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Commitment our obligation to you
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Dave Sevigny
Equal Housing Lender. Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 licensed or authorized Mortgage Lender/Banker by, and does not offer its loan services or products in any states other than, the following: CA Dept of Corporations, CT Dept of Banking, FL Dept of Financial Services, GA Dept of Banking & Finance, NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance, PA Dept of Banking, SC Sec of State, Virginia State Corporation Commission License MC-3001, TX Dept of Savings & Mortgage Lending, Mass Division of Banks and Loan Agencies â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Atlantic Home Loans Licensed Mortgage Bankers Mortgage Lender and Mortgage Broker license #MC5212. Some products may not be available in all states. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. New York: AHL Home Funding, in lieu of true name, Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. Registered Mortgage Broker â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NYS Banking Department #204941. All Loans arranged with Third Party Providers. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved.
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Count on the "Luxury Home Expert" to get your home SOLD for top dollar and FAST! Rachel Florio-Urso has built, gutted, staged and SOLD many homes including the famous Frederic Remington Estate. Not one listing went over 120 days on the market! Rachel has appeared on shows such as The Today Show, the Early Show, Good Morning Connecticut and many others as a "Celebrity Trend Expert" and she is CEO of Rachel Florio PR. Rachel has a proven track record when it comes to building brands and closing deals. She dishes out constructive criticism and is not afraid to tell you what she thinks. Rachel is the type of honest professional you need on your side in order to get the job done! In this case, to get your house SOLD! “I am your no nonsense fast paced project manager! It's not my job to walk on egg shells and I don't tip toe around the issues. It's my job to help you fix what's keeping your house on the market”!
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Serving Fairfield County. Save money and get SOLD! call 917-658-9873 to get started! Here's what some of the BEST Real Estate professionals have to say about Rachel: "Congratulations Rachel! I watched as you transformed two fabulous multi-million dollar homes which sold in record time!" Jane Tullo , Neumann Real Estate, Relocation Specialist I have worked with Rachel and she is fantastic! She has a unique ability to see 'beyond' and make a home look 'move -in-ready'! Her sense of color, design and using existing furniture and accessories is exceptional! I love her fresh approach, creativity and excellent results! Fran Burger, William Raveis Real Estate, Sales Vice President "I know Rachel is the real deal! I was delighted to have her stage a magnificent home at Compo. Her talent, vision and style was a perfect fit for this house! I believe in her so much that I paid a premium to have her personal signature". Susan Tracy, The Higgins Group, Westport Waterfront Homes, HouseWhisperers LLC "Rachel is the perfect person for the job! I love her design style and trust that she can get the job done quickly. You can count on Rachel!" Cindy Raney, Realtor, Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, The Riverside Realty Group
EXCELLENCE IN EASTON Easton Spectacular col on 3 acs w/pond views, gardens & patios. 5-6BRs, 5 f & 2 h bths, exquisite MBR ste w/steam shower. Addâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l 900SF in fin 3rd flr w/full bath. Pool site. $1,269,000 Web#98488159 Alison Sternberg 203.221.0666
$'56 8#.7' +0 6190 (CKTĹżGNF Bright & spacious 9-room, 4BR ranch on corner lot. Open floor plan for easy living. Patio overlooks level yard. Great possibilities! Mins to Merritt Pkwy & GE. $499,000 Web#98482943 $GTPCTFKPG &K8GEEJKQ
$'#%* #4'# 57424+5' *175' (CKTĹżGNF Well-maintained col split close to town & RR. 3-4BRs, den/office, country kit, nice fenced yard. Newer mechanicals, walk in/up attic, attchd gar & small sun porch. $439,900 Web#98488428 Karen Curtis 203.221.0666
THE ULIMATE HIDDEN COTTAGE! Redding Tucked away on a quiet lane, this two bedroom cottage offers beautiful mountain views in all seasons. A rare gem! $360,000 Web#98490338 *GNGP 9JKVVGP
':%'..'06 8#.7' Stamford 4BR, 3.5 bath Westover ranch, with lovely curb appeal and circular drive. Spacious open floor plan with eat-in kitchen/great room and adjoining 3-season porch. $779,000 Web#98487605 9GPF[ &KVVTKEJ Z
%17064; .+8+0) 0QTVJ 5VCOHQTF Space galore with oversized rooms plus a nice floor plan. All freshly painted, refinished hardwood flrs, 2 fplcs. Partly finished walk-out LL. $689,500 Web#98484102 &CXG ,QJPUQP Z
,756 (#$7.175 9GUVRQTV 1-yr-old shingle-style home in prvt beach assoc offering boat slips, play area & sandy beach overlooking salt marshes. 4 flrs, high ceils, great kit, 2 bluestone patios. $2,557,000 Web#98479829 Helen Cusa 203.221.0666
UNDERSTATED ELEGANCE 9GUVRQTV Classic CT home on 1.62 acs in heart of town. LR w/fplc, gourmet kit, FR w/fplc overlooks prvt patio. 3BRs, 2 bths & MBR w/ fplc & spa bath. $2,050,000 Web#98483168 2CV #DCIPCNG $QDDKG #DCIPCNG 203.221.0666
# 4#4' 12214670+6; Wilton Beautifully built home on 2.25 acres of open land with 350+ feet of road frontage. The perfect opportunity to renovate or expand. $895,000 Web#98463633
*CNUVGCF %QPPGEVKEWV ..% &CTKGP 4QYC[VQP 1HĹżEGU *CNUVGCF 2TQRGTV[ %QPPGEVKEWV ..% We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;
671 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 203.655.1418 2 Sound View Drive, Greenwich CT 06830 203.869.8100 183 Elm Street, New Canaan CT 06840 203.966.7800 140 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 203.655.1418
halstead.com New York
New Jersey
CLASSIC COLONIAL IS MOVE-IN READY (CKTſGNF 1936 col w/2BRs + den. Hdwd flrs, new wndws, new SS applcs, updated bath. Freshly painted inside & out. New bluestone patio & front walkway. Prvt, fenced-in yard. $395,000 Web#98485059 Joan Daley 203.221.0666
THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS Norwalk Pristine 4 bedroom colonial in Silvermine area. Fantastic kitchen/great room with soaring ceiling and fireplace. Reduced to $929,000 Web#98487846 Helen Whitten 203.762.8118
HISTORIC TREASURE North Stamford Antique compound, c. 1804, incredibly priced! 4BR main house plus cottage, garage apt & inground pool set on 5.3 acres w/possible subdivision. $949,000 Web#98465520 Nan Feldman 203.329.8801 x327
THIS HOME HAS IT ALL Stamford Spacious home in perfect Ridges location. Updates include maple kit, roof, C/A, new gas furnace & more. 5BRs, 2 baths, hardwood flrs, game rm & garage. $609,000 Web#98481744 Nancy Rondano 203.329.8801 x423
INTRODUCING…. Stamford Delightful nicely maintained Springdale Cape boasts 4BRs, 2 baths, hardwood floors, fplc, updated granite baths, central air & beautiful deck. $509,000 Web#98488557 Diane Eliades 203.329.8801 x413
WOODSIDE GREEN Stamford Stylish 1BR corner unit with best location in complex, lovely views & gracious floor plan. Hardwood flrs, spacious kit, new bath and great closets. $179,000 Web#98487367 Rhoda Freedberg 203.329.8801 x409
GREAT LOCATION Wilton Delightful 4BR colonial on quiet S. Wilton cul-de-sac. Living room with fireplace, formal DR, EIK, spacious FR. Close to everything! $625,000 Web#98488040 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118
VINTAGE COLONIAL FARMHOUSE Wilton Charming home with exposed beams, original stone fireplace, hardwood floors, deck with hot tub, screened porch and three-car garage. $559,000 Web#98471126 Helen Whitten 203.762.8118
ABSOLUTE CHARMER Wilton Move right into this totally renovated in-and-out ranch home! Living room with exposed beams & fireplace, new kitchen & baths. $510,000 Web#98489683 Bozena Jablonski 203.762.8118
1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897
203.329.8801 203.221.0666 203.762.8118
TREASURE IN TOKENEKE TOKEN NEKE WATERFRONT TREASURE WATERFRONT Darien Stunning direct waterfront home h situated on the picturesque lagoon n in o a T okeneke Association. This 1.16 acre Tokeneke landmark combines privacy with ele egant elegant Web#984898 875 living. $4,450,000 Web#98489875 Becky Munro 203.858.6182 2
).'0$4''-+0 )4#0&'74 ).'0$4 ''-+0 )4#0&'74 Privately on 3.5+ Darien P rivately ssituated ituated o n3 .5+ aacres cres Goodwives River, Glenbreekin, aalong long tthe he G oodwives R iver, G lenbreekin, a 15-room stately home, is graced by ornate nate ed moldings, marble fireplaces & heated pool. $3,800,000 We eb#98488058 8 Web#98488058 Becky Munro 203.858.6182
56'2*#0+' .#0' Darien Sited for the sun on a quiet cululde-sac, this handsome 5BR Colonial on n. 2+ acres has a superb central location. Gracious sized rooms and living areas for Web#98487758 everyone. $2,495,000 We eb#98487758 58 ,QCP 9CIIPGT
$4+)*6 )4#%+175 .+8+0) On hilltop Darien O nah illtop ssetting etting tthis his llovely ovely crown custom-built Colonial with crow wn kitchen moldings throughout features kitc chen with with FR w ith ccathedral athedral cceiling eiling w ith aadjacent djacent F R Web#98463668 with fplc. $1,649,000 W eb#98463 3668 .WEKNNG 5VQT[ .WEKNNG 5VQT[
'2+61/' 1( 512*+56+%#6+10 0 Darien Feel the quality in this renovated 4BR, 3½ bath home on na Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great cul-de-sac. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s open and airy with g reat flow.. A truly uniqu unique room scale and flow ue property.. $1,595,000 W Web#98488350 property eb#98488350 ,QCP 9CIIPGT ,QCP 9CIIPGT
Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology 2#4#&+5' 10 1'01-' 4+&)' 2#4#&+5' 10 1'01-' 4+&)' New Canaan Magnificent 8600 SF stone & clapboard classic on 4 manicured acres. 7 fplcs, 10ft+ ceilings, 6 en-suite BRs, expansive e terraces. $6,495,000 Web#98466232 Web#98466232 232 /CT[ *KIIKPU Z /CT[ *KIIKPU /CT[ *KIIKPU Z Z
2#4- .+-' 5'66+0) New Canaan Like-new home on n 2+ 7200+SF, acres. 7200+SF F,, 5BRs, gourmet ki kit, it, FR w/fplc, w/fplc & cathedral ceiling, ceiling LR w/f fplc fplc, w/butlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pantry,, study & lux MBR DR w/butlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s pantry M Web#98478347 $3,350,000 W eb#98478347 2CVVK (KGDGT
CONNECTICUT CLASSIC C ONNECTICUT C LASSIC HAS HAS IT IT ALL! ALL! colonial New Canaan Stylish 8300SF colo nial featuring spectacular kitchen and d library, adjoining family room, room 5/6BRs, 5/6BRs libra ary, heated gym, playroom, media room & hea ted Web#98472292 pool. $2,995,000 W eb#9847229 92 /CT[ *KIIKPU Z /CT[ *KIIKPU Z
Video Tour This Listing On Halstead.com 647' 8+06#)' +0 6190 64'#574' 64 7' 8+06#)' +0 6190 64'#574' Wonderful New Canaan W onderful curb appeal on 1.25 spectacular acres. 4300SF home me has high beautiful moldings h as h igh cceilings, eilings, b eautiful m oldings & fabulous details. Full size indoor heated ted Web#98481354 pool. $1,995,000 W eb#98481354 4 2CVVK (KGDGT
*CNUVGCF %QPPGEVKEWV ..% &CTKGP 4QYC[VQP 1HĹżEGU *CNUVGCF 2TQRGTV[ %QPPGEVKEWV ..% *CNUVGCF %QPPGEVKEWV ..% &CTKGP 4QYC[VQP 1HĹżEGU *CNUVGCF 2TQRGTV[ %QPPGEVK EWV ..% We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity thro We throughout oughout the Nation. W We e encourage and support an affirmative e advertising and marketing program in which th here are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, col lor, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. there color,
Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;
671 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 0 203.655.1418 View Drive, Greenwich CTT 06830 203.869.8100 2 Sound View 183 Elm Street, New Canaan CT 06 6840 203.966.7800 06840 140 Rowayton Avenue, Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 203.655.1418
halstead.com m New Yo York Y ork
New Jers Jersey sey
POPULAR CUL-DE-SAC Darien Lovely home on 1.25+ acres acre es of flat, manicured house flat, m anicured property. property. The The h ouse was was totally rebuilt to include a 2nd story with 2BRs up, 4BRs down and 4½ baths. batths. $2,000,000 Web#98484134 Web#98484134 Pam Elliott 203.656.6538
FIVE MILE RIVER ANTIQUE Darien Well Well maintained 100+yr old antique tique w/stone walls around 1.1 acres on a quaint uaint lane. lane. 4BRs, 4BRs, 3 bths, bths, near near 5 Mile Mile River River w/views w/views of Rowayton. $1,745,000 Web#98455001 We eb#98455 5001 Pam Elliott 203.656.6538 & Ben Smith 203.856.2536
THE HOME YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR Darien W Wonderful onderful 5 5BR, BR, 4 ffull ull b bath ath ccolonial olonial with with numerous numerous u updates pdates & iimprovements mprovements conveniently located on a cul-de-sac, ac, just a mile from downtown shops & train. $1,725,000 Web#98489207 Web#98489207 7 Hawes Team 203.858.5538
Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology MAGNIFICENT NEW CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCT TION New Canaan Masterfully construc constructed, cted, this 10,435SF classic is a timeless treasure. trea asure. Sited on 4 lush acres w/antique barn, barn n, the 7BR estate offers uncompromising qu quality. uality. $6,495,000 Web#98470022 Web#98470022 Mary Higgins 203.966.7800 203 966 7800 x484 x4 484
Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology EXQUISITE PRIVATE ESTATE E New Canaan 8,000+ SF, SF F,, 5 fplcs, fplcs s, paneled library, library, wine cellar, cellar, 2-story 2-story entry & LR, plus indoor pool, outdoor oor pool with spa & waterfall and bocce cce court. $4,750,000 Web#98449775 Web#9844977 75 Patti Fieber 203.979.8320 203 979 8320
Shot Using Our Drone Helicopter Technology UNCOMPROMISING QUALITY New Canaan Exceptional attention on to detail throughout this new 5BR, R, 8200+SF colonial w/ handcrafted moldings on 2 beautiful acres w/pool ool site. $3,645,000 Web#98406393 Web#98406393 3 Patti Fieber 203.979.8320 203 979 8320
OPPORTUNITY New Canaan Enchanting 2500SF tre treasure asure on 3.2 acres on private lane w/bab w/babbling bbling brook! The open flexible floor plan n w/ floor-to-ceiling floorr-to-ceiling windows offers spectacular spectaacular views. $959,000 Web#98476712 Web#984767 712 Mary Higgins 203.966.7800 x484 x4 484
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY New Canaan Prime Prime commercial commercial property w/parking. Bright corner u unit featuring exposure featuring e xposure & expansive expansive windows windows with 2400SF+ including lower storage storage level. $698,000 Web#98443758 Web#98443758 Pam Stutz 203.966.7800 x492 x492
RENOVATED 3BR CONDO New Canaan Fabulous 1811SF condo ndo with 3 full floors including a finishable le lower lower level. level. Thoughtful Thoughtful renovations renovations & updates throughout. Close to town.. $494,000 Web#98475093 Web#98475093 e Wendy Ward 203.829.5676
1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Westport Posst Road East, W estport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897
203.329.8801 801 203.329.88 203.221.0666 666 203.221.06 203.762.8118 118 203.762.81
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C OM I NG S O ON - S p aci o us 4 BR, 3 Bat h T ash u a C o l on ia l w it h m a i n le v e l m a s t e r be dr oo m . FR w f p, hardwood floors, open kitchen w wooded views. Great f i ni s he d w a lk ou t l o we r l e v e l. A t t r a c t i v e l y pr i c e d a t $489,900 It’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss.
CHARM ING TRUM BUL L CAPE c1936. 1880 sf o f lux l iv in g. Cu st o m w o od w or ki ng , dy na mi t e ki t ch en w/granite and SS appl. The perfect home t o entert ain family and f riends. Wonderful open floor plan, C/A, A home you’ll love to come home to. 98489236 $424,900
EASTON RE NTAL - Charming 1750 Saltbox renovated f o r t od a y ’ s l if e s t y le s . L R w f p & w id e f l oo r b oa r ds . Formal DR w built ins. Eat in kit. w SS appliances. Main level FR or BR w bat h plus BR & 1/ 2B up . 98484649 $1850/mo. Can be avail. furnished at higher price.
ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING! 1738 sq. ft ranch with 3BR’s & 2 full baths. Relax by the stone fireplaces in the living or family rooms. Beautiful 3.23 acre parcel that could be great for horses if desired. Convenient location near center of town. 98482512 $499,900
F A I R F I E L D - N . S t r a t fi e l d C a p e w / H W f l o o r s o n th e main level. Freshly painted & ready for you to move in. E n c l o s e d p o r c h o ff B R o r d e n . L a r g e r th a n i t l o o k s ! Young roof, siding, windows. Near GE headquarters. Lovely .18 acre w gar & shed 98486431 $309,900
NORTH BRIDGEPORT CONDO PLUS GAR - Sparkling 1st floor ranch condo. HW floors, beautiful great room, dining area, king sized M BR, working kit w/laundry & new full ba. Low common charges. New furnace & air condition unit. Storage rm. 98463183 $123,000
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! Is it finally a smart time to buy a home again? After three long grueling years of painful deleveraging, I think the answer has finally become a yes! I truly feel that the worst is behind us and that it is once again a good time buy a home. The following statistics exemplify my point: In the lower Fairfield town of Newtown, CT where I live, there were 347 homes sold in 2007; the year before Real Estate bubble burst. In 2008, when the first effects of the explosion began to show, there was a 33% drop in sales volume accompanied by a dive in values. In 2009, as prices continued to slide, sales volume dropped an additional 7 % with only 212 units sold Bob Gleason for the year, an almost 40% drop in sales volume in only two years. However, in 2010, a turnaround began. Last year, sales 888-426-3339 volume actually rose 15% with total sales of 243 homes. Bob@GleasonGroup.net Sales statistics are simple to read: If people think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good value, they buy more, if they think the value is not there, they buy less. Right now, there are more homes being sold then a year ago. Therefore, the value is there and the market believes that prices have leveled off. Combine this data with the fact that as of this writing, 30 year fixed rate mortgages are less than 5% and you have buying conditions that are as favorable as they have been for years. In fact, in the 2/27/11 edition of the Wall Street Journal, it was reported that analysts at Moodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Analytics have found the national average cost of a home is about 19 months pay, the lowest level that it has been in 35 years! The sun has begun to shine on the housing market again. Go find a home you like, and buy it.
About Bob and the Gleason Group: Bob Gleason brings over 25 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of industry experience to the table and has been consistently ranked in the Top 1% of real estate agents nationwide since 1989. As a Mortgage Originator with Turnkey Financial Services, LLC, Bob now provides mortgage services. At the Gleason Group, you get an entire team of professionals working for you, rather than a single agent which means we never run out of time for you. We promote your home through a variety of media outlets and offer several consumer programs unmatched elsewhere. Serving all of Fairfield County, the Gleason Group is your one-stop solution for Real Estate and Mortgage Services. 50
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n elegant Colonial with the rare combination of a private setting with spectacular views, yet within a neighborhood at the end of a cul-desac. Four finished levels and for the family with a number of cars, garage space for 4 autos. Extensive moldings, 9 foot ceilings on the first floor, 2 Fireplaces. Finished Lower Level, with full bath, wet bar and walk out to a spectacular in-ground gunite pool.
For a private showings you can always call Kevin Jones at 203-731-7290
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482 Summer Street, Stamford, CT 06901
203-964-3000 ext. 304
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BANK OWNED GREENWICH - Great investment oppty in a desirable loc, 3BR, 1BA SF home. Surrounded by newer constructions. Priced aggressively! Don’t miss out. For more information, call 203-964-3000 ext. 304
LD O S $840,000 NEW CANAAN- Stunning views from this lovely 3BR 2.5BA home loc. at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Patio & large yard. 54
STAMFORD- Stand alone bldng, looks like a single family! But is a condo, feat. 4BR, 2BA, 1 car gar., walking dist. to dntwn! Must see! 203-964-3000 ext. 304
STRATFORD- Col w/ breathtaking waterviews of the Housatonic. 5BR, 7BA, 2 HALF BA. Granite countertops & island in Kit. Immense WI closets, LL w/ office & storage rms. L/R w/ fpl & sliders to large deck & in ground pool. A must see! Call 203-964-3000 ext. 304
THIS COZY SF HOME is located in GREENWICH. It feat. 7 rooms 3 BR 2 BA, on 4 acres of land, great potential!
NORWALK- Beautiful .32 acre SF in waterfront community. Features 3BR 1.5BA, 3 car gar. Views from the harbor!
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