Malibu residents confront SCE officials at town hall
SCE announces plans to underground wires, raising many concerns
After years of fruitless urging from Malibu residents that seemingly fell on deaf ears at the time, Southern California Edison has announced plans to finally underground wires in several Malibu areas. But the first community town hall last week to outline the process quickly turned into a grievance hour for angry residents who’ve endured tremendous loss to confront SCE with complaints and concerns.
Local teens take initiative to raise funds for MHS programs
Two Malibu High School siblings helped raise nearly $3000 for MHS programs, all while helping local teenagers affected by the Palisades Fire.
The daunting process of rebuilding a home or business after Malibu’s recent fires should get easier now that the city has opened the Malibu Rebuild Center that’s sole purpose is to provide valuable resources in one dedicated center. After opening to the public last week, an official open house was held March 19 to invite those rebuilding to take advantage of the city’s endeavor to streamline the often confusing and lengthy process of a rebuild.
Rylan and Levi Borress took initiative leading a festive event just for teens last Friday called Thrift Local. The siblings invited area teens to the fun shopping party hosted at the Community Closet where they were able to replenish their clothing and belongings lost in the fire. In the spirit of community, those teens who lost their homes were invited free of charge. Others paid just $20 admission and could shop for curated thrift items and new clothing donated by local favorites Aviator Nation, Nati Boutique, Submarine Swimwear, and Les Tout Petits. Gifts were also provided by Sonny Angels, Gorjana Jewelry, Brandy Melville, and Amazon. A DJ set the tone with dance music while
more than 80 kids munched on Irv’s burgers and shakes and Sweet Bu candy bags provided courtesy of donors Monette de Botton and Tara Mercurio for a party atmosphere. Young shoppers filled their bags with clothing and items including rock and roll posters and T-shirts donated by Perryscope Productions and Sir Paul McCartney.
One 15-year-old at the event who helped his family save a home in the Franklin Fire using garden hoses unfortunately wasn’t able to help his own family save their home in the Palisades Fire. The teenager lost everything and so did most of his friends, especially in the Palisades. While enduring the loss of his childhood home, he also mourns the loss of the Palisades where he and his friends would hang out most Fridays after school. He sadly reminisced piling into a car with Malibu friends and then driving to hang out in the village with Palisades pals, which can no longer happen since the Palisades was decimated in the fire, his friends are also displaced, and the drive out of Malibu is nearly
impossible now on Pacific Coast Highway.
Even at his young age and already a veteran of fighting one fire, the boy, who asked not to be named, tried his best to help fight the Palisades Fire.
“We were tracking the Sunset Fire and then we got notification about the Palisades Fire and we thought, ‘Oh, they have to get this fast, otherwise it could be bad,’” he said. “Once it jumped Palisades Drive, I had a feeling it was just going to keep spreading and spreading. I was listening to radios for hours, talking to people who were in the Palisades for hours. I was like, ‘I don’t think they’re going to be able to stop this.’ When I heard the radio say, ‘all aircrafts have to ground,’ that’s when I knew this was going to just wipe through everything.” The teen said he knew his house was gone when he stopped getting notifications from WiFi-connected sensors.
Rylan Borress, 17, who co-led the event with her brother Levi, didn’t lose her home,
With the March 31 deadline fast approaching for homeowners deciding whether to opt in or opt out of the County’s debris removal program through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), important changes were quietly made to the program that will have major impacts for fire victims. These changes only affect those burned out properties that elected to opt-out and were deferred by EPA in Phase 1. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works officials announced earlier in March that EPA deferred properties could opt out of the USACE debris removal process and immediately commence Phase 1 hazardous household waste (HHW) removal with licensed private contractors authorized to remove such materials. In a major
Last week The Malibu Times front page Debris Removal By the Numbers pulled from a presentation by Col. Brian Sawser of the USArmy Corps of Engineers: Number of trucks, lots cleared per day, number of lots that had neither opted in nor opted out.
There was a crucial March 31 deadline for opting in/out, and also a projection of May 31 when Pacific Coast Highway between Malibu and
Santa Monica would be open to the public. As of March 25 at 11 a.m., that YouTube presentation by Sawser had been looked at 680 times. Some naysayers around Malibu doubted the numbers for trucks in motion and/or lots cleared and other numbers. But Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner wasn’t one of them. His surf shop on PCH is just outside what he calls Checkpoint Charlie — the roadblock to the Forbidden Zone. Watching traffic all day, he described what he was witnessing as “...a juggernaut. The pace is like a juggernaut. One night last week, they went until 10 o’clock. If you are in the mall area, you might not see it. I am in the middle of it. Today there are as many dump trucks as
BENJAMIN MARCUS Special to The Malibu Times
JUDY ABEL Special to The Malibu Times
By JUDY ABEL Special to The Malibu Times By JUDY ABEL
to The Malibu Times
to The Malibu Times
(From left) Levi Borress, Joyce Stickney, Gisselle Borress, Rylan Borress, and Quinton Kramer are shown at Thrift Local, the
agers affected by the Palisades Fire. Contributed Photo
Photo by Benjamin Marcus
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The top stories from last week you can read at
OPINION Letters to the Editor
Response to Malibu rally against Trump and Musk
Dear Editor, I seriously have compassion for those on the left who are basically communists who don’t even know it. I think re-education is the only way to deprogram generations of brainwashed, propagandized people. We have been living under communism since they killed JFK, and thank God the truth on that is finally being revealed. We are coming out of the incorporation and coming back to our Constitution and the Republic of the United States of America. Rejoice!
For those of you who can’t, try and do some research with an open mind. You may have to swallow a lot of humble pie, as we all have had to do. When you dig to the bottom of every rabbit hole and follow the money, the truth is obvious. And as they say, the truth will set us free. Communism has killed 150 million people in the last 250 years. We are literally saving our country in the nick of time. We are at the precipice, and we need the grown-ups in the room to stand up for what is right, true, and beautiful. Ignorance comes from arrogance. Let’s all be humble and go forward with clarity of mind and a grateful heart. As the fake news is dismantled we will all be on the same page. We have learned about fake science with COVID and it is time to look at fake history as well. Be grateful for every breath and be a Nowist.
God gave us brains to use. The first reaction when you realize you have been lied to is embarrassment and shame...but then, it becomes
righteous anger against those who lied to you. That is healthy and how we make our country great. Godspeed!
Beth Maree, Malibu
There is no parole for the pain of the parents of Emily Shane
Dear Editor,
Today, we stand at a moral and legal crossroads. A convicted criminal, a man who took the life of Emily Shane with his vehicle, now seeks release. But we must ask ourselves the following important questions: Has justice truly been served? Has the weight of his crime diminished with time?
Have Michel Shane and Ellen Shane, Emily’s parents, forgotten that horrible night?
Let us be clear, this was not a mere accident. This was a reckless act that robbed a family of their child, a community of its safety, and a 13-year-old girl of her future. Her laughter, her dreams, her potential, all cut short in an instant. The anguish of her family is not temporary; it is a searing lifelong pain.
Releasing this murderer undermines the very foundation of justice. What message do we send when the consequences of such a horrific and permanent act can be erased with 15 miniscule years?
That a life lost is worth only minimal years behind bars? Does accountability expire?
There is no parole for the pain of the parents who wake up every morning to silence where their daughter’s voice once was. There is no early release from the grief
Riding the 134 Bus: Seeing Malibu from a different seat
On Thursday, from 11 to 1,
I did something that feels almost subversive in LA County: I rode the 134 bus from Malibu to Santa Monica. If I’m going to tell Malibu residents to “take the bus,” I figured I should do it myself — so I’m not a hypocrite — plus, I love a good adventure.
I know what you’re thinking: public transit in LA? Inconvenient. Unclean. Unreliable. Unsafe. Uncomfortable. I had the same assumptions. I grew up riding New York City’s subways — dirty, crowded, unpredictable, but essential. It was just what we did. Public transit gave me freedom and independence. As a teen, I navigated trains and buses all over the city — the Q train into Manhattan, the B49 through Brooklyn, and the LIRR out to Long Island.
It also taught me life skills — situational awareness, timing, instincts I still carry. I knew which tunnels went dark, when to clutch my bag tighter, how to scan reflections in the windows, how to move cars if the energy felt off. Odd skills, but useful ones — and ones I doubt my kids have.
There’s something about public transportation — when it works — that offers a different kind of freedom. You’re free to think, read, observe. I imagine myself tearing through one of those 15-pound City Council binders, uninterrupted. But California — especially Malibu — is different. Even when the system exists, we don’t use it. Maybe
From the publisher HAYLEY
This week’s take away: focus must be on the preservation of our oceans and marine life. In addition, it is critical that we support our local businesses, many of which are struggling to stay afloat. As a community, we also call for better communication from both the city and county to our residents. Transparency in decision-making and information sharing is essential to ensure residents are well-informed and actively engaged.
that haunts them. So why should the man responsible for this tragedy be granted freedom?
We must not let sympathy for the convicted outweigh justice for the victim. We must uphold the law, protect our communities, and ensure that those who take lives do not walk free.
Justice demands that we say no. No to diminished accountability. No to forgetting the innocent life that was stolen.
Haylynn Conrad, Malibu
Malibu residents rally Against Tesla
Dear Editor,
While I appreciate the fact that Malibu residents have chosen a nonviolent protest, I have to chuckle at the choice of subject matter. Elon Musk owns just 12.5% of the Tesla stock. Even if the protestors get their wish and the company goes bankrupt, as the richest man in the world, Musk will not feel the pinch. It is not Mr. Musk who suffers in such a situation. It is the tens of thousands of middle-class employees, many of whom likely live paycheck to paycheck. If Mr. Musk owned every restaurant in Malibu, would you still be protesting, knowing that you would be putting every chef, ever waitstaff person, every food delivery driver out of a job? I
seriously doubt it. Every president since Ronald Reagan has promised to end wasteful spending in government. Who better to do that than two of the most successful businessmen in the country? Social Security is not going to disappear, but neither should it be sending monthly checks to people who are no longer living. Now, I know many of you have connections with the arts but funding a television show or a play of any sort in a foreign country should be done by public donations and fund drives, not with tax dollars.
I, and others who have no direct connection with Malibu or California, have made donations to the Fireman’s Fund, to homeless shelters and animal shelters, etc., following the devastating California fires. These donations came out of the pockets of many hard-working people because we know it does “take a village.” People pitch in and help when help is needed but the spending of our tax dollars should not be whimsical but rather solely practical.
So, boycott Tesla if you so choose but it won’t put a dent in Elon Musk’s bank account. Why not focus on improving your own state? Goodness knows California politicians are as good as Washington politicians when it comes to filtering tax dollars into politician’s pockets. Perhaps when Elon
is done in Washington, you should consider hiring him to review California’s spending.
Kate Knudsen, Malibu
Non-violent protest at Tesla dealership in Malibu
Dear Editor, Thank you so much for the article regarding the non-violent protest at the Tesla dealership in Malibu a couple of weeks ago. The concern that regulatory protections that safeguard public health and the environment are being haphazardly enforced is tantamount to dismantling all the hard-earned regulations that caring people have fought for decades.
With another protest planned across the country on April 5, it is essential for everyone there protesting to be aware of the people who disagree with us and show everyone respect. We should not disrupt other businesses struggling during the aftermath of the Pacific Coast Highway closure and all the toxic debris still in our community. Of course, we are stressed. Someone walking into the Tesla dealership accused me of being a “terrorist” while I was silently holding my sign, and my reply was, “I love you.” We all have to watch out for each other.
Common Cents: Sell or rebuild in Malibu
Valerie Sklarevsky, Malibu
it’s cultural. Maybe it’s because we love our cars — the control, comfort, privacy. Windows up, music on, the world held at a safe distance. I love my car, too.
That morning, I wasn’t alone — I had the “Three Amigas” with me. Honestly, it felt safer with backup. The day started beautifully — crisp air, bright sun. But as I waited at the Malibu Library stop, second thoughts crept in. A man — pacing, shouting, wild-eyed — approached. And just like that, the safety concern was real. Would I get on the bus with him? No.
Luckily, my friends arrived. The mood lifted, and eventually, the bus did show — late, of course. That’s the unreliable part. Fumbling with our phones for schedules, I missed the old paper timetables that felt so official.
Finally, we boarded. The fare? $1.75 — the cheapest thing in Malibu. The bus was clean enough. The wild man didn’t get on, and I felt relieved.
From the bus, I saw the burn scar of the Palisades Fire — 311 beachfront properties destroyed. You don’t see it driving because you’re focused on the road. But on the bus, the scale hits you. Charred steel, concrete shells, scorched earth. The Pacific glimmered on one side; ash and rubble on the other. PCH looked like a war zone — dump trucks, hazmat tents, crews working nonstop. It was sobering. Public transit gives you that gift — of really seeing your city. The good, the bad, the broken.
We made it to Santa Monica, grabbed coffee, and then faced the same question: When’s the next bus home? No signs. No real-time app. No schedule posted. Eventually, a bus appeared.
The whole trip left me thinking: Malibu — and PCH — is at a crossroads. We have a rare chance to rebuild smarter, safer, better. And that applies to our transportation system, too.
Everyone — and this includes all five of our City Councilmembers, our planning commissioners, and city staff — have stressed rebuilding like for like, and as fast as possible. But the system is broken. There are 43 steps that must be met. Forty-three, unless errors are found, which can exponentially multiply this number. Each step increases cost and time to rebuild. Every delay
means a Malibu family not living in their home, not frequenting our businesses, their kids not attending our schools, and an increased likelihood of leaving Malibu.
It’s estimated that 40-50% of the 737 homes destroyed in the Palisades Fire will rebuild like for like. Thirty percent to 40 percent will decide to sell. Some of these, plus some of the burned lots remaining, will become mega mansions, other lots will languish unbuilt for years. Of those who plan to sell, most will answer that they either cannot afford to rebuild or can’t face the complexity and frustration and pain of rebuilding in Malibu. Each added step in the process reminds them of the struggles Woolsey victims have undergone and the four — or six — years of stress.
But these percentages are not set in stone. If we simplify the process and reduce cost, more of our current Malibu neighbors will rebuild and be
Hayley Mattson
Nic Mattson
Cami Martin
Michael Chaldu
back in their homes — in two years instead of four. The governor eliminated the need for Coastal Commission review and encouraged fire department approvals. City staff and our council have vastly sped up the planning process. But rebuilding will come to a grinding halt once it hits the building and safety departments. “Like for like” is a misnomer for older homes. Building codes continue to change, and each and every change means added costs. No one in Malibu would argue that upgraded fire protection isn’t needed. I’d suggest we go further in this regard, requiring anyone with a Tesla Powerwall to add an automated fire suppression system around the perimeter of their home and to require automatic water shutoffs. But to require radical changes to foundations that have proven themselves solid over 50 years and that add hun-
Neil Schumaker, Jen Rodman, Anthony Atkins, John Nygaard
Samantha Bravo
Judy Abel, Barbara Burke, McKenzie Jackson, Burt Ross, Emmanuel Luissi
Anthony McDemas,Kaleb Rich-Harris
“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.” — Abraham Lincoln
Locals gather at Paradise Cove Beach Café for ‘A Day of Hope’ The Morris family owners of Paradise Cove Beach Café, hosted a free lunch to unite the community and provide a moment of relief for those affected by the devastating fires
Col. Brian Sawser provides update on debris removal Sawser, Yolanda Bundy and Richard Gibbs take the stage at the Composer’s Breakfast Club
Malibu’s Rebuilding Town Hall leaves fire victims frustrated City outlines ‘streamlined’ rebuilding procedures, but residents express concerns over complexity and delays
‘We GLOW together’: Malibu Pacific Church’s beloved dances shine bright Community gathers for two unforgettable nights at the annual Mother-Son and Father-Daughter dances
Malibu Farmers Market rising from the ashes Task Force Phoenix and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognize the market’s vital role in recovery efforts
Waves beach volleyball dominates Malibu Invite, goes undefeated on home sand Pepperdine squad, now 5-6, ready to host three other teams this weekend at the Asics Classic
Champion boxer, former Malibu resident George Foreman dies
George Foreman, the legendary two-time world heavyweight boxing champion and Olympic gold medalist, has died. The former Malibu homeowner was 76. Born in 1949 in Marshall, Texas, Foreman overcame a challenging early life in Houston’s Fifth Ward. He joined the Job Corps at 16, where he discovered his passion for boxing.
Foreman’s boxing career was marked by significant achievements. He won a gold medal at the 1968 Olympics and became the world heavyweight champion in 1973 after defeating Joe Frazier. His 1974 bout against Muhammad Ali, known as the “Rumble in the Jungle,” remains one of boxing’s most iconic matches. After retiring in 1977, Foreman became a minister and founded the George Foreman Youth and Community Center in 1984. He made a remarkable comeback to boxing in 1987, reclaiming the heavyweight title in 1994 at age 45, becoming the oldest to do so.
Beyond boxing, Foreman was a successful entrepreneur, best known for the George Foreman Grill, which sold over 100 million units. He was also a devout preacher and a dedicated family man, fathering 12 children, including five sons named George. His family announced his passing on Instagram, highlighting his roles as a preacher, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. The boxing great owned a home in Malibu in the early 2000s.
Submit Debris
Removal Right of Entry Forms by March 31
Property owners affected by recent wildfires in Los Angeles County must submit a Right of Entry (ROE) form by March 31, to have debris removed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) at no out-of-pocket cost.
The debris cleanup efforts, which began in January, were initiated following the catastrophic wildfires that ravaged the region. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has tasked the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and USACE with overseeing the removal and disposal of hazardous materials and structural debris.
Debris Removal Process: TwoPhase Cleanup:
Los Angeles County has established a dedicated debris removal website providing information and resources for impacted residents. The cleanup process consists of two phases:
Phase 1: Hazardous Household Material (HHM) Removal
The EPA completed Phase 1 on Feb. 25, removing hazardous materials such as lithium-ion batteries, paint, solvents, and pesticides from private properties. No action was required from property owners for this phase. Any remaining hazardous materials that could not be safely accessed will be addressed in Phase 2 by USACE. see story on page one for updated information.
Phase 2: Structural Debris Removal
The second phase, currently underway, involves the removal of fire-damaged structures, ash, and other debris. USACE is responsible for clearing affected properties, but work can only proceed if the property owner submits an ROE form. The forms are available on the county’s disaster recovery website and at Disaster Recovery Centers.
Signing the ROE form does not affect a property owner’s eligibility for other FEMA disaster assistance. However, those who opt out of the USACE program will be responsible for securing permits, inspections, and covering all associated debris removal costs.
Insurance and Reimbursement Information
Some insurance policies may cover debris and hazardous tree removal. Property owners should refer to pages 3 and 4 of the ROE form for guidance on insurance reimbursement options.
How to Submit Your ROE Form
Property owners must complete and submit their ROE forms by March 31. The forms can be accessed online at LA County Recovers or in person at designated Disaster Recovery Centers.
For additional details on the debris removal program, updates on wildfire recovery, and important deadlines, visit With the deadline fast approaching, affected property owners are encouraged to take action promptly to ensure their participation in the federally funded debris removal program.
the zip-tied
dog dies
A German shepherd dog found abandoned in Malibu Canyon last year with his snout and neck bound by zip ties, has passed away following a second battle with cancer.
The dog, named Argon, was discovered in July 2024 by hikers who found the approximately 7-yearold animal in a remote area of Malibu Canyon. He was severely underweight, with his snout and neck tightly bound by zip ties, indicating a deliberate act of cruelty. Rescuers promptly transported him to the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County (GSROC), where he received immediate medical attention.
Shortly after his rescue, Argon was diagnosed with multicentric B-cell lymphoma, a common
type of cancer in dogs. GSROC initiated a 15-week chemotherapy regimen, during which Argon showed a remarkable improvement in healthand began to trust humans again.
After months of treatment, Argon was declared in remission and was adopted into a loving home. However, he recently faced a recurrence of cancer and, despite the best efforts of his caregivers and veterinarians, Argon succumbed to the illness.
Argon’s story was publicized nationally, and a reward was offered for information on who abused and abandoned him. No arrests were made in this case of animal cruelty.
Caltrans to host public meeting on
PCH Pavement Rehabilitation Project in Santa Monica
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is inviting community members and stakeholders to an informational meeting about the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) Pavement Rehabilitation Project. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. on March 27 in the multipurpose room at the Santa Monica Main Library, located at 601 Santa Monica Blvd.
The project aims to enhance safety and improve roadway conditions along PCH/State Route 1 between the McClure Tunnel in Santa Monica and just south of Cross Creek Road in Malibu. As part of the rehabilitation, the project will incorporate Complete Streets elements, ensuring safer and more efficient travel for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the project’s scope, timeline, and key improvements, as well as ask questions directly to the project team.
Project Scope and Planned Improvements:
Pavement rehabilitation along PCH from McClure Tunnel to Cross Creek Road.
• Upgrades to existing ADA ramps and metal beam guard rails.
• Improved lighting in the Roosevelt Tunnel and Will Rogers Parking Lot Tunnel pedestrian crossings.
• Installation of new sidewalks at multiple bus stop locations.
A new overhead sign at Sunset Avenue.
Additional Class II bike lanes and striping.
• Additional pedestrian warning signs.
The primary objective of the project is to extend the pavement’s service life and improve ride quality for motorists.Recognized as a high-priority safety corridor, this initiative is part of Caltrans’ broad er effort to implement Complete Streets strategies, ensuring that all road users — drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians — can navigate the highway more safely.
The estimated cost of the project is $72 million, with construction slated to begin in the summer of 2027 and an expected completion date in summer 2029.
For more information, commu nity members are encouraged to attend the meeting and engage with the Caltrans project team
regarding the planned enhancements.
Caltrans to host public meeting in Malibu on Draft PCH Master Plan
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will hold a public informational meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, at Malibu City Hall, First Floor Council Chambers, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road. The meeting will cover two Pacific Coast Highway (PCH/ State Route 1) pavement rehabilitation projects and introduce the Draft PCH Master Plan Feasibility Study for public review and input.
PCH Draft Master Plan Feasibility Study
Caltrans will officially release the Draft PCH Master Plan Feasibility Study at the meeting, launching a 60-day public review period. The study focuses on a 21-mile stretch of PCH in Malibu, identifying transportation improvements aimed at enhancing safety for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
The study was developed using feedback from six public workshops held between July and September 2024, engaging residents, businesses, and stakeholders to identify safety measures on PCH. Community members can review
and comment on the study from April 9 to June 9 via the Caltrans Engagement Portal at The portal also offers project updates and allows public participation.
PCH Pavement Rehabilitation Projects
Caltrans will also discuss two major PCH Pavement Rehabilitation Projects aimed at extending pavement lifespan and improving ride quality for motorists between Santa Monica and the Los Angeles/Ventura County line. The projects will integrate Complete Streets elements, improving safety and mobility for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers.
• First Segment: A $72 million project spanning from the McClure Tunnel in Santa Monica to just south of Cross Creek Road in Malibu. This project will rehabilitate 57.2 lane miles, incorporating safety features such as improved lighting, new sidewalks at bus stops, and Class II bike lanes. Construction is set to begin in summer 2027 and conclude by summer 2029.
• Second Segment: A $43 million project covering the stretch from Cross Creek Road to the Los Angeles/Ventura County line. This phase will rehabilitate 63.4 lane miles with similar enhancements. Construction is scheduled to start in summer 2026 and finish by summer 2028. Both projects will also include:
Patricia A. Roy 1932 - 2025
Patricia Anne (Konrath) Roy passed away peacefully at her Malibu home on February 15th, 2025, at the age of 92.
She was surrounded by her loving family.
Patricia, who was known as Pat to friends and family, was born to Jacob John “Jack” Konrath and Edna Blanche (Patenode) Konrath on August 18th, 1932, in Hot Springs, South Dakota.
She moved with her family to Southern California in 1943 at the age of 11, and in 1951, she graduated from Leuzinger High School in Lawndale. Pat was the beloved wife of Herbert Darrell Roy, who was the founder of Roy Bros. Drilling Company and who ran the company in Malibu until his passing in 1985.
Pat and Darrell met when Pat was in high school, and Darrell was starting his career as a contractor. They married on August 18th, 1950, on Pat’s eighteenth birthday. Pat is survived by her three children Darrell “DJ” (Karen) Roy, Dennis (Beth) Roy, and Tina (Robert “Bob”) Thomson; her seven grandchildren Kayla Hildreth, Michelle Carolan, Michael Roy, Christopher Roy, Gillian “Chiqui” Roy, Robert “Robbie” Thomson, and Michael “Mikey” Thomson, and four great-grandchildren. Pat had three brothers, Rex, Ralph, and Gerald “Dutch” Konrath, and two sisters, Eleanor “Connie” Mahaffey and Nila Konrath. Pat is preceded in death by her husband, her parents, and her siblings.
Pat was deeply committed to her family and Christian faith. She was a long-time member of the Episcopal church. She found joy in serving her community through her involvement in the St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church Altar Guild, Kappa Lambda Phi Sorority, and the Children’s Orthopedic Hospital of Los Angeles. She was also active in numerous youth programs with her children. An avid traveler, Pat embraced new experiences and cultures. She traveled across six continents, visited all 50 states, and experienced numerous cultures and historical and natural world highlights. She traveled extensively in Eastern and Western Europe and the Middle East and was one of the first visitors to China when it opened to the West in the early 1980s. One of her most memorable travel experiences was an African safari in Kenya. She nurtured a love of travel and adventure in her family and her friends. Pat was also an avid sports fan and a gifted cook, knitter, and seamstress. Pat and her husband, Darrell, had a large and diverse group of friends, and they frequently hosted parties and holidays for friends and family at their homes in Malibu and North Lake Tahoe, and there are many treasured memories of those times. Her warmth, generosity, and love for bringing people together defined her life.
Of all her many interests and pleasures in life, she had a special attachment to the Malibu community. She and her husband Darrell built their Malibu house in the Malibu Park area in 1964, and she resided there for the next 60 years. She remained in Malibu after the premature death of her husband in 1985, and she rebuilt her home on the same site after it was destroyed in the 2018 Woolsey fire. There was nothing that could make Pat leave Malibu, and, in accordance with her wishes, it was there that she spent her final days.
Pavement rehabilitation Upgrades to ADA curb ramps and guardrails
• Improved pedestrian lighting
• Updated signage
• Installation of pedestrian warning signs
Community Engagement Opportunities
For those unable to attend in person, a recording of the April 9 meeting will be available afterward. Additionally, Caltrans will host two virtual meetings to discuss the projects:
• Wednesday, April 16, 6-8 p.m. (Registration required)
• Monday, May 12, 1-3 p.m. (Registration required) For more details and updates on the PCH Master Plan and upcoming meetings, visit
Topanga Canyon Boulevard remains closed as cleanup and repairs continue
Topanga Canyon Boulevard (State Route 27) remains closed to the public between Pacific Coast Highway and Grand View due to ongoing safety concerns following extensive storm damage. Caltrans is actively working with the California Highway Patrol, utility companies, and local agencies to reopen the roadway as soon as it is deemed safe.
Submission deadline is Monday at noon. Please email submissions to:
c/o Calendar Editor, to
Only events with a connection to Malibu will be considered. Calendar events are scheduled in advance and subject to change.
‘Go Local’ Restaurant Bingo!
Malibu Pacific Church is bringing the community together in a deliciously fun way with its ‘Go Local’ Restaurant Bingo! Pastor Andy Vom Steeg has rallied parishioners, visitors, and social media followers to participate in this exciting initiative, saying, “Let’s love our Malibu restaurants even more and support locally owned businesses! We are playing blackout Bingo!”Since it’s Bingo, of course, there are both prizes and plenty of fun to be had!
How It Works: To participate, diners complete a square on their Bingo card and share it with @ GoLocalMalibu on Instagram or Facebook. Players can use a physical Bingo card or a digital screenshot. Participants are encouraged to document their progress with pictures and posts while dining at local establishments. A QR code is available to help find restaurant locations and websites.
For any questions, participants can email Office@Malibupacific. church.
fri mar 28
Homeowner Rebuild Resource Mixer
Homeowners impacted by the recent fires are invited to join the Homeowner Rebuild Resource Mixer on Friday, March 28, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the City of Los
Angeles’ Friendship Auditorium. This special event offers an invaluable opportunity to connect with industry professionals, including architects, permit expeditors, and material vendors, all eager to assist in the rebuilding process. Attendees will have the chance to gather important resources and guidance, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to take control of their rebuilding efforts. Whether seeking advice, services, or materials, this mixer provides an ideal setting to gain support and share experiences with fellow homeowners. Don’t leave the future of your home to chance—attend and rebuild with confidence. For more information, visit The Friendship Auditorium is located at 3201 Riverside Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
Dreamland Malibu: Desert Daze Nights with Ty Segall & Friends
On March 28, Aviator Nation Dreamland Malibu will host the launch of the Desert Daze Nights Malibu series, featuring an acoustic set by Ty Segall, alongside performances from Jess Cornelius, Mikal Cronin, and a Modular Sound Bath. The event, presented in partnership with Desert Daze Nights and sponsored by Rancho West, will benefit L.A. Fire Relief and the Sweet Relief Musicians Fund. Doors will open at 7 p.m., with the show beginning at 8 p.m. The event is for guests 21 and older, and all sales are final.
Attendees can choose from two ticket options: General Admission grants access to the standing-room floor and bar areas, while VIP Tables offer prime seating with excellent views of the iconic Dreamland stage. On-site parking will be available for convenience. This event promises a night of incredible music and a chance to support a meaningful cause, all at the breathtaking Dreamland
Malibu venue. Visit
sat apr 5
A R.A.D. Night in Malibu: A Free Event for Community Healing and Action On April 5th at 6 p.m., join the community for a R.A.D. Night in Malibu at Aviator Nation Dreamland, a free event dedicated to healing and rebuilding following the Palisades Fire. This unforgettable evening features live music, art, and opportunities for community engagement, bringing Malibu locals together to support each other.
Enjoy vibrant performances from local bands Vivant, The Outlanderz, and Riptide, creating a dynamic atmosphere for an evening of rhythm and soul. The event also showcases visual art from local artists Luke Knox, Paris Brosnan, Declan Bates, Hunter Blaze Pearson, Ali Futrell, James Crowley, and Alyssa Crosby, highlighting Malibu’s creative spirit.
The heart of the event is to foster connection and support between survivors of the Woolsey Fire and those navigating the recovery process from the Palisades Fire. Creative collaborators from Nonfiction Creatives will bring the power of art and innovation to help unite the community. Representatives from organizations like the Malibu Foundation, Community Brigade, Malibu Township Council, and Palibu will also be present to share valuable resources and opportunities.
Community leaders such as Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner, Keegan Gibbs, and Andy Lyon will inspire attendees and share actionable ideas for rebuilding Malibu stronger than ever. Their leadership will guide discussions
on how the community can come together to overcome the challenges of recovery.
A R.A.D. Night is more than just an event—it’s a call to action. The R.A.D. Collective’s motto, Respect All Differences, embodies the spirit of inclusivity, creating a space where all voices and perspectives are valued. Whether you’re seeking support or looking to contribute, this evening will provide opportunities for everyone to get involved and make a difference.
Don’t miss this powerful evening of music, art, and community at Aviator Nation Dreamland on April 5th at 6 p.m. Let’s rebuild Malibu—together.
thu apr 24
Malibu Association of REALTORS Fire Re-build Event
The Malibu Association of REALTORS will host a Fire Re-build event on Thursday, April 24, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Elkins Auditorium on the Pepperdine University campus. The event is open to all members of the community, with seating available on a first-come, first-served basis. Both entry and parking are free.
The event will focus on navigating the permitting process and addressing key issues related to the early stages of rebuilding. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from experts and ask questions. To help guide the discussion, community members are encouraged to submit questions in advance to info@
“Our entire community is devastated by these events. One quarter of our executive board lost their homes in the Palisades Fire, and they were the first to suggest we do something to help the community. The process is overwhelming, but we hope to answer some of the most pressing questions so people can move forward with rebuilding their homes and their lives,” said a spokesperson from the Malibu Association of REALTORS.
Applications are open until Wednesday, April 30, and are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, with a processing time of approximately two to three weeks. To apply, residents must provide proof of residence, such as a mortgage statement or lease agreement, proof of property loss or damage through documents like an insurance claim or FEMA report, and proof of identity, such as a driver’s license or REAL ID.
For more information or to apply, visit REALTORS® Relief Foundation 2025 Application. For eligibility questions, email, and for assistance with the application process, contact
thu may 29
The Emily Shane Foundation’s 10th Annual Wings Over Malibu Gala
The Emily Shane Foundation is delighted to present its 10th Annual Wings Over Malibu Gala, an inspiring evening dedicated to supporting underserved middle school students through the Successful Educational Achievement (SEA) Program. The highly anticipated fundraiser has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 29, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Originally postponed due to the Palisades Fire and flooding at Duke’s, this year’s event will return with an evening of live and silent auctions, musical entertainment, selected wines, and gourmet appetizers — with more exciting details to come. The gala will also honor Malibu City Councilmember Haylynn Conrad, recognizing her dedication to educational equity, PCH safety, and enhancing the quality of life for Malibu residents.
Malibu Farmers Market The Malibu Farmers Market takes place every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., offering a wide range of fresh, local produce and artisanal goods. Currently located at Legacy Park, the market provides a great opportunity to support local farmers and vendors while enjoying the scenic beauty of Malibu. For updates and more information on the market’s location, visit Make sure to stop by for a vibrant shopping experience this Sunday!
Topanga Farmer’s Market
The Topanga Farmer’s Market is a Certified Farmers Market open every Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Topanga Community Center. The market features an exceptional collection of 45 vendors, offering a wide variety of fresh, local produce, artisanal goods, and unique products. It’s the perfect destination to support local farmers and artisans while enjoying the scenic beauty of Topanga Canyon. Whether you’re looking for fresh produce or handmade crafts, the Topanga Farmer’s Market has something for everyone!
A comprehensive low-impact strengthening class targeting all the major muscles of the upper and lower body with special attention to form, stabilization, core strength, and balance. Please bring your own hand weights and yoga mats. Instructed by Jackline Daneshrad. The classes are Tuesdays from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. Cost is $5 per class. Pre-registration is recommended. At the Michael Landon Center at Malibu Bluffs Park.
wed apr 30
California Association of Realtors Disaster Relief Fund
DEADLINE: The REALTORS® Relief Foundation has been a vital source of housing-related assistance for disaster-impacted communities since 2001, providing over $40 million in aid to more than 20,000 families. The California Association of Realtors Disaster Relief Fund is currently offering financial assistance to full-time residents affected by the Southern California wildfires in January 2025. Eligible applicants who have experienced displacement or damage to their primary residence can receive up to $1,000 in housing-related financial aid, including mortgage or rental assistance and hotel costs.
In response to the recent devastating fires, a portion of the proceeds will directly support those affected. Tickets will be available at a later date at emilyshane. org. For sponsorship opportunities, auction donations, or additional details, please contact
Join the community for an unforgettable night of giving, celebration, and support.
The City of Malibu will offer free Adult Drop-In Pickleball and an Adult Pickleball class at the Malibu High School Tennis Courts (30215 Morning View Drive) starting in Spring 2025. Open Court Pickleball is available for registered participants ages 18 and over on Saturday afternoons, providing a fun and social way to play. Additionally, an Adult Pickleball class will be held on Saturdays for those looking to improve their skills.
Join the City of Malibu’s Community Services Department and Sheila Rosenthal for a knitting workshop that takes place on Mondays and Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. This program is a welcoming gathering space for fiber artists that fosters community through open stitch. Make a scarf, hat, blanket, or homemade gift. No experience necessary. Please bring size 8 needles and one skein of yarn. This is an ongoing, drop-in program. Instructed by Sheila Rosenthal. Visit for location.
The art of coloring activates different areas of the brain, using logic, forming colors, and creativity. Join this free, unstructured program. Instructed by Judy Merrick. Complimentary program. Visit malibucity. org for dates and times.
Participants will focus on increasing flexibility, balance, circulation, and muscle tone while learning to relax through breathing techniques. Bring yoga blocks and a mat. Instructed by Marsha Cooper. Cost is $5 per class. Visit for dates and times.
Grooving for joy: Malibu’s dance community moves to the beat
At Veritas Yoga in Cross Creek, choreographer Jacoby “Coby” Musby leads an uplifting dance class
Sporting a colorful T-shirt inscribed with an inspirational admonishment — “Make the world a better place!” —choreographer Jacoby “Coby” Musby leads a group of focused and smiling dancers through various hip-hop dance routines at Veritas Yoga in Cross Creek.
All smiles, participants giggle and grin as they move through their steps.
“Let’s put on different music and go faster!” Musby exclaims. “1! 2! Slide to the right! Forward! Hop! Clap! Yes! You’ve got it!”
but wanted to help her fellow classmates affected by the fires. As the co-captain of the MHS girls’ tennis team, she and other
Dancers of all sizes and capabilities are most welcome to join in one of the three classes offered weekly, explains Mary Tsai Faherty, who helps organize the group.
Dance is amazing!
As dancers took a short break, The Malibu Times caught up with some of the participants and inquired why they love the class so much.
“I have been dancing since elementary school and I have really enjoyed getting back into it for about six months now,”
Lauren Tarantino Buckman said, noting that she and Theresa Marie, a former professional dancer, have thoroughly enjoyed the classes. “It’s invigorating!”
Agreeing wholeheartedly, Marie elaborated about how dance makes a person feel, noting that she is excited she can return
Half the funds will go to the MHS tennis team and the rest will go to the MHS ceramics studio where Levi and other students can be creative, which is helpful to a lot of students who have endured so much
to the activity after undergoing a surgery.
“Life is so special! I have been dancing with [Lauren] by my side on and off for over 20 years,” Marie said. “We’re back at it now and I’ve been dancing again because it’s joy! Because it’s fun! Because it’s a natural painkiller. Because I still can. Because dance is therapy and because, most of all, dance is home for this amazing body of mine!”
Faherty discussed the healing aspects of dance as a therapeutic modality, noting, “One sees so many smiles and knows she is challenging her brain, body and soul — we are all so thankful to have this piece of happiness in Malibu — it shows in our healthy glow after each class!”
“Dance IS Therapy!” Faherty posts on local social media, adding a little humor.
“Do it for your brain and body — learn the
missed school days, online learning and displacement. “Just seeing people smile and super happy is great, people who have lost their homes get gift cards and just seeing everyone so lit up, it’s making me really
most fun dance routine/combo, then dance it over and over again until Lady Gaga asks you to go on tour with her!”
She shares a research study published by the National Institute of Health entitled, “Dancing as an intervention tool for people with dementia,” which informs that studies show a positive impact of physical activities such as dancing on the improvement of cognitive reserves of people with dementia.
“The findings of this mini-review confirm positive efficacy of dancing therapy on cognitive, physical, emotional and social performance of people with dementia,” the scholarly evaluation concluded.
Musby, who works throughout Southern California as a millennium hip-hop teacher, has been teaching in Malibu at Veritas for a year.
“Dancing definitely releases stress,” he
… they’re a really great group of girls and they deserve to have everything for tennis.”
Rylan knows at least seven friends who lost their homes, but said her brother knows many, many more who lived in Big
said. “People tell me that they were having a bad day but because of dance, my anxiety is released and I feel more positive. That makes sense because dancing releases endorphins — once a student picks up the choreography and can put it together with the music, then dancing releases their anxiety and instills positivity.”
Malibu students are treated to various genres of dance.
“Sometimes we dance salsa; other times swing or hip-hop,” Musby explained. “I believe that music does move one’s spirit or soul — I thoroughly enjoy bringing music to Malibu and helping the students move!”
Faherty energetically loves to say, “Young and old — age doesn’t matter! Move it or lose it! See ya on the dance floor!”
For details, email
experience some good things while having such hard times and going through this whole fire and just being able to do something fun with their friends and also receiving things that they lost,” she said. “And it’s just a great event. I’m really hap-
Choreographer Jacoby “Coby” Musby poses with his class at Veritas Yoga in Malibu. Musby holds three classes weekly, putting his charges through various hip-hop dance routines. (Right Photo) Mary Tsai Faherty (far right), who helps organize the group of dancers in Jacoby “Coby” Musby’s hip-hop class, takes a selfie of her and other dancers in the class. Photos courtesy of Mary Tsai Faherty
Special to The Malibu Times
POVs (personally owned vehicles) at the Checkpoint Charlie (the roadblock by Colony House Liquor). There are the big players: USACE, National Guard, SCE, Caltrans, Frontier, Spectrum, Water District 29. LACO Fire, LASD, each one with a mission.”
The mission is to clear the fire debris as fast as possible, open the westbound lanes of Pacific Coast Highway to all traffic as soon as possible, and begin rebuilding an astonishing number of demolished homes, apartments, and business buildings.
To chart the success of that mission, The Malibu Times is teaming up with USACE, LASD, So Cal Edison, City of Malibu, MalibuRebuilds. org, and other agencies and businesses to present numbers representing that progress.
This is an alchemy of facts and figures from Sawser and Erin Jimenez of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Matt Myerhoff from the City of Malibu, Assistant City Manager Joseph Toney, Jeff Monford from So Cal Edison, the City Council meeting on Monday, March 24, and other nuggets found online and elsewhere.
Debris Removal by the Numbers as of March 25
0: Building Plan Check Submittals – 0 Received/ 0 Approved
not afraid to say and assert the truth: Namely, that liberal policies that favored “DEI” over safety, prevention and fire and water management caused and contributed to the Los Angeles County wildfires?
Then call or text attorney Michael E. Reznick to schedule an immediate appointment
0: Certificates of Occupancy – 0 filed/ 0 approved
4: Approved fire rebuilds of homes that were completely destroyed (planning verifications — these were like-for-like). Matt Myerhoff: “City of Malibu also approved three other projects (fire-damaged accessory structures and repairs). All of these projects will need to complete a building plan check with Building Safety Division before permits to begin construction are issued.”
4: Stages of rebuilding: 1. Site verification. 2. Architectural plan submittals. 3. Building plan check. 4. Certificates of occupancy.
5: Speakers at the March 24 City Council meeting who asked that PCH be open to everyone on weekends to help struggling Malibu businesses. Sawser: “Finally, we understand and acknowledge the hardship faced by businesses along PCH due to ongoing traffic restrictions. The desire to reopen PCH fully is completely understandable, and we are actively working to balance that need with the operational reality of safely clearing wildfire debris while synchronizing efforts with other critical infrastructure repairs. We appreciate the patience and cooperation of the community, and our teams remain committed to completing this work as quickly and safely as possible.
“That said, any additional constraints — such as increased traffic or adjustments to haul routes — will slow our progress. PCH is already under strain, and as operations ramp up from 800 trucks per day to over 1,200, it’s not advisable to open additional public access on weekends. We must also coordinate closely with utility companies and LA County Public Works, as their operations — such as sediment removal from recent storms — are further reducing PCH to one lane in each direction through much of the wildfire-affected area.”
Katy Macek of Caltrans added this: “There is still no date for reopening PCH at this time. A decision on reopening will be made in coordination with all the partners and agencies conducting work on PCH. People are still able to get to Malibu via US 101 to Las Virgenes or Kanan. Metro Line 134 has also resumed service along PCH.”
9: Architectural plan submittals. 6 Pending / 3 Approved according to Matt Myerhoff and the Malibu
Planning Department.
12-31: People daily visiting the Malibu Rebuilds center at 23805 Stuart Ranch Road, Suite 240 www.maliburebuildsorg
14: Trucks that passed in five minutes going west while waiting for the light to change at Webb Way and PCH on Tuesday morning, March 25
16: Average visitors a day to Malibu Rebuilds. Joseph Toney: “12 walkins and four by appointment. 85% of those are first-time walk-ins discussing their potential plans with staff and consultants.”
30-80%: Business decline claimed by Malibu businesses because of the fires.
30: Average number of parcels cleared per day as of March 25. Colonel Sawser: “April and May will be decisive in accelerating debris clearance operations. We’re on track to reach maximum operational capacity in early April, which iscritical to maintaining momentum. While we’re currently averaging 30 parcels cleared per day, our goal is to consistently exceed 35 per day to keep pace with overall recovery efforts.”
March 31: Is the deadline for opt in/opt outs.
May 31: When PCH will open to everyone. Sawser: “So right now working with the authorities, Caltrans, and then the three different law enforcement agencies that are on the highway in the county, just looking at all the work that has to do with utilities. What I’ve been hearing is that they’re still looking at keeping a resident’s only closure through the end of May. It’s advantageous for us and that’s the sprint that we’re on to try to get all the coastal seafront properties complete before then as well, because we’re sharing the road with utilities and sedimentation removal.”
45: Cleared properties in one day. Sawser: “This past Saturday, March 22, we set a new record with 45 cleared properties in a single day — this is for Palisades and Malibu. I believe we can sustain an average of 40-plus per day by early April, which would allow us to reach approximately 60% completion by the end of May, including clearing Pacific Coast Highway (PCH).”
123: Initial rebuild appointments/ site verification. Joseph Toney: “The first stage, where you consult with specialists on anticipated future requirements.”
140: Property owners who haven’t opted in — USACE — or out — private — for debris removal. Sawser: “One of the most effective ways to keep this recovery moving is reducing unknowns — such as ensuring all property owners make their opt-in or opt-out decisions as soon as possible. Right now, approximately 140 property owners in Malibu have yet to decide. I strongly encourage them to submit their Right-of-Entry (ROE) forms before the March 31 deadline so we can incorporate them into our operations efficiently.”
166: Transformers placed in Palisades Area by SCE.
290: Final sign-offs by the USACE for Palisades Fire = cleared and approved.
311: Beachfront properties lost.
687: Permanent power poles placed in Palisades area by SCE.
2,749: Rights of Entry filed with USACE for the Palisades Fire.
6,500: Damaged parcels in Malibu/ Palisades
200,00 feet: Of electrical conductor laid in the Palisades area by SCE
$4 billion: Estimated losses covered by the California FAIR Plan (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan). They have received approximately 4,700 claims related to the Palisades and Eaton Fires. The FAIR Plan has access to reinsurance to cover losses up to $5.78 billion, less deductible and copays. To cover these claims, the FAIR Plan requested a $1 billion assessment from admitted market insurers, which was approved by the California Insurance Commissioner.
$250 billion to $270 billion: According to Chat GPT, the Total Economic Impact of the Palisades Fire encompasses property damage, loss of life, healthcare costs, business disruptions, and other economic impacts.
This AI image shows shows vehicles from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Pacific Coast Highway moving along a rendering of Malibu and the pier. AI Illustrations courtesy of Benjamin Marcus
This AI image shows a convoy of debris-removing trucks on Pacific Coast Highway moving from the Malibu Pier.
This map shows the lots affected by the recent Malibu fires. Contributed Graphic
Malibu Boys & Girls Club stands strong in fire recovery efforts
Kasey Earnest
and her team continue to provide essential aid, crisis counseling, and emergency grants for
fire victims
By HAYLEY MATTSON Publisher, Editor in Chief
As the Malibu community continues to recover from the devastating Palisades Fire, the Malibu Boys & Girls Club, led by CEO and Executive Director Kasey Earnest, remains unwavering in its mission to provide essential aid and support to those affected. From the onset of the fire, the organization has been a cornerstone of relief, assisting displaced families and individuals as they navigate the challenges of rebuilding their lives.
“The community should know that we’re still here,” Earnest emphasized. “We’re still providing distribution of essential items and working closely with brands and partners to bring in necessities like bedding, cookware, and other household essentials for those reestablishing their lives.”
The organization continues to host FEMA representatives on-site to assist residents with their applications for federal aid, with the application deadline set for March 31. Many fire survivors have encountered challenges in accessing FEMA support, and the club is dedicated to ensuring that everyone who qualifies receives the assistance they need. In addition, they offer crisis counseling and a weekly mindfulness workshop every Wednesday in the Nanonest, located right in the parking lot, led by a certified mindfulness coach. These sessions provide a supportive space for community members to process their experiences, find comfort, and develop coping strategies in the aftermath of the disaster.
Emergency grants are also being pro -
cessed for qualifying individuals. Those seeking assistance must complete an intake form and provide verification of loss, displacement, or job loss. A grant committee oversees applications, prioritizing those in the greatest need, particularly low-income individuals with limited access to other resources. “Tier one is our priority right now,” Earnest explained.
“We’re focusing on those who have the least financial flexibility and need the most immediate support.”
Community partnerships have been crucial to these ongoing efforts. World Central Kitchen has been involved since the early days of the disaster response by delivering daily lunches. Additionally, the organization will host at least one more free organic produce distribution
event, providing fresh items like spinach, strawberries, and other nutritious foods to local residents. “It’s been incredible to witness the generosity of our partners,” Earnest said. “World Central Kitchen has been with us from the start, and their support has truly been a game-changer for so many people.”
Beyond immediate relief, the Malibu Boys & Girls Club is looking ahead to long-term recovery efforts. They are continuing to provide wellness services for local schools and are working on expanding their resources to help families transition back to stability. “We want to make sure that as people begin to rebuild, they don’t feel like they’re doing it alone,” Earnest said. “We will be here for as long as it takes.”
While the Malibu Boys & Girls Club
is not currently accepting material donations, monetary contributions are welcome and can be directed either to the emergency relief fund for fire victims or to operational support.
“Since our team is working full-time on disaster relief while still running the clubhouse and wellness services for schools, financial donations allow us to sustain these efforts,” Earnest noted. She also encouraged those who work with brands that can donate bulk essential items — such as home goods or cooking utensils — to reach out. A recent distribution of suitcases was particularly beneficial to those in transition, and they hope to continue offering similar resources as needed.
The Pros and Cons of Public Transit — and What’s Fixable: PROS — Built into the system, no matter what:
• A rare opportunity for productivity, reflection, or rest Environmental benefits — fewer cars, less traffic, cleaner air
Expands access — jobs, healthcare, schools
Saves money — gas, parking, maintenance
• A different view — you see your city and community in a new way
CONS — But every one of these is fixable:
Unpredictable schedules and unreliable service
Lack of signage, real-time information, and user-friendly tools
• Safety concerns — real and perceived, Especially moments when mental health crises play out in public spaces. It’s complicated and deeply human — but for riders, especially women or parents, it can feel unsafe. In the 90s in NYC, you were packed in — here, there’s space, so there’s nowhere to hide.
Cultural resistance — we love our cars, our independence. None of these are permanent. They’re design flaws, policy failures — fixable with leadership, funding, and care.
Because sometimes real freedom isn’t being stuck in traffic — it’s letting go of the wheel and seeing the world roll by. And sometimes, the best way to really see Malibu is from the bus. Would I do it again? Yes — in a heartbeat. But next time, I’d plan better.
Haylynn Conrad is a current Malibu City Councilmember.
dreds of thousands of dollars to the rebuild cost goes far beyond like for like. Geotechnical requirements as the codes are now interpreted can add 25% to the cost of rebuilding.
For a 2,500-square-foot home, this means $2.5 million instead of $1,875 — that’s $625,000 extra. But the homes were not destroyed because of earthquakes, land movement, or hurricanes, but from fire. How a house that has stood for 50 years isn’t safe is not common sense, especially when a new slab will be much stronger. Several councilmembers have valid concerns that any deviation from these upgraded code requirements
reversal, the county is now mandating that homeowners and their contractors who have opted out must wait for the USACE to remove HHW. This rule change comes after private contractors have already removed HHW from some EPA deferred properties and has caught homeowners, contractors and even some county officials unawares.
As of this writing, county representatives could not give an estimate as to when Phase 1 debris removal would be complete. They said there appears to be a self-imposed March 31 deadline for property “assessments” by USACE but it was unclear whether those assessments would include HHW removal. Permits for ash debris removal cannot be obtained until USACE clears a property under Phase 1. Property owners who have opted out and signed contracts for private debris removal in hopes of getting debris removed quickly on their own timeline could now be at square one, waiting for the USACE to reach their property. Calls to the USACE debris removal hotline on Monday, March 24, went unanswered, the
might create legal liability to the city. But other communities — including L.A. County unincorporated are not following Malibu’s current interpretation of the codes. Permits in other places are issued in hours or days instead of months or years.
Malibu’s future hangs in the balance. At bare minimum, we should have an outside attorney research and
The team urges all fire survivors, even those who do not need immediate assistance, to complete the intake process. “We want to be able to follow up and see how we can be helpful in the coming months,” Earnest noted. “We’re going to continue case management and support, and as additional resources become available, we want to make sure they reach those in need.”
USACE later confirming that their phone lines were inoperable on this date.
A County Department of Public Works employee who refused to provide his name asserted that while prior guidance was provided, there were “never concrete rules,” and it was “a fluid procedure.” He described the unannounced change to the debris process as “unavoidable” and blamed the problem on area landfills. The unnamed employee stated that overwhelmed waste sites were unable to verify that debris being dumped at their landfills was truly free of hazardous waste, despite licensed contractors with the appropriate certifications so attesting. The DPW employee stated that truckloads of debris were being turned away by private waste management landfills. In an email, a separate unnamed county employee wrote, “Unfortunately, due to the concerns over potentially hazardous loads from fire debris, the landfills have expressed the loads need to be verified as hazard-free from the USACE or EPA. For certainty that the debris from your property will be accepted by these landfills, it is best to wait [sic] for the USACE is [sic] list the property as clear from household waste.”
opine on the city’s liability should someone rebuild with a new vastly improved slab but without hundreds of thousands of dollars in caissons. Perhaps we should lobby the governor so that codes be grandfathered to levels when a home was built if staff and/or a geotechnical engineer certify the plans. The council needs to have staff and our various Mal-
For those wishing to contribute or in need of assistance, the Malibu Boys & Girls Club stands as a symbol of hope and resilience in the heart of the community. With unwavering dedication from staff, volunteers, and partners, they are committed to ensuring that no one is left behind in the recovery process. For more information, visit emergency-resources.
The only local county-owned landfill, the Calabasas landfill, reportedly gets overloaded with debris and is forced to close by noon daily. County officials who instituted the new debris removal requirements argued that as a result their hands were tied — this after some homeowners opted out and signed expensive contracts with private debris removal contractors, contracts that can easily reach six figures.
The original debris removal permit process rolled out on the EPICLA website stated that debris removal permits could only be obtained after clearance from the EPA, an impossibility if one’s burned property was deferred by the EPA. Then the opt-out forms required the name and signature of a licensed contractor, forcing fire victims electing to opt out into signing agreements with private contractors before the government-imposed deadline of March 31.
One local hazmat-certified contractor called the surprise change “a county Phase 1 fiasco”: Fire victims are forced by the government to make irrevocable decisions in the face of changing edicts issued by unnamed individuals without public comment, contractor input, or advance notice.
ibu experts — architects and engineers — to sit down and simplify our process. This starts with waiving permit costs for those who owned their property as of Jan. 6. It means expediting any like-for-like rebuild regardless of acquisition date (sadly many current owners will sell but if we want to encourage new owners to build like for like plus 10 and not a megamansion we should expedite all like for likes, though we don’t offer them fee waivers. But the main need is to simplify and speed up building so that current Malibu residents don’t give up. This means reducing the 43 steps now required to under 10. If we do this, the first homes can be completed by Christmas.
Malibu Boys & Girls Club CEO Kasey Earnest (second from right) and her team continue to offer vital support, including crisis counseling and emergency grants, to fire victims. Photo by Hayley Mattson/TMT
Waves run into Pepperdine record books during track meets at UCLA
Sophomore star Lizzy Crawford Smashes 5000m
Bob Larsen Distance Carnival, setting sights on more milestones
By MCKENZIE JACKSON Special to The Malibu Times
Pepperdine Waves long-distance runner Lizzy Crawford jaunted her way to another school record on March 21 at the Bob Larsen Distance Carnival at UCLA’s Drake Stadium in Los Angeles. Crawford, a sophomore, broke her own Pepperdine record in the women’s 5000-meter race. Crawford won the event, which featured over 30 runners from seven schools, in 16 minutes and 38.36 seconds. She previously set the school record at 16:47.22 at the AstroAi Distance Classic in Fullerton earlier this month.
It felt awesome, Crawford said about slashing her
race time by 8.86 seconds.
“It was super cool to race at such an iconic stadium,” she said. “I didn’t go into the race expecting to win so it was really fun to be out front pacing the whole race.”
Crawford’s new record-setting run was one of the several new top-10 times in Waves’ history ran by Pepperdine men’s and women’s track athletes at the Carnival and the Jim Bush Legends Invitational, also held at UCLA, but the day before.
The fast-moving Waves included Daniel Whitaker, Elijah Gentry, Gordy Nilsen, Hannah Bruner, Joseph Yates, Jordan McCray, Kaley Peterson, Lauren Rocco, Maddy Ortman, and Patrick Thomas.
Crawford, ranked nineth nationally in the 5000, ran in front of the pack from the opening gun of the event. She completed the final lap in 1:15.37 to outlast UNLV’s Natalia Ruiz, who placed second.
Also at the Carnival, Gentry, a freshman, finished the men’s 3000 steeplechase in 9:13.16, which garnered him a second-place finish and the second quickest time in finishing the race in school history.
SCE Executive V.P. of Corporate Affairs Caroline Choi first remarked, “It is heart-wrenching to see the devastation that has occurred in the community and our hearts really are with all of you who are going through this difficult time.” Choi and her colleagues then outlined SCE’s plans to underground 80 miles of power lines in the area in an effort to reduce the risk of wildfires. Work is underway seven days a week on Pacific Coast Highway and in some Malibu canyons. Undergrounding at private properties, however, will require easements, which is a big concern according to speakers at the town hall who spoke of disruptions at their properties, worries over maintenance, and other impacts. SCE is offering $500 compensation. SCE also needs 100% participation for the project to move forward and stated non-responsive property owners will delay construction, but some property owners complained that with mail disruption post-fire, they have not received notices.
Other issues voiced were undergrounding yet still keeping poles used by telecom companies above ground and thendigging trenches later to underground telecom. That didn’t make sense to many, including Terry Davis, who commented it would be more efficient to underground all the companies’ wires at once. “They could come in and be part of one trench,” said Davis, who then confronted SCE about “the lack of communication. We’ve had someone working with our community as a liaison who basically had no information. When I specifically asked
To date, significant progress has been made in the cleanup efforts, with approximately 8,600 cubic yards of mud and debris — equivalent to 860 truckloads — removed from the roadway. This is part of the 33,000 cubic yards of material that came down in the aftermath of the February storm. All debris is being carefully tested, with clean dirt being transported to Oxnard farms for reuse. As of now, all tested dirt has been deemed clean and safe for repurposing.
In an effort to restore access, Caltrans is coordinating plans to allow school buses to pass through designated times under escort this week. Additionally, discussions are underway to permit essential business travel during this timeframe. However, public access remains restricted to prevent potential injuries or fatalities in the hazardousconditions.
Restoration work is in progress, including the construction of retaining walls at three locations and the reconstruction ofthe road’s shoulder and a washed-out lane. Caltrans estimates that once the design is finalized, rebuilding the affected lane will take at least a month. Additional preventative measures include the installation of debris flow barriers and larger culverts at
Thomas, a junior, placed seventh in the same event with a time of 9:44.13, fourth in Waves record books. Bruner, sophomore, finished the women’s 1500 in 4:35.99, which placed her 17th. The time is third fastest in Pepperdine history. Nilsen, also a sophomore, placed 21st in the men’s 1500. His 3:55.40 time was slotted fourth in program history.
Peterson, a senior sprinter, placed fifth in the 100 at the Invitational. Her 12.00 performance in the dash is third in Pepperdine history.
Rocco, a senior, had the eighth-fastest time in Pepperdine history in the women’s 100 hurdles. Her run of 15.97 placed her nineth in the race. Rocco also finished eighth in the women’s 400 hurdles. Her 1:07.19 performance is also eighth in Waves history.
Also in the 400 hurdles, the senior Ortman’s 1:05.17 time placed her fifth in event and third in Pepperdine history.
The freshman McCray ran the men’s 200 in 23.04, the fourth fastest time in Waves history, and Yates, also a freshman, ran the eighth fastest time in school
for information to work with SCE from our community so we could work together (on securing easements), SCE was basically noncommunicative and said they couldn’t give any of that information to me.
“I understand you wanting to do this work right now when the damage is out there. But take a little bit more time. Let us work with you putting pressure on the telecoms. We want those damn holes down. It happened to have been a telecom line that kept the fire department from going up Big Rock and the cost of that was about 170 homes.”
Scott Dittrich questioned, “Most of our big fires come from somewhere else? Palisades didn’t start in Malibu. Woolsey, it started across the 101. Do you have plans to underground the circuits that most endanger us?”
Jefferson Wagner informed the town hall that the community of Topanga has a one-trench-only ordinance for all utilities and asked if that can happen in Malibu.
A moving plea about Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) was made by a local nurse who works with area seniors“who are disabled, can’t get out of their house, or are in bed, they don’t feel safe. They live in fear.” She spoke of the frustration trying to reach SCE by phone and getting accurate information about qualifying for a medical baseline program SCE offers to people reliant on medical equipment. “If we can set the precedent here, we can trickle around to other communities because in the Paradise Fire, the Palisades Fire, and the Eaton Fire, the majority, 90% of those people that died, their average age was 75 to 80. They had no means out,” she said.
multiple locations along SR-27 to mitigate future mudflows, especially given the extensive burn scars in the canyon.
Southern California Edison has also initiated efforts to underground utility lines, reducing the risk of further damage from future storms. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works is working to reroute a water main connection that was exposed when the road washed away.
For updates and inquiries, residents can contact Caltrans at Recovery resources and additional information can be found at
Malibu City Council approves $4.1 million contract for Permanent Skate Park construction
The Malibu City Council has taken a significant step in enhancing recreational opportunities for the community by approving a $4.1 million contract for the construction of the highly anticipated Malibu Permanent Skate Park. The approval marks a major milestone in the City’s commitment to fostering an active and healthy lifestyle for residents of all ages.
The 12,500-square-foot skate park, designed by internationally renowned California Skateparks, will be constructed by C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc. The park’s design reflects extensive community input gathered through public meetings and surveys conducted in 2020 and 2021. Catering to skaters of all skill levels, the facility will feature an array of street and transition elements, including stairs, rails, ledges, banks, a flow bowl, quarter pipes, spine, extensions, and waterfalls.
Mayor Doug Stewart expressed his excitement about the project, stating, “This skate park is more than just a recreational facility — it will be a gathering place that will foster community, promote healthy lifestyles, and embrace Malibu’s deep-rooted skate culture. We look forward to watching generations of skaters enjoy this incredible new space.”
Construction is set to begin in April 2025, with completion expected by fall 2025. During the construction period, Malibu’s Temporary Skate Park will remain open as much as possible, ensuring that the city’s skating community has a dedicated space to continue their passion.
In addition to the park’s approval, the City Council directed staff to explore potential naming rights for the new facility in accordance with City Policy #52, “Naming
history in 23.78. McCray placed 21st in the race, while Yates finished 25th in the event, which included over 30 participants.
Whitaker, a junior middle-distance runner, placed nineth in the men’s 800 with a time of 1:55.74. It was the 10th fastest time in school history.
The Waves compete at the Vince O’Boyle Track & Field Classic, hosted by UC Irvine, in Irvine on Saturday and then the two-day Triton Invitational in La Jolla, hosted by UC San Diego beginning, on April 4.
The record-setting Crawford hopes to compete in shorter races like the 1500 in the Waves’ final six meets. She aims to break her record in the 5000 again. “I have a good chance in a few weeks to break it again and possibly get the facility record at San Diego,” she said. “I’m very happy with the spring season so far but excited to see what else I can do.” Crawford said Pepperdine has a lot of potential. “I can’t wait to see what else the team can do,” she said.
Then Hans Laetz tore into SCE asking, “How can we expect a company with such a p**s-poor record of maintaining its overhead wires to maintain its underground wires any better?” He then informed the town hall, “Southern California Edison, a division of Edison International, your parent company, earned $1.06 billion last quarter in three months. We hear from you that you’re not going to be able to put the power lines in all of Malibu underground until a GRC (general rate case) goes through. You’ve glossed over the point in which case you are asking the entire Edison rate-paying base to pay increased power rates to underground power lines in high fire areas such as Malibu others. How are you going to do that? Why are you inferring that these power lines are going to be undergrounded when you’re asking Compton to pay Malibu’s undergrounding costs?”
Laetz continued, “Every time you do a PSPS you’re required to file an after-action report with the California Public Utilities Commission ... Edison has blacked out Malibu multiple times this fall, and I read those reports like a hawk.You file the same boiler plate thing every time and you gloss over facts.”
Laetz charged the reports as being inaccurate concerning the number of customers affected and wind speeds being too low to require a PSPS. “You are filing misleading after action reports with the state,” he said. Choi responded “We believe they are accurate post-event reports,” and “We only de-energize with actual weather conditions. I don’t think we are disingenuous about our post-event reports and we are working to improve our PSPS performance.”
To view the meeting go to
Rights for Public Facilities.” City staff will present proposals to the City Council in the coming months.
The approval of this contract highlights Malibu’s commitment to providing top-tier recreational amenities while preserving its strong skateboarding heritage. As the city moves forward with this exciting project, local skaters and community members eagerly await the completion of a park that will serve as a premier destination for enthusiasts and families alike.
Malibu School Community: Your Voice Matters
Malibu school community is invited to participate in an important discussion about the future of education, school safety, emergency preparedness, and equity for students and teachers. The meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, at 9:30 a.m., will be held in a hybrid format to accommodate both in-person and virtual attendees.
Meeting Details:
Date & Time: Wednesday, April 2, at 9:30 a.m.
• In-Person Location: LA County Office of Education (LACOE), Board Room, 9300 Imperial Highway, Downey, CA
• Virtual Access: Join via Zoom with passcode 028856 or by phone at (669) 9009128, using the same passcode. This meeting will serve as a platform for community members to share their thoughts and concerns, ensuring that Malibu’s education system continues to evolve in the best interest of students and teachers alike.
Submit Your Public Comments in Advance Community members who wish to contribute to the discussion but are unable to attend in person or virtually can submit their comments in advance. Written comments or supporting documentation can be emailed to or recorded via voicemail at (562) 922-6131.
All advance submissions must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26. Comments should include the sender’s name, phone number, specific agenda item, and the meeting date. All correspondence will be included as part of the official administrative record.
Malibu residents, parents, and educators are encouraged to participate and ensure their voices are heard on these critical issues. This is a valuable opportunity to advocate for the needs and priorities of the Malibu school community.
Pacific Coast Highway closure puts Malibu businesses at risk of collapse
At Malibu City Council meeting, business owners urge city officials for urgent support; Conrad receives warning from acting city manager
By HAYLEY MATTSON Publisher, Editor in Chief
At Monday night’s City Council meeting, one of the most pressing issue hitting Malibu in the midst of the Palisades Fires is that local business owners voiced their growing concerns over the ongoing closure of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), warning that it is pushing many Malibu businesses to the brink of collapse. The road, essential for both residents and tourists, may remain closed to through traffic until the end of May, according to the Army Corps of Engineers, and business owners are fearing the worst.
Barbara Bruderlin, Executive Director of the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, painted a stark picture of the local economy, underscoring the dire situation facing Malibu businesses. She explained that the limited traffic allowed through the roadblocks is simply insufficient to support them. “After a disaster, about 25% of businesses typically fail to reopen, and within a year, up to 40% more can close. By the third year, as much as 75% of businesses may be lost,” she said. Bruderlin has spent the past month speaking with local business owners, and her conversations have been sobering. “Many are throwing in the towel,” she stated. “It’s shocking to hear how many are giving up.”
Bruderlin has been working on a letter with collaborators, outlining what the community needs to survive. “We need at least an eviction moratorium, as some landlords are being predatory, demanding long leases and extortionary terms in exchange for any concessions,” Bruderlin said. “We also need PCH open fully on the weekends. That’s the only way our businesses can survive.”
Bruderlin expressed frustration and concern over the gravity of the situation, noting that the businesses she’s spoken with are at risk of total collapse. “I don’t want to name names right now, but it’s heartbreaking to see so many businesses on the brink,” she added. “We need action, and we need it now.”
Following her remarks, Mikey Pearson of the Chamber and former Malibu Council member echoed her concerns, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. “Most of our local businesses are down 60 to 80%, and they are on the verge of bankruptcy. The situation is unsustainable,” he said. “We need PCH open at least from Friday 6 p.m. to Monday 6 a.m. for businesses to survive.”
Pearson also stressed the need for grant funding to keep local businesses afloat. “We need at least three months’ rent covered to give these businesses a chance,” he urged. “Without that, they will not make it.” With businesses struggling and the community at a crossroads, the need for urgent action is clear. “If we don’t get PCH open and the proper sup
port for local businesses, we’ll have a rebuilt town with no businesses left,” Pearson concluded.
Barbara Gentile, owner of Malibu Divers, shared her own struggles. Having been in business since 1992, she emphasized the difficulty of operating without access to the road. “I can’t relocate my business,” she said. “The ocean is my livelihood, but right now, we’re facing an ocean full of debris. It’s rotting and suffocating marine life.”
She also offered a solution, expressing her willingness to coordinate cleanup efforts. “I have the expertise and the resources to lead an ocean cleanup project,” Gentile explained. “We just need the support to make it happen.”
One local business owner, Allison Buntz, who previously ran a bakery out of her home kitchen, shared the devastating impact of the road closure. Having already lost both her business and home in the fire, she now faces the additional challenge of predatory landlords demanding long-term leases. “They’re being extortionary, and it’s breaking us,” Buntz said.
The Chamber of Commerce has called for a moratorium on evictions, as well as an easing of the PCH road closure. Bruderlin requested that the City Council consider reopening the highway on weekends, a move she argued is crucial to restoring foot traffic to local businesses.
Additional business owners expressed frustration over the lack of available federal and state disaster grants. While funds are allocated for businesses that were physically damaged in the fires, those whose revenue has been decimated by the road closure are ineligible for assistance.
Mayor Doug Stewart responded to the business owners’ pleas, acknowledging that Malibu’s officials have limited control over the PCH situation, as a significant portion of the highway is managed by Los Angeles. “LAPD is involved, and there are concerns from Los Angeles residents about the road’s reopening,” he explained. “Some are worried about traffic, others about potential looters. It’s a complex issue with no easy solution.”
In the meantime, businesses are struggling to survive as construction on PCH continues. Safety concerns, including large holes in the road, limited lanes, and a reduced speed limit, complicate the already difficult driving conditions. Despite these challenges, the Army Corps of Engineers has indicated that the road may not reopen fully until late May.
In response, local government officials have a virtual town hall meeting scheduled on Wednesday night at 6 p.m. to address concerns and provide updates. The meeting, hosted virtually at events, will include representatives from Caltrans, who are overseeing the roadwork and repaving efforts that will span several years.
Caltrans also plans a public meeting in Santa Monica on Thursday to discuss the extensive repaving project,
meeting, with Caltrans officials stating that they do not have the capacity to offer online participation.
With the PCH closure set to extend through the spring, Malibu’s business community remains on edge, urging local officials to take immediate action to ease the financial strain caused by the closure.
In addition Council member Haylynn Conrad voiced her concerns about the current state of the city, citing stalled progress on key issues such as the closure of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), shuttered businesses, and ongoing coastal disarray. She emphasized the need for decisive action, stating that while Malibu has the opportunity to shape its future, it cannot continue in its current state of stagnation.
Conrad also recounted a recent incident in which she intervened to assist a blind senior citizen at the Santa Monica College center. Despite the center’s posted hours and the woman’s doctor’s note, confusion between City Hall and the college led to residents being turned away. Conrad stepped in to ensure the woman received the necessary pass, a gesture she believed was a simple act of helping a resident. However, this led to backlash, with Conrad receiving emails from both the Acting City Manager and the Mayor questioning her conduct. Conrad expressed frustration, arguing that focusing on her actions in this context was a waste of time, especially when critical issues such as the closure of PCH and chaos in the city remain unaddressed. She criticized the division between the council, staff, and residents, stating that governance should not be weaponized and that the focus should be on serving Malibu. Conrad called for a unified approach, where all parties work together for the betterment of the community.
In response, Mayor Doug Stewart firmly addressed Conrad’s concerns, reminding her that the issue at hand was a violation of the city’s code of conduct, which she had agreed to follow. He stressed that the code of conduct was in place to ensure proper governance and to guide interactions with city staff. While Stewart acknowledged Conrad’s actions in assisting the resident, he insisted that they needed to adhere to established processes.
Acting City Manager Joseph Toney offered a more conciliatory tone, explaining that his reminder to Conrad was not an attempt to disagree with her actions, but rather to ensure that staff operations were respected and that council members followed the city’s procedures. He reinforced the idea of maintaining a collaborative environment between staff and the council, emphasizing the importance of respecting the council-manager form of government.
Despite the tensions, Conrad stood by her actions and reiterated her commitment to serving Malibu. She also expressed a desire to find ways to move beyond bureaucratic barriers and focus on solutions.
This ongoing effort is being led by the city in partnership with local organizations.
The council then reviewed upcoming topics for the council workshops, which will be led by councilmembers Conrad, Bruce Silverstein, and Steve Uhring, as Mayor Stewart and Mayor Pro Tem Marianne Riggins will be absent. Proposed workshop topics include the “like-for-like” rebuilding process, self-certification for geotechnical assessments, the structure of the rebuild center, and potential rebuilding fees. The next special meeting is set for April 3.
A central topic was the organizational structure of the rebuild center. The council is considering adding positions to the city staff or a rebuild manager to better manage the rebuilding efforts and expedite the recovery process. However, questions remain about the most effective way to organize the rebuild center to provide the necessary support and guidance for residents.
Public input was encouraged, with local resident Jo Drummond proposing additional workshops. These included discussions on sewer versus septic systems, particularly in Big Rock, where the septic systems survived the fire. Drummond also called for a workshop on telecom infrastructure, emphasizing the importance of undergrounding lines for improved safety and reliability. Furthermore, he urged the council to consider temporary financial relief measures for fire victims, such as rent moratoriums and grants for businesses impacted by the disaster.
Sewer systems, particularly along Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) for beach homes, also emerged as a key discussion point. The council emphasized the need to assess the costs and feasibility of installing advanced sewer systems before moving forward.
Public Works Director Rob DuBoux was identified as a key resource to help estimate these costs and offer guidance.
In addition to fire recovery efforts,
the council began setting priorities for the coming months. Several unresolved topics from previous meetings, such as the structure of the rebuild center, fee waivers for rebuilding, and self-certification processes, will require further discussion. The council acknowledged that some issues, like sewer systems, would need input from all five members. Future workshops will also explore mobility solutions, including the possibility of an inner-city shuttle, and further details on the administration of the rebuild center.
Silverstein then appointed Marni Kamins to replace Kris Hill on the Planning Commission which Hill resigned from at the beginning of March, Kamins’ will be sworn in at the next meeting.
The final agenda item the council reviewed an appeal concerning the Planning Commission’s approval of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for a proposed residential project on West Sea Level Drive.
The appeal, filed under case number 23-003, challenged the commission’s approval of CDP 05-01-081, which includes variances and a site plan review.
The project, located at 31864 West Sea Level Drive, involves constructing a two-story, 2,200-square-foot residence with a basement, 20 cubic yards of grading, and an on-site wastewater treatment system. Initially submitted in 2005 and deemed complete in 2010, the project has undergone nearly two decades of review.
Key variances requested include development within a 100-foot environmentally sensitive habitat area (ESHA) buffer and a reduced setback for the wastewater treatment system from Encino Creek. A site plan review was also required as the proposed structure exceeds 18 feet in height.
Opponents contended that the project did not meet Local Implementation Plan (LIP) variance provisions, citing environmental risks, potential pollution, and adverse effects on wildlife. Supporters, including applicant representative Don Schmitz, maintained that the Planning Commission’s approval was justified, with mitigation measures effectively addressing environmental concerns.
During the hearing, council members disclosed any prior discussions, site visits, and independent research. Each side was granted 15 minutes to present arguments, with time reserved for rebuttals. The discussion centered on zoning variances, environmental protections, and potential legal precedents.
In reviewing the proposal, council members considered past precedents, noting that similar variances had been approved, including a 2005 project that allowed a 20-foot creek setback. The discussion also addressed environmental concerns, with assurances that the proposed septic and wastewater treatment system includes tertiary water quality treatment to prevent potential harm. Additionally, legal interpretations of zoning codes sparked debate among council members, as they weighed the proper application of regulations and the possibility of future legal challenges. The council initially voted 3-2 against approving the project with conditions, with Silverstein, Conrad, and Uhring forming the majority. However, a second motion to remand the project back to the Planning Commission for redesign was introduced and passed 4-1, with Riggins opposing. This decision provides the applicants an opportunity to modify their proposal while ensuring it aligns with environmental and zoning regulations.
The Planning Commission approved the project on April 17, 2023, despite city staff’s recommendation for denial, which cited alternative designs that could increase the ESHA setback. The appeal, filed by Slow Growth, argued that feasible alternatives could further increase the creek setback from 87 feet to 98.5 feet.
Before being elected to office, Mayor Pro Tem Marianne Riggins spent 17 years with the building and planning departments. She explained how helpful the dedicated center will be. “Based on lessons learned from Woolsey, staff has incorporated things that worked and built upon those.” As many as 20 people a day have been using the facility just south of City Hall for planning verifications and building plan checklists. Riggins emphasized the Rebuild Center is specifically dedicated to the fire rebuilds, “so you’re going to get specific service to your needs. It’s the focus of the entire team here. So, whether you need planning, public works, talk to one of the geologists or the coastal engineer, if you have a beachfront property, they’re all housed in here and have a representative. Even Los Angeles County Fire Department and Water District 29 will be staffing part-time, so there
will be days available for you to meet with county representatives.” Walk-ins are welcome, but Riggins recommends making an appointment if one needs to meet a county representative or if an architectural team is coming in for more “efficient service.”
Fire victim Cheryl Torrey found the center helpful saying, “I found out I can start the process immediately and I don’thave to wait for debris removal to start submitting plans.”
Although City Councilmember Haylynn Conrad did not lose her home, she wanted to learn about the rebuild process and accompanied two women to the center earlier in the week to help ease their concerns.
“They were overwhelmed with the process, but the staff here was amazing,” Conrad said. “They explained the process. I think at a time of technology where we all feel very isolated and disconnected this space is really going to be an integral part to feeling human, right? When you come into the center, I’ve experienced warmth and welcoming. And after that type of
event that you went through, it’s really nice because it’s personable.”
“It’s designed to be a one stop center,” said Malibu Mayor Doug Stewart. “And one of the things that people realize very quickly, hopefully, is that things are happening concurrently as opposed to sequentially. We’re doing in one visit what might take several visits or several months to get done. Everybody in the center is dedicated to doing just rebuilds. This is not for other development in the city. It’s our resource to help people get back into their homes”
“I would recommend everybody come in: Property owners, come in, talk to staff yourself, find out the process, find out the information,” said Riggins. “Come back multiple times. It is a process that takes people several times of asking questions. So, don’t be afraid to have repeat turns here so that you find out all your information. And stay involved in the process. Make sure that you’re getting copied and that you are part of the team. This is your house and you need to be part of
the team to have the best return and get you back in your home as quickly as possible. We’re set up so we can help you, so please come and talk with the staff.”
Having human interaction after the complexity of online forms to fill out was important to Malibu Mayor Doug Stewart who questioned staff about the attitude of people leaving the Rebuild Center. “They said, people walked out with ‘hope and a smile on their face and with a very positive attitude.’ So, hopefully we can replicate that for everybody coming through, but the intention is to try and make people see that there’s a future about rebuilding.”
The Malibu Rebuild Center is located at 23805 Stuart Ranch Road, Suite 240. Center hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Appointments encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome.
To make an appointment email MalibuRecovers@ or call (310) 456-2489, ext. 400
For more information, visit
Malibu residents and City Council attend the open house for the Malibu Rebuild Center on March 19, focusing on supporting victims of the Palisades Fire. Photos courtesy of City of Malibu
Malibu Life
Pausing to enjoy joyful moments
Despite city facing herculean obstacles as residents rebuild Malibu, there are some things to celebrate
These days, many Malibu residents spend a lot of time attending seemingly endless meetings focusing on the herculean challenges inherent in rebuilding a home in Malibu and/or they are trying to keep the faith as they continue to operate their struggling local businesses that are experiencing a significant paucity in customers due to the Pacific Coast Highway closures and many residents being displaced by the wildfires.
Nevertheless, there are some events here in town that have provided joy, thereby uplifting our entire community.
Four accomplished Malibu women honored for International Women’s Day
In honor of Women’s History Month, Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath recognized four Malibu women who are small business owners in Malibu on March 7. Each awardee was acknowledged, “for her vital role in the fabric of the community, perseverance in the face of challenges, including ongoing wildfire recovery efforts, and her commitment to keeping Malibu’s local economy and community strong.”
Indeed, all the awardees from Malibu are tireless warriors. Here’s a brief synopsis of what they do and how they have soldiered on despite the two recent fires and mudslides.
Helene Henderson’s two restaurants on the Malibu Pier — Malibu Farm and Malibu Farm Cafe — were closed for several weeks due to the Franklin and Palisades fires and mudslides and because of a challenge relating
to gas lines on the pier — without gas, one cannot cook or operate an eatery. Nevertheless, Henderson and her team powered on and they are back in business serving delicious food at both of their venues. Henderson’s restaurants are some of Malibu’s most iconic and gorgeous dining sites and they afford the best views for watching surfers on First Point. Henderson wants readers to know that she loves having locals come in to eat and wants to contribute to our community in any way she can.
While Henderson and her crew were persevering as they solved utility challenges and other complications hindering business, Lynn Bealer, the owner of MaliBUngalows, a flower shop that is located in the old Cosentino’s shop location across from Duke’s Restaurant, was knee deep in mud after the rains came.
“The International Women’s Day acknowledgement from Supervisor Horvath was a nice change after shoveling mud out of the bungalows for the last 10 days!” Bealer said.
Although many locals are probably somewhat weary of the adjective, “resilient,” Bealer is the personification of the concept. “Lynn Bealer, owner of the MaliBUngalows, is one of the most kind, compassionate and overwhelmingly generous people I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with,” Diane Sorrentino-Weiss commented, adding, “The Bungalows are our little precious gem on the PCH and we need to keep it going in the wake of the tragic fire and recent mudslide!”
Horvath also honored Stacey Harper and Gina Longo, partners in Malibu Premier Homes, a local real estate company. While Harper unfortunately lost her home in 2007 due to wildfires, Longo and her family lost their residence in the Palisades Fire. Despite those heartaches and challenges, the dynamic duo are going strong, helping others in the community with their real estate needs.
“As women business owners, we embrace
St. Aidan’s member completes LA Marathon for the first time
Dr. Andrew Lindsley captained group from Malibu church running for Team World Vision at March 16 race
Rev. Joyce Stickney of St. Aidan’s, who hit the streets for LA Marathon, said the endurance spectacle was an uplifting and
“People, not cars, took over the heart of the city and people moved at the human pace, supporting each other, achieving together as an eclectic, life-affirming community,”
Special to The Malibu Times
Special to The Malibu Times
Future Shock: Part Two
By Benjamin Marcus, Entertainment Editor
Kevin Keegan and The Malibu App
Kevin Keegan is uniquely qualified to comment on applying 21st-century technology to the inner and outer workings of the City of Malibu.
As stated in Part One: “Keegan has about two decades of experience as a management and technology consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, Oracle, and other organizations and universities. In Malibu, Keegan was recently appointed to the Public Works Commission, serves as president of the Malibu PTSA, leads the Malibu Schools Safety and AI Study committees, and was cochair of the ‘Yes on Measure MM’ campaign.”
In Part Two, Keegan discusses the possibilities of using 21st-century tech and AI to make Malibu both visitor and citizen-serving.
At the City Council meeting for March 10 you had interesting things to say about creating a Malibu app which would consolidate all the various information channels around Malibu and put them all in one easy-to-use application. Is that correct?
The statement I made during the City Council regular meeting on March 10 was, “Malibu resident Bryan Fogel…
…sorry, Bryan Fogel? The guy who won the Best Documentary Oscar for “Icarus”?
…that’s him, and I said, “Bryan made an impassioned public comment in February suggesting we launch a PCH Access App to replace the paper-based system being used today. This app could save a lot of time and money for the community,” and my question to the council was, “Is the city or county pursuing Bryan Fogel’s PCH Access App idea?” (Note that Kraig Hill believes he may have proposed the idea before Bryan.) The Godfather of PCH Safety, Michel Shane, agrees this is a great idea. I have not received a reply.
Well, I have seen the massive binders of information the City Council people have to absorb for every meeting. They’re overloaded.
Which is a principal reason I want to help them. Today, a cur -
sory review of my iPhone’s App Store shows Malibu-related apps for wellness services, clubs, and a car, but no civic app.
And 10,000 apps for yoga and real estate. And surf lessons!
Surfers appreciate apps. To simplify the arguments for the PCH Access App, the app solution would give residents more access, more convenience, and more local control, and because city officials have publicly stated that PCH access will be limited for “a long time …”
Col. Sawser predicted a May 31 opening. Just in time for summer! I think there should be a ribbon-cutting and parade. … a PCH Access App will save the city time and money (easy to quantify = less employee time, less stakeholder coordination, fewer meetings, and no paperwork). Therefore, Bryan and Kraig’s proposal is not just smart and forward-thinking, it’s the prudent solution to benefit Malibu’s busy residents.
There’s a lot of information zinging around the ether — especially when disaster strikes: NextDoor, Facebook, Instagram, X, County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, City of Malibu. A lot of mixed signals and incorrect info. The City of Malibu App could collect, collate, verify, and present all that information in one place.
Exactly! The City of Malibu App you envision is excellent. As some residents have shared with you, the app’s success would rely on the requirements or how we define the problems or issues the app addresses or supports, as they relate to our unique rural community and the city’s vision and mission. From there we’d define features, categories, services, etc.
I just downloaded the Discover LA app and it’s pretty good. At the front it divides up into four categories: DO EAT STAY EVENTS. But that app is more for visitors, while the Malibu app would be more for citizens? Both? Maybe it would divide up at the beginning between CITIZEN and VISITOR?
During the Palisades Fire, many Malibu residents sought a central source of emergency information and reached for an
Burt’s Eye View:
By Burt Ross, Contributed Column
Let’s be honest — is there anybody more boring than a grandparent who shoves photos of his new grandchild in your face and who then proceeds to tell you ad infinitum and ad nauseam about what that child did the other day, as if a newborn does anything other than suck, poop, and sleep.
I would never be such a boring grandparent. By the way, please take note of a photo of Henry David, aka HD, when he was roughly two weeks old. He sure is a cutie.
He is truly an exceptional baby, a rare breed indeed. Whereas all babies poop or eat quite regularly, HD has acquired a skill which, if not unique, is quite unusual. I trust you are finding this unbelievably interesting. HD can eat and poop at the same time. Yes, you heard it here first. It’s a little like being ambidextrous. The more I think about it, the more I feel strongly that this accomplishment should be considered for “Ripley’s Believe it or Not.”
The young lad looks straight into my eyes, and although he mumbles and gurgles, I can tell you unequivocally that he is saying, “love you Grandpa.” What a precocious baby! If anything else of an unusual nature develops,
app; for example, we downloaded the crowdsourced Watch Duty, the 911-connected app Pulse Point, and the community evacuation app Genasys.
Yes, other cities have apps. Many are travel or tourist-related, and that could be a recommendation to the Pali-Bu Chamber of Commerce (again, post-emergency). LA, NYC, San Fran, Boston, Philly, etc. all have 311 apps. Malibu has an emergency alert system, but no app. Platforms like SeeClickFix, Accela, and EverBridge may be options the city could assess.
Malibu could have fun generating ideas for a Malibu app, maybe engage our younger community members. While we await completion of debris removal and give the Malibu Rebuild Center time to generate momentum, the city could propose a contest: Ask residents and citizens to share their app ideas and proposals. Reserve time during a City Council meeting later this year for the selected winners to present. Tap our local tech titans to be judges and advise on a final version.
But you also mentioned using
AI to speed up the planning and permitting bureaucracies of Malibu. That’s an idea whose time has come and gone and come again because if the Planning Department was constipated after Woolsey, imagine it now with more than half of eastern Malibu — and some of central — reduced to smoke and ash.
Good news is the planning team, led by Tyler Eaton, appears open to this idea. The opportunity is for me to use my experience and education to help our community.
What energizes me is taking all the emerging trends in the digital and technology realms and ‘riding those waves’ for success in Malibu. We know that everyone loves a comeback story, and we can harness our Malibu-Strong-energy in a strategic, smart, forward-thinking way, in addition to focusing on taking advantage of the emergency ordinances and process streamlining.
Your Kasparov chess example is a good one. IBM’s Watson Jeopardy champions (2011) or Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo (2016) are interesting “Man vs. AI” examples, but better examples today (in my opinion) are “Human + AI” examples like the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn’s performance in 2021 of Beethoven’s 10th Symphony (yes, you read that correctly), a piece completed by “Beethoven X: The AI Project.” I’m all about Ludwig van. I’m a Beethoven guy. Me and Little Alex from “A Clockwork Orange.” I like his 21st piano sonata — Waldstein — scary. That’s Beethoven, created by an AI program. Oy. What kind of universe is this?
Those are meaningful personal examples, but what about at a city level?
According to a Forbes and Deloitte survey of 250 cities globally, the 10 most effective AI use cases for cities address: traffic management, public safety, energy management, customer service, predictive maintenance, waste management, decision-making and analysis, urban planning, cybersecurity, and fraud detection.
Do you believe Malibu could use help and support with costsaving and efficiency-building solutions to address any of those issues?
Obviously, any AI-related solutions and benefits cannot be implemented overnight, but the opportunity for a new city manager is to establish the city’s technology foundation that includes, for example, beginning to use AI solutions like GenAI, ensuring the responsible use of AI, and encouraging preliminary implementation and testing of AI across city sectors. The EPIC-LA electronic permitting and inspections portal has been recommended by several Malibu-based design professionals. The L.A. County and Fire Department use that portal. Targeting 2025 as the year to transition to EPIC-LA seems like a technology-enhancement opportunity for the City of Malibu.
What’s happening with the new city manager? It’s like choosing a new pope or something. When is that going to happen and do you have any favorite candidates?
Maybe I can be appointed to our city’s conclave? I have sat through most of the post-Palisades Fire city-led meetings since January and I can count on one hand the number of times “technology” or “AI” have been mentioned in all the discussions about changes and solutions. What I am advocating for is to encourage technology solutions and ideas that can begin to be implemented during the Palisades Fire Rebuild to save time and money. At a basic level, that starts by asking architects, engineers, surveyors, contractors, developers, and others, what AI or other efficiency solutions are they using to help residents rebuild?
If AI can beat Kasparov and compose Beethoven symphonies, what isn’t possible? Beautifully stated. A core problem for our community is speed, and it’s not just in Malibu. On the one hand, residents want to move fast — both collectively (clear the beachfront, for example) and individually (rebuild my home in “12-to-15 months”) — and on the other hand the processes are complicated — both collectively (rebuilding utility infrastructure or advocating for insurance reform) and individually (the many documents, reviews, checks, etc.).
The result is A LOT of pressure on our systems.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Col. Brian Sawser mentioned during a Malibu neighborhood
task force meeting last weekend that he has teams that are incentivized for speed and that they are leveraging AI solutions. Some Malibu residents are enamored by Col. Sawser. The City of Malibu could embed a staff member (part-time) in the colonel’s team with instructions to offer local support, ensure lessons learned are being applied to all neighborhoods, and capture best practices to be incorporated into the city’s future standard operating practices.
If that sort of thing is going to happen, it should happen here. Malibu has money, it’s sophisticated, game to try anything.
The point is encouraging an environment in Malibu where the innovations are being considered seriously and applied appropriately, especially when efficiencies can be gained, and time and money can be saved.
From working at the newsstand and hanging at Zinqué I have met a lot of people who are in shock after losing everything, and then the future shock of undergoing a permitting and building process they know is going to be excruciating? And maybe not worth it, so they’re gonna move to Las Vegas or some other drastic measure. Orange County!
Is there any way modern technology can take out some of the excruciation?
Absolutely. According to the National League of Cities, “AI could influence local housing policy…through streamlining administrative processes.” This can be done incrementally, meaning Malibu could pilot test programs as the Malibu Rebuilds process unfolds. Start with EPIC-LA, form an AI task force, launch a PCH Access App, start a City App contest, embed with Col. Sawser’s team, announce a plan to open the Malibu Technology Library, and adopt a technology mindset — those easy steps would help us establish Malibu’s technology foundation.
Okay Beethoven’s AI-finished unfinished 10th just finished. Twenty minutes of Ludwig VAI. Sheesh. How about Kevin Keegan for city manager? You’re at all the meetings anyway. Malibu is a magical place. I would be honored to serve our cherished city.
A finished 10th Symphony by Ludwig von Beethoven? An AI project has given it a shot. What could AI do for Malibu? Illustrations AI generated by Ben Marcus
the roles of leaders, supporters and connectors,” Longo said. “Representation is powerful and witnessing other women excel in business serves as a catalyst for more women to rise and take their place in the entrepreneurial world. Today, as two women who have personally experienced the devastation of losing our homes to wildfires, we stand here united by a shared understanding and a deep commitment to supporting our community’s recovery and resilience.”
World Central Kitchen’s Organic Distribution Center nurtures Malibu
Every Wednesday afternoon, Third Space, Malibu’s disaster relief center operated by The Malibu Boys & Girls Club, offers a free organic distribution center featuring fresh produce and baked items.
“An amazing woman that I was doing work for, whose house got roasted in the fire, came home with a couple bags full of strawberries, blackberries, carrots, red onions, various tomatoes, zucchini, avocados and some mysterious sea-salted chocolate chip cookies,” Cameron “Hellwood” Wellwood exclaimed. “She told me about this incredible thing going down at Cross Creek and she gave me one of those insane cookies! I went on a mission looking for the cookies but had a blast talking with the people there. I left with more than just a few cookies — it was a 10/10 experience!”
The fresh produce and baked goods provide sustenance to those visiting the disaster center, said Siugen Constanza, director of community affairs and outreach for the center. “We are a full-service disaster relief center that provides fire victims with lunches, clothing, personal care items and household goods and, very importantly, we also offer visitors the opportunity to meet personally with FEMA representatives, which really helps our residents because having FEMA here on site means that they don’t have to drive great distances.”
Thanking firemen and first responders at Fire Station 88
“Giving back to our wonderful heroes on our street was so uplifting,” said local Realtor Wendy Carroll, who serves as president of the Malibu Road Homeowners Board. “The firemen were thrilled!” From the looks of their grinning faces, indeed they were. Pausing for a mo-
Stickney noted how one St. Aidan’s member, who lost her home in the Franklin Fire and then again in the Palisades Fire, was so excited to participate in the mara-
ment to give first responders thanks adds much joy to the community, Carroll noted.
“From ashes to victory — One mile at a time!”
Ani Dermenjian, a very involved community member and an avid marathon runner, ran her 15th LA Marathon on March 16, even though she and her family lost their home in the Palisades Fire.
“My marathon was dedicated to all fire victims — this
thon she couldn’t sleep the night before.
“My favorite part of the race was the continual laughter and joy,” Stickney recalled.
“So much humor and positivity at a time when there is so much despair, fear, devastation, and anger. It wasn’t hard to push ourselves physically surrounded by friends
Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): PACIFIC COAST VS INC.
14 MORGAN ROAD, BELL CANYON, CA 91307 If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization CA
This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/2025 MALIBU 43
Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): PT. DUME EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING 28990 PACIFIC COAST HWY STE 116, MALIBU, CA 90265 If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization CA This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names
above on: 01/2025 I
all information in this statement is true and
year, it was absolutely brutal!” Dermenjian said. “This is a situation where one realizes just how much training matters — two months without it is no joke. By mile 15, my back gave out, and the pain was excruciating. With tears, Advil, and the unwavering support of my running friends, I somehow made it to the finish line. I still don’t know how that was even possible.”
Dermenjian explained that when her beloved family home burned in the Palisades Fire, the only thing that was salvageable was the sign where all of her marathon medals once hung. “The sign read, “One Mile at a Time,” she said, “Over 100 medals I’ve earned nationally and internationally were lost in the fire. I know that is a message for our family: we will move forward, one mile at a time!” Pausing to reflect, she noted, “For this marathon more than one hundred runners wore labels dedicated to fire victims carrying the powerful message: “From Ashes to Victory! One Mile at a Time.”
and supporters while doing something to benefit others.”
Six St. Aiden’s members participated in the LA Marathon this year. Lindsley led the church’s training sessions for the marathon at Zuma Beach. The sessions featured other members of the church and com-
munity, who had various levels of jaunting experience.
The group raised over $16,000 for Team World Vision.
Lindsley said it is inspirational to see how successful Team World Vision’s clean water efforts are and wants to run the LA
correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed, PT. DUME EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING, KELLYE D MCKINNA, CEO
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/2025 MALIBU 44
Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): AROUTUN GOUKASIAN 7902 SANTA MONICA BLVD, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046
If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization
This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL
The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2025 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed, AROUTUN, OWNER
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 2/11/2025
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/2025 MALIBU 45
11100 CAMARILLO ST. APT.1, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602, LOS ANGELES COUNTY Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): C4094719
Registered Owner(s): ELLICE RUIZ INC 11100 CAMARILLO ST. APT. 1, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91602
If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization CA
This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION
The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 02/2025
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime).
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 2/24/2025
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/2025
Marathon’s full course or half marathon again.
“I’ll definitely do some version of the marathon next year,” he said. “I will be working to raise money for Team World Vision again. That is the passion that keeps me motivated.”
A LAWYER. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 800-280-2891 or visit this Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case, CA-RCS-24020437. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. On April 3, 2025, at 09:00:00 AM, VINEYARD BALLROOM, DOUBLETREE HOTEL LOS ANGELES-NORWALK, 13111 SYCAMORE DRIVE, in the City of NORWALK, County of LOS ANGELES, State of CALIFORNIA, PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC., a California corporation, as duly appointed Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by LINDA KAYE, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as Trustors, recorded on 12/15/2005, as Instrument No. 05 3086439, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, State of CALIFORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Property is being sold “as is-where is”. TAX PARCEL NO. 4443-006-004 LOT 4, OF TRACT NO. 27604, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 707 PAGE(S) 63 AND 64 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. From information which the Trustee deems reliable, but for which Trustee makes no representation or warranty, the street address or other common designation of the above described property is purported to be 18431 KINGSPORT DR, MALIBU AREA, CA 90265. Said property is being sold for the purpose of paying the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees and expenses of sale. The total amount of
Wendy Carroll and Robert Greene thanking first responder’s (top left), Ani Dermenjian running the LA Marathon (top right) and earning a medal for her fire-surviving metal hook (bottom right), and Supervisor Lindsey
Horvath honoring local women: Just another week in Malibu. Photos courtesy of Wendy Carroll, Ani Dermenjian, and Siuge Costanza
the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is $733,694.23. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 877-237-7878, or visit using file number assigned to this case: CA-RCS-24020437 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase NOTICE TO PERSPECTIVE
OWNER-OCCUPANT: Any perspective owner-occupant as defined in Section 2924m of the California Civil Code who is the last and highest bidder at the trustee’s sale shall provide the required affidavit or declaration of eligibility to the auctioneer at the trustee’s sale or shall have it delivered to PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC. by 5:00 PM on the next business day following the trustee’s sale at the address set forth above. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of the first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale will be entitled only to the return of the money paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchasers sole and exclusive remedy. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SALE INFORMATION LINE: 800-280-2891 or Dated: 2/26/2025
PEAK-FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC., AS TRUSTEE Lilian Solano, Trustee Sale Officer A-4836411 03/13/2025, 03/20/2025, 03/27/2025 MALIBU 47
“Equality is Paramount and Mandatory by Law” [WITH TRUST] To all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings: I, Mirna Huchins, a living and original native Californian american man, Affiant (hereinafter “Registered Owner”), being duly sworn, declare and state I am of full age and legally competent and to have firsthand knowledge of the facts to be true and Certified Security and/or Bond No: 19-0835967 whose name also appears on the face of the instrument as MIRNA LOZANO (Trust/ Estate) by reference to the Official CERTIFIED ABSTRCT OF BIRTH (Title), recorded and filed dated MARCH 31, 1989, in the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES REGISTRAR-RECORDER/ COUNTY CLERK, Land of (California), as the same appears to be held for safekeeping by State Registrar of Titles. Said Certificate is a Valid Trust Instrument and further describes the same property that is an active Trust/Estate conveyed unto “Registered Owner” as set forth in the above-mentioned Certificate of Title and all financial assets, accounts, registered securities, entitlements, real and other personal property that are associated with said Trust/Estate (whether now owned or hereafter acquired), described in the attached Form UCC 1 and Addendum under Notice of Claim. “Registered Owner” is the one legally entitled and duly authorized to act, appoint, assign, convey, and/or execute said Trust/Estate and no other parties are allowed without consent conveyed, and from Entitlement Holder/ Registered Owner. [AND IT IS SO ORDERED!] In Witness Whereof; said Affiant (Owner) has hereunto set his hand and seal Done this 28th Day of February of 2025 BY: /s/Mirna Huchins, Entitlement Holder/Registered Owner.
County of Los Angeles Department of the Treasurer and Tax Collector
Notice of Divided Publication
Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) Sections 3702, 3381, and 3382, the Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector (TTC) is publishing in divided distribution, the Notice of Online Public Auction of Tax-Defaulted Property Subject to the Tax Collector’s Power to Sell in and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California, to various newspapers of general circulation published in the County. A portion of the list appears in each of such newspapers.
Notice of Online Public Auction Tax-Defaulted Property Subject to the Tax Collector’s Power to Sell (Sale No. 2025A)
Whereas, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, directed the County of Los Angeles Treasurer and Tax Collector (TTC), to sell certain tax-defaulted properties at the online public auction.
The TTC does hereby give public notice, that unless said properties are redeemed, prior to the close of business on Friday, April 18, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, the last business day prior to the first day of the online public auction, TTC will offer for sale and sell said properties on Saturday, April 19, 2025, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time, through Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time, to the highest bidder, for not less than the minimum bid, at the online public auction at los-angeles.
The minimum bid for each parcel is the total amount necessary to redeem, plus costs, as required by R&TC Section 3698.5.
If a property does not sell during the online public auction, the right of redemption will revive and remain until Friday, June 6, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
The TTC will re-offer any properties that did not sell or were not redeemed prior to Friday, June 6, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, for sale at the online public auction at beginning Saturday, June 7, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time, through Tuesday, June 10, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
Information regarding this sale is available at ttc.lacounty. gov. Bidders are required to pre-register at www.govease. com/los-angeles and submit a deposit of 10 percent of the spend limit that is set by each registered bidder. Bid deposits must be in the form of a wire transfer, cashier’s check or bank-issued money order at the time of registration. Registration will begin on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time and end on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
Pursuant to R&TC Section 3692.3, TTC sells all property ``as is`` and the County and its employees are not liable for any known or unknown conditions of the properties, including, but not limited to, errors in the records of the Office of the Assessor (Assessor) pertaining to improvement of the property.
If TTC sells a property, parties of interest, as defined by R&TC Section 4675, have a right to file a claim with the County for any proceeds from the sale, which are in excess of the liens and costs required to be paid from the proceeds. If there are any excess proceeds after the application of the minimum bid, TTC will send notice to all parties of interest, pursuant to State law.
Please direct requests for information concerning redemption of tax-defaulted property to the Treasurer and Tax Collector, at 225 North Hill Street, Room 130, Los Angeles, California 90012. Phone calls can be directed to (213) 974-2045, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. TTC’s website is located at and emails can be directed to
The Assessor’s Identification Number (AIN) in this publication refers to the Assessor’s Map Book, the Map Page, and the individual Parcel Number on the Map Page. If a change in the AIN occurred, the publication will show both prior and current AINs. An explanation of the parcel numbering system and the referenced maps are available at the Office of the Assessor located at 500 West Temple Street, Room 225, Los Angeles, California 90012, or at
I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Los Angeles, California, on February 27, 2025.
GINSBERG Treasurer
and Tax Collector County of Los Angeles State of California
The real property that is subject to this notice is situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows:
3062 AIN 2058-025-006 LOPEZ, MARIE M LOCATION
4184 AIN
524 Mar 13,20,27, 2025
Case No. 25STPB02482
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of CAROL LOGAN FEIKLS
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Erica Frediani in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES.
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Erica Frediani be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.
THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A HEARING on the petition will be held on April 4, 2025 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No. 67 located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code.
Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.
YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court.
If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for petitioner:
SBN 271009
CN115122 FEIKLS Mar 13,20,27, 2025
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the WILL or estate, or both of ANTHONY G. SONSINI AKA ANTHONY GREGORY SONSINI.
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by CHEYENNE ALEXIS BELL in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES.
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that CHEYENNE ALEXIS BELL be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
THE PETITION requests the decedent’s WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The WILL and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.
THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 04/04/25 at 8:30AM in Dept. 79 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code.
Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.
YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from
the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner C. TRACY KAYSER - SBN 230022
Telephone (714) 984-2004
BSC 226521
3/13, 3/20, 3/27/25
Notice of Public Hearing – Measure R Parcel Tax Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District will conduct a public hearing on the matter of the 2025-26 Special Parcel Tax (Measure R) regarding applying a Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) adjustment. The public hearing will be held on April 23, 2025, at 7 p.m. in the Santa Monica-Malibu District Office at 1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 and via Zoom. The link to provide public comment via Zoom may be found at the top of the agenda. Agendas may be found at Subsequent to the public hearing on April 23, 2025, at the regularly scheduled meeting, it is the intention of the Board of Education to adopt a resolution to levy the tax at the rate of $529.76 per parcel, which includes a 3.3% CPI adjustment. The CPI-U for Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, base year 1982-84=100, from February 2024 through February 2025, was used to calculate the adjustment. Information to apply for the Measure R Senior Exemption may be found at Page/3905. The application form and supporting documentation must be completed, signed and returned by June 30, 2025. To be added to the mailing list, please email MALIBU 49
APN: 4460-008-024 T.S. No.: 2024-2377
Order No.
UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder, payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state; will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, in an “as is” condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: JAMES VERES, AN UNMARRIED MAN AND URSULA KARVEN-VERES, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS Duly Appointed Trustee:
S.B.S. TRUST DEED NETWORK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Deed of Trust recorded 5/22/2019 as Instrument No. 20190466394 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale :4/10/2025 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: BEHIND THE FOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, POMONA, CA 91766 Amount of unpaid balance and other reasonable estimated charges: $260,594.94 Street Address or other common designation of purported real property: 27349 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY MALIBU, CA 90265 A.P.N.: 4460-008-024 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the trustee within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call FOR SALES INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (855) 986-9342 or visit this internet web-site, using the file number assigned to this case 2024-2377. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in
the telephone information or on the internet web-site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction if conducted after January 1, 2021, pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call FOR SALES INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (855) 986-9342, or visit this internet website, using the file number assigned to this case 2024-2377 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid, by remitting the funds and affidavit described in Section 2924m(c) of the Civil Code, so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: 2/28/2025 S.B.S. TRUST DEED NETWORK, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION. 31194 La Baya Drive, Suite 106, Westlake Village, California, 91362 (818)991-4600. By: Colleen Irby, Trustee Sale Officer. (TS# 2024-2377 SDI-33265) MALIBU 51
Trustee’s Sale No. CA-MEJ-24020637 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 7/10/2023. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 714-730-2727 or visit this Internet Web site, using the file number assigned to this case, CA-MEJ-24020637. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. On April 16, 2025, at 11:00:00 AM, AT THE COURTYARD LOCATED AT, 400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, in the City of POMONA, County of LOS ANGELES, State of CALIFORNIA, PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC., a California corporation, as duly appointed Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by ARTUR NAZARYAN, A SINGLE MAN & HOVHANNES NAZARYAN, A SINGLE MAN, AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustors, recorded on 7/13/2023, as Instrument No. 20230460230, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, State of CALIFORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Property is being sold “as is - where is”. TAX PARCEL NO. 2069-033-066 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CALABASAS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF LOT 32 OF TRACT NO. 33915, IN THE CITY OF CALABASAS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1045, PAGES 88 TO 93 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 33 OF SAID TRACT NO. 33915 LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 33 HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 5° 54’ 43” EAST AND A DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET THENCE NORTH 5° 54’ 43” EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 23.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 84° 28’ 08” EAST 147,01 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 33. EXCEPT THEREFROM ALL RIGHTS TO MINERALS, OIL, GAS, TARS, HYDROCARBON AND METALLIFEROUS SUBSTANCES OF EVERY KIND, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO DRILL OR, MINE FOR SAME, WITHOUT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO DRILL OR MINE THROUGH THE SURFACE OF THE UPPER 500 FEET OF THE SUBSURFACE OF THE PROPERTY. NOTWITHSTANDING THE RESERVATION CONTAINED HEREIN, GRANTOR SHALL HAVE NO RIGHT OF SURFACE ENTRY, NOR SHALL THE RESERVATION OF THE RIGHT TO DRILL OR MINE BE CONDUCTED IN ANY WAY OR MANNER WHICH WAY NOW, OR IN THE FUTURE, AFFECT OR INTERFERE WITH EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BY GRANTEES OR THE FUTURE ENJOYMENT OF USE THERE-
OF BY ANY THIRD PARTY, AS PROVIDED IN THE GRANT DEED RECORDED JUNE 28, 1983 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1983-724245, OFFICIAL RECORDS. From information which the Trustee deems reliable, but for which Trustee makes no representation or warranty, the street address or other common designation of the above described property is purported to be 24366 L.A MASINA COURT, CALABASAS, CA 91302. Said property is being sold for the purpose of paying the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees and expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is $1,574,245.60. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,’’ you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 877-237-7878, or visit www. using file number assigned to this case: CA-MEJ-24020637 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. NOTICE TO PERSPECTIVE OWNER-OCCUPANT: Any perspective owner-occupant as defined in Section 2924m of the California Civil Code who is the last and highest bidder at the trustee’s sale shall provide the required affidavit or declaration of eligibility to the auctioneer at the trustee’s sale or shall have it delivered to PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC. by 5:00 PM on the next business day following the trustee’s sale at the address set forth above. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of the first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale will be entitled only to the return of the money paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchasers sole and exclusive remedy. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s AttorneyWE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SALE INFORMATION LINE: 714-730-2727 or Dated: 3/18/2025 PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES, INC., AS TRUSTEE By: Lilian Solano, Trustee Sale Officer A-4838133 03/27/2025, 04/03/2025, 04/10/2025 MALIBU 59
The Malibu Planning Commission will hold public hearings on MONDAY, April 21, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA and via teleconference on the projects identified below.
COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 24-011, VARIANCE NO. 24-029, AND SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 24032 - An application for remedial repair of a slope failure on a blufftop, supportive landscaping, and replacement fencing as a follow-up to Emergency Coastal Development
Permit No. 23-003; including a variance to develop on steep slopes and a site plan review for remedial grading
Location: 7157 Birdview Avenue
APN(s): 4468-018-002
Zoning: Rural Residential-One Acre (RR-1)
Applicant: Neda Veljovic-Winter Architect, Inc.
Owner: Lion Sky Holdings V, LLC
Appealable to: City Council and California Coastal Commission
Environmental Review: Categorical Exemption CEQA
Guidelines Section(s) 15304(a)
Application Filed: March 21, 2024
Case Planner: Alexander da Silva, Assistant Planner (310) 456-2489, extension 314
COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 24-021, SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 24-010, AND DEMOLITION PERMIT NO. 24-019 - An application for construction of a new 5,287 square foot two-story single family residence with attached garage and basement, onsite wastewater treatment system, swimming pool and spa, and associ-
ated site improvements; including a site plan review for construction above 18 feet, up to 28 feet for a sloped roof, and a demolition permit for removal of an existing single family residence
Location: 28815 Bison Court
APN: 4466-011-025
Zoning: Rural Residential-One Acre (RR-1)
Applicant: Ryan Levis Architect, Inc.
Owner: D & A Anawalt Revocable Trust
Appealable to: City Council and California Coastal Commission
Environmental Review: Categorical Exemption CEQA
Guidelines Sections 15303(a) and 15304(b)
Application Filed: April 23, 2024
Case Planner:Rick Casswell, Contract Planner (619) 483-3950
EXTENSION OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 14-028 AND VARIANCE NOS. 14-012 AND 15-013 - A request to extend the Planning Commission’s approval for the construction of a new 7,237 square foot single-family residence with attached garage, swimming pool, spa, and roof deck on a beachfront lot and removal of an existing rock revetment, including a variance for construction on steep slopes and a variance for construction of a shoreline protection device to allow for the continued protection of an existing slope and surrounding properties
Location: 31438 Broad Beach Road
APN: 4470-017-065
Zoning: Single-family Medium (SFM)
Applicant: Jackson McNeill Owner: 2XMD Partners LLC
Appealable to: City Council
Environmental Review: Categorical Exemption CEQA Guidelines Sections 15303(a) and 15303(e)
Extension Filed: March 2, 2025
Case Planner: Tyler Eaton, Principal Planner (310) 456-2489, extension 273
EXTENSION OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 16-064, COASTAL COMMISSION APPEAL NO. 18002, VARIANCE NO. 17-011, SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 17-042, AND MINOR MODIFICATION NO. 17-008 - A request to extend the Planning Commission’s approval for the construction of a new 4,312 square foot, one-story, single-family residence with attached two-car garage, 505 square foot second unit, 265 square foot pool cabana, swimming pool, spa, fire department turnaround, retaining walls, decks, and onsite wastewater treatment system; including a variance for fuel modification to encroach into Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area, a site plan review for construction on slopes between 3 to 1 and 2.5 to 1, and a minor modification for a reduced front yard setback
Location: 5263 Horizon Drive APN: 4469-005-002
Zoning: Rural Residential-Two Acre (RR-2)
Applicant: SS Design
Owner: Dougal Murray
Appealable to: City Council
Environmental Review: Categorical Exemption CEQA Guidelines Section(s) 15303(a) and (e)
Extension Filed: March 14, 2025
Case Planner: Tyler Eaton, Principal Planner (310) 456-2489, extension 273
For the projects identified above with a categorical exemption for environmental review, pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Planning Director has analyzed these proposed projects and found that they are listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Therefore, the projects are categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA. The Planning Director has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption apply to these projects (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2).
Extension requests will be presented on consent calendar based on staff’s recommendation but any person wishing to be heard may request at the beginning of the meeting to have the application addressed separately. Please see the recording secretary before start of the meeting to have an item removed from consent calendar.
A written staff report will be available at or before the hearing for the projects. All persons wishing to address the Commission regarding these matters will be afforded an opportunity in accordance with the Commission’s procedures.
Copies of all related documents can be reviewed by any interested person at City Hall during regular business hours. Oral and written comments may be presented to the Planning Commission on, or before, the date of the meeting.
LOCAL APPEAL – A decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by an aggrieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten days following the date of action (15 days for tentative maps) for which the appeal is made and shall be accompanied by an appeal form and filing fee, as specified by the City Council. Appeal forms may be found online at or in person at City Hall, or by calling (310) 456-2489, extension 246.
COASTAL COMMISSION APPEAL – For projects appealable to the Coastal Commission, an aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission’s approval to the Coastal Commission within 10 working days of the issuance of the City’s Notice of Final Action. Appeal forms may be found online at or in person at the Coastal Commission South Central Coast District office located at 89 South California Street in Ventura, or by
calling 805-585-1800. Such an appeal must be filed with the Coastal Commission, not the City.
Maureen Tamuri, Interim Planning Director
Publish Date: March 27, 2025 MALIBU 60
The City Council of the Malibu does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Recitals.
A. On November 6, 2024, the Broad Fire began and destroyed structures on at least 4 properties in Malibu leaving residents with an urgent need to rebuild.
B. On December 9, 2024, the Franklin Fire destroyed structures on at least 38 properties in Malibu leaving residents with an urgent need to rebuild.
C. On January 7, 2025, the Palisades Fire destroyed structures on over 700 properties in Malibu leaving residents with an urgent need to rebuild. The Governor of California has declared the event a State of Emergency and the President of the United States has declared the event a Federal Emergency.
D. On January 27, 2025, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 25-06 to: 1) initiate a Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendment and zoning text amendment to consider changes to the Malibu LCP and Title 17 (Zoning) of the Malibu Municipal Code (MMC) to facilitate the rebuilding of structures damaged or destroyed by the 2025 Palisades Fire, 2024 Franklin Fire, and 2024 Broad Fire and provide relief for those affected by the fires; 2) Bypass the Zoning Ordinance Revisions and Code Enforcement Subcommittee and directed the Planning Commission to schedule a public hearing regarding the same.
E. On January 30, 2025, a Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing was published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Malibu and mailed to interested parties.
F. On February 6, 2025, a Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing was republished in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Malibu as a courtesy.
G. On February 13, 2025, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-20-25, which suspended requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and California Coastal Act for Palisades Fire rebuilds and related issues.
H. On February 13, 2025, a Notice of Availability of Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) Documents and a Notice of City Council Public Hearings for both the March 4, 2025 and March 10, 2025 meetings were published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Malibu and mailed to interested parties.
I. On February 20, 2025, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed rebuild amendments on LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No.25-001, reviewed and considered the agenda report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information on the record.
J. On March 4, 2025, the City Council held a meeting which included a public workshop on the proposed rebuild amendments LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No. 25-001, reviewed and considered the agenda report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information in the record. The City Council completed the public workshop and adjourned the public hearing to March 5, 2025.
K. On March 5, 2025, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed rebuild amendments LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No. 25-001, reviewed and considered the agenda report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information in the record. The meeting was adjourned to March 6, 2025.
L. On March 6, 2025, the City Council continued the public hearing on the proposed rebuild amendments LCPA 25001 and ZTA No. 25-001, reviewed and considered the agenda report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information in the record. The City Council approved on first reading Ordinance No. 524, approving LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No. 25-001 as recommended by staff with the additional changes presented at the March 6, 2025 meeting. The City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance No. 524U for the Malibu Municipal Code amendments to go into effect immediately.
M. On March 10, 2025, the City Council continued the public hearing for the second reading to March 12, 2025.
N. On March 12, 2025, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed rebuild amendments LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No. 25-001, reviewed and considered the agenda report, reviewed and considered written reports, public testimony, and other information in the record. The City Council approved on second reading Ordinance No. 524, approving LCPA 25-001 and ZTA No. 25-001.
SECTION 2. Environmental Review.
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.9, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to activities and approvals by the City as necessary for the preparation and adoption of an LCP amendment. This
application is for an amendment to the LCP, which must be certified by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) before it takes effect. LCP Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Section 1.3.1 states that the provisions of the LCP take precedence over any conflict between the LCP and the City’s Zoning Ordinance. In order to prevent inconsistency between the LCP and the City’s Zoning Ordinance, if the LCPA is approved, the City must also approve the corollary amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment is necessary for the preparation and adoption of the LCPA and because they are entirely dependent on, related to, and duplicative of the exempt activity, they are subject to the same CEQA exemption.
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. The Planning Commission determined that there is no possibility the amendment will have a significant effect on the environment and accordingly, the exemption set forth in Section 15061(b)(3) applies. The amendments to the MMC that are not corollary to the LCP can be seen not to have a significant effect on the environment as they merely create permit and fine requirements and allow structures that existed previously to be rebuilt in the same location with substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure that would be replaced, while also further protecting coastal resources and hazard protections.
SECTION 3. Local Coastal Program Findings.
Based on evidence contained within the record, including the agenda reports for and the hearings on February 20 and March 4, 2025, the City Council hereby finds that the proposed amendment meets the requirements of, and is in conformance with, the policies and requirements of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act.
A. The amendments to the LCP meet the requirements of, and are in conformance with the goals, objectives and purposes of the LCP. Updated development standards specific to rebuild projects that were destroyed in natural disaster and relief for those affected, ensure that development standards are in place to facilitate people getting their properties back to where they were before the natural disaster while also incorporating measures that will further enhance and protect coastal resources. Development standards were carefully crafted to meet the goals of the of the LCP.
B. As a part of the LIP, the updated development standards specific to rebuild projects that were destroyed in natural disaster and providing relief for those affected ensure that future development projects and land uses within specific zoning districts conform to applicable LCP policies, goals, and provisions, while taking into consideration the protection and enhancement of visual resources, public access, and recreation opportunities. Incorporating specific requirements for rebuild structures to avoid coastal accessways, be sited the most landward feasible and the installation of structures that will protect the coastal resources from contamination greater than current.
SECTION 4. Zoning Text Amendment Findings.
Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.74.040, the City Council hereby makes the following findings:
A. The subject zoning text amendment is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the General Plan. The proposed amendment serves to enhance the Malibu General Plan Mission Statement, protect public safety and preserve Malibu’s natural and cultural resources.
B. The City Council held a public hearing, reviewed the subject zoning text amendment application for compliance with the City of Malibu General Plan, Malibu Municipal Code and the Malibu Local Coastal Program, and finds that the zoning text amendment is consistent and recommends approval.
SECTION 5. Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 25-001, Amendments to the Local Implementation Plan (LIP)
The City Council hereby amends the LIP as follows:
A. Amend Section 2.1 related to LIP definitions to include the following:
SECONDARY DEVELOPMENT PAD - a building pad, disturbed area, or development area that is not connected to a primary development pad other than by a driveway or walkway.
PRIMARY DEVELOPMENT PAD - the main building pad or development area which supported the primary building in which the principal use of the lot was situated or conducted, as distinguished from a secondary building pad or development area that is not attached to the main building pad or development area, for purposes of properties that were damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. For beachfront lots, decks that were attached to the primary building shall be included in the primary development pad if replaced with another deck in the same footprint.
B. Amend Section 3.6(M)(1) related to residential development standards for temporary homes, to read as follows:
1. No more than two temporary housing structures which together total no more than one thousand (1,000) square feet shall be permitted.
C. Amend LIP Section 13.4.6(A) and (B), and add Section 13.4.6(A)(4) related to coastal development permit exemptions, to read as follows:
A. The replacement of any structure, other than a public works facility, destroyed by a disaster provided that the replacement structure meets all the of the following criteria: 1. It is for the same use as the destroyed structure;
2. It does not exceed either the floor area, height, or bulk of the destroyed structure by more than ten (10) percent, and 3. It is sited in substantially the same location on the affected property as the destroyed structure.
As used in this section, “structure” includes landscaping and any erosion control structure or device which is similar to that which existed prior to the occurrence of the disaster.
4. Mechanized equipment or temporary shoring on the beach necessary to construct the replacement structure is allowed under this exemption for beachfront properties only if there are no feasible alternatives and construction activities do not enter the intertidal zone or extend beyond the previously existing primary development pad and appropriate Best Management Practices are used.
B. An onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster may be replaced and improved provided that the replacement OWTS is located within the existing primary development pad and is the minimum standard size necessary to meet the building code for the existing or replacement structure it serves. If the new OWTS exceeds the minimum standard size or is located outside the primary development pad, then a De Minimis Waiver or OWTS Coastal Development Permit shall be required as applicable by Sections 13.4.11 and 13.29 respectively. For OWTS replacements on or adjacent to a sandy beach or coastal bluff, the OWTS shall be sited in the most landward location feasible and may not extend further seaward than the existing and/or previously existing seawall, whichever is more landward.
D. Amend LIP Section 13.4.11(A) and (A)(1) and (2), and add subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6); Amend 13.4.11(B) (1),(2), (3), and (5); Amend 13.4.11(C)(2) and(3); and amend 13.4.11(D), related to general requirements for de minimis waiver, to read as follows:
13.4.11 General Requirements for De Minimis Waiver
A. General Requirements for De Minimis Waiver. The requirement for a coastal development permit may be waived through a De Minimis Coastal Development Permit Waiver issued by the planning director for the items listed below where the improvements are not otherwise exempt pursuant to Section 13.4, provided all the requirements of subsections B and C are met. The planning director’s decision on whether to issue a de minimis waiver is not locally appealable; however if the development is within the appealable jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission, the decision of the planning director is appealable to the Coastal Commission as described below in subsection (C).
1. Improvements to an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) serving a structure that replaces one that was damaged or destroyed as a result of a natural disaster, where the improvements involve installing a new system or upgrading an existing system to an advanced system on the same lot and does not meet the exemption criteria of Section 13.4.6(B).
2. Minor improvements to existing driveways or access roads that are required by the fire department after a natural disaster, such as minor changes to the width or grade of driveways or access roads. This includes accessory structures, such as retaining walls, necessary to accommodate the driveway or access road improvement, including new cuts on slopes steeper than 3:1 but less than 1:1, subject to geotechnical feasibility review. Retaining walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. New retaining walls that replace an existing wall being removed as a result of the driveway widening are allowed to be replaced to the same height of previous wall and may increase in height by a maximum of three (3) additional feet but shall not have a total height in excess of nine (9) feet. Access improvements that do not meet the findings for a waiver may be processed as an administrative coastal development permit (ACDP) under Section 13.13.1(A) or as a regular coastal development permit.
3. Replacement seawalls that exceed ten (10) percent in height. The replacement seawall shall be sited in the same footprint as the previous seawall and shall not expand further seaward nor shall it extend further into an existing public access easement, deed restriction or view corridor.
4. Increases in the previous finished floor elevation for structures that replace one that was damaged or destroyed as result of a natural disaster, where the previous finished floor elevation must be raised to a higher elevation to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood zone requirements as determined by the City’s floodplain administrator. Such increase shall not exceed the increase in elevation to the finished floor required to meet the minimum FEMA flood zone requirements. The height of the structure from the finished floor to the roof may remain the same as existed for the prior structure even if the prior structure was nonconforming in height. No additional height shall be allowed for the replacement structure if it has a nonconforming height. A conforming structure shall not be granted an additional height increase if it creates a nonconforming height.
5. Replacement structures that would otherwise be exempt from the requirement to obtain a coastal development permit pursuant to Section 13.4.6(A) but are proposed to be sited not in substantially the same location where the damaged or destroyed structure was located so long as the new location is substantially superior after considering the impact of the relocation on ESHA, visual resources, and safety; with safety being the primary consideration. This waiver may include retaining walls and grading necessary for the construction of the relocated structure, but cuts may not be made into slopes steeper than 1:1 and retaining walls shall not exceed six feet in height for any one wall, nor twelve (12) feet for any combination of walls (including required freeboard), and which shall be separated by at least three feet.
6. Water tanks and other water storage devices necessary to construct, install, or use a replacement structure that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster and as required or recommended by applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. New shoreline protection devices are not included under this waiver.
B. Findings for and Reporting of
by written findings:
1. That the structures or improvements have no potential for adverse effects, either individually or cumulatively, on coastal resources or public access to the shoreline or along the coast.
2. That the structures or improvements are consistent with the certified Malibu Local Coastal Program, including the resource protection policies, as applicable.
3. If an OWTS is to be relocated on the lot, that the director, in consultation with the environmental health administrator, has determined the relocation is necessary to better protect coastal resources and if on a beachfront lot, is no further seaward than the existing OWTS or no further seaward than the previously existing seawall, whichever is further landward.
4. If driveway/road improvements are proposed, that: (a) they are in the same general alignment as the existing road; (b) they are not located in environmentally sensitive habitat area (ESHA); (c) they do not remove or encroach within the protected zone of native trees; and (d) they do not adversely impact visual resources.
5. For relocation pursuant to Section 13.4.11(A)(5), that the new location is substantially superior after considering the impact of the relocation on ESHA, visual resources, and primarily safety.
C. Reporting De Minimis Waiver.
1. At the time the application is submitted for filing, the applicant must post, at a conspicuous place as close to the site as possible that is easily accessible by the public and approved by the city, notice, on a form approved by the city, that an application for a de minimis waiver has been submitted to the city. Such notice shall contain a general description of the nature of the proposed development.
2. The planning director shall issue a notice of determination on the application which shall be reported to the planning commission. The notice of determination shall be provided to all known interested parties, including the executive director of the coastal commission, at least ten (10) days prior to the waiver determination being reported to the planning commission. For development within the appealable jurisdiction of the California Commission, the planning director’s decision may be appealed by an aggrieved person directly to the California Coastal Commission within ten (10) working days of issuance of the notice of determination only if the development is one of the four types of development listed in the definition of Appealable Coastal Development Permit.
3. If, after consideration of the waiver and any public objections to it, the planning commission requests that the waiver not be effective, then the applicant shall be advised that a Coastal development permit is required for the structures or improvements. Otherwise, the waiver is effective immediately after the planning commission meeting where the matter is heard.
D. Waiver Expiration.
A de minimis waiver shall expire and be of no further force and effect if the authorized structures or improvements are not commenced pursuant to a valid grading and/or building permit, as applicable, within five years of the effective date of the waiver. If expired, a coastal development permit or another waiver shall be required.
Zoning Text Amendment No. 25-001, Amendments to the Malibu Municipal Code (MMC).
The City Council hereby amends Title 17 - Zoning in the MMC as follows:
A. Amend Section 17.02.060 related to definitions to include the following:
“Secondary development pad” means a building pad, disturbed area, or development area that is not connected to a primary development pad other than by a driveway or walkway.
“Primary development pad” means the main building pad, disturbed area, or development area which supported the primary building in which the principal use of the lot was situated or conducted, as distinguished from a secondary building pad or development area that is not attached to the main building pad or development area, for purposes of properties that were damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. For beachfront lots, decks that were attached to the primary building shall be included in the primary development pad if replaced with another deck in the same footprint.
B. Amend Section 17.40.040(A)(18)(a) and (g) and add subsections (i), (j), and (k) to read as follows:
18. Temporary Housing. Temporary housing structures as used herein means mobilehomes, trailers, recreational vehicles or other structures which are self-contained units which include sanitary facilities, and facilities for normal daily routines including cooking and sleeping. Temporary housing structures do not include any structure placed upon a permanent foundation, nor do they include tents, yurts, or similar fabric or textile installations. Temporary housing structures used as a residence during reconstruction or in anticipation of reconstruction of a residence destroyed due to natural disaster shall be permitted with a temporary housing permit approved by the Planning Director and shall comply with the following conditions:
a. No more than two temporary housing structures which together total no more than 1,000 square feet shall be permitted.
g. Upon expiration of the temporary housing permit, the property owner shall obtain verification from the city that all temporary housing structures have been removed from the property. Failure to obtain this verification shall result in a fine of $1,000 per day until the verification is obtained.
i. The temporary housing structures shall be occupied only by the property owner(s) or tenant(s) living on the property at the date of the natural disaster, or their families. Should this requirement be violated, the temporary housing structures must be immediately removed, the property will no
longer be eligible to place temporary housing on the property for a period of 5 years, and the owner shall be subject to a fine of $1,000 per day. Liens may also be imposed on the property by the City as a means of compliance. j. The siting of temporary housing shall be supported by a limited geotechnical report prepared by appropriately licensed professionals which evaluates the location of the proposed temporary housing with respect to geologic and flood hazards that the specific location(s) may be exposed to during the proposed four-year use of the location. Specifically, the threat of post-fire debris flows and floods as described by the United States Geological Survey and identified by the Watershed Emergency Response Team Assessments. A finding is required that the specific location of the temporary housing is safe for its intended use for the duration of use. The report must be submitted to the City for review and accepted by the Building Official. k. If the temporary housing is supported on anything other than wheels or a trailer which can be readily moved (i.e. a manufactured home), it shall comply with requirements for foundations as noted in Chapter 16, 18 and Appendix G – Flood proof Construction of the current California Building Code and requires a building permit from the City. Temporary housing supported on wheels shall be fastened to the ground.
C. Amend Section 17.44.090(A)(1), to read as follows:
1. The maximum square footage of an ADU shall be 1,000 square feet. The maximum square footage shall include interior and exterior walls, finished and unfinished basements, mezzanines, storage space, and any space with a height clearance (floor to ceiling height dimension) above six feet. The area of a garage (400 square feet maximum) provided as part of accessory dwelling unit and exterior decks or overhangs that are attached to the structure shall not be included in the 1,000 square foot limit.
D. Amend Section 17.45.150(B), to read as follows:
B. Prohibition. All properties within a disaster area are temporarily prohibited from obtaining a new or updated primary view determination unless: (1) the request was submitted prior to the date the natural disaster began as declared or proclaimed by the City, State or Federal government, or as determined by the Planning Director if no declaration or proclamation has been made; or (2) the primary view determination would not impose any limitation on replacement landscaping or replacement structures.
E. Amend Section 17.53.090(C)(1)(a),(b), (c), (e), and (f) and add subsections (h), (i), and (j); and amend Section 17.53.090(C)(2), to read as follows:
a. Palm trees and eucalyptus trees are prohibited.
b. All vegetation is prohibited between zero and five feet from a structure.
c. The following species are prohibited within 50 feet of structures: Pine (Pinus species), Cypress (Cupressus species), Cedar (Cedrus species), Ficus (Ficus species), and Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima).
e. Existing eucalyptus trees are allowed between five feet and 50 feet of a structure if a qualified expert, as determined by the director, identifies the tree(s) as a monarch butterfly habitat.
f. The distances for trees and shrubs subject to (b) through (e) shall be measured from the dripline of the tree or shrub at its projected maturity to the outermost projection of the structure including eaves and overhangs. No tree canopy shall be within five feet of the outermost projection of the structure including eaves and overhangs at projected maturity. Smaller diameter tree branches less than two inches must be removed within five feet of the outermost projection of the structure including eaves and overhangs and within 10 feet above the roof.
h. Only efficiently-irrigated plants and trees as allowed by this chapter shall be allowed between five feet and 30 feet of a structure.
i. Irrigation shall be required and maintained on the site in all planting areas between five feet and 100 feet of a structure, except in geologic hazard areas in which irrigation may not be allowed. Any proposed irrigation shall be reviewed by the project geotechnical consultant and conform to existing surficial stability standards, not contribute to any geologic hazard, and not adversely affect offsite properties. The consultant shall include a statement regarding the impact of the proposed irrigation system in the required Section 111 statement. The city shall review analyses and findings provided by the project geotechnical consultant and determine whether irrigation is allowed or required in geologic hazard areas. All vegetation within 100 feet of a structure shall maintain sufficient moisture content and be supported by appropriately designed irrigation. j. Plants listed in the City of Malibu ‘Invasive Species List’ are prohibited.
2. Mulch material proposed between zero and five feet from a structure must consist of nonflammable materials, such as gravel and decomposed granite. Flammable mulch material, including shredded bark, pine needles, and artificial turf, are prohibited between zero and five feet of a structure. Use of wood chips and shredded rubber is prohibited anywhere on the site. Non-continuous use of flammable mulch (excluding wood chips and shredded rubber) is allowed between five feet and 30 feet from a structure. Non-continuous mulched areas shall be separated with non-flammable materials such as gravel, rocks, decomposed granite, or stone. The distance shall be measured from the outermost projection of the structure including eaves and overhangs. The maximum application area of mulch located between five feet and 30 feet from a structure is 20 feet by 20 feet with a five-foot separation between application areas. Any mulch materials (excluding wood chips and shredded rubber), are allowed 30 feet or more from a structure with no limitation on application area. Organic mulch shall be maintained with at least a 3 inch depth but must not exceed 6 inches in depth.
F. Amend Section 17.60.020(C) and add subsection (C)(1), to read as follows:
De Minimis Waivers. All decisions on de minimis waivers shall be accompanied
C. Any structure, including any structure that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, described in subsection A of this section, may be remodeled, or may be reconstructed in the general location and to the same height as it existed prior to damage or destruction, subject to obtaining planning verification. Structures that were damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster may be permitted, at the discretion of the planning director through approval of a planning verification, to increase the square footage, height or bulk permitted by this title by 10 percent of the existing or previously existing square footage, height or bulk of the structure. Increased height or bulk on non-beachfront properties shall not exceed 18 feet, unless a site plan review is obtained, and increased square footage shall not exceed the limits of Section 17.40.040(A)(13). The application for the reconstruction must be initiated with the city within six years of the date of damage or destruction, and a building permit must be diligently pursued and obtained within eight years from the date of damage or destruction and not become expired. A request for an extension of time past the six-year or eight-year periods may be granted by the planning commission where it finds, based on substantial evidence, that due to unusual circumstances, strict compliance with the six- or eight-year limit creates an undue hardship. Extensions for applications may not total more than three years for a maximum total of nine years from the date of the disaster. Extensions for building permits may not total more than three years for a maximum total of eleven years from the date of the disaster. Any reconstruction shall extend the termination date described in Section 17.60.040 for the use operating within such a structure.
1. Replacement structures on beachfront lots are allowed to meet the minimum increases necessary to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements but shall, to the maximum extent feasible, protect neighboring ocean views. Replacement structures shall seek increases in square footage laterally before they are allowed to increase vertically as viewed by neighboring properties. The height of the structure from the finished floor to the roof may remain the same as existed for the prior structure even if the prior structure was nonconforming in height. No additional height shall be allowed for the replacement structure if it has a nonconforming height. A conforming structure shall not be granted an additional height increase if it creates a nonconforming height.
G. Delete Section 17.60.020(F).
H. Amend Section 17.62.030(A), to read as follows:
A. An administrative plan review shall be required for the following development projects, unless they fall under the provisions for a rebuild development permit as provided in Section 17.62.080. If the project meets the requirements of this title and is consistent with Chapter 17.40, the planning manager/ director shall issue a development permit.
I. Amend Section 17.62.040(A) and (A)(10); and add subsection (A)(13) and (C)(1), to read as follows:
A. The planning manager/director may approve a site plan review after consultation with all appropriate city staff and specialists including the building official, city engineer, city biologist, city geologist, city archeologist and city coastal engineer; and where substantial evidence supports the findings set forth in subsection D of this section for new construction or reconstruction of structures authorizing the following:
10. Sea walls, bulkheads, or any other shoreline protective devices, except for those that meet the requirements for a De Minimis Waiver listed in LIP Section 13.4.11 or rebuild development permit listed in Section 17.62.080 as required;
13. Non-beachfront development over 18 feet in height on a replacement structure where the previously existing structure was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster and the replacement structure is not sited substantially in the same location on the affected property as the damaged or destroyed structure, so long as the new location is substantially superior after considering the impact of the relocation on ESHA, visual resources, and safety; with safety being the primary consideration.
C. Notice of Application Filing. Within 10 calendar days from the receipt date of a complete application, the planning manager/director shall notify in writing of the filing of the application to property owners and residents of all property within a 500 foot radius of the proposed project, but in no event fewer than the owners and occupants of 10 developed properties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for property in the RR-10 and RR-20 zones the notice radius shall be 1,000 feet. The purpose of the notice is to inform the surrounding property owners and residents of the filing of the application and provide an opportunity for comment on the application prior to the planning manager/director’s decision. The notice shall describe the request, provide a map showing the specific location of the property, describe the review process and timeframes, and indicate how to contact the case planner assigned to the application.
1. For development over 18 feet in height where the replacement structure is not proposed to be sited in substantially the same location on the affected property as the damaged or destroyed structure, a notice of application shall be provided to all properties within a 1,000 foot radius of the development.
J. Add Section 17.62.080. Rebuild development permit, to read as follows:
§ 17.62.080. Rebuild development permit.
A. A rebuild development permit shall be required for the following development projects related to structures being replaced after being damaged or destroyed in a natural disaster. It shall be issued by planning manager/director upon demonstrating by a preponderance of the evidence that all requirements of the municipal code are met, as applicable.
1. Mechanized equipment or temporary shoring on the beach necessary to construct beachfront properties so long as construction activities do not enter the intertidal
zone and in no case shall extend beyond the previously existing primary development pad.
2. An onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) that replaces or improves an OWTS serving a structure that that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
a. OWTS replacements on a sandy beach or coastal bluff shall be sited the most landward feasible as determined by appropriate city staff, shall not impact existing public accessways, and shall not extend seaward of the previously existing primary development pad.
b. OWTS replacements shall be located in the least environmentally impactful area.
3. New seawalls, as determined necessary by the planning director or building official to protect coastal resources, that protect an OWTS serving a structure that was damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. New seawalls shall be sited only at the boundary of OWTS that it protects. New seawalls shall not extend into any existing public access easements or public access deed restrictions, excluding any such easements or deed restrictions on the seaward side of the OWTS it protects, and shall not expand further into previously approved public view corridors or further into open space deed restrictions.
4. Any new structure or improvement (including, but not limited to, foundation systems, utilities, driveways, water tanks, and other water storage devices) that is necessary or recommended to construct, install, or use the replacement structure described in subsection (A) in compliance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations.
5. Minor improvements to existing driveways or access roads that are required by the fire department after a natural disaster, such as minor changes to the width or grade of driveways or access roads. Accessory structures, such as retaining walls, necessary to accommodate the driveway or access road improvement shall also be allowed, including new cuts on slopes steeper than 3:1 but shall not exceed 1:1 or steeper. Retaining walls shall not exceed six feet in height for any one wall, nor twelve (12) feet for any combination of walls (including required freeboard), and which shall be separated by at least three feet. Improvements shall not extend into a public access easement or public access deed restriction and shall not expand further into a previously approved public view corridor (except for on-grade driveways), or further into open space deed restrictions. Access improvements that do not meet the requirements of this subsection may be processed as an administrative coastal development permit or as a regular coastal development permit as listed in the Malibu LIP.
B. Application Submittal. An application shall be filed with the planning division and may be part of the planning verification application for replacement structures that were damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. Applications shall be complete only after all required information is submitted; review by all appropriate city staff and specialists including review by the building official, city engineer, city biologist, city geologist, city archeologist, city coastal engineer and city environmental health specialist, as deemed necessary, is complete; and the application fee determined by resolution of the city council is paid.
C. Action. The planning manager/director shall approve, deny, or approve with conditions a rebuild development permit within 15 calendar days from the date of a complete application. Complete application determinations shall be determined solely by the City. The City may include incomplete/or nonconforming plans as a basis for an incomplete application in addition to standard application requirements. No decision shall be subject to invalidation on the grounds that it is made after the deadline. The applicant shall be informed of the action by letter and/or approved plans. Action of the planning manager/director shall be final and not appealable.
D. Expiration. An approved rebuild development permit shall expire three years from the date of final approval, unless a time extension has been granted, or work has commenced and substantial progress made (as determined by the building official) and the work is continuing under a valid building permit. If no building permit is required, the rebuild development permit approval shall expire after three years from the date of final planning approval if construction is not completed. If a rebuild development permit is included within a planning verification application pursuant to Section 17.60.020(C), then the rebuild development permit shall expire when the planning verification expires.
E. Extension. The planning manager/director may grant up to four one-year extensions of the expiration of a rebuild development permit approval, if the planning manager/ director finds, Based on substantial evidence, that due to unusual circumstances, strict compliance with the expiration date of the permit would create an undue hardship for the applicant.
SECTION 7. Effective Date
The LCPA sections referenced in Section 5 of this Ordinance shall become effective upon certification by the California Coastal Commission. The ZTA sections referenced in Section 6 of this ordinance shall become effective 30 days following adoption by the City Council.
SECTION 8. Severability
Should any section, subsection, clause, or provision of this Ordinance for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality or the remaining portions of this Ordinance; it being hereby expressly declared and this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, approved, and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phases be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
The City Clerk shall certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and enter it into the book of original ordinances.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of March 2025.
Kelsey Pettijohn, City Clerk (seal)
TREVOR RUSIN, Interim City Attorney
I CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. 524 was passed and adopted at the Adjourned Regular City Council meeting of March12, 2025, by the following vote:
AYES:3 Conrad, Uhring, Riggins NOES:0
ABSTAIN:1 Silverstein
ABSENT: 1 Stewart
Kelsey Pettijohn, City Clerk (seal)
Publish: The Malibu Times, March 27, 2025 MALIBU 61
Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable):
Registered Owner(s): ANNE BASTENDORF
If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization CA
This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL
The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 10/2008 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime).
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17/2025 MALIBU 62
1923 SUNSET PLAZA DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90069, LOS ANGELES COUNTY Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable):
Registered Owner(s): MARISA SAN ANTONIO
1923 SUNSET PLAZA DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization
This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL
The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 03/2025
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed, MARISA SAN ANTONIO, OWNER
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17/2025 MALIBU 63
Articles of Incorporation or Organization Number (if applicable): Registered Owner(s): SEVA CORPORATION OF AMERICA 31334 ANACAPA VIEW DR, MALIBU, CA 90265
If Corporation or LLC- State of Incorporation/Organization NV
This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION
The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/1978 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed, SEVA CORPORATION OF AMERICA, KATHLEEN M GLIEBE, TREASURER
Publish in The Malibu Times: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17/2025 MALIBU 64
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 25STCP00962 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Petition of: ADRIANA XHAKLI TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ADRIANA XHAKLI a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: ADRIANA XHAKLI Proposed Name: ADRI PETRA-WONG
The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing:
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county (specify newspaper): The Malibu Times Date: MAR 14 2025
VIRGINIA KEENY, Judge of the Superior Court DAVID W. SLAYTON Executive Officer/Clerk of Court PUB: 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17/2025 The Malibu Times MALIBU 65
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Beach volleyball squad chasing a conference championship and NCAA tournament berth.
Pepperdine beach volleyball players
Kate Clermont and McKenna Thomas won the first set of their matchup against the South Florida Bulls’ Samantha Crosby and Aleksandra Stadnik by 10 points on March 23 at Pepperdine’s beach volleyball courts. The Waves duo then lost the second set 21-19.
The third and final set was a back-andforth contest knotted at 10-10 when the Bulls took a two-point lead. A smack of the volleyball by Thomas, a 5-foot-10 senior, brought the Waves within a point moments before a Bull slightly tapped the ball over the net and into the sand to take a 14-12 advantage.
Thomas then struck the ball so hard and it rocketed in the direction of a Bulls player, who put her hands up quickly in a defensive position. The ball bounced off her forearms and into the sand. However, South Florida was awarded the winning point to close the
duel with a 15-13 set win when the Waves served the ball into the net.
The loss gave Thomas and Clermont, the Waves No. 1 position duo, a 2-2 record at the end of the two-day Asics Classic, hosted by Pepperdine. With the two victories, the pair continued their ascent into the top 10 on the Waves individual career list with 75 wins. Pepperdine went 3-1 in the Classic and improved its record to 8-7 heading into the two-day West Coast Conference Midseason Challenge in Santa Cruz.
Clermont, a 6-foot-2 senior, and Thomas were named the WCC Pair of the Week on March 17 due to their 3-0 record in the March 14-15 Malibu Invite.
Clermont said she and Thomas are both composed on the court and have good rhythm heading into this weekend’s conference matches.
“We communicate so well,” she said. “It’s good to get the award and have our hard work pay off but we have a lot more work to do.”
Thomas said she and Clermont know how to support each other through highs and lows during competition.
“Whether that is cheering or talking on the side, we do a good job of balancing each other out and supporting one another,” she said. “Our experience together has helped us stay together when things get tense.”
Clermont said the duo’s chemistry really
showed during the Feb. 28 to March 1 Battle 4 L.A. tournament, in which they recorded a tough three-set victory over a Concordia duo before also beating a pair from CSUN in three sets.
“We’ve been challenged with a lot of third sets this season, but we have capitalized on that,” Clermont explained. “We push to the end now. We root for each other.”
Pepperdine head coach Maricio Sicoli said Clermont and Thomas, who are in their third season as a duo, have a great connection.
“That chemistry on the court is important,” he said. “They standout because of that chemistry and all their years of training. They are tops in the country.”
Clermont and Thomas began the Asics on March 22 with a two-set victory over South Florida’s Stadnik and Crosby and a loss to a duo from Concordia. Thomas and Clermont defeated a twosome from Vanguard hours before they fell to South Florida.
Pepperdine defeated South Florida 3-2 and lost to Concordia 4-1 the first day of the Classic. The Waves downed Vanguard 5-0 before beating South Florida 3-2 again the next day.
Waves duo Emi Erickson, a junior, and Deanie Woodruff, a redshirt freshman, lost their first set against Alyx Zapatka and Cornelia Crudu in Pepperdine’s match against South Florida on the last day of the Classic.
They then won the second set and the third set. Erickson and Woodruff’s 20-22, 21-14, 15-10 win was the Waves’ first win.
Senior Madison Oriskovich and junior Gabriella Perez also lost their first set but eventually beat Isabella Almeida and Audrey Gauthier (USF) 16-21, 21-19, 15-7 to give the Waves a 2-0 lead.
Freshman Emma Eden and graduate student Ella Foti clinched the duel for Pepperdine with their 21-19, 21-12 defeat of Mia Scheepens and Morgan Anderson.
Waves Emma Bubelis, a redshirt junior, and graduate student Marley Johnson were beaten 12-21, 21-18, 19-17 by Ryann Genest and Sasha Pasloski before Clermont and Thomas were also downed.
Sicoli described the Waves’ play as a roller coaster in clutch moments.
“We saw kids rising up to the occasion and kids showing up, but then a couple hours later it would be the opposite,” he said. “So it was a great learning experience. I want them to believe in each other and be locked in and playing for each other. Hopefully after this weekend, they understand connection with their partner is the most important thing in the game of beach volleyball.”
Pepperdine’s offense, Sicoli said, improved throughout the four games.
“I’m seeing the wheels turning on how to deal with and fix problems on offense,” he
explained. “That is what we worked on this week in practice.”
Sicoli, a native of Brazil, coached Canadian beach volleyball players Brandie Wilkerson and Melissa Humana-Paredes to a silver medal at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. The coach noted that last July’s Summer Games seem like a long time ago but he has shared his Olympic experiences with the Waves.
“The players I have been coaching in the Olympics, they started like this,” said Sicoli, who coached Americans Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor to a gold medal in the 2012 Summer Olympics and a bronze medal four years later and noted the Olympic tales can be inspiring. “They were able to do it, these girls can do it. They just have to put in the time.”
The Waves compete in the April 4-5 Big 12 Invitational in Tucson, Arizona, after the WCC Midseason Challenge. The team will host the April 11-12 Waves Tourney and the April 18-19 Pepperdine Dual before the WCC Championships, April 24-25.
Thomas said the Waves are chasing a WCC championship and a NCAA tournament berth.
“We want to compete with the best effort we can,” she said. “Since Kate and I are seniors we are trying to enjoy the moment and compete for one another.”
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