Why choose Columbia?
Who comes to Columbia Theological Seminary? Presbyterian Catholic 20something 70something Female Male Young Old Asian Latino Black White Teacher Lawyer Engineer Artist Leader Helper Classical Hip-Hop North South Liberal Conservative Baptist Episcopalian AME Zion Tofu Steak Korean Portugese Wine Juice Traditional Contemporary Scientist Actress Sourdough Rye Leader Helper Dreamer Administrator Young Old Coffee Tea Church Non-Profit Car Bike Visionary Orator Mac PC Mountains Beach East West Paramedic Poet Accountant Author Lutheran Pentecostal Imaginative Resilient Leaders
Scholars. Students. Lifelong learners. Faithful people from an increasingly diverse cross-section of the United States and the world. Women and men who want to know more about what it means to live into their call as disciples. People who want to experience the possibilities theological education offers. Columbia Seminary provides a firm foundation for those claimed and called by God to lead the changing church and world of the 21st century. We invite you to come to Columbia and experience for yourself the sound teaching and deep community that excels in preparing resilient leaders for God’s changing world.