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Sheila Lane Sunn Sunny ny and spacious colonial on o 2 priv ate level levveel acres acres in desirable desirable a private “Cole ytown.” w Con nvvenient locati ion “Coleytown.” Convenient location ffor o or commut ers and tto o ttown. ow wn. commuters Weestport | $8 75,000 Westport $875,000
North N orth Benson Rd Private & quiet, Private qu quiet, sunny, sunn nyy, h happy appy home. hom me. Th oughtfully & tastefully tastefully re rrenovated, eno ovatted, Thoughtfully no eexpense xpense spar ed. Gr reeat ffl loor pl an, spared. Great floor plan, eat-in-kitc hen, eexpansive xpansivve dec k. eat-in-kitchen, deck. Fairfield | $799,000 Fairfield
Tamarac T amar a ac R Rd d Walk W aalk tto o ttown own w fr from ro om th this is sunny, sun nn nyy, rrenovated, eno ovvated, h appy h ome, locat ed in happy home, located W eestporrt’s t favorite ffaavorite in-town in-town location. locatio on. Westport’s Open ffloor lloor plan in a priv ate, tranquil tranq qu uil private, se tting. setting. W eestport | $1 ,245,000 Westport $1,245,000
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m i c h e l l e a n d c o m p a n yy.. c o m WILLIAM RAVEIS REAL RE EAL ESTATE ESTATE
203.454.4663 (HOME) OME)
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WE’RE COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY! A portion of our sales commissions are donated to Wilton charities. Peg Koellmer, Owner/Broker Kathy Anderson • Tracy Armstrong • Ruth Beck • Sharon Tracey Brameier • Pamela Cole • Tara Day Ermark • Debbie Estes • Janell Federico Debbie Fink • Jeanne Galante • Mark Ketley • Lynne Murphy • Michele F. Nichols • Stephanie Reardon • Judy Robinson • Patrick Russo Dori Seamans • Tracy Serpa • Karin Venditti • Meghan Shannehan Wall • Jenny Walsh • Katy Williams • Lorraine Winsor
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6$46 (4( 0' $5,.; :2$0' $6(4 1<; $2( 0 4($6 1&$6,10 14 +,.'4(0 18( 0 10' 165 ) ($674(5 0' (0(),65 !+$6 "$44$06 #174 052(&6,10
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LFC 13
LFC 14
EXPERIENCE GRACIOUS LIVING Westport 6,700SF new construction colonial on cul-de-sac. 6BRs, gourmet kit w/breakfast rm, FR w/stone fplc & French doors to stone patio, formal DR, LR w/wet bar & fplc, finished 3rd flr. MBR w/gas fplc, French doors to balcony & lux bath. $2,299,000 Web#99013793 Bobbie Abagnale 203.221.0666
CLASSIC CONNECTICUT COLONIAL Westport Set on a quiet lane in Old Hill, this custom colonial has historic charm & superior craftsmanship. Stunning kit opens to sun-filled great rm w/high custom clg & oversized wndws. Fin LL w/fplc & space for media room, gym, or au pair. $2,179,000 Web#98537864 Pearl Baer 203.221.0666
FABULOUS FOR ENTERTAINING Weston Newly renovated 4/5BR home w/gunite pool, waterfall & spa on 2.7 landscaped acres. Sunken LR & DR w/ back-to-back fpls & vaulted clgs, FR w/ fpl and bar opens to screened gazebo. $1,890,000 Web#99002595 Anne Oliver 203.762.8118
HOME AT LAST Westport Nestled on a cul-de-sac acre in the Coleytown area, this gracious 3,200SF home offers 5BRs, 3 baths, lovely EIK, family room, full basement, CAC, 2-car garage and much more. $849,000 Web#99013140 Dave Campana 203.536.0327
WESTOVER Stamford Pristine colonial with open floorplan and terrific location in sought after Hycliff. 3BRs, 2.5 baths, 1st flr office/4th bedroom, 2-story family room with fplc. Neighborhood pool, tennis, playground. $839,000 Web#99012168 Diane Eliades 203.273.1881
ON GOLDEN POND North Stamford This charming Currier & Ives home is situated on 4.86 acres and features living room/ fplc, family room, artist studio, 3BRs, 3.5 baths, and a 2-car detached garage. $689,000 Web#99012848 Linda Pitman 203.912.9333 Dave Campana 203.536.0327
CHARMING VINTAGE FARMHOUSE Wilton 1925-vintage three bedroom home with exposed beams, original stone fireplace, deck, screened porch and 3-car garage. New septic 2013. $535,000 Web#98515072 Helen Whitten 203.762.8118
BEACH RIGHTS Stamford Charming 3BR, 2 bath Cape with private beach rights! LR with fplc, eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, hardwood floors througout, full basement and garage. Walk to park and beach. $449,000 Web#99007842 Bill McGirr 203.912.4058
TRULY A TURN-KEY BUY Norwalk Totally updated 3BR home with new kitchen and baths in West Norwalk. Famiy room opens to porch, finished walk-out lower level with brick fireplace and a beautiful, fenced yard. $445,000 Web#98547145 Bozena Jablonski 203.762.8118
Halstead Connecticut, LLC. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
LFC 15
ON THE SHORE. Connecticut
IN THE COUNTRY Hudson Valley
New Jersey
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Westport Great opportunity to own a piece of Westport history. 4BR home on 1.09 acre in the center of town. Gracious, light-filled rooms with beams, window benches and wide board floors. 2,679 square feet of charm & character. $989,999 Web#99013358 Jean Coleman 203.221.0666
SPACIOUS AND PRIVATE Wilton Unique five bedroom contemporary home with updated kitchen and baths. Lovely property with heated pool. Enjoy one-level living! $899,000 Web#99002833 Bozena Jablonski 203.762.8118
LAKEFRONT BEAUTY North Stamford Enjoy a private lakefront setting! Tastefully updated 4/5BR, 3.5 bath home w/new gourmet EIK, new master bath, deck overlooks lake. LR with fplc, fam room, possible in-law. $855,000 Web#99006611 Paula Kroll 203.253.2248
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME Westport Beautiful 1.18 acs in Old Hill area awaits your dream home! Room for 5,000SF home, pool & tennis court. Survey & Proposed Site Plan available. $689,000 Web#99007644 Ellen Garcia 203.762.8118
WELCOME HOME! Weston This pristine colonial has an open first floor with kitchen, family room, dining room and office. New baths and kitchen. Beautiful screened-in porch overlooking lush private property. Great cul-de-sac location. $649,000 Web#99003888 Mark Basile 203.221.0666
LOTS OF POTENTIAL Stamford Three bedroom, 2 bath split level home with additional lot and lovely views of Holly Pond. Builders home in need of updating, being sold ‘as-is’ on .53 acre in R7.5 zone. $595,000 Web#99004018 Rick Rosum 203.912.6556
MOVE IN & ENJOY! Fairfield Woodfield Village. Moveright-in charmer with formal LR with fplc, open concept kitchen/dining area/ den with custom cherry cabinetry & new appliances. 2 large bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Enjoy the pool & tennis court! $435,000 Web#99006822 Carol Ann Decker 203.221.0666
GREAT IN-TOWN LOCATION Newtown This spacious 4BR, 2.5 bath colonial, set on over one-half acre on a quiet road, offers an open floor plan w/ EIK, FR w/brick fplc & doors to stone patio overlooking prvt yard. Fabulous quality, finished LL. Prime in-town location. $399,000 Web#99008661 Bobbie Abagnale 203.221.0666
TRANQUIL & CONVENIENT Norwalk Bright 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhouse with garage. Close to train & hwys, yet serene environment with pool in complex. Commuter’s dream! $328,500 Web#98534376 Ann Lineberger 203.762.8118
Darien & Rowayton: 203.655.1418 Greenwich: 203.869.8100 New Canaan 203.966.7800 Westport: 203.221.0666 Wilton: 203.762.8118 Stamford: 203.329.8801
LFC 16
KIMBERLY PL NEW CONSTRUCTION New Canaan Perfect 5,300SF in-town home designed by Judith Larson & built by Gardiner Group. Three fully finished floors, 5BRs, 4 full & 2 half baths, & spectacular open kitchen/breakfast rm/ family rm. $2,350,000 Web#98537542 Mary Higgins 203.247.1625
HIDDEN TREASURE New Canaan Five BR home with custom kitchen, music room, home office & 2nd floor bonus room. Separate guest cottage with full bath. Outdoor living area with stone fireplace and grill. $2,199,000 Web#99005886 Barbara Gronseth 203.524.0880
EXQUISITE CUSTOM COLONIAL New Canaan Elegant, bright 5 bedroom colonial with 4 full & 3 half baths sited on 4+ picturesque acres close to town. Front to back entry & gallery area lined with French doors opening to terrace. $1,995,000 Pam Stutz 203.554.2132
PETERICK LANE Darien Graciously appointed, this 5BR 1920s colonial farmhouse was expanded & renovated in 1999 with all amenities. Charming living & dining rooms, eat-in kitchen & family room. $1,799,000 Web#99005449 Hawes Team 203.858.5538
PRVT LANE IN COUNTRY CLUB AREA Darien Beautiful level 1.39 acres in country club area with 4BR ranch house with great room, privacy and convenience. Prime for re-do or build new. $1,350,000 Web#99009770 Linda Lewis 203.803.3264
ENCHANTING CT FARMHOUSE Darien Charming 1906 farmhouse on .68 acres offers great spaces and flexibility. The fourth bedroom offers a great separate guest area. Available for rent. $1,050,000 Web#99009383 Mary Lopiano 203.912.4694
CORNER UNIT TOWNHOUSE New Canaan Delightful 3,000+SF townhouse with many recent upgrades & improvements. Fabulous kitchen w/ granite counters, 3BRs, updated 2 full & 1 half baths and attached 2-car garage. $929,000 Web#99009838 Mary Higgins 203.247.1625
OPPORTUNITY LOOMS! Darien This 1881 colonial with old world charm has formal living room, dining room, spacious eat-in kitchen, 3BRs & 2 baths. Handyman’s special with potential. Close to everything. $599,000 Web#99013425 Lucille Story 203.856.0973
A MUST SEE GEM Norwalk In a quiet neighborhood and completely updated, this house offers surprising space & flow. Every detail has been thought of. Covered entry to mudroom. New kitchen. Fenced back yard. $489,000 Web#98537452 Wendy Ward 203.829.5676
Darien & Rowayton: 203.655.1418 Greenwich: 203.869.8100 New Canaan 203.966.7800 Stamford: 203.329.8801 Westport: 203.221.0666 Wilton: 203.762.8118
In the City On the Shore In the Country Find Yours at Halstead.com
Halstead Connecticut, LLC. Darien & Rowayton Offices: Halstead Property Connecticut, LLC. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
LFC 17
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LFC 18
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Found the perfect house? Get the perfect mortgage. Some people think obtaining a mortgage is hard work. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be. Kimberly Weintraub (NMLS# 115017) and the Mortgage Professionals at Atlantic Residential Mortgage are driven by the pursuit of excellence and the quiet assurance that integrity and superior service still stand for something. Their clients know. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kim is thorough, consistent, and professional...anyone looking to purchase a home can enjoy peace of mind when working with Kim Weintraub.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Maggie Marchesi, Realtor Kelly Associates â&#x20AC;&#x153;You were very positive, supportive, and responsive. Thank you for securing such a great rate for us and going the extra mile, your level of service was exemplary.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Don and Danna Rogers Homeowners
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Jerry Vigorito
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Matthew Lecher
NMLS# 116629
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eautiful, energy efficient new construction on a charming and quiet cul de sac in Fairfield beach area. Conveniently located within walking distance to town, library, Fairfield Metro North and beaches. French Mansard style home features stunning floor plans, 4 bedrooms, 4 marble baths, 2 fireplaces, large French gourmet kitchen, grand master suite, second level laundry, amazing closets, crown moldings. Approx. 2733 sq ft plus additional 1633 sq ft unfinished third floor. $980,000. Fairfield.
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SOUTHPORT ~ $959,500 Undamaged by Hurricane Sandy! Walk to Southport Village and train! New Construction by well known local builder. 4 BRS, 2 baths. Formal LR & DR. Family Room with soaring ceiling and firepalce open to Gourmet Kitchen. Sliders to level private yard. Finished Lower Level Playroom. Excellent storage space, upscale finished. Best Value In Town! T865572
FAIRFIELD ~ $775,000 GREENFIELD HUNT PERFECTION Best location on quiet cul-de-sac abutting conservation area. Largest model,formal LR & DR, Family Room/custom built-ins, Kitchen with Corian and SS,vault.ceilings,2 fplces. MBR Suite with Master Bath, 3 addtl. BRS.& bath.Full basement, private patio. Enjoy Pool and walking trails. T937995
FAIRFIELD - $775,000 THE MEADOWS Very stylish 3 BR,3 Bath, 2300SF Townhouse beautifully situated at The Meadows. Crown Moldings, new Kitchen/granite counter tops, Breakfast Bar and Desk and hardwood on the first floor. Spacious LR, Den w/ wood burning Fpl, and formal DR with access to a private flagstone Terrace. Association pool and clubhouse. T825142
FAIRFIELD ~ $515,000 BEACH AREA GEM Fantastic expanded cape with spacious 1st floor great for entertaining. Large LR,DR and Sun Room with French doors to deck. Updated eat-in Kitchen,2 baths,2BRS, finished Play Room, hardwood floors, central air, newer furnace and roof, many improvements. Walk to town & train. T937920
MONROE ~ $460,000 CLASSIC COLONIAL Classic Colonial built in 2002. Lower Hattertown Road, convenient to amenities and highways.Large Family Room with fireplace, tray ceiling in formal Dining Room, Eat In Kitchen, sliders to deck, Master Suite includes full bath, walk-in closet. Second floor Laundry Room. Unfinished, walk out basement. Also for rent at $2,500 monthly. T937982
FAIRFIELD ~ $329,500 Charming home at the top of North Benson Road on the Mill River. Expansive Living/Dining area with vaulted ceilings and a large deck with spectacular views of the water. 4BRS, 2 Baths. Many opportunities to customize and personalize this well located home. T937961
LFC 23
Buyers are already out trying to capitalize on low interest rates, low prices and motivated sellers! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait and be left behind the market! Spring into Action! THIS WONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T LAST FOREVER!! Contact Sherri to help you BUY your FIRST home, or SELL or RENT your existing home, so you can move on to your NEXT home.
20+ years of experience. Serving Fairfield and New Haven Counties and Around the World
BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT, 4BR, 3bth Univ. area Col Cape. Bigger than it looks! 0.37 acre lot. Room for 2c garage. Lge 1st flr fam rm opens to updated kitchen w/newer appliances & granite countertops. MBth addition & updated 1st flr bath! $578,000
REDDING CENTER! EZ Commute! Col. Charmer on sunny 1/2ac. on cul-de-sac. Recent updates: paint, refin flrs, newer EIK open to FR, fin. attic. Garage w/heat, shtrck, plumbing, wdstove & skylight - EZ to expand! $315,000. T83006
NO. END BRIDGEPORT! Immed. occupancy! Lux high rise w/ doorman, 2BR, 2bth, MBA w/WI shower. Recent improvements: windows, pergo flrs, appliances, interior drs. Gar, balcony, doorman, pool, tennis & clubhouse. $145,000 T838197
EAST NORWALK! WALK TO TRAIN/TOWN! Rented thru 9/1. Totally remodeled 1BR, 2nd flr condo. Granite kitchen & bath. Stainless steel appliances. Beautiful moldings, pergo flrs. Balcony. Off-street parking. $199,900 T321139
Your Home Could Be Advertised Here! Contact Sherri for a Market Analysis of Your Home.
203-395-2737 Sherri@Steeneck.net FAIRFIELD. Needs work! Great neighborhood at great price in desirable Lake Hills neighborhood. Beautiful corner lot, 0.5 acre. 4BR, 1 bth Cape in area. Must see. $325,000 T796275
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Sherri A. Steeneck, BS, MS, CIPS Meeting your needs in good times and bad, in Fairfield and New Haven Counties. The Higgins Group THE HIGGINS GROUP
203-395-2737 (text or call) sherri@steeneck.net www.helpfindinghomes.com
Ask me for todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competitive rates!
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NFC 24
BARBARA KARIS DOWNEY My bottom line....Results
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Matt Rose 203 470-9115 Matt.Rose@kw.com Keller Williams Realty 404 Main Street Ridgefield CT 06877 | 50 North Street Danbury CT 06810
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2 LEVEL INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Freight elevator/AC/Sprinklers, drive in doors/1 w/Hydraulic lift to Truck Height, 2500+/- sf avail for lease, tenants all mo. to mo. T912032
IMMACULATE updated ranch w/ Best of the Best, Gormet kit. DR w/ skylites, Master suite w/ newer full ba & deck,main level FR, a must see inside!!! $349,900 T912030
CHATFIELD 2BR 2BA Condo in quiet complex conv to I-84 exit#5. New wall to wall, C/A and low common charges, Immediate occupancy. only $159,900 T912080
ECONOMICAL 1BR in elevator served building w/underground parking, capeting & appl 1 yr old incl W/D. $1050/mo sec, ref & credit check w/employment verificatio. T925207
WATERFORD!! Level corner lot w .43 acres, Lge parking area for boats/trucks, 3 BR 1.5BA w updated Kit, BA, Siding, Roof windows and fencing. $224,900 T83267
GROUND FLOOR END UNIT AT CRYSTAL BAY ON CANDLEWOOD LAKE! 2 BR 2 BA , Walk to your boat! For Sale or For Rent!! $349,000. or $2,000 /mo!! T790612
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Debra Cummings-Waldorf CRS, GRI 860-354-6444 or 860-354-1248 New Milford CT
UNLIMITED www.homes4u2love.com .1" & 0,.& + ,+ /0.""0 ,# )&(" %,*"/ .&$ 3,,! 0.&* - 00".+"! #)./ 1.."0 3 1.2"! 3&+!,3/ /&00&+$ ." / 2". +! .20 1--". )"2 #. -,. % 1-! 0"! 0%/ (&0 00& 3 .*/ . !"0 $ . &04 3 0". /"3". ,0/& '+ /-##/
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PANDOLFI PROPERTIES, INC. 44 North Street, Danbury CT 203-743-4688 pandolfiproperties.com info@pandolfiproperties.com
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3 Redwood Drive Bethel, CT
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NFC 34
OXFORD- NEW! Move in 30 days! Custom 4BR Col w/2400sf. 2 story foyer, 9â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ceilings, HW flrs, Kit w/granite, FR w/fpl. Trim work. Priv 2 acre setting. $399,000-$416,900 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T594771
OXFORD- NEW! Up and ready! 2400sf 4BR Col w/open flr plan, kit w/granite, FR w/fpl, HW flrs, Frnt porch, 2 car gar, Priv 2 acre setting in subdiv $399,900-$416,900 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T594797
OXFORD- Zoned prof residential w/commercial opportunity, 3.95 acres. Ideal location, prof business. 3BR Antique Col House & Barn plus separate deeded building lot. $359,900 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T832018
OXFORD Incredible Value! 5600sf w/5BRs, 5.1bath w/2story foyer, 2 story FR w/open balc, Lg kit w/sliders to deck- HW flrs, 3fpls Heart of Quaker Frms, cul de sac $579,900 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T879511
OXFORD Gorgeous views! Majestically set 4BR Col. Spacious Kit. Form DR w/tray ceiling, FR w/vaulted ceiling/fpl. MBR w/bath/adj rm- 2nd flr bonus. Level yd $480,000 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T829310
SHELTON Room for all! 4BR w/open flr plan, LR w/picture window, DR w/sliders to deck. Spacious eatin kit, FR, walkout LL. Level yd-Great Location! $291,899 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T864630
OXFORD Light & Bright! 3BR 1.5 bath w/HW flrs, LR w/fpl. Updated Kit w/access to deck. LL walkout w/FR w/2nd brick fpl, custom builtins, 1/2bath, laundry $263,000 Pat Blanko 203-206-9194 T920870
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Your Mortgage Bankers Tom Shearman, Paul Rossitto Julie Goldstein, Jon Magnotta Jay Tolisano, Chip Winter
Commitment our obligation to you
We are Atlantic Home Loans and we take our commitments seriously. As Regional Mortgage Bankers, we are focused on providing our customers with the best available service and mortgage solutions. Our team members in Fairfield County are responsible for originating, processing and funding your home loan. We are empowered to approve and close your loan. All locally. We have the resources to not only provide premium loan products and competitive rates, but also to treat each customer individually. Whether you are applying for your own home loan or referring a client, friend or family member, you can rely on the people at Atlantic Home Loans.
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Equal Housing Lender. Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. NMLS#15241 20 Chapin Rd., Unit 1013A, PO Box 2006, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 licensed or authorized Mortgage Lender/Banker by, and does not offer its loan services or products in any states other than, the following: CA Dept of Corporations, CT Dept of Banking, DE Office of the State Bank Commissioner, FL Dept of Financial Services, GA Dept of Banking & Finance, MD Commissioner and Financial Regulation, MA Division of Banks â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Atlantic Home Loans DBA Atlantic Home Mortgage, Mortgage Lender/Broker license #MC5212,NJ Dept of Banking and Insurance, Licensed Mortgage Banker - NYS Banking Department, Mortgage Lender NC Commissioner of Banks, PA Dept of Banking, Rhode Island Licensed Lender , Virginia State Corporation Commission License MC-3001. Some products may not be available in all states. All offers subject to credit check and verification. Pricing and rates subject to change at any time. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. Atlantic Home Loans is not acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or the Federal Government. Jay Tolisano NMLS# 109296 / Thomas Shearman NMLS# 174610 / Jon Magnotta NMLS# 19553 / Charles Winter NMLS# 332939 / Paul Rossitto NMLS# 325070 Julie Goldstein NMLS# 71890 / Ed Buchser NMLS# 10624 / Dave Sevigny NMLS# 71890
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