The Real Estate Book of Fairfield County

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1 Acre Building Lot. " #" $219,000 2011 Construction. "


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$699,000 1.74 Acre Building Lot $ " " # ! $249,000



email: office: (203) 702-1571 • cell: (203) 273-1823 57 9 57

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Community & Commitment COLLINS-MORROWLLC. REAL ESTATE 203.746.4301 Fax 203.746.1785 New Fairfield Shopping Ctr



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Your Mortgage Bankers Tom Shearman, Paul Rossitto Julie Goldstein, Jon Magnotta Jay Tolisano, Chip Winter

Commitment our obligation to you

We are Atlantic Home Loans and we take our commitments seriously. As Regional Mortgage Bankers, we are focused on providing our customers with the best available service and mortgage solutions. Our team members in Fairfield County are responsible for originating, processing and funding your home loan. We are empowered to approve and close your loan. All locally. We have the resources to not only provide premium loan products and competitive rates, but also to treat each customer individually. Whether you are applying for your own home loan or referring a client, friend or family member, you can rely on the people at Atlantic Home Loans.

Linda Couturas


Ed Buchser Kathy Shilling or call 203.454.1000

Dave Sevigny

Equal Housing Lender. Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 licensed or authorized Mortgage Lender/Banker by, and does not offer its loan services or products in any states other than, the following: CA Dept of Corporations, CT Dept of Banking, FL Dept of Financial Services, GA Dept of Banking & Finance, NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance, PA Dept of Banking, SC Sec of State, Virginia State Corporation Commission License MC-3001, TX Dept of Savings & Mortgage Lending, Mass Division of Banks and Loan Agencies –Atlantic Home Loans Licensed Mortgage Bankers Mortgage Lender and Mortgage Broker license #MC5212. Some products may not be available in all states. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. New York: AHL Home Funding, in lieu of true name, Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. Registered Mortgage Broker – NYS Banking Department #204941. All Loans arranged with Third Party Providers. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved.



RUSS NEUMANN 203-470-4243

visit 395 Main St, Ridgefield CT 06877


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203.775.8353 166 Whisconier Road, Brookfield, CT 06804

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Jordan Dolger

Arlene Nickerson

Eva Preuss

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Dan McCabe

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Michele Salvatore

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Xanthi Ananiadis

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John Rose • 203.209.3904

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PANDOLFI PROPERTIES, INC. 44 North Street, Danbury CT 203-743-4688

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O x fo rd d , CT Oxford, CT:: state’ss fas fastest The state’ stest growing growing g g senior community commu unity


For two decades now, Oxford has been CT’s fastest-growing community, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The population of this bucolic landscape has mushroomed over that stretch by 46 percent -- from roughly 8,600 to 12,600 residents today. The latest arrivals are almost exclusively seniors.*


Oxford contains miles of pri istine forest. Real estate in pristine the town is cheaper than mo ost of its coastal counterparts. most

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203-888-8181 203-88 88-8181 NHR NH HR 4609/10

*Excerpts taken from The Connecticut Post 50

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• Bethel: 203.744.2400 122 Greenwood Avenue • Ridgefield: 203.438.3800 27 Governor Street • Newtown: 203.426.4004 43 South Main Street

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‚ ‚ ‚

671 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 203.655.1418 2 Sound View Drive, Greenwich CT 06830 203.869.8100 183 Elm Street, New Canaan CT 06840 203.966.7800 140 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 203.655.1418 5

‚ New York


New Jersey

NEW TWIST ON A CLASSIC COLONIAL Trumbull Exquisite 4000+SF stone & shingle col w/high ceilings & sleek design. 5BRs, 4 bths, gourmet kitchen & more. Great value! $859,000 Web#98490848 Nancy Gioielli-Wong 203.762.8118

A PRICE YOU’LL ADMIRE Easton 4BR colonial on 3 bucolic acres. Gourmet kit w/cherry cabinets, granite countertops, SS applcs. FR w/fplc & skylights. Lux MBR w/steam shower & whirlpool. Finished LL. $799,000 Web#98471236 Bernardine DiVecchio 203.221.0666

CAPTIVATING ANTIQUE FARMHOUSE Weston Features 7’ wide stone fplc w/ beehive oven. New gourmet kit & MBR bth. 4 fplcs, random width wood flrs & hand hewn beams. Built in 1780 but w/today’s amenities. $775,000 Web#98494331 Pearl Baer 203.221.0666

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Westport Expanded home on 1.68 acs w/ pond. Open FP, LR w/vaulted clg & fplc, FR w/ door to deck overlooking grounds. Fin LL w/ office & game rm. $699,000 Web#98487673 Pat Abagnale & Bobbie Abagnale 203.221.0666

GREAT LOCATION Wilton 4 bedroom colonial on quiet South Wilton cul-de-sac near everything! LR with fireplace, formal DR, EIK, spacious FR. Just reduced! $599,900 Web#98488040 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118

GREAT VALUE IN WESTON Weston Spacious, on 2 park-like acs. MBR w/full bth, 2 walk-in clsts & ceil fan. 3-season porch, 2 decks. LL w/ FR, fplc, office & sliders to stone patio. $495,000 Web#98495570 Pat Abagnale & Bobbie Abagnale 203.221.0666

FABULOUS TOP FLOOR VIEWS! Stamford Fantastic day or night views from this 12th floor 2BR condo w/ balcony. Expansive glass, high ceilings, updated kit & baths, hdwd flrs & garage parking. $369,000 Web#98491980 Merrily Eisnitz 203.329.8801 x344

SPACIOUS & BRIGHT Stamford Nicely updated tri-level townhouse w/new tile work, newer washer/dryer, 2-3BRs, master w/walk-in closet, garage, lrg lower level, all appliances included. $323,000 Web#98494607 Nancy Rondano 203.329.8801 x423

PERFECT LOCATION Stamford Close to town yet tucked away, this 2BR, 2 bath ranch-style condo is in a beautiful complex with pool. Large rooms, c/a, carport & deck w/ river views. $289,000 Web#98495089 Dave Campana 203.329.8801 x315


1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897

203.329.8801 203.221.0666 203.762.8118 m New Y York ork




New Jers Jersey sey

Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology ':37+5+6' 24+8#6' '56#6' ' 8,000+SF, New Canaan 8,000+SF F,, 5 fplcs, fplcs, paneled paneled library, library, wine wine cellar, cellar, 2-story 2-story entry entryy outd & living room, plus indoor pool, outdoor door pool with spa & waterfall and bocce boccce court. $4,750,000 Web#98449775 Web#9844977 75 2CVVK (KGDGT

Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology 70%1/241/+5+0) 37#.+6; ; attention New Canaan Exceptional attenti on 5BR, to detail throughout this new 5B R, handcrafted 8,200+SF colonial w/ handcrafte ed moldings on 2 beautiful acres w/pool site. Web#98406393 $3,645,000 W eb#98406393 2CVVK (KGDGT

%.#55+% %17064; %7. &' 5#% %.#55+% %17064; %7. &' 5# #% Darien Beautifully renovated 6,700+SF +SF home on 1.68 acres. MBR wing & 5 other ther BRs, upstairs playrm, state-of-art vaulted ted kitchen, connecting den, office & huge ge Web#98494952 family room. $2,695,000 W e eb#98494952 952 $GEM[ /WPTQ $ GEM[ /WPTQ

NEW CONSTRUCTION Darien Quality new construction to o be ceilings, completed by June 2011. 9’ ceiling gs, millwork, crown moldings & custom millwo rk, gracious g racious ssized ized rrooms, ooms, ccoffered offered cceilings eilings Web#98489575 & more. $2,275,000 W eb#984895 575 %CVJ[ 6JQOCU [

Video Tour This Listing On 647' 8+06#)' +0 6190 64'#574' 64 7' 8+06#)' +0 6190 64'#574' Wonderful New Canaan W onderful curb appeal al on 1.25 spectacular acres. 4,300SF home me has high beautiful moldings h as h igh cceilings, eilings, b eautiful m oldings & fabulous details. Full size indoor heated ated Web#98481354 pool. $1,849,000 W eb#98481354 54 2CVVK (KGDGT

6*' *1/' ;17Ĺ?8' $''0 9#+6+0) (14 6*' *1/' ;17Ĺ?8' $''0 9#+6+0) (14 ( Wonderful 5BR, bath Darien W onderful 5 BR, 4 ffull ull b ath ccolonial olonial w/numerous updates & improvements ents conveniently located on a cul-de-sac, ac, just a mile from downtown shops & Web#98489207 train. $1,695,000 W eb#98489207 07 *CYGU 6GCO

#&14#$.' %#2' Darien Adorable cape on a quiet private priv vate road features a remodeled kitchen, kitche en, 3BRs, baths, 3BRs, 2 b aths, hardwood hardwood floors floors & central central air. flrr bonus air.. There’s There e’s a second second fl bonus room room & full full basement. $695,000 W Web#98493095 eb#984930 095 ,GCPPG *WTV[ ,GCPPG *WTV[

+0%4'&+$.' 8#.7' 0QTYCNM The Falls, located on the rriver piece in the heart of Silvermine is a little p iece condo of paradise. 3000SF+ in this con ndo master, w/1st fl master r,, 2-car garage, pool poo ol & Web#98494945 clubhouse. $649,000 W eb#984949 945 -CVJ[ .CYVGP

12214670+6; -01%-5 0QTYCNM Fabulous nearly 2-acre lot w/2 recently updated cottages located in Cranbury.. Main house is an desirable Cranbury expandable 2BR home, Guest house has e xpandable 2 BR h ome, G uest h ouse h as Web#98495689 1BR & 1 bath. $559,500 W e eb#98495689 689 9GPF[ 9CTF

*CNUVGCF %QPPGEVKEWV ..% &CTKGP 4QYC[VQP 1HĹżEGU *CNUVGCF 2TQRGTV[ %QPPGEVKEWV ..% *CNUVGCF %QPPGEVKEWV ..% &CTKGP 4QYC[VQP 1HĹżEGU *CNUVGCF 2TQRGTV[ %QPPGEV KEWV ..% We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity We opportunity throughthroughout the Nation. W e encourage and suppor wh hich there are We supportt an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which no barriers to obtaining housing because of o race, color, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national n origin.

‚ ‚ ‚

671 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 0 203.655.1418 View Drive, Greenwich CT CT 06830 203.869.8100 2 Sound View 183 Elm Street, New Canaan CT 06 6840 203.966.7800 06840 140 Rowayton A venue, Rowayton CT 06853 203.655.1418 Avenue, 5


1099 Highh Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Pos st Road East, W estport CT 06880 Post Westport 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897

801 ‚ 203.329.8801 666 ‚ 203.221.0666 118 ‚ 203.762.8118

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New Construction or Major Renovations

Finely-Crafted Homes at Affordable Prices 203-364-9305 Š 2010 Coyle Modular Homes, Inc. 62

CT licenses: NHC.0012242, HIC.0674116 NY License: WC-22618-H10 RI License: 22244


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