Satan's Jewel
The dead girl's haunted house
Satan's Jewel In 1917, a group of four teenagers stole a jewelry store and when one of the guys accidentally exploded the door of the safe box, everything started being on fire. All the people, who were there, could run away, but the teenagers. By that time, although they hadn't died, their bodies had disappeared and their spirits have still been around the place. After 50 years, the jewelry store was rebuilt and the ghosts remained in there. If anyone buys a specific jewel, their reflexes are shown through the stones of the jewels. One day, a man went to the jewelry store and became amused by one of the jewels. He thought it was so beautiful that he couldn't go back home without having it. He was obsessed by that piece of jewel. He bought it! He got to be very happy, although he hardly could know what would happen afterwards. His name was A. Snow and he was only 24 years old.
On his way back home, Snow opened the box of the jewel and he saw the face of teenager ghosts, He shouted so loudly that the jewel fell off his hand and crumbled into pieces on the sidewalk of the street. Snow went back to the store and he told the salesman about the teenager ghosts he had seen in the piece of jewel. The salesman opened the box, but couldn't see a thing! He gave the box back to Snow. The man came back home and when he tried to open the door, it didn't unlock. He hit the door with a kick and then the door finally opened. Two hours went by when the man started feeling something strange in his body, He fell asleep! When he woke up, his bed was full of blood and his wardrobe fully burned. The man felt something strange. His eyesight was kind of making him feel confused. His mouth couldn't open and he passed away, He had never woken up again. Now the teen spirits have lived in his house, scaring the neighbours. Nowadays, the house has been abandoned! No one can come in and not even pass in front of the house. BOO!
The dead girl's haunted house
There was a city, named Albany, in Scotland that was considered a common village.
One day, a girl named Abgail was at her house and decided to take her clothes off in order to bathe herself. When she got out of the bathroom, her clothes weren't there anymore. She heard a big noise coming from outside the bathroom. She went out to see what was happening. And there was a man, standing out there holding her clothes. He said that he would just give them back to her when she played with him. Abgail refused playing with the guy. She was getting more and more scared. When the girl tried to hit the man with a punch, he jumped over her and raped her without any mercy, He made her cry and abused of her any possible ways. After that night, the girl would never be the same again. She was traumatized and very angry.
Afterwards, the girl was never seen again. A couple of people spread the rumor that her house was haunted because people had been disappearing around there. The police decided to go into the house and find out what was happening. When they got there, they had to break the door down because it was locked. Suddenly, a corpse's smell started coming up to their noses. They saw nothing so they decided that that smell was probably coming from inside the wall  that was made of wood. They got an axe and opened it. By the time they did that, they saw two corpses that were only bones and felt terrible. A horrible sound of death came from behind. When they turned,  the ghost of the girl was there. She jumped over them! Her gray eyes and pale skin almost touched the policemen, but they dodged, scared to death, and felt over the corpses. The skeleton's hands hugged them until they could not breath anymore. That is how those policemen died.
Finally, the house was isolated. Nobody entered there ever again. If you go to Albany nowadays, you will still  be able see the Dead Girl's Haunted House. Just be careful! BOO!
It was about 9 p.m., everybody was sleeping, except for me. I heard a big noise and I immediately went out to see what was happening. I didn't see anything, so I picked up a flashlight and I walked along the little and dark street. Suddenly I saw a body! I got closer, and I realized it was a dead bride. There was a bloodstain on the ground. Her face was injured and on her finger, there was a wedding ring, a very precious one. I tried to pick it up, but it was difficult, because it was tight to her finger. Then I had a bad idea. I took out my penknife, I cut her finger and I went back home. A few weeks later, in my car, passing in front of the same place, I could see a woman using a white dress. I saw that she was lost, so i asked her what she was doing. She said that she was looking for her ring and her finger. She had got married some time ago, but when the wedding finished she thought twice and ran away. She fell asleep on the road and had been hit by a car. So she became unconscious. She told me that when she woke up, her finger was not there with her ring on it anymore. I knew that she was the girl that had had her finger cut off by me in order to take her ring away. But at that moment, I felt sorry, because I knew she was alive. That was really weird! She did not demonstrate any kind of pain. I decided to say that I had seen the boy that had taken her finger off and that I could bring it back to her. She begged for me to do that! Finally, I quickly went back to my own home to get the finger, but I had a terrible feeling! I sort of had the feeling I had been followed. I got home and took the finger. At that moment, I was terrified.
That woman, who looked dead a couple days before, was alive by that time? I decided to hide the finger and stay at home. If the woman appeared, I would just say that I did not find the boy. Suddenly, i heard a knock on the door and i hid the finger as well as myself. I herad my mom's voice by the door, so I opened it and I saw the woman with a knife towards my mother's neck. She killed her and everyone else. You might have been asking yourself: "Who is telling me all this story?" I can tell you that it's me: a ghost myself!
THE BOY Everything starts with a group of friends that love rock n' roll. Some day they had an idea of a rock band, but not an ordinary rock band, a satanic music rock band. When they started playing their music, they were terrible and nobody liked their song. They weren't successful at all! They had another idea: dealing a contract with Lucifer. They bought candles and a goat to be sacrificed for the devil. They did the 5 dots star with the candles and drank the blood of the dead goat. When Satan appeared, they talked to him and made a deall about having some success in their career. The devil told them that he wanted one of their souls. The friends were Michel T. , Gerald A. , Jonny D. and Paul M. Satan needed one soul to make the pact.Then Jonny D. sold his soul to Satan for some success. Jonny D. had always been a mad boy. He was a bit dumb and didn't think twice while making a decision. After selling his soul, Paul M. suddenly had a great Idea for a music. They started to train for a possible presentation. But they didn`t realize that Jonny was acting strangely. While they were playing, Jonny, that played the drums, suddenly stopped playing, got up completely pale. Without blinking, he went out of the room.
Michel T ran away, because he always wanted to take advantage of dark situations so that he could be safe. The other boys tried to find him, but, when they left the room, they saw nothing, Jonny was gone. They searched a little more, but found nothing. They decided to go home, but when they touched the doornob, the door didn`t open and the sky became gray. The house fell in darkness. They started to panic, unknowing what to do. They went upstairs, broke the window and went to the roof, it was too high to jump, so they jumped onto a tree and climbed down. They ran a lot! They tried to change the contract, but Lucifer didn't appear. They knew that there wasn´t a way out. After a long time, Lucifer appeared and told the boys that everything would go back to normal. He really saved them, but he killed the boy. Legends say that the soul of the boy has still been in the house.
A young boy was sleeping in his bed at an usual night when he heard footsteps outside his room. He immediately decided to peek out so that he could see what was happening. His door swung open quietly to reveal a murderer carrying the corpses of his parents. After silently propping them up on a chair, he wrote something on the wall by using the blood of the dead bodies. Afterwards, he hid the corpses under the child's bed. The child scared beyond belief. He couldn't read the writing on the wall and he knew the man was under his bed. Like any child, he pretended that he had slept through the whole thing and hadn't awoken yet. He laid still as the bodies, quietly hearing the breathes from under his bed. An hour went by and his eyes were adjusting more and more to the darkness. He tried to make out the words, but it was a struggle. He gasped when he finally made out the sentence. He said almost whispering that he knew they were awake!. He could hear a breath, a deep breath under the bed. Although he was afraid, he hugged his parents' dead bodies. He got to be full of blood. A few minutes later, the boy did not hear the breaths of the murderer anymore, because he was in the bathroom at that moment. The murderer had made a face with a smile by using blood on the mirror. The boy was scared and went to the room where his parents were and started crying. The murderer, walking slowly, went to the dead parents' room and said to the boy: "Now it's your time." The boy was frightened and with a big smile the murderer stabbed him a lot of times to death. "I feel really sorry, my godson!", said the murderer.
THE MYSTERIOUS NUN'S HOUSE In June of 1900, an American
the nun was in the house. In fact,
family moved to Bodie, a small
after her death, her soul began
town in California. The family
haunting the house and she could
wanted to buy a house there. But
even move objects around the
when they arrived there, nobody
wanted to sell them a house. Suddenly, they saw a house that could be theirs. It was a pretty and big one! The family started looking for the owner of the house in order to purchase it. Nobody was around and they decided to ask for the first person they saw passing by. When they asked a guy about the mansion, he said that the house was owned by an old nun, but that she had died the month before and the house was available for anyone who wanted to live in there.
At a specific night, the little kid of the family heard some voice. That voice was calling him! Scared to death, but still curious, he followed the sound of that voice. When she got to the lliving room, he saw all the members of his family who had been stabbed. He could also see a nun!.The nun was calling him . He ran back to his room trying to hide himself, but she found him. She was saying strange things. The poor little boy could not get rid of the nun. She finally tortured and killed the boy.
So the family entered in the
After the horrible murder, nobody
house and started living there.
has dared to go inside that house
What they didn't know was that
THE EVIL SPIRIT A long time ago, there was a haunted
One day, a German family started to
house in a small village in England.
live in there. Everything was normal,
The last inhabitants of the house said
but suddenly the temperature
that there was a real ghost inside. The
increased a lot. The mother went to
house had been completely empty for
check out the thermometer and it all
seemed okay. Despite the fact
everything was all right, she said that
book about what was happening in
she would call someone the next day
his house. He started to write down
to take a look at it. When she was
his book and after a page, he closed
passing by the mirror, she saw a
strange shadow behind her. When she came back to look closer, the "figure"
One day after he kept writing the
had already disappeared.
book, but when he opened it, he saw a satanic symbol written in blood.
Another day, when the little girl was
Then he set fire to the book.
alone in the house, she saw all of her dolls without the head spread out in
At night the man was going up the
the hall. So she ran into her room and
stairs when he opened the door of his
could see a man, who looked like the
room, he saw the book in front of his
devil, over her bed. The man was
very eyes. The same book he had
taking the last head of the last doll
burned. He closed the book and put it
off. She screamed and closed her
against his chest. He feel asleep. He
eyes. When she opened them again,
laid down and turned the lights off.
there was no man and no dolls. So the
Everything was quiet when he heard
girl started to cry and her parents
a big noise coming from the window,
came and saw her crying and they
it was a man holding a knife. Blood
said that there was not any man there.
ran down the bed.
The next morning, nothing strange happened. But late at night, while the mother and her daughter were sleeping, the father felt like going down to the basement. He found some photos of the old family who had lived there before. They were definitely not common photos! There was something strange! Their young son was crooked in the photo. That wasn't something about the photo. That was something real. Something was wrong with that family. Scared, the father came back to his bed and tried to sleep again. In the morning, the man tried to write aÂ