“Our mission is to be the collective voice for real estate and consumer property rights, and to advance Colorado REALTORS® as industry leaders in knowledge, ethics and professionalism.”
“Our mission is to be the collective voice for real estate and consumer property rights, and to advance Colorado REALTORS® as industry leaders in knowledge, ethics and professionalism.”
The 2021-2022 Leadership Council conducted the affairs of CAR according to the policies and instructions of the Board of Directors between regular meetings of the directors.
Leadership Council worked to increase the number of members who participate in leadership and instituted new election procedures, including standardizing the timeline for applications and elections across committees and departments.
This 2022 Annual report is just a glimpse of the impact your state association had this year on Colorado’s real estate industry, the small business community, and Colorado overall.
Coming off a year that saw many ebbs and flows, we started with helping BOLO REALTORS® and their communities with the devastating wildfires that caused historical damage and upended the lives of many. We also saw a real estate industry that was littered with multiple offers on homes for sale and selling within days, to a slowing market and homes staying on the market for much longer periods.
The Colorado Association of REALTORS® exists to help our members who voluntarily join us to navigate the good, bad, and indifferent times. We will continue to advocate for affordable and attainable housing issues and natural disaster mitigation. However, we will also fight through zoning and legislation that complicates your business dealings and makes housing more expensive for Colorado residents.
For over 100 years, we’ve taken pride in delivering programs, services, and products that help Colorado REALTORS® in their business annually. Based on feedback from Colorado REALTORS® this past year, the majority of members believe CAR is heading in the right direction. While this is great news, we know we must continue to govern forward and enhance opportunities for our members to
conduct real estate transactions fairly and equitably.
Our opportunities and solutions for today and in the future lies within the seeds we plant today. Therefore, members must get involved at the local and state level. We are an association for the members, and we could not champion this industry without our leadership and volunteers. Thank you to all the state volunteers for the time, endless energy, and experiences you bring to the table.
We also employ a very talented and professional staff to carry out the directives of the CAR Board of Directors. We are committed to being the most progressive, memberfocused, and financially solvent association in the nation.
We know the choice is yours to be a REALTOR®, and we do not take that for granted. Thank you for being a member and we are always receptive to feedback that is good, bad, or indifferent. This is how we get better and how we can better serve you!
Here’s to a prosperous 2023!
Dec. 1, 2021: 29,003
Oct. 1, 2022: 30,232*
Dec. 1, 2022: 29,304 * Highest Membership Number for 2022
In 2022, the CAR Leadership Council convened three Presidential Advisory Groups (PAGs) to address an issue or challenge that falls outside of CAR’s standing committees and forums. An advisory group is a collection of volunteers who bring unique knowledge and skills which complement the knowledge and skills of the formal committees and board members to govern the organization more effectively. CAR PAGs typically have two to three meetings or meet as needed between the span of 60 to 90 days.
The Governing Documents Review PAG (Chair: Donna Major) performed the biennial review of the entire suite of CAR’s governing documents, as required by CAR’s policy governance timeline, which resulted in changing the title of “Chair” to “President” and all forms thereof when referencing Leadership positions.
The Meeting & Events PAG (Chair: Brenda Wild) and group members continue to look at existing CAR events, target audiences, viability, and how events can become more viable and attractive to the membership across the state.
The Emeritus Committees PAG (Chair: Bob Brown) met to evaluate emeritus status at the state level, and it was deemed that national standards are sufficient.
The 2022 NAR Directors Committee (Chair: Janene Johnson). Each NAR Committee can appoint Directors to its committees, who then report to other Colorado Directors about issues, challenges, and areas of concern in the real estate industry.
Region 11 Strategy Committee (Chairs: Karen Levine and Ann Hayes) members have served as NAR Directors
Matthew Hintermeister 2022 CAR Presidentand committed to a three-year appointment. The objective is to unite the entire region (Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming) to work together, address the Region’s challenges, and advance common goals and interests. Its goal is to be a leader and an effective political force within NAR and in areas of interest to regional members.
The Leadership Academy is an exclusive four-month training and development program designed to nurture future association leaders. It is focused on further developing participants’ leadership and association knowledge. Association governance, media training, conflict management, and legislative policy for real estate are included in the curriculum. Applicants are selected carefully from areas across the state. Congratulations to the class of 2022, the largest group of graduates since the program began in 2015: Amanda Edmondson, Charity Vermeer, Chelsea Thomas, Christie Smith, Courtney Peroutka, Dorothy Steel, Jay Brown, Lisa Nguyen, Margaret Herdt, Miguel Valenzuela, Richard Kim, Shelly Vincent, Tasha Beckman, Mike Seguin, and Jon Queen.
The Local Association Leadership (AE Representative Robyn Pale) gave the first annual Pat Teck AE Institute Scholarship to Stacy Huyler-Fisher of the Estes Valley Board of REALTORS®. This allowed her to attend the NAR AE Institute in 2022. The award is named after longtime Grand Junction Area Association of REALTORS® Pat Teck.
Statewide, more than 90% of AEs attended CAR’s 2022 AE Symposium in Boulder. Thank you for an amazing year. The future of the association looks bright!
BOD Annual Report
November 30, 2022
CAR Operations YTD
20222021 20222021
Cash $3,585,369$3,980,162
All Dues Recognized $4,809,196$4,740,000 RPAC Portion ($147,733)($141,659)
Current Assets $175,009$339,256 Issues Mob Portion ($590,930)($566,635)
Fixed Assets $927,326$920,567
CAR Dues Recognized $4,070,533$4,031,706
% of Annual Budgeted Dues 109.9%106.7% Investment in CARBS $25,000$25,000
(Net of Accumulated Depreciation)
Non-Dues Revenue $449,949$652,960 Reserves/Bernstein Investments$3,326,988$3,626,549 $0
Total Assets $8,039,692$8,891,534
Current Liabilities $341,780$880,797
Deferred Revenue $3,489,199$3,637,720
Equity/Fund Balance $4,208,714$4,373,017
Issues Mobilization $1,556,732$1,617,440
CARPAC $3,717,181$3,788,045 CARBS $81,425$59,229
Total Expenses $4,307,704$4,258,518
Net Income/(Loss) Before Investments $212,779$426,148
Budgeted Net Income/(Loss) $105,050$157,025
Change in Investment Portfolio Value ($368,049) $40,756
Net Income/(Loss) with Investments* ($155,270) $466,904 *Investment losses are unrecognized changes in portfolio value due to market volatility. They do not reflect cash losses at this time.
CAR Dues per Member After IM & RPAC: $150
Budgeted Membership 29,00024,501 Gov Affairs: $26.25
Legal & Risk (Inc Hotline): $25.80
NRDS Active Membership 29,03429,003 Meetings & Events: $31.35 Member Services: $19.35 % of Budgeted Membership 100.1%118.4% Administration: $21.90 Other (Includes CARBS & CARF):$9.45
Net Membership Change: 62,356 Technology: $9.30 Professional Dev: $6.60 $150.00
Audit Committee (Chair: Dave Anderson) The Audit of the 2021 CAR Financials found no material deficiencies with internal controls or recordkeeping. As in years past, the Auditors noted that while the Treasurer and CEO routinely review the Controller’s work, they would like to see more segregation of duties if staffing allows. CAR is currently working on staffing a support role for the Controller to allow for this segregation. Another item noted by the Auditors was the lack of a formal policy for the capitalization of property and equipment purchases. While a standard process was followed, there was no formal policy on record for CAR. This has been addressed with a formal, written policy in 2022.
Finance Committee (Chair: Dana Cottrell) diligently safeguards CAR’s financial health. They met quarterly to review and discuss
financial reports, ensure the appropriate use of CAR funds, and adhere to CAR’s budget and governance model. They also reviewed and approved the proposed 2023 CAR Budget.
Investment Committee (Chair: Dana Cottrell) also met quarterly with an Investment Advisor to review and discuss the CAR reserve funds, as well as Issues Mobilization and RPAC funds. These monies are invested with AB Bernstein to ensure that those funds were invested according to CAR’s Investment Policy Statement and that funds were situated to best mitigate the current volatile markets.
The Government Affairs Division (DVP: Richie Averill) and the Legislative Policy Committee (Chair: Janet Marlow) are charged with driving the passion behind our ability to protect homeownership and the real estate industry. Below are the top successes for 2022.
Nearly 400 million in new affordable housing funding for grants, revolving loan funds, innovative modular housing, and housing trusts with federal ARPA dollars and a tiny home legal structure are included in SB-159, HB-1304, SB-232, HB-1282, HB-1242.
Whether it’s the green energy of the future or wildfire resiliency, what matters most to consumers is having affordable choices to make. CAR worked feverishly to promote policy that included language on affordability in both HB-1362 and fought against a last-minute amendment to SB-206 that would not have included definitions of affordability for wildfire resiliency. In this time of high costs and inflation, every dollar matters, especially to some of our vulnerable Marshall Fire victims who lost everything and must rebuild their homes.
Under HB-1117, local voters now get to decide how to allocate existing lodging tax revenue or add new lodging tax revenue to support the childcare and housing needs of the tourism-based
workforces in our local communities.
As we accept visitors from outside our local community, we need to do a better job supporting the civil servants of our communities that make them great places to live, work, and play.
Property taxes are increasingly being looked at as a target for groups on the left and right to interfere in the housing market, either to limit amounts of taxation or local government revenue as a cost-saving measure, or to tax the wealthy to fund housing for lower income needs.
The problem with many of these solutions was the unintended consequences of how they planned to make their measure fit into Colorado from other states without disrupting the housing market and the supply of homes needed to meet the demands of all Coloradans.
With the passage of SB-238, your property taxes will be more complicated for the next four years, but we don’t have five statewide housing and property tax ballot measures to fight in November. For years one and two, we have reduced property taxes for residential and first-time commercial property owners, then we go to the deal struck during the pandemic for years three and four--for temporarily reduced property taxes if your valuation went up quickly before we return to normal property taxes in year five.
As of 11.18.22
2022 RPAC Overall Goal: $820,000
Total Raised: Over $971,000
RPAC had a very successful year thanks to the coordinated efforts by staff and volunteers. The purpose of RPAC is clear: Voluntary contributions made by REALTORS® are used to help elect candidates who understand and support their interests. Thank you for your support!
Participation Goal: 37% (a member contributing $25 or more to RPAC)
Participation: 39.1%
Major Investor Goal: 296 (a member contributing $1,000 or more to RPAC)
Major Investor Total: 265
*Triple crown is when a local hits their overall raised goal, has 37% participation, and hits their major investor goal* -Mountain Metro -Aspen -Gunnison -Telluride -Estes Valley -Craig -Four Corners -Montrose -Royal Gorge
BOLO Delta County Fort Collins Four Corners Grand County Grand Junction MMAR Pikes Peak SMDRA Vail
The inaugural RPAC Road Tour wrapped up in May and raised over $40,000. RPAC representatives visited the Grand Junction Area REALTOR® Association, Four Corners Board of REALTORS®, Pikes Peak Association of REALTORS®, South Metro Denver REALTOR® Association, Denver Metro Association of REALTORS®, and Mountain Metro Association of REALTORS®. Jack Greacen, Hagan Stone, and Dr. Jessica Lautz from NAR spent the week with CAR presenting to members. RPAC’s Virtual Silent and Live Auction held at CAR’s Spring Summit also raised $80,000, setting CAR up to meet its annual goal.
Major Investors can now choose an RPAC gift with direct shipping for completing their major investment for the year. Visit the Major Investor Webstore.
Connie Tremblay, Grand Junction, and Will Flowers, Loveland-Berthoud, attended NAR’s Mediator/Mediation Training on Sept. 7-9 in Chicago. They received a $1,600 grant to attend the training seminar and are required to serve a minimum of one year as a CAR Mediator and/or Ombudsperson.
to a competent real estate attorney for their questions.
CAR Ethics Day took place on June 13 with instructors Scott Peterson and Damian Cox. There were 219 people who attended the virtual, three-hour presentation. Half of the registration fees were donated to the CAR Foundation.
CAR offers the six-hour Pro Standards Training twice each year to train tribunal members. About 120 REALTORS® attended the two virtual events held in March and November. Any CAR member can attend and receive CE credits.
The CAR Legal Hotline continues to establish itself as one of CAR’s most indispensable tools for members. On average, the Hotline continues to average approximately 30 calls per day. During certain months within the past year, we estimate call volume had doubled, including during a time of land title scams that affected REALTORS® across the state. Members continue to have quality access
Legal Bites video series continues to be an incredible way for CAR to communicate with members and answer all of their questions about real estate transactions. The team recently released the 2022 Contract Series, designed to help members understand the Colorado 2022 Real Estate Contract Updates. The entire Legal Bites series can be found on CAR’s YouTube Channel.
The Regulatory Policy Committee (Chair: Ann Hayes) assisted in facilitating revisions to the Commission Position statements, provided input on Commissionapproved forms, and successfully opposed proposed rule-making that could have inhibited REALTORS® use of forms in personal transactions.
Administration for 27 of the 30 Local
Member Services (DVP: Abbey Pontius) encompasses many of the member benefit programs at the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR), which include Meetings and Events, Research, Market Trends, Member and Consumer Awareness, CAR Communications, Social Media, Public Relations, and Professional Development.
Months of planning, promotion, and management are all a part of these large events. Plans are made to include event locations that are geographically diverse across Colorado in order to allow members from across the state to attend. Attendance numbers include:
2022 Economic Summit and REALTOR® Day (Denver):214
2022 CAR Spring Summit (Vail):411 2022 Fall Forum (Snowmass):364 2022 CAR AE Symposium (Boulder):35 2022 CAR Leadership Retreat (Denver): 22
CAR has reached 2,551 members through virtual and in-person professional development education offerings throughout 2022. CAR’s Events and Professional Development programs work across departments and committees to ensure members are receiving the latest professional standards, industry updates, fair housing, global, and legislative updates.
CAR’s video uploads, Including Legal Bites, One Thing (of the month), and Legislative Updates prove to be one of the best and most fun ways to reach the membership. The Bi-weekly Online News and quarterly Colorado REALTOR® Magazine continue to be sent to the entire membership with market trends information, industry news, events, and education offerings, regularly reaching upwards of 40% of the membership. The magazine includes original pieces about the real estate industry, including articles from leadership and members on sales techniques, marketing platforms, profiles of leaders, and more. CAR’s social media audience has grown in 2022 by offering planned, steady content across departments.
CAR’S 2022 TOTAL MEDIA EXPOSURE (as of 12/19/22)
2022 REACH/ CONSUMER TOUCHES (as of 12/19/22)
ESTIMATED “PR VALUE” OVER 2022 (as of 12/19/22)
The Market Trends, Public Relations, Media, and Spokesperson Programs continue to see success as not only highly-rated member benefits, but also as important tools to bring awareness of the professionalism of REALTORS® into the community. There are 24 trained CAR spokespeople from across Colorado who work to build CAR’s monthly Market Trends Release and media blitz that CAR produces and organizes each month. These volunteer spokespeople do an incredible job as media representatives for the association and as local experts. Television stations, newspapers, magazines, and online news sources often work with CAR Spokespeople as the market experts for their geographic locations.
Beyond just consumer awareness and establishing REALTORS® as the market experts, the Market Trends and Spokesperson Programs have become an incredible tool for establishing relationships with the Governor’s Office and other state government entities. CAR continues to provide market trends data to the Governor’s Economics Team at the Office of State Planning
and Budgeting to help them better understand the supply and demand drivers of the housing and rental market. Recently, CAR Spokespeople delivered an impactful and detailed report about the state of the Colorado housing market, including the impact that the lack of housing has had on availability and affordability overall. A Senior Tax Policy Analyst reported that this presentation was one of the best they’d ever seen, and eye-opening to the team at the Governor’s Office regarding needed policy changes in housing. This is a prime example of how CAR’s Market Trends and Spokesperson Program can positively impact policy change within our state.
CAR’s Market Trends Program also works to create and sustain other housing partner relationships, such as CAR’s ongoing relationship with Habitat with Humanity. CAR data has become a reliable and accurate source of housing data for economists and think tank institutions across the state, further establishing Colorado REALTORS® as THE source of knowledge and professionalism in real estate.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Chair: Jason Witt) completed its Fair Housing month in April with four events and a campaign that rallied members to complete the Fair Haven Challenge, resulting in a 30% increase from last year. In addition, Natalie Davis presented the first of its kind Bias Override Course for Colorado REALTORS® in April and the At Home with Diversity certification in September. A section of the CAR Website is being built for consumer resources with a toolkit for other states and real estate industry partners to use in forming their own committees. The Committee awarded Milford Adams for his outstanding work in the Diversity Community and Keller Williams Colorado West Realty for their commitment to supporting Diverse agents and consumers.
The Global Committee (Chair: Muriel Martin-Gold) worked to include global business events and create a network of business contacts to be included on a new portion of the CAR website. The Website will also include homeownership information, local resources in specific Colorado markets, ways to become involved in the global real estate market, and information for those coming to our state from another country. The committee granted $500 to the Village Institute, a charitable organization focusing on a holistic housing-based resettlement program for refugee and asylee families. This grant was matched by the CAR Foundation for a total of $1,000 to support housing for refugee families. The
committee, in conjunction with the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, sponsored a virtual class from the author of Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands to about 150 members.
The REALTOR® of the Year Committee (Chair: Bonnie Smith) selected Ann Hayes (pictured above) of the Grand Junction Area REALTOR® Association to be honored as REALTOR® of the Year: Candidates for this prestigious award are considered based on member board, state, and national association activity, civic activity, and business accomplishments.
The Strategic Thinking Committee (Chair: Nobu Hata) met regularly and recently welcomed Jessica Edgerton at a monthly meeting to discuss the state of real estate brokerages and what brokerages need from associations. This committee was also tasked with programming for the Strategic Think Tank sessions at the Spring Summit and Fall Forum. In the Spring, CAR members heard from Ryan Frazier about the Purple Report, which talked about Environment, Sustainability, Governance. At the CAR Fall Forum, members learned how to prepare for the future as PropTech, FinTech, and MLSTech change homebuying, lead generation, and transactions as we know them. NAR leaders Charlie Oppler, Kenny Parcell, and Shannon King provided sales and brokerage management tips from previous economic recessions.
Forums do not have “committees” or a standardized meeting schedule. Rather, these groups are charged with putting together programming and professional development opportunities for members.
MLS Forum (Chair: Deborah Shipley, pictured to the left) facilitates, listens, discusses and learns how data syndication is affecting our members and industry. This group typically initiates education sessions at the spring and fall membership meetings. This year’s presentations included information about lawsuits surrounding commissions, video and audience surveillance at showings, and fair housing listing language.
Past President Forum (Chair: George Harvey) is a group of former CAR Presidents that share historical and current perspectives on today’s association and industry challenges.
The Property Management Forum (Chair Aaron Ravdin) held two virtual classes on legal information, market trends, technology, and legislation surrounding property management. There was a combined total of 600 people who registered to hear the virtual presentation on June 9 and again on November 3. Members also received a recording from the session.
CAR Business Services (Co-Chairs: Justin Knoll and Stacie Staub) under the new direction of its Board, continues to work hard to find partnership opportunities to benefit REALTORS® and provide an additional revenue stream for the association’s events and programs such as its biannual membership meetings and several other events.
The CAR Business Services Board of Directors has recently brought on a new Director of Business Development, Angelika Jones. In this position, Angelika will continue to generate non-dues revenue and secure business tools and services to help Colorado REALTORS® be more successful in their business.
• Two of our new benefits, PitchHub and Kaydoh, are a type of video platform to help REALTORS® generate more leads and streamline the video production process. Our new partners offered webinars on how to best use the products in your business and extended gener-
ous discounts for all CAR members. Local associations also played a part in promoting the new benefits to their memberships. In all, more than 300 REALTORS® across the state attended each of these membership events.
• At this year’s Fall Forum, CAR Business Services generated $53,500 in non-dues revenue from 22 participating sponsors.
For a complete list of current CAR Business services partners please check out our page by clicking here. We are continuously updating this page with new benefits.
Members are welcome to introduce their favorite REALTOR® resources to director Angelika Jones, or (303) 785-7108.
Interest and engagement in Colorado Project Wildfire (CPW: Chair Ulrich Salzgeber) initiatives continues to rise as the growing number of wildfires and the severity of those fires captures the attention of our primary target audiences – including our members throughout the mountain communities, as well as the front range following the catastrophic Marshall Fire at the end of 2021.
As a result of our long-term relationship building, our partnerships with the Colorado State Forest Service, Insurance Association, and countless community leaders and wildfire experts across the state continue to improve the public’s awareness of wildfire risks and provide access to information, tools, and local resources that can help them protect their homes and their communities.
CAR members participated at an all-time high rate in 2022, highlighted by the growth of several existing programs in local communities ranging from (chipping and slash removal efforts to planning for the improvement of fire escape routes in select communities and overall com-
munity protection plans). In addition, we engaged with several new associations/ members to begin and/or expand partnerships and program initiatives in new communities.
This past year, we had a record number of our local associations apply for and receive CPW grants from CAR to implement wildfire education and mitigation programs in their local communities. Those grant recipients tapped funds to support programs in:
• Aspen
• Boulder
• Castle Pines
• Castle Rock
• Colorado Springs
• Douglas County
• Durango
• Edwards
• Estes Park
• Evergreen
• Grand Junction
• Johnstown
• Kiowa
• Littleton
• Vail
CPW Task Force meetings and leadership planning efforts were highlighted by presentations from REALTOR• members who are leading program efforts in their local communities, as well as industry experts with specific expertise in insurance, mitigation practices, and access to local, state, and federal resources. Those speakers included representatives from:
• Colorado State Forest Service
• Rocky Mountain Insurance Association
• Wildfire Preparedness Services
• Colorado Department of Natural Resources
• BOLO Association
• Mountain Metro Association
Other highlights include:
• Completed distribution of 8,500 Colorado Project Wildfire brochures to local associations and partner organizations for distribution to Colorado residents.
• Engaged with our members, the CAR Foundation, NAR, and the REALTOR• Relief Foundation to provide financial housing resources to several hundred Marshall Fire victims.
• A prime example of that relationship includes CAR being asked by State Forester Matt McCombs to serve on
the Colorado State Forest Service Working Group for the Wildfire Mitigation Education Outreach program that will launch in 2023 and continue through 2024.
• We continually work to update our Member Tool Kit materials to incorporate the latest content and learnings from our stakeholders/ partners (Colorado State Forest Service, National Fire Protection Association, Rocky Mountain Insurance Association).
• Held a successful community program in March about Wildfire Mitigation and Planning. A “best practices” article was published in the Colorado REALTOR® magazine for holding a similar event, to encourage REALTORS® and brokerage managers to replicate the program in their own areas.
Below is a list of boards/associations visited: Aspen, BOLO, Delta, Denver Metro, Denver Commercial, Durango, Estes Valley, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs, Grand County, Logan, Loveland/Berthoud, Montrose, Mountain Metro, Pagosa Springs, Pikes Peak, Pueblo, Royal Gorge, REALTORS® of Central CO, South Metro Denver, Steamboat Springs, Summit, Telluride, Vail, and other Affiliate Visits.
The CAR Foundation (Chair: Katia Leon y Leon; Executive Director Amy McDermott) again recognized REALTORS® who give back to their communities by naming Colorado Heart Awards finalists from across the state. Grand Junction REALTOR® Brenda Case was the 2022 statewide winner. Brenda and the other district finalists were announced in the Colorado REALTOR® magazine and to their communities through PR campaigns. The Foundation awarded $135,000 in grants to qualified organizations providing housing and education support to Coloradans. The Foundation also helped thousands of Coloradans in 2022 through its landmark REALTORS® Relief Foundation grant for Marshall Fire Relief, with the CAR Foundation granting $1,274,017.17 in mortgage and rental relief funds to 541 victim households.
The Fall Forum Boots & BBQ Fundraiser with live and virtual auctions raised $91,738 for the CAR Foundation’s programs. As the philanthropic and community engagement arm of CAR, the Foundation’s mission is to support safe and attainable housing, advance homeownership, and provide housing-related disaster relief.
The Foundation focused the first part of 2022 on quickly mobilizing to help victims of the Marshall Fire. Thanks to a $2M grant from the REALTORS® Relief Foundation, we distributed mortgage and rental relief directly to individuals displaced from their pri-
mary residence due to destruction or damage from the fire. In April, the Foundation launched its 30-Year Impact Report and first-ever Annual Report, a collection of data, stories, and information about the tens of thousands of Coloradans who were helped by the Foundation in 30 years of grantmaking and community investments.
Including 2022 totals to date, in 31 years of grantmaking, the Foundation has invested $10,158,289.17 in Colorado communities and touched more than 90,000 lives.
In 2021, the Foundation launched the CAR Foundation Charitable Funds, a community foundation structure intended to bring impactful philanthropy to local communities by offering local boards the ability to create grantmaking and disaster relief funds for use in their own communities under the Foundation’s 501c3, taking the administrative burden from local associations and offering significant advisory and regulatory support. Multiple local boards expressed interest in opening a fund, and in 2022 DMAR was the first to officially launch its own grantmaking fund and disaster relief fund, named DMAR Gives. DMAR Gives awarded its inaugural grants in November 2022.
The CAR Foundation has invested $10,158,289.17 in Colorado communities and touched more than 90,000 lives.