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Dear Kaleidoscope Audience, Here we are, halfway through the Kaleidoscope season and we’ve had some great concerts. We’ve also had some great audiences so thank you for coming and enjoying the music. If you have any comments or suggestions about how we can improve the audience experience I hope you will find me at one of the concerts or get in touch another way. We want you to have fun so if we can do a better job of it, we will. I need say a huge thank you to the three State Farm agents who joined together to sponsor the spring concerts. You can see their ad on page 6 but if you have any insurance needs I hope you’ll call one of them and tell them you saw their ad in our program book. If one of them is your agent please tell them you appreciate them sponsoring concerts at the RMCMA. If you’ve never been to our building please have a look around and pick up some materials on what we do here. There are approximately 500 people who come here each week for lessons, classes and ensembles truly making this a community music school. We’d love for you to join us in creating community around music. See page 13 for more information about making music at the RMCMA. Thank you for spending your Saturday evening with us. Now sit back and enjoy the show, or get up dance, or grab another drink or a snack… have fun! Sincerely,
Ethan Hecht Operations Manager hecht@comusic.org 303-665-0599 x102 1
roud to support the Rocky Mountain Center for the Musical Arts
The Colorado Music Festival & Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts (CMF & RMCMA) is a one-of-a-kind organization that provides a spectrum of music education opportunities and world-class performances to citizens throughout Boulder County and beyond. On the education side, the RMCMA is a full member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education and provides quality, creative musicmaking opportunities to nearly 500 students each week. The RMCMA’s Heartstrings Program, which has received special recognition from The Community Foundation Serving Boulder County, ensures access to music study by providing tuition assistance and a musical instrument bank to families in need. Another 7,000 people annually visit the school to attend guest artist concerts and student and faculty recitals. In summer, music education and performances share the stage with the arrival of the Colorado Music Festival’s six-week concert season at Chautauqua. The CMF season showcases Maestro Michael Christie and the CMF Orchestra performing for audiences of over 22,000 each summer. Programming includes beloved classical favorites, world music, chamber music, genre-bending ensembles and new works by contemporary composers. Inspired programming performed by exceptional musicians has earned CMF recognition from the League of American Orchestras and the National Endowment for the Arts. In summer 2011, CMF presented its 35th concert season and the 11th season with Michael Christie as Music Director.
Specializing in East County Living Adding value to your home and our community. Coal Creek Brokers is built on the simple idea that a truly local office can offer more to buyers and sellers in the community it serves. We live, office and play in Lafayette—additionally, we have made it a part of our business to actively work toward making our community a great place to call home. Give us a call—you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Saturday, February 11 JAYME STONE’S ROOM OF WONDERS Jayme Stone (banjo) | Grant Gordy (guitar) | John Gunther (horns) | Greg Garrison (bass) With special guest Ann Marie Morgan, Early Music Specialist at the RMCMA
“Juno-winning Stone, the Yo-Yo Ma of the banjo, celebrates his new album Room of Wonders, an inquiring, sublime work inspired by folk______________________________ dances the world over.” - Globe and Mail Two-time Juno-winning banjoist Jayme Stone makes music inspired by folk traditions from around the world. His latest album, Room of Wonders, explores music from Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Brazil, Italy and North America. The repertoire includes a movement from Bach’s French Suite, a Moorish sword-fighting dance and Stone’s lush, edgy originals. The last chapter in Stone’s musical travelogue took place in Africa. He went knowing what’s still news to most: that the hide-covered instrument with an “extra” drone string we call the banjo actually comes from West Africa. He became particularly curious about the music that may not have made it across the ocean on slave ships headed west from Senegal and Mali in the 1600’s. The resulting album, Africa to Appalachia, is a boundary-crossing musical collaboration with singer and kora maestro Mansa Sissoko.
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Anne M Larsen Ins Agcy Inc Anne Larsen, Agent 304 E Baseline Road Lafayette, CO 80026 Bus: 303-450-8100 Fax: 303-450-8200 anne@annemlarsen.com
Wendy Fickbohm, Agent 1314 Main Street Louisville, CO 80027 Bus: 303-665-2206 Fax: 303-665-7067 wendy@wendyfickbohm.com
Micki Larson-Briggs, Agent 7909 Zenobia Street Westminster, CO 80030 Bus: 303-428-6660 Fax: 303-430-1201 micki@mickilarson.com
State Farm • Home Office • Bloomington, IL
Saturday, March 10 FINNDERS & YOUNGBERG Mike Finders | Guitars, Vocals, Songwriting Aaron Youngberg | Banjo, Pedal Steel, Vocals Erin Youngberg | Bass, Vocals, Songwriting Rich Zimmerman | Mandolin, Vocals Ryan Drickey | Fiddle, Vocals “Their sound falls somewhere between the RockyGrass and Folks Fest, with husky voiced Mike Finders writing most songs against traditional
bluegrass backing, but it’s also part honky tonk and blues.”
-Colorado Springs Independent
Finnders and Youngberg is not a law firm. Oh, they might know some things about speeding tickets and noise ordinance violations, but they are a band. One could call them a bluegrass band, which they are. However, the band’s focus on original material, incorporation of the pedal steel guitar, and the entire quintet’s adventurous approach to all types of Americana music make this band truly an exciting development in acoustic roots music. Anchored in the northern Front Range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, this band plays music of its time and place, at a high level. Songwriter and guitarist Mike Finders {say Finn-ders} is a two-time winner of the Merlefest Songwriting Contest. Erin and Aaron Youngberg {yes, that’s right}, were founding members of Hit and Run Bluegrass Band, which won both Telluride and Rockygrass band contests in 2003, as well as subsequent SPGMA and IBMA honors. Fiddler Ryan Drickey is a former Rockygrass Fiddle Champ and a much-sought session player with the likes of Matt Flinner and Michelle Shocked. Rich Zimmerman is best known for his mandolin and vocal work as a founding member of the Colorado-based band Slipstream. 7
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To learn more about local restaurants, eclectic shops and entertainment visit www.oldtownlafayette.com 8
Saturday, April 7 THE LIONEL YOUNG BAND Lionel Young – violin, guitar, vocals Andre Mali – trumpet Dexter Payne – sax, clarinet, harmonica Ricardo Peña – piano, organ, vocals Kim Stone – bass Jay Forrest – drums, vocals
“Lionel Young Band is a big, fun, high energy band, with horns and organ – and the moves to match” -Elwood’s Blues Breaker ______________________________ The Lionel Young Band, winners of numerous awards for best in and around the Colorado region, have won the 2011 International Blues Challenge (IBC) band competition. Added to his victory at the 2008 IBC in the solo-duo catagory, that makes Lionel Young the first double champion in the history of the IBC. Fans of the driven, classically trained Young, love his distinctive brand of blues on the electric violin. His show features not only Young originals but interpretations of blues classics by Willie Dixon, Leadbelly and Stevie Ray Vaughan, features the strength and passion of Young’s playing, as well as his smooth vocals and unique translations. The songs, which include his award-winning composition ” Brown Cloud Over Denver” and “Hey, O.J.,” a controversial little gem, alternately stir up social concerns and soothe the weary soul. It’s prime. It’s fun. It’s Lionel Young. 9
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Support the Businesses that Support the Arts We want to offer a sincere thank you to all the businesses that support the Colorado Music Festival and Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts. Please look through this program book and support the businesses that support the arts. And when you do, mention that you saw their ad in our program book. If you would like to help support CMF&RMCMA please see page 14 for more information about helping us continue our mission. If you would like to see your business in this program book next season please contact Ethan at hecht@comusic.org for more information. Thank you to: The Academy Bay Window Catering Cannon Mine Coffee Coal Creek Brokers ChefTec Indulge Bakery The Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Lafayette Music Lafayette Old Town Association The Mathnasium pARTiculars Paul’s Coffee and Tea Real Estate Renovators State Farm, Agents Anne Larson, Wendy Fickbohm and Micki LarsonBriggs Struttin Pup Sponsored in part by:
This pr oject is funded in part by a grant fr om the Lafayette Cultural Arts Commission, an agenc y of the Lafayette City Council.
Make Music at the RMCMA Where we believe in Music for all…for life! Interesting in what we do here at the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts? Want to take some lessons or play in an ensemble? We have something for you regardless of your age, ability level or ability to pay. Enroll for private lessons on virtually any instrument at any time. Sign your kids up for all sorts of classes including Music Together, Meet the Instruments and Dalcroze Eurythmics. Already play an instrument. We have adult ensembles for musicians of all abilities Join us for: Small Combo Jazz Improv RMCMA Jazz Ensemble Give our Records to Broadway Rocky Mountain Concert Band Colibri Guitar Orchestra Intro to Audio Recording Shakespeare’s Singers Bell’A’Cappella Shakespeare’s Singers Beginning Guitar Ensemble Call or click today: 303-665-0599x100, www.comusic.org CALL 303-665-0599 X100 OR VISIT COMUSIC.ORG/GOTO/SCHOOL TODAY! 13
Color a d o Music Fes t i va l
2012 seasonjune 23 - august 3, 2012
SUBSCRIBE & SAVE—the best seats, the best prices, exciting special offers, events, and much more! *SPECIAL OFFER--30% OFF NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS* Order today @ COmusic.org | 303.449.1397 15
Would You Like To Help Keep The Music Playing? Here are some ways to help! 1) Make a donation to our Annual Fund It may surprise you to learn that only 50 percent of our income is covered by ticket sales and tuition – we depend on community contributions to fill the gap. The generosity of donors enables us to present extraordinary live performances and innovation in music education – year round! Your company or place of employment may even offer a matching donation for your personal contribution. For a complete list of donor benefits, please refer to the Annual Fund brochure in the lobby, or use the contact info below. 2) Support our Capital Campaign Help us transform our music school to better serve our community! Dramatic improvement is ahead, creating new, sound-controlled studios, two intimate performance spaces, and a welcoming lobby. With your help, we will create an environment that matches the quality of the music already inside! For details on the planned improvements and the ways you can participate, please refer to the “Transforming the RMCMA” brochure located in the lobby or use the contact info below. 3) Become a volunteer Our organization thrives on volunteers. Whether you’d like to help with a single event or volunteer on a regular basis, we have a spot for you. Simply fill out one of the Volunteer Interest Forms by the front door or contact Louise Christopher at 303.665.0599 or christopher@comusic.org. 4) Support our annual event, Crescendo! Saturday, March 3, 2012 Mark your calendars now for a fun evening at this annual fundraiser! We welcome your involvement, please let us know if you can help. Contact Louise Christopher at 303.665.0599 or christopher@comusic.org for more information. To support our one-of-a-kind organization, please send your donation to: CMF & RMCMA 200 E. Baseline Lafayette, CO 80026 Or contact Julie Cohen at 303.449.1397 or cohen@comusic.org
Paul’sisisproud proudto tobe besupporting supporting the Paul’s KaleidoscopeConcert Concert Series. Series. Kaleidoscope Wemicro-roast micro-roastour ourFair FairTrade Trade Organic Organic We coffeesininshop shopevery everyday. day.Bring Bring in in this this ad coffees ad free latte and taste the difference! forfora afree latte and taste the difference! 956 West Cherry Street, Louisville
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