Homecoming 2011

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“Investing oneself in a place is what gives meaning to it. It is the places where one does something special, often with friends, colleagues and teammates, where one acts, creates, performs, finds and changes oneself, or even falls in love, that become special, memorable and magical. ~ Tom Cronin, Professor of Political Science

Colorado College A Unique Intellectual Adventure



P L AY S C V N G R , W I N P R I Z E S Take a trek around campus using your smartphone and the SCVNGR application for iPhone or Android.

Scan this QR code with your smartphone to get the SCVNGR app.

NOT ABLE TO MAKE IT BACK FOR HOMECOMING? Check out the Homecoming Buzz page to join in on the fun. Watch videos, view images, follow on Twitter, send an ecard, and “like” the Colorado College Homecoming facebook page. www.coloradocollege.edu/homecoming

H o m e c o m i n g a n d P a r e n t s We e ke n d 2 0 1 1 We invite you to campus for a special weekend to celebrate the FAVORITE PLACES, FAMILIAR FACES of Colorado College. Join us to revisit and rediscover the FAVORITE PLACES on campus that hold special meaning for you. Reunite and reconnect with FAMILIAR FACES, whether it’s a student, a favorite professor or a memorable classmate. We look forward to seeing your FAMILIAR FACE at Homecoming and Parents Weekend. “Places and spaces matter. Few people pass through Colorado College without developing rich attachments to certain buildings, pathways, practice or study areas, or distinctive nooks in or nearby this academy. Call it nostalgia, sentimentality or whatever, it becomes a home away from home and often home itself - at least for a while, at a consequential time in one’s life. “ ~ Tom Cronin, professor of political science

CLASS REUNIONS Congratulations to alumni from the classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, ’53, ’61, ’66, ’67, ’71, ’86, ’91, ’95, ’96, ’01, ’06, and ’10 who will return to celebrate reunion milestones. We are especially pleased to induct the Class of ‘61 into the Fifty Year Club. SPECIAL REUNIONS The following special reunions take place during Homecoming, so check the schedule for more details: Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53), Rugby, Volleyball, Residential Life Staff, Alumni Athletes, and LGBTQ alumni. Alumni celebrating the Early 50s Era Reunion should look for the Early 50s Era Reunion icon throughout this brochure. PARENTS Parents are welcome to attend the numerous discussions, department open houses, and all-campus events. Look for the parents icon throughout the brochure for parent events. Join us on Friday evening for the casual Parent and Student Dinner with President Tiefenthaler, then later that night for Fireworks, S’mores, and Student Bands. On Saturday, join us for the All-Campus Picnic and the Homecoming Dance. Enjoy brunch on Sunday at the All-Campus Farewell Brunch.



SCHEDULE OF EVENTS T H U R S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 3 6 p.m. Class of ‘61 Reunion Reception, Tutt Alumni House, 1205 N. Cascade Ave. Hors d’oeuvres reception 6:30 p.m. Early 50s Era Reunion Reception, Gates Common Room, Palmer Hall Members of the Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53 will gather for an hors d’oeuvres reception and to enjoy a 50s era radio program. 9 p.m. Movie and Popcorn on the Quad, Armstrong Quad Gather your friends and bring a blanket to enjoy an outdoor screening of “(500) Days of Summer” on the Armstrong Quad. Director and alumnus, Marc Webb ‘96, will introduce the film. This event, sponsored by the Student Alumni Association (SAA), will also feature the winning student video entries from the SAA FAVORITE PLACES, FAMILIAR FACES video contest. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be held in Armstrong Theater.

F R I D AY, O C T O B E R 1 4 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. Most sports facilities available, El Pomar Sports Center Check in with official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Bookstore open, lower level, Worner Campus Center Alumni and parents receive bookstore discount with official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Registration Central, Gaylord Hall, Worner Campus Center Pick up your Homecoming and Parents Weekend materials and final schedule of events. Enjoy coffee courtesy of the Alumni Association Board. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. “FAVORITE PLACES, FAMILIAR FACES” SCVNGR Hunt Check In and Photo Booth, Worner Campus Center Pick up a self-guided historic walking tour brochure to visit your FAVORITE PLACES on campus, or take a trek around campus using your smartphone and the SCVNGR application for iPhone or Android. Using SCVNGR you’ll be able to take an interactive tour of your FAVORITE PLACES on campus, called a trek. On your trek you can earn points, unlock rewards, and you may even discover some new FAVORITE PLACES. You 4


can go on a trek on your own, but why not gather some FAMILIAR FACES and complete the trek together? Finish your trek then return to the SCVNGR Hunt Check In table to claim your prize! While you are there, enjoy the FAMILIAR FACES photo booth and have photos taken with your friends, parents, and classmates. Sponsored by the office of annual giving. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. “Preserving Colorado College’s History,” Special Collections, Tutt Library Jessy Randall, archivist and curator of special collections, will share how the unique history of Colorado College is protected through the years.

“It’s strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man’s mind for so many years. Yet those memories can be awakened and brought forth fresh and new, just by something you’ve seen, or something you’ve heard, or the sight of an old FAMILIAR FACE.”

11 a.m. Fifty Year Club Induction Ceremony for the Class of ‘61, Shove Memorial Chapel President Jill Tiefenthaler and Dean of the College Susan Ashley present Fifty Year Club diplomas and medallions to the Class of ‘61. Trustee Robert Selig ’61 has been chosen to ~ Wilson Rawls, address the class. Everyone is invited to this “Where the Red Fern Grows” special ceremony to honor our distinguished alumni on their milestone reunion and induction into the Fifty Year Club. The Class of ‘61 should arrive at 10:30 a.m. for brief instructions. The Fifty Year Club Annual Meeting follows at 12:30 p.m. in Bemis Hall. Golf carts will be available after the ceremony for those needing assistance. 11 a.m. Admission Information Session, Cutler Hall Call the admission office to make a reservation at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344. 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. “Korea: Civil War, Cold War, American War” with Professor Dennis Showalter, Slocum Commons Alumni celebrating the Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53) invite all alumni and parents to join a discussion with Professor Showalter (history). Golf carts will be available to take the Early 50s Era Reunion members to their next event. coloradocollege.com/homecoming


11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Parent and Student Lunch, Rastall Dining Hall, Worner Campus Center Students may use their Gold Card. Parents pay at the door. 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. Department Open Houses





1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Barnes 412

classics and comparative literature

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Cossitt 201

economics and business lunch and open house

12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Gates Common Room, Palmer Hall


2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

English Department Lounge, Armstrong Hall

mathematics and computer science “Fearless Friday Talk with Pizza” followed by an open house

lunch: 12 p.m. lunch: Kresge Lecture open house: 1:30 Hall 122 p.m. open house: 2nd Floor Atrium, Tutt Science Center

political science

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Palmer 22


2 p.m. - 4 p.m.;

Barnes 213


1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Palmer 131

Southwest studies

1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Hulbert Center, Dern House #100

12:30 p.m. Fifty Year Club Annual Meeting and Luncheon, Bemis Great Hall Annual meeting of all members of the Fifty Year Club. All current and newly inducted members of the Fifty Year Club are encouraged to attend. President Jill Tiefenthaler will be the featured speaker during the luncheon.

12:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. “Parvana,” I.D.E.A. Space, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center The Persian term parvana is frequently translated as “butterfly,” but in Indo-PersianArabic poetic usage, it almost always refers to the obsessed lover; literally, the moth, parvana attracted to the flame shama. Using the dual translation of parvana as a springboard, this project explores the multiple aesthetic, scientific, and literary understandings of moths and butterflies. The I.D.E.A. Space exhibition will feature works by Joseph Scheer and Rebecca DiDominico. Blurring the boundaries between art and science, Joseph Scheer uses a high-resolution digital scanner designed for scientific research to enlarge moth specimens to 2,700% of their original size. The resulting large-format prints transform the microscopic into the macroscopic, revealing with breathtaking detail the extraordinary complexity and beauty of an 6


often-maligned insect. In contrast to Scheer’s revelatory analytical approach to moths, Rebecca DiDominico’s artworks made from butterfly wings encased in mica capture the evanescence typically associated with the butterfly. The exhibition and related performances, lectures, and interactive events will examine the intersections between scientific and artistic modes of investigation and questions how, by engaging multiple ways of knowing, the arts can influence understandings of the natural world. 1 p.m. Campus Tour, begins at Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation. 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. The Press at Colorado College Open House, Taylor Hall The Press at Colorado College, founded by art professor Jim Trissel P’81 and P’89 in 1978, is a fine press dedicated to the art of making limited edition books and broadsides. Under Trissel’s guidance, The Press became one of the finest letterpress studios in the country. Join us for an on-going printing demonstration and pull your own keepsake print by hand. 2 p.m. Admission Information Session, Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Early 50s Era Reunion screening of “On the Waterfront” with Professor John Simons, Screening Room, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center The Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53) will enjoy a discussion with Professor John Simons (English) and view “On the Waterfront.” 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Guided tour of the Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center with Jessica Hunter Larsen ’90, curator of the I.D.E.A. Space. 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. CC’s New Health and Fitness Center, Slocum Commons Athletic Director Ken Ralph will share the college’s vision for a new Health and Fitness Center. It has been nearly 40 years since the college built its current sports center, and the time has come to refocus on the “healthy mind/healthy body” ethos of a liberal arts education. Recent surveys of CC seniors show an increasing satisfaction with the quality of instruction and the overall CC experience, but our recreational facilities are lacking. Comparative data also tell us that CC’s recreation and fitness facilities lag behind the nation’s other elite liberal arts colleges. A new Health and Fitness Center would allow the college to provide secure space for recreational activities — especially in colder months — engender an enhanced sense of community within CC, and ensure that students understand facilities are not just for athletes. coloradocollege.com/homecoming


3 p.m. Political Science Department panel discussion, WES Room, Worner Campus Center 3 p.m. Campus Tour, begins at Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation.

“You can fall in love at first sight with a PLACE as with a person.” ~ Alex Waugh

3 p.m. Colorado College Spike It Up Classic, El Pomar Sports Center The Colorado College women’s volleyball team hosts Chapman, Webster University, UC Santa Cruz, and York College in its annual tournament.

3 p.m. – 4 p.m. “Fake it Til you Make It: Laughing for No Reason” with Professor Tomi-Ann Roberts, Main Space, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center In 1884, the American philosopher William James proposed a counter intuitive theory of emotion. He said that our emotions do not arise directly out of our encounters with the world, but instead from our awareness of bodily changes in ourselves. We don’t cry because we’re sad, he said, we’re sad because we cry. We’re happy because we laugh. The corollary to this theory provides us with a remarkably easy path to well being. If you want to cultivate good feeling, fake it! In 2006, Professor Roberts (psychology) traveled to India to study “laughter yoga” with a doctor who believes that laughter really is the best medicine. Come learn about the power of laughter to improve mental and physical health, and tie us to something greater than ourselves: each other. 4 p.m. College Admission Seminar, Cutler Hall College-bound teenagers – and their parents – often can be overwhelmed by the choices and requirements of college admission. What courses are important to take in high school? How significant are extracurricular activities, essays, test scores, and interviews? When should preparation for college admission begin? CC alumni with teenagers who are beginning the college search process are invited to this special session. Topics covered include: What it takes to gain admission to a selective liberal arts college; how to get the most from a campus visit; and information on financial aid. Call (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to reserve space. 4 p.m. CC Men’s Soccer vs. Austin College, Stewart Field Cheer on the Tigers as they battle Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference opponent, Austin College. 8


4:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. Free shuttle for all Homecoming and Parents Weekend guests sponsored by the 1874 Society. The shuttle runs on a loop between the Worner Campus Center, the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort, and the Antlers Hilton Hotel. 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Faculty Meetup, Bemis Hall Lounge Alumni are invited to catch up with their favorite faculty and emeriti faculty. Join us for cocktails and conversation before heading to your reunion gatherings. 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Parent and Student Dinner with President Jill Tiefenthaler, Armstrong Quad Tent Parents and students are invited to a casual dinner with President Tiefenthaler. Enjoy a student band at one of our most popular events of the weekend. CC students accompanied by their parent(s) are free, but must register in advance. Free for children 12 and younger. 5:30 p.m. – 12 a.m. Children’s Lounge, check in at room #213, Worner Campus Center Childcare is available for children 12 and younger and is provided by Event Sitters by Charity. The cost is $15 per child and includes dinner. Registration in advance is required so that we can have enough staff to provide your children with the highest quality of care. 6 p.m. LGBTQ Alumni Reception and Dinner Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer alumni are invited to a reception and dinner at the home of Professors Tip Ragan (history) and Dennis McEnnerney (philosophy). 6 p.m. – 12 a.m. Stewart Field closed for fireworks set-up 7 p.m. Colorado College Spike It Up Classic, El Pomar Sports Center The Colorado College women’s volleyball team hosts Chapman, Webster University, UC Santa Cruz, and York College in its annual tournament. 7 p.m. “White Dance: Moth,” featuring Eiko & Koma, Richard F. Celeste Theatre, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center In conjunction with the Parvana exhibition in I.D.E.A. Space, internationally renowned artists Eiko & Koma will perform a re-envisioned version of their 1976 piece “White Dance: Moth.” Artists-in-residence and visiting instructors for Block Two, Eiko & Koma coloradocollege.com/homecoming


have developed a unique blend of traditional Japanese dance, modern dance, performance art, video, and costume design that transcends genre or discipline. Since 1972 the Japanese-born choreographer/dancers have challenged and galvanized audiences with their performances. This is not traditional dance, but a riveting “theater of movement created out of stillness, shape, light and sound.” Eiko & Koma have received two “Bessies” (1984 and 1990), a Guggenheim Fellowship (1985), a MacArthur Genius Award (1996) and United States Artists Fellowships (2006). They were honored with the Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award (2004) and the Dance Magazine Award (2006) for lifetime achievement in modern dance. A reception follows at 8 p.m. in the I.D.E.A. Space. Presented by the InterDisciplinary Arts (I.D.E.A.) program and the CC Drama/Dance Department. This performance is made possible by the generous sponsorship of the Virginia Darnes Yates Endowment. 7:30 p.m. CC Men’s Hockey vs. Bemidji State, World Arena Cheer on the Tigers as they take on Bemidji State in the first WCHA Conference game of the season at the World Arena. Parents may purchase single game tickets directly from the World Arena or through their student. Alumni who would like to sit with reunioning classmates, may purchase tickets through Homecoming registration for our new Alumni Reunion Section. Tickets cost $12 per person for seating in sections 202 and 203, right behind the student section. Seating is limited and Alumni Reunion Section tickets must be purchased by Oct. 7, 2011. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable. You’ll need a valid photo ID to pick up your purchased tickets the day of the game at Will Call, located at Gate A. If you would prefer to sit in another section, or if you miss the October 7 deadline to purchase tickets in the Alumni Reunion Section, single game reserved seating tickets go on sale Sept.17, 2011 and can be purchased directly from the World Arena by calling (866) 464-2626, (719) 5762626, or www.cctigers.com. 8 p.m. Reception for Eiko & Koma, I.D.E.A. Space, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center Immediately following the performance of “White Dance: Moth,” the public is invited to attend a reception to honor performers Eiko & Koma. Within the setting of the current I.D.E.A. Space exhibition Parvana, the internationally renowned duo will answer questions about their performance, their Block 2 teaching residency at Colorado College, and their innovative performance practice. Free and open to the public; light refreshments will be served. This reception is made possible by the generous sponsorship of the Virginia Darnes Yates Endowment. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. “SAMUEL BECKETT is EVERYWHERE,” Cossitt Hall, Whitney Electric Building Drop-in to enjoy student performances of short pieces by the great 20th century playwright in Cossitt Hall, the Whitney Electric Building and elsewhere. Directed by 10


F R I D AY C L A S S R E U N I O N E V E N T S Early 50s Era Reunion: Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7 p.m. dinner, Patty Jewett Clubhouse, 900 E. Espanola St.

50th Reunion: Class of ’61 6:30 p.m. dinner/hockey game, Wigand Room at the World Arena, 3185 Venetucci Blvd.; bus leaves from in front of Tutt Library at 6 p.m. and from the Antlers Hilton Hotel at 6:15 p.m. 45th Reunion: Classes of ’66 and ’67 6:30 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Atrium, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center 40th Reunion: Class of ’71 6 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, McHugh Commons, Western Ridge 25th Reunion: Class of ’86 7 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Gates Common Room, Palmer Hall 20th Reunion: Class of ’91 7 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Fine Arts Center, 30 W. Dale St. 15th Reunion: Classes of ’95 and ’96 7 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Phantom Canyon, 2 E. Pikes Peak Ave. 10th Reunion: Class of ’01 8 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Bemis Lounge 5th Reunion: Class of ’06 8 p.m. reception with light snacks and Bristol Beer, Benji’s, Worner Campus Center

Professor Andrew Manley (drama). A Fail Better Production. The Whitney Electric Building is located on Tejon Street next to Wooglins. 8 p.m., 9 p.m. & 10 p.m. Stargazing with Professor Shane Burns, Barnes Observatory Sign up at Registration Central upon arrival for an evening of stargazing with Professor Shane Burns (physics). Space is limited. 9:30 p.m. – 12 a.m. Fireworks, S’mores, and Student Bands, McHugh Alumni Plaza The Student Alumni Association invites all students, alumni, and parents to celebrate our newest Homecoming tradition -- a CC Fireworks extravaganza! Student bands and make your own s’mores start at 9:30 p.m. Fireworks start at 10 p.m.



S AT U R D AY, O C T O B E R 1 5 5:45 a.m. – 8 a.m. Homecoming Bike Tour, meet bus in front of Tutt Library Join us for a sunrise tour of Gold Camp Road in beautiful Cheyenne Canyon. The easy, guided (mostly downhill) tour includes transportation to and from campus; Specialized mountain bikes and helmets are provided. The tour company asks that you do not bring your own bike. Registration is required, and participants should meet the bus in front of Tutt Library at 5:45 a.m. You’ll be back to campus at approximately 9 a.m. 7 a.m. Registration for the 23rd Annual Tiger Classic 5K Race, Monument Valley Park 8 a.m. 23rd Annual Tiger Classic 5K Race, Monument Valley Park The race benefits the Tiger Pride Fund for Athletics and includes participants from the Pikes Peak area. Runners, joggers, and walkers of all levels are welcome. Features prizes, race T-shirt, and refreshments. Registration required. Participants must check in the day of the event 7 – 8 a.m. at Monument Valley Park, south of the bridge. Race begins promptly at 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Registration Central, Gaylord Hall, Worner Campus Center Pick up your Homecoming and Parents Weekend materials and final schedule of events. Enjoy coffee courtesy of the Alumni Association Board. 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Freedom and Authority reading and discussion, Gates Common Room, Palmer Hall Join us for a Homecoming and Parents weekend tradition based on Freedom and Authority, the popular interdisciplinary course taught at Colorado College for more than 50 years. This year’s Freedom and Authority reading will be “Ludlow” by David Mason, Colorado College professor of English who also serves as Poet Laureate of Colorado. “Ludlow” is a novel in verse, meaning it has the speed, concision and accuracy of the best poetry, along with the expansiveness and character development of a novel. It tells the story of a handful of immigrants--Greek, Mexican, Scottish, Italian -- in southern Colorado, climaxing in the Ludlow Massacre of April 1914, in which elements of the Colorado National Guard killed striking miners and family members. “Ludlow” was named best poetry book of the year by the Contemporary Poetry Review and the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Purchase the book online from the CC bookstore, go to http://coloradocollegebooks.com or call the bookstore at (800) 854-3930.



9 a.m. – 5 p.m. “FAVORITE PLACES, FAMILIAR FACES” SCVNGR Hunt Check In and Photo Booth, Worner Campus Center Pick up a self-guided historic walking tour brochure to visit your FAVORITE PLACES on campus, or take a trek around campus using your smartphone and the SCVNGR application for iPhone or Android. Using SCVNGR you’ll be able to take an interactive tour of your FAVORITE PLACES on campus, called a trek. On your trek you can earn points, unlock rewards, and you may even discover some new FAVORITE PLACES. You can go on a trek on your own, but why not gather some familiar faces and complete the trek together? Finish your trek then return to the SCVNGR Hunt Check In table to claim your prize! While you are there enjoy the FAMILIAR FACES photo booth and have photos taken with your friends, parents, and classmates. Sponsored by the office of annual giving. 9 a.m. Admission Information Session, Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Bookstore open, lower level, Worner Campus Center Alumni and parents receive bookstore discount with official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. 10 a.m. Campus Tour, begins at Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Most sports facilities available, El Pomar Sports Center Check in with your official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. “Parvana,” I.D.E.A. Space, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Parents Weekend Presentation “Using Your Internship to Improve Your Job/Graduate School Prospects,” Slocum Commons Come hear current students talk about their internship experiences and how they’ve had an impact on their academic and/or career plans. Learn how you can work with the Career Center to support students in their quest for internships.



“Perhaps your PLACE loves having you there. It misses you when you are away and in its secret way rejoices when you return. Could it be possible that a landscape might have a deep friendship with you? That it could sense your presence and feel the care you extend towards it? Perhaps your favorite PLACE feels proud of you.” ~ John O’Donahue

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Homecoming Convocation and Alumni Association Awards, Shove Memorial Chapel President Jill Tiefenthaler and Alumni Association Board President Alan Harris ’77 will present the Benezet, Worner, Riley and Spirit of Adventure Awards. Everyone is invited to attend this special ceremony that honors our distinguished award recipients and will feature remarks from President Tiefenthaler. Recipients of the Louis T. Benezet Award for career achievement are: Susan Phillips Cohen ’66 and Marc Webb ’96. The Lloyd E. Worner Award for remarkable efforts on behalf of the college will be presented to Philip Swan ’84. The Gresham Riley Award recognizing faculty, administrators, and staff who have made a significant difference to the college will be presented to Mike Edmonds. The Spirit of Adventure Award will be presented posthumously to Carol Rymers Davis ’66. President Tiefenthaler will also present the Reunion Cup, awarded to the reunion class with the best attendance. After the ceremony, a Balinese gamelan ensemble will lead the processional from Shove Chapel to the AllCampus Picnic. 11 a.m. Rugby Alumni vs. Student Challenge, Donald Autrey Field Former rugby players play CC’s current team.

11 a.m. Campus Tour, begins at Cutler Hall Call the admission office at (800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344 to make a reservation. 12 p.m. Colorado College Spike It Up Classic, El Pomar Sports Center The Colorado College women’s volleyball team hosts Chapman, Webster University, UC Santa Cruz, and York College in its annual tournament. 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. All-Campus Picnic, Armstrong Quad Tent The Alumni Association Board invites alumni, students, parents, and their families 14


to gather for a picnic lunch on the quad. Lunch attendees will be entertained by a Balinese gamelan musical ensemble and dancers. We’ll be grilling Santa Maria style tri tip and chicken. Vegetarian options will also be available, of course! Children of all ages can enjoy the Tiger Bounce House, face painting, and have their photo taken with Prowler, CC’s mascot. CC students accompanied by their parent(s) are free, but must register in advance. Parents and other family members must register in advance. Free for children 12 and younger. 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Fourth Annual Residential Life Staff and Housing Reunion Reception and Tour, Montgomery Hall The Woman’s Educational Society (WES) and Residential Life invite you to a reception in the newly renovated McGregor basement for treats and stories, followed by a tour of Montgomery Hall to view recent updates to this historic campus building. WES initially sponsored and funded the construction of both buildings to ensure that women would have appropriate housing on the campus. Previous student and professional Residential Life and Housing staff members and residential hall residents will reunite with past friends and colleagues to renew old acquaintance and learn about the growth opportunities Residential Life and Housing now provides for students and staff. WES invites its members to participate in celebrating the important role WES played in the building of Montgomery and McGregor. Bring your old pictures, cameras and family. Please RSVP to Sandy Yowell at syowell@ coloradocollege.edu. 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Reunion Class Photos, east of Cutler Hall In the event of rain, check in at the Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center. 1 p.m. Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53) 1:20 p.m. 50th – Class of ‘61 1:40 p.m. 45th – Classes of ‘66 and ‘67 2 p.m. 40th – Class of ‘71 2:20 p.m. 25th – Class of ‘86 2:40 p.m. 20th – Class of ‘91 3 p.m. 10th – Class of ‘01 3:20 p.m. 15th – Classes of ‘95 and ‘96 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. “One Degree of Separation: Alumni Films and Filmmakers,” Richard F. Celeste Theater, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center The second annual event will feature Marc Webb ’96 and retired Professor Tom Sanny (film studies). An in-demand music video director for more than 10 years, Marc Webb has worked with top artists including Green Day, Miley Cyrus, Fergie, and Santana. His first feature film, “(500) Days of Summer” was released in 2009. His film, “The Amazing Spider-Man” is in post production and will be released summer 2012. Join us for a coloradocollege.com/homecoming


discussion with Marc and enjoy a retrospective of his work, including two short films made while a student of Tom’s at Colorado College. 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. “Saving the Colorado River Basin for our Children,” State of the Rockies Presentation, Slocum Commons The State of the Rockies Project is in its eighth year of increasing public understanding of vital issues affecting the Rockies. Alumni and parents are encouraged to join the ongoing discussion of the issues that affect our beautiful yet fragile region. Presented by student researchers and Professor Walt Hecox ’64 (environmental science). 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Fred Sondermann: “Return” film, Screening Room, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center Fred Sondermann was a beloved and respected CC professor for more than 25 years, and an influential contributor to the life of Colorado Springs as a city councilman and key member of Temple Shalom. His family fled Germany just two days before the start of World War II in Europe. In 1969, he journeyed back to trace his history. The filmmaker is Cyd Cohn of Moxy Films. 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Parents Weekend Presentation “The Transformative Impact of an Intercultural Education on a Private Liberal Arts Campus,” WES Room, Worner Campus Center Presented by the office of minority and international students 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. “The Joy of Giving: How Our Past Can Become CC’s future,” Faculty Commons, Cossitt Hall Alumni celebrating the Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53) will enjoy refreshments and a discussion among classmates. 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Guided tour of the Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center with Jessica Hunter Larsen ’90, Curator of the I.D.E.A. Space. 3 p.m. Registration Central closes 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Greek Open Houses 4 p.m. Alumni Athletes Reception, Great Hall, El Pomar Sports Center Advanced registration is required. 16



50th Reunion: Class of ’61 6 p.m. cocktails, 7 p.m. dinner, Patty Jewett Club House, 900 East Espanola Street 45th Reunion: Classes of ’66 and ’67 5:30 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, McHugh Commons, Western Ridge 40th Reunion: Class of ’71 7 p.m. cocktails, 7:30 p.m. dinner, Lodge at Moose Lake, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Rd. 25th Reunion: Class of ’86 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:30 dinner, The Warehouse Restaurant, 30 W. Cimarron St. 20th Reunion: Class of ’91 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7 p.m. dinner, Bemis Great Hall and Lounge 15th Reunion: Classes of ’95 and ’96 4 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Atrium, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center 10th Reunion: Class of ’01 7 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception, Gates Common Room, Palmer Hall 5th Reunion: Class of ’06 7:30 p.m. hors d’oeuvres reception and free dance ticket, Armstrong Great Hall 1st Reunion: Class of ’10 9 p.m. cocktails, light snacks and free dance ticket, Hamlin House

4:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. Free shuttle for all Homecoming and Parents Weekend guests sponsored by the 1874 Society. The shuttle runs on a loop between the Worner Campus Center, the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort, and the Antlers Hilton Hotel. 6 p.m. Colorado College Spike It Up Classic, El Pomar Sports Center The Colorado College women’s volleyball team hosts Chapman, Webster University, UC Santa Cruz, and York College in its annual tournament. 6 p.m. – 12 a.m. Children’s Lounge, check in at room #213, Worner Campus Center Childcare is available for children 12 and younger and is provided by Event Sitters by Charity. Registration in advance is required. 7 p.m. CC Men’s Hockey vs. Bemidji State, World Arena Cheer on the Tigers as they take on Bemidji State. Parents may purchase single game tickets directly from the World Arena or through their student. Alumni who would like to sit with reunioning classmates may purchase tickets through Homecoming registration for our new Alumni Reunion Section. Tickets cost $12 per person for seating in sections 202 and 203, right behind the student section. Seating is limited coloradocollege.com/homecoming


and Alumni Reunion Section tickets must be purchased by Oct. 7, 2011. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable. You’ll need a valid photo ID to pick up your tickets the day of the game at Will Call, located at Gate A. If you would like to sit in another section, single game reserved seating tickets go on sale Sept. 17, 2011. Contact the World Arena at (719) 576-2626, (866) 464-2626 or www.cctigers.com. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. “SAMUEL BECKETT is EVERYWHERE,” Cossitt Hall, Whitney Electric Building Drop-in to enjoy student performances of short pieces by the great 20th century playwright in Cossitt Hall, the Whitney Electric Building and elsewhere. Directed by Professor Andrew Manley. A Fail Better Production. The Whitney Electric Building is located on Tejon Street next to Wooglins. 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. Sacred Grounds Café Student Music Soirée, basement, Shove Chapel Alumni, parents, and students can enjoy music, coffee, tea, and desserts. 9:30 p.m. – 1 a.m. Homecoming Dance, Armstrong Quad Tent Alumni, parents, and students gather to dance the night away. State ID or passport required to purchase alcohol. Alumni and parents may purchase tickets in advance. Students may pick up one free ticket at the Worner Desk.

S U N D AY, O C T O B E R 1 6 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Homecoming and Parents Weekend Farewell Brunch, Bemis Great Hall Alumni, parents, and students gather for brunch. CC students accompanied by their parent(s) and children 12 and younger are free, but must pre-register. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. “Parvana,” I.D.E.A. Space, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center 11 a.m. Third Annual Steve Durand Memorial Alumni Volleyball Game, El Pomar Sports Center Colorado College volleyball alumni are invited to play in the alumni match. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 1874 Society’s Third Annual Bloody Mary Brunch, Stewart House, 1228 Wood Ave. Join fellow 1874 Society members for brunch and a Bloody Mary bar. Open to 1874 Society members and their guests. Invitations mailed separately. Questions about the 1874 Society? Contact Ava Shawkins at (719) 227-8356 or visit www.coloradocollege.edu/1874. 1 p.m. CC Men’s Soccer vs. Austin College, Stewart Field 18



Registration for all events is highly recommended to ensure your space and to help us plan a pleasant experience for you. You will save time and money if you register in advance of your arrival on campus. We do our best to accommodate walk-ins, but cannot always guarantee a seat as some events do sell out. There is a $10 additional fee per person, per event, at the door if you are not registered.

Register online beginning Aug. 1, 2011. Go to www.coloradocollege.com/ homecoming. When you register, you’ll be asked to log in to OurCC and then you’ll be taken to a secure area of the college’s website. Your OurCC ID number is located on the mailing label of this brochure. Please submit your registration by 5 p.m. MT Oct. 7, 2011.

Or mail the enclosed registration form with credit card information or check made payable to Colorado College to: Alumni and Parent Relations, Colorado College, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Mail-in registration forms must be received by 5 p.m. MT on Oct. 7, 2011.

Or fax your registration form to (719) 389-6271 by 5 p.m. MT Oct. 7, 2011.

If you need assistance with your registration, call (719) 227-8171.

No refunds will be given after 5 p.m. MT Oct. 7, 2011.

Upon arrival, all alumni, parents and guests should check in at Registration Central in Gaylord Hall of the Worner Campus Center to receive an official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag, a final schedule with event tickets and confirmation.

Registration Central is open: Friday, October 14 Saturday, October 15 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. If your first event is on Thursday, please go directly to your event. Check in at registration on Friday. If you arrive on Friday after registration has closed, go directly to your event and check in at Registration Central on Saturday.


Alumni and parent relations staff, along with more than 100 Colorado College staff, make every effort for all events to be as well planned as possible. To that end, it helps us immensely when you make a good faith effort to register and pay the requested fees. These fees help cover the costs of food, beverages, cleaning, set-up, tents, tables, chairs, and entertainment. We could not hold Homecoming and Parents Weekend without the support of those attending.


Alumni and parents may attend on-campus athletic events for free with their official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. Parents who would like to attend Colorado College hockey games at the World Arena may purchase single game tickets directly from the World Arena beginning Sept. 17, 2011 or through their student. Contact the World Arena by calling (719) 576-2626, (866) 464-2626 or www.cctigers.com. Alumni who would like to sit with reunioning classmates, may purchase tickets through Homecoming coloradocollege.com/homecoming


registration for our new Alumni Reunion Section. Tickets cost $12 per person for seating in sections 202 and 203, right behind the student section. Seating is limited and Alumni Reunion Section tickets must be purchased by Oct. 7, 2011. After the October 7 deadline, Alumni may purchase tickets directly from the World Arena. All hockey tickets are nonrefundable and non-transferrable. You’ll need a valid photo ID to pick up your purchased tickets the day of the game at Will Call, located at Gate A.


Please note on your registration form if you have dietary restrictions we need to accommodate. Vegetarian options will be provided at all meals.


Children 12 and younger eat for free at all on-campus events. If attending a hockey game, children 2 and older must have a hockey ticket. Event Sitters by Charity offers safe and professional childcare during Homecoming and Parents Weekend on Friday, October 14 from 5:30 p.m. – 12 a.m. and Saturday, October 15 from 6 p.m. – 12 a.m. in room 213 of the Worner Campus Center. Dinner is included. Registration is required for all children and must be completed by Oct. 7, 2011. For more information about prices, see the registration form.


The Student Alumni Association will sell a student-designed Homecoming and Parents Weekend t-shirt to commemorate the weekend. The t-shirts will be available for sale at Registration Central in the Worner Campus Center.


The Colorado College Bookstore offers discounts on CC logo merchandise. Parents who are registered and wear their official Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag will receive a 10 percent discount. Alumni who are registered and wear an official name tag will receive a discount equal to the number of years since graduation up to 50 years. For example, members of the Class of ‘91 would receive a 20 percent discount.


A free shuttle, sponsored by the 1874 Society, is available for all Homecoming and Parents Weekend guests on the evenings of Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15. The shuttle runs on a loop between the Worner Campus Center, the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort, and the Antlers Hilton. A final shuttle schedule will be available at Registration Central.


Please contact the alumni and parent relations 0ffice at (800) 852-6519 or note on your registration form if you have special accessibility requirements or concerns. Golf carts will be available to take you across campus.


During Homecoming and Parents Weekend, all campus parking lots are open and available for free guest parking. On-street parking is part of the City of Colorado Springs Parking System. Please pay parking fees and obey all city parking regulations when parking on city streets.




Alumni are welcome to explore campus and reminisce about their college days. However, please respect that your old dorm room is now the private room of a current student. Alumni should remain in the common areas of campus housing.

QUESTIONS Contact the alumni and parent relations office by phone, fax, email or online: Phone: (800) 852-6519, (719) 389-6775 or (719) 227-8171 Fax: (719) 389-6271 E-mail: homecoming@coloradocollege.edu Web site: www.coloradocollege.edu/homecoming REUNION GIVING

Gifts from alumni celebrating their milestone reunion year are a tradition, and are critically important to Colorado College. Under the leadership of a volunteer reunion committee, reunion-year alumni stretch their support to reach class giving and participation goals. Through their increased support, reunion-year alumni have a significant impact on the lives of current Colorado College students. Learn more about your class reunion giving progress online at: www.myccreunion.com. If you haven’t made your reunion gift, please consider making a gift online at www.coloradocollege.edu/giving or on your Homecoming and Parents Weekend registration form. Thank you for supporting Colorado College.

We are making it easy for you to support CC. You can now sign up to make a recurring credit card gift. Please indicate “EZTigerPass” in the donation section of the Homecoming and Parents Weekend Registration Form. We will contact you to confirm your instructions for future gifts. DO YOU HAVE YOUR TIGER PAW? The Tiger Paw celebrates all Tigers who make a gift to CC for three consecutive calendar years. Look for your Tiger Paw on your Homecoming and Parents Weekend name tag. For further questions about the Tiger Paw or your Tiger Paw status, please call (719) 389-6753 or email annualgiving@coloradocollege.edu.



Thank you to all alumni and student volunteers who help make Homecoming and Parents Weekend possible. Reunion Committee Members Early 50s Era Reunion (Classes of ’50, ’51, ’52, and ’53) – Ed Benton ’50, Jane Wallace Dillard ‘53, Jane Carter Glenn ’50, Artie Toll Kensinger ’53, Mike Ohl ’51, Carol Weigen Rogers ’50, Rolly Rogers ’52, Russ Sauer ’51, Barbara Prechtel Wehrle ’52, and Barbara Neeley Yalich ‘53 Class of ‘61 – 50th Reunion: Natalie Collins Battersbee, Jean Manly Bucciarelli, Ken Hartwell, Robin Poole, Carol Herndon Race, Geoffrey Race*, Annie Hereford Rohrbach*, Bob Selig****, Sabra Stratton Steed, and N. Kent Vick Classes of ‘66 and ‘67 – 45th Reunion: Gordon Aoyagi ’67*, Susan White Burgamy ’66*, Bill Campbell ’67, John Chalik ’67****, Beth Anneberg Cooper ’66, Dan Cooper ’66, Steve Dooley ‘66, Bud Fleming ’66*, Susan Freeland ’67, Barbara Keener ’67*, Houston Markley ’66, and Bill J. Mrachek ’66 Class of ‘71 – 40th Reunion: Scot Barker, Linda Barton, Ellen Weir Casey, Jim Heller, Pat Gordon League, Mary Keltz Novie, and Robert Redwine Class of ‘86 – 25th Reunion: Mary Beth Barron, Dana Florance Binford, Dana Casper*, Dan Ferguson, Suzanne Finney, Ben Fredregill, Markus Hartmann, Caren McInerney Murray, and Steve Vela* Class of ‘91 – 20th Reunion: Lara Talbot Gund, Kristie Kauerz, and Lynn Sandifer Winterboer Classes of ‘95 and ‘96 – 15th Reunion: John Anthony ’95, Marsha Christine Austin ’96, Caroline Bruce ’95*, David Coffey ’96, Hilary Specht Coffey ’95, Beverly Vasquez Frisbie ’95*, Molly Ross Fritch ’96*, Jeff Grace ’96, Tonita Lopez ’95, Dana Menzel ’96, Blaine Olsen ’96, Shawna North Olsen ’96, Ritchie Patterson ’95, Matt Perdue ’96, Nina Goldstein Reid ’95, Ariella Randle Rogge ’96, Carly Glassmeyer Rosenberg ’96, and Dave Suchman ’96* Class of ‘01 – 10th Reunion: Andrea Autobee, Owen Berry, Bree Casart, Jade Durkee, Anna Jaquez-Herron*, Jared King, Lyndsey O’Mara Larson, Krista Nygaard*, Eddie Sherman, Elyse Weakley, and Alex Zolot Class of ‘06 – 5th Reunion: Michael Ashley, Drew Brooks*, Ted Carlson*, Jamie Carpenter, Lindsay Fallon, Kelly Greengard, Jennie London, Trinity Ludwig, Shelby Ransdell, Ari StillerShulman, Emily McCormick Wassell, and Laura Wilcox Alumni Association Board Officers and Members Officers: Alan Harris ’77 – President, Angela Hines ’82 – President Elect, Caroline Mullen ’05 – Secretary, and Chad Milton ’69 – Immediate Past President. Members: Rob Adkisson ’92, Heather Carroll ’89, Pamela Carter ’84, Sonia Kumar Chainani ’04, Treena Colby ’93, Haley Cornyn ’05, Vernon Eiswerth ’59, Judy Thompson Fischer ’73, Meghan Groome ’00, Jeff Haney ’76, Alison Henry ’99, David Hughes ’76, Iain Hyde ’06, Adam Kretz ’08, Tim Lambert ’92, Howard Lehman ’78, Amy Shackelford Louis ’84**, Alan Luzietti ’92, Molly Magdalain ’92, Brianna McAleer ’05, Karen Rechnitzer Pope ’70**, Jack T. Pottle, Jr. ’77**, Robin Reid ’59, Tony Rosendo ’02, Christine Moon Van Ness Schluter ’65, Isabel Werner ’08***, Barbara Neeley Yalich ’53, and Maro Zagoras ’89. Student Alumni Association Officers Laura Martin ’12 – President, Becky Twombly ’13 – Communications, and Noelani Kawashima ’13 – Activities/PR *Reunion Committee Chair, **Elected Alumni Trustee, *** Young Alumni Trustee, ****Trustee 22 FOLLOW HOMECOMING ON T WIT TER: #cchpw2011

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