011, proceeds from the Garagiste Wine Festivals have supported the Garagiste Festival Scholarship fund of the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo Wine and Viticulture Department.
The Garagiste Festival in Paso Robles kicks off on Friday night, Nov. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Pavilion on the Lake in Atascadero, with the Rare & Reserve “No Repeats” Tasting, featuring a one-of-a-kind opportunity to taste barrel samples, reserve wines and more from 30 winemakers, as well as a French-inspired catered buffet dinner catered by Steins BBQ & Catering.
Saturday, Nov. 9, festivities begin at 11:30 a.m. for VIP ticketholders with “1500 Cases & a Plan(e): The Gary Eberle Story, A Trip Across the Vintages with an Original Paso Pioneer.” The Grand Tasting follows, starting at 2 p.m. (1 p.m. for early access ticket holders) with over 50 winemakers, a silent auction benefitting The Garagiste Scholarship, and complimentary cheese and charcuterie curated by Vivant Cheese, along with shopping from local artisan vendors.
The fun continues with the Keep It Rockin’ After Party from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., featuring live music from Five Parts the Devil and local brews. All of Saturday’s events take place at Paso Robles Event Center.
Sunday, Nov. 10, brings the return of Garagiste Passport Day, with special events and deals at festival tasting rooms only for Festival attendees.
Festival Tickets are on sale now at .my805tix. com/e/13th-annual-paso-garagiste-wine-festival-2
For more information and full Garagiste Festival Paso Robles schedule details, visit
Ownership of Bee’s Blossoms Florist in Atascadero has transferred to long-time employee Michelle Cardenas. Photo provided by Bee’s Blossoms
Estrella Warbirds Museum welcomes back Mike Chamberlin for September dinner
Veteran performer to commemorate World War II through music at monthly dinner event on Sept. 4
PASO ROBLES — By popular demand, the Estrella Warbirds Museum is bringing back Mike Chamberlin to entertain them at the monthly
Good News • Real News • Your Hometown News
dinner on Wednesday, Sept. 4, and help them commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the eventual end of World War II.
A press release from the Estrella Warbirds Museum says, “We can all probably relate to how songs can take us back to an earlier time in our lives in a way that nothing else can. Veterans from all eras can especially identify with that, since the music of the times helped keep them connected with home.”
Chamberlin has performed his show, “Love Songs of WWII,” over 2,500 times with 326 concerts last year. Recently, he had the honor of performing his show at the Richard Nixon Library and also a soldier reunion on board the Queen Mary. He had goosebumps as he performed for WWII, Korean, and Vietnam
P.O. Box 3120, Atascadero, CA 93423
(805)712-6356 atascaderogreyhound
veterans on board the ship that transported soldiers during the 1940s.
Some of the greatest songs of all time came out of the early 1940s — love songs like “You’ll Never Know,” and the “call to arms” songs like “White Cliffs Of Dover.” The storytelling of those songs is fascinating and informative. Being a Vietnam veteran himself, he always ends with patriotic sing-alongs.
The Estrella Warbirds Museum hosts a dinner and guest speaker on the first Wednesday of every month. The dinner is catered, so reservations should be made by the Monday prior to the dinner. Tickets can be purchased for $25 per person online at reservations.shtml or by calling (805) 296-1935. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with a no-host bar, and
dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Estrella Warbirds Museum is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of military aircraft, vehicles, and memorabilia so that future generations can experience history and understand the sacrifices made to protect our way of life. Also located at the museum is the Woodland Auto Display, a collection of cars that represent the history of racing and automotive history.
The museum is located at 4251 Dry Creek Road in Paso Robles. It is open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Call for Monday holiday hours. For general admission information, visit The Estrella Warbirds Museum is a qualified nonprofit organization.
About: The Atascadero Greyhound Foundation has been serving the Atascadero community for more than 20 years, gradually adding more events that serve its mission. We have grown, and continue to give because of the generous donors, sponsors and participants of our events. Our events are a benefit to the community in healthy activity — either athletically, musically, educationally, or in the fight against addiction.
Donations: Our support comes from generous donors and sponsors. To make a difference, visit:
ALF Food Pantry
OUR MISSION: ALF Food Pantry is dedicated to providing nutritious groceries to the food-insecure residents of the communities we serve. ALF Food Pantry (formerly known as Atascadero Loaves and Fishes) is celebrating 40 years of service to our community, providing groceries to families and individuals. The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce honored ALF as the 2024 Community Organization of the Year. With an all-volunteer workforce, we distributed nearly 600,000 pounds of food in 2023, the equivalent of 360,000 meals. We provide quality fresh and shelf-stable ingredients to food-insecure people in Atascadero, Templeton, Santa Margarita, Creston, and California Valley. Clients have increased by 20% each year since 2020 and food costs are dramatically higher.
Donations: We need your help to allow us to continue our vital work. Donate today using our QR code or mail a check to ALF Food Pantry, 5411 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422.
United Way of San Luis Obispo County
CONTACT INFO (805) 541-1234
Offices in Atascadero, Paso Robles & SLO (805) 543-6000
CONTACT INFO 1000 Spring Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 237-3870
Operation Surf 80 San Francisco St. Avila Beach, CA (805) 544-7873
United Way of San Luis Obispo County’s programs deliver the education and resources that can help families succeed, in the present and for the next generation. Our work is centered on three impact areas that give people the best start for a successful life: Early Childhood Education, Family Financial Stability and Community Strengthening. Please join us! Together we can do our part to make a stronger community in SLO County that benefits us all.
DONATE: Invest in lasting change through a charitable donation at
VOLUNTEER: Find a volunteer opportunity that fits you at
TREE OF LIFE Pregnancy Care Center
Tree of Life has been helping women and families in our community for over 39 years. All services are FREE and confidential. Women facing pregnancy decisions can find compassion, hope, positive options, and practical help from our friendly and knowledgeable staff. Our goal is to provide resources to assist a woman in choosing life for her baby and then to parent or place for adoption. We also offer compassionate help for women struggling with the mental and emotional effects of a previous abortion. Donations: We’re grateful that all of our support comes from generous individuals here in our community.
Friends of the Paso Robles Library
Support the Library through a Friends of the Library membership, starting as low as $10/year. The Friends of the Library appreciates donations, which are either added to the Library’s collection or used to generate considerable funds toward the purchase of new books, library materials, programs, services, etc. Support the Library in a 100% volunteer-run retail environment. We are seeking volunteers to assist with Gift Shop sales, book donation sorting, and to provide book sale support.
Due to limited storage space and staff, we are only able to accept two boxes or two bags of materials per household per day. Cash donations always welcome!
Call (805) 237-3870 for information
Operation Surf
and move forward in life with a new perspective. Focused on four key pillars of mentorship, unity, family, and the peace of surfing, Operation Surf inspires to make lasting change in the lives of our community.
Redwings Horse Sanctuary
CONTACT INFO 6875 Union Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 237-3751 redwingshorse
Redwings is always looking for volunteers to help us provide the highest standard of care for our horses and burros. You do not need to have any prior horse experience to volunteer at Redwings. If you would like to work with our horses, the first step is to take a Volunteer Training Class. This class covers sanctuary rules, basic safe horsemanship skills, and an introduction to some of the horses that you will be working with. After completion of the class you are welcome to come volunteer and help with the horses any time during our volunteer hours. Volunteer hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 8am to 3:30pm, and we are closed on Sundays and Mondays. Note: We do not allow volunteers to ride the horses at Redwings. There are other ways to get involved and volunteer at Redwings too. We have opportunities to help in our rose and memorial garden, volunteering in the office, helping with events and fundraising, and more. Please submit the form below to schedule a volunteer training or contact our office: or (805) 237-3751. For information about making donations, adoptions, etc, visit For upcoming events, visit
Atascadero Elks Lodge
CONTACT INFO 1516 El Camino Real, Atascadero, Ca 93422 805-466-3557
Since 1987, the Atascadero Elks have contributed over $1,000,000 to local community-based programs, non-profits, youth groups, local sports teams, programs for handicapped and needy children, patriotic programs, veterans’ programs and many, many community activities. Our mission as Elks is to inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize our belief in God; to promote the welfare of our community; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; and to cultivate good fellowship. We have a full calendar of events and activities for our members. To learn more or to join us please contact us at (805)466-3557, visit the Lodge at 1516
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20241635 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: COASTAL 35 CONSULTING, INC., 7505 EL RETIRO AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: COASTAL 35 CONSULTING, INC., 7505 EL RETIRO AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
/S/ COASTAL 35 CONSULTING, INC., JENNIFER KLAIB, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 08/01/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 09/01/2019 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By MSTILETTO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 08/01/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 437
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ NORTH COUNTY SWALLOW & SPEECH PATHOLOGY, PC, MELISSA PIRKLE, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/25/2024
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By MMALTBY, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 07/25/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 438
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20241564 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: MORRO GARDEN APARTMENTS (MGA), 7775 MORRO ROAD, ATASCADERO, CA 93422, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: PLANREN, LLC, 414 MESA DRIVE, CAMARILLO, CA 93010 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/23/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 09/01/1990 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By ATRUJILLO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 07/23/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 439
ROBLES, CA 93447
If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/31/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 01/01/2003 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
ELAINA CANO, County Clerk
By MMALTBY, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires
07/31/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 440
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20241581 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: GARDENS EVERYWHERE, 7435 PINAL AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 , SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: MACKENZIE HOLTOG, 7435 PINAL AVE, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/25/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS
DATE: 07/18/2024 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office.
ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By MMALTBY, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 07/25/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 441
LIFE L.L.C., 4929 MEADOW LARK LANE, PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CALIFORNIA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
/S/ LAKE LIFE L.L.C., KATARENA MESSER, MANAGING MEMBER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/18/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: 07/16/2024
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By ATRUJILLO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 07/18/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 442
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20241606 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: BEST WESTERN PLUS BLACK OAK, 1135 24TH ST., PASO ROBLES, CA 93446, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: A CORPORATION: BLACK OAKS INCORPORATED, 1135 24TH ST., PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ BLACK OAKS INCORPORATED This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 07/29/2024 TRANSACTING BUSINESS
DATE: 01/01/2010
CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original
statement on file in my office.
ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By MMALTBY, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 07/29/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 443
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No 20241651 THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: NEUROCOM, 872 HIGUERA ST, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY: AN INDIVIDUAL: ALEXANDER ROSENBAUM, 872 HIGUERA ST, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.)
/S/ ALEXANDER ROSENBAUM This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 08/02/2024
TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE: NOT APPLICABLE CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. ELAINA CANO, County Clerk By ATRUJILLO, Deputy New Fictitious Business Name Statement, Expires 08/02/2029 PUB: 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29/2024 LEGAL CM 444
ATASCADERO, CA 93422 If Corporation or LLC- CA State of Incorporation/Organization CA I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows is false is guilty of a crime.) /S/ SANDES STUDIO INC., JOSE SANCHEZ, CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 08/05/2024 TRANSACTING
Get a break on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-4912884 today! (Cal-SCAN)
the lien
to the
you are
You are encouraged to investigate the
and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this
by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER(S): The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 866-684-2727 or visit this Internet Web site www.servicelinkasap. com, using the file number assigned to this case
24-184946. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE TO TENANT(S): Effective January 1, 2021, you may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2924m. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48-hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 866-684-2727 or visit this internet website www.servicelinkasap. com, using the file number assigned to this case 24-184946 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15-days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45-days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder”, you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: 8/15/2024 Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid and Crane, LLP By: Marvin Adviento, Esq. 1 League, #62700 Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: 858-997-1304 Sale No. 24-184946 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www. FOR AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 866684-2727.To the extent your original obligation was discharged or is subject to an automatic stay of bankruptcy under Title 11 of the United States Code, this notice is for compliance and/or informational purposes only and does not constitute an attempt to collect a debt or to impose personal liability for such obligation. However, a secured party retains rights under its security instrument, including the right to foreclose its lien. CA DFFI Debt Collection License #11461-99; NMLS ID 2591653 A-4823074 08/22/2024, 08/29/2024, 09/05/2024 LEGAL CM 458
Wehereby give notice that the goods in the following units and names stored at The Space Place, 501 Pine St., Paso Robles, Ca. will be deemed the property of The Space Place and will be removed and/or sold if owners as listed below do not remit payment by: September 6, 2024 Before 5 PM Sale to be on Saturday,
September 7, 2024 at 9:30A.M. at 501 Pine St. Paso Robles, CA. Moana Swafford #56 Moana Swafford #85 LEGAL CM 459
Case No. 24PR-0263 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of DANA S. JACKSON
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Mark Edward Jackson in the Superior Court of California, County of SAN LUIS OBISPO.
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Mark Edward Jackson be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A HEARING on the petition will be held on Oct. 1, 2024 at 9:01 AM in Dept. No. 4 located at 1050 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93408.
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code.
Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for petitioner: PAUL HORN ESQ
SBN 243227 PAUL HORN LAW GROUP PC 11404 SOUTH STREET CERRITOS CA 90703 CN109686 JACKSON Aug 29, Sep 5,12, 2024 LEGAL CM 470
The San Miguel Community Services District (District) has prepared this Request for Qualifications/ Proposals (RFQ/P) for engineering services for an alternatives analysis, design, and CEQA support for the floodproofing of the District’s sanitary sewer lift station, in the community of San Miguel, San Luis Obispo County, California.
Proposal Due Date: September 27, 2024, 12 p.m. local time. Any proposals received after this date/ time will be returned to the proposer un-opened. It shall be the proposers’ responsibility to verify and confirm receipt of the proposals by the specified due date and time.
Proposal Delivery Location: 1765 Bonita Place, San Miguel, CA 93451 or via USPS at PO Box 180, San Miguel, CA 93451. To safeguard against pre-mature opening, all proposals shall be in sealed envelopes/containers, with a label containing proposal title, proposer’s name, and proposal due date and time.
Number of Copies of Proposal to be Provided: 2 hard copies, one thumb drive. The thumb drive shall include a complete copy of the Proposal, EXCLUDING PROPOSED FEES. Contact: Kelly Dodds, General Manager, San Miguel Community Services District, kelly.dodds@, (805) 467-3388 for details and information regarding this RFQ/P and proposal requirements. Firms must notify Kelly Dodds via email of their intent to propose in order to receive any addenda or response to question. Information at: https:// rfp-bid-opportunities LEGAL CM 472
San Miguel Community Services District San Miguel, CA
Recycled Water Pipeline
General Notice San Miguel Community Services District (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project:
Recycled Water Pipeline
Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the San Miguel Community Services District located at 1765 Bonita Place, San Miguel, CA 93451,until October 4, 2025 at 9:00 am local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project includes the following Work: Construction of approximately 2,530 feet of new 8-inch pipeline from the
Machado Wastewater Treatment Facility to E&J Gallo vineyards on the west side of Highway 101.
The pipeline will begin at the treatment facility and continue north along District-owned property, route west crossing Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Mission Street, continue west along 20th Street and through a private property easement and cross beneath Highway 101 to terminate near the property boundary of E&J Gallo and Vino Farms.
The crossings at the Union Pacific Railroad and Highway 101 will be completed using jack-and-bore methods.
Bids are requested for the following Contract: Recycled Water Pipeline
The Project has an expected duration of 110 days. The Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost is $1,400,000.
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found by registering online with ASAP Reprographics at https://www. public. Viewing documents is free. Registering as a plan holder and downloading the bid documents has a cost of $25 dollars. Printed materials are available from ASAP Reprographics at the cost of printing. Prospective Bidders are urged to register with the designated website as a plan holder, even if Bidding Documents are obtained from a plan room or source other than the designated website in either electronic or paper format. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website.
Pre-bid Conference
A mandatory pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on Wednesday September 11th, 2024 at 9:00 am at San Miguel Community Services District, 1765 Bonita Place, San Miguel, CA 93451. Bids will not be accepted from Bidders that do not attend the mandatory prebid conference.
Instructions to Bidders.
For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.
This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: San Miguel Community Services District By: Kelly Dodds Title: General Manager Date: August 23, 2024 LEGAL CM 473
San Miguel Community Services District San Miguel, CA San Miguel Alley (#6020) Waterline Relocation
General Notice
San Miguel Community Services District (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: San Miguel Alley (#6020) Waterline Relocation
Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the San Miguel Community Services District located at 1765 Bonita Place, San Miguel, CA 93451, until October 4, 2025, at 9:00 am local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.
The Project includes the following Work:
Work of the Project includes construction of approximately 860 feet of new 8-inch PVC distribution main along San Luis Obispo County Alley #6020 between 10th Street and San Luis Obispo Road in San Miguel, CA. The project is broken into three distinct waterline segments, with Waterline 1 including approximately 510 feet of new 8-inch PVC between 9th and 10th Street, Waterline 2 including 270 feet of new 8-inch PVC between 9th Street and San Luis Obispo Road, and Waterline 3 including 80 feet of new 8-inch PVC along San Luis Obispo Road. The Project includes abandonment of the existing waterlines and tie over service and hydrant laterals to the new waterline.
Bids are requested for the following Contract: San Miguel Alley (#6020) Waterline Relocation
The Project has an expected duration of 100 days.
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found by registering online with ASAP Reprographics at https://www. public. Viewing documents is free. Registering as a plan holder and downloading the bid documents has a cost of $25 dollars. Printed materials are available from ASAP Reprographics at the cost of printing. Prospective Bidders are urged to register with the designated website as a plan holder, even if Bidding Documents are obtained from a plan room or source other than the designated website in either electronic or paper format. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website.
Pre-bid Conference
A mandatory pre-bid conference for the Project will
be held on Wednesday September 11th, 2024 at 10:00 am at San Miguel Community Services District, 1765 Bonita Place, San Miguel, CA 93451. Bids will not be accepted from Bidders that do not attend the mandatory prebid conference.
Instructions to Bidders.
For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.
This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: San Miguel Community Services District By: Kelly Dodds Title: General Manager Date: August 23, 2024 LEGAL CM 474
T.S. No.: 24-11700 Loan No.: Colony Square APN: 029-361-048 and 029-361-049 Notice Of Unified Trustee’s Sale You Are in Default Under A Deed Of Trust, Assignment Of Leases And Rents And Security Agreement Dated 12/31/2015. Unless You Take Action to Protect Your Property, It May Be Sold At A Public Sale. If You Need an Explanation Of The Nature Of The Proceeding Against You, You Should Contact A Lawyer. On September 24, 2024, at 11:00 AM , Prestige Default Services, LLC, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant that certain Deed Of Trust, Assignment Of Leases And Rents And Security Agreement dated 12/31/2015 (“Deed of Trust”) recorded on 12/31/2015, as Document No. 2015065691 of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California, executed by Cinema Square, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as trustor, to secure obligations in favor of JEFFERIES LOANCORE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as beneficiary. Will Sell At Public Auction To The Highest Bidder For Cash (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by Cash, a Cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). Checks must be made payable to Prestige Default Services. At: Breezeway adjacent to County General Services, 1087 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under the Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California, describing the land therein: A.P.N.: 029-361-048 and 029 361-049 Legal Description: Attached hereto as Exhibit A The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 6917 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, The
undersigned trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust with interest (including, without limitation, default interest) and late charges thereon, the prepayment premium, legal fees and other costs, fees, expenses and charges, and advances, and interest thereon, and the fees, charges and expenses of the undersigned trustee (“Trustee”) as provided in the note, loan agreement and other loan documents secured by the Deed of Trust, at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale reasonably estimated to be $11,457,181.67. The amount may be greater on the day of sale as accrued interest, costs and fees, and any additional advances, will increase the figure prior to sale. The current beneficiary under the Deed of Trust (“Beneficiary”) hereby elects to conduct a unified foreclosure sale pursuant to the provisions of California Commercial Code section 9604, et seq.,
Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior
Good News • Real News • Your Hometown News
8205 Curbaril Ave. (corner of Curbaril & Atascadero Ave.): Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Ted Mort, Pastor. (805) 466-0175.
Awakening Ways Center for Spiritual Living A New Thought Spiritual Community. Living the Consciously Awakened Life. Rev. Elizabeth Rowley Hogue Sunday 10:00am at the Pavilion 9315 Pismo Way, Atascadero (805) 391-4465.
St. William’s Catholic Church 6410 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA (805) 466-0849 www. Weekday Masses : 10:30 AM Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM Sunday Masses: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM Spanish
9925 Morro Road, Atascadero; "The Church on the Hill"; An independent church committed to the teaching of God's Word.; Praise and Prayer–10 a.m.; Morning Worship–11 a.m.; Evening Worship–6 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer–6:30 p.m.; Nursery care and children's classes provided.; Pastor Jorge Guerrero; (805) 461-9197.
A place of hope! Join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 9 A.M. Services are also streamed on our YouTube channel, Hope Lutheran Church Atascadero. We offer Sunday School for all ages after worship. Learn more at 8005 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero. 805.461.0430.
4500 El Camino Real, Atascadero; 466-9350; Morning Bible class at 9 a.m. Sunday; Coffee and Sunday Worship with Holy Communion at 10 a.m. Sunday; Thursday morning Bible class 10 a.m. followed by refreshments and fellowship; Developmentally disabled Bible class 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings;;; Pastor Wayne Riddering.
We honor ancient scriptures, responding to God’s contemporary call to be just and kind.; Join us for Worship Sunday, 10 a.m.; Church School Sunday, 10:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship 11 a.m.; Men’s Bible Study, Wednesday, 8 a.m.; Women’s Bible Study, Friday, 10 a.m.; Youth Group; 1301 Oak St., Paso Robles; (805) 238-3321.
940 Creston Road, Paso Robles; has Sunday worship services at 9:30 a.m; For more information, call the church at (805) 238-3702. Ext. 206.
2100 Ramona Road. Sunday service at 10am. Will & Lori Barrow, Pastors; (805) 466-3191;
4500 El Camino Ave (Downstairs, Rear Parking Lot) // info@ Sunday Service at 9am, Children’s Ministry provided for ages 2yrs–6th grade. Pastors Chris Vanoli & Ben Eisenman // Love God, Love Others // Abiding closely with Jesus and teaching others to do the same.
A division of Alpha Beth Ministries; 3850 Ramada Drive (corner of Ramada and Cow Meadow), Paso Robles; 805-434-5170; Pastor Gabe Abdelaziz; a charismatic non-denominational fellowship; Reaching People, Building Homes; Sundays 10am, Wednesday 7pm;,; Instagram @the_ revival_center
5850 Rosario Ave. Service 10 a.m. (in person and on Zoom) Pastor Heather Branton (805) 466-9108
ST. ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH 820 Creston Road., Paso Robles; (805) 238-2218- Parish Office open Mon-Fri 1 p.m.-5 p.m.; website:; Mass times; Daily Mass- 8:30 a.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.; Tues. 7 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 5 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.; Spanish Mass at 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. Father Rodolfo Contreras.
22515 “H” St, Santa Margarita (805)438-5383 Parish Office hours:Wed-Thur 9am-12pm Mass Times: Saturday Vigil Mass:5pm Sunday:10am Wed-Fri 10am Adoration Wed following Mass Confessions: Saturday 4pm and Sunday 9am
We are a “Mere Christian” congregation in the Anglican tradition. We are rooted in Christ and the authority of the Bible. We respect apostolic tradition and use The Book of Common Prayer. Whether you know anything about Christianity or not, visit us Beginning September 8th at 9:30 any Sunday morning at 9005 Santa Lucia Road. All are welcome. Text Pastor Cynthia with any questions at (828) 406-7253.
Be included in the Atascadero News & Paso Robles Press Worship Directory for an entire year at $175
Here’s a notice to all you Bunco players out there. I know you like to mark your calendars, so here’s the information you’ll need. Quota of Atascadero is inviting you to their Halloween Bunco Bash Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6 p.m., at Kiwanis Hall, 7848 Pismo Ave., Atascadero. Tickets are $20 per person and include snacks and beverages. In addition there will be a Take-aChance Drawing. Costumes are encouraged. To purchase tickets now contact Sylvia Biddle at (805) 801-5542. Proceeds from the event will benefit philanthropic projects of Quota of Atascadero.
Congratulations to ALF Food Pantry (Atascadero Loaves and Fishes), celebrating 40 years of service to the community. I remember when Mike and Charlotte Burns got the orga-
It seems to me that each succeeding generation is waiting longer to get married and have kids. My wife had a great-grandmother who got married and had a child at 14. On the other hand, I have a nephew who is 42 and still looking.
Young folks are finding out the hard way that college is the best place to find a mate due to the diversity, quality, and number of members of the opposite sex. But if you leave college unattached your prospects for finding a date, outside the family of course, are limited to bars, the gym, and the internet.
In the 1800s, lots of young adults met their mates at community dances that all the cowboys looked forward to, even if they danced like flat-footed, heavyhanded, arthritic apes. On the night of the dance, cowboys from far and wide would take their
Today, I want to discuss a phrase that might make some of us chuckle, but I believe it carries a profound spiritual truth: “I’m sexy, and I know it.”
When we hear the word “sexy,” many of us immediately think of physical attraction or something superficial. But what if I told you that “sexy” is more than just a look? What if “sexy” is actually a divine quality, an energy that radiates from the core of our being when we are fully aligned with our true selves?
To be “sexy” in this sense is to embody the fullness of our divine nature, to know ourselves as expressions of
Chocolate and bunco
nization rolling. It was on a small scale, but has continued to grow. In fact, ALF was recognized as the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Community Organization of the Year for 2024. ALF Food Pantry President Tim Eckles sent this message in the ALF Newsletter recently, “Whether you are a current or past ALF volunteer or donor — or an interested community member — we share our 40 years of success with you — and thank you for your service and support.”
For more information call the ALF Food Pantry at (805) 461-1504. The Pantry is located at 5411 El Camino Real in Atascadero.
For recipes this week, how about chocolate! I found a little cookbook at the North County Thrift Store titled “Mmmm Chocolate,” and I knew I had to buy it. I love anything chocolate. If you are like me, here are some recipes to satisfy that “chocoholic’s” craving.
Chocolate Rum Pots
8 ounces semisweet chocolate
• 4 eggs, separated
• 1/3 superfine sugar
4 tablespoons dark rum
4 tablespoons heavy cream
Whipped cream
6 Hershey’s Chocolate
Kisses for decoration
Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of gently simmering water until melted. Let cool slightly. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl until very pale and fluffy. Drizzle the melted chocolate into the mixture and fold in together with the rum and the cream. Whisk the egg whites in a grease-free bowl until soft peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture in 2 batches. Divide the mixture among 6 serving dishes and let chill for at least 2 hours.
To serve, decorate with a little whipped cream and top with a kiss! Serves 6
Chocolate Orange Pots
1 orange 4 1/2 ounces semisweet chocolate, broken into pieces
• 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Heifer dancing
weekly bath, sprinkle on a few drops of Eau de toilette, and ride their horse an hour away only to find there was no fiddler and no women to dance with cheekto-cheek. In that case, a few of the cowboys would willingly put on an apron or tie a bandana to their sleeve to indicate they’d be dancing the female part. Such hoedowns were known as heifer dances, but I don’t think the concept would work in today’s LGBTQ+ society.
Another traditional place people are looking for a mate is at a bar, but I don’t think finding a life partner while in an inebriated condition is wise. Such prospects are always uglier, older, and far less interesting in the light of day. I have a recently divorced friend who recently reentered the dating scene, and he said the date he had with a lady he met at a bar “was like a year in solitary confinement.”
People must really be desperate to resort to speed dating or weed dating. In speed dating, you pay a fee and then ask questions for five to 10 minutes of several prospects to find out if they know how to tie a fly or shoot a shotgun. With weed dating,
you volunteer at a community garden, hoping to meet someone you like. If you get into an argument with a potential candidate over whether a zucchini is ripe, you switch rows until you find someone more compatible. This might work in an urban setting, but it seems to me weed dating won’t go over with the cowboy crowd because women you meet in the urban community garden are more apt to be vegan and wouldn’t be the type you’d want to take home to mama if you live in Hico, Texas, or Cherry County, Nebraska.
Then there’s the gym. I know you won’t believe this after getting a gander at my glorious glutes and abs but I’ve never paid to go to a gym in my life. I’ve heard the gym scene is highly competitive, and I can see where all that Spandex and heavy breathing could lead to romance, but I’ve never heard of a single instance where a man met a woman at a gym, got married and lived happily ever.
But I have heard of at least two instances where it led to divorce.
Finally, there’s the internet. People don’t realize this, but this experiment was tried
I’m sexy, and I know it!
the Infinite, and to shine that light boldly and unapologetically in the world.
In the book of Genesis, we are told that we are made in God’s image and likeness. This means that each of us carries within us the Divine spark, the essence of the Creator. When we recognize this truth, we begin to see ourselves as beautiful, powerful, and worthy beings. We begin to embrace our “sexy.”
But what does it mean to “know it”? To “know it” is to have a deep, inner awareness of our worth and value. It’s not about arrogance or ego. It’s about confidence in our God-given gifts, in our unique expression of the Divine.
To paraphrase the founder of Religious Science, Ernest Holmes, “You exist that Divine feeling, fire, imagination, and creativity may be expressed through you.” When we understand this,
• 3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon orange liqueur
Generous 1/2 cup sour cream
Strips of orange zest, to decorate
Cut the peel and white pith from the orange and lift out the segments, catching the juices in a bowl. Cut the segments into small chunks. Put the chocolate, butter, maple syrup, and liqueur in a small pan with the reserved orange juice. Heat gently, stirring until smooth. Stir in 4 tablespoons of the sour cream and the orange chunks. Spoon the mixture into serving dishes, then top each with a spoonful of the remaining sour cream. Scatter strips of orange zest over the top and serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 4
Note: Serving these chocolate delights offers an opportunity to use some of your fancy little glass or crystal goblets. Be creative, I always say. Enjoy the holiday weekend. Cheers!
Barbie Butz is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at
in America back in the 1800s.
A lonely Basque sheepherder might correspond with someone selected by an aunt back in the old country and then the sheepherder would pay for the shipping and then wait to see what stepped out of the stagecoach. It’s the same way with internet dating today, which seems to be very popular. The problem with internet dating is that someone can misrepresent who or what they are. There ought to be warnings on some of the prospects like, “bring a leash.” Thank goodness today it’s catch and release, and shipping fees to send one back are much cheaper if the article is not as represented. I know one fellow who was told his blind date was 42-2438. Then he found out that 42 was her age, 24 was her IQ, and 38 was the number of days since she’d been released from the detox center. He learned real fast why they’re called blind dates because, with your first look, you wish you were blind. Lee Pitts is an independent columnist for The Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email them at leepitts@
we begin to realize that being “sexy” is about allowing that divine creativity to flow through us. It’s about embracing our uniqueness and letting our inner light shine. When we align with the truth of who we are, we exude a natural magnetism, an attractiveness that goes far beyond the physical.
This “sexy” is also about selflove and self-acceptance. It’s about loving ourselves exactly as we are, with all our imperfections and quirks.
So, how do we cultivate this divine sexiness in our lives?
It starts with recognizing our worth and valuing ourselves as beloved children of God. It involves taking care of our bodies, minds, and spirits — nurturing ourselves holistically.
It also means letting go of the false beliefs and limiting thoughts that tell us we’re not good enough. Instead, we must affirm the truth of our
being: “I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am divine.” And as we step into this truth, we naturally begin to radiate confidence, joy, and love. We become magnets for good, attracting blessings and opportunities into our lives. So today, I invite you to embrace your divine sexiness. Stand tall, walk confidently, and know you are a unique expression of the Divine. You are beautiful, powerful, and worthy of all the good that life has to offer.
Say it with me: “I’m sexy, and I know it!” Let this affirmation remind you of your Divine beauty and worth every day. May you walk in this truth, shining your light for all the world to see. And so it is.
Rev. Elizabeth Rowley Hogue is an independent columnist for the Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press; you can email her at
lee pitts COLUMNIST
Week of August 29 - September 4
On Tuesday, Aug. 20, the Paso Robles girls volleyball team secured a 3-2 victory against Atascadero High School. A huge shoutout to
by Athletic Director Michael Sauret. Eager to kick off the season, these students are set to showcase their talent and dedication. Photos courtesy of PRHS
The Templeton High girls tennis team kicked off its preseason with a decisive 8-1 victory against Pioneer Valley.
These Lady Eagles, including Kelsey, Addy, Giselle, Annabelle, Kaylee, Stella, Hannah, Megan, Makenzie, and Jasmine, are excited and ready for the league season to start on Sept. 17 against St. Joseph. Eagles are going big! Templeton High’s freshman, JV, and varsity girls volleyball teams left no doubt — they’ll be dominating this season. The varsity squad secured a win in three games. Photos courtesy of THS
The annual Midnight Madness for Atascadero High football is in the books. This marks the first football season under Dan Loney as head coach of the Greyhounds. Photos courtesy of Dan Loney
The Paso Robles High JV girls tennis team celebrated a 6-3 win against Lompoc on Aug. 20 and followed it up with a 7-2 triumph over Righetti.
(Left) Head Coach Matt Carroll and the Bearcats football team are ready to take revenge this fall. (Right) On Aug. 15, Street Side Ale House in Paso Robles took on the challenge and fed the Bearcats football team in preparation for the upcoming season.