THE GHOST SHARK Let me tell you all the story of the ghost shark. The Morgan family lived in London, but for that summer vacation they were going to Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil to enjoy the beaches and the sun. One fine day they were walking on the way to the beach when they saw a sign, where someone had written "NĂƒO ENTRE". They thought it was the name of the local beach, because they didn't know how to speak or read any portuguese language. That was when they decided to enter and rest on that beautiful beach for a couple of hours. How lucky they thought they were while finding an empty place at a typical crowded beach like that city. It was a sunny day and the family was happy. Everything was just perfect. They were all enjoying themselves as much as they could. Light sand, waves, sun... It was amazing! The thing is that, not much far from the place where the family was resting, there was a shark. But it was not a normal one. It was a ghost shark . The ghost shark creature was movingaround, just waiting for the right time to attack. Many years ago, it had died while chasing a pirate boat, but it crashed, killing every creature inside. The thing is that the stone where the boat crashed and the shark died was magical, that is why all the souls were trapped inside the animal's corpse. Since that day, the Ghost Shark attacks every human who comes near or approaches that stone, which was right next to the beach where the family was resting and having a great time in paradise... Morgan family was quite inattentive, they thought that the ghost wasn't real and that the story could´ve been just a folk one, so the kids went to play with the ghost, fortunately, Brazil is a wild country. So they thought that the Capital City would send a monkey army to help them. But there was no monkey army. The Morgans were trapped, until the cops came and got to save them. So the family learned from that experience that Brazil was a civilized country.
Ghost Ghost Ghost It all started in a sad and cloudy day. My sisters were playing in the yard and my brothers were having lunch. My parents had had five children, and I wasn't included on it. You might be asking yourself why, but soon you will understand... My father, John, had always believed that our house was haunted, however he didn't know that I was the cause of it. For sixteen years I'd been treated like garbage, as if I was the reason why my family had so many problems. I was born in this house a hundred years ago, and since thenmy father abused me, then when I was 12 years old it came to an end. One day he got home very drunk and started hitting me. I couldn´t understand why he was doing that. But after a few seconds of rage I could not stand it anymore, I gave up. A few hours later I woke up and felt as a ghost... As a ghost, I started to act like a can. I was the scariest can you could ever imagine. Have you ever seen a can that throws poopoo in the face of living people? Even the ghost busters ran away from me and my poopoo. I think it was too stinky. But as time when through, people started to ignore my spooky can technique. Can you believe it? So, it happened. I gave up as a ghost, and, when I woke up, I was a ghost ghost! A ghost ghost, or GG, is when a ghost dies, and it can only be seen by ghosts, not humans. So I started to scare the ghosts of the street. I was the scariest GG onecould ever imagine! But, in an ordinary day, something suddenly appeared in my back and jumpscared me. It was a GGG, or ghost ghost ghost, which is a ghost that only GG`s could see. It was so scary that I died. And then, I woke up as a GGG! Being a GGG isn't a job for anyone. It is hard! Since there aren't many GG in the world, it is really hard to be scary! Anyway, there aren't many to be afraid of me! Nowadays I am fed by the screams of the ones I scare, which means I am starving! As a ghost, I can only get scarier if I scare others. That fact hasn´t hapened lately... I miss my poopoo times. The good old days, when I was able to make people scream and even cry. All I have to say is that I used to rock ghost by far better!
How I Became a Ghost It was saturday night and I was driving on my way back home. Well, I have to admit I was a little drunk that night. Suddenly, I saw a whitish thing coming in my direction, it was to close to dodge it. I don't know if it was due to my condition, I was drunk or because it was a dark freezing night. Anyway, the only thing I know is that I RAN OVER IT. The first thing I did was to call to the emergency. — 911, What's your emergency? — I think I ran over a ghost. — What do you mean? Where are you Sir?
— I'm in the Lion National Forest, around mile 28. I need an ambulance!
-I'm sorry Sir, but I'm afraid it doesn't exist... -Of course it does! You need to find it now and come here immediatly! So I hang up the phone. I was scared and alone. The forest was completely dark, and the only light I had was my iphone gadget, which was running out of battery... There was absolutely no noise, but suddenly, I heard a really loud voice on my back, saying that I would die that night. After that I fainted, I don't know for how long I spent sleeping unconscious, but when I woke up I was in the middle of a forest. No light, not even a candle. I couldn't see more than two feet forward, because it was too foggy. And then, suddenly, some lights started to flash far away. It got closer and closer, and, when I realized, it was too late. The car ran over me, breaking at least part of my legs and three ribs of mine. But it didn't stop. The car turned and passed over me again. I could hear a voice saying "HOW DOES IT FEEL... YOU MOTHER DUCKER!" . I was furious, but, above everything, I was scared and confused. I woke up in a cold hospital room, with my chest opened. I could have the perception of my heart and it was still beating. I could see the blood running through my flesh. Who would've done that to me and why? I was confused, when it appeared. The ghost that I ran over was holding a cucumber, which he started to use to beat me up. It was a very hard cucumber, harder than a steel sword. Well, I remember I screamed as loud as I could, but it was too late. I lost conscious. I woke up. I felt... different. I was cold, pale and thin. I walked around the room and tried to talk to the doctors, but they ignored me. When I tried to touch them, my hand went through their bodies. I shouted when it happened and turned around. When I did that, I saw my dead body on the bed. I felt sick and it was like the ground was made of jelly. I fell down and realized I was barely breathing. I was dead. More than dead, actually. I was a ghost.
What you have to do when Satan
takes over the world
In 1964 when I was about 7 years old, I used to play with the same little girl everyday at the playground near home. She never told me her name, but she was actually really nice. Once my mom asked her who her parents were and she ran away crying, so we never talked to her abou parents ever again. One day I went to the playground to play with her, as usual but she wasn't there, so I waited, and waited, and waited, but she didn't show up that day. The next day I wen there again, but she didn't show up either. Neither on the day after, and the week after that. I was very upset because I didn't even know where the little girl lived or even her phone number.
Another day, I was passing through that same playground and all of a sudden I saw her, alone, but by the time I got there, she was gone. Where did she go? I looked everywhere aroun the park and after a while I came back and there she was, swinging on the swing. I was running and I was getting so exhausted. I looked away for a second and suddenly she was standing in front of me!
I had absolutely no idea how it happened, but I didn't even think of that, because I was jus too happy and impressed to see her again after so long. But she didn't look happy or impressed for meeting me after so long, she seemed just fina and quite regular. So I asked her if she remembered me, and I got even more impressed when I heard the answer: —Who are you? - She asked in a very cold tone, there was no life on her face.
At that moment I got so shocked I didn`t know what to answer, so I ran away back home, tears were falling from my eyes.The moment I got home I locked myself in my bedroom and spent the entire afternoon there. When it was about ten stricking on the clock,mom called me to havedinner, I was having a regular dinner when suddenly all the lights faded and I heard a loud thunder. I thought that God was having a bad time inthe bathroom!
But it wasn`t him. It was my old friend, the little girl, with white eyes, blood coming from her mouth and other parts and throwing thunders from her nose. I think that Satan was having a good time inside her. She turned into me, said something backwards and punched meon my face so hard that my head turned 180 degrees. It was the first time that I saw my butt. But someon had to stop the little girl. I ran backwards, picked up my vacuum cleaner and started to suck the demon from inside her body out , like the ghost busters do. But it didn`t work and Satan killed everyone. He finally could command all living creatures on Earth. But the unthinkable happened Heaven had to hold so many people that it fell from the sky, hitting Satan on his head. It was a hit K.O.. The last humans and the ghost that fell from Heaven had to rebuild Earth and God`s home from the ruins. But in the end it was all good. And now you know how to deal with Satan when he takes over the world. P.S Do not get so close to a girl that has white eyes and some blood in her mouth...
THE GHOSTLY REVENGE After twenty years in jail, Louis, a man who was condemned by a crime he didn't commit, finally was set free. He had lost his whole life even though he didn't deserve it. It made him thirsty for revenge, so Louis decided to find the judge who condemned him for doing nothing, and end with the issue that was unfinished... After weeks of planning his revenge, Louis could finally put his ideas and plans into action: kill the old judge, drink his blood as he set the corpse on fire. He restarted his life with clean records and went to an old house, met his wife-to-be Marie, a pretty young lady on her mid twenties and had 7 kids with her, but none of them knew about the murder of the judge and the only one who knew about the first trial was his wife and they would never talk about it. The house they lived in was known for being haunted by and old ghost, but they did not believe in that, modern americans you know? But soon they would believe in ghosts, it was cloudy and rainy day, but more precisely the day that Louis would get his revenge, he had everything planed previously but before that he could leave his home to go to the judge home all the lights faded and he heard a loud thunder and suddenly a white body appeared in front of him, he was all covered in blood, he said: — Today is the day you will start fearing me. After that he screamed and ran away.That routine kept going for several days, Louis couldn`t even think about his revenge, so one day he decided he had enough, when the ghost came to scare him he showed no fear, instead he bravely asked the ghost to go away. The ghost didn`t know what to do, no one had never done that, he was so scared that he did the only thing that came in his mind, he ran and never came back. After that Louis was able to get his revenge.
That day was really weird, I mean it was horrible. My partner Joe and I were on patrol in the neighborhood, driving slowly in our car, because we were police officers. We heard a call in the radio, saying "Code Alpha Tango Papa Nine" which meant normal robbery in a funny way. We were close, so we responded to the call. By the time we arrived on the scene, there was a man running, I chased him with my car and I even ran into him, accidentely, but nothing could stop him and so he continued running. It ooked like he was flying. He kept running and suddenly went into the building by a door I was sure it was closed. We chased him for a long time in the building and the strange thing was that he didn't seem to get tired of it After a few minutes after chasing, he finally seemed to be a little exhausted. The man went into the roof, we were right behind him. He was stuck then. My partner and I pointed our guns at the man and ordered him to stop, but he threw a crowbar at us and we opened fire. I was sure we hit him but the man didn't even move. He wasn't bleeding at all and for my surprise, the man jumped out of the building. I asked for some extra help and for a helicopter's support to continue the chase that guy but by then, the man had disappeared mysteriously. So I gave the order to surround the building look for a corpse, but he was gone! Next day we were on patrol and everything was strange, there wasn't anybody in the streets except for us, suddenly we ran into something. It was a stop sign. I hit my head and fainted, but the man I was chasing passed through it. The people at the hospital though I was insane, so I was transferred to a psychological support, but that ghost kept visiting me everyday. Unfortunately no one believed me. The ghost continued visiting me until his "work" was done: It scared me till I died. It didn't take long... After the day of my death, Iwould never see the creature anymore, because now, I am the creature!
'HELP ME' _ AT THE HOSPITAL! We were in Brussels, it was a common day in the hospital, my friend and I, Callie, were at the E. R. Suddenly someone screamed "Help me!" from the outside, we ran towards that. Then we saw a little girl covered in blood, she screamed "HELP ME, HELP ME! My neighbor has fallen from the window!" We were really confused with the whole situation and Callie asked:
“Where did he fall from?” “He fell from the 20th floor, the building is just two blocks from here come with me quickly!!". So we ran there, but there was just a lot of blood on the floor, not a single soul. Suddenly, we heard a trash can noise in the alley behind us. When we looked, we saw a white and pale dog that started to bark at a fence. When I observed more, I was able to see a man running on the other side of the fence, and the little girl said: “It is my neighbor, how he is still alive?'' We didn't know the answer, so we asked her why she was covered in blood and she said that when the neighbor fell she tried to help him, but he was bleeding a lot so she ran to the nearest hospital to get some help, but now he was running normally, but his clothes were actually full of blood. Now we did't know where he was so we called the police to try, but our
neighbor was nowhere. After some time Callie and I went back to the hospital because we had patients, but in the way we saw the neighbor sat in the street, we went there to help him, but when we got closer he simply disappeared. We got really confused, gave our depositions to the police, so they could do their job at the scene and find the man. In the same evening a man came running into the E.R., it was the neighbor! I thought he needed surgery because he was bleeding a lot, but he was walking normally. I paged security and when they arrived and tried to catch the man, he disappeared in their arms. “A GHOST!!� - The guard shouted. I didn't believe in ghosts. I didn't know what to do, so I asked my wife Arizona if she heard what happened that day. My wife is a pediatric surgeon, so she talked to me like I was a little kid, but I was not kidding and it made me really mad. She couldn't understand until the very next day when she saw the ghost herself. That day her kids told her they had seen a ghost, and she did too. The week after, all the M.D.s were freaking out about the ghost, until some nerds, who called themselves 'ghost haunters', got that lost soul, what may be truth considering I haven't seen the ghost ever since.
Unusual Charles
Charles had just moved to a small town near London. It was cold and rainy, but he just wanted to leave everything behind after his wife's death, who died during the labor. His son, August, was living with his aunt. Nobody wanted to admit, but Charles' mental health was unstable. He never really recovered from the tragedy. Not much longer after Charles moved, he received a job offer. He accepted the job as an accountant, he went to the office to talk to his new boss, Ross. Ross was very nice and who was fond of Charles, so Ross hired him soon! But Charles didn't appear to work the next day. Ross was concerned given Charles's mental health. Ross was worried and passed by Charles' place. He knocked on the old rusty door, but no one answered. Even more worried, Ross decided to ask the neighbors next door if Charles was home. They said they didn't know him and also said that the house had been abandoned for about ten years now. Ross was really confused and decided to enter look for Charles' house for him. First he looked from the window and saw food on the table, but the rest looked abandoned for good. The books were filled with dust, spiderwebs were everywhere, the house structure looked like it was going to fall apart in any minute. But Ross heard a noise inside and worried, he called for Charles. No one answered again and he heard another noise. Fearing for his employee´s life, he called the police, but before the call be completed his phone stopped working and all the lights turned off with a loud buzz noise and, in the darkness of the room, he heard a terrible scream coming from another room and he heard the voice of a man who seemed to be praying. In the dark, he went where he heard the sound coming from, that now it was clear that it was coming from upstairs. When he got there, he saw Charles praying for God to save him and forgive him for all his sins. Charles was begging for his death and to rest in peace. When Ross went to touch him and talk to him, his hands crossed Charles's body. And he was gone! Suddenly the house fell apart with Ross inside it, he certainly was going to die, but Charles got there and saved him. Ross was unconscious, when he woke up he didn't remember anything, so he went back to his house and continued to live his life, but he knew something happened because every night he dreamt about a man named Charles who saved his life when a abandoned house started to fall apart.
Meeting of the Dead Freedom Once upon a time, Jesus thought to himself:" Wouldn't it be great to resurrect a musician and get lots of money, fans and more money?" Then he asked a roman to kill him in the cross, and he did it, however he did not resurrect as he was supposed to do; his father turned him into a ghost because Jesus had been acting too selfish. So Jesus started to travel around the world, spreading peace. But, when he was passing by Tiradentes, he found someone... Tiradentes is a Brazilian city in Minas Gerais. It's known for being a very nice place to spend vacation or just to get to learn about some more History. As we can see by the name, it was the place where a man called Tiradentes was killed after provoking the Portuguese royalty and its power. He was sentenced to death for trying to set the local people, also known as 'Mineiros'. He was a very brave man, he was betrayed by his partners who also didn't agree with the Portuguese royalty and the income high taxes which had been charged for long, he wasn't as rich as his partners but he was one of the few that kept fighting for freedom, and didn't give away any of his "friends". He was killed in the middle of a square in front of the whole city of Rio de Janeiro. He still haunts the family that killed him, walking by the empty streets of Tiradentes. Jesus was walking around and chilling, when he saw a very popular person that should be dead. It was Tiradentes himself! He followed him silently for a couple blocks but Tiradentes noticed Jesus and started to run. Jesus was really fast an was able to catch him. Then Tiradentes said: 'Who are you? You really look like Jesus!" "How come are you still alive? You had died long ago, hadn´t you?" They kept talking for some time until they told each other they were ghosts and both agreed to pretend that nothing had happened. Yet Jesus still had a fundamental question to ask him and he kept wondering "How did he manage to become a ghost after he died?". But Jesus was sure of one thing, one day he will find the answer to this complicated and difficult question.
Black Uprising During that horrible dark endless night, Mr.Candy and his family, the biggest enslaver of the town, were in the next farm watching a mandingo fight. His slave was going to die, but they didn't really care about that. All that screaming and blood were making Mr. Candy's daughter feel very bad and sorry for the slave who was about to die, because of her father's will and hate. It was ten pm when the slave died, the burial never happened, the body stayed in that place while rotting and because of it, his soul stayed in the world as a ghost. His name was August. He was badly angry with Mr. Candy and his wife. He wanted to kill them, then take pieces of their bodies and make their sons eat all that flesh. At first, the plan was the following: he was going to invite the others slaves to do that to the Candies. Linda was the first slave that he talked to after his death, so he had a special affection for her. She was afraid on the beginning but after she
agreed with his ideia and talked to the other slaves. They thought the ideia was brilliant, so they made a plan. At night they went to Mr. and Mrs. Candy's room and killed them, afterwords they took their skin off so that they wouldn't be white anymore. After they cooked a delicious meal with their meat, and the kids ate it at lunch. Later, the other slaves made a burial for August so he could go to heaven and finally rest in peace, but that wouldn´t happen. When he got there God told him that his sins were terrible and unforgivable, so he would stay on earth as a ghost for more 500 years. August went back to his original village, he saw the Candy kids suffering and the happiness of the other slaves. The kids had to move to their grandparents´ house. Well, making a long story short, unfortunately the kids would never recover from such a brutal act against their parents. But on the other hand the kids were aware of the trememdous violence they should avoid as one avoids evil.