The Real Estate Book of Fairfield County

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Artemia (Artie) Vega D'Esgdaille Call or Text: 203-770-5132 • Perkins & D'Esgdaille, Realtors

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Owner • Broker

Ellen Cavallo Buccitti

43 &3) " ! -42* (-*+ 0.8 (4251*8* 56.:&(< '46)*67 45*3 75&(* ! # !" .3


! &5* 24:* .3 *3/4< 8-* 7&3)< '*&(- )**)*) '4&8 71.5 1, )*(0 56.:&8* 5&8.4

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! &(6*7 4+ 56.:&(< 1, )*(0 +6438 546($ 7*8 95 ; 7*5 *386&3(* • •

Call Ellen for a TOUR BY LAKE OR LAND! 27


Lindsay Brown

Scott Androvic

$% !# 15-:; +9).;4)5:017 15 ;01: +<:;64 ,-:1/5-, 4):;-971-+)* 3)@6<; ;6 :-9=- 4)5@ 31.-:;@3-: !>5 ) 064- ;0); 1: ): +36:- ;6 7-9.-+;165 ): @6< +)5 /-; # .<33 0)3. %

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Jordan Dolger

Nicole Rakoczy

Eva Preuss

28 28

() *)% $ +"%*" "!#&'! )'"") )"' )'"") John Kavounas OWNER BROKER

! $ -&61.2, ! (&66.&,* -397* 3++*67 & (32:*2.*28 .2 83;2 03(&8.32 320< 1.27 +631 7(-3307 83;2 "4&(.397 34*2 +0 40&2 .7 4*6+*(8 +36 *28*68&.2.2,

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Marilynn Loglisci

Roger Norum

Michele Salvatore

"# ! -&61.2, ! (&4* .2 1.) 6.),*7 (037* 83 75 +8 6*&8 0&<398 +*& 896*7 +900 '&8-7 94 )3;2 &6);33) +03367 8-639,-398 #

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Arlene Benedict

"# ! ! 8- (32)3 ; +8 (*.0 .2,7 &6);33) .2 /.8 06, ;&/ .2 (037*8 ! )3361&2 4*8 +6.*2)0< '0), &' )3;2 83;2 03(&8.32 #

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Karen Paolino

29 29

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Michael Daversa

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William Man

Tim Sickinger

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Matthew Lecher

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,JOHT )JHIXBZ /PSUI t 8FTUQPSU $5 t t XXX BUMBOUJDSFTJEFOUJBM OFU Atlantic Residential Mortgage is a licensed Mortgage Lender in Connecticut. Operates as a Connecticut Mortgage Broker; Licensed Mortgage Broker - Florida; Licensed by the New Jersey Division of Banking and Insurance; Registered Mortgage Broker - New York State Banking Department; Rhode Island Licensed Mortgage Broker; Loans arranged through third parties. NMLS ID Number 75687


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WATERFORD!! Level corner lot w/.43 ac. Lge parking area for boats/trucks. 3BR, 1.5BA w/updates incl kit, ba, siding, roof, windows fencing. $224,900 T83267

BROOKFIELD Ctr! Custom N. E. Colonial. Formal L.R. & D.R., FR w/ loft fireplace, walkout bsmt, attached gar. $492,500. Call 203-743-1667 T83265

“TO SETTLE AN ESTATE” Handyman special with good floor plan 3/4 brms, 2 baths, being sold as-is. Located near route 7. $329,900 T348021

RANCH STYLE ground floor condo, park at front door private rear patio, new carpet & just painted, laundry & extra storage. Great location with pool! Only $134,900. T376995

VETERANS! Oversized NEWTOWN cape w/2 c gar on level CDS lot 4BR, 11 closts, full dry bas. Vet taxes $4000/yr. 2 full ba, Updates: roof, siding, furnace, elec. $359,900. T415571

NEW MILFORD 3 Brm, 2.5ba, Ranch, main level FR, flue in 4 wood stove, central vac, sec. sys., living rm w/ FP, 2 sheds. 3 zone oil heat. Easy commute. $259,900. T267499

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FAIRFIELD- $975,000 Set on almost 1 level ac, this magnificent 4 BR colonial built by one of Fairfield County’s most distinguished and prestigious builders, exudes quality and craftsmanship. The Rutt kitchen includes ss G.E Cafe appliances, granite counter tops and a FR area w/gas fpl surrounded by built-ins. T631264

SOUTHPORT- $835,000 JOHN OSBORNE HOUSE 1702 Saltbox. Historic Pre-revolutionary home. 12 over 12 antique handblown glass windows, pine/oak wide board flrs., 3 working fplces., virgin timber hand-planed paneling in 4 rms., authentic hand-wrought iron hardware,Barn now a garage/two bays. CAC. T83185

SOUTHPORT- $765,000 Wonderful opportunity in Southport! This colonial is filled w/charm & character. On a level 1 ac site w/new kitchen appliances and countertops, updated baths, re-done hardwoods in all 4 BRs and fresh paint throughout. This classic N.E. setting is convenient to town, train, schools and beach. T631255

SOUTHPORT- $650,000 Rare offering in the heart of Southport Village! 2 full floor condo units for sale in Grand Victorian Mansion steps to the harbr/ctr /train. 2nd floor unit: formal LR and DR, 2 BRS ea w/bath & separate 3rd Guest Room w/full bath. The open “loft stye” 3rd floor unit features a Country Kitchen/Family Room, 4 BRS and 2F/1H baths. T631245

FAIRFIEL - $519,500 Beautifully renovated and expanded 3 BR, 3 full bath Ranch style residence on .20 well landscaped aces. Numerous custom upgrades include sun-lit Kitchen with Center island and large Dining Area, Master Bath with Jacuzzi Tub and Steam Shower and wonderful expansive Deck overlooking private back yard. T631199

SOUTHPORT- $299,000 Convenient and spacious 2 BR, 2 bath second floor unit with private deck overlooking natural woodlands. Amenities include CAC, marble baths, pool, paddle tennis, reserved parking. Excellent Southport Woods location - close to shopping and train. T631204


SANDCASTLE Fairfield This shingle-style home has a minimalist modern flair with European appointments. Perfectly designed for easy living and built with perfection. Breathtaking sunrises and incredible sunsets. $2,225,000 Web#98538142 Helen Cusa 203.221.0666

THROUGH THE CENTURIES North Stamford Stone country estate blends fascinating history and stunning architecture on 2 acres with in-ground pool and historic ruins. 6,000SF, 6BRs, 5 baths, 4 fplcs. $1,985,000 Web#98530122 Paula Kroll 203.253.2248

EASY TO ENJOY! Westport Spacious contemporary tucked away on 2 acres on a cul-de-sac. Dramatic windows, open spaces, vaulted ceilings, 3 fplcs, hdwd flrs, fabulous cherry & granite kit with top applcs. 5BRs, 4 baths, fully finished LL. $1,299,000 Web#98535515 Eileen Lawrence 203.221.0666

UPDATED VINTAGE CAPE Wilton Charming, expanded Cape in South Wilton with 5 bedrooms, 3 full baths. Separate heated cottage, ideal for office. Private yet minutes to everything! $769,000 Web#98535076 Ann Lineberger 203.762.8118

GREAT LOCATION, GREAT HOME! Westport An amazing value! 3BRs, 2.5 baths, LR w/fplc, sunroom, updated kit, new FR w/fplc overlooks stone patio. BR & new bath on 1st flr, 2 more BRs & full bath upstairs. New gleaming flrs, gas heat, CAC. $759,000 Web#98540961 Karen Curtis 203.221.0666

IRREPLACEABLE WESTOVER ACRE Stamford Ranch home on level acre with extensive Trex decking w/canopy overlooking in-ground pool. Master BR w/his & her closets, jacuzzi bath & shower, granite kitchen. $715,000 Web#98539194 Nancy Heitman 203.554.4709

MINUTES TO EVERYTHING Trumbull Private yet close to hwys, schools & shops! 3BR, 3 bath contemporary w/open floor plan, updated kit, 1,100SF deck. $455,000 Web#98538432 Ann Lineberger 203.762.8118

MID-CENTURY CAPE Norwalk Lovingly cared for, 4BR, 2 bath Cape. Formal LR w/fplc & hdwd flrs, updated bath, EIK, FR w/cathedral ceiling & exposed wood beams. Many updates including roof, furnace, hot water heater & more. $449,500 Web#98538967 Marj Basili & Joan Daley 203.221.0666

LUXURY TOWNHOUSE Norwalk Best location in complex! Luxury 4-level, 2BR, 3.5 bath townhouse with patio & attached garage. Too much to mention! $440,000 Web#98541967 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118

Halstead Connecticut, LLC. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. New York

The Hamptons


New Jersey

GRACIOUS WITH A FLARE Stamford Classic and gracious in superb Hycliff cul-de-sac location. 5BRs, 3.5 baths, gourmet EIK, LR w/ fplc, office, family room. Neighborhood pool, tennis & playground. $1,075,000 Web#98539330 Diane Eliades 203.273.1881

WESTOVER Stamford Charming Hycliff beauty w/ gourmet EIK w/butler’s pantry, fplcs in LR and master BR. 4BRs, 2.5 baths. Neighborhood pool, tenns & playground. Convenient to train. $899,000 Web#98540859 Diane Eliades 203.273.1881

MIANUS RIVER & PRESERVE Stamford Amazing sunsets and forever views from your own back yard. 5BRs, 3.5 baths, hardwood floors, newer kitchen and baths, family room, 2 fplcs, CAC, 4,544SF. $779,000 Web#98539450 Bill McGirr 203.912.4058

PRISTINE CLASSIC COLONIAL Wilton Close to schools and town, this 4BR South Wilton colonial is move-in ready. Enjoy a huge deck for outdoor living at its best. Reduced! $709,000 Web#98533466 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118

ENCHANTING COUNTRY RETREAT North Stamford 1832 farmhouse on picturesque acre in historic Old Long Ridge Village. Hand hewn beams, wide board floors, granite kitchen, rocking chair porch & 2-car garage. $599,500 Web#98539448 Pamela Schwanke 203.856.4194

IN THE HEART OF TOWN Trumbull Lovely 4BR classic center hall colonial located on a quiet cul-de-sac in the heart of town. Nice layout w/large family room. The level corner acre overlooks a fenced-in play area. Great commuter location. $539,000 Web#98539116 Mary Kate Klemish-Boehm 203.221.0666

MOVE RIGHT IN Norwalk Well maintained 3/4BR Cape-style home has 2 updated full baths, LR w/fplc, eat-in kitchen opening to deck, fenced yard and gardens. $379,000 Web#98539761 Ellen Garcia 203.762.8118

GREAT CONDO ALTERNATIVE Easton Custom-built ranch sited on level, sunny lot on quiet street. LR w/ fplc, CAC, many new windows, hdwd flrs under carpeting. Large FR in LL walks out to open yard. Just mins from the Merritt for an easy commute. $329,000 Web#98538684 Helen Cusa 203.221.0666

DON’T MISS IT! Norwalk Move-in ready 2BR, 1.5 bath condo near Oak Hills. Offers LR w/fplc & sliders to deck, dining area, large updated eat-in kitchen, plentiful parking. $315,900 Web#98540094 Anne Oliver 201.762.8118 New York

The Hamptons


New Jersey

ONE-OF-A-KIND New Canaan Enjoy the beautiful view from this extraordinary home, across the pool & tennis court to the lake beyond. Ideal weekend retreat or full-time residence. $1,850,000 Web#98536891 Jane Wallace 203.249.4344

GREAT HOUSE, GREAT LOCATION New Canaan Amazing house at the end of a beautiful cul-de-sac. Lovely updating and decor, plus 5BRs and lots of space. Surprisingly spacious and comfortable. $1,750,000 Web#98534934 Jane Wallace 203.249.4344

SERENE, PICTURESQUE SETTING Darien Open floor plan with 5,000+ SF on 1.62 acres. Living, dining & sun rooms overlook the lawn to reflective pond with its seasonal views. Ideal location. $1,550,000 Web#98539525 Linda Lewis 203.803.3264

NEW RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY Darien Noroton Green offers 8 smartsized homes that meet the gold standard for ‘green’ construction. 2800SF, 3BRs, 3½ baths in convenient location. $1.2M - $1.295M Web#98516207 Joan Waggner 203.962.5907 Hawes Team 203.858.5538

THROUGH THE CENTURIES Darien Spacious antique with many authentic features overlooking Goodwives River. Give it your personal touch or make it an investment. Great opportunity. $535,000 Web#98533989 Marilyn Hart 203.434.6264

CIRCA 1900 Darien Unique antique home with old world charm. Ample storage, separate mud room. Shops and restaurants minutes away. Great investment. 3-car garage. $500,000 Web#98533981 Marilyn Hart 203.434.6264

A MUST SEE Norwalk A true gem in a quiet neighborhood. Completely updated, this house offers surprising space and flow. Every detail has been thought of. $499,900 Web#98537452 Wendy Ward 203.829.5676

MOVE RIGHT IN Norwalk Fabulous space. Lots of updates. Beautiful plantings in yard. Fully fenced, shed, patio and deck. Located in sought-after Cranbury district on a cul-desac. $429,000 Web#98529621 Wendy Ward 203.829.5676

FRESH LIKE SPRING Norwalk Lovely 3BR corner unit townhouse in desirable Sunrise Hill w/pool & tennis courts. Private deck. Interior freshly painted & newly carpeted. $309,000 Web#98539220 Ceci Murray 203.966.7800

Halstead Connecticut, LLC. Darien & Rowayton Offices: Halstead Property Connecticut, LLC. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.


671 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 203.655.1418 2 Greenwich Office Park, Greenwich CT 06831 203.869.8100 183 Elm Street, New Canaan CT 06840 203.966.7800

140 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897

203.655.1418 203.329.8801 203.221.0666 203.762.8118



aterfront Mediterranean set on 1.29 acres located inside a gated community. Glorious water views and 60’ of private beach. Top amenities throughout, including a gourmet eat-in kitchen, dramatic millwork, pool, cabana, guest suite and 3-car garage. $5,650,000

pectacular new construction in the heart of Old Greenwich. Elegant and easy living is yours in this wonderful Greek Revival. Conveniently south of the village, and walking distance to beach, town, parks, school and train. $2,895,000 914-469-3304 203-921-9987



raditional 3 level townhouse in Greenwich, with 2 bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half baths. Home includes hardwood flooring, granite countertops, stainless steal appliacnces, marble master bathroom. Great investment opportunity. $695,000

ichols area of Trumbull! Elegant 3BR 3 Full BA Ranch. Vaulted Ceilings. Spac and beautiful Corian kitchen w/breakfast bar and s.s appliances. Huge formal all glass DR. C.A.& vacuum. 2 fpl. Lower level family room w/walk-out & add. sq/ft. New 20X12 deck. $379,000 203-249-9195 203-667-2214

Real Living Five Corners Real Estate " !




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WOODRIDGE LAKE WATERFRONT. Spread out in this 10,370+ sq. ft. 6 BR, 6.2 BA new const. Gourmet kitchen, 2 master suites w/fpl, 10’ ceilings on 1st fl, and hdw flrs thruout. 150’ of watrfront, private deck, terraces and views. T29936

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,+'", #+, (( 2+/, *""!+!! ,/-&((+ " ( -. ." +) ,/-&((+ 2 %++ +) WOODRIDGE LAKE, New Contruction, This Custom Built home offers 4 BR’s 2.5 Baths, FR w/ FP, Custom Kitchen w/granite, Formal DR, Den, Master Suite, Hardwood Floors, HVAC. $429,900 T282288

POST & BEAM Dutch Colonial nestled on 5.46 acres, 3 BR Home offers a Country Kitchen, Formal Dining, Living Rm w/ Stone FP, extra building lot $385,000 T569916

GOSHEN. Private 46 Acre Estate w/4500 sq.ft. Farmhouse w/5 BRs, 4.5 BAs, kitchen w/granite counters, new heating & A/C, in-law apt., 3-car garage, 2 barns, this property is great for horses or cattle completely fenced in. $1,000,000 T221951

WOODRIDGE LAKE, This 3BR 2.5 Bath offers an open floor plan, Kitchen w/Shaker Cabinets w/Granite, Master Suite, Large Family, Formal DR, Formal LR w/Stone FP, Cherry Floors Large Deck Call Todd T445011

BRISTOL CT. This 4BR 3.5 Bath Colonial offers 2 Master Suites, Formal DR, Formal LR w/FP, Sunroom, Workshop,New Kitchen w/granite, Patio,2 Car garage w/1 golfcart garage Call Todd $349,900 T444936

WOODRIDGE LAKE, Completely Remodeled, This 4BR-2.5Bath Home Offes New Chef’s Kitchen, New Master Suite & Baths,New Roof, New Oak Flooring, New Garage w/Loft, New Heating / AC Call Todd $849,900 T493722

HARBOR ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA Best views from Key West Dr, this 4 BR, 3 FBth, Gourmet kit w/granite counters & Stainless Appliances, crown moldings, gas FP, 3 1/2 oak floors, 4 car garage, 2.5 mi of beaches, Club house, tennis, pools. $449,000 T29941





WOODRIDGE LAKE, This Cape offers an open floor plan, First Floor Master Suite w/FP, Living/Family w/FP, Formal DR, New Custom Kitchen, Finished Lower Level, Wrap around Deck. Call Todd $429,000 T401724








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LOCATED ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN, This Colonial offers 3 BR’s 1.5 Baths, Country Kitchen, Formal Living,Large Master w/double closets, Freshly painted, move-in condition. Call Todd $195,000 T432137

Your Mortgage Bankers Tom Shearman, Paul Rossitto Julie Goldstein, Jon Magnotta Jay Tolisano, Chip Winter

Commitment our obligation to you

We are Atlantic Home Loans and we take our commitments seriously. As Regional Mortgage Bankers, we are focused on providing our customers with the best available service and mortgage solutions. Our team members in Fairfield County are responsible for originating, processing and funding your home loan. We are empowered to approve and close your loan. All locally. We have the resources to not only provide premium loan products and competitive rates, but also to treat each customer individually. Whether you are applying for your own home loan or referring a client, friend or family member, you can rely on the people at Atlantic Home Loans.

Linda Couturas


Ed Buchser Kathy Shilling or call 203.454.1000

Dave Sevigny

Equal Housing Lender. Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 licensed or authorized Mortgage Lender/Banker by, and does not offer its loan services or products in any states other than, the following: CA Dept of Corporations, CT Dept of Banking, FL Dept of Financial Services, GA Dept of Banking & Finance, NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance, PA Dept of Banking, SC Sec of State, Virginia State Corporation Commission License MC-3001, TX Dept of Savings & Mortgage Lending, Mass Division of Banks and Loan Agencies –Atlantic Home Loans Licensed Mortgage Bankers Mortgage Lender and Mortgage Broker license #MC5212. Some products may not be available in all states. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. New York: AHL Home Funding, in lieu of true name, Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. Registered Mortgage Broker – NYS Banking Department #204941. All Loans arranged with Third Party Providers. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved.



RUSS NEUMANN 203-470-4243

visit 395 Main St, Ridgefield CT 06877


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