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abulous family compound on Long Island Sound in Old Greenwich. Private tax association with beach. One of a kind! This waterfront southern Colonial home boasts 5300 sq ft of panoramic views of Stamford/Greenwich Lighthouse. 5 Bedrooms, 5+ Baths, new master bath with steam shower, and panoramic views from the kitchen. Widows walk with amazing views! The cape home offers 2700 sq ft, open floor plan, 3 large Bedrooms, 3 1/2 new Baths, updated kitchen, two fireplaces, outdoor patio with fireplace. Relax and enjoy the gorgeous sunsets and view of the lighthouse! Walk to village of Old Greenwich, train station, Greenwich Point Beach and Binney Park. Offered at $14,999,000 Call Dawn for details
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CIRCA 1721 North Stamford Stone country estate blends fascinating history and stunning architecture on 2 acres with an inground pool and historic ruins. 6,000SF, 6BRs, 5+ baths & 4 fplcs. $1,985,000 Web#98530122 Paula Kroll 203.253.2248
ANTIQUE ON EXCEPTIONAL PROPERTY Wilton One-of-a-kind property offers 5 bedroom antique home with 7 fplcs and wide-plank chestnut floors, 2 cottages, barn, pool and gazebo on 7+acres. Potential horse property. $1,449,000 Web#98526220 Nancy Gioielli-Wong 203.762.8118
STUNNING CONTEMPORARY Wilton Pristine sun-filled home in great location! 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, gourmet kit and DR open to family room, 3 fireplaces, finished LL and 3-car garage. Many extras – a must see! $1,239,000 Web#98530019 Elizabeth Boscaino 203.762.8118
GREAT LOCATION Wilton Delightful 4 bedroom colonial on quiet South Wilton cul-de-sac near town, schools, train & hwys. Living room with fplc, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, spacious family room, screened porch. $575,000 Web#98509205 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118
ROMANTIC COUNTRY CHARMER Wilton Vintage three bedroom home with exposed beams, original stone fireplace, deck, screened porch and three-car garage with studio. $535,000 Web#98515072 Helen Whitten 203.762.8118
ENJOY MARVIN BEACH COMMUNITY Norwalk Front porch col w/water views! LR w/fplc, formal DR leads to bluestone patio w/privacy fencing. EIK, newer appliances. 3BRs, nursery/den, newly renovated bath & walk-up attic screaming “finish me!” Hdwd flrs, CAC. $525,000 Web#98529934 Roe Colletti 203.221.0666
CHARMING RANCH Westport Move-in condition ranch on level property in Greens Farms area. 3BRs, 1 bath, FR off eat-in kit. Hdwd flrs, freshly painted inside. Prvt rd w/city water & sewer. Broker is part owner. $399,900 Web#98528556 Joan Prackup 203.221.0666
FEELS LIKE HOME Norwalk Charming Cape on quiet street. This well-maintained home has 3BRs, 2 full baths. LR w/fplc, DR w/built-ins, hdwd flrs, back porch off kitchen. Beautiful & private, double deep 1/3 acre lot. Home in need of updating. $359,000 Web#98527194 Ed Strauss 203.221.0666
CHESTERFIELD (CKTſGNF Sought after 1BR townhouse in a beautiful gated complex with two pools and clubhouse. LR/fpl, skylites, deck, large master suite w/great closets. $354,000 Web#98530252 Linda Pitman 203.912.9333
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THE MEADOWS (CKTĹżGNF Gracious 3BR, 2.5 bath, 2-story condo w/wood flrs ready to welcome a new owner! Lrg room sizes, w/LR overlooking the open space & large FR w/fplc. Gas heat, large basement, attic. $749,000 Web#98529140 -CTGP %WTVKU 4QUCPPG %CTRGPVKGTK 203.221.0666
VINTAGE GEM 0QTVJ 5VCOHQTF Privately situated four bedroom colonial with three-car garage on 1.65 acres. Hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, CAC, heated porch, deck and great location. $680,000 Web#98518998 2CWNC -TQNN
HYCLIFF CHARMER 5VCOHQTF Enchanting and one-of-akind. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 updated baths, granite kitchen and delightful four-season sunroom, neighborhood pool, tennis and playground. $629,000 Web#98519455 &KCPG 'NKCFGU
MOVE RIGHT IN 9KNVQP Sunny & bright, two bedroom home has living room with exposed beams & fireplace, new kit & baths, finished lower level, huge deck & private yard. Truly a turn-key buy! $489,000 Web#98516891 $Q\GPC ,CDNQPUMK
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LIFE IS GOOD 5VTCVHQTF Oronoque Village, where friends are made and life is good! 2BR, 3 bath unit w/bright & sunny living area. Deck, hardwood floors & fireplace are just a few of the extras. Age restricted (55+). A must see! $219,000 Web#98530642 /CTKN[P -NGOKUJ
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QUALITY NEW CONSTRUCTION Darien High-end finishes, 9' ceilings & gracious sized rooms are just a few of the details in this new 5BR colonial on a cul-de-sac. Completion June 2012. $2,475,000 Web#98522656 Cathy Thomas 203.722.6848
OPPORTUNITY ON WEST ROAD New Canaan Situated on 5½ private acres w/pond & beautiful pool, this bright, spacious 5,200SF updated colonial w/6BRs is exceptional. Great location! $2,179,000 Web#98531502 Mary Higgins 203.966.7800
PICTURE PERFECT New Canaan Pristine 5 BR, 4,500SF classic on 4+ scenic acres on cul-de-sac. Fabulous flr plan. New kitchen & master bath, LL w/wine cellar, media & game rooms. $1,749,000 Web#98531418 Mary Higgins 203.966.7800
MID-CENTURY MODERN GEM New Canaan Designed by John Black Lee, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Monroe Houseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is sited on 3.1 acres w/breathtaking 5 Mile River Valley views. Sun-filled 3,050SF house w/pool. $1,589,000 Web#98531334 Mary Higgins 203.966.7800
BETTER THAN PERFECT Darien Stellar center hall colonial completely overhauled by builder in 2004 with sophisticated architectural touches & upgraded systems. $1,375,000 Web#98525873 Cathy Thomas 203.722.6848
START PACKING! Darien Looking for a move-in condition home on a popular centrally located cul-de-sac? Your search is over! New appliances, mechanicals, updated baths & more. $1,275,000 Web#98526701 Cathy Thomas 203.722.6848
THE PERFECT COMBINATION Darien Sunny, freshly finished 4BR cape with fantastic open kitchen/ family rm with sliders to large deck. Practical space, convenient location, fine presentation. $959,000 Web#98530510 Mary Lopiano 203.912.4694
YOU WONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T OUTGROW THIS ONE! Darien Spacious, bright colonial with generous sized rooms & logical floor plan. Updated kitchen w/huge bonus room off dining area Family rm w/fplc. $939,000 Web#98526322 Cathy Thomas 203.722.6848
MOVE RIGHT IN Norwalk Fabulous space. Lots of updates. Beautiful plantings in yard. Fully fenced, shed, patio and deck. Located in soughtafter Cranbury district on a cul-de-sac. $439,000 Web#98529621 Wendy Ward 203.829.5676
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140 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton CT 06853 1099 High Ridge Road, Stamford CT 06905 379 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880 21 River Road, Wilton CT 06897
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FAIRFIELD - $969,000 BOXWOOD GARDENS Move in condition Col - LR & FR w/fpl, DR limestone Kit, 3 Season Porch, MBR w/fpl. 4 addtl. BRS, LL WO playroom. Newly refin HW floors, newer windows and updated systems. Crown and picture frame moldings. Patio & landscaped property. www.seetheproperty.com/87428 T375325
SOUTHPORT- $899,000 JOHN OSBORNE HOUSE 1702 Historic Pre-revolutionary Saltbox. 12 over 12 antique handblown glass windows, pine/oak wide board flrs, 3 working fpls, virgin timber hand-planed paneling in 4 rms, authentic hand-wrought iron hardware, Barn now a gar/2 bays. CAC. www.seetheproperty.com/83170 T83185
SOUTHPORT - $779,500 PRISTINE COLONIAL Cape Munson built on beautifully manicured quarter ac. Great Room with fireplace, Gourment Kitchen, MBR Suite, 3 addtl. BRs and 4.5 BAs. Gleaming HW floors, CAC, automatic back-up Generator and much more. Two car Gar on quiet cul-de-sac. Close to Village and train. T480059
EASTON - $625,000 Originally built in 1740 and restored to perfection, this antique gem is set on 1.3 acres in lower Easton. Wide plank floors and beams throughout. 4 fplces.,2 BRS with sleeping loft, 2 baths.Landscaped property with inground pool, cabana.Mins.to Parkway;55 mins. to NYC www.10BeersRoadEaston.com T483512
STRATFORD - $595,000 CAPT. SAMUEL SOUTHWORTH HOUSE C. 1753. Splendid restoration of an exquisite early Gambrel Colonial. Attached 1600 SF apt. suitable for In-law or Owner occupied Business Use. Prime Historic District location-walk to center and train. www.2048ElmStreetStratford.com T402979
STRATFORD - $309,000 ULTIMATE FOR ENTERTAINING This is the house for the entertainer! Over $150,0000 of renovations! Located in the heart of historic Stratford this 3 BR Colonial has a new Kitchen, bathroom, lower level bvar and fenced backyard with inground pool, spa and poolhouse for entertainment room and half bath. A Must See! T343152
NMLS #95175 ,- 4
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Scott Androvic #$ " $/, -05,:; *9(-;4(5:/07 ()6<5+: 05 ;/0: *<:;64 +,:0.5,+ 4(:;,970,*, ()<36<: 3(?6<; +,:0.5,+ ;6 :,9=, 4(5? 30-,:;?3,: 65*, 05 ( 30-,;04, 67769;<50;? ;6 6>5 ( /64, ;/(; 0: (: *36:, ;6 7,9-,*;065 (: ?6< *(5 .,;
Jordan Dolger
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Nicole Rakoczy
Eva Preuss
24 28
() *)% $ +"%*" "!#&'! )'"") )"' )'"") John Kavounas OWNER BROKER
Marilynn Loglisci
Roger Norum ! )%98-*900< 94(%8)( -27-() %2( 398 8,-7 /-8',)2 *%1-0< 61 +6)%8 &%'/ <%6( $396 )286%2') 83
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Michele Salvatore
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Karen Paolino
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John Rose â&#x20AC;˘ 203.209.3904 jrose@wpsir.com
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Ruth Miner (203) 322-8770 ext 11 (203) 858-9750 cell c.c.properties@snet.net
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Roni Agress ABR, GRI - Gold Star Producer C 203.733.2656 • O 203.438.9531 X347 ragress@wpsir.com • www.RoniAgress.net 6<19=-81<751B-; +7=6 <:A +0):5 74, ?7:4, +0):)+<-: ?1,- 84)63 .477: 16/ /:)61<+0-::A 31< 5)16 4->-4 5);<-: ? *)<0
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NGLISH MANOR STYLE HOME IN RIVERSIDE, CT on beautiful setting on an elevated over-sized lot. Rebuilt & expanded in 2005 with approx 4300 sq ft, light-filled rooms with character, exquisite mill work & details throughout. Home features 5 bedrooms & 4 1/2 baths, gourmet kitchen, adjacent family room, formal living & dining rooms, finished lower level, master bedroom suite & family bedrooms with views of landscaped gardens. Third floor accommodates Au pair or guest suite with full bath- room, plenty of closets, sitting area, & walk-in cedar closet. Plenty of storage & spacious 2-car garage. All amenities for todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lifestyle. Close to schools, RR & Riverside Yacht Club. $2,650,000 T400349
ulti award winning development. Palmer Hill, Avon Model. 3200 sq ft+ Town Home built in 2009. 3 Bedrooms/3.1 Baths w only walk-out lower level available in complex. Beautiful and bright. Located right by clubhouse/pool, on Old Greenwich/Stamford Border. SOLD IN LESS THAN 60 DAYS!
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sun-filled four bedroom/four bath mini compound set in the heart of the ridges and an easy commute to New York. This Colonial offers a glorious flow for entertaining and family gatherings. Stunning living and dining rooms both with fireplaces and African hardwood floors. A Tuscan style eat-in-kitchen, screening room, stone floored sunroom all with access to the level fenced in acre. Heated pool, mature plantings and a one room studio gives you a magical lifestyle. Stamford $1,295,000 T483662 ALICE FARINA
he former estate of the late New England Patriots and Remington Shavers owner, Victor Kiam. Gracious long private drive to this stunning 5 bedroom, 6 and 1/2 baths stone and stucco English country home. “Old World” Great Room with hand hewn carved antique beams and high ceilings, grand dining room plus an inviting 3 season screen in porch. Thatched roof cottage with 2 bedrooms. Sparkling pool with waterfall and spa, plus champion clay tennis court. To complete this one-of-a-kind setting, there is a scenic rolling river with waterfall. Let this distinguished property be yours. Stamford $2,495,000 T313947 JANET MILLIGAN
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Equal Housing Lender. Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 licensed or authorized Mortgage Lender/Banker by, and does not offer its loan services or products in any states other than, the following: CA Dept of Corporations, CT Dept of Banking, FL Dept of Financial Services, GA Dept of Banking & Finance, NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance, PA Dept of Banking, SC Sec of State, Virginia State Corporation Commission License MC-3001, TX Dept of Savings & Mortgage Lending, Mass Division of Banks and Loan Agencies â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Atlantic Home Loans Licensed Mortgage Bankers Mortgage Lender and Mortgage Broker license #MC5212. Some products may not be available in all states. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. New York: AHL Home Funding, in lieu of true name, Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058. Registered Mortgage Broker â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NYS Banking Department #204941. All Loans arranged with Third Party Providers. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved.
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