creative classes for
6100 Foreland Garth • Columbia, MD 21045 ColumbiaArtCenter.org
For more information or to register, please call 410-730-0075 or email Art.Staff@ColumbiaAssociation.com
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The Artists’ Critique Salon
Discussion and Critique with Facilitator Melisa Pool Whether you are a two-dimensional or three-dimensional artist or both, meeting with other creative individuals in a comfortable setting for open discussion can be both beneficial and fortifying. Critiques will include discussion of depth, function, process, aesthetics, and diversity. Other topics that will be explored within the group are ways to break an artist’s block and the process for applying for exhibitions.
Monday, January 14, February 4, February 25, March 18, (4 sessions), 6:30-8:30pm $10-Residents/$20-Non-Residents