Vantage Fall 11

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Columbia Theological Seminary

Vantage Fall / Winter 2011–2012


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5. Ann Clay Adams Associate Dean for Academic Administration 6. Deborah Flemister Mullen Dean of Faculty, Executive Vice President, and Associate Professor of American Christianity and Black Church Studies 7. Marvin Simmers Interim Director of Advanced Professional Studies



12. Charles Nash Board of Trustees 13. Paul J. Huh Assistant Professor of Worship; Director of Korean American Ministries 14. Jerry A. Gladson Adjunct Professor of Old Testament 15. Wade P. Huie Professor Emeritus

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25. Kimberly L. Clayton ’84/DMin ’08 Director of Contextual Education



Emeriti/ae Laura S. Mendenhall President Emerita Douglas W. Oldenburg President Emeritus J. Davison Philips President Emeritus

26. Monica Wedlock ’07 Director of Admissions and Recruiting

G. Thompson Brown

27. Kathy Dawson ’94 Associate Professor of Christian Education; Director of the MAPT Program

R. Leon Carroll, Jr. ’68

Walter Brueggemann

T. Erskine Clarke ’66 Charles B. Cousar ’58

16. Haruko Nawata Ward Associate Professor of Church History

28. Mark Douglas Associate Professor of Christian Ethics; Director of the MA(TS) Program

17. Sarah F. Erickson ’03/ DEdMin ’10 Director of Lifelong Learning

29. Stanley P. Saunders Associate Professor of New Testament

Catherine Gunsalus González

18. Kathleen M. O’Connor Professor Emerita

30. Rodger Y. Nishioka Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education

Wade P. Huie, Jr. ’46

19. D. Cameron Murchison Professor Emeritus

9. Anna Carter Florence Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching

20. Stephen A. Hayner President and Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth

10. John Proctor Visiting Scholar

21. John E. White, Jr. Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Services 22. Pamela Cooper-White Ben G. and Nancye C. Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling 23. Angel D. Santiago Vendrell Lecturer in World Christianity 24. B arbara Brown Taylor Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality

31. William Patrick Brown Professor of Old Testament

Philip R. Gehman, Jr. ’68

Douglas W. Hix ’53

Oscar J. Hussel Ben Campbell Johnson Jasper N. Keith, Jr. ’79 James D. Newsome, Jr. ’55

33. Matthew Flemming Instructor in Preaching

Robert H. Ramey, Jr.

John Hull Patton

Charles E. Raynal III Not Pictured E. Elizabeth Johnson J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament Joseph L. Roberts, Jr. Wade Huie Professor of Preaching and Director of the Center for Preaching

Jeffery L. Tribble, Sr. Assistant Professor of Ministry Christine Roy Yoder Associate Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

James H. Gailey ’41

32. David Bartlett Distinguished Professor of New Testament

George W. Stroup J.B. Green Professor of Theology





At Commencement 2011

8. Paul J. Johnson Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care

11. John William Harkins III Senior Lecturer, Pastoral Theology and Care


The Faculty

1. William Scheu Chair of the Board of Trustees

4. Martha Moore-Keish Associate Professor of Theology




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3. Sara Myers Director, John Bulow Campbell Library; Professor of Theological Bibliography


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2. Marcia Y. Riggs J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics; Director of the ThM Program


Hubert Vance Taylor ’47 Brian A. Wren



Thinking About the Church

Dear Friends,


mages, metaphors, pictures, and stories are powerful

because they plant meanings and truths

accessibly in our brains. Jesus’ parables are memorable for just these reasons. One only has to say “mustard seed” or “prodigal son” or “light under a basket” and our minds immediately go to the truths evoked by the stories around these images. Among the building blocks of communal culture are images and stories that we share to explain who we are. Families, for example, have stories—sometimes humorous, sometimes almost incidental, sometimes traumatic—which are repeated around holiday tables or in transitional moments. These stories remind us of who we are, how we are expected to behave and what binds us together. Churches also have their symbols and stories. Some, like the cross or a loaf of bread, have long histories and have found a home throughout the entire Christian culture. These have both wide community meanings and more individual associations, but they nevertheless shape who we are and how we look at the world. Other stories are far more focused toward a single community. These may include a particular building or architectural feature, or a repeated story about a key event in the life of the congregation. Good preachers and teachers use strong images, metaphors, and stories to strengthen their communication and to help listeners remember what has been said. Indeed, sometimes the story can eclipse the point, because stories can tug at mind and heart together in a way that

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


propositional truth alone cannot. Recently I overheard one man speaking to another as he was exiting one of my classes, “I’m not sure what point he was making, but that was a great story.” Oops. Maybe that story needs a new home. The point of all of this is that if we are going to be culture changers, we need to find the right images and metaphors to anchor various elements of the new culture in the minds and hearts of our churches. And then these elements of story need to be frequently repeated so that people

To change our culture, we have to change the way that we think about “the church.” And one way we facilitate that change is to provide new images, metaphors, and stories to create new associations in the hearts and minds of our community.

begin to associate whole clusters of new meanings with the image. Around our church we are trying to become a more “missional” church. But the word “missional” doesn’t conjure up clear meanings in the minds of most of our people. Even explaining the term often doesn’t help, because our explanations are imprecise and they vary every time we try to clarify the meaning. But recently we have been using an image which is new to us to explain the “missional church.” “How do you see the church?” we ask. “Is the church like a cruise ship whose mission and crew are focused on attracting people to its own programs and giving people a good time so that their consumer impulses are satisfied, their felt needs are cared for,

and they believe that their money has been well spent? Or is the church like a Coast Guard rescue cruiser whose mission and crew are focused on equipping and empowering our people for their ministries every day in the world?” On a Coast Guard cruiser there is a spirit of anticipation, readiness, and a communal life which is intensely supportive, but outwardly focused. The mission of a cruiser is not to entertain but to equip—not to attract, but to deploy. Rescue cruisers evaluate success not by the number of people who come onboard, but rather the number of missions engaged. On a rescue cruiser people listen intently for the orders of the captain, rather than sitting in the sun waiting for the next activity on the schedule. We are discovering that to change our culture, we have to change the way that we think about “the church.” And one way that we facilitate that change is to provide new images, metaphors and stories to create new associations in the hearts and minds of our community.

What are your metaphors or stories for what it means to be the “missional church”?


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Old Testament scholar Kathleen M. O’Connor has two new books Kathleen M. O’Connor, who retired earlier this year as the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, has two new books. She is the author of Jeremiah: Pain and Promise (Augsburg Fortress) and the co-editor of Breaking Bread, Building Justice: The Mission of the Church in the World of Hungers (VDM, Germany). Six years in the making, Jeremiah: Pain and Promise, is the culmination of Dr. O’Connor’s trauma and disaster research, work supported by a Henry Luce III Fellowship. In this new book, she acknowledges that Jeremiah’s emotional language can aggravate readers’ memories of pain. She also shows that Jeremiah is at once history and biography, documenting the ways an ancient community—and the prophet personally—sought to restore their collapsed political, social, and theological world. Both prophet and book provide a traumatized community a language to articulate disaster;

New book by Pamela Cooper-White explores multiplicity, God, and persons Braided Selves: Collected Essays on Multiplicity, God, and Persons by Pamela Cooper-White, has been released by Cascade Books. Dr. Cooper-White is the Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling at Columbia and director of the Atlanta Theological Association’s Doctor of Theology program in pastoral counseling. In this volume, which includes ten years of essays, Dr. Cooper-White suggests that we are more multiple as persons than traditional psychology has taught us to believe, and that our multiplicity is part of how we are made in the image of a loving, relational, multiple God. She argues that modern, Western notions of Oneness may actually cause harm to both individuals and society, and that an appreciation of multiplicity can help liberate the voices of those who live at the margins, both of society and within our own complex selves. Braided Selves addresses these concerns from the perspectives of postmodern pastoral psychology and Trinitarian theology, with implications for the practice of spiritual care, counseling, and psychotherapy. “Braided Selves is what authentic theology could be in the twenty-first century: theoretically rich without fleeing into metaphysical and rhetorical abstractions; rooted in human experience without degenerating into sentimentality and

move self-understanding from delusional security to identity as survivors; constitute individuals as responsible moral agents; portray God as equally afflicted by disaster; and invite a reconstruction of reality and of God’s relationship with them. Breaking Bread, Building Justice: The Mission of the Church in the World of Hungers, is a collection of essays, which Dr. O’Connor edited with Mark Gray, an alumnus of Columbia Theological Seminary. In this book eight scholars and pastors from around the world explore from their own contexts the theme of “the mission of the church in a world of hungers.” Collaborating through the seminary’s Campbell Scholars program, the group chose as the center of their study Isaiah 58, where breaking bread and building justice are central to God’s presence. These essays contribute to understanding pressing matters of hunger, expanding pastoral awareness of the context in which churches minister, and broaden biblical and ethical resources for reflecting on the nature of missiology in our time. n Kathleen O’Connor is the author of Lamentations and the Tears of the World (2002) and commentaries on Lamentations and Jeremiah. She is the co-editor of Troubling Jeremiah (1999).

cliché,” says James W. Jones, professor of psychology and religion at Rutgers University. “Anyone who cares about religious reflection in this troubled time should read this book. It will be a loss if Dr. Cooper-White’s text is restricted only to those who have ‘pastoral’ in their job description.” Dr. Cooper-White joined Columbia’s faculty in 2008. In 2005 she received the American Association of Pastoral Counselors’ national award for Distinguished Achievement in Research and Writing. Dr. Cooper-White holds PhDs from Harvard University and from the Institute for Clinical Social Work in Chicago. She is the author of Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy and Theology in Relational Perspective (2007), Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling (2004), and The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church’s Response (1995). n

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012




Vol. 104, No. 1, Fall 2011 Edi t or

Genie Hambrick

Damon Williams The Miss C. Virginia Harrison Memorial Award CTS Senior Damon Williams is the 2011 recipient of the Miss C. Virginia Harrison Memorial Award. Dr. Williams, who is from Ellicott City, MD, is a graduate of Georgia Tech, with a B.S. in industrial and systems engineering. He received the MS and PhD degrees in industrial and operations engineering from the University of Michigan. He is a member of Zion Hill Baptist Church, Atlanta. Virginia Harrison served Columbia in innumerable administrative capacities from 1925 to 1961. Her official position was as secretary to the president, but she also worked as registrar, supervisor of buildings and grounds, purchasing agent, manager of the bookstore, publisher of the catalogue and bulletins, postmistress, keeper of alumni records, and assistant secretary of the Board of Trustees. Upon her death in 1988, members of her family established an award to be given each year to a rising senior who is conscientious, responsible, hard working, and shows great potential for leadership in the church. The recipient of this cash award is chosen by the President and the President’s administrative assistant. n

Betsey Burgess Staff Award

Griselda Lartey is the recipient of the 2011 Betsey Burgess Staff Award. She is the interlibrary loan assistant in the seminary’s library. Born in Accra, Ghana, she lived in Birmingham, UK, from 1980 – 2001. There she worked at the Selly Oak Colleges Central Library, Westhill College Library, and University of Birmingham Library. Recently she was a presenter at the Yam Festival of Emory University’s Michael C. Carlos Museum. She discussed and demonstrated the preparation of several traditional Ghanaian yam dishes and led the children’s story time, “Artful Stories,” reading Anansi and the Magic Yams. She and her husband, Emmanuel, a former member of the seminary’s faculty, are the parents of four sons: Theophil and Henry live in Britain; Emmanuel and Wesley, in the United States. The Betsey Burgess Staff Award is made possible by Betsey Burgess, former CTS staff member. This cash award is given each year to a staff member who has demonstrated faithfulness, dedicated service, and Christian character upholding the seminary’s purpose and mission. The recipient is chosen by the president, two faculty members and the president of the Student Coordinating Council. n


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

D e si g n

Lucy Ke P ho t o g r a phy

Coenraad Brand ’13 Scott Chester Stanley Leary C o n t rib u t ors

William P. Brown Ralph Bush, Jr. Randy Calvo, Jr. ’81 Pamela Cooper-White Pam Cottrell Joe Ella Darby Mary Lynn Darden Nelson DeBrosse ’04 Tyler Downing ’84 C. J. Drymon Sarah Erickson ’03/DEdMin ’10 Rachel Ezzo Katelyn Gordon ’09 Steve Hayner Joseph Holt ’63 Riad Kassis Linda Morningstar ’98(MATS) Rodger Nishioka Elizabeth Orth Barbara Poe Lou Reaves Jody Sauls William Scheu George Stroup Sandra Taylor Diane Thorne Joel Tolbert ’05 Marshall Turkel Ralph Watkins This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications, then Vantage.


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Shirley Guthrie and Christian Hope

Working Both Sides of the Street by George W. Stroup


Since my ordination in 1984, the church has had to face a different world. The Cold War is over. America is no longer the single dominant force. We’ve found we have as much to learn from churches “over there” as they do from us. The church is no longer reassured and growing. It is splintered and confused. Facing both culture and uncertainty, it’s time for faith, courage, and discipleship to share the astonishing Good News. — Tyler Downing, MDiv ’84, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA

hen it came to Christian hope Shirley Guthrie worked both sides of the street. He believed that in difficult times Christian hope rejects both a cynical resignation that seeks refuge in “that’s just the way things are” and any attempt to escape to some utopian community free from life’s trials and tribulations. Christian hope, as he understood it, affirms that Christian hope is hope in God’s Kingdom and that Kingdom is here now, fermenting in the midst of ordinary people and institutions with all their limitations and failures. And that same hope recognizes that no community is the realization of that Kingdom because all things have yet to be transformed, mended, and healed by God and are at best partial and provisional signs of the Kingdom. When asked about the deplorable condition of the church—its loss of members, its apparent inability to attract the young, its incessant fights and bitter divisions over social and political issues (and in some cases its avoidance of social and political issues altogether)—Shirley would often talk about congregations he had visited recently where good things were happening, where the Gospel was being preached, faith was being taught, and the needy and wounded were being cared for, churches in which there was every reason to believe that God’s Spirit was at work and Christ was present. To those tempted to give up on denominations, throw in the towel, and flee to parachurches or “post-denominational” communities—to what they hope are the “real” church— Shirley would talk about a God who is faithful, who makes promises and keeps them, who does not give up on God’s church, even when its members do so. On the other hand, to those on the other side of the street, those content with the current state of the church, who love the familiar and what has always been (or at least what seems to have always been), to those ministers biding their time until retirement, or those in the pews who hope the church is the one safe haven in the storm of a rapidly changing society, Shirley would talk about a God who, according to the Bible, is continually doing new and strange things, who refuses to accept the world as it is, and promises to make both the world and the church into something startlingly new. Shirley believed deeply that the unfettered reign of God is real and present in the familiar and the ordinary but that it is also a promise that has yet to be fully realized, a promise that impinges on the present with such urgency that neither complacency and resignation nor utopian idealism should ever be an option.

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Shirley would often talk about congregations he had visited recently where good things were happening, where the Gospel was being preached, faith was being taught, and the needy and wounded were being cared for, churches in which there was every reason to believe that God’s Spirit was at work and Christ was present . . . . Shirley would talk about a God who is faithful, who makes promises and keeps them, who does not give up on God’s church, even when its members do so.

For understandable reasons many people assume that Shirley Guthrie’s interpretation of Christian hope as hope for that which is “already, but not yet,” like so many other themes in his theology, came from his teacher, Karl Barth. But Shirley had many other teachers, other mentors, besides Barth. His first publication was his English translation of Oscar Cullmann’s The Christology of the New Testament. For the roots of Shirley’s interpretation of hope as “already, not yet” see Cullmann’s claim in Christ and Time that “The decisive battle of the war may already have occurred in a relatively early stage of the war, and yet the war still continues” (p. 84). Equally significant is Shirley’s doctoral dissertation at Basel, directed by Karl Barth, on the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. More than anything else Niebuhr’s “Christian realism” enabled Guthrie to work both sides of the street, to describe faith as something that rejects apathy and resignation on the one hand and utopian idealism on the other.

Words from Guthrie’s Christian Doctrine that are familiar to many graduates of Columbia Seminary: All of us could be tempted simply to give up in despair when we take a hard look at the world around us and the mess we make of our own lives . . . But if we believe that since Easter the powers of evil are fighting a losing battle and that the one who has already conquered them is still at work to finish what he began, then we can take heart nevertheless to keep fighting, however powerful the enemy without and within may seem (Revised Edition, pp. 285-6). n A member of Columbia’s faculty since 1986, Dr. Stroup is the J. B. Green Professor of Theology. His most recent book is Why Jesus Matters (2011). His colleague and friend Shirley Guthrie was a member of Columbia’s faculty for nearly 40 years. Dr. Guthrie retired in 1997 and continues to be a part of the seminary community, even since his death in 2004.

Columbia prepares leaders for the church in a world that is rapidly changing and environmentally degrading. New leaders must serve as agents of resilient hope in the face of mounting despair and frustration, of hope in the God who is at work in the world, who in Christ makes all things new. Our future leaders, in short, must be practitioners of wonder. — William P. Brown, Professor of Old Testament


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

Ralph Watkins blogs on Evangelism and Church Growth at

I Am Not Worried About the Church by Ralph C. Watkins “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16.15-18


uch of my work with local congregations is helping them develop strategies to reach those who seem hard to reach—especially young adults. Passionate about the gospel and about being faithful witnesses for Christ, these congregations often ask me, “Are you worried about the future of the church?” Always I respond, “No!” The future of the church is not worrisome for me, because I know that it isn’t dependent on me or any other human entity. The future of the church is built on who Jesus is. We just have to be bold enough to follow Jesus and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to make us the church God would have us be. New expressions of what it looks like to “be church” in this age will come, like always, from humble submission to God’s will. Church might not look like what I grew up in, but it will be blessed by the presence of God. We know that young adults are searching and wanting a relationship with God. Studies have shown that 90 percent of them say, “I can have a good relationship with God without being involved in a church.”1 But what we’re finding is that young adults are looking for churches that make the Word of God and the ways of God understandable and applicable as a guiding force in their daily lives.

Young adults are looking for community—in-depth, applicable engagement with God’s Word, inter-generational connections and inclusion in churches that empower them to do something bigger than themselves. Young adults are searching for churches that involve them in ministry that has the promise of changing the world. Young adults are looking for the type of church I found when I came to Christ as a 20-something. It was a small missional church that provided for me and my young family all the things young adults are craving from the church today. As a paradigm for how to be the church of Jesus Christ, this little church took seriously—from Matthew through Acts—the witness of Jesus’ ministry. The pastor and congregation were passionate about Jesus, but not so much about the ways of their denomination. When I tell people I am not worried about the church, what I am saying is I am not worried about Jesus disappearing or going away. As long as Jesus lives the church lives. The more our churches reflect Jesus the more they will grow. Growth in this context isn’t limited to numerical growth. It is more about growing to be mature disciples of Jesus Christ who are active agents of the love of God in the world. The question is, “When I come to church, on Sunday through Saturday, do I see Jesus?” n 1

Ed Stetezer, Richie Stanley and Jason Hayes. Lost and Found: The Younger Unchurched and the The Churches That Reach Them. B&H Publishing Group, Nashville TN, p. 54.

Dr. Watkins is Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth. He joined the seminary’s faculty this summer. He blogs at Check out posts, videos, and congregational resources. VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


We started a midweek Bible study, advertising on a poster out front that everyone is welcome to attend. To our surprise, they believe us. Baptists, Methodists, Roman Catholics, and even Mormon people are with us each week. What was deemed impossible in the way of ecumenical effort is now happening in the power of the Holy Spirit with the people in the pew. Is there a vision for the future of the entire church here? — Nelson DeBrosse, MDiv ’04, Stated Supply, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA

Who Says? A Reflection from Syria by Riad Kassis Dear Friends,


Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (John 12.20). The Scripture’s overarching witness to love and justice, and the relationality of the Sacraments, paradoxically may call us to die to much of what we now think of as indispensable—both in our theologizing and our practices. How else can we live as Christ’s body, in an increasingly interfaith, intercultural, and interconnected world? — Pamela Cooper-White, Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

e normally travel from Lebanon to Syria using private means of transportation, but on this visit my daughter and I have decided to use public transportation for safety. (An Arabic proverb states: “Place your head with other heads when you could face beheading!”) It is a real treat to travel more than 120 miles for only US $3.50 per passenger! It is also a good opportunity for my wife to enjoy some time to herself. We are traveling the Damascus-Homs road. Homs, after Hama, has become a very tense city due to armed and militant protesters. Fortunately our driver has decided to avoid passing through Homs. As I write these words, Homs is almost 42 miles north. Along the highway on my left we passed a big statue of the late Syrian president standing on a hill waving his hand. A couple of miles back we passed on the right an ancient church situated in a predominantly Muslim Sunni city. Our driver’s name is Abu Ibrahim (“father of Abraham”). He is a Syrian Greek Orthodox Christian who is proud to claim that his Christian lineage dates back more than 2,000 years. A miniature of Virgin Mary is at the center of his steering wheel. Before we took off in Damascus, I offered Abu Ibrahim a cold Coca-Cola. He thanked me warmly as he drank the whole can in two sips on this August afternoon in the summer heat of Damascus. Next to me is a bearded man. When he got onto the bus, he opened his Quran and began reciting and

reading Quranic verses. Now and then, he takes a break to chat with Abu Ibrahim for a couple of minutes. His truck broke down midway between Damascus and Homs, so he went to Damascus to get a spare part. As soon as he reached his truck, he gave Abu Ibrahim the fare and bid him a warm farewell. Trivina, my daughter, is sitting in a single seat at the front of the bus with earphones plugged into her iPod. She is also reciting and murmuring words, but in English and not religious. When I asked her to lower her voice, she responded, “Who says?” (She was listening to Selena Gomez singing the song “Who Says?”) I say to myself . . . • Who says that in one day in Syria you cannot share a Coca-Cola, be inspired by a song on your iPod, interact with an Orthodox Christian or a Reformed evangelical theologian, and engage with a devout Sunni Muslim? • Who says that the violence of protesters and the counter violence of regimes are the solution for the Syrian crisis? • Who says that western sanctions against Syria are the solution for a better Syria? • Who says that people of various beliefs are unable to ride on the same bus or live in the same country? and here is who says . . . • I say that Western and Arab countries should encourage genuine dialogue between the opposition and the regime. Sanctions are affecting ordinary citizens in serious ways, while the leaders of the regime have all the means to escape any suffering. • The Bible says: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12.21). Reformed theology provided solid parameters for continual unfolding of the mystery of the sovereign God and reforming of life by faith. Reformed polity provided a good framework within which to manage authority of Jesus Christ. Hebrew, Greek, and English language translations of the Bible provided faithful witness to the Living Word and effective means of communicating that Word through preaching and teaching. Witness of professor’s faith and Spirit provided helpful guidance and wisdom. Seminary prepared me for ministry. Further emphasis on Spirit formation, both personal and corporate, would address the divisive spirit that threatens the church. — Joseph Holt, BD ’63, Retired, First Presbyterian Church, Hibbing, MN

• Experience says that violence leads to more violence, destruction, and loss of precious lives. Martin Luther King, Jr., so eloquently said, “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars . . . Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” • History of the Middle East says that Muslims, Jews, and Christians are able to co-exist peacefully. In fact, an honest reading of the history of the Middle East clearly supports this notion. The pressures exercised by extremists of all sides should not intimidate such co-existence. • History of the Middle East also says that extremist regimes could cause enormous oppression and persecution to minorities particularly Christian minorities. This is why Patriarch Bishara ar-Rai of the Maronite Church, after talks with President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris, said that Lebanese Christians feared that Syria might descend into civil war, or that “we end up with a regime which is more extreme and more fanatical.” The Patriarch urged the West to be cautious in backing regime change without thinking about what might happen to minority communities in the aftermath. “The West wanted democracy in Iraq, and this democracy has claimed many lives. The lives of Christians in Iraq and in Egypt are now more difficult than they were in the past” ( When we reached our destination, in a predominantly Christian area, I was deeply impressed seeing people, particularly the youth, resistant to being subdued by fear and intimidation. They were going to summer folklore parties, sipping coffee in cafés along roads, attending church on Sunday, and some of them even watching globalized music videos on giant screens. Yesterday I had a chance to address briefly a group of Syrian Christian university students. I admonished them that they are called today to be first-class citizens, to prove their love to their country in word and deed, and to witness to the powerful message of Jesus Christ: peace, salvation, and reconciliation.

Would you please join me now in an earnest prayer for Syria and Syrian Christians? n Riad Kassis was a visiting scholar at Columbia from August, 2010, through July, 2011. He is the Regional Director for the Middle East/North Africa and Central Europe for the Overseas Council International. This organization partners with seminaries, Bible institutes and other strategic ministries by leveraging people, expertise and resources to advance quality Christian leadership training. Dr. Kassis is also visiting assistant professor of Old Testament studies at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut, Lebanon. VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012



Dr. Kline, Dean Kline, President Kline 1925 – 2011 by William P. Brown President Emeritus C. Benton Kline, Jr., had a long, distinguished career—more than half a century —in academia. After nearly 20 years on the faculty of Agnes Scott College, he joined Columbia’s faculty, where he served as professor of theology (1969-1988), as dean of the faculty (1969-1971), and as president (1971-1975). Long after his retirement from Columbia, he continued service to both institutions as visiting professor. He even served a year as director of the seminary’s library. A Presbyterian minister, Dr. Kline was active in the work of the denomination nationally and locally. For the church, he was a dedicated teacher, preacher, and writer, and, with equal commitment, he worked tirelessly for the good of community close to home and beyond, especially to support the cause of education. Dr. Kline died on June 20, 2011, at the age of 86. Two weeks earlier, he and his wife, Chris, had celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary. Along with Chris, Dr. Kline’s survivors include a son, John B. Kline, and his wife, Mary; a daughter, Mary Martha Riviere, the seminary’s circulation librarian, and her husband, Kenneth; four granddaughters, one grandson, and four great-grandchildren. The memorial service was held at North Decatur Presbyterian Church. Dr. William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament, gave the eulogy. Excerpts are published here with permission. To read Dr. Brown’s complete sermon, go to Vantage Online:

Ephesians 1:3-14


oday we attend to the resurrection in this service for Dr. Kline, Dean Kline, President Kline. We give witness to the many gifts of God evidenced in the life of Ben Kline. And we are widely representative . . . of Agnes Scott College, where Dr. Kline began his full-time academic career, having served as Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the Faculty, and given emeritus status in the year 2000 . . . of Columbia Theological Seminary, where Ben was also Dean as well as President, designated President Emeritus in 1985 . . . of the Presbyterian Church, in which he was ordained as minister of word and sacrament in the Presbytery of Monmouth in 1948 and later ably served the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta for years until his retirement. Some of us come testifying to Ben’s generous involvement in the Decatur community, for he served on its Board of Education, including as chair, for several years. But most importantly we come as ourselves, touched in various ways by Ben’s life. We come as former students, colleagues in ministry, teaching colleagues, neighbors, and friends. And we come as family. Dr. Kline touched all of us with his intellect and with his humor, and above all with his generosity of grace. ... A former seminarian claims she learned everything from subatomic physics to theology to Presbyterian polity in his classroom, so wide ranging was Professor Kline’s intellect and teaching interests. His gift was to raise students up without ever dumbing down his lessons. And he was always willing to go boldly where no student could ever imagine going.


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

C. Benton Kline, Jr.

Professors Kline and Guthrie


Indeed, one former student remarks: “They say space is the last frontier, but being A nature walk with Dr. Kline was like taking a nature walk through the passages through the passages of the soul, beyond of the soul space, time, beyond the universal or the particular. It was all one big discovery of the unending grace of God.” The apostle Paul talks about God’s “glorious grace,” grace freely bestowed in Christ. Such a wonder that is! As many former seminarians can attest, the Introduction to Theology course co-taught by Professors Kline and Guthrie was the stuff of legend. As close colleagues, Ben and Shirley came to know each other so well that they could finish each other’s lectures (and occasionally call each other a heretic) with mutual respect and love. One of Professor Kline’s most popular courses was his Theology through Greek Philosophy. I must admit that Greek philosophy isn’t taught much now at Columbia, no doubt a significant curricular A sense of wonder deficiency, but I can only suspect that what excited Dr. Kline about pervaded Greek philosophy was its emphasis on the notion of wonder. It was Professor Kline’s Socrates who claimed that “philosophy begins in wonder,” and Aristotle agreed. teaching, For Ben, it was that same probing, thinking wonder that underlies what the preaching, writing, biblical sages called “the fear of the Lord” as “the beginning of wisdom.” administrating, It was indeed a sense of wonder that pervaded Professor Kline’s teaching, indeed his entire, preaching, writing, administrating, indeed his entire, manifold vocation. When I manifold vocation. had the opportunity to share in his wonder and wisdom, it was when he taught his last Sunday School class at North Decatur Presbyterian Church some five years ago. It was on Ephesians, and I must say that I will never read this epistle in the same way after learning from Dr. Kline. For one thing, I can’t read the first chapter without thinking of him and his reflections about life in Christ. The opening passage begins with the blessing of God and God’s people and then celebrates God’s elective, gracious love for each of us. Paul considers the church to be a family, all of us adopted as children through Jesus Christ. And God takes us on a journey of “wisdom and insight,” making known to us something of the “mystery of God’s will.” In Christ we find redemption and forgiveness, and in the “fullness of time,” God will “gather up all things.” You see, there is a beautiful arc that Paul traces in the life of faith that begins with God’s election before time, moves to our salvation in time, and concludes with the final consummation at the end of time, when “all things are gathered up.” ...


In addition to his infatuation with God’s unending, “glorious grace,” another significant theme that appears in Ben’s writings is unity, God’s unity, the church’s unity, creation’s unity. According to one former student, Ben was fascinated with “how things come together, especially beyond the realm of knowing.” We may all be incorrigible empiricists, Ben would chide us, but in God’s grace we come to realize that God is constantly and subtly acting behind the scenes in big and small ways, above ground and below ground, from the tiniest of particles in the subatomic realm to the relationships that grace our lives day by day to the very workings of the cosmos. And it is all coming to a grand and glorious climax, a consummation, both the apostle Paul and professor Kline attest. Our adoption into the family of God holds the promise of God’s glorious future, when all creation is reconciled and all things are gathered together, bound together in the bond of peace. Ben liked to describe the church catholic as a “centering diversity,” a diverse community centered in Christ, the agent of reconciliation. Yet the church is always on dventures beyond A the realm of knowing

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012



the way of centering, never completely centered in and of itself. Plurality is a gift for the church, Ben exclaimed, so also its unity. And the glorious vision of the church as a fully centered reality is found at the end of time, and it is described in one of Bens’ favorite passages in the Bible, from the book of Revelation: After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (7:9-10) That’s what the church is for; it is a sign of the new creation that has been underway ever since the Resurrection and Pentecost, a movement that will embrace and transform all the world in the end. The church, in Ben’s words, drawing from Paul, “pioneers in its own life the intention of God ‘to gather up all things in Christ.’” Or perhaps to put it another way, God is up to some


“Ben liked to describe the church catholic as a ‘centering diversity,’ a diverse community centered in Christ, the agent of reconciliation.”

mischief in the world, the mischief of grace, and it is the church’s mission to bear witness to it, to God’s reconciliation of the world, of all peoples, of all creation, the world’s consummation. Take it from a consummate teacher. In the spring of 1967, as Dean of the Faculty at Agnes Scott College, Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr., addressed the graduating seniors of Columbia Theological Seminary at their Baccalaureate. And this is what he said: “We are given life and we lose it and are given it back, therefore we are under obligation. We are under obligation to Jesus Christ, the strangest of all masters, for he is a servant too, sharing in every measure of our lives with us.” Ben Kline lived out that obligation in wonder and joy, in deep conviction and commitment, and always with a twinkle in his eye. In baptism he lost his life and was given it back. And now in death, he is gathered up to Christ and shares in Christ’s resurrection. Hallelujah. Amen. n


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

tauta panta Tauta Panta

The alumni/ae, faculty, staff, administration, and students of Columbia Theological Seminary are part of a living tradition that reaches back to the earliest days of God’s people reflecting on their world, their experience of God, and their sense of God’s calling. In this section of Vantage, Tauta Panta, we are reminded of our common connection to this venerable and ever-changing stream of witness. Tauta Panta refers to “all these things,” as in “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6.33).

On campus in October, the Alumni/ae Council: From left to right — (Back) Jaina Anderson ’05, Hugh Hamilton ’80, Anne Apple ’01, Todd Jenkins ’90, Bill Lancaster ’73, Kate Foster Connors ’01; (Middle) Greg Kershner ’99, Abby Cole Keller ’06, Jan Stewart-Tolbert ’98, Anna McArthur ’99, Jack Taylor ’62, Ann Marie Montgomery ’06; (Front) David Kwon ’01, Susannah Cook ’99, Cary Speaker ’76, Jarred Hammet ’85, Sandy Lacey ’07, Jerry Utt ’02

History Matters! Last spring, we published a photograph taken during the time the seminary’s campus was in Columbia, SC. The picture has been dated circa 1915, and one reader had identified Dr. Richard Gillespie (who would become Columbia’s president) as a student in the picture. Another reader has identified family members and provides a later date, with this explanation: “ . . . I truly hate to disagree with the conclusion you reached regarding the picture, but I can tell you that the picture was made between 1919 and 1922. Dr. Gillespie may be in the picture, but he was not a student. He may have been there to lead a spiritual

emphasis week or something like that. The reason I know when the picture was made is because my father, Rev. Ludwig A. Beckman, Jr., CTS class of 1922, (and an uncle, Rev. James Venner Cobb, class of 1923) are both in the picture . . . Dr. [Richard] Gillespie was instrumental in my father making the decision to follow God’s call and enter CTS. After graduating from Presbyterian College, my father was attending the Business University of Lexington, KY, where Dr. Gillespie was pastor of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church. So I am grateful to Dr. Gillespie for being such a good influence. However, in the interest of historical accuracy, the picture was taken between 1919 and 1922.” — Peggy Beckman Miller

In spite of Sandra Taylor’s best efforts at fact-checking for Vantage—and her efforts are indeed the VERY best—the names of Charles Moffatt and Calvin Chesnutt, both class of 1951, were reversed in a photo caption in the summer issue of Vantage. Sandra had it right, but someone (read: the editor) missed her correction. Charles Moffatt is on the left; Calvin Chesnutt on the right.

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


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Tauta Panta | Alumni/ae News & Notes

We press

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Many thanks to Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations and pastors who are hosting Columbia faculty, staff, and students for preaching, teaching, and “minutes for mission.” Sixteen congregations (see below) welcomed Columbia ambassadors for the PC(USA)’s national observance of Seminary Sunday on September 18, 2011. Another 16 helped raise awareness of Columbia that day by including seminary bookmarks in worship bulletins. In October, another six congregations in metro Atlanta welcomed faculty and student preachers and teachers to help raise awareness of the seminary’s mission. n Mountain Brook–Birmingham, AL

Cary Speaker DMin ’76

Shades Valley–Birmingham, AL

Taylor Todd

Lawrenceville–Lawrenceville, GA

Chip Blankinship ’95

Shallowford–Atlanta, GA

Chris Henry ’07

Trinity–Palm Coast, FL

Ronald Watson DMin ’99

Trinity–Canton, GA

Greg Moore ’04

North Decatur–Decatur, GA

David Lewicki and Beth Wattermath

First–Savannah, GA

Stephen Williams DMin’01, Will Shelburne ’07

Butler–Savannah, GA

Don Dilley

Wilmington Island–Savannah, GA

Andy Meeker

First–Covington, GA

Billy Wade DMin ’80

Morton Memorial–Chickamauga, GA

Tom Ferguson, Clerk

Memorial–Montgomery, AL

Thomas Boone

Oglethorpe–Atlanta, GA

Marthame Sanders

Columbia–Decatur, GA

Tom Hagood ’96

Southminster–Birmingham, AL

Joe Slane


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The pastoral staff of Palms Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Beach, FL: Katie Day ’06, Tom Walker ’89, Carol DiGiusto ’99, Andrew Kukla ’03, Laurie FurrVancini ’99.


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

This group of Columbia alumni/ae has gathered together for the past three years for a week of Sabbath & Growth. In the past year, six babies were born! From left: Robert Hay, Morgan Hay ’07 (holding Anderson), Tom Bryson ’07 (holding Michael), Ashley Bryson, Stockton Hay, Ryan Baer ’07 (holding Nathan), Amy Baer ’08 (holding Daniel), Julie Bailey ’09 (holding Miriam), Davis Bailey ’08, Kathy Wolf Reed ’09, Nick Reed ’07, James Hofmann, Sarah Hofmann (holding Amelia), Daren Hofmann ’07.

International student Joshua Norris, who is from England, on September 18 with Andy Meeker, pastor of Wilmington Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA.

At Savannah (GA) First Presbyterian Church on September 18: Will Shelburne ’07, associate pastor; Paul Kariuki, CTS international student from Kenya; Kim LeVert ’04, CTS international programs coordinator; Stephen Williams DMin’01, senior pastor. Coenraad Brand ’13 preached at Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Hogansville, GA, on October 16. He’s pictured here with the pastor, Harry Cain.

Tauta Panta | Alumni/ae News & Notes

In August, the seminary community honored Phil Noble ’45 on his 90th birthday. During his career, Dr. Noble served pastorates in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. He was also co-president of the Board of Pensions of the PC(USA), and he served as chair of Columbia’s Board of Trustees for many years. He and his wife, Betty, live in Decatur.


Steve Bacon ’61 celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA, on July 10. Two members of his ordination commission joined in the celebration. Steve serves as pastoral residency program director at Central . . . David Antonson ’66 was honorably retired from Northmont United Presbyterian Church in February, 2007, and has served three churches as interim pastor. He is now interim pastor at Pleasant Hills Community Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA.


Gene Lassiter ’72 was honorably retired August 31st from Indiantown and St. Paul Presbyterian churches, Hemingway, SC.

1980s Clyde M. Wiley ’80 was honorably retired as minister-atlarge, Raleigh, NC . . . Mary Jane Cornell ‘81 is interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Hammond, LA . . . Dedie Kelso ThM ’84 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, South Bend, IN . . . Kathryn Thoresen ’84 recently received two awards recognizing her contributions to child welfare in the metro Detroit area. She serves as coordinator of the Faith Communities’ Coalition on Foster Care, a growing grassroots initiative that promotes collaborative efforts of churches, service agencies, and local governments to address the needs of children in foster care. She and her husband, Tom, are licensed foster care parents . . . John Dudley DMin ’85 was honorably retired last October and continues to serve on a part-time basis as administrative presbyter of the Presbytery of Mississippi.

1990s Earl Smith ’90/DMin ’00 was honorably retired September, 2010, and is serving as parish associate at First Presbyterian Church, Brandon, FL . . . Earl Bland DMin ’92 is pastor of James Island Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC . . . Jake Marshall ’93/ DMin ’06 has been honorably retired and lives

in Daytona Beach Shores, FL . . . Steve Robertson ’95/ DMin ’11 is associate pastor for pastoral care at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, MN . . . John Morgan ’97/DMin ’11 was married to Andrea Leonard on July 3.

2000s Joe Evans ’06 and his wife, Sara, have a new baby girl, Cecelia Jane Evans, born June 28, 21 inches long and weighing 8.85 lbs. Joe also preached on “Day 1” radio on July 10 . . . Scott Huie ’94 is youth pastor of Johns Creek Presbyterian Church, Johns Creek, GA . . . John Turnbull ’95 is moving to Colombia where he will teach English with the Suenos Compartidos Maestros program. He will work with English teachers in public schools in San Agustin, Huila, Colombia . . . Allen Huff ’96 is pastor of Jonesborough Presbyterian Church, Jonesborough, TN . . . Will Jones ’96 is pastor of Germantown Presbyterian Church, Germantown, TN . . . Jim Reinarz ’97 received a DMin in evangelism and mission from Austin Presbyterian Seminary on May 22. He serves as pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Grand Prairie, TX . . . Tom Sakon ThM ’00 received his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary in May. He translated Walter Brueggemann’s book, The Bible Makes Sense, into Japanese. It was published in February in Japan. He and his family live in Tokyo . . . Don Brown ’01 is pastor of South Presbyterian Church in Bergenfield, NJ . . . Tim Reynolds ’01 is pastor of Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church, Abingdon, VA . . . David Dault MA(TS) ’02 traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, to present a paper, “The Bible as ‘Remembering Machine’: Encoding Protestant Identity through Printed Scripture,” at the International Association for Media and History conference. In the spring he also delivered papers at Syracuse University and the Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion in New Brunswick, NJ . . . MaryAnn McKibben Dana ’03 served as liturgy writer for the Sunday morning worship services at Montreat Conference Center during summer 2011. She is working on a book, The Sabbath Year, which will be published in 2012 by Chalice Press. She was one

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Tauta Panta | Alumni/ae News & Notes

of 13 writers selected to participate in the “Apart, and Yet a Part” writing retreat and workshop held at the Collegeville Institute in Minnesota in July . . . Carol Fisher DMin ’05 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Martinsville, IN . . . Jeremy Wilhelmi ’07 has accepted a call as Director of Camps and Retreats at Monroe Camp and Retreat Center, Laurel Hill, NC . . . Nick Reed ’07 and Kathy Wolf Reed ’09 have been called to serve as co-associate pastors for youth, family, and campus ministry at First Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL. Kathy will continue to write youth and adult curriculum for The Thoughtful Christian . . . Ashley-Anne Masters ’07, co-author of a new book, Bless Her Heart: Life as a Young Clergywoman (Chalice Press, 2011), spoke at a Clergy Image Event at Louisville Seminary in September. In October, she had a book signing at Columbia . . . Andy Chambers ’08 is pastor of Frederica Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA . . . Karen Fleming ’08 has accepted a position as chaplain with Beacon Hospice in York, ME . . . John Lattimore ’08 was ordained April 10 in Greenville, SC, and has been installed as pastor of Highland Presbyterian Church, Canada, KY. He was married April 2 to Marianne Elizabeth Lattimore . . . Heather Wood ’08 was married to Claude Thomas Davis on May 22, 2011, in Hickory, NC. Kate Giguere Morris ’08 officiated . . . Maggie Leonard ’09 is associate pastor of Mercy Community Church, Atlanta, GA . . . Richard Proctor ’09 was graduated in May by General Theological Seminary in New York City with a Masters of Sacred Theology degree in Anglican Studies. He was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Atlanta June 27 with Dr. Bill Harkins serving as a presenter at the service. Richard is now assistant rector at St. Johns Episcopal Church, Western Run Parish, Glyndon, MD . . . Kevin Weber ’09 and his wife, Callie, have a new baby boy, Benjamin Curington Weber, born July 12, 21 inches long and weighing 8 lbs. 15 oz . . . David Powers ’10 is Director of Christian Education at Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA . . . Mary Kathleen Duncan ’11 received a call as associate pastor of congregational life at First Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount, NC. n

In Memoriam Thomas M. Dews ’49..................................................May 25, 2011 Robert Horne ’59...................................................August 23, 2011 William Grimstead ’63............................................March 6, 2011 James E. Hollis, Jr. ’82......................................February 19, 2011


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

In Matthew 16.13-20, Jesus asks, “Who do others say that I am?” I believe this is a good question for us to ask as a church. Who do others say that we are? I think a good one-word description might be the word family. What does it mean to be a church defined by the word family? I believe it means embracing hospitality, in welcoming people into our church home, while helping others in our community, the nation, and around the world. Defining church as family also means that we look to our past and honor our denominational heritage. Embracing our past can help us as we forge our future. So, while we may disagree at times, we know there is room at the table, always, for family. At that table, too, are our children and youth. We must care for them especially, for it is in them that the Church will continue. So who do others say that we are? In identifying ourselves as family, I believe we might just find the foundational stone upon which to grow Christ’s church deep and wide. — Ben Beasley MDiv ’10, pastor, Allenhurst Presbyterian Church, Allenhurst, GA

Call Fair for Pastor Nominating Committees February 17, 2012 Columbia will host its seventh annual Call Fair for Pastor Nominating Committees on Friday, February 17, 2012, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. The event is designed to help connect graduating seniors with congregations and organizations that have openings for leadership positions. The registration form is available online at SS_CallFair_2012Form_Nov2011.pdf For more information about the Call Fair and student placement, contact Judy Graves in the Office of Student Services at or 404-687-4523. n Information about students who are seeking a call is available on Columbia’s website at Student Placement and Internships/Placement. Profiles are listed according to the type of positions seniors are seeking after graduation in May. Information is updated continuously.

Tauta Panta | Faculty & Staff





Carter Florence



David Bartlett, Distinguished Professor of New Testament: taught summer school at Yale Divinity School and at the Chicago Cluster of Theological Schools; preached at Holden Beach Chapel, NC, and at Hyde Park Union Church, Chicago. As of September 1, Dr. Bartlett is theologian-in-residence at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta . . . William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament language, literature, and exegesis: Responded to three review panels of his book The Seven Pillars of Creation, including a conversation with John Polkinghorne (Anglican priest and quantum physicist), at the Christian Scholars Conference at Pepperdine University; led a retreat on “Wisdom’s Wonder” at Ring Lake Ranch, Dubois, WY; worship leader and plenary moderator at the Presbyterians for Earth Care Conference at Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center in Colorado; led conference and worship on “Wonder in the Wilderness” for the Presbytery of Wyoming. Publications: “‘In Him All Things Hold Together’: An Ecology of Atonement,” in Ex Auditu: An International Journal of the Theological Interpretation of Scripture 26 (2010): 1-20; “The Wonder of It All: Faith, Creation, and Wisdom,” Journal for Preachers 34/4 (Pentecost, 2010), 33-38; co-leading Sunday School class at North Decatur Presbyterian Church; featured Skyped-in presenter at the coffee-house ministry of . . . Randy Calvo, Jr. ’81, director of alumni/ae and church relations: Facilitated an alumni/ae gathering in Montreat, NC, during the CTS Montreat Summer lecture series; on Seminary Sunday preached at First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA . . . Sheena Mayrant ’07, business systems coordinator: Guest speaker for Holston Presbytery’s Women’s Retreat, “God’s Daughters,” in Banner Elk, NC. She led workshops on the topic “UNSUNG: Celebrating Christian virtues in unloved, unknown, unnamed and unheard women in the Bible”. . . . Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching: Lectured for a week during a “Festival of Preaching” at Westminster College, Cambridge, UK; preached for Parents’ Weekend at Camp Dudley YMCA in Westport, NY; served as convocation speaker for the Synod of Lakes and Prairies Synod School at Buena Vista College in Storm Lake, IA; preached at Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, TX; lectured for the Dallas Ecumenical Residency Cohort in Dallas, TX; lecturer for The Pastors’ Conference at Earlham College in Richmond, IN; spent a week in Sweden lecturing for pastors in Uppsala, Harnosand, and Norrkoping, through the Church of Sweden; preached and lectured at “The Art of Preaching in the 21st Century” at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology; spoke at the youth breakfast and preached at Decatur (GA) Presbyterian Church; preached and lectured at a preaching conference at Trivecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN . . . Jin Young Choi, adjunct (The Lilly Externship in Theological Education): Leading a Bible study series, “Women in the Gospel of Mark,” Nashville (TN) Korean Presbyterian Church. Publications: Review of The Politics of Peace: Ephesians, Dio Chrysostom and the Confucian Four Books by Te-Li Lau, in Biblical Interpretation . . . Pamela Cooper-White, Ben G. and Nancye Clapp Gautier Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling: Attended and participated in a book signing in Madrid, Spain, at the 2011 conference “Changing Psychoanalysis for a Changing Society,” International Association of Relational Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists (IARPP); performed the role of the Nurse and the Poet in “Candlelight at Christ: Songs and Stories from a Civil War Hospital,” Christ Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, PA; preached at Holy Trinity Parish (Episcopal), Decatur, GA, and Celtic Worship at Christ Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, PA; presented a paper on a panel titled “The Divine and the Analytic Third” at “The Psychology of the Other Conference 2011,” Cambridge, MA; featured presenter on the theme “The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church’s Response,” at 2011 annual pastoral conference, Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa, OK. Publications: New book (see page 5) — Braided Selves: Collected Essays on Multiplicity, God, and Persons (Cascade Books, 2011); an article, “A Critical Tradition: Psychoanalysis” (with response by Sebastian Murken, Marburg), in Pastoralpsychologie une Religionspsychogie im Dialog: Impulse für die Seelsorge/Pastoral Psychology and Psychology of Religion in Dialogue: Implications, ed. Isabelle Noth, Christoph Morgenthaler, and Kathleen J. Greider (Stuttgart:

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Tauta Panta | Faculty & Staff











Kohlhammer Verlag, 2011) . . . Sarah F. Erickson MDiv ’03 / DEdMin ’10, director of Lifelong Learning: Preached at Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian church, Stone Mountain, GA, and Shades Valley Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL . . . Steve Hayner, president: Plenary speaker/preacher for “Pastoral Care Conference” at the PC(USA) Big Tent in Indianapolis; for “Summer Trainee 50th Anniversary Celebration”, Westside Church, Richland, WA; for the “Off the Map” conference, University Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA. Publication: “Nurturing Your Organization’s Culture,” in Non-Profit Leadership in a For-Profit World, Gyertson & Krivickas, eds., Standard Publishing, 2011 . . . Beth Johnson, J. Davison Philips Professor of New Testament: Preached at the Holden Beach (NC) Chapel. Publications — As co-general editor with the Rev. Cynthia A. Jarvis, organized and oriented the new editorial board for Feasting on the Gospels, a joint project of Columbia and Westminster John Knox Press . . . Martha Moore-Keish, associate professor of theology: Keynote speaker, MoRanch Women’s conference; liturgist, Montreat Worship and Music conferences; preached for the ordination of Katie Owen at First Presbyterian Church, Topeka, KS; preached and delivered lectures at St. Philip’s Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX; preached for the ordination of Sydne Check Allen ’10 at First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, NC; taught Sunday school at Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta . . . Michael Morgan, seminary musician: Church retreat leader, St. Philip Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX; Routley lecturer, PAM Worship and Music Conference, Mo-Ranch, TX . . . Cam Murchison, professor emeritus: Theologian-in-residence at Montreat Conference Center, leading theology/ecology class titled “Clues for a World on the Edge”; Led seminar for pastors and educators at Montreat Conference Center on “Teaching the New Form of Government in Officer Education” . . . David Musil, food service director (Aramark): Received the Safety Excellence Award (one year with no medical claims) from Aramark Higher Education – Southern Region . . . Rodger Nishioka, Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education: Keynote speaker, worship leader, teacher, preacher — Montreat Youth Conferences; theologian-in-residence, White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC; Churchwide Episcopal Youth Event, St. Paul, MN; Mo-Ranch Multicultural Youth Event, Hunt, TX; McCormick Seminary Common Ground Project; Taste of Seminary conference, Chicago, IL; United Church of Canada National Youth Event, Toronto, ON; Charleston-Atlantic presbytery Leader Event; Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, SC; Central Presbyterian Church Retreat, Atlanta, GA; Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Overland Park, KS; Transylvania Presbytery meeting, London, KY; First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC . . . Dominique A. Robinson, Contextual Education Office, staff associate: Publication — Unspoken Praise: A Manual on Liturgical-Praise Dance, 3rd Dimension Publishing. Related workshops and tutorials: St. Stephen AME Zion Church, Asbury Park, NJ; Zion Hill Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA; Homewood AME Zion Church, Pittsburgh, PA. Guest preacher, Black Church Studies Fall Retreat, Emory University, Candler School of Theology . . . Jeffery L. Tribble, Sr., assistant professor of ministry: Speaker for the opening plenary of the Sixth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church Leadership and Ministry Congress in Augusta, GA. The plenary topic was “The Path of the Servant Leader for Powerful Transformative Ministry”; taught a clergy workshop on evangelism, “How to Reach the Masses,” conducted a church leadership Workshop for an ongoing collaboration of continuing education partnership/ collaboration of the International Theological Center/Turner Theological Seminary and the 11th Episcopal District in Orlando, FL; in Houston, TX, for the Presiding Elders’ Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (A.M.E. Zion) made a presentation on an educational manual of essays by bishops and presiding elders that he is editing; preached for a joint worship and communion service of Allison Creek Presbyterian Church, New Home A.M.E. Zion, and Liberty Hill A.M.E. Zion in Rock Hill, SC; presided over the Augusta District Conference and preached for the missionary candlelight service at Mt. Zion A.M.E. Zion in Augusta, GA. Publications: “Eighth Sunday After Epiphany” in Preaching God’s Transformative Justice: A Lectionary Commentary, Year B, featuring 22 new holy days for justice, ed. Ronald F. Allen, Dale P. Andrews, and Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Louisville, Kentucky:

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

Tauta Panta | Faculty & Staff





Westminster John Knox Press, 2011; “Ethnographic Research on African American Pastoral Leadership and Congregations” in Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics, ed. Christian Scharen and Aana Marie Vigen, New York: Continuum, 2011 . . . Haruko Nawata Ward, associate professor of church history; Current recipient of a Lilly Theological Research Grant (Faculty Fellowship) is working on her project on “Christian Theology of Martyrdom and Women Martyrs in Early Modern Japan” as the William Scheide Theological Fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ, during the academic year 2011-2012 . . . Ralph Watkins, associate professor of evangelism and church growth: Workshop leader, “Leading and Developing a 21st Century Church,” St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Berkeley, CA, and for “Worship Then in Now: Including Yesterday in Today as a New Form of Inclusive Worship,” a Lilly grant workshop on the future of worship at Greater Mount Carmel African Methodist Episcopal Church; guest preacher for homecoming worship service, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Berkeley, CA; plenary speaker for “The Church of Tomorrow is Today” for the East Atlanta District Annual Christian Education Conference, Antioch African Methodist Episcopal Church, Stone Mountain, GA; preacher on Seminary Sunday at Memorial Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL. Completed the course “Design for Online Learning” at the University of Wisconsin. For his work with young adult ministry in the Los Angeles area and nationwide based on writing, research, and national ministry establishing young adult ministries in local churches received the First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, CA, Annual Leadership Award of Excellence . . . Christine Roy Yoder, associate professor of Old Testament language, literature, and exegesis: Christian Leadership Initiative, a thirteen-month fellowship to study Judaism and Jewish-Christian relations sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. The program included two intensive ten-day periods of study at the Shalom Institute in Jerusalem and distance learning events once a month. Publication: “The Shaping of Erotic Desire in Proverbs 1-9,” in Saving Desire: The Seduction of Christian Theology (edited by Jan-Olav Henriksen and LeRon Shults; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011) . . . Neely Young, formerly a major gift officer in Columbia’s Office of Institutional Advancement: Publication — a book, Ripe for Emancipation, which deals with opposition to slavery prior to the Civil War in the Shenandoah Valley and other states of the so-called “Upper South” (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri). n


Claudia Aguilar is the admissions intern for the 2011-2012 academic year. Claudia is both a MATS and MDiv graduate of CTS.

Welcome Anna Appleman began work as the copy cataloger in Campbell Library on June 16. Anna has a BA in United States history from Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI; an MA in public history with a concentration in archives administration from the State University of New York at Albany, and a Master of Library and Information Science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. For the past several years, she has served as senior archivist in descriptive services at the Georgia Archives in Morrow. Before that, she worked for The History Factory in Chantilly, VA, as associate archivist. She also has experience in the M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives at the State University of New York and the Albany County (NY) Hall of Records.

Matthew Rich is the new staff associate in Admissions. He is a 2006 graduate of Candler School of Theology and an ordained pastor (Cooperative Baptist). He brings a number of skills to this position including a wide knowledge of social media. Matt is the husband of Deedra Rich, interim associate director of the Spirituality Program.

Godspeed Curtis “Chip” Carter, information technology support technician, resigned from Columbia at the end of October. Chip had two stints with CTS: from 2003 to early 2006, when he moved out of state. He rejoined the seminary staff in late 2006, after his return to the area. n VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Lifelong Learning

C o l u m b i a T h e o l o g i C a l S e m i n a r y | January Seminars | January 24 – 26, 2012

Christianity After Religion

The end of ChurCh & The BirTh of a new SpiriTual awakening

with diana BuTler B a SS , author of A People’s History of Christianity: the Other Side of the Story and Christianity for the Rest of Us

What does the future hold for people of faith? Scripture affirms God’s promise of a new heaven, and a new earth. So is there to be a new church, a new way of being in community before God and with one another? Join Diana Butler Bass and conversation partners from different Christian denominations and faith traditions in exploring how the Spirit might be leading God’s people to live into the future. $265 C o l u mB i a T h e o l o g iC a l S e m i n a ry > lifelong learners > Courses and events (then scroll to January 24, 2012) l i f e l o n g l e a r n i n g @C T S n e T. e d u



o The courses listed below count toward completion of certificate programs offered through Columbia’s Center for Lifelong Learning. You are most welcome to participate in any of these courses without being enrolled in a program. Unless otherwise noted, events take place on the seminary campus, in Decatur, GA. For detailed information and registration, go to > Lifelong Learners > Courses and Events. Then scroll to the dates of events you wish to attend.

Lifelong Learning

publishes an onlin e newsletter, Journeying Togeth er (http: journeyingto To subscribe, click on “join” at the top right corner of the home page.

Spirituality Program February 2 – 5 Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life This course is the starting place for the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. Participants not enrolled in the certificate program are welcome! $315 February 16 – 19 Wisdom of the Christian Mystics Carl McColman. $265 ($190 certificate program graduates) March 1 – 4 Thomas Merton and Contemplation Ben Campbell Johnson. At Peace Presbyterian Church, Winterville, NC. $275 ($190 certificate program graduates)

March 11 – 14 Sacred Listening: Group Spiritual Direction Lalor Cadley, Ann Kline, Patience Robbins. At Montreat Conference Center. $390 ($315 certificate program graduates) April 26 – 29 Living Prayer: Experiencing Prayer in Many Forms Roberta Martin. At Montreat Conference Center. $390 ($315 certificate program graduates) April 30 – May 4 In the Warmth of Love’s Flame: Exploring the Sacred Mystery of God’s Love Women’s Contemplative Retreat at Sacred Heart Monastery, Cullman, AL. $568 (includes room and board)

Youth Ministry Leadership Program


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

February 3 – 4 Programming with a Plan: Intentional Youth Ministry John Ryan, Rebekah Abel Lamar, Sarah Erickson. $165 n

Gifts to the Seminary July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 This Annual Report includes donors whose gifts were received between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011. Gifts received after June 30, 2011, will be acknowledged in next year’s annual report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the annual report. We apologize for errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention. Please report corrections to Diane Thorne, gift records coordinator, at 404-687-4590 or

Table of Contents Partners in Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Columbia Gift Societies Presidents’ Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Marshall Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Marcellus McPheeters Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodrow Wilson Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Law Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles A. Stillman Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 25 25 27 28 29 32

Giving by Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorials & Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. McDowell Richards Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

36 40 44 45

Key to Special Notations * Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle † Raised to the Church Triumphant

On February 2, 2011, the seminary community gathered to bless the ground on which the Vernon S. Broyles, Jr., Leadership Center would be constructed.

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Partners in Ministry Partners in Ministry began in 2003 to provide opportunities for people to learn about how God is working through this seminary and to garner financial support for its students and programs through multi-year gifts. For more information about Partners in Ministry, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 404 687-4588.

Leadership Partners Pledged $50,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. Florida S. and Mr. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Eun First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA

Faith Partners Pledged $25,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Dunlap, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Ms. Jane Boyd Lee Mrs. Gay M. Love Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Matthews IV Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III

Impact Partners Pledged $5,000 or more over five years Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams III Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cochran Mr. James C. Connah Mrs. Charlotte M. Connah Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mrs. Rutledge I. Gross The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardcastle Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr.† and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. Charles C. Knox Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mr. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. L. Dennis McKeever Dr. Belle Miller McMaster 24

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Meier Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Dr. Deborah F. Mullen Mrs. Joan H. and Dr. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby The Rev. W. Larry Owens Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Mr. and Mrs. C. Niles Ray Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Mr. and Mrs. James L. St. John Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. Kennon D. Walthall Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webb III Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright

Contributors Made commitments to the Partners in Ministry program at other levels Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Alford Ms. Adina E. Allen† Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley Rick and Beth Atkerson The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell Ms. Ann H. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Bishop The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Bremer Mrs. Berney S. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Bunch Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Burriss The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Carroll, Jr. Lee and Betty Carroll Mr. Philip P. Cave CBM Atlanta Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David E. Choi Mr. Sukwoon Choi The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher L. Crotwell Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Curran Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar Ms. Linda D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Ellen H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. W. Brinkley Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Dickson The Rev. and Mrs. C. Phil Esty Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ford Ms. Mary Anna M. Fulmer The Rev. and Mrs. Craig N. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Duncan S. Gray, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten

Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Hammack Hanbit Presbyterian Church Mr. Robert G. Harris, Jr. Mrs. Catherine G. Henson Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mrs. Virginia S. Horton Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huss, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jethro H. Irby III Mr. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. JJ Tucker LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III The Jesus Hope Church of Georgia Inc. Mr. Chung Man Ji The Rev. Alice A. Johnson Mr. W. Seaborn Jones Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jordan The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Kinser Mr. Robert F. Krause, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan V. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lehfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Lindsay Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Mace Mr. and Mrs. William E. Madden Mrs. Alison A. Main The Rev. Elizabeth D. McAliley Mr. John B. McArthur Mr. and Mrs. John R. Meister Dr.† and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Dr. Baron A. Mullis North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Y. Oh Mr. Daeki W. Oh Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. George L. Parson Mr. David B. Parsons and Ms. M. Theresa Ball Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pendleton Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Rex T. Pless Mrs. Claire A. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reed II Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Renck The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Russell Mrs. Bettye W. Russell Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shevlin Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Shores Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Smith Mr. Sean R. Smith, Sr. and Ms. Mary L. Walker Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stack Mr. and Mrs. Connell C. Stafford, Jr. Mrs. Ann F. Starks Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart The Rev. Jan C. Stewart-Tolbert and Mr. Jerry C. Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stokes Mr. G. Jeff Terry Mr. and Mrs. William E. Turnipseed Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Burt and Martha Vardeman Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. W. Terence Walsh Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Waters The Rev. Monica L. Wedlock Mr. and Mrs. C. Geoffrey Weirich Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Whitener Mr. Thomas J. Wigley Mrs. Virginia B. Wohlford Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters Word of Life Books, Inc. Mr. Chanwoo Yi

Columbia Gift Societies Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mrs. Wilma F. Darbyshire Mrs. Florida S. and Mr. W. Douglas Ellis The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Dr. Stephen A. and the Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Mrs. Adele D. McKee Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt† Mr. John J. Schumann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff†



O r g a n i z at io n s

Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration, Inc., Clearwater, FL Davidson College, Davidson, NC First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL* Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore, SC Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Broyles Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation Nell Warren Elkin and William Simpson Elkin Foundation Lettie Pate Evans Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Mauldin Foundation, Inc. Morris Communications Corp. Patrick Family Foundation Printpack, Inc. Mabel Stowe Query Foundation ScholarLeaders International Shivers Trading & Operating Company John I. Smith Charities, Inc. The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation Suntrust Foundation Twelve Baskets Full Foundation, Inc.

March, 2011 Peter Marshall Society

William Marcellus McPheeters Society

$5,000 to $14,999

$1,000 to $4,999

I n d i v i d ua l s

I n d i v i d ua l s

Dr. Lee W. Bowman Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Eun Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Jeter Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mr. John R. Jones, Jr. Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield IV Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Ms. Margaret C. Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Miller III Mrs. Ellen R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser Mrs. Helen C. Richardson† Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu* Mrs. Julia M. Woodward

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle* Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos The Rev. Anne H.K. and Mr. James M. Apple* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead Mrs. Randolph N. Armstrong The Rev. Christie L. and Mr. William Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Barnette, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Mrs. Jane H. Brown Ms. Ann W. Bullard Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr.* Mrs. Margaret H. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Lee and Betty Carroll* Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke* Dr. Kim L. Clayton Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cochran Mrs. Charlotte M. Connah Mr. James C. Connah Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr. The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar* Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Dr. and Mrs. Julian F. Craig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Crosby Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Dr. Kathy L. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. John E. Douglas Dr. Mark A. Douglas and the Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Duggan Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans* The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Dr. and Mrs. H. James Free



O r g a n i z at io n s

Church in Vocation, Charlotte, NC Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Dugald W. Hudson Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Ocean Springs, MS First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL* Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC* Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA* Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL The Journey Church of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Montpelier Presbyterian Church, Wagram, NC Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC* R.L. Hyer Trust, Orlando, FL Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Scholarship America, Saint Peter, MN St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA* St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Hudson, FL Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Borders Group Foundation J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Golden Stella, Inc. Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation The National Christian Foundation SEI Giving Fund Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc.

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gill, Jr. Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William M. Graves Mrs. Rutledge I. Gross Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie Mrs. Nell F. Hall The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell Mr. Robert G. Harris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Alexandra K. and Mr. Charles V. Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. James L. Henderson III Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Mr.† and Mrs. Archibald R. Hooks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Howington Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huie Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. D. Orvin Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ernest Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie C. Jordan III Mr. Thomas F. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffin King Mrs. Nancy C. and Mr. Mark W. Kinzer Dr. Charles C. Knox Ms. Jennie P. Langer Dr. and Mrs. John W. Larson Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. LeCraw, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee* The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Mrs. Jean M. McCarter The Rev. Peggy A. McClure The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen Mr. Jack L. McGinnis The Rev. and Mrs. Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mr.† and Mrs. Champney A. McNair Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee McVey Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Meier Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt The Rev. and Mrs. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Morris Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse† Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Mrs. Joan H. and Dr. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Cecil B. Murphey Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nash Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neal


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D. Pace, Jr. Mrs. Jean M. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbon Pender Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pendleton Dr. and Mrs. Victor D. Pentz Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pfeil Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Dr. and Mrs. J. Steve Rhodes The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy The Rev. Martha C. Sexton The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Shouse Mr. William A. Sibley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers* Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Simmons* The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sloop Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Sandy F. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Dr. B. Lynn Stall and Mr. G. Edward Bruce The Rev. Jan C. Stewart-Tolbert and Mr. Jerry C. Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. Shellie S. Stroman, Jr.* Drs. George W. and Donna F. Stroup Mrs. Jan O. and Dr. Raymond L. Swetenburg, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert V. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James H. Topple The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. Frederick S. Van Winkle Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford Mr. Kennon D. Walthall Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webb III The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Wick II Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters The Rev. and Mrs. Donn W. Wright Mrs. Bonnie P. and Mr. Stephen E. Wurzbacher



O r g a n i z at io n s

Bethany Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS* Brittains Cove Presbyterian Church, Weaverville, NC Calvin Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL* Central Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Cherokee Presbytery, Cartersville, GA* Cincinnati Presbytery, Cincinnati, OH Coastal Carolina Presbytery, Elizabethtown, NC Daniel R. Hoover Scholarship Fund, Taylors, SC Darlington Presbyterian Church, Darlington, SC Fairmount Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Heights, OH First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Bay Minette, AL First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Greer, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, St. Marys, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Toccoa, GA First Presbyterian Church, Topeka, KS

First Presbyterian Church, Tupelo, MS Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC* Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC General Synod - Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC God’s Will Love Church, Marietta, GA Gretna Presbyterian Church, Gretna, FL Helen Davis Brown Trust, Lake City, FL Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA Lakeview Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL Laurinburg Kiwanis Club, Laurinburg, NC Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA* Newnan Presbyterian Church, Newnan, GA North Alabama Presbytery, Huntsville, AL* Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Watkinsville, GA* Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Presbyterian University Center, Tallahassee, FL Real Estate Management Services Group, Naples, FL Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Rock Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, CA Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC Servants of the King Missionary Fellowship, Walloon Lake, MI Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, NM Smyrna Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrew Presbytery, Oxford, MS* St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL* St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN* Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL* Timothy J. Reed Family Ltd Partnership, Greenville, SC Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA University Presbyterian Church, Rochester Hills, MI Washington Street Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA* Western North Carolina Presbytery, Morganton, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Yeamans Park Presbyterian Church, Hanahan, SC

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Argo Foundation The Beech Foundation The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Eaton Deadening Plantation, Inc.* Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Foundation for the Carolinas Fulcrum Venture Partners, Inc. Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation The Graves Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation Daniel R. Hoover Foundation Missionary Emergency Fund Presbyterian Foundation Regions Bank Waccamaw Community Foundation Wheaton College

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

April, 2011

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Woodrow Wilson Society $500 to $999 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Dr. and Mrs. William R. Barron Dr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Batts Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Baxter The Rev. and Mrs. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell The Rev. Dr. A. Wayne Benson and Dr. Arlene G. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Bishop The Rev. Janet Ann Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann* Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carini Bert and Kaye Carmichael* Dr. Janet N. Carter Dr. and Mrs. David E. Choi Ms. Julie M. Cline and Mr. Thomas E. Frey Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook Mrs. Pamela W. and Mr. Chris L. Cottrell, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cozad Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cromie Dr. Mary Lynn Dell The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell Ms. C.J. Drymon Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose The Rev. Christine K. Dungan Drs. M. Julian and Sue M. Duttera Dr. Sarah F. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Jr. Mr. Matthew F. and the Rev. Mandy Sloan Flemming Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin Ms. Mary Anna M. Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Armando R. Gattoni, Jr. Mrs. Beverly G. Graves Dr. Thomas H. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mrs. Anne M. Haltiwanger The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart* The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. The Rev. Mary Alice Haynie Drs. Susan M. Heafield and Brian A. Wren Mr. Curtis T. Henson, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Roy W. Hicks The Revs. Penny J. and Richard G. Hill Mr. J.H. Hobson Ms. Vivian J. Hodo* Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Dr. and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jethro H. Irby III Mac and Jan Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Mr. Chung Man Ji The Rev. Alice A. Johnson Chaplain William A. Jokela and Ms. Jane L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Mr. W. Seaborn Jones The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan* Dr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn


Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Kinser Dr.† and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mrs. Sarah B. LaBadie Mrs. Rita M. Lang Dr. and Mrs. John H. Law Dr. and Mrs. Seungtae Lee Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott The Revs. Douglas B. and Nichole C. MacMillan* Dr. and Mrs. C. David Markle Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr.* Ms. Sara S. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. John R. Meister Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Montgomery Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. Daeki W. Oh Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth Mr. David B. Parsons and Ms. M. Theresa Ball Mr. and Mrs. William P. Payne The Revs. Pendleton B. and Lindsey W. Peery Dr. and Mrs. William C. Pender Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Perry Mrs. Claire A. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Niles Ray Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Reed II Dr. and Mrs. James M. Rice, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Dr. Stephen C. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Tomu Sakon Mr. Hyun Uk Shin Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Shirley Mr. T. Clark Simmons* The Rev. Carl D. Smith, Sr. Mrs. Carolyn T. Smith Mrs. Charlene L. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. L. Ted Smith Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Mrs. Ann M. Speer Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Streetman* Mrs. Edythe T. Tebbs Mr. G. Jeff Terry Dr.† and Mrs. Chilton F. Thorington Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler Mr. and Mrs. William E. Turnipseed Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. David J. Vandam Burt and Martha Vardeman The Rev. Hannah H. Vaughan and Mr. Norman J. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Vogel Dr. Haruko N. and Mr. Peter H. Ward Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III The Revs. Laurie Taylor Weicher and John V. Weicher Dr. and Mrs. John E. White Mr. Thomas J. Wigley Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams, Sr. Ms. Laural L. Winston Mrs. Virginia B. Wohlford Dr. and Mrs. Hunter E. Woodall Dr. Christine Roy Yoder and Mr. Reinald S. Yoder The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. Youngblood

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle



O r g a n i z at io n s

A Foundation for Theological Education, Lake Junaluska, NC Alpharetta Presbyterian Church, Alpharetta, GA Brookmeade Holdings, LP, Jacksonville, FL Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA Disability Research & Consulting, LLC, Atlanta, GA East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN* Erin Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA First Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, TN First Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA* The Georgia Society Dames of the Court of Honor, Atlanta, GA Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC Holston Presbytery, Kingsport, TN* Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Hiram, GA Hope Lutheran Church, Ellijay, GA The Jesus Hope Church of Georgia Inc., Suwanee, GA JJ Tucker LLC, Buford, GA John Knox Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA Korean American Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Korean Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA Leland Presbyterian Church, Leland, MS Markham Woods Presbyterian Church, Lake Mary, FL Mississippi Presbytery, Hattiesburg, MS* Morrow Presbyterian Church, Morrow, GA Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association, Starke, FL Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA* Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL* St. James Presbyterian Church, Littleton, CO Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gadsden, AL Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC* Walhalla Presbyterian Church, Walhalla, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL*

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Beard Payne Family Foundation CBM Atlanta Inc. The CBT Charitable Trust The Garner Foundation

When I felt led by God, to go to seminary I prayed, “Lord, I can’t go in debt; I just cannot go in debt.” My first year in seminary I received the Dean’s Scholarship and my second year, I received the Merit Scholarship. Scholarships are made possible by men, women, churches, and foundations that give from their resources to the Annual Fund and believe in supporting the development of future church leaders.

Raised to the Church Triumphant

— Joe Ella Darby, MDiv ’12, President of the CTS Student Coordinating Council

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Columbia Gift Societies

Agnes Law Society $250 to $499 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Columbia Friendship Circle* Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Ms. Adina E. Allen† Mr. and Mrs. Kirk R. Allen Dr. and Mrs. J. Eade Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Ansley Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl Rick and Beth Atkerson Dr. Royce W. Ballard The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Ms. Shirley L. Ballowe Dr. Harry H. and Mrs. Madeline H. Barrow* Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Baxter The Rev. Maggie F. and Mr. David K. Beamguard Mrs. Jane P. Bell The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Frank I. Blankinship III Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount Dr. and Mrs. David L. Boumgarden Dr. Loretta G. Brown Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. Mr. John A. Bullard and Ms. Kathryn Scofield The Rev. Malcolm M. Bullock Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Burriss Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Mr. Don E. Carter Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III Mr. Philip P. Cave Dr. and Mrs. Huw M. Christopher The Rev. and Mrs. Pemberton I. Cooley III Mr. and Mrs. William A. Coombs* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Cooper Ms. Carol R. Copeland* The Rev. Sharon K. Core and Mr. Nicholas J. Kuhn Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craven Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crawford* The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher L. Crotwell Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey The Rev. Jean L. Davidson Ms. Linda D. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Denny Mr. and Mrs. W. Brinkley Dickerson Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Dirvin The Rev. and Mrs. James L. Doom Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Dr. Christopher H. Edmonston Dr. and Mrs. James W. Eller The Rev. Virginia Simmons Ellis and Mr. Harry W. Ellis Mr. Victor A. Feliberty-Ruberte


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. Leighton S. Ford Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Mr. W. Ross Franck Kay and Phil Gehman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gignilliat, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore The Rev. and Mrs. Craig N. Goodrich Ms. Rose M. Gorman* Mr. and Mrs. Duncan S. Gray, Jr. The Rev. Joan S. and Mr. William A. Gray Dr. Timothy R. Green The Rev. George A. Grissom Dr. and Mrs. Ford F. G’Segner Mr. Richard L. Hall Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Harris, Jr. Dr. C. Alan Harvey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher The Rev. Sandra B. and Mr. Robert M. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Dr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Hunt The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Hunt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huss, Jr. The Rev. C. Anderson James Drs. Sara C. and Daniel P. Juengst The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kackley Ms. Bobbi S. Kay Ms. Arlene W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. The Rev. Shannon J. and Mr. Gregory J. Kershner The Rev. Susan Dobbs Key Mr. and Mrs. G. Stuart Kimble Mr. Robert F. Krause, Jr. The Rev. Laury W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. and Mrs. Myung Jong Lee The Rev. and Mrs. S. Edwin Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Lindsay Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lupton II Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Mace Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. MacNair The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. Manaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison The Rev. Rebekah A. and Mr. Derek S. Maul The Rev. Anna H. and Mr. Bryan R. McArthur Dr. and Mrs. G. Dan McCall, Sr. The Rev. Kimberly Warwick McCoy and Mr. D. Patrick McCoy The Rev. and Mrs. Frank G. McDonald III Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. and Mrs. A. Chet McQuaide, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie S. Miller Dr.† and Mrs. Billy R. Mills Dr. Robert L. Montgomery Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler Dr. Sara J. Myers and Dr. David L. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon The Rev. Laurel D. Nelson and Mr. N. Rick Castor The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Mr. and Mrs. George L. Parson Ms. Christopher A. Paton Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen Dr. Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff Mr. and Mrs. Rex T. Pless Mr. and Mrs. William M. Powell Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Mr. John R. Richardson Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs Dr. Margaret D. Rightmyer The Rev. and Mrs. Jack C. Robinson Mrs. Jervey D. Royall

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rutland Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Dr. Stanley P. Saunders and Ms. Brenda L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Schuetz* Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons Dr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Smith Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. Stevan A. Snipes Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Mr. G. William Speer† Dr. and Mrs. James I. St. John The Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Strong Dr. Augustus E. Succop III The Rev. and Mrs. Lowell B. Sykes Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr.* Ms. Sandra D. Taylor* The Revs. Jannan Wertzberger Thomas and James H. Thomas III Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Thompson III Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Tolly III The Rev. R. Miranda Trussell Mr. and Mrs. George E. Uthlaut Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut The Revs. Kimberley Donahue Wadlington and Derek A. Wadlington Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Auwina S. Weed Mr. and Mrs. Colin G. White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wideman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Emily C. Wood*



O r g a n i z at io n s

Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* Columbia Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, MS First Presbyterian Church, DeFuniak Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, MS* Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church, Tarboro, NC Jean and Vern Smith Charitable Trust, Greenwood, SC Lake Erie Presbytery, Erie, PA Middle Tennessee Presbytery, Franklin, TN* Moorings Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL* Network for Good, Bethesda, MD North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Peace River Presbytery, North Port, FL* Ray of Hope Christian Church, Decatur, GA Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Rogersville Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN Second Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC* South Aiken Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC St. John Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN Tampa Bay Presbytery, Clearwater, FL* Venice Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* Vivian H. Graham Neal Natural Health Research & Training Center Wabash Valley Presbytery, Rochester, IN

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Dorothy S. and Patrick M. Williams Advised Fund, The Community Foundation, Inc., Jacksonville, FL Jimmie Ullery Charitable Trust The Malloy Foundation Morgan Stanley

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Charles A. Stillman Society $100 to $249 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Drs. Fahed L. Abu-Akel and Mary S. Zumot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John R. Addison The Rev. Ann F. and Dr. Frank C. Aichinger The Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. Mrs. Georgia O. Akers The Rev. Charles C. Alexander Dr. and Mrs. J. Frank Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Alford The Rev. Kelly S. Allen and Mr. John P. Rezentes The Rev. and Mrs. Robert R. Allen The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson The Rev. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Michael L. Andrews The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Armistead Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Ash Dr. and Mrs. Eugen G. Bach, Jr. Mr. Walter D. Bach, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey The Revs. Julie H. and David M. Bailey The Rev. and Mrs. Matthew K. Baker The Rev. Alan D. Bancroft Dr. Edna J. and Mr. Warren L. Banes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bankhead Dr. and Mrs. Earle P. Barron, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. Charles H. Battle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Baxter The Rev. and Mrs. C. Frank Beall Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Beall The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley Dr. and Mrs. James W. Beaty The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald L. Bell, Jr. Dr. Carol T. and Mr. Michael S. Bender Mrs. Anne M. Berlin Mr. and Mrs. David E. Betts The Rev. and Mrs. C. Gregory Bird Dr. Barbara D. Bishop The Rev. and Mrs. Buren Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Blincow Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Bollinger Dr. and Mrs. R. Jerome Boone Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth Ms. Laura G. Bordeaux and Dr. Michael T. Lacey* Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Botsford Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bovee Dr. and Mrs. Dewey T. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Boyer Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Bremer Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan W. Bunch Ms. Patricia H. Bunzl* Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns The Rev. Constance M. Button Mrs. Barbara C. Cade Mrs. Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle and Dr. David A. Cagle


Mrs. Frances D. and Dr. Clarence E. Calcote The Rev. Amy Lehr Camp and Dr. W. Hunter Camp II The Rev. and Mrs. Kevin M. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. William S. Campbell The Rev. Katherine L. Carpenter and Dr. James C. Klagge Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carr, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Carroll, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Carter III Dr. Anna and the Rev. W. David Carter Florence Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casselberry Mr. and Mrs. George M. Cathey The Rev. Catherine C. Cavazos Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mrs. Roberta F. Childress Mr. Sukwoon Choi The Rev. and Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, Jr. The Rev. Molly C. and Mr. Colquitt Clark III Mrs. Marjorie M. Claytor Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Coburn The Rev. Rita E. Cochrane Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Coe Mrs. Hazel W. Cofield* Mr. and Mrs. W. Gene Coggin Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Colclough, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John E. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Connolly The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. Dr. Thomas H. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Coon Mr. and Mrs. William L. Cottrell, Jr. The Rev. Mary P. and Mr. William L. Cox The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig Ms. Sue W. Crannell Drs. William P. Crawford and Julia F. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Culbertson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Curran The Rev. Belinda M. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cusac Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cushman, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Daffin Dr. and Mrs. R. Linton Dangar Perky Daniel, PhD and Mr. J. Wallace Daniel III Mrs. Rose M. Daniel Dr. Thomas R. Daniel IV and the Rev. Beth M. Daniel Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dant Ms. Sandra A. Davidson The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Davis The Rev. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis The Rev. Heather Wood Davis and Mr. Claude T. Davis Ms. Linda K. Davis and Mr. Mark A. Maharg Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Davis, Jr. Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher F. Denny The Rev. and Mrs. James F. Dickenson Ms. Lois E. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Dr. Laura W. Dorsey Mrs. Diane L. and Mr. Thomas K. Duane The Rev. Karen R. Dukes and Mr. Marc W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dunaway Dr. and Mrs.† Philip W. Dunford Dr. Priscilla B. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. The Rev. Martha M. and Mr. Paul E. Ebel Mr. Frank M. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ellison The Rev. and Mrs. Christopher O. Erde Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew The Rev. and Mrs. C. Phil Esty

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

The Annual Fund is more than dollars; it’s about building relationships and connections. — William E. Scheu, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Mrs. Rachel B. and Mr. Zack I. Ezzo The Rev. and Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr. Ms. Mary M. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Fishman and Will, Helen and Sarah* The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Floyd The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Foil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Folks Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ford Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frampton Dr. and Mrs. James T. Frazier Dr. and Mrs. A. Daniel Freeman Ms. Jane C. Frost* Dr. James H. Gailey, Jr. Mr. James D. Galloway, Jr. The Rev. Joan W. Gandy Mrs. Cheryl F. and the Rev. Andrew J. Gans The Rev. and Mrs. Irwin P. Gates, Jr. Mrs. Helen C. Gibbons Ms. Barbara A. Gifford Mrs. Jeanne B. Giguere The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gilreath Dr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Gittner Dr. Jerry A. Gladson The Rev. Marcella A. and Dr. Justin A. Glass Mrs. Rachael S. Glass Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Bill S. Goforth Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Goodwin The Rev. C. Annette and Mr. Jeffrey S. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Bernie L. Gray* Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gray* Dr. Robert W. Gray Chaplain and Mrs. Henry D. Gregory IV The Rev. Carlisle P. Griffin, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith The Rev. and Mrs. R. Yale Gunn Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman The Rev. and Mrs. Leroy P. Gwaltney III Dr. and Mrs. John H. Haberer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul G. Hackett The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr.* Dr. Denise M. Hall Ms. Genie C. Hambrick The Rev. Barbara B. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Hankins Dr. and Mrs. John O. Hardiman* Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. William Harkins III Colonel and Mrs. H. Eugene Harris Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Mr. Jack E. Hartman Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher The Rev. and Mrs. David L. Hawkins The Rev. and Mrs. William V. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hay The Revs. Sara A. Hayden and Christopher A. Henry Dr. Huibing He The Rev. and Mrs. A. Kyle Henderson The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Henning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton M. Henson, Jr. Mrs. Catherine G. Henson

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Mrs. Griselda N.C. and Dr. Emmanuel Y. Lartey The Rev. Richard G. Laurens Mr. and Mrs. Dominic C. LaValla The Rev. Mary Beth Lawrence The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lehfeldt Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Lightsey Dr. and Mrs. Tod A. Linafelt The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg The Rev. and Mrs. W. Marvin Lindsay III Mr. and Mrs. J. Banks Link The Rev. and Mrs. Clayton K. Little, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Locey* The Rev. Robert F. and Dr. Kimberly H. Lohmeyer The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Long The Rev. Ruth L. Lovell Dr. and Mrs. Reginald S. Lowe, Jr. Ms. Judith M. Lundin* Mr. and Mrs. William E. Madden The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence O. Magee, Jr. Mrs. Diana W. and Mr. W. Blair Malcom Dr. Tommie G. Malone Mr. John D. Marshall Mrs. Mary McLeod Martin Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Mrs. Jacqueline W. Mathes The Rev. M. Beecher Mathes Dr. Doris H. Mattison The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard The Rev. Elizabeth D. McAliley Mr. John B. McArthur Dr. Clyde T. McCants Mr. and Mrs. Peyton P. McCrary Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald The Rev. and Mrs. Emmett S. McDowell The Rev. Robert G. McGehee Dr. and Mrs. Matthew M. McGowan The Rev. William P. McKinnon Ms. Emily F. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen Mr. Stephen B. McSwain Dr. and Mrs. James E. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Bryan H. Mickle Dr. and Mrs. M. Dan Milford Mr. James B. Miller, Jr. and Fidelity Bank The Rev. Dr. John N. Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller* Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Miller The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Eugene F. Monroe Dr. Ann Marie and the Rev. David M. Montgomery Mr. James H. Montgomery Ms. Arue N. Moore The Rev. and Mrs. Lardner C. Moore, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Moore The Rev. and Mrs. Park H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William O. Moore, Jr. Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Morgan, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin L. Morrison Ms. Mabel Jean Morrison Mr. and Mrs. J. Greg Morton Ms. Linda C. Moseley The Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Moss III Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Mullis Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Myers, Jr. Mrs. Lisa N. and Dr. Eric T. Myers Chaplain and Mrs. Roy R. Myers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. William Nash, Jr. The Rev. Catherine C. Neelly Dr. and Mrs. William R. Neelly Drs. Wanda S. and William K. Neely Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Nellis* Dr. and Mrs. Vance S. Nesbit The Rev. and Mrs. Neal A. Neuenschwander The Rev. and Mrs. Arnold K. Newman Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr.

Columbia Gift Societies

Mrs. Connie W. Herr* Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Ross W. Hester The Rev. Alice E. and Mr. C. Woodbridge Hickcox Mrs. Mary D. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill The Rev. Maryellen S. and Mr. Glenn P. Hittel Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hobson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Hollingsworth* Dr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Hollyfield The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Holmes, Jr. Dr. Paul K. Hooker Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Horton, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Gary E. Howell Mr. George W. Howell Mr. Jeff T. Howell The Revs. Wilbur H. and Michele L. Howie The Rev. Leah R. Hrachovec Mr. and Mrs. Carey B. Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. R. Steven Hudder Dr. and Mrs. James H. Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford II Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huh Mr. and Mrs. W. Deloney Hull, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. C. William Hull Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hull Dr. Thomas E. Hurd The Rev. and Mrs. Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Huss Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Inman Mr. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mrs. Susan B. and Mr. Marshall A. Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. James, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Jenkins The Rev. and Mrs. J. Todd Jenkins Dr. William L. Jenkins, Jr. and Ms. Therese A. Cabral Mrs. Betty N. Johnson Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Johnson III Dr. Paul J. Johnson III and Ms. Dale Ann Joslin Drs. Laura Aull Johnston and George H. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. G. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr. The Rev. Leigh H. and Mr. Christopher J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jones, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Walk C. Jones IV Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan Dr. Eun-Gee Jun Dr. and Mrs. Edward K. Katz The Rev. Abby Cole Keller and Mr. Joshua C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Keller III The Rev. Ann H. and Mr. Daniel H. Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Gene M. Kelly Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Dr. and Mrs. Douglass D. Key Kathy, Jen, Mia and Mike Killian The Rev. and Mrs. Howard Y. Kim Dr. Barrie M. and the Rev. Randal V. Kirby The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald H. Kirby Dr. Deborah A. Kirk The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Kirstein The Rev. Lewis T. Kola Mr. Michael M. Konson* Dr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Kropp Mrs. Muriel H. Lake Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Landrum, Jr. Ms. Tammy L. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Alan V. Larson


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols The Rev. and Mrs. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Drs. Melanie G. and James D. Nogalski Mrs. Jean F. Norman Mr. William E. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. O’Dwyer Dr. Nancy Graham Ogne and the Rev. Paul M. Ogne Mr. and Mrs. Jason Y. Oh Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Oliver, Jr. Mrs. Mary L. Olson Dr. and Mrs. William D. O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Weldon K. Palmour* Mrs. Maxine M. Pankonin Mr. Eldon E. Park Mrs. Lee R. Patterson Mr. Thomas K. Patterson The Rev. and Mrs. John N. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Ms. Elizabeth L. Pendergrast* Dr. William J. Pendergrast The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. and Mrs. John H. Per-Lee Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Peters Mr. and Mrs. John T. Peterson* Dr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Pettit Dr. Harry W. Philips Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips The Rev. Rupert H. Pickett, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt The Rev. and Mrs. William L. Platt Mrs. Barbara G. Poe* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Poe* Mrs. Catherine G. Powell Ms. Elizabeth D. Preston Mrs. Elizabeth S. Preston Mr. and Mrs. John M. Preston V Mr. John M. Preston VI The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Price Ms. Mary Ellen Priester* Mr.† and Mrs. John C. Pritchard, Sr. The Revs. Emily Martin Proctor and Richard G. Proctor Ms. Joan W. Quattrocchi Ms. Linda S. Quick Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rakes Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rankin The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Reagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves Mrs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and the Rev. Nicholas K. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Ms. Catharine A. Enright Dr. and Mrs. James P. Reinarz Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. P. David Reynolds The Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. George B. Richardson The Rev. and Mrs. Clifford L. Rigby The Rev. Sue A. and Mr. Richard E. Riggle The Rev. Jose R. Rivera Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Rives III Dr. and Mrs. A. Don Robb III The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Roberts, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Robinson, Jr. The Revs. Mary Katherine Gregory Robinson and William B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers The Rev. Libby McIntosh Rollins and Dr. David N. Rollins Dr. R. James Roquemore, Jr. and Mrs. Phoebe K. Roquemore Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland* Mrs. Bettye W. Russell Dr. Nancy Mumma Salisbury Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Mrs. Kathryn H. and the Rev. Joe W. Sandifer, Jr.

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Schafer The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mrs. Sandra J. Schrohenloher Mr. John F. Schumacher Mr. Emory A. Schwall The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott* Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Seaborn, Jr. The Rev. Sarah Cooper Searight and Mr. William H. Searight Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Sells Dr. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Mrs. Melinda S. and Mr. Joseph S. Serafin Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp Dr. Elizabeth S. Sharp Mr. Robert W. Sheldon* Mrs. Florence H. Shelor Ms. Elizabeth H. Shepard Dr. Wade H. Sherard III The Rev. and Mrs. Robert P. Sherwood, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shevlin Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Shores Ms. Jacqueline B. Shrago Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Silvo Mrs. Anne J. Sims The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Ms. Mary Jane Skinner* Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. Gray Southern Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Spach Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Spransy Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stack* Mr. and Mrs. Connell C. Stafford, Jr. Dr. Linda T. and Mr. Gary D. Steber Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. John W. Stodghill Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stokes Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stone Mrs. Berkeley S. Stonebraker The Rev. and Mrs. Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James G. Stuart Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant The Rev. and Mrs. Walter H. Styles The Rev. Amy D. Summers-Minette Ms. Sandra H. Sweet* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Swerlick Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Mrs. Patricia Talley Newbold Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. William P. Tatum Dr. Barbara Brown Taylor and Mr. E. Edward Taylor The Rev. Charles L. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. L. Jackson Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Terrell Mrs. Janet N. Teuber* Mrs. Amanda H. Thompson Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr.* The Revs. Jill P. and Joel L. Tolbert Dr. Jeffery L. and Mrs. Cherlyn A. Tribble, Sr. The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Mrs. Anne S. Turnage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Turnbull IV Mrs. Elizabeth M. and Mr. Ian M. Turner* Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Turner II The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ulrich Dr. Robert M. Urie The Rev. Jerry L. Utt II Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance


The Rev. Dr. Augusta B. Vanderbilt Mrs. Alice L. Veldhuis* Dr. and Mrs. T. Mark Verdery Dr. Carolyn J. and Mr. Benton E. Visser Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Eldon D. Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Desmond M. Walker Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Walkup Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Wall The Rev. and Mrs. J. Gary Waller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Walman Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Walters* The Honorable and Mrs. Robert G. Walther* Mrs. Anne F. Waltz* Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warden Ms. Mary R. Wardrop Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Watkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Watkins The Rev. Megan Graham Watson and Mr. Scott B. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Watt The Rev. J. Ed Wayland, Jr. Dr. Frank D. Weathersby The Rev. Rae O. Weimer Dr. Kathleen L. and Mr. Samuel C. Weller Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Westvig The Rev. Karen Whelchel-Redwine The Rev. Juliann Pugh Whipple and Mr. William S. Whipple The Rev. and Mrs. Raymon L. White Mr. and Mrs. Carey B. Wickland Mrs. Janice P. and Mr. James A. Wiesner The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Ms. Patricia B. Willard Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Reginald C. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. Ms. Katherine K. Willingham* The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick J. Willson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson Mrs. Stella B. Wilson* The Rev. and Mrs. W. Frederic Wise The Rev. and Mrs. Jia De Wu Dr. Paul F. Wubbena, Jr. Mr. Chanwoo Yi The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Samuel T. Young The Rev. Sharon K. Youngs Mrs. Mary H. Zealy



O r g a n i z at io n s

Anniston Korean Presbyterian Church, Anniston, AL Atlanta United Divinity Center, Atlanta, GA Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Gaffney, SC Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Archer, FL* Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia, Gainesville, GA Church of the New Covenant, Doraville, GA* Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN* Community Presbyterian Church, Howey in the Hills, FL* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Crestview Presbyterian Church, West Chester, OH Dunnellon Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, FL* Duraleigh Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA* Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Farner Presbyterian Church, Farner, TN* Morning Glories Circle, Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, GA* TNT Circle, First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort, SC*

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

First Presbyterian Church, Bessemer, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Cartersville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Chipley, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, TN First Presbyterian Church, Corning, NY First Presbyterian Church, Dadeville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Deland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven, MI First Presbyterian Church, Green Cove Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Kissimmee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Laurens, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Peru, IN First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Selma, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian, Sebastian, FL* Five Mile Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL* Fort Gaines Presbyterian Church, Fort Gaines, GA* Government Street Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Trussville, AL* Green Hill Presbyterian Church, Enterprise, AL* Hanbit Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Indian River Presbyterian Church, Fort Pierce, FL* Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, Laurel Hill, FL* Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL* Mid-South Presbytery, Memphis, TN* Monticello Presbyterian Church, Monticello, GA* Ms. Ina’s Visions Childcare, Inc., Decatur, GA Murray Hill Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL New Hope Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Oakland Presbyterian Church, Oakland, FL* Old Brick Presbyterian Church, Muscle Shoals, AL* Palmdale Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, FL* Parkway Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Port Orange Presbyterian Church, Port Orange, FL* Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection, Conyers, GA* Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC* Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cocoa Beach, FL* South Lake Presbyterian Church, Clermont, FL* Southminster Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Centennial, CO Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clarinda, IA Trinity Presbyterian Church, Meridian, MS* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Venice, FL* United Presbyterian Church, Sandersville, MS Vidalia Presbyterian Church, Vidalia, GA* Word of Life Books, Inc., Duluth, GA Ysabel Odom Sunday School Class, Newnan, GA

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Fidelity Bank New Horizons Counseling Center, Inc.

June, 2011

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Columbia Gift Societies The Annual Fund gives us an opportunity to express our belief in the future of the seminary. It’s our life blood, it’s putting fuel in the car on an ongoing basis. It takes a lot to be able to do the things that we’re called to do day to day. When you support the Annual Fund, you help pay for scholarships for our students so they won’t have additional debt hanging over them as they walk into pastorates. You help pay for various kinds of infrastructure that are simply part of the daily operations. You help to keep our library up to date as we move into a more technological age. And your support ensures that the programs we do on campus will affect people and communities worldwide. — Steve Hayner, President

Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 to $99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Joe B. Abbott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. The Rev. Nan M. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Normer M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Morris G. Albright Ms. Valerie J. Alexander Ms. Elisabeth M. Alford Mr. and Mrs. James L. Alford, Jr. Ms. Betty J. Allen* Mr. and Mrs. Bona I. Allen IV The Rev. and Mrs. Todd W. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Porcher B.D. Ancrum The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson Mrs. Sexton G. Anderson† Dr. William R. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Louie V. Andrews III Dr. and Mrs. David B. Antonson Mrs. Jane L. and Mr. Michael D. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Arnold The Rev. and Mrs. Joe P. Arnold Mr. Kenneth C. Asmussen Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ault, Jr.* Ms. Gayle C. Avant* Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ayers* The Rev. and Mrs. Ashton E. Ayers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Willard S. Bacon* Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Mrs. Betty J. Bailey* The Rev. William B. Bailey Mrs. Alice T. Balfe* Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ball Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Balnicky The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Barks, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. D. Clyde Bartges Ms. Jane C. Barwick Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Bates, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Beale* Ms. Martha J. Becker* Mrs. Naomi W. Bell Dr. and Mrs. David M. Bender Ms. Ann H. Benson Mrs. Clark D. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Berry Ms. Marcia H. Bethea* Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Bogle* Dr. George C. Boone Mr. and Mrs. David E. Boozer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Marion B. Boozer Ms. Kaye W. Borgstedt Mr. Edward E. Boshears


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

The Rev. Vickie Thomas Bossuot and Mr. William R. Bossuot The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Boston The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard G. Boswell Mrs. Elsie S. Bothwell Mrs. Mary K. Bowles Ms. Pepe M. Bowman* The Rev. David G. Boyce The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Boyer Ms. Loretta L. Bradley* The Rev. and Mrs. Mark R. Bradshaw-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Breeland, Jr.* Ms. Carolyn A. Brice Mrs. Berney S. Bridges Mr. Claude S. Bridges† Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Bridges, Jr. The Rev. Margaret B. and Mr. William L. Brinck Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Britt Ms. Carolyn H. Broady* The Rev. and Mrs. Troy E. Bronsink Dr. and Mrs. Royce L. Browder Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown The Rev. and Mrs. Frank O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William A. Brown* The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Brownson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brueggemann Mrs. Ann L. and Dr. John A. Bryan Ms. Elizabeth M. Bryan* Ms. Eileen E. Buckhouse* Ms. Susan D. Buell The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Bumgardner Mrs. Miriam C. Burch Mrs. Anne O. Burks* Mrs. Gretta W. Burns* The Rev. and Mrs. David A. Bush The Rev. Claire L. Butler Mrs. Mary B. Butler* Mrs. Jimmie M. Byal The Revs. Margaret Adams Caine and Stephen R. Caine Mr. Kevin K. Calhoun The Rev. and Mrs. Murdoch M. Calhoun Ms. Rosellyn J. Calvert Dana B. and Charles L. Campbell The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Campbell The Rev. John D. Campbell, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. John A. Cannon, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey A. Carey and Ms. Rory L. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Castner The Revs. Brandi R. and Andrew B. Casto-Waters Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman


The Rev. and Mrs. Frank K. Chapo Mr. Miguel A. Chavez Mr. James R. Cheshire III Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Clark Mrs. Sarah C. and Mr. Adam Walker Cleaveland Mr. and Mrs. Harland E. Cofer, Jr.* Dr. and Ms. David D. Colby Ms. Nancy D. Collins* Ms. Alice D. Conlin* The Rev. and Mrs. C. Drayton Cooper III Ms. Verline P. Copenny* Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham* Mr. and Mrs. R. Marty Counts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Courtney* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Craigmile Mr. Harry L. Crawford, Jr. The Rev. Kathleen N. Crighton and Mr. Richard V. Tatum, Jr. Drs. James L. and Virginia A. Cross Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana and Mr. Robert M. Dana Mr. and Mrs. John W. Daniels, Jr. Ms. Mary Lynn Darden Dr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. Ms. Edwina B. Davis Mrs. Ellen Q. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Warner F. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Deer, Jr. Mrs. Nancy A. Deibert Dr. and Mrs. J. Jey Deifell, Jr. Mr. C. Kevin Delaney The Rev. and Mrs. Eric R. Dillenbeck The Rev. Andrew J. Ditzel The Rev. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dodd Ms. Polly P. Dodson Dr. Charles L. Donnell The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Douse Mr. and Mrs. Clarke B. Dowling Ms. Joyce S. Downing Ms. Dorothy M. Drake The Rev. and Mrs. Pierre W. DuBose, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Dudley Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Dunbar Ms. Marilyn C. Duncan* Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Dunivant Mr. and Mrs. George Z. Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Edwards Ms. Sarah Gay Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Gene Elder

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Elkind Richelle and Mark Elkins* Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Erwin Dr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Evans Mrs. Joan C. Everett* Dr. Jo D. Faddis Dr. Fairfax F. Fair Dr. James O. Farmer, Jr. Mr. William J. Farrar The Rev. Debra D. Feagin Mr. and Mrs. William R. Feagin* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton The Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fetner* Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze* The Rev. Tully M. Fletcher IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Calvin N. Ford* The Rev. Catherine E. Foster Mrs. Mary S. Foster The Revs. Katherine and Andrew Foster Connors Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Fowlkes Dr. Sandra M. and Mr. Thomas F. Fox The Rev. Lynne M. Frech Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Frye* Dr. and Mrs. John L. Frye, Jr. Ms. H. Yvonne Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Gahan* Drs. James L. and Carol M. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Gartman Dr. and Mrs. T. Schley Gatewood, Jr. Ms. Barbara L. Gehlhaus* Mrs. H. Lucille Gentry* Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gerrard III Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Getske* Miss Jean L. Gettys The Rev. and Mrs. Alan J. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gillander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gillespie, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath Mrs. Ann H. Gisch Mrs. Addley H. Gladden, Jr.* Ms. Heather A. Goodenberger Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gould Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gray Mrs. Jacqueline A. Griffeth Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Griffis Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gunn* Mrs. Tommy Lou Hackney* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Haigh Ms. Dorothy G. Hamilton* Dr. Tiffany G. and Mr. Michael Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. Ms. Mary A. Hammett* The Rev. Stephanie Coble Hankins and Mr. C. Davis Hankins Mr. and Mrs. E. Victor Hanson Mrs. Ann T. Hare The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Harrell III Mrs. Elizabeth V. Harrer* Mr. Robert L. Harris The Rev. and Mrs. Abel M. Hart Dr. Mattie E. Hart The Rev. and Mrs. J. Richard Hartsfield Mrs. Marian P. Hassler* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Hasty, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. Bill R. Havens Ms. Virginia D. Hawkins-Stephens* Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hawks


The Rev. Linda W. and Mr. Charles W. Hawthorne The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Hellgren* Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Helms Mr. and Mrs. David F. Helwig* Mrs. Ann J. Herman Ms. Phyllis L. Hicks The Rev. Chris C. and Mr. Carlyle H. Hill Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hill The Rev. and Mrs. Vernon B. Hill Ms. Martha F. Hillman* Dr. J. Dale Hobbs Mrs. Doris E. Hoenig* The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Hogue* Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth The Rev.† and Mrs. James E. Hollis, Jr. Mrs. Lela M. Holmes* Dr. Joseph G. Holt and the Rev. Karen L. Soli The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Horel Mrs. George A. Horkan, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. R. Eugene Horne, Jr. Mr. John R. Hornick and Ms. Betty R. Bacon Mrs. Virginia S. Horton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Howey Francine and Mike Howley* Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hoyt Drs. William R. and Sara L. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Hubbard* Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak The Rev. Jane A. and Mr. David O. Huffstetler Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hughes Mr. John E. Huie The Rev. Renee M. Huie The Rev. Mary R. Huie-Jolly Mrs. Barry J. Hurford* The Rev. and Mrs. George B. Hutchins Mr. and Mrs. Seong Cheol Im Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Inacker Mr. and Mrs. David H. Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Johnson* The Rev. and Mrs. G. Wallace Johnson The Rev. Jennifer A. Johnson and Mr. Mark S. Riggs Mrs. Karen E. Johnson* Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Jones Mrs. Linda P. Jones Mr. Samuel H. Jones Dr. Winona M. Jones-DuCille Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan* Mrs. Maurice F. Kahlmus* Mr. Jawanza A. Keita Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mrs. Jean W. Kelley* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kemp III Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Mrs. Elizabeth J. Kerr* Ms. Ruth A. Ketzler* Dr. and Mrs. Jin S. Kim Dr. Sarah W. and Mr. Andrew K. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Won H. Kim The Revs. Melissa L. McNair-King and Andrew P. King Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Kirby The Rev. Charles E. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kirkus* Mrs. Marianne A. Klecka Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Klein Mr. and Mrs. William F. Knichel* The Rev. and Mrs. Glen A. Kohlhagen Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Krause Mrs. Dorothy J. Kuhn* The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Michael W. Lacey Mrs. Beverly R. Lamb The Rev. Edward C. Langham, Jr.

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance P. Lasseigne The Rev. and Mrs. John T. Lattimore Mr. Samuel B. Ledbetter The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Gentle G. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Soon Ki Lee Dr. Miriam L. Leupold Mr. Ernie Lewis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis The Rev. Rena C. Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lewis III Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley Mrs. Diane D. Leyburn* Mrs. W. J. Liles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Lindeman The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur M. Lindsay Mrs. Mary Caroline Lindsay* Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Dean Lindsey Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lindsley Ms. Norma K. Lockwood Mr. Timothy G. Logue Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Dr. and Mrs. George W. Long, Jr. The Rev. Joel M. Long Ms. Elizabeth C. Love* Mr.† and Mrs. R. Oliver Love* Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lovelady Dr. John S. Lyles Ms. Yvonne Mack* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. MacMillan The Rev. George J. Mahida Mrs. Alison A. Main Mrs. Savannah C. and Mr. Christopher W. Malarney Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Malone Ms. Julia D. Markley The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Martin, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Marvin Mrs. Esther R. Matney The Rev. H. Sidney Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. Steve A. Mays Dr. Perry C. McCallen Dr. and Mrs. John K. McCallum, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph E. McCaskill, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. John D. McClelland Ms. Hazel B. McConnell* Mr. and Mrs. Tim P. McCord* Dr. James W. McCormack Mr. David S. McCowen Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm B. McCoy Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. McCully, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade Mr. Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George H. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. McDow Dr. and Mrs. Elliott W. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. McFall* Mrs. Carolyn B. McGough Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McKemie Dr. and Mrs. E. Lynn McLarty The Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. McLaughlin The Revs. Kathryn A. McLean and Timothy F. Simpson The Rev. and Mrs. Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. The Rev. Larry R. McQueen The Rev. Dan A. McRight and Ms. Rebecca R. Fewell Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medford Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn J. Michael Ms. Bettie B. Miller Dr. and Mrs. David B. Miller Ms. Theresa S. Miller* Mrs. Leigh Ann and Mr. Philip E. Min Dr. T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. Ms. Alice M. Moore

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


The Rev. James L. Peacock, Jr. Dr. Grady J. Perryman Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Pettus The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur H. Pflug Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Phillips The Rev. and Mrs. William G. Phipps Mrs. Anne W. and Mr. Gaines S. Pittenger Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Plant* Dr. and Mrs. Andral B. Plexico The Rev. and Mrs. Charles L. Pope III Mrs. Katherine L. Potter* Dr. and Mrs. A. Lamar Potts Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Powell* Ms. Zoe M. Powell* Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Dr. and Mrs. George K. Preston III Dr. Michael D. Prewitt Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Pritchard Ms. Pamela P. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell M. Purvis Ms. Patsy F. Raney* Mrs. Martha C. Rankin* Mrs. Lee T. and the Rev. Timothy T. Read Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reardon* The Rev. Stacy K. Rector Mr. Marcus E. Reed The Rev. Greta S. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Reimer* Dr. and Mrs. William T. Reinhold Mrs. Carolyn N. Renner Ms. Mary E. Reno Dr. Robert P. Reno Ms. Elizabeth F. Reynolds* Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. L. Thomas Richie Drs. David B. and Emma Jane P. Riddle Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riddle, Jr.* Dr. Keith L. Riddle Mrs. Dana M. Rish Mr. and Mrs. Michel L. Roberts* Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Roberts Ms. Nancy F. Robeson Dr. Jeannette G. and Mr. Charles D. Rodenbough The Revs. Judith Gabel Roeling and Ted W. Roeling Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers* The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Rogers Mrs. Sara H. Rogers The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat

Columbia Gift Societies

Ms. Ann D. Moore Ms. Carol A. Moore* The Rev. Joseph G. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt E. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Moore, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. David R. Moorefield Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Morgan The Rev. and Mrs. H. Edward Morren Ms. Elizabeth L. Morris Mr. J. Raymond Morris The Rev. and Mrs. Jack E. Morris Mrs. Shirley S. Morris* Ms. Patricia M. Morrison* Mrs. Maryalice O. and Mr. Jon O. Moses Mrs. Gloria H. Moss* Ms. Janice Y. Mouser* Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moye Mrs. Margaret A. Moyse Dr. Baron A. Mullis Mr. and Mrs. Candler A. Murphey Dr. Spencer C. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Murray Mr. and Mrs. David M. Musil Ms. Nancy J. Myers* Dr. and Mrs. David S. Naglee The Rev. John J. Napoli III Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Neas* The Rev. Wendy D. Neff and Mr. Brian N. Shelby The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. William G. Neville III Mrs. Mary Sue Newton* Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Nickle Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Oates III Ms. Arlene B. Olterman* Robert and Kristi Olterman* The Rev. Peggy C. Owens Mrs. Mary Anne Padget* Mrs. Hepsy G. Parham* The Rev. Rebecca S. and Mr. Buddy Parker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Parks* Ms. Martie E. Patterson* The Rev. S. Curtis Patterson The Rev. William R. Patterson Mrs. Marianne C. Paul

July, 2011


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Dr. and Mrs. Beryl G. Rosenberger The Rev. and Mrs. J. Robert Ross Chaplain Etta C. Rossman Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Rourk Ms. Sammie S. Rucker* Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Russell Ms. Jennifer L. Russo Dr. John P. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Ryle, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Paul M. Saleeby The Rev. and Mrs. Bertram H. Saunders Ms. Thirza C. Sayers Mrs. Helen R. Scharer The Rev. Merritt Nickinson Schatz and Mr. Noel R. Schatz Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Curtis P. Scott Mr. David G. Scott, Jr. The Rev. Lou Ann Sellers and Dr. Thomas S. Herwig Dr. and Mrs. Rex R. Selters Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Monte W. Shannon The Rev. Erin C. Sharp and Mr. David B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Shaw* Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Shealy The Rev. and Mrs. David K. Shelor Mr. and Mrs. Dwight J. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Mr. William S. and Dr. Anne T. Sherren Dr. L. Holton Siegling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aden R. Sirles Drs. Ellen F. and J. Eric Skidmore Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Smith Ms. Carolyn T. Smith Mrs. Claire P. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. Donald W. Smith The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson* Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. Carlton Smith* Dr. Steven R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snodgrass The Rev. Maetta M. and Mr. D. Sam Snyder Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus The Rev. Lynette D. and Mr. John M. Solomon The Rev. and Mrs. Michael E. Sorsen Mr. John D. Speiser Ms. Frances M. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Spil Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Sponcler, Jr. Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth The Rev. James B. Stanford III Mrs. Ann F. Starks Mr. and Mrs. Andy M. Steinmann* Ms. Betty R. Stevens* Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stone The Rev. Cory S. Stott The Rev. Dean W. and Mr. Joseph S. Strength* The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Stribling Drs. Frank S. and Josephine Y. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Summerlin The Rev. and Mrs. Richard K. Swayze The Rev. and Mrs. Bert C. Swearingen Ms. Nellie S. Swensen* The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall Mrs. Cynthia S. Tarrant The Rev. and Mrs. John L. Tarrant, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Tart III Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III Mrs. Rebecca Lauderdale Tatum and Mr. Thomas A. Tatum Dr. and Mrs. B. Harrison Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor The Rev. and Mrs. L. Sherwood Taylor The Rev. Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel and Mr. Thomas W. Teel Ms. Loretta R. Teter* The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel R. Thomas, Jr. Dr. Ernest T. Thompson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

August, 2011

Columbia Gift Societies

Mrs. W.C. Timmons, Jr.* Mrs. Doris S. Tippens Mr. and Mrs. James R. Titmus, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth K. Toland The Rev. and Mrs. C. Craig Topple Ms. Meredith E. Torre The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend* The Rev. and Mrs. Benton J. Trawick Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Trax Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Trulock Ms. Charita A. Turner Ms. Karen M. Turney* The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Tyre Mrs. Wende P. Veeder* Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Velkey* Dr. John K. Vining Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson* Dr. Christine B. Vogel Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Voye Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Wall The Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. W. Terence Walsh The Rev. and Mrs. Milford B. Walters The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew I. Walton Mrs. Evamay F. Ward* Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ward, Jr. Dr. Wayne G. Warner Dr. and Mrs. William E. Warren The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas D. Warters The Rev. A. Jack Waskey Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Waters Ms. Mary V. Watson* The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Joe F. Weaver* Mrs. Mary E. Weber* Mr. and Mrs. C. Geoffrey Weirich* Mr. Michael D. Weitnauer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wells The Rev. John E. Westlund, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. William W. Westlund The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. White Mrs. Robert A. White, Jr.* Dr. Elizabeth E. Whiteley Dr. and Mrs. Olin M. Whitener, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Whitner Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Whittle, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. Jeremy C. Wilhelmi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Williams, Jr. Ms. Margaret C. Williams* Mr. and Mrs. Lamar R. Williamson The Rev. and Mrs. Amos L. Wilson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Don L. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Bob and Lynda Wilson The Revs. Stephanie S. and Andrew P. Wing Ms. Patricia R. Winter The Rev. and Mrs. Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. Mr. Harrington G. Witherspoon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Worden* Dr. and Mrs. Todd R. Wright Dr. E. Barbara Yonteck Ms. Marie E. Yost* Mr. and Mrs. Terence O. Young The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Zachry Dr. and Mrs. A. Lee Zehmer The Rev. Emily J. Zeig




O r g a n i z at io n s

Arlington Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Blountville Presbyterian Church, Blountville, TN* Boston Presbyterian Church, Boston, GA* Buntyn Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Carrollton Presbyterian Church, Carrollton, GA* Christ Presbyterian Church, Ormond Beach, FL* Christ Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Chuckey Presbyterian Church, Chuckey, TN* Cocoa Presbyterian Church, Cocoa, FL* Commerce Presbyterian Church, Commerce, GA* Community Presbyterian Church, Atlantic Beach, FL* Conyers Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA Covenant Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA* Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian Church, Cumming, GA* Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA* Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Apopka, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Bennettsville, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Byhalia, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Canton, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Cedartown, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Clarkesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Dade City, FL* First Presbyterian Church, DeBary, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Elberton, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Fernandina Beach, FL First Presbyterian Church, Fort Walton Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, High Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Inverness, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, TN First Presbyterian Church, McColl, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Mount Airy, NC First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL First Presbyterian Church, Phenix City, AL First Presbyterian Church, Piedmont, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Port St. Joe, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Quitman, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Starke, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Thomaston, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Wetumpka, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Williston, FL First Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven, FL* Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Fort King Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL Friendship Presbyterian Church, New Zion, SC Gautier Presbyterian Church, Gautier, MS*

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Glen Leven Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Circle 3, Goodwater Presbyterian Church, Goodwater, AL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL* Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Gulf Breeze, FL* Henry Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA* Hillside Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC* Jekyll Island Community Presbyterian Church, Jekyll Island, GA* Kirk Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* Lake Shore Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Latta Presbyterian Church, Latta, SC* McDowell Presbyterian Church, Greeleyville, SC* Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA* Midway Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Montgomery Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Navarre Presbyterian Church, Navarre, FL* North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Northside Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Park Lake Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL Peace Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill, GA* Roberts Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC 4th Tuesday Circle, Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Southminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA* St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Titusville, FL* St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL* Summerville Presbyterian Church, Summerville, SC* Sumner Presbyterian Church, Sumner, MS* Tallapoosa Presbyterian Church, Tallapoosa, GA* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Fairhope, AL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL* Wiley Presbyterian Church, Wiley, GA* Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, Kingstree, SC Williston Presbyterian Church, Williston, SC* Woodland Presbyterian Church of Quincy, Gretna, FL*

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Clarendon Oriental Rugs

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Giving By Classes

1950 (30% participation)

1954 (45.45% participation)

1957 (37.93% participation)

J. Eade Anderson AL Park H. Moore, Jr. CS L. Sherwood Taylor TG

Louie V. Andrews, Jr. CS Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. WW Murdoch M. Calhoun TG Kenneth P. Craig CS Archie Davis CS Richard A. Dodds CS Pierre W. DuBose, Jr. TG R. Yale Gunn CS Lewis S. Hay CS Edward C. Langham, Jr. TG Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. AL Roy R. Myers, Jr. CS William D. O’Neal CS Jack C. Robinson AL B. Harrison Taylor TG Robert I. White TG

Frank M. Brown CS Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. CS Robert S. Dendy AL George H. Fitzgerald AL Irwin P. Gates, Jr. CS George A. Grissom AL C.J. Hammet, Sr. WM Robert H. Hull CS Rob Roy McGregor, Jr. WM William P. McKinnon CS William F. Shouse WM James O. Speed, Jr. WW

1951 (58.33% participation) Alumni/ae names are listed by year of first degree only.

1939 (100% participation)


1941 (66.67% participation)

Presidents’ Society

Curry W. Davis, Sr. CS James H. Gailey, Jr. CS

$15,000 or more

Arch L. MacNair AL

1942 (50% participation)

PM Peter Marshall Society $5,000 - $14,999

D. Clyde Bartges TG Robert E. Smith TG

J. Phillips Noble CS Walter H. Styles CS

1946 (25% participation)

1953 (54.17% participation)

Wade P. Huie, Jr. WW

Julian F. Craig, Jr. WM Philip W. Dunford CS C. Phil Esty CS Abel M. Hart TG Roy W. Hicks WW Douglas W. Hix AL John R. Hornick TG Robert L. Montgomery AL Lardner C. Moore, Sr. CS H. Edward Morren TG Spencer C. Murray TG William M. Schotanus CS Ernest R. Tufft WM

1943 (100% participation)

William Marcellus McPheeters Society

1944 (50% participation)

$1,000 - $4,999

J. Frank Alexander CS

1945 (66.67% participation)

WW Woodrow Wilson

1952 (52% participation) Robert G. Balnicky TG Frank O. Brown TG William C. Brownson, Jr. TG John A. Cannon, Jr.† TG William A. Crosland AL William R. Hoyt TG Richard G. Laurens CS Robert W. Lawrence CS Matthew M. McGowan CS John M. Reagan, Jr. CS James G. Stuart CS J. Ed Wayland, Jr. CS Samuel T. Young CS

James L. Doom AL J. Davison Philips WM


J. Calvin Chesnutt CS Joseph C. Eckstine AL Albert G. Harris, Jr. AL Charles E. Kirkpatrick TG George W. Long, Jr. TG Charles L. Moffatt WM David R. Moorefield TG

1958 (29.41% participation)

1955 (45.45% participation) Malcolm M. Bullock AL Robert I. Doom, Sr. TG Dan A. Dunaway WM Leighton S. Ford AL Leroy P. Gwaltney III CS William F. Lee WM Ralph R. Lightsey CS Robert M. Marvin TG H. Sidney Maxwell TG Joseph C. Whitner TG

1959 (26.83% participation) Todd W. Allen TG Herbert B. Barks, Jr. TG Robert W. Boston TG James T. Frazier CS George B. Hutchins TG Frederick W. Lupton II AL Ralph E. McCaskill, Jr. TG Lawrence H. Richards TG Richard K. Swayze TG Lowell B. Sykes AL J. Gary Waller CS

Society $500 - $999 AL Agnes Law Society

1947 (40% participation)

$250 - $499

John W. Craven AL Hubert V. Taylor WM


1948 (50% participation)

Charles A. Stillman

Thomas W. Horton, Jr. CS John A. Kirstein CS

Society $100 - $249

1949 (25% participation) John T. McCrea WM

1956 (24% participation) Kenneth E. Boyer TG John D. Campbell, Jr. TG William F. Henning, Jr. CS Gerald H. Kirby CS Emmett S. McDowell CS Chilton F. Thorington† WW

1960 (33.33% participation)

TG Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society

The footprint of the seminary campus is stretching! The new residence hall, with its environmentally protective, comfortable, safe homes for students — the exciting new Vernon S. Broyles, Jr., Leadership Center rising next to Simons-Law — both for me reflect the commitment of the seminary to stretch and nurture students and faculty in new directions. Leading the church of Jesus Christ has never been more crucial or difficult in a shrinking world, desperate for God’s healing and life-giving Love.

$10 - $99

Robert C. Bankhead CS Gordon C. Campbell TG Charles B. Cousar WM Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. TG Harry W. Philips CS Angus R. Shaw III AL Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. CS Edwin G. Townsend TG Eldon D. Wadsworth CS G. Dana Waters III WW

Earle P. Barron, Jr. CS Gerald L. Bell, Jr. CS David G. Boyce TG Frank K. Chapo TG James H. Huffaker CS John H. Law WW Clayton K. Little, Jr. CS G. Daniel McCall, Sr. AL William O. Moore, Jr. CS Andral B. Plexico TG

1961 (48.65% participation) Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. CS Michael L. Andrews CS Stephen A. Bacon WW James W. Beaty CS C. Drayton Cooper III TG Bill S. Goforth CS James E. Harrell III TG Gary E. Howell CS Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. AL Jack E. Morris TG Robert G. Newman CS Arthur H. Pflug TG Rupert H. Pickett, Jr. CS Thomas R. Roddy WM Carl D. Smith, Sr. WW Robert V. Sturdivant CS Gerald K. Taylor, Jr. TG Donald L. Wilson TG

— Lou Reaves, Decatur, GA


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Giving By Classes

1962 (51.72% participation)

1966 (26% participation)

George C. Boone TG Franklin B. Clark, Jr. CS Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. TG Wayne W. Hoffmann AL Wallace G. Hollyfield CS Ray A. Howe PM Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. CS Calvin W. Kropp CS A. Cecil Moore, Jr. WM Robert R. Morris WM Bobby E. Pettit CS James M. Rice, Jr. WW Beryl G. Rosenberger TG J. Robert Ross TG John G. Taylor, Jr. AL

Anonymous CS Anonymous AL David B. Antonson TG Joe P. Arnold TG William V. Arnold AL T. Erskine Clarke WM J. Jey Deifell, Jr. TG Joseph S. Harvard III WW C. William Hull CS James S. Lowry WM Elliott W. McElroy TG Donald W. Smith TG William W. Westlund TG Daniel E. Youngblood WW

1963 (41.67% participation) Robert L. Armistead CS C. Frank Beall CS Charles C. Bovee CS Ann W. Bullard WM James W. Eller AL Martin L. Harkey, Jr. CS Joseph G. Holt TG S. Edwin Lewis AL Roger A. Martin CS James L. Peacock, Jr. TG Clifford L. Rigby CS William D. Russell WW Dorothy D. Smith AL L. Jackson Taylor CS Raymon L. White CS

1964 (21.95% participation) Elizabeth H. Ball TG Martha M. Blount AL M. McCoy Franklin WW John E. Hill TG A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. CS Jack C. Oates III TG Rex R. Selters TG Alex W. Williams CS Robert A. Wilson TG

1965 (34.88% participation) Ewell C. Black, Jr. AL J. Harley Chapman TG Richard A. Cushman, Sr. CS R. Eugene Horne, Jr. TG Mary Jane Jordan CS David A. Long III TG Richard W. Paddon AL James T. Richardson WM Frank R. Sells CS Robert E. Smith AL Bert C. Swearingen TG David H. Tart III TG Thomas D. Walker TG Frank D. Weathersby CS Don L. Wilson TG Donn W. Wright WM


1967 (32.56% participation) William R. Barron WW Bert K. Carmichael III WW Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. AL C. Pat Griffin, Jr. CS Robert H. Horel TG Mac Irvin WW J. Miller Liston AL Robert O. Moss III CS Arnold K. Newman CS H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. CS Robert P. Piephoff AL George K. Preston III TG Robert H. Walkup CS Thomas D. Warters TG

1968 (30.77% participation) John S. Bacot, Sr. TG Juventino R. Ballesteros AL Marion B. Boozer TG Leonard G. Boswell TG R. Leon Carroll, Jr. WM Philip R. Gehman AL Edwin L. Morrison CS William G. Phipps TG Jose R. Rivera CS Thomas A. Sizemore CS Robert M. Wallace, Jr. AL John E. Westlund, Sr. TG

1971 (35.29% participation)

1976 (36% participation)

1981 (23.33% participation)

William R. Anderson TG Ronald A. Botsford CS G. Wallace Johnson TG Fred L. Keith TG John W. Larson WM Tommie G. Malone CS John K. McCallum, Jr. TG Kenneth J. Terrell CS T. Mark Verdery CS Jim Watkins CS Patrick J. Willson CS E. Barbara Yonteck TG

Joan S. Gray AL Henry D. Gregory IV CS Winona M. Jones-DuCille TG Albert F. Masters III CS William O. Nisbet, Jr. WM Cary G. Speaker WM Milford B. Walters TG Olin M. Whitener, Jr. TG R. Michael Winters III AL

Janet Ann Briscoe WW Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. WM Robert L. Carroll, Jr. CS Michael A. Daffin CS Ronald J. Gilreath CS John L. Tarrant, Jr. TG Stephen R. Vance CS

1972 (32.14% participation) Charles C. Alexander CS J. Lawrence Cuthill TG Renee M. Huie TG J. Ernie Johnson WM Gene Lassiter AL Clarence O. Magee, Jr. CS Dan A. McRight TG David E. Swindall TG John A. Zachry TG

1973 (36% participation) Robert R. Allen CS Dewey T. Bowen CS E. Victor Hanson TG H. Eugene Harris CS William J. Holmes, Jr. CS William P. Lancaster CS Elizabeth D. McAliley CS Richard P. Neldon AL J. Mark Wilburn CS

1974 (25% participation) Fahed L. Abu-Akel CS Harry H. Barrow AL William B. Carr, Jr. CS John D. McClelland TG A. Lamar Potts TG Etta C. Rossman TG

1975 (17.65% participation) Jo D. Faddis TG J. Steve Rhodes WM Joyce C. Tucker CS

1977 (17.86% participation) James H. Foil, Jr. CS Gerald P. Jenkins CS Alice A. Johnson WW George J. Mahida TG M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. TG Stevan A. Snipes AL

1978 (35.71% participation) Anonymous AL Paul O. Ard, Jr. CS Anna L. Case-Winters AL Virginia Simmons Ellis AL William A. Jokela WW Joel M. Long TG George H. McDonald TG Walter W. Peters CS James I. St. John AL Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel TG

1979 (17.14% participation) Joanna M. Adams WW Royce L. Browder TG J. Richard Hartsfield TG Jasper N. Keith, Jr. WW Kathryn H. Sandifer CS Lib McGregor Simmons WM

1980 (17.65% participation) E. Lane Alderman WM Ashton E. Ayers, Jr. TG Buren Blankenship CS D. Raymond Guterman CS Charles G. Helms TG R. Steven Hudder CS Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. TG William C. Pender WW William B. Wade, Jr. CS

1982 (18.52% participation) David J. Bailey CS Donald R. Frampton CS James E. Hollis, Jr.† TG Randal V. Kirby CS Rebekah A. Maul AL Bryan H. Mickle CS Grady J. Perryman TG Harry H. Phillips TG Ronald E. Stone TG Janice P. Wiesner CS

1983 (15.38% participation) Francis M. Burriss AL Charles L. Donnell TG Alice E. Hickcox CS Sara C. Juengst AL

1984 (30.91% participation) Frank L. Arnold TG Kimberly L. Clayton WM Jon M. Coon CS Warner F. Davis TG A. Daniel Freeman CS Robert S. Hay TG William H. Hoff TG Walter M. Jones, Jr. WM Arlene W. Kelly AL Jonathan W. Lovelady TG Robert A. McCully, Jr. TG James W. Platt CS Raymond R. Roberts CS Merritt Nickinson Schatz TG Kathryn E. Thoresen CS Charles C. Williamson CS Richard B. Wilson CS

1969 (20.69% participation) Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. AL H. Alan Elmore WM James M. Kennedy TG John N. Payne CS P. David Reynolds CS Charles F. Scott CS

1970 (38.71% participation) James H. Bumgardner TG John J. Gleason CS Ford F. G’Segner AL Mattie E. Hart TG Bill R. Havens TG William C. Hunt, Jr. AL G. William Jones, Jr. CS Cecil B. Murphey WM James B. Stanford III TG John W. Stodghill CS Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. CS Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. TG

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

September, 2011

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Giving By Classes

1985 (29.63% participation)

1989 (29.58% participation)

Mary G. Amos WM C. Gregory Bird CS David A. Bush TG Julie M. Cline WW John C. Dudley TG Sandra M. Fox TG C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. TG Robert F. Inman CS William L. Jenkins, Jr. CS Joseph L. Johnson III CS Robert R. Klein TG Wanda S. Neely CS Vance S. Nesbit CS R. Page Shelton WW Thomas A. Ulrich CS Gerald L. Voye TG

Joe B. Abbott, Sr. TG R. Jerome Boone CS William J. Connolly CS Jean L. Davidson AL Susan L. Denne CS Jacqueline A. Griffeth TG John H. Haberer, Jr. CS Lina Robinson Hart WW J. Richard Hobson CS Ramon E. Hunt AL Susan Dobbs Key AL Arvie L. Maynard CS Steve A. Mays TG Edwin H. Pettus TG Wendell B. Phillips, Jr. AL Judith Gabel Roeling TG Samuel F. Rutland AL Bradley D. Smith AL Maetta M. Snyder TG Augusta B.Vanderbilt CS Thomas W. Walker CS

1986 (15.38% participation) Normer M. Adams TG Perky Daniel CS C. Alan Harvey AL Penelope J. Hill WW Mary R. Huie-Jolly TG Mary Beth Lawrence CS T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. TG Albert A. Myers, Jr. CS L. Thomas Richie TG A. Don Robb III CS L. Ted Smith WW William J. Tyre TG

1987 (25.81% participation) Anonymous WW Vickie Thomas Bossuot TG James L. Cross, Jr. TG Curry W. Davis, Jr. TG Richard G. Hill WW J. Dale Hobbs TG Howard Y. Kim CS Clyde T. McCants CS Stephen R. Nickle TG Gail R. Perkins CS Jeri Parris Perkins WW Robert P. Reno TG B. Lynn Stall WM Frederick H. Talbot CS Karen Whelchel-Redwine CS Robert D. Williams CS Sharon K. Youngs CS

1988 (11.27% participation) Anonymous TG Pemberton I. Cooley III AL Laura W. Dorsey CS Charles C. Heyward, Sr. WW William R. Patterson TG Jeffrey S. Price CS M. Joy Smith TG Dean R. Strong AL


1990 (18.31% participation) Anonymous WW John W. Daniels, Jr. TG Wilbur H. Howie, Jr. CS Jane A. Huffstetler TG J. Todd Jenkins CS Laura Aull Johnston CS Tammy L. Lane CS Joan W. Quattrocchi CS Martha C. Sexton WM Earl J. Smith CS Lynette D. Solomon TG Philip H. Summerlin TG John K. Vining TG

1991 (22.22% participation) Huw M. Christopher AL Sharon K. Core AL James C. Dant CS Michael L. Dusing TG Michael L. Fitze TG Thomas F. Keller WM Tod A. Linafelt CS Eric T. Myers CS William L. Platt CS Greta S. Reed TG Keith L. Riddle TG Paul M. Saleeby TG Harold M. Stone CS Jonathan C. Wallace TG Deborah D. Wells WM Kenneth L. Young CS

1993 (21.65% participation)

1996 (17.24% participation)

1998 (22.22% participation)

Richard C. Atkerson AL Carol T. Bender CS J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. AL Katherine L. Carpenter CS Belinda M. Curry CS E. Jones Doughton TG Kenneth A. Dunivant TG Martha M. Ebel CS Denise M. Hall CS Richard D. Hawks TG Linda W. Hawthorne TG M. Dan Milford CS Ron E. Nelson TG Nancy Graham Ogne CS Jeffry L. Reynolds CS Jeannette G. Rodenbough TG Patricia L. Senterfitt CS J. Todd Speed AL Donald E. Stribling TG Benton J. Trawick TG C. Arthur Wall CS

Anonymous P Constance M. Button CS Stephen R. Caine TG Molly C. Clark CS Fairfax F. Fair TG Calvin H. Gittner CS Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. CS Louly F. Hay P Jennifer A. Johnson TG Thomas K. Lewis III TG Diana W. Malcom CS Ann D. Moore TG Stacy K. Rector TG David K. Shelor TG John D. Wells WM

Anonymous TG Jocelyn C. Bauer P Kevin M. Campbell CS John E. Cole CS Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton WW Laura A. Cunningham AL C. Annette Graham CS Carolyn K. Heyward WW Walk C. Jones IV CS Roger G. Miller CS Paul M. Ogne CS H. Scott Ramsey AL Timothy T. Read TG Jan C. Stewart-Tolbert WM J. Alexander Ward, Jr. TG

1997 (25.32% participation)

1999 (20.51% participation)

Anonymous CS Ann F. Aichinger CS Frank C. Aichinger CS M. Becky Burton WM Christine K. Dungan WW A. Kyle Henderson CS Sandra B. Hill AL Linda P. Jones TG Jacqueline H. Lindberg CS Stephen B. Lindsley TG Kathryn A. McLean TG James P. Reinarz CS William T. Reinhold TG Mary Katherine Robinson CS William B. Robinson CS David N. Rollins CS Libby McIntosh Rollins CS Marianne McMasters Romanat TG Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. CS Hannah H. Vaughan WW

John R. Cook WW Susannah A. Cook WW Carol L. DiGiusto AL Victor A. Feliberty-Ruberte AL Richard A. Floyd CS Caroline M. Kelly WW Gregory J. Kershner AL Shannon J. Kershner AL Laury W. Larson AL Seungtae Lee WW Robert F. Lohmeyer CS Doris H. Mattison CS Anna H. McArthur AL Wendy D. Neff TG Erin C. Sharp TG Juliann Pugh Whipple CS

1994 (16.42% participation) Zoe Anne Henderson Cagle CS Rita E. Cochrane CS Kathy L. Dawson WM Craig N. Goodrich AL W. Marvin Lindsay III CS Vaughn J. Michael TG Peggy C. Owens TG John R. Ragsdale II WW Jeanne C. Reynolds CS Lou Ann Sellers TG Timothy F. Simpson TG William W. Williamson, Jr. CS

1995 (18.29% participation) 1992 (14.29% participation) Anonymous CS Nan M. Adams TG Kelly S. Allen CS Ann H. Kelly CS M. Beecher Mathes CS Stephen R. Montgomery WW Lisa N. Myers CS Lisa Traynham Nelson TG Neal A. Neuenschwander CS Andrew I. Walton TG

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


M. Ellen Anderson TG David E. Betts CS Frank I. Blankinship III AL Benjamin S. Booth CS Margaret B. Brinck TG David A. Cagle CS Margaret Adams Caine TG Eleana M. Garrett WM Barbara B. Hamilton CS Deborah A. Kirk CS Larry R. McQueen TG Stephen C. Robertson WW John A. Schmidt TG Ernest T. Thompson III AL Jia De Wu CS

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

2000 (12.50% participation) Anonymous TG Royce W. Ballard AL Edward J. Britt TG Susan D. Buell TG Brandi R. Casto-Waters TG Kathleen N. Crighton TG Guy D. Griffith CS Lee T. Read TG Tomu Sakon WW Augustus E. Succop III AL Connie S. Weaver TG

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Giving By Classes

2001 (16.89% participation)

2003 (22.45% participation)

Louie V. Andrews III TG Anne H.K. Apple WW David M. Bender TG Ann L. Bryan TG Amy Lehr Camp CS W. Hunter Camp II CS Andrew B. Casto-Waters TG Christopher L. Crotwell AL Linda K. Davis CS Jane E. Fahey WM Andrew Foster Connors TG Katherine Foster Connors TG William V. Hawkins CS V. Blaine Hill TG Barbara P. Jordan WW Bettina B. Kilburn WW Myung Jong Lee AL Ruth L. Lovell CS James W. McCormack TG Anthony W. McDade TG Sandra E. Monroe CS David S. Naglee TG Timothy A. Reynolds CS Elizabeth S. Sharp CS J. Ronald Wilson CS

Edna J. Banes CS Cynthia M. Benz WM David L. Boumgarden AL MaryAnn McKibben Dana TG Thomas R. Daniel IV CS Eric R. Dillenbeck TG Priscilla B. Durkin CS Sarah F. Erickson WW Elizabeth C. Goodrich PM Mary Alice Haynie WW Michael J. Hoyt TG Jeffrey S. Kackley AL Douglass D. Key CS Joseph G. Moore, Jr. TG Laurel D. Nelson AL Pendleton B. Peery WW Ian C. Punnett TG Timothy D. Roberts TG R. Millie Snyder TG James H. Thomas III AL Jannan Wertzberger Thomas AL Megan Graham Watson CS

2004 (13.51% participation)

2002 (15.91% participation) Eugen G. Bach, Jr. CS Maggie F. Beamguard AL Mark R. Bradshaw-Miller TG David B. Cozad WW Christopher F. Denny CS Connie S. Lee TG Peggy A. McClure WM Frank G. McDonald III AL Elizabeth A. Moss AL Carolyn T. Smith TG Jerry L. Utt II CS Wayne G. Warner TG Kathleen L. Weller CS A. Lee Zehmer TG

Columbia Theological Seminary University · Decatur, Georgia

Decatur, Georgia


John C. Brearley CS Troy E. Bronsink TG Janet N. Carter WW Beth M. Daniel CS L. Franklin Fant, Jr. CS John L. Frye, Jr. TG Thomas L. Griffis TG Huibing He CS Lewis T. Kola CS John V. Weicher WW

2005 (23.75% participation)

2007 (20.75% participation)

2009 (25% participation)

Jaina W. Anderson CS Alan D. Bancroft CS Jane C. Barwick TG Sue W. Crannell CS William P. Crawford CS Andrew J. Gans CS Paul G. Hackett CS C. Davis Hankins TG Leah R. Hrachovec CS C. Anderson James AL Jin S. Kim TG Glen A. Kohlhagen TG Dennis C. Malone TG Kimberly Warwick McCoy AL John J. Napoli III TG Sue Riggle CS Amy D. Summers-Minette CS Joel L. Tolbert CS Christine B. Vogel TG Laurie Taylor Weicher WW

Jane L. Armstrong TG Claire L. Butler TG Catherine C. Cavazos CS Sarah C. Walker Cleaveland TG Frank M. Eldridge CS Christopher O. Erde CS Lynne M. Frech TG Cheryl F. Gans CS Morgan M. Hay WW Christopher A. Henry CS Christine C. Hill TG Leigh H. Jones CS Sandra E. Lacey TG S. Kate Malarney TG Michael D. Manaugh AL Melanie G. Nogalski CS Nicholas K. Reed CS L. Holton Siegling, Jr. TG Jill P. Tolbert CS Carolyn J. Visser CS Kimberley Donahue Wadlington AL Jeremy C. Wilhelmi TG

Anonymous TG Christie L. Ashton WM Julie H. Bailey CS Mary P. Cox CS Mary Lynn Dell WW Diane L. Duane CS David L. Hawkins CS Sandra K. Hedrick WM Barrie M. Kirby CS Maryalice O. Moses TG Emily Martin Proctor CS Richard G. Proctor CS David W. Rogers TG Thirza C. Sayers TG R. Paul Sherwood, Sr. CS Elizabeth M. Turner CS Desmond M. Walker CS Kathryn M. Wolf Reed CS

2006 (24.53% participation) Sarah Cooper Searight CS Karen R. Dukes CS Christopher H. Edmonston AL Ani A. Goodenberger TG Stephanie Coble Hankins TG Sharol R. Hayner P Susan M. Heafield WW Maryellen S. Hittel CS Abby Cole Keller CS Miriam L. Leupold TG Jerry W. Long CS Perry C. McCallen TG David B. Miller TG Ann Marie Montgomery CS Thomas F. Rice TG John R. Richardson AL William H. Searight CS Melinda S. Serafin CS Michael E. Sorsen TG Robert C. Spach CS Cory S. Stott TG C. Craig Topple TG R. Miranda Trussell AL Derek A. Wadlington AL Patricia B. Willard CS W. Fred Wise CS


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wishes a warm welcome to our Board of Trustees who have travelled from far and near to serve this seminary. May God bless your work and service

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— Rodger Nishioka, Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education

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JennieTheological smith Seminary Columbia Seminary Weekend helped me confirm the Dr.reality Kimberly of Long's newest book: god’s call to​ theological education in my faith ticleID=218

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Dennis M. Adams AL Alexander W. Evans TG Timothy R. Green AL Tiffany G. Hamilton TG Eun-Gee Jun CS Nancy C. Kinzer WM

The Annual Fund sustains us. It’s not the dessert that we all yearn for; it is the meat and potatoes. Gifts to the Annual Fund allow us to do the everyday things that we have to do to keep on existing.

Columbia Theological Seminary Pease join the Center for Lifelong Learning and Korean-American Ministry Program in welcoming to campus the participants in the 2011 Korean Pastors Conference April 4-6. The conference provides an opportunity for continuing Education for Korean Pastors in the Synod of South Atlantic & Living Waters.


2011 (4.65% participation)

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Friend Activity

Anonymous TG Anonymous TG Anonymous TG Davis M. Bailey CS Richard N. Baxter CS David D. Colby TG Heather Wood Davis CS Debra D. Feagin TG Tully M. Fletcher IV TG Marcella A. Glass CS Sara A. Hayden CS Susan B. Jacobson CS Andrew K. Kim TG Andrew P. King TG John T. Lattimore TG John S. Martin TG Michael D. McLaughlin TG Catherine C. Neelly CS Charles L. Pope III TG Nancy Mumma Salisbury CS H. Gray Southern CS Andrew P. Wing TG Emily J. Zeig TG

Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. TG Matthew K. Baker CS C. Ben Beasley CS Kevin K. Calhoun TG Thomas H. Cook CS Andrew J. Ditzel TG Catherine E. Foster TG Joan W. Gandy CS Alan J. Gibson TG Seong Cheol Im TG Sarah W. Kim TG Soon Ki Lee TG M. Dean Lindsey TG Melissa L. McNair-King TG Leigh Ann Min TG Michael D. Prewitt TG Margaret D. Rightmyer AL John P. Ryan TG T.J. Shirley WW Linda T. Steber CS William E. Warren TG Elizabeth E. Whiteley TG Todd R. Wright TG

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Wall Info

2008 (26.97% participation)

2010 (24.72% participation)

journey. Hearing the call stories of Cts students and staff Columbia Theological Seminary :: Campus News was affirming and energizing. Now I am studying hard for Sacramental occasions, or “Holy Fairs,” practiced by my greek school 2011 midterm! Scots-Irish Presbyterians in mid-19th-century


Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Memorials & Tributes

Memorials Mr. William J. Akers, Jr. By Mrs. Georgia O. Akers Mrs. Ellen C. Alexander By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Ms. Adina E. Allen By Ms. Kaye W. Borgstedt The Rev. F. Sidney Anderson, Jr. By Mrs. Sexton G. Anderson† Bert and Kaye Carmichael

Mrs. Florida V. Collie By Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton

Mrs. Faye Huckaby By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA

Ms. Jean Vaughan Cook By Mr. James C. Connah

Dr. Oscar J. Hussel By Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth

Mr. Phillip R. Davis By The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Davis

The Rev. William B. Johnson By Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson

Dr. Ludwig R. Dewitz By Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Ms. Ann W. Bullard

Mrs. Walter M. Jones By Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Sponcler, Jr.

Mrs. Marcia Mansfield Fox By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

Mr. Leland B. Arnold, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Silvo

The Rev. C. McCoy and Mrs. Mary S. Franklin By The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin

Mrs. Elizabeth Asmussen By Mr. Kenneth C. Asmussen

Dr. Richard T. Gillespie III By Dr. and Mrs. E. Lynn McLarty

Dr. Albert Y. Badre By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Mr. Hal M. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore

The Rev. Donald B. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey

Mr. Golden Griffieth By Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann

Mr. Edward F. Balfe By Mrs. Alice T. Balfe

Dr. Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell

The Rev. Narciso Gonzalez Barron By Mrs. Sarah B. LaBadie Mrs. Ruby H. Barron By Mrs. Sarah B. LaBadie

Mrs. Claire Roggli Hardin By Ms. Meredith E. Torre

Mrs. Evangeline Bedford By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Dr. John A. Hare By Mrs. Ann T. Hare

Ms. Rebecca H. Benz By Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Ryle, Jr.

The Rev. William W. Hatcher By Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher

Dr. Jacob B. Berlin By Mrs. Anne M. Berlin Mr. Elmer R. Blanchard By Mrs. Beverly R. Lamb Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal The Rev. Samuel P. Bowles By The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Mr. Claude S. Bridges By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. Wayne F. Browning III By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Mrs. Maybelle Bruninga By Mrs. Carolyn B. McGough

Mrs. Claudia V. Carmichael By Latta Presbyterian Church, Latta, SC The Rev. William R. Childress By Mrs. Roberta F. Childress


Mr. George William Jones By Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mrs. June Jones By Mr. James C. Connah Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard G. Boswell Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. and Mrs. R. Leon Carroll, Jr. Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia, Gainesville, GA Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose Fidelity Bank, Atlanta, GA Kay and Phil Gehman The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Dr. Barrie M. and the Rev. Randal V. Kirby Mr. James B. Miller, Jr. Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Mr. and Mrs. Candler A. Murphey Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Nickle Dr. and Mrs. John H. Patton Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr. Margaret D. Rightmyer Dr. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen The Rev. and Mrs. Patrick J. Willson Dr. David Knauert By Ms. Susan D. Buell Professor Aaron Whitney Leland By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gignilliat, Jr.

Dr. Hal Henschen By Mr. and Mrs. Morris G. Albright Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Powell Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard

Mrs. Linda P. Macgregor By Dr. Mattie E. Hart

Mrs. Beatrice M. Lyon By The Rev. and Mrs. R. Leon Carroll, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott

Mrs. Helen G. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

The Rev. Denny M. Hill By Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill

Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Jr. By Dugald W. Hudson Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield IV Ms. Margaret C. Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

The Rev. Charles J. Hollingsworth By Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth

Mr. William E. Mansfield II By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus

Mrs. Jeanette Hicks By Mr. and Mrs. Armando R. Gattoni, Jr.

Ms. Ginny E. Campbell By Mr. James C. Connah

Mr. Wilbur H. Howie, Sr. By The Revs. Wilbur H. and Michele L. Howie

Mrs. Jeannette C. Hayner By Bert and Kaye Carmichael Dr. and Mrs. J. William Harkins III Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warden

Ms. Vickie C. Hettenbaugh By Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler

Mrs. Roberta W. Bullard By Ms. Elizabeth L. Pendergrast

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

Dr. J. Trent Howell, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden

The Rev. Albert B. Drake By Ms. Dorothy M. Drake

Mrs. Juanita Arms By The Rev. and Mrs. Jeremy C. Wilhelmi


Mr. Scott Clayton By Mr. James R. Cheshire III Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Morgan

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Willyne P. Mansfield By Dugald W. Hudson Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield IV Ms. Margaret C. Mansfield The Rev. Bronson T. Matney, Jr. By Mrs. Esther R. Matney Dr. Neely D. McCarter By Mrs. Jean M. McCarter Mrs. Corinne S. McGehee By The Rev. Robert G. McGehee Mrs. Margaret T. Miller By Mr. and Mrs. James L. Alford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Ash Mr. and Mrs. Billy F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dominic C. LaValla Mrs. W. J. Liles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Shealy Mr. and Mrs. Terence O. Young Mrs. Dot Moseley By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Mr. Robert L. Moss By Ms. Elizabeth A. Moss and Mr. Garry D. Fesler Mrs. Edna Mote By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA Mrs. Evelyn W. Murdock By Mrs. Jean M. Palmer Mr. Lester Murman By Mr. and Mrs. David M. Musil Mr. William J. Noonan, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell Mr. James Northcutt By Ms. Jana Sue James Dr. J. Will Ormond By The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Mrs. Alice H. Patterson By Mr. Thomas K. Patterson Dr. David B. Pedersen By Mrs. Diane S. Pedersen

Mr. William J. Poe By The Rev. Anne H.K. and Mr. James M. Apple Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ault, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Bates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Bert and Kaye Carmichael The Rev. and Mrs. R. Leon Carroll, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Ms. Nancy D. Collins Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar Stephanie and Bill Dressler Richelle and Mark Elkins Presbyterian Women, First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Fishman, Will, Helen and Sarah Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze Mrs. H. Lucille Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Bernie L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gray The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart Mrs. Connie W. Herr Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Francine and Mike Howley The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan Mrs. Elizabeth J. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kirkus Mr. and Mrs. William F. Knichel Mr. Michael M. Konson The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee The Revs. Douglas B. and Nichole C. MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Ms. Arlene B. Olterman Robert and Kristi Olterman Mr. and Mrs. John T. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Poe Ms. Zoe M. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Riddle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Schuetz Dr. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Streetman Presbyterian Women, Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr. The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend Mrs. Elizabeth M. and Mr. Ian M. Turner The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Joe F. Weaver Mrs. Mary E. Weber

The Rev. Richard R. Potter By Mrs. Katherine L. Potter Mr. Robert J. Powell By Mrs. Catherine G. Powell The Rev. Harold B. Prince By Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. John C. Pritchard, Sr. By Mrs. Naomi W. Bell Ms. Sandra A. Davidson Mrs. Nancy A. Deibert Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Inacker Kathy, Jen, Mia and Mike Killian Ms. Jennifer L. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Lamar R. Williamson Mr. Thomas Scot Pritchard By Mr. Marcus E. Reed Mrs. Dana M. Rish Mrs. Evelyn Richards By Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. J. McDowell Richards By Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Martin Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. E. Joyce Rimes By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Ms. Jimmie G. Phillips Dr. William Childs Robinson By The Rev. and Mrs. Lowell B. Sykes Dr. Jerry M. Shaw By The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart Dr. Richard G. Shelor By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Mr. Nelson Simmers By Mrs. Rosemary A. and Dr. Charles E. Raynal Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. By Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. Edward D. Smith By Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. Laura M. Smith By Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Dr. Robert L. Stamper By Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott

Gifts to Columbia’s Annual Fund allow the seminary to attract and retain a very supportive faculty. As a student, I was educated scripturally and theologically, I was toughened up and prepared for prophetic times and the collaborative times of leadership, but most importantly I was given a real vision of what true Christian community can look like. I hope I have taken that into my congregation, my presbytery, my community.

Mr. David E. Thompson By Erin Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN The Rev. James S.R. Tippens By The Rev. Dr. A. Wayne Benson and Dr. Arlene G. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cusac Mr. C. Kevin Delaney Mr. and Mrs. John H. Haigh Mr. Timothy G. Logue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. O’Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Oliver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Reaves Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Westvig

— Joel Tolbert, MDiv ’05, Pastor, Rehoboth Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA. *

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012



Memorials & Tributes

Dr. E. Lane Alderman By Mr. and Mrs. William M. Powell Mr. Eugene M. Vereen, Jr. By First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA

Dr. David J. Bailey By The Rev. Lou Ann Sellers and Dr. Thomas S. Herwig

Mr. William Rivers Waddey By Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carini Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr.

Mrs. Jane E. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey The Rev. Maggie F. Beamguard By Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Baxter

The Rev. Thurlow Benjamin Weed By Mrs. Auwina S. Weed

The Rev. C. Fritz Bogar By Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Lindeman

Dr. David E. Wilkinson By Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson

Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann By Dr. and Mrs. Tomu Sakon

The Rev. Frank C. Wilkinson By Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson

The Rev. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III

Mrs. Diane W. Young By The Rev. Rita E. Cochrane

Dr. Anna Carter Florence By The Rev. Ruth L. Lovell Ms. Kathryn N. Schneider

Mr. Thomas L. Yount By Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman The Rev. and Mrs. Amos L. Wilson, Jr.

Dr. T. Erskine Clarke By Bert and Kaye Carmichael The Rev. and Mrs. R. Leon Carroll, Jr.

The Rev. Samuel H. Zealy By Mrs. Mary H. Zealy

Mrs. Dollye F. Clayton By Mr. and Mrs. James R. Feltner The Rev. Marcus G. Coker By Presbyterian Women, First Presbyterian Church, Laurens, SC Columbia Friendship Circle Executive Council By Mrs. Elizabeth J. Kerr The Rev. John R. Cook By Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr. The Rev. Susannah A. Cook By Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr. Dr. Charles B. Cousar By The Rev. M. Ellen Anderson The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. David G. Scott, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall Mrs. Ann D. Cousins By Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Thomas G. Cousins By Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Dr. W. Franklin Covington By Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley CTS grads who served South Highland PC By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. By The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Dr. Kathy L. Dawson By Dr. Margaret D. Rightmyer Mrs. Anne S. Turnage Dr. Robert S. Dendy By The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr.


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


The Rev. Caroline V. Dennis By Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN The Rev. Shannon Dill By Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Brown The Rev. L. Tyler Downing III By Ms. Joyce S. Downing Faculty and Staff By Ms. Ann W. Bullard The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey The Rev. Jon R. Faraone By Mrs. Roberta F. Childress The Rev. Clarence D. Fouse III By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. Jennifer E. Fouse By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. A. Schaap Freeman By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. By Miss Jean L. Gettys Mrs. Anita B. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore The Rev. James S. Goodlet By Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harper The Rev. Thomas R. Hagood, Jr. By Ms. Sandra D. Taylor The Rev. J. Kirk Hall By Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III Mrs. Sara R. Harrington By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham The Rev. Dr. Meda Stamper Harrison By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Dr. Mattie E. Hart By The Revs. Kathryn A. McLean and Timothy F. Simpson Dr. Stephen A. Hayner By Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Richard K. Swayze The Rev. Christopher A. Henry By Dr. Robert W. Gray Mr. Charles W. Hicks III By Dr. Sarah E. Jackson The Rev. D. Scott Hill By Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Maryellen S. Hittel By Mrs. Anne J. Sims Ms. Julie K. Hoopper By Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Cuthill Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell By Mr. Jeff T. Howell Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. By Dr. George C. Boone Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huie Dr. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

Memorials & Tributes

Mrs. Shirley A. Hussel By Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth The Rev. Alice A. Johnson By Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dr. Ben C. Johnson By Dr. William J. Pendergrast Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mrs. Nancy N. Jones By Presbyterian Women, Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC

Richard and Alice Nishioka By Ms. Marilyn Y. Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler By Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose

Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka By The Rev. Ruth L. Lovell Mrs. Anne S. Turnage

Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun By Dr. C. Alan Harvey

Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor By The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn The Rev. Anna H. and Mr. Bryan R. McArthur The Rev. Peggy A. McClure Mrs. Claudia S. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

The Rev. Walter M. Jones, Jr. By Mr. Charles H. Battle, Jr.

Dr. Douglas W. Oldenburg By Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

Mrs. Carolyn L. Jordan By Ms. Mary A. Hammett

Dr. John H. Patton By Dr. Huibing He

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Kerr By Ms. Elizabeth M. Bryan

Dr. J. Davison Philips By Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland

Mrs. Jewel E. Kirkus By Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dusing Dr. C. Alan Harvey Dr. Samuel B. Laine By Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy Dr. Thomas G. Lewis By Mrs. Anne J. Sims Dr. Kimberly B. Long By Ms. Kathryn N. Schneider

Pastoral Nominating Committee, Shallowford Presbyterian Church By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart Mrs. Claribel C. Taylor By Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Dr. Hubert V. Taylor By Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. C. Craig Topple By Mrs. Eugenia S. Morse†

Mrs. Barbara G. Poe By Mrs. Elizabeth M. and Mr. Ian M. Turner

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Preston By Ms. Elizabeth D. Preston

Dr. Paul G. Watermulder By The Rev. and Mrs. John S. Martin

Mr. John M. Preston V By Ms. Elizabeth D. Preston

Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III By Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson

Mrs. Barbara C. Pritchard By Ms. Pamela P. Pritchard

Ms. Joanne Wheeler By Presbyterian Women, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL

Mrs. Elizabeth F. MacNair By Ms. Emily F. McMullen

Mr. David A. Quattlebaum III By Mr. and Mrs. J. Derrick Quattlebaum

The Rev. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. By Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA

The Rev. Albert L. Reese, Jr. By The Rev. Hannah H. Vaughan and Mr. Norman J. Robinson The Rev. Todd A. Reinschmidt By Leland Presbyterian Church, Leland, MS Ms. Karen T. Ricks By Mrs. Doris S. Tippens Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs By Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton

Mrs. Cynthia M. Montgomery By Mr. James H. Montgomery

Mr. Jason S. Robbins By Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

The Rev. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. By Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer

Mr. Wayne Robinson By Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer

Cal and Betsy Moore By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross III By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto

Mr. William S. Morris III By Mr. John D. Marshall

Mr. Alan T. Rosselot By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart

Wayne and Kathy Myers By The Rev. and Mrs. Stevan A. Snipes

Mr. Russell A. Rourk By Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Dr. William W. Williamson, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Baxter Mrs. Emily C. Wood By Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Ms. Martha Wright By The Georgia Society Dames of the Court of Honor, Atlanta, GA Dr. Christine Roy Yoder By The Rev. Peggy A. McClure Bill York Family By Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis

The Rev. Melissa L. McNair-King By Mrs. Catherine G. McNair Mr. Champney A. McNair†


The Rev. Sharon A. Schuler By Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr.

Mr. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. George E. Uthlaut

Mrs. Helen N. Pritchard By Mr. and Mrs. David H. Pritchard

Mr. David A. McArthur By Drs. Kathleen M. O’Connor and James H. Griesmer

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scheu By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Jr.

Mrs. Katherine W. Philips By Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland

Dr. Arch L. MacNair By Ms. Emily F. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen

The Rev. Frederic E. Manning, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Landrum, Jr.

Dr. Stanley P. Saunders By The Rev. and Mrs. Searcy A. Wilcoxon

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Columbia Founders

The Columbia Founders have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support for the seminary, some over the course of a lifetime. Words cannot adequately express the depth of appreciation felt by all friends of Columbia for the sacrificial ways in which the Founders have contributed to the seminary’s programs, buildings, and grounds. Their generosity calls all of us to practice better stewardship of what we have been given. Thanks be to God!

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Almand† Dr. Harvard A. Anderson† Ms. Bonnie Arnall† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† The Rev. N.G. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mrs. Nellie M. Beatie† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr.† and Mrs. John Blue III Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr.† Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs.† Sidney R. Clotfelter Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cornelson IV Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mrs. Claire L. and Mr. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr.† and Mrs. J.K. Dickson Mr. H. Talmage Dobbs, Jr.† Mrs. Boyce Edwards† Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellis† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Mr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers† Mr. John P. Garrard† Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie†


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Goulding† Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. Harry C. Hannah, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth Harpster† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington Ms. C. Virginia Harrison† Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev.† and Mrs. Fred J. Hay Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Dr. George Howe† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. Charles C. Jones† Dr.† and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr.† and Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth R. McDonald Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Mr. T.S. McPheeters† The Rev. James L. Merrick† Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Max Milligan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald Munson Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr.† and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. J. Will Ormond† Dr. B.M. Palmer† Mr.† and Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Query† Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. and Mrs. J. McDowell Richards† Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mr. John E. Smith II Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† The Rev. Paul E. Smith, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Spencer Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Mrs. Agnes D. Spivey† Dr. Charles A. Stillman† Mr. H.A. Street† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas† Mr. Clyde H. Thompson† Mr.† and Mrs. Malcolm A. Thompson Dr. James H. Thornwell† Mr. J.M. Tull† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Wilgus† Mrs. Sue S. and Mr. L. Neil Williams The Rev. John L. Wilson† Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mrs. Julia M. Woodward



O r g a n i z at io n s

Agape Christian Council, Decatur, GA Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, SC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC First Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore, SC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Watkinsville, GA Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

J. McDowell Richards Society

Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Bailey Foundation CF Foundation, Inc. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. The Citizens & Southern Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Cousins Foundation, Inc. Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund English Memorial Fund Lettie Pate Evans Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Garrett Foundation Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation Griffith Theological Research Foundation H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust The Hack Foundation, Inc. John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. Heart of the City Foundation William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation The Imlay Foundation, Inc. Lilly Endowment, Inc. Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church Patrick Family Foundation The Pattillo Foundation The Pellett Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pittulloch Foundation Presbyterian Foundation Mabel Stowe Query Foundation The Rockdale Foundation Schumann Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Nora Smith Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation David, Helen and Marian Woodward Foundation


The J. McDowell Richards Society was inaugurated to recognize those who have made provisions for a gift to Columbia in the course of their estate planning. Planned gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estate gifts of residences or other real estate holdings, or an intended bequest to the seminary, all qualify a contributor for membership in this society. Those interested in learning more about the tax and income advantages of planned giving are invited to contact Columbia’s Office of Institutional Advancement at 404 687-4525 or toll-free at 1 888 601-8918. Anonymous† Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Millard E. Agerton† Mrs. Jane H. Aiken† Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen Mr. K.F. Anderson† The Rev.† and Mrs. James T. Anderton Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† The Rev.† and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† Ms. Myra A. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† The Rev. Eugene G. Beckman† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Ms. Julia C. Boswell† Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Cecil Brearley, Jr.† Mrs. Helen D. Brown† Mr. Leonard T. Brown† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. Harry H. Bryan† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan Mrs. Nell Scott Buice† Ms. Mary C. Campbell† Ms. Anne C. Carr† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castles Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chambless Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Scott Clayton† The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† The Rev. Franklin G. Colladay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† The Rev. Mary Jane K. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mrs. Claire L. Cross Ms. Margaret I. Dalzell† Mr. J. Kenneth Davis† Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz†

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds The Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred C. Douglas, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ector† The Rev.† and Mrs. R. Foster Edwards Dr. and Mrs.† Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris Edwards† Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mrs. Frances D. Fabrick† Mrs. C.W. Fargason† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Ms. Verna Freeman† Dr. and Mrs.† James H. Gailey, Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner† The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grafton† Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Ms. Ruth C. Hambright† Mrs. Elliott K. Harbison† Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Mrs. Edna M. Harman† Mrs. Marion J. Harper† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. and Mrs. T. Fleetwood Hassell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Fred J. Hay† Dr.† and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks Mr.† and Mrs. John G. Hiles Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson† Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mrs. A.C. Huber† Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Walter Ingram† Mr. Charles E. Irvin† Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mrs. Walter M. Jones† Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William C. Keller† Mr. Berthold S. Kennedy† Mrs. Elza D. Kirckhoff† Dr.† and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr. Mrs. Helen J. Kohl† Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster Mrs. O’Neal H. Lannon† The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. John H. Leith† Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Ms. Madeline S. Lewis† Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Louise O. Manning†

Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012


J. McDowell Richards Society

Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Masters III Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Ms. Pearl I. Mayo† The Rev. R. Donnell McCall† Mrs. Elizabeth G. and Mr. James F. McCallen Mr.† and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mrs. Dorothy McEwen† Ms. Celeste S. McGill† Dr. Angus M. McGregor† The Rev. Angus W. McGregor Mrs. Adele D. McKee Ms. Dorothy E. McKuen† The Rev.† George R. and Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Ms. Anne Elizabeth McMichael† Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Ms. Theo McNeil† Mrs. Almetta W. Mencer† Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev. Max Milligan, Jr.† The Rev. J. Fred Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Dr. and Mrs. Chester W. Morse† Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Ms. Mary S. New† Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Noble Mr.† and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. Dr. T. Russell Nunan† Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. J. Will Ormond† Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer The Rev. and Mrs. Stanford Parnell† Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Dr. and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Ms. Ailene S. Phillips† Mrs. Aubrey Pogue† Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Price


VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012

The Rev. and Mrs. Harold B. Prince† Mr. James W. Putnam† Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Dr.† and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal, Jr. Ms. Harriet Reeves† Mrs. J. McDowell Richardson† Dr. Keith L. Riddle Mr. John J. Robertson† Mrs. Susan V. Russell† The Rev. John H. Sadler† The Rev.† Richard W. and Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun The Rev. Anne J. Sawyers† Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt† The Rev. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schwanebeck† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Ms. Jane E. Silkworth† Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons The Rev. John D. Simpson† The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Small† Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† Mr. William T. Smith† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smyth† Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stamper† Mrs. Mary A. Staples† The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange† Mrs. Varnelle C. Swanson† Dr. B. Harrison Taylor Mrs. Mary G. Terry† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas†


Mrs. Vera C. Thompson† Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mrs. Eva G. Towne† The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mr. Richard L. Turner† Mr. Raymond C. Turpin† Mrs. Lillian T. Urschel† Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mrs. Nancy M. Van Deventer† Mr.† and Mrs. Roland Walker The Rev. Thomas B. Warren† Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III The Rev. E. McKinley Weaver† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Annie Weltner Mrs. Lulu S. Westcott† Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Wham† Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev.† and Mrs. Jack J. Wolf Walter† and Emily Wood Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mr. Charles A. Wyatt† Mrs. Sara R. Wyatt† Mr.† and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Zorn

Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

Raised to the Church Triumphant

November, 2011.The Vernon S. Broyles, Jr., Leadership Center is on schedule to open in January, 2012.

In Appreciation | Board of Trustees | 2010 – 2011

E. Lane Alderman ’80 DMin Chair Institutional Advancement Committee Roswell, GA

Sidney Franklin Batts Greensboro, NC

Lee W. Bowman

Liaison Montreat Heritage Center Highlands, NC

Bennett A. Brown Carrollton, GA

Ann D. Cousins Atlanta, GA

Thomas R. Daniel ’03 / DMin ’11 Decatur, GA

John Walter Drake Secretary Decatur, GA

Charles M. Durham

Chair Nominating Committee Tuscaloosa, AL

Florida S. Ellis

Joseph S. Harvard ’66

Hamilton W. McKay

Margaret C. Reiser

Susan N. Haskell

Stephen R. Montgomery DMin ’92

William E. Scheu

Durham, NC

Birmingham, AL

Charlotte, NC

George J. Hauptfuhrer Atlanta, GA

Chair Student Services Committee Memphis, TN

Stephen A. Hayner

William S. Morris

Atlanta, GA

President of the Seminary Decatur, GA

Deborah Gambrell

R. Hayne Hollis

Chair Capital Campaign Committee Augusta, GA

Charles R. Nash

Greenville, SC

Chair Business and Finance Committee Dothan, AL

Gail S. Glover

James M. Jeter

Atlanta, GA

Moultrie, GA

Elizabeth Goodrich ’03

Scott Black Johnston

Birmingham, AL

New York, NY

Chair Audit Committee Atlanta, GA

Judy Woodward Gregory

William G. Jones ’96

Pen Peery ’03

In Soo (James) Jung

James D. Philips

Edward L. Kelly

J. Derrick Quattlebaum

Hattiesburg, MS

Nancy P. Giguere

Quincy, FL

Memphis, TN

Duluth, GA

Chair Sexual Misconduct Response Team Jacksonville, FL

Tuscaloosa, AL

Philip S. Noyes Atlanta, GA

Richard A. Oglesby

Atlanta, GA

Chair Board of Trustees Jacksonville, FL

John F. Smith Atlanta, GA

Kristin Stroble ’11

Student Representative Decatur, GA

David D. Weitnauer ’86 Decatur, GA

Sue S. Williams Vice-Chair Board of Trustees Atlanta, GA

Bonnie P. Wurzbacher Atlanta, GA

Shreveport, LA

Decatur, GA

Greenville, SC

Timothy J. Reed Greenville, SC

VANTAGE Fall / Winter 2011–2012



Fall / Winter 2011–2012

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Contents President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Two new books from Columbia faculty members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Student and staff awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–11 Working both sides of the street by George W. Stroup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I am not worried about the church by Ralph C. Watkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Who says? by Riad Kassis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tribute to C. Benton Kline, Jr. by William P. Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tauta Panta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–21 Alumni/ae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Faculty/Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lifelong Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gifts to the Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 In Appreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Colloquium 2012 | April 17–18, 2012

Standing In Awe Reclaiming Wonder in Life and Ministry

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend C o l l o q u i u m 2012. This event will feature William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament, and other CTS faculty members. The schedule includes small group faculty presentations; interactive, sensory, and creative worship; small group Bible study (lectio divina) and prayer time; also a student-alumni/ae “come ask us” fellowship time, the alumni/ae awards luncheon, and more! Details will be available soon at

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