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pectacular new construction located in the heart of Old Greenwich. Elegant and easy living is yours to have in this wonderful Greek Revival. Unparalleled quality and millwork infuse this 5 bedroom 4.5 bath home. This property boasts a gourmet kitchen, state of the art appliances, 2 car attached garage, hardwood floors throughout and a full finished lower level. The exquisite master suite with luxurious master bath holds to the highest distinction in craftsmanship and attention to details. Conveniently located south of the village, walking distance to beach, town, parks, school and train. $3,295,000 www.39ShoreRd.com
ristine Center Hall Colonial situated in desirable Riverside neighborhood. This 3 bedroom and 2.5 bath home is completely renovated from top to bottom. Extensive upgrades include a gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances, Granite counters and a beautiful eat in kitchen. Exceptional style and details along with high tech upgrades makes this home a true gem. The master suite features a large walk-in closet and luxurious master bath. Hardwood floors, crown and base moldings are throughout as well as central air and 2 car attached garage. Minutes to schools, beaches, shopping, train and town. $1,450,000 www.4SunshineAve.com
Danielle Scialpi ( #%
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NEW CANAAN This 2006 constr. in West School dist. boasts Brazilian cherry flrs, wainscoting, molding and other handsome details. The 3-frpls, generously sized BRs, pool site, and lvl lawns complete this home. 5BR, 5-1/2 BA, 3-c gar, 6,500 sf, 2.2 lvl acres. $2,499,000. MLS 9851743
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DANBURY More than meets the eye! Spac. inside, divine outside. On a private, take-astroll cul de sac, this home enjoys east/west expos, offers a huge bsmt w/ spac. bonus rm., cozy frpl. & lrg lawn w/ patio. 3-BR, 1-BA, 2car garage, 1,375 sf, .49 acres. $225,900 MLS 98528711
NEW CANAAN House charm in an elegant sun-filled condo. A grand lifestyle walking distance to town. Revel in the fpl-adorned Living Room that flows into formal Diring Room w/spacious deck and finished lower level with sliding glass door. $520,000 MLS 98517128
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Scott Androvic
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Jordan Dolger
Nicole Rakoczy
Eva Preuss
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Roger Norum
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THE SIVBA GROUP Barbara & Arnie Sivba Brokers
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Karen Dartley Sr. Mortgage Loan Originator (203) 948-2431 Cell (203) 292-4315 Office NMLS# 59355 Licensed in CT
Craig Ellinwood Sr. Mortgage Loan Originator (203) 216-7590 Cell (203) 292-4305 Office NMLS# 105573 Licensed in CT
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Our expertise and service is unsurpassed. Call us today! 30 Jelliff Lane, Suite 201, Southport, Connecticut 06890 | (203) 292-4300 | www.luxurymortgage.com® NMLS Entity # 2745. Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act, Colorado Mortgage Company Registration-203.327.6000-Check the license status of your mortgage loan originator at http://www.dora.state.co.us/real-estate/index.htm, CT Licensed Mortgage Lender, FL Licensed Mortgage Lender, Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee # 23006-Four Landmark Square, Suite 300, Stamford, CT 06901, Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee # 6615 by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Banking, 122 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1900, Chicago, Illinois 60603, (312) 793-3000, Maryland Mortgage Lender, Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department-#10099MB, Massachusetts Licensed Mortgage Lender/Broker, License #MC2745, Licensed Residential Mortgage Lender -New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance, New Mexico Mortgage Loan Company License No. 03841, Licensed Mortgage Banker- New York State Department of Financial Services-122 East 42nd Street, Suite 4900 New York, NY 10168, North Carolina Mortgage Lender License # L-104218, Licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of BankingMortgage Lender License #27662, Rhode Island Licensed Lender #20031560LL/Broker #20092580LB, South Carolina BFI Mortgage Lender/ Servicer, Texas Mortgage Banker Registration-Four Landmark Square, Suite 300, Stamford, CT 06901, Washington Consumer License # CL-2745. Luxury Mortgage Corp®, luxurymortgage.com® and Luxury Mortgage® are registered service marks of Luxury Mortgage Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Barbara Bross Presents Westport and Weston
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BARBARA BROSS 1254 Post Road East Westport, CT 06880
Cell: 203.829.6592 www.BarbaraBross.com BarbaraBross@aol.com 37
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T H E G A L L E RY Hilton Head Island Beach Front!
Sun City By Del Webb
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#!" 41
GRACIOUS LIVING Westport Pristine colonial on almost 1.2 prvt acres w/heated gunite pool in the heart of town. State-of-the-art kit, fam rm w/French doors to formal LR w/stone fplc, paneled library w/built-ins, MBR w/ lux bath. $2,199,000 Web#98527466 Bobbie Abagnale 203.221.0666
ANTIQUE ON EXCEPTIONAL PROPERTY Wilton One-of-a-kind property offers 5BR antique home w/7 fplcs & wide-plank chestnut floors, 2 cottages, barn, pool & gazebo on 7+acres. Potential horse property. $1,449,000 Web#98526220 Nancy Gioielli-Wong 203.762.8118
SOPHISTICATED AND ELEGANT North Stamford Located in a prestigious Greenwich area, this exceptional 4BR, 2.5 bath colonial offers 2-story entry, oversized rooms, crown moldings & lovely millwork. $1,075,000 Web#98526285 Diane Eliades 203.273.1881
PEPPERIDGE Stamford Charming 4BR, 2.5 bath colonial on ½ acre in desirable Newfield/Pepperidge area. Extra large family rm with wet bar, 3-season porch, deck and 2-car garage. $675,000 Web#98527771 Estelle Pierce 203.554.2275
WELCOME HOME North Stamford A sunlit foyer welcomes you to this charming country home. 3BRs, 2.5 baths, 1st floor master suite, family room and playroom on a picturesque stone-walled acre. $649,900 Web#98526456 Wendy Dittrich 203.253.9072
NEWFIELD COLONIAL Stamford Move right into this polished gem built in 1900. Three-four BRs, 2 full & 2 half baths, LR w/fplc, large DR, center isle kitchen, 3-car garage & 2-zone HVAC. $589,000 Web#98518865 Tammy Felenstein 203.219.9391
FLOODED WITH LIGHT Wilton Sunny & bright 2/3BR ranch has LR w/exposed beams & fplc, new kit & baths, fin LL, huge deck & private yard. Truly a turn-key buy! $489,000 Web#98516891 Bozena Jablonski 203.762.8118
MOVE-IN READY! Stamford Lovely 3BR ranch on quiet cul-de-sac. 3-season sunroom adds 200SF to nice floorplan w/recessed lighting, high eff heat/CAC+option for extra bath & expansion. $429,000 Web#98511428 Michael Manzino 914.391.8885
IDEAL IN-TOWN CONDO Wilton Great location close to train, hwys & shopping! Private end unit has LR w/fplc & sliders to deck, 2.5 baths, MBR suite and attached garage. $375,000 Web#98511852 Helen Whitten 203.762.8118
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GREAT LOCATION! Westport Charming expanded Cape, much larger than it appears, set on over an acre of beautifully manicured, private grounds. Fabulous kit, newer bathrooms, large BRs, screen porch. Mins to town, park & train. $998,000 Web#98526983 Sandy Edwards 203.221.0666
COUNTRY ESTATE Weston Enjoy country club living in your own backyard! Exquisite pool, spa, lighted tennis court & barn on 2 magnificent, professionally landscaped acres. Large LR w/vaulted ceilings & walls of glass overlooks prvt setting. $949,000 Web#98525157 Sandy Edwards 203.221.0666
WESTOVER GEM Stamford Lovely updated home quietly sited on a park-like acre w/ stone waterfall. LR/vaulted clg, FR/ beehive fplc, formal DR, granite eat-in kitchen & MBR w/updated bath. $715,000 Web#98526713 2CWNC -TQNN
A HOUSE TO CALL HOME 6TWODWNN Set back on .96 acres, this 4BR home has it all - formal LR & DR, EIK, den/ofc, huge FR w/vaulted ceiling, fplc & sliders to deck overlooking pool. $589,000 Web#98528351 'NNGP )CTEKC
ROMANTIC COUNTRY CHARMER WKNVQP Vintage 3BR home with exposed beams, original stone fplc, deck with hot tub, screened porch and three-car garage with studio. $535,000 Web#98515072 *GNGP 9JKVVGP
JUST MOVE RIGHT IN! (CKTĹżGNF Enjoy Stone Ridge, a gated community w/its own health club & concierge. Mins from the new RR station, this 3rd flr, 2BR, 2 bth unit has its own underground garage space & storage. Center island kit, marble bths. $529,000 Web#98525572 'KNGGP %CUU
LOFT-STYLE LIVING AT ITS BEST! 5JGNVQP Spacious 1BR unit w/den in renovated riverfront bldg with chic blend of vintage features & modern amenities. CC includes heat & water. $179,900 Web#98521052 0CPE[ )KQKGNNK 9QPI
ON SELBYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S POND Stratford Rustic summer cottage close to Bondâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fishing dock, town & train. Lrg deck overlooks pond & Shakespeare Theatre. 2BRs, 2 bths, EIK, cozy sitting room opens to covered porch. Owner/ Broker. $177,000 Web#98505959 ,GCP %QNGOCP
AUTHENTIC POST & BEAM Stratford All the charm of CT built into this wonderful Cape on Selbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pond. Superb example of an 18th century workmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house. Post & beam construction w/central chimney. Close to Bondâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dock, town & RR. Owner/Broker. $159,000 Web#98505936 ,GCP %QNGOCP
140 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897
Â&#x201A; 203.655.1418 Â&#x201A; 203.329.8801 Â&#x201A; 203.221.0666 Â&#x201A; 203.762.8118
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SOUTHPORT - $775,000 WARNER HILL Spacious 1600 SF, 2 BR, 2 Bath Ranch on an exceptional 1.19 acres offering wonderful expansion potential. Sun-filled Living Room with fireplace opening onto Dining Room, spacious Family Room/Solarium, Deck, attached 2 Car Garage as well as a detached 2 Car Garage. T437757
FAIRFIELD- $750,000 STURGES PARK JEWEL - Old world charm meets todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amenities in this 1937 center hall colonial. In convenient Sturges area, this home features master suite with sitting room, granite kitchen with sun filled breakfast nook, CAC and oversized garage. Short stroll to town, train, school and park. T437770
EASTON - $699,000 DELAWARE ROAD Unique 4 BRS,3 bath Contemporary on 2.5 acres of naturally landscaped property with stone walls and stream-fed pond located in lower Easton, minutes from Merritt Pkwy. and Black Rock shopping area.Sliders in most rooms open to decks overlooking pond. T437773
SOUTHPORT - $699,000 WARM AND WELCOMING Dooley Colonial on a most desirable lane. Features Walkup attic, built-ins, master dressing room - that are impossible to find today. Gracious rooms, hardwood floors, CAC and level property. Den or 4th BR on first floor. Can close quickly. T437777
SOUTHPORT - $449,500 LOVELY 2 or 3 BR Ranch including Living Room with Fireplace on a one acre property and very well situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. A spacious and paneled Game Room is located in the finished section of the Basement. T437780
TRUMBULL - $399,900 LOVELY 4 BR Colonial located on a quiet street perfect for commuters. Large Living Room with fireplace, Dining Room, Family Room, Eat In Kitchen and two baths on a pretty and serene .38 acre property. Full walk-out basement. T83189
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