Santa Ynez Valley Star • March 18 - March 31, 2025

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March tradition: Buellton hosts its 11th Wine & Chili Festival

Attendees enjoy great wine, chili, and music to herald the looming presence of spring

Mike Chaldu

The calendar circled back to a mid-March weekend for 2025, and in Buellton that means just one thing: the arrival of the city’s Wine & Chili Festival on Sunday, March 16.

The Buellton Chamber of Commerce and En Fuego Events was again able to put on the event, again at Flying Flags RV Resort, which gave the attendees the chance to sample various wines, chilis, and salsas, from vendors both local and out-oftown, and vote for their favorites.

And to add to the atmosphere, live music was provided by Jared Nels, Sound Investment, and DJ FIU, with a dance floor that was packed for most of the fourhour-plus event.

“We’ve been coming here for six or seven years, and it’s always a great time,” said Chris Lierman of Simi Valley, who was with a group of six enjoying the festivities. “With the wine, the food, and the music, it’s hard not to enjoy yourself.”

Lierman’s group was in the festive mood on the day before St. Patrick’s Day, decked out in all shades of green and outrageous hats. Another enjoying the festivities was Hector Snyder, banquet supervisor for the Flying Flags park, dressed in an inflatable leprechaun costume, while conversing with the food vendors.

Arts & Nonprofit | Pg. 7 SYHS actors bring the music — and rebellion — in ‘School of Rock’

News Briefs Pg. 2

• Solvang nominated for three 2025 USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Award


Pg. 5

• Buellton to form ad hoc committee to look into potential partnership with Children’s Museum

Opinion Pg. 6

• LETTER: A big opportunity for elected Democrats, but will they seize it?

Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 9

• Pirates beach volleyball makes a move for 2025

Community . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 10

• Car lovers descend upon SYHS parking lot for Pirates Garage Car Show

Travel Pg. 12

• Linda Johansen shares wild adventures in Costa Rica

Food & Drink Pg. 15

While the visitors lived it up on the resort grounds, the folks behind the tables and vendor

“Things have been going really well here,” Snyder said. “The people running this event always make it fun and enjoyable.”


• Alisal Ranch announces lineup for 2025 culinary events

Calendar . . . . . . .

. . . . . Pg. 16

• Government meetings and events

(From left) Denise Shaw, Angie Lierman, Jennifer Liscoscos (front), Scott Liscoccos, Tony Scarnechia, and Christ Lierman enjoy the Buellton Wine & Chili Festival on Sunday, March 16, at Flying Flags RV Resort. The group came up from the Simi Valley area to come to the event. Photo
by Mike Chaldu/SYVS



Solvang nominated for three 2025 USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards

Solvang, affectionately known as “The Danish Capital of America,” has been nominated once again for the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards in three different categories: Best Small Town in the West, Best Small Town Food Scene, and Best Main Street. The travel awards contests and online voting have launched on the USA TODAY 10Best site: awards/travel. Voting is open to the public (limit one vote per person, per category, per day). Online voting for the Best Small Town and Best Small Town Food Scene categories runs through Monday, March 31, at 11:59 a.m. EDT, and the top ten (10) winners will be announced on Wednesday, April 9, at 12 p.m. EDT. For the Best Main Street category, voting runs through Monday, April 7, at 12 p.m. EDT, and winners will be announced Wednesday, April 16.

The annual USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice awards feature the top 20 or so nominees in contests covering travel and lifestyle topics such as food, lodging, destinations, travel gear, things to do, seasonal family fun, and more. All nominees are selected by a panel of experts and the 10Best editorial team. The 10Best Readers’ Choice Award contest launches new categories every week, revealing each category’s approximately 20 nominees.

Solvang has been no stranger to the USA TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards, earning second-place honors in “Best Small Town in the West” in the 2024 USA TO-

DAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Travel Awards. In 2022, Solvang was also nominated in two different categories, “Best Historic Small Town” and “Best Small Town Cultural Scene,” securing seventh place in the 2022 winners’ listing for the latter category. Solvang was also voted as one of the 10 Best Historic Small Town winners in the 2018 travel contest, and was one of the 10 Best winners for the same award category in 2016. In 2017, USA TODAY named Solvang as one of “10 great places to enjoy global Christmas traditions in the USA.”

Downtown Solvang will be teeming with Lego builders, and other “brick”-related activity the weekend of April 5-6 as the city hosts its inaugural Bricks & Builds Festival. Contributed Photo

City hosts inaugural ‘Solvang Bricks & Builds’ Lego festival and competition April 5-6

Solvang will host its debut Solvang Brick & Builds event the weekend of April 5 and 6. The new festival will include a two-day, public exhibition in the Solvang Veterans Memorial Building, two days of professional brick-building set against Solvang’s fairy

tale village backdrops, a scavenger hunt, and special Master Builders appearances during a Saturday panel and Sunday meet-and-greet opportunity.

LEGO®, the iconic Danish building block brand, serves as the inspiration behind the two-day, family-friendly expo and townwide building competition, the latter of which will pit some of the top brick builders against each other as they construct their own takes on a handful of Hans Christian Andersen’s most famous tales, all chasing one grand prize.

The weekend-long festival promises to have event all over town from the Veterans Hall to Solvang Park to builders at various locations around town. For a schedule and other information, go to solvang-brick-builds-2025/.


SYHS Safe + Sober Grad Nite organizers seeking donations

Donations are being sought for the 2025 Santa Ynez High School Safe + Sober Grad Nite to be held May 30-31.

For over 22 years, parents, friends, and the community have come together to produce an all-night extravaganza for the graduates of Santa Ynez High School following their commencement.

“The Safe + Sober Grad Nite tradition provides the students a well-earned celebration with their classmates before they head off into the world,” the school’s Grad Nite committee said in an email. “For the parents and the community, this event ensures that the 220 graduating seniors have an event that is safe, sober, legal, supervised, and drug-

free, alcohol-free and smoke-free. As a community, we all have an interest in seeing these young people safely launched into adulthood to pursue their goals and contribute back to their community.”

For information on how to donate, visit or follow along on Instagram (@syhsgradnite2025). You can also email

Santa Ynez High Alumni Reunion Luncheon scheduled for April 28

Santa Ynez High’s annual reunion luncheon is being held at the Santa Ynez Valley Marriott Hotel in Buellton on Monday, April 28. The event is for those who graduated in 1975 or earlier. (50+ years). The luncheon, featuring chicken/veggie/salads will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with lunch being served at noon.

Cost is $50 per person, with check submitted by March 28th so the Marriott can get a headcount. Email to receive a sign-up sheet or ask any questions.

The idea for and all-class reunion was hatched in 1981 when Ed Christianson and Dennis Fitzgerald (Class of 1931) decided to celebrate their 50th class reunion by having a luncheon with their classmates and spouses. There was 19 in the class. The lunch was a huge success.

The following year (1982), Ed’s wife Dorothy Doty Christianson was celebrating her 50th reunion, when asked what she would like to do, she said she would like to have the lunch also but to include all previous year’s graduates that would like to join them and that started to annual all class luncheon.


Solvang to explore amendments to Urban Growth Boundary

City Council gets update on grantwriting efforts, and changes that could benefit city on that front

An informational item on the Urban Growth Boundary ordinance that had the Solvang City Council going over their options on Monday, March 10, in a discussion that touched on affordable housing, water storage, and traffic issues in times of potential disaster.

Planning Director Rafael Castillo deliverd the report to the council. He explained the ordinance came about starting on June 8, 2020, when a group known as Save Solvang (SOS) presented to the City Council a petition to bring to the voters an “Urban Growth Boundary Initiative”, as it had collected enough signatures (499) from voters based on the 2016 General Election, or just under 10% of the registered voters. The City Council was given three options:

1. Adopt the initiative as an ordinance, without alteration.

2. Submit the initiative without alteration to the voters of the City of Solvang

3. Order a report prepared pursuant to Section 9212 of the California Code of Elections concerning certain special effects of the proposed initiative.

In 2020, the city chose the second option, to submit without alteration to the voters.

Takeaways from the ordinance given by Castillo was that the city can annex land from the UGB without a public vote if certain findings are met, which could affect housing. Water security could also be affected for the same reason. Castillo said the ordinance has no provisions for alternate or emergency routes out of town, if, say, a fire were to break out.

When the subject was open to questions, Mayor David Brown mentioned he liked the idea of water independence, and a repeal could create that.

“We have a 2.4-mile site we can draw from,” he said. “Mandates from state can affect that. Maybe there’s some way to have previous UGB repealed and direct staft to come up with something else.”

Councilmember Claudia Orona then said “first, we have to figure


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out what we can and can’t do.”

However, Councilmember Elizabeth Orona allowed how the repeal would give the city a little more control.

“We were pressured into affordable housing,” she said. “Here’s an opportunity to plan it. It gives us a little more control to get ahead of state mandates.”

Castillo didn’t disagree, but said that planning decisions would take a long time if that’s the case.

While he didn’t make a case for repeal, City Manager Randy Murphy said that while the UGB may have been a “sacred cow” for previous city officials, with recent development conflicts, “it needs to be addressed. An argument can be made to dojust what you need now, and leave it for the next cycle.”

In public comment, Dennis Beebe warned against the repeal idea.

“Repealing is a pretty big change; I don’t see how that’s an option,” he said, then wondered if city was trying to make a decision around the will of the voters. “I’d like to know where the public in involved with planning for the future.”

Ultimately, the council directed staff to study the possibility of amending or repealing the UGW.

In other March 10 business:

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Tereza Sarkisyan of California Consulting presented a report on the effort of the firm (which recently had its contract renewed) in getting grants. While California Consulting has not yet gotten a grant for the city, she said things could improve because the current federal administration is removing the preference for disadvantaged communities, which made it more difficult for a town like Solvang to get that money.

The council renewed the landscape maintenance contract for the Solvang (Skytt) Mesa Lighting, Landscape and Maintenance District (LLMD), which expired at the end of 2024 and was extended through the end of March 2025 in order to solicit proposals from qualified firms. After the bids were reviewed, it was determined that Skytt was still the best for the city.

The City Council will next meet Monday, March 24, at 5:30 p.m.

Solvang City Manager Randy Murphy discusses the city’s Urban Growth Boundary with Planning Director Rafael Castillo and the City Council during the council meeting on Monday, March 10. Screenshot from YouTube


EMA GSA Board and Citizen Advisory Group to hold public workshop on SGMA Groundwater Extraction Fee Rate Study

The Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin) Eastern Management Area (EMA) Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Board of Directors (Board) and Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) is hosting a public workshop at 1070 Faraday St. in Santa Ynez at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 20. The purpose of the workshop is to share information about the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and a Groundwater Extraction Fee Rate Study that is being conducted by the GSA. Additionally, the GSA will present information on potential new well registration and metering policies. Comments and questions are welcomed, and we hope to have an open discussion with groundwater users within the EMA.

The Groundwater Extraction Fee Rate Study, along with well registration and metering program policies, are critical components of the EMA’s Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) that was adopted by the GSA on Jan. 6, 2022, and approved by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). In order to fund the management of groundwater resources within the EMA, the GSA must establish a revenue-generating mechanism. The Rate Study will establish the basis for developing a groundwater pumping or extraction fee that will cover the GSA’s essential operating costs to sustainably manage groundwater in the EMA.

To support implementation of a groundwater extraction fee, the well registration program would provide the GSA with essential information on the location, status, and construction of irrigation, municipal and domestic wells in the EMA. A well metering and reporting program would allow the GSA to collect accurate information on groundwater pumped from the EMA, and allow the GSA to assess groundwater extraction fees based on well owners’ actual production in the EMA.

The Groundwater Extraction Fee Rate Study workshop will cover the following topics:

• Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) overview

• The importance of groundwater management and SGMA compliance

• Funding the GSA operation and activities described in the GSP

• Overview of the rate study presently underway

• Proposed well registration and metering programs

• Schedule for GSP implementation

Additional information about GSA activities can be found on the EMA website at and at EMA GSA Board Meetings, which are held on the fourth Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. at the Santa Ynez Community Services District Meeting Room (1070 Faraday St., Santa Ynez). For additional information, please contact


Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s doubling scholarships given to Explorer Program graduates

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse is doubling the number of scholarships given each year to Sheriff’s Explorer Program graduates. The Posse’s Explorer graduate endowment has awarded two $2,500 scholarships each of the past two years and now will award a minimum of four scholarships totaling $10,000 annually.

These scholarships have been made possible primarily by the extraordinary generosity of long time Santa Barbara resident and past Posse Board Member Richard Berti. With the recent addition by the Posse of $115,000 to the scholarship endowment its total has reached nearly $250,000 allowing the annual grants from the endowment interest only in perpetuity.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse has partnered with the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara to create and manage the endowment scholarship program to support the dreams and higher education goals of Sheriff’s Explorer Program graduates.

Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office Explorer members are young adults who have completed eighth grade through the age of 20, who are interested in hands-on, pre-professional training, and real-life experience in law enforcement services and other related professions. The program

promotes personal growth through character development, community service, physical fitness, leadership, communication and public speaking skills, command presence, and career planning, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

“Richard Berti’s incredible generosity has enabled the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Posse to partner with The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara to award in perpetuity these scholarships to support the higher education goals of wonderful young people in our community with aspirations of public service,” said Sean Koffel, president of the Santa Barbara County Sherrif’s Benevolent Posse. “We’re hopeful that other donors will also support the program and allow us to continue to expand the Explorer scholarship program.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse is a 501(c)(3) organization focusing on enhancing relationships between the community and county law enforcement while raising funds to fill the gap between a constrained county budget and the County’s increasing public needs.

In the recent past the Sheriff’s Posse has helped the Sheriff’s Office obtain much needed emergency equipment including Lifesaving AED’s, COVID-19 personal protection equipment, protective vests, night vision goggles, specialized weapons, computer equipment, drug sniffing and patrol/tracking/bomb/explosive detection dogs, a headquarters barn for its Mounted Enforcement Unit and specialized equipment for the dive team It has also supported the highly effective DARE program in north county elementary schools teaching students to develop good decision-making skills and understanding of the harmful effects of substance abuse, bullying and violence.

If interested in donating to the SBCSBP Scholarship program or supporting the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse’s efforts to help protect the men and women of our county’s primary law enforcement agency who put their lives on the line every day to protect us, please visit their website https://www.sbsheriffsposse. org/.

Local vets organizations to hold event on National Vietnam War Veterans Day, March 29

National Vietnam War Veterans Day on Saturday, March 29, marks the 52nd

anniversary of the day when the last U.S. combat forces left Vietnam. It is meant to be a time to honor all who served during the conflict and to remember the 58,220 American lives lost in the war as well as the 1,200 who remain unaccounted for.

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 218 of Santa Barbara, American Legion Post 49, and the Pierre Claeyssens Veterans Foundation invite the public to attend the event at the Santa Barbara Veterans Memorial Building, 112 West Cabrillo Blvd. Doors open at 11 a.m.

The opening ceremony at noon will start with the singing of the National Anthem and feature a special video “In Memoriam” to honor the fallen 99 from Santa Barbara County. The ceremony will conclude with the playing of taps. Weather permitting, members of Boy Scout Troop #33 will perform a flag retirement ceremony in the nearby courtyard. Anyone who may have an old, worn, or tattered U.S. flag is welcome to bring it for inclusion in the ceremony.

Lunch will be served, featuring “world famous” chili on a spud or hotdogs with all the fixin’s for a suggested donation of $10, along with free water and lemonade. U.S. flags, special T-shirts, and other military memorabilia will be on sale, plus an author’s table where books will be available for purchase and signing. Proceeds from the event will benefit veterans of all eras in our community.

Peter Bie, president of VVA Chapter 218, said that the Vietnam war — which so divided the country — “may seem like such a long time ago, but to this day it remains an open wound for so many, and has left a lasting imprint on our nation that still struggles, some 50 years later, to understand and come to terms with its meaning and its outcome.”

Over 2.5 million Americans — men and women — served in Vietnam during the years from 1959 to 1973, but many more were also posted to other parts of the world. “We do not differentiate between someone who was in ‘Nam, in another country, or stationed right here in the states during the war,” Bie said, emphasizing that “all who served deserve to be recognized and greeted with a hearty Welcome Home!

Information is up on our website, www., to share with your family and friends — all are welcome.

Buellton to form ad hoc committee to look into possible partnership with Children’s Museum

The Buellton City Council, in its Thursday, March 13, meeting, agreed to form an ad hoc committee to study a possible partnership with the Santa Ynez Valley Children’s Museum to help with the further development of the project.

In other matters, the council received the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, approved a budget revision to consulting firm KOA for a Caltrans traffic study, and honored retiring Sheriff’s Lt. Mark Valencia for his service as “de facto police chief.”

On Business Item 10, which concerned the Children’s Museum, City Manager Scott Wolfe gave the report, saying the proposed Children’s Museum, the effort for which has been spearheaded by Executive Director Ashley Jenkins, has a limited permit right now for the former Willhelmsen property on 202 Dairyland Road. The building is opposite the recently completed and opened Buellton Library, and down the road from River View Park.

Wolfe pointed out that the partnership proposed in undefined at the moment and the purpose of the item is just to see if the council would be interested in such an alliance.

Jenkins came up to address the council and began by saying that she was there to gauge interest and get them “on the bus,” so to speak.

for the museum is a chance to kids to “go outside,” to help form an activity “hub” along with the library, park, and botanical gardens. She also maintained she’s not proposing the museum as a replacement for schooling, but as a continuation or complement.

After outlining her vision for the museum, Jenkins reiterated that any kind of support from the city would be helpful.

“I hate to oversell it, but his is a steal,” she said. “Whatever you contribute, we have everything planned out; we’re going to staff it, we’re going to run it, we’re going to be here for 30 years.”

When it was time for council questions, Mayor David Silva asked Jenkins when would be the optimum starting date.

“If I [hypthetically] gave you the money you needed right now, how early could you open?” Silva asked. Jenkins replied Oct. 1 in that instance, but said she was realistically she was looking to open by the end of the year.

Councilmember Hudson Hornick alluded to the proposed Saturday meeting the councilmembers would have to discuss budgets, and whether they should wait to see what comes out of that meeting before deciding whether to support the museum. Silva replied that with the tight timetable involving the museum, the two should run concurrently.

Ultimately, it was decided that an ad hoc committee would be formed to study the issue, and Silva and Vice Mayor Elysia Lewis agreed to form it.

city with flexibility need to support future investment and meet ongoing obligations.

Silva asked if, concerning the stabilization of tax dollars, were we seeing a “new normal.”

“The [transit occupancy tax] is above what we were pre-COVID for the last two, three years it’s been stable, that’s been the new normal,” Zamora said. “We’re seeing a stable, tapered-off revenue stream.”

After no public comment, the report was received and filed. No motion was required.

Earlier in the meeting, the council made a Presentation to Mark Valencia for his Service to the City of Buellton. Lt. Valencia served for 30 years in the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office and was referred to by Wolfe in the meeting as Buellton’s ‘de facto police chief.’

The city manager and council had nothing but praise for Valencia.

“[He’s a] fantastic chief, is responsive to city needs, sees problems coming a mile a way through problems,” Wolfe said. “An excellent resource. We all owe him a big thank you.”

After jokingly saying “take me with you,” Hornick stated, “Thirty years in public service is fantastic, a thankless job. You carry the torch well.”

Other comments from councilmembers:

Sanchez: You were a friend and someone who made me feel comfortable. Thank you from bottom of my heart.”

Lewis: Thank you for countless hours and weekends. Thank you for being approachable. You had a calm demeanor and never felt above me Thank you for the way that you led.”

Silva: Thank you for all you’ve done; weathered us through COVID and the role of law enforcement. A lot of people don’t realize how special that is.”

When it was his turn to speak, Valencia returned the compliments, saying, “Working with Buellton has been amazing and seamless. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call; I’m not dead, just retired.”

The City Council will meet next on Thursday, March 27, at 6 p.m.

Right before that item, Finance Director Shannel Zamora presented the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2024.

Jenkins went on to explain that her goal

Zamora summarized that Buellton is in solid position, and that overall net increase combined with healthy fund balance provides


KC and the Sunshine Band to perform at Chumash Casino Resort

Disco, funk group, known for hits like ‘Get Down Tonight’ and ‘That’s the Way (I Like It)’ currently on its ‘Doin’ It’ World Tour Staff Report

American disco and funk group KC and The Sunshine Band bring their “Doin’ It” World Tour, to the Chumash Casino Resort’s Samala Showroom at 8 p.m. on Friday, March 28. Tickets for the show are $59, $74, $79, $84 and $89. Well-known for chart-topping hits such as “Get Down Tonight,” “That’s the Way (I Like It),” and “(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty,” KC and The Sun-

shine Band has sold over 100 million records worldwide and continue to entertain audiences across the U.S.

Formed in 1973 by Harry Wayne Casey (KC) and Richard Finch, the band’s early singles

“Blow Your Whistle” (1973) and “Sound Your Funky Horn” (1974)

caught the attention of Henry Stone from KT Records, who requested a follow-up single and album. During this time, the song “Rock Your Baby” (with vocalist George McCrae and guitarist Jerome Smith) reached No. 1 in 51 countries, right before their single “Queen of Clubs” (also with

McCrae) peaked at No. 7 in the United Kingdom. This early chain of events ultimately led to their first tour in 1975, and helped establish the band’s presence in the disco scene.

The group’s self-titled second album, “KC and The Sunshine Band,” was released in 1975, and brought hit singles like “Get Down Tonight” and “That’s the Way (I Like It),” which both went triple platinum and reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Dominating the mid-to-late 1970s, the band introduced more iconic disco anthems like “(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty” in 1976, “I’m Your Boogie Man” in 1977, and “Please Don’t Go” in 1979.

The accomplished group received a Grammy nomination for Best R&B Vocal Performance by a Duo, Group or Chorus in 1976,


Wand later won a Grammy for Album of the Year for the “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack in 1978. They also won the American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Single for “Get Down Tonight” in 1976.

KC and The Sunshine Band are the first act to score four No. 1 pop singles in one 12-month period since the Beatles. Currently featuring 14 members, the band continues their legacy and remains a staple in the disco era. Don’t miss an opportunity to experience KC and The Sunshine Band’s live performance, full of energy and feel-good music, in one of the most popular entertainment venues in Santa Barbara County. The Chumash Casino Resort is an age 21-and-older venue. Tickets for all events are available at THE CLUB at Chumash or online at

Opinion: A big opportunity for elected Democrats, but will they seize it?

e’ve all seen the many viral videos of town hall meetings during which Republican voters are haranguing their elected Republican officials over the gutting of federal programs crucial to American families. As a result, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has been advising Republicans to stop holding town hall meetings for their constituents. What??? Obviously there is growing fury across the country over Trusk’s (see what I did there?) authoritarian overreach and callous disregard for Americans, even the ones who voted for him. And the NRCC and elected Republicans just want to ignore it?

What has been the Democrats’ response to this so far? They’ve certainly been in a rush to mock the Republican cowardice for refusing to meet face-to-face with their own

constituents and listen to what they have to say. A little irony here as it’s been quite a while since Democrats have actually listened to and understood what it is Democrats expect from their elected officials. But I digress. Well, here’s a thought for elected Democrats since they’ve had little of that lately: Instead of mocking Republicans for not holding town hall meetings, why don’t elected Democrats fill the gaping hole left by elected Republicans’ disengagement? First, elected Republicans don’t care at all if Democrats mock them. In fact, they feed off it. And second, they’ve made it clear they no longer care what their own constituents have to say. But here’s the thing: Republican constituents still want to be heard voicing their disapproval of this administration eliminating federal programs created to help Americans, and I believe they want to be heard by anyone at this point.

This is where an opportunity for Democrats has been created. Elected Democrats everywhere should give both Democrats and Republicans the venues to engage face-to-face with their government representatives since elected Republicans apparently are not. Elected Democrats should be holding town halls all over the country, filling the gap by encouraging both Democrats and Republicans to attend and speak up. Answer their questions and possibly even alleviate some of their concerns. No matter the party affiliation, all Americans are worried at this point — about rising prices, inflation, tariffs, federal programs, downward stock market trends, undermining Social Security and Medicare, alignment with Russia and other dictators, possible recession, quality of life in America, and the Republicans now casually throwing about the words “World War III” like it’s nothing more than a video game.

So I urge elected Democrats everywhere to take this opportunity to engage with both Democrats and Republicans because they ALL want to hear from and engage INPERSON with Congress right now. Elected Republicans are taking that opportunity away from their constituents so please, Democrats, step into the breach and reach out instead of mocking. Well, OK. You can still mock, but only because elected Republicans deserve it for shutting off their own constituents. But who knows? Reaching out and listening just might make a difference to Democrats winning back some much-needed seats in Congress in the mid-terms and maybe winning back the White House in 2028.

Sincerely, M. Slivinske Arroyo Grande

Santa Ynez High School actors bring the music, and rebellion, in ‘School of Rock’


The Santa Ynez High School Theatre Group was able to put its stamp on a memorable Broadway play based on a popular movie, in a show that couldn’t be contained to the stage.

That show was “Andrew Lloyd Weber’s School of Rock,” which the group performed in four shows over three days from March 1416 at SYHS’s Little Theatre. The show was based on the Broadway musical that itself was based on the 2003 motion picture starring Jack Black.

For those not familiar with that movie, the story follows Dewey Finn (played here by Harvey Ho), an aspiring rock star who gets kicked out of his own band and loses his job at the same time. He happens to take a call meant for his roommate Ned Schneebly (Signy Hansen) and ends up assuming Ned’s identity to take a teaching job at Horace Green School.

After identifying the musical talent in his students, Dewey forms a band out of the fifth-graders in an attempt to win the upcoming Battle of the Bands contest, all under the suspicious nose of the school’s principal, Rosalie Mullins (Addisynn Laliberte).

The show, in this case the matinee on Saturday, March 15, featured several musical numbers, and in some of them the actors ventured off the stage and into the aisles to perform. One example was “If Only You Would Listen,”

as the Horace Green students stood along the front of stage and up each aisle, while singing about their frustration over parents’ expectations. Another was Laliberte performing “Where Did The Rock Go?,” from the back corner as Ms. Mullins begins to soften her no-nonsense exterior. And, there was even a moment when the actors tiptoed through the rows of spectators to simulate their “sneaking out” for their “Battle of the Bands” audition before the principal could catch them.

“I just like to involve the audience as much as I can, and used every bit of space that we can,” said SYHS Theatre Group director and teacher Amy Curti, who was directing her second show at SYHS. “I like that people have to turn around sometimes, and it’s not such a passive experience.”

In the production’s playbill, Curti mentioned in her director’s note that she decided on “School of Rock,” after exchanging “just

a few words” with Harvey last summer, and stated that “Harvey Ho is Dewey Finn.”

Harvey’s performance seemed to bear that out; like actors before him, he was able to portray Dewey as a mischievous and rebellious protagonist, but with enough charisma and humility to convince his students to embrace their talents and rebel a little on their own.

That message was conveyed with the number “Stick It To The Man,” which may have been the signature tune for the show.

“I really identified with that part of the character, because the kids are so uptight. They’re smart, but they’re kind of brain dead, like they’re not creative,” Harvey said after the show. “I really like how the [Dewey] character brings out that creative side and then gets them having fun.”

It was a familiar kind of role for Harvey, who said he’s played comedic roles before, like Mr. Macafee in “Bye Bye Birdie,” and

the grandpa in “You Can’t Take It With You,” though he said the singing parts were new for him.

That was actually the kind of balance Curti sought when she picked “School of Rock” for the spring production.

“It was the first time we did a musical, and I felt it was very palatable,” she said. “And, a lot of musicals have just singing, but this one had acting too, so I thought this would ease us into it.”

Of course, the musical numbers very prevalent in the show. Curti praised the vocal talents of Addisynn for her “Where Did The Rock Go?” number, as well as Anelly Tovalin, who as Tomika didn’t say much until the second act, when with a little push from Dewey belted out a rousing rendition of “Amazing Grace.” Addisynn expressed after the show how much she enjoyed doing a musical this semester.

“I did ‘Little Women’ back in the fall, but this was different,” she said. “You definitely sweat a lot, because with the singing and choreography we put in a lot more physical effort. But the output was great and it was worth it.”

While the actors did a lot of moving around, the audience was able to hear them clearly as many of them, including Harvey as Dewey, wore wireless microphones while performing. All that due to an outside vendor, Curti said.

“We hired Bill Gaines Audio out of San Luis Obispo, because we haven’t been able to afford our own equipment,” Curti said. However, she said the department is hoping for donations so that it can eventually purchase it on their own.

With two shows under her belt, Curti said she’s looking ahead to next year.

“We’ve already decided to do ‘Emma’ in the fall, since it’s going to be Jane Austen’s 250th birthday in December,” she said. “Then we’ll have another musical next spring, but which one it is will be determined later.”

Harvey Ho (middle) performs as Dewey Finn in the SYHS Theatre Group’s production of “Andrew Lloyd Weber’s School of Rock” in dress rehearsal at the SYHS Little Theatre. Contributed Photo


Sports Roundup: Pirates Beach volleyball makes a move for 2025

New on-campus sand courts dedicated at the beginning of March

Coming off a runner-up finish in the CIF Central Section playoffs in 2024, the Santa Ynez High beach volleyball has gotten off to a 7-4 to the 2025 season. However, the big news with the program is not only how its done so far, but where it’s being done.

After playing their home matches at Sunny Fields Park in Solvang for their first three seasons, the Lady Pirates now have an on-campus sand court to call their own thanks to the efforts and generosity to the Pirates Foundation and others.

“It’s really great to have a place here on campus,” said SYHS head coach Melissa Rogers on the court that’s located in the southwest corner of the campus, right along Highway 246. “Playing our games at the park, every practice, every game, I’d have to take the equipment to the park and back to the school, and that was a pain, so we don’t have to worry about that anymore.

“But mainly, I think it’s the camaraderie and the connection with the school, because now other students supporting us, and checking the team out. They weren’t doing a lot of circling back to Sunny Fields Park to watch us play.”

The school dedicated the new court on March 4, with Pirate supporters and contractors and workers who donated time and materials to make the court a reality. Also, sand was delivered from the Guadalupe Dunes for use on the courts.

“It’s really a great facility, we have the grassy berm, where people can sit up high and get a good view of the action,” Rogers said. “Plus, I like the visibility from the highway, having people drive by and say ‘hey, what’s going on here?’”

Rogers also said the court also makes the program more desirable as a tournament host.

“We tried to get [a tournament] here this year, but couldn’t because we didn’t know when the court would be completed,” she

said. “Now that we have it done, we would like to get lots of tournaments.”

With the court now done, the emphasis is on the people who play on it. Now that the SYHS girls basketball season is done, Rogers gets back Helina Pecile, who the coach said is one of her top players. Also, Rogers is high on freshman Scarlett Ollenburger, whom she described as a “huge impact player.”

“She’s supremely talented and will definitely be playing at the next level,” Rogers said. “You will be hearing a lot about her.”

Other key players Rogers noted are Arelie Perez, who returns as a senior after taking last season, and Jordan Gann and Natalie Bailey, who the coach said have been jelling as a team.

The Lady Pirates will be back in action on Thursday, March 20, to kick off Mountain League play with a home match against San Luis Obispo. Game time is 3 p.m.

Girls basketball eliminated from state playoffs in second round

After making it to the final of CIF Central Section Div. IV, the Santa Ynez girls basket-

ball team earned a berth in the CIF state playoffs, coming back to win its first-round game at home March 4, before losing in the second round two days later.

In the first-round game, the Lady Pirates trailed Serra High of Gardena by 6 points with less than two minutes left, but came back to post a 44-40 win. Rylan Agin scored 13 points, included some key free throws to clinch the game. Leighton Casey was also credited for here play coming off the bench.

In the second-round game, Santa Ynez was beaten by third-seeded Granada Hills Charter 53-29, ending its season despite 13 more points from Agin.

“I’m incredibly proud of their achievements and the dedication they’ve shown throughout this season,” girls basketball coach Jennifer Rasmussen said. “We’re excited to build on this momentum and come back even stronger next year!”

The Lady Pirates finished the season with an 18-12 overall record.

Pirates boys golf loses to Arroyo Grande

The Pirates played a dual match against

Arroyo Grande on March 10 at Cypress Ridge golf course, with the Eagles winning 393-449.

Brayden Mlodzik was the top SYHS player, shooting a 76. The other scores were Cody Armenta’s 78, Seb Perez’s 91, Max Andrade’s 101, Ernesto Suarez’s 103, and Elijah Navarro’s 113

The Pirates will return to Cypress Ridge today, Jan. 18, for the first Mountain League tourney of the season.

Boys tennis wins tournament bracket

The Santa Ynez boys tennis team took part in the California Tennis Classic in Clovis the weekend of March 7-8. The Pirates won their bracket after losing their first two matches, but then beat Torres 6-0 and Mission Oaks 3-3 (6-6, 47-46).

Pirates No. 1 singles Bryce Wilczak did not give up a set in the tournament, winning four matches by identical 6-0 scores.

Santa Ynez played a non-league road match against Laguna Blanca on Monday night, and return to league play Thursday at San Luis Obispo.

The Santa Ynez High beach volleyball team poses with administrators, contractors, and those who helped build the new sand volleyball courts. Contributed Photo

‘Even the Trees Weep’: Concert scheduled for St. Mark’s on March 22

Chapter of Santa Ynez Valley Concert focuses on tragedy of school shootings

The Santa Ynez Valley Concert Series in collaboration with the Julian Autrey Song Foundation and the Presser Foundation, announces a special, free concert to be held at St. Mark’s in-the-Valley Church on Saturday, March 22, at 7pm.

The concert is entitled “Even the Trees Weep.” This compelling and consequential program created by Kellan Dunlap, acclaimed tenor, with Lyndsi Maus, collaborative pianist, and the composer Victor Cui, focuses on the tragedy of school shootings.

The hourlong offering of all American songs features classics, including composers such as Aaron Copland and Florence Price, as well as newly composed songs by including composers such as Lori Laitman and John Musto. The performance also includes spoken word pieces based on testimonials from teachers, students,

and parents, bringing attention to this critical issue.

This program is intended for mature audiences only.

Kellan Dunlap is a lyric tenor from Grand Rapids, Michigan who aims for dramatic and poignant text expression and ease in lyrical lines. A former Apprentice Artist with OPERA San Antonio, Dunlap was an apprentice artist at Des Moines Metro Opera in the summer of 2024. He was recently awarded first place in the National Student Auditions with the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) and named a semifinalist in the James Toland Vocal Arts Competition.

Recent roles include Male Chorus in “The Rape of Lucretia,” Acis in “Acis and Galatea,” Triquet in “Eugene Onegin,” Ferrando in “Così fan tutte,” and Duke in “Patience;” or, “Bunthorne’s Bride.” A lover of contemporary music and art song, Dunlap has enjoyed collaborations with Tom Trenney, Victor Cui, and Seth Miller on their commissioned works and performed in the world premiere of the opera “American Apollo” by Damien Geter

in the summer of 2024. As a recitalist, he, and collaborative pianist Lyndsi Maus performed in the Wigmore Hall/Bollinger International Song Competition in September of 2024.

Lyndsi Maus is an award-winning collaborative pianist who specializes in Lieder and working with singers. She holds a master’s degree in piano performance from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, as well as a master’s degree in Klavier Vokalbegleitung from the Kunst Universität Graz in Austria. After her studies, she worked as a répétiteur in Germany at the Nuremberg State Opera and Regensburg Theater. In August 2022, she returned to the states to join the faculty at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music. Alongside opera coaching, she continues to concertize and assist in meaningful programming for students’ recitals. She is committed to performing works that can spark important conversations. For example, she played for the world premiere of Anton Lubchenko’s opera “Mui,” which tells the story of a dystopian society where government controls all aspects of life and individu-

als lose all sense of identity.

Chinese American composer Victor Cui finds inspiration from literature, histories, linguistics, zoologies, and sounds in nature, while seeking to balance freedom and control, poetics, and logic. Praised as “fundamentally musical” by the Olga and Paul Menn Foundation at the University of Chicago, Victor’s music has been performed in both America and Europe. Victor’s piece “Poltergeist of Kayaköy” for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano, premiered at the 2023 soundSCAPE Festival in Blonay Switzerland. Excerpts of Victor’s chamber opera, “Shadow Stretches Long and White, based on the story of Otto Warmbier, premiered during the Opera Etude workshop at the Peabody Institute in 2023. Victor has studied composition with Ashkan Behzadi, Augusta Read Thomas, Hans Thomalla, Courtney Bryan, Felipe Lara, and Sky Macklay, and he has taken courses in computer music with Sam Pluta and Bryan Jacobs. Victor is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) student at the Shepherd School of Music of Rice University.

Car lovers descend upon SYHS parking lot for Pirates Garage Car Show

“It’s got a motor, and it makes noise, so I figured it would fit in here,” said Endler, who dubs his craft Bad Medicine. “It’s TR2 Flat Bottom, and I’ve had it for 15 years.”

Despite having the boat that long, he actually only started racing it in 2020.

studies classes are held, and Santa Ynez Valley Youth Rec.

“The entry fees go to the program, the T-shirts sales go to the program, and then we let Youth Rec do a 50-50 raffle and they keep the proceeds from that,” he said.

Attendees to the 12th annual Pirate Garage Car Show on Saturday, March 15, got to see over 100 classic, vintage cars and also even some that are a little newer. And they also saw something there that wasn’t an automobile: a sleek-looking racing boat brought by Jordan Endler of Santa Ynez. In addition to running his pool-cleaning business, Action Pool & Spa, Endler competes in the National Jet Boat Association, where he has won the high points title in Super Eliminators in 2023 and 2024, and was runner-up in Pro Comp Flat high points in 2024.

“My dad got me into this and then I started racing and struggled a little bit, but then we hit our stride,” said Endler, who’s actually taking the year off from regular racing to concentrate on his pool business.

Endler’s boat was one of an estimated 116 entries, according to Gary Semerdjian, the head of Santa Ynez High’s automotive studies.

“It’s a little low this year because of the rain we’ve been having and some people not knowing if it would be clear today or not,” he said.

“We usually get about 156-160 in a typical show, but this is still a good turnout. We have one that came from Camarillo, a couple from Arroyo Grande and one from Pismo Beach.”

Semerdjian said the show benefits the SYHS Pirate Garage, where the school’s automotive

In fact, Semerdjian had a chance to honor Frank Kelsey of SYV Youth Rec, as well as Doug Riedy, Pete Thompson, and DJ Dunn for their contributions to the car show and the community over the years, presenting all with personalized drinking cups.

The car show was not only a chance to admire all kinds of vehicles, but also to talk shop with some of the owners, get Pirate Garage shirts and other merchandise, listen to music spun by DJ Peetey, and go to the food truck from Rudy’s Mexican Restaurant to get some lunch.

While SYHS’s automotive department was the host of the show, it was not the only local school represented: Cabrillo High School’s Motorsports program brought a red 1965 Ford Mustang.

“Every year, we get one old car and get it fixed up, it’s our project,” said Gabe Martin, representing the CHS program, which is supervised by Chris Moldt. “It’s great to be here. Shows like this are good for reminding people we need automotive education in our schools, and programs like Santa Ynez’s and ours keep it going.”

Next to the Mustang stood a small car recognized by old Disney movie fans: The white #53 Volkswagen Beetle, known as Herbie, the star of “The Love Bug” and all its sequels.

Faridi Sherieff of Santa Ynez was the owner of that car and explained how he had come to restore and decorate the car with his son Zaeden, a freshman at SYHS.

“I actually bought the car already in the ‘Herbie’ style so I had a project to do with my son during the pandemic,” Sherieff said. “I grew up in the ‘60s, so I painted the sides with images from that time, like the Beatles for instance. I did want to put something in there for Zaeden, for something he liked, so I put an image of a car being driven by ALF.”

The cars shown above are just some of the 116 that were entered into the Pirate Garage Car Show on March 15 at Santa Ynez High School. Photos by Mike Chaldu/SYVS

time for a ‘STOMP-ing Out Hunger’ party

Food packages will be assembled for children in Uganda and Ecuador

For the fifth year, Teri Harmon has once again partnered with “Kids Around the World” a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to participate in “OneMeal,” which empowers groups to be a part of the solution of child malnutrition. Her event, called “STOMP-ing Out Hunger,” gathers together local volunteers to assemble food packets that will be sent to children living in impoverished villages in Uganda and Equador. This food is distributed in different care points, such as orphanages, schools, homes, churches, and community feeding centers within each country.

“This will be our fifth ‘Stomping-ing Out Hunger’ party and I am calling on all previous and new stompers to once again gather on Saturday, April 12, at 11 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church Family Center in Ballard to help assemble food packets that will be sent to Uganda and Ecuador,” Harmon said. “Last year, we not only set a record for the most meals (140,000) packed by our teams, but we did it in one hour less time, in less than 3 hours! I think we have this down pretty well now. The event should be over by 3 p.m. I’m hoping to beat last year’s record.”

Kids Around the World provides all the ingredients, such as rice, lentils, freezedried vegetables, and vitamin packets to be assembled by Harmon’s team of volunteers. She explained that all these ingredients go into one bag and one bag contains six meals. Thirty-six of these bags go into one box which is then sealed, placed on pallets, and packed into trucks, which are then returned to Kids Around the World in San Clemente. Amazingly enough, one box can feed one child for an entire school year.

“Each assembly table will have an eightplus-person team that will scoop or pour the ingredients into the packets, then seal and put them into boxes that will then be loaded back onto the truck bound for the container in which they will be shipped

and then served by volunteers,” explained Harmon. “Chaperoned kids age 10 and up, along with adults up to 99 years old are asked to volunteer at this fun and worthy event.

“Let’s do this together. If you want to help sponsor this, it will cost me over $40,000 to get this done which represents the expenses for the food ingredients/ packets and shipping. Any donations are appreciated and welcome.”

Harmon explained the whole team concept.

“You can form your own team and wear matching outfits shirts or hats, or face paint if you want, or not; do whatever you want to help get into the spirit,” said Harmon. “If you are planning on running your own team, you will need 8-plus people. One will need to be the designated Table Captain and will communicate directly with me beforehand to confirm your team member names and participation. At the Family Center, your team will be briefed by our event organizers on how easy it is to prepare and measure the ingredients

correctly for packing. Trust me, this is easy stuff — anyone can do this and you will have lots of help.”

Harmon explained that eight people per assembly line is optimal, but it can be done with fewer, if need be. There’s a rice person, a lentil person, a bag and vitamin person and a vegetable person, although the bag and vitamin person can double as this is pretty easy, two sealer people, which is the most important task (not great for your children), and a sticker and box person. The Table Captain can do this role easily. The Table Captain is responsible for getting his/her team to the event after confirming with me who is on their team.

“It’s a scoop, fill, seal, and pack assembly line with breaks for snacks etc. Some people can stand while others sit and you can switch off,” said Harmon.

In short, here’s what you need to do to be a part of this fun event. Harmon suggests that you look over the following paragraph and RSVP back to her.

• You can form your own team and forward Harmon their names or follow up later with the names.

• You can join any team or be assigned where needed. There will hopefully be lots of people who just show up and help. Please let Harmon know if that’s your plan.

• Harmon is also looking for young groups (ages 13 and up) to help set up at 8:30 a.m. and help during the STOMP event. These strong kids are very important to the success of the event and the preservation of our backs!

“Because we need to order the packing supplies and materials early, I will need your RSVP information before April 1, preferably sooner,” said Harmon.

“I’ve had a few people who were unable to attend and expressed an interest in just donating money for the packing costs,” said Harmon. “My website is live and ready for donations. Please visit stomp or mail me a check payable to Kids Around the World, c/o Teri Harmon, PO Box 1899, Santa Ynez, CA 93460.

The Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church is at 1825 Alamo Pintado Road, Solvang.

For more information or to RSVP, call (805) 688-6776, fax (805) 693-8842 or email

This poster promotes Teri Harmon’s annual “STOMP-ing Out Hunger” event. Contributed Graphic


Linda Johansen

shares wild adventures in

Small island lives up to its 'nature feeds the soul' motto

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a condensed version of the story. For the complete, uncut story, got to

Linda Johansen was no sooner home from one of her trips to far-off lands than she was off again to Costa Rica with another intrepid group of adventurers from the Santa Ynez Valley. Their journey was replete with a jungle hike, an encounter with an iguana, monkeys, and alligators, whitewater rafting, traversing suspended bridges, zip lining through the jungle, torrential rain, and a soggy nature cruise … a journey not for the faint of heart.

Johansen will combine her commission from the Costa Rica trip with the March Mediterranean trip to give larger donations to the Santa Ynez Aquatics organization as well as the Olive Crest Hope Refuge, which aids in the recovery of young sex-trafficked victims from Santa Barbara County.

“There is a saying, that ‘nature feeds the

soul’ and that is so true of Costa Rica. Our adventurous trip started from the earliest bus charter ever, at 2 a.m. the morning of Jan. 17, which happened to be the day after my 76th birthday, which seems almost impossible to believe,” said Johansen. “We attacked and conquered Costa Rica from Jan. 17 to Jan. 29 with one exhilarating adventure after another. The local saying ‘Pura Vida,’ which translates into ‘the simple life,’ is far from the truth as there is nothing simple about some of these amazing adventures and challenges we all faced and conquered with joy, laughter, and so much love as we cheered each other on.”

Johansen’s clients ranged in age from the 40s to over 80, and she said they all embraced each adventure with new-found confidence and exuberance, giving her heart attack symptoms daily.

“What a wild ride of adventure we all had from torrential rains in the cloud and rain forests, to hiking in the jungles near Arenal and

the volcanos and crossing eight suspended bridges in the tree canopy gasping in wonder at all of the beautiful flora, fauna, and animals we saw,” she said. “It was breathtaking, and a very steep hike up the mountainside to get there, but it was well worth the effort!”

“Costa Rica is the birthplace of zip lining, and boy did we zip through the tree canopies and jungle at break-neck speed,” Johansen continued. “There were eight challenging zip stations that had long and fast runs through tunnels in the jungle foliage. We all experienced ‘coming in hot’ meaning way too fast, but you could barely get the words or scream out before the run concluded!”

The group stayed three nights in Tortuguero National Park, which took them almost two hours to reach by boat through the jungle waterways.

“The Evergreen Lodge was an incredible experience in the jungle and nature,” Johansen said. “We saw amazing wildlife, with

slow-moving sloths, abundant in the trees, green and scarlet macaw, vibrant and beautiful species of so many birds including the Toucan distinguished by their long colorful beak.”

Johansen said that her group saw huge crocodiles floating near the river banks, as well as caiman belonging to a subfamily of reptiles that are related to alligators. There were manatees in the rivers, but they never were able to see one, which is probably a good thing, since swimming with the manatee is still on her bucket list.

“We did visit the Sea Turtle Research Station and learned about the endangered green sea turtle and that they are working tirelessly to increase their numbers by identifying the nesting sites and monitoring and guarding them during hatching,” Johansen said. “Costa Rica is very environmentally engaged, guarding all of their natural resources, which is remarkable for their country and for all of us who want to visit.”

Johansen explained that Costa Rica is a small country with coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean side. The Pacific side is known for its stunning whitesand beaches, vibrant surf towns, and diverse ecosystems. Fortunately, Costa Rica is leading the way in many environmental areas, so these beautiful natural areas should be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

“We visited a cacao plantation in the Tirimbina Rainforest and learned all about the cacao bean and chocolate, ‘the food of the gods’ as legend has it,” Johansen continued. “We floated down the Penas Blancas River on a river safari and had lunch with a local generational family. We heard about their life, customs, and shared stories. They live a very simple happy life, living off their land along a beautiful river, very lush green and tropical.”

After all of the activities of the week, many of the travelers had spa treatments to work out their kinks while at the Hotel Lomas del Volcan.

“The hotel was beautiful with a massive pool with a lazy river flowing through the

pool area,” Johansen said. “It was an amazing resort, but it was a lot more humid and very hot compared to the Caribbean coast. We all enjoyed playing LRC there at $3 per game as well as a new card game called Golf and Five Crowns.”

Their last night was once again spent in San Jose, which is the largest city and the capital of Costa Rica.

“We stayed the first night of our arrival and the last night of the trip at the wonderful Double Tree Cariari Hotel,” Johansen said.

“It is a very nice hotel with a beautiful large bar area for games and drinks. Our last dinner celebration together is always spent thanking our guide in our ‘Danish’ custom and fashion with heartfelt words of praise and thanks, and singing our Danish Skal song to them. Our guide Marta loved our Skal song, all the words and card of thanks and the envelope filled with tips from the group.”

Future trips available are to South America in September of 2025, and Thailand and Siem Reap Cambodia in February of 2026.

For more information, email Johansen at


areas were also happily meeting potential customers all over the area. Among those was the table for Firestone Walker Brewing Company, which finds itself and pretty much all Buellton happenings such as this.

Executive Chef Bryan Aceves, along with the establishment’s GM, Shelley McKinney, and employee Caitlin Jackson were handing out samples of their chili verde, and having high hopes for the voting results.

“When we first started this, we weren’t real successful, but then last year, we were ranked No. 1 by the judges and also won people’s choice for our salsa,” he said. “So this year, we’re really looking to do good.”

As it turned out, Firestone Walker was very successful in this year’s festival, winning People’s Choice for its chili verde, salsa, and brewery, and in judging a runner-up nod for the chili verde (see results of voting at the end of the story.

Another cook handing out chili samples was Gabe Solorio of Santa Maria, who was getting the word out on his Big Gabe’s brand of chili.

“It’s a family recipe and we’re trying to get it up and running as far as sales along with our salsa,” Solorio said as he manned his booth with his son Carsten. “And we’re lucky to be able to do this in the Wine & Chili Festival. They always do a great job with this event.”

Meanwhile, other vendors were all around with their products: Leander Coleman was aiming for dessert when the festival attendees were finished with tasting the chili. Coleman aimed for after that: The dessert and snack business, mainly cookies.

His business, Kies...LPM, stresses a brand of cookies that’s a manageable portion. The “Kies” is the last four letters of “cookies,” while “LPM” is an abbreviation for “Life’s Pleasures in Moderation,” according to Coleman.

“I’ve been getting this business going after I was sending my son, who was

a scholarship player at the University of Washington, some cookies and his teammates loved them, so he started asking me when I was going to start selling them,” Coleman said. “So I’ve been doing this business now for three years, but I’ve been making cookies since I was 8.

“Famous Amos is no longer with us, and his company has been taken over by a Canadian company. So, I think I can become the new ‘Famous Amos.’”

Whether it’s vendors wanting to get the product in the marketplace or just wanting to interact with customers, or people just out for good weekend fun, the Wine & Chili Festival is a welcome event for Buellton and one that ushers in a new season, whether spring or the season in Santa Ynez Valley, or the ushering in the community events to come.

“It’s really fun,” said Sean McCotter of Goleta, who attended with his fiancé Rachel Palmer, his sister Carmen McCotter, and friend Chris Tonerdo. “They take a straightforward approach to have an enjoyable time.”

People’s Choice winners

• Red chili - Flying Flags RV Resort

• Chili Verde - Firestone Walker Brewing Co

• Salsa - Firestone Walker Brewing Co

• Red Wine - Sapien

• White Wine - Brick Barn Winery

• Alternative Alcohol - Rock 12 Distillery

• Brewery - Firestone Walker Brewing Co

• Booth Showmanship - Hoyt Family Vineyard

Judged winners

Chili Verde

• Champion: Oak & Fire

• Runner Up: Firestone Walker Brewing Co

• Honorable Mention: Savina’s Homemade Tamales


• Champion: Savina’s Homemade Tamales

• Runner Up: 559 Honey Company

• Honorable Mention: Santa Maria Tri Tip

Red Chili

• Champion: Oak & Fire

• Runner Up: Flying Flags RV Resort

• Honorable Mention: Lido’s

Chili and salsa (top and bottom left), music, and even cookies (top right) were all available at the Buellton Wine & Chili Festival on March 16. Photos by Mike Chaldu/SYVS


Alisal Ranch announces lineup for 2025 culinary events

BBQ Bootcamp, California Ranch Cookouts will be held at Solvang resort Staff Report

Alisal Ranch, the timeless, family-owned dude ranch nestled amid the golden hills of California’s Santa Ynez Valley, has announced its lineup of culinary events for 2025, beginning with the BBQ Bootcamp in May, and continuing with the summer lineup of California Ranch Cookouts.

To further elevate the culinary experience for guests, Alisal Ranch also announces a collaboration with Chef’s Roll, a culinary community consisting of Michelin-starred chefs to culinary students, mixologists, sommeliers, and hospitality industry professionals. Together, Alisal Ranch and Chef’s Roll have worked together to bring some of the most talented chefs in the industry to the ranch for this year’s events.

“Alisal Ranch is proud to continue to build upon the programs from past years and introduce a stellar lineup of top culinary talent to further bolster the already incredible experiences available to our guests,” said Alisal Ranch General Manager Kathleen Cochran. “Alisal Ranch continues to be recognized as a place where guests can escape the everyday, connect with the stunning natural beauty of the ranch, and enjoy the many amenities the property offers. We’re thrilled to welcome such talented chefs to collaborate with our culinary team and provide guests with memorable dining experiences set right on our private ranch.”

Alisal Ranch’s commitment to providing guests with unparalleled experiences goes far beyond dining, food, and beverage–with a picturesque 10,500-acre property tucked in Solvang. Guests will experience worldclass dining, stunning natural beauty of the property, and classic Western activities like horseback riding, fishing, hiking, and cheering for cowboys at the rodeo. While Alisal Ranch provides guests with a memorable experience any time of year, this season’s lineup of culinary events are sure to surprise and delight.

BBQ Bootcamp: May 4-6

Kicking off the 2025 culinary events season is BBQ Bootcamp, taking place May 4-6. The multi-day event provides the ultimate BBQ adventure, featuring a lineup of interactive programming from both visiting guest chef partners as well as the Alisal Ranch culinary team, headed up by Executive Chef Erik Sandven. Throughout the event, the talented team of chefs will lead participants through an intensive workshop on outdoor cooking.

Emceed by chef, entrepreneur, and tastemaker Valerie Gordon, guests can master grilling, smoking, and barbecuing through hands-on instruction, while using fresh and local ingredients to create mouthwatering dishes while honing their essential BBQ skills.

Staying true to Alisal Ranch’s commitment to a comprehensive ranch experience, the event also includes a breakfast horseback or haywagon ride, a special pop-up shop at the Alisal Ranch Mercantile, and a spice blending class on the Creekside Lawn. Sandven will provide a welcome demo, Valerie Gordon presents a breakfast demo following the morning hayride or horseback ride.

The culinary lineup of chefs, all contributing to demos detailing different barbecue skills and tactics, include Chefs Suzanne Goin, a James Beard-lauded chef, and food and travel writer, Paula Disbrowe; Aaron Franklin of New York Times bestselling author fame for his barbecue cookbook; Derek Wolf and Brad Prose, of FYR Grills, who

will showcase a sizzling demo and dinner. In addition to the food demonstrations, the event includes a whiskey tasting courtesy of California-based guest vendors Rod and Hammer Spirits, and a spice blending class with Solvang Spice Merchants. Rates for this two-night event for two adults start at $3,050 before taxes and ranch fees, inclusive of Western-themed accommodations, all meals–including special dinners with chefs–and a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at the property bars and restaurants. The adults-only package experience is inclusive of all demonstrations, as well as the complimentary spice blending, special event keepsakes and ranch activities. Learn more about the multi-day event and book here.

California Ranch Cookouts: May 31 to Aug. 23

Alisal Ranch’s BBQ Bootcamp is only just the start of a stellar lineup of culinary experiences throughout 2025. Starting in late May, the property will host five California Ranch Cookouts, each celebrating exceptional cuisine, great company and the rustic charm of the ranch. As an added value, the event serves guests with an exclusive chef’s special menu, showcased at the Grand BBQ. The 2025 summer lineup includes the following:

• Chef Drew Deckman (May 31): Chef and co-owner of MICHELIN-starred restaurants in Baja, Mexico and San Diego.

• Chefs Brian Malarkey + Carlos Anthony (June 21): Malarkey is known for having

created more than 15 wildly successful restaurant concepts and also appears as a regular judge on Food Network and Bravo television programming, and is accompanied by Anthony, executive chef of San Diego’s Herb & Wood.

• Chef Javier Plascencia (July 19): Proudly representing his home of Baja California, Mexico, he continues to promote culinary creativity, inspiring students and readers to discover new food flavors and textures as a chef, teacher and author.

• Chef Cat Cora (Aug. 16): A world-renowned chef, author, restaurateur, contributing editor, television host personality and the first-ever female Iron Chef.

• Chef Maeve Schulz (Aug. 23) – An accomplished chef and television personality, best known for her victory on Season 2 of Food Network’s “Holiday Baking Champion”

• Barbecue University®: Sept. 2-5 Rounding out the 2025 season of culinary experiences at the ranch, Barbecue University® returns in September. With the skills and guidance of award-winning BBQ Hall-ofFamer Steven Raichlen, an American culinary writer, TV host, and novelist, guests can take their barbecuing skills to the next level. This curated, multi-day premier school of the art of BBQ offers hands-on instruction from one of the world’s leading grilling experts. For more details about the culinary experiences at Alisal Ranch, please visit the property’s website here or contact guest services at 800-425-4725.

Noted Chefs (from left) Steven Raichlen, Suzanne Goin, Javier Plascencia, Brian Malarkey, and Aaron Franklin will be part of various culinary events at the Alisal Ranch in Solvang this summer. Contributed Photo





At Community Services District Building, 1070 Faraday St. For more info:



At Solvang City Council Chambers, 1644 Oak St., Solvang For more info:


At Council Chambers, 140 West Highway 246, Buellton For more info:



At Solvang City Council Chambers, 1644 Oak St., Solvang For more info:



County Administration Building, 105 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara For more info:


At Solvang City Council Chambers, 1644 Oak St., Solvang For more info:



123 East Anapamu Street, Room 17, Santa Barbara For more info:


At LACSD Board Room, 82 Saint Joseph St., Los Alamos For more info:



At Council Chambers, 140 West Highway 246, Buellton For more info:



County Administration Building, 105 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara For more info:



The annual Vikings of Solvang Blood Drive will take place from 1 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19, at the Solvang Veterans Hall. Contributed Photo VIKINGS OF SOLVANG BLOOD DRIVE, 1 TO 6 P.M.

This blood drive presents an opportunity for the community to come together and address the ongoing blood supply shortages in local hospitals. The Vikings of Solvang, with their long-standing history of giving back, view this event as a vital part of their mission to support medical care and enhance the wellbeing of the community. All eligible donors aged 18 and older are strongly encouraged to participate. Whether you’re a firsttime donor or a seasoned contributor, your donation could save up to three lives. The donation process is straightforward, safe, and quick.

To thank participants for their generosity, all donors will receive a $25 voucher, redeemable that evening or the following day at participating local restaurants and bakeries, courtesy of the Vikings of Solvang.

At Solvang Veterans Hall, 1745 Mission Drive, Solvang

For more info:


Are you looking for something unique to do in Santa Barbara County Wine Country? Why not join us for one of our two Painting in the Vineyard sessions, Saturday at Sunstone Winery or Sunday at Vega Vineyards, to grab a glass of wine and a paintbrush?!

Our painting in the vineyard classes provide a beautiful, stress-free environment that will both inspire your creative spirit and indulge the wine-lover in you. Don’t consider yourself an artist just yet? Don’t worry. Our trained artist will walk you through the entire painting process step-by-step. No previous painting experience necessary. You’ll be amazed at what you can create in just a few hours- even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush in your life! $89 per person — includes a tasting of wine from the winery location and all the supplies necessary to create your landscape.

At Sunstone Winery, 125 Refugio Road, Santa Ynez (Saturday) and Vega Vineyard, 9496 Santa Rosa Road (Sunday) For more info: event-category/p-i-v-public/


Friday, April 4, in Solvang. Each day will include a morning creative project followed by an afternoon guided painting. Contributed Photo


So party we shall do, bouncing into the world of color and creativity at Spring Break Art Camp! Each day will include a morning creative project followed by an afternoon guided painting. Our projects will be bright and cheerful to welcome in the changing season.

Participants may choose to join for one day or (at a discounted rate) for all five days. Geared toward children ages 7-12, we provide space and guidance for kids to freely create, learn different skills in various mediums and build self-confidence.

Camps are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and held at our Solvang studio located at 320 Alisal Road, Suite 306B

As always all materials provided, we just ask that your child bring a sack lunch and water bottle We offer payment plans if needed — please reach out to info@ to inquire.

At Art Spot on Wheels, 320 Alisal Road, Suite 306B, Solvang For more info: artspotonwheels. com/events/spring-break-artcamp-2025/



Join us indoors on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Come to enjoy songs, stories, movement, and a warm welcome.

Please make a reservation at

At Solvang Library, 1745 Mission Drive, Solvang

For more info: Solvang Library (805) 688-4214


Each week, the farmers in the marketplace display a colorful bounty of agricultural products grown

right in our backyard. Seasonal diversity is available year-round rain or shine. Come. Shop. Socialize. Certified — the only way to buy! Join us in downtown Solvang every Wednesday on First Street, between Mission Drive (Highway 246) and Copenhagen Drive.


Please join us for an evening out with family fun for all in Buellton, hosted by Esfuerzo Wines and The Birria Boyz. This event will take place each Wednesday from 4 to 8 p.m. Each week we will have guest food vendors, live music and much more to be announced. We hope to see you there!

At 140 Industrial Way, Buellton

For more info: info@esfuerzowine. com


Santa Barbara County Supervisor Joan Hartmann, along with Buellton Mayor David Silva and Solvang City Councilmember Elizabeth Orona, will be holding a community meeting on the threat of wildfire in the Santa Ynez Valley. Also on hand will be fire prevention experts and community leaders on the topics of fire risk assessment, firewise community program, large animal evacuation, and a community wildfire protection plan.

At Solvang Veterans Hall, 1745 Mission Drive, Solvang



Start your day with a pick up game of basketball with friends.

At Buellton Rec Center, 301 Second St., Buellton

The Spring Break Art Camp will happen from Monday, March 31, to

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