Vantage Fall 2015

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Sustainable De velopment

a Fall 2015

G e C o l u m b i a Theological S e m i n a r y

b e st o f t h e b l o g !


By Karen Ware Jackson, MDiv ’08 October 8

“Mommy, can I get some candy?” “Yes,” I replied, undaunted in my attempt to preach the Word. My almost four year-old daughter had recently discovered two things: 1) There is a bowl of hard candy in the church office and 2) Mommy isn’t really interested in teaching a lesson about nutrition or risking a meltdown in the middle of a sermon. This was not the first time I received such a request, but when I saw a usually placid face on the front row contort with shock and fear, I knew something was terribly wrong. For full story, see


Columbia Theological Seminary’s Rodger Nishioka, Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education, has been appointed to the Joy and Adolescent Faith and Flourishing (JAFF) Advisory Board of the Theology of Joy and the Good Lifeproject based at the Yale Center for Faith & Culture. The three-year research project is made possible by a $4.2 million grant from The John Templeton Foundation. The JAFF Advisory Board will assemble some of the nation’s foremost scholars of youth ministry. As a member of the board, Dr. Nishioka will conduct research and direct the project in collaboration with the project’s principal investigator, Miroslav Volf, Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School, and an extraordinary group of scholars and religious leaders from institutions around the globe, including Jürgen Moltmann, Jonathan Sacks, N. T. Wright, and Nicholas Wolterstorff. For full story, see


By Israel Galindo, Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning October 12


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Some time ago someone sent me an e-mail asking for advice on a matter. I wrote back saying, “I don’t give advice,” though I did provide some resources related to the question. Later, this person asked me to explain what I meant when I said I don’t give advice, especially given that he knew I did consulting. “Isn’t that what consultants do?” he asked. Recently, at a conference I dealt with the concept of overfunctioning-underfunctioning reciprocity. At one point I gave a list of examples of overfunctioning. One example was, “Advice giving.” Not surprising from a group in the helping profession, this point generated a lot of questions and discussion. Since many were “experts” who were sought out for their advice, this news was troubling. Participants wanted to know why giving advice was overfunctioning. For full story, see

va n tag e p o i n t : s u sta i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t

Sus ta ining G od ’s Pe opl e and G od ’s G if ts E v e ry w here T a l k o f “S u s ta i n a b i l i t y ” c o n j u r e s m a n y i m a g e s , as evidenced by our diverse set of writers in this issue! At the center is our commitment that we do not just use things, and certainly not people, and throw them aside when we are done. Rather, we treasure the creation that God has so generously provided to us. Furthermore, we understand that we are part of that creation as well. And so we wish to enjoy the gifts of God to the fullest and protect them both now and into the future. “Sustainability” brings to mind for many environmental stewardship. We have a great committee of faculty and staff and students here at Columbia Theological Seminary that is thinking about how to steward our buildings and grounds in a way that serves our students, our finances, and our natural surroundings. We are currently housing the office for Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) on our campus and value the opportunities we have to partner with them. Their mission and ours align in our mutual commitment to the honoring of God’s gifts in creation. Others may think that “sustainability” means caring for ourselves in ongoing patterns of self-care and healthy living. Many pastors and missionaries struggle to meet enormous needs all around them. Pastors often burn the candle at both ends, desperately searching for more candles. But they simply cannot do it all. We are committed to training our students to engage in ministry that is fruitful and sustainable. Yet other people may think of “sustainability” in terms of organizational systems such as Columbia Theological Seminary, a local congregation, Dr. Kevin Park a denomination, or was appointed other institutional director of Korean structures. These various American Ministries in communities of people addition to his current and systems engage many duties as Associate Dean projects and goals that for Advance Professional clearly participate in Studies. God’s Kingdom. We are


motivated to help them sustain their mission and play their part in the grand project of God to restore and heal a broken world. The tension that starts to build in all these differing understandings of “sustainability” is the growing anxiety of limited resources, limited wisdom, limited energy. How can we possibly do all of this? The Presidential Inauguration here at Columbia Theological Seminary last month perhaps gives us a hint of how to proceed. It was an amazing day. The beauty and joy of the community was in full display. The inaugural worship service exuded gratitude and confidence in God’s steadfast grace and faithfulness to this community. What I learned, yet once again, is this: God’s love and faithfulness are not limited. God’s promises are sure. God’s love has no end. This means that conversations about “sustainability” are set confidently and surely in the context of our faith in God. All of us are called in our own unique way to follow God’s call on our lives and to participate in God’s sure plans and promises. Everyone is called to serve. The challenge of sustainability in its multiple contexts is taken up by everyone in ways that match their gifts and callings. The moment of the benediction in a worship is one of my very favorite moments. It occurs to me that the language of sustainability is really the language of benediction: “May God sustain you in the good work that God calls you to do; may God sustain you in the company of creation; may God sustain you in your family and co-workers in the Kingdom. Friends, may God sustain you.” Many Blessings,

Leanne Van Dyk

VANTAGE Fall 2015


T h e i n a u g u r at i o n o f D r . L e a n n e V a n D y k

“ Let us suppose that Columbia Theological Seminary could be on the list of Romans 16. ‘And greet the community of faith at Columbia Theological Seminary who has worked very hard for the sake of the gospel.’ That’s all it would say — all the stories and efforts and failures and successes — all would be pulsing just below the surface. I am quite sure this community could be in the constellation of stories that give flesh and bone and breath to the work of welcome.”


VANTAGE Fall 2015

“ Surely some of the stories that we are creating here at Columbia are stories of the work of welcome for justice. The urgent realities in our culture of mass incarceration, gun violence, deeply embedded racism, disparities in educational opportunities, and more, more than we can name — these realities stir us, rouse us, and send us to do the work of welcome to those who experience nothing but rejection.”

October 28, 2015

“ In the end, you know, it is really quite simple. Christ has welcomed us. We are to welcome others. This is the holy equation of God’s glory and God’s sure plan to heal this broken world. Friends, this is the good news. Thanks be to God. AMEN.”

Dr. Van Dyk’s inauguration sermon and presentations from the special panel on “The Call of the Church in God’s Changing World” on the YouTube Channel: Columbia Theological Seminary– Media.

“ Surely, some of the stories that we are creating here at Columbia are stories of the work of welcome in a world of multiple faith traditions often violently split over religion. A report on world religious conflicts released in January, 2014 by the Pew Research Center documents the extent of religious tension in the world. According to this data, Jews suffer hostility in 71 countries; Christians in 110 countries; Muslims in 109 countries.”

VANTAGE Fall 2015


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Loav e s a nd Fi she s , S a lm on in Particul ar by J. William Harkins, Senior Lecturer of Pastoral Theology and Care


“ They leave branches of streams no larger than a broomstick, and make their way to the ocean for years, returning weighing up to 60 pounds of biomass harvested from the sea. They bring this mass of nutrients back to the forest to feed it, and the generations to follow.” Richard Manning


VANTAGE Fall 2015

t i s c l o s i n g i n o n l at e s u m m e r ,

and as I write, in rivers and streams all along the Pacific coast, salmon are returning home to their native waters after journeys of up to 6 years—and thousands of miles—at sea. Some time back, I took a sea-kayaking trip to Alaska, just about this time of year. Our group journeyed to Tebenkof Bay, deep into the wilderness of southeast Alaska, for a week-long sojourn based on mindfulness practice. Early one day, we set out in our boats across the bay. A summer rain was falling. Raven called out as seals and otters followed our flotilla of kayaks. Ducks and loons eyed us curiously framed by snow-capped mountain ranges, their glaciers emptying into the bay. We found ourselves in the delta of a small river. We paddled upriver protected from the rain by spruce forests. Beneath our boats was a river of salmon, coming home to spawn. Our guide gave us a streamside lecture on the ecology of salmon nation. Salmon are amazing members of God’s creation, and this is especially true of Pacific salmon. Leaving their freshwater birthplaces they journey out to sea where they roam the oceans of the world, returning to spawn at the exact spot they were born years—and thousands of miles–earlier. Most of you have seen scenes of Chinook and Sockeye salmon making their way up waterfalls to their native pools against tremendous odds. As many as 20 vertebrate species, including elk, deer, and bear, feed directly on salmon, re-cycling those ocean borne nutrients into the soil. Salmon born in Idaho will make their way 900 miles inland and climb 7,000 feet as they return to spawn. More than simply food for bear, ravens, eagles, or humans, salmon are in fact a parable of a complex, and life-giving set of relationships. DNA from

s u sta i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t

“ Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.” M a ry O l i v e r


The Columbia Connections blog (columbiaconnections. org) saw a three-fold

increase in pageviews and will be integrated with the website for better access by search engines like Google.

Pacific salmon has been found in groves of Aspen at the top of the continental divide. The minerals from their ocean journeys feed salmonberry bushes miles inland. Every level of the food chain will reveal evidence of the gift of salmon. Over 137 species of animals in the Northwest rely on salmon as part of their diet. When salmon die they generate the most biologically diverse forests on earth, honoring future generations with the gift of the journey that is at the heart of all they are. “They leave branches of streams no larger than a broomstick,” the author Richard Manning has said, “and make their way to the ocean for years, returning weighing up to 60 pounds of biomass harvested from the sea. They bring this mass of nutrients back to the forest to feed it, and the generations to follow.” I think of this as evidence of God delighting in God’s creation—a cosmic playfulness at the level of ecological communion. The grace in the story of the salmon is evidence of sacred connections of life-sustaining nourishment. As the poet Mary Oliver reminds us, “Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.” That morning in Alaska, we did just that. Cultures diverse as Pacific Northwest Indians, Norse, and Celtic mythologies, have found in the story of the salmon symbolic and religious power. I see God watching all the permutations and combinations of salmon, and I imagine God laughing with joy. The gift of their living, and dying, and rebirth is moving, and powerful. A salmon is not simply a fish—but a metaphor of the deep ecological mystery of God’s creation—a timeless reminder that in the cycle of life and death lies the abiding connections of all living things…of transformation, and renewal. It is fascinating to me, then, that on another shore, this time near the village of Capernaum, Jesus gives a sea-side homily on the nature of bread, and a metaphorical lesson on what nurtures and sustains our souls. On this day following the feeding of the 5,000, the impromptu picnic was over, and Jesus and the disciples were looking for a quiet place to rest, and recover. The people, however, had other ideas. They were not inclined to let him fade back into the Capernaum hills without finding out more about what he could do for them. They had been hungry, and they had been fed—more than enough—we are told, and yet they did not know the depth or sources of their hunger. He had given them bread, and they had their fill, but perhaps he could do more in the way of fulfilling basic needs of shelter, clothing, and the ambiguities and uncertainties of daily life. The possibilities were unlimited. And somewhat disingenuously, when they find him they say, in essence, “What a surprise! Imagine finding you here! When did you come here?” Jesus will have none of it. “You worked hard to find me, and I know why. But I am more than a free lunch, and moreover, that is not what you really need. You ate your fill, and now you want more, but you are missing the point. The bread you seek won’t last. I am the bread that endures, and addresses a deeper hunger. All you have to do is believe.” “Prove it,” they say, invoking Moses and the manna in the wilderness; “Give us a sign.” “You don’t get it,” Jesus says to them…”Remember where the bread Moses gave you came from.”

VANTAGE Fall 2015


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“ I have seen people remain unhappy when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life. They seek position, reputation, outward success, money, and remain unhappy even when they attain what they have been seeking. Such people are usually confined within too narrow a spiritual horizon.” Carl Jung


It is not always easy to see beneath the literal to the metaphorical and symbolic, especially when our basic needs and fears often determine what we see, and how. Jesus knows we are hungry on many levels, and we are often scared, and wilderness can take so many forms. The psychologist Carl Jung, deeply interested in religion, once said: “I have seen people remain unhappy when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life. They seek position, reputation, outward success, money, and remain unhappy even when they attain what they have been seeking. Such people are usually confined within too narrow a spiritual horizon.” Our wise Alaskan guide said to us, “Broaden your horizons. Think creatively. The Salmon is much more than a fish—it is a sign of something mysterious, complex, and life-giving in the ways of the connectedness of God’s creation. They live their lives, and they give themselves away.” Jesus says to us, “Broaden your spiritual horizons. I want to be more than a provider of physical bread. I want to fill the hunger of your hearts. I want to fill the emptiness you try to fill up with lesser things…to satisfy those Holy longings you often attempt to quiet with substances and material goods; to quiet the anxiety that finally comes to possess you, rather than allowing yourselves to be placed in God’s compassionate, outstretched, open arms. I want you to remember where that bread in the desert really comes from. And then I want you to feed one another, in love.” Like the salmon that journey so far to come home to their native streams, Jesus is to be broken, blessed, and shared with the world. He gives himself away, each moment. Like the Eucharist we celebrate, Jesus is more than a provider of physical sustenance. Our river guide said, in essence, “Pay attention; see, and you will believe.” Conversely, Jesus says to us, “Seeing is not always the same as believing; sometimes you have to believe, in order to really see.” Both are correct. And both point to a similar truth: salmon may be a first principal of an ecological paradigm of gratitude. The only way to have a full life, and keep it, is to give it away. Jesus embodied this in his life, in which we are invited to be creatively compassionate, in gratitude. “Every day,” Wendell Berry says, “you have less reason not to give yourself away.” Jesus said, “I am the Bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry.” Amen.

Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava was

appointed Associate Dean of Students. She is a graduate of Columbia Seminary and currently enrolled in the DMin program. Her passion for all students will serve well in building community on campus and meeting student needs.

January 28 – 31, 2016 A Certificate in Spiritual Formation offering from Lifelong Learning For more details, see page 56.


VANTAGE Fall 2015

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A Chr i s t ian M inistry in the N ational Park ( ACMNP ) by Melva Lowry, MDiv/MAPT ’17


s u m m e r w o r k i n g i n t h e n at i o n a l p a r k s y s t e m is one of hard work and pure adventure. ACMNP provides students in undergraduate and graduate schools a chance to not only understand service through working in various roles for the park concessionaire, but service to the ministry of Christ by hosting worship services to visitors in 29 parks from Alaska to the Virgin Islands. This year the Yellowstone Lake team and I led 10 services each Sunday, in addition to taking time to adventure to the many landscapes contained within the park. From mountain ranges, to valleys and walks beside rivers and streams 13 students enjoyed the summer of a lifetime in what I called God’s back yard. This summer while in Yellowstone, I learned several things about myself and how the body works in the wilderness. One Sunday, a fellow team member gave a sermon where she talked about not comparing self to others. She recently completed a very long and challenging hike in the Grand Tetons and had to remember to look at the beauty around her and not the ability or lack of ability she was having compared to her hiking partners. This sermon was helpful when I decided to push myself and do my longest hike too. The plan

VANTAGE Fall 2015


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Columbia Seminary awarded one of ten “Science for Seminaries” grants.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) awarded grants totaling $1.5 million to 10 Christian seminaries for pilot programs integrating science into core theological curricula. Science-focused, campus-wide activities will complement these courses, and resources from the project will be made available to interested seminaries as the project unfolds.

was to do Paintbrush-Cascade Canyon loop (about a 20 mile hike) in the Grand Tetons. My partners were the more careful crew of hikers on the team and so I felt confident that with determination and a steady pace this would be a great hike. Pause, one thing readers should know overall. Yellowstone and the Lake location I worked is over 7000 ft. above sea level. The elevation is higher than my southern lungs are used to and the Tetons though lower in elevation hosts some pretty steep climbs. We started out early with a light breakfast in hand! Once we finally located our trail this team of four started at a smooth pace towards Holly Lake. This would be our resting stop for lunch before we entered the 2 mile, 2000 ft elevation into the canyon of the mountain! Hiking any where requires two things: a big meal and lots of water. This hike went through forest and rocky valley as we headed towards the lake. I learned from a co-worker about to enter her residency in med school after summer that because the air is thinner, we exhale more water and thus the need to constantly drink as one hikes is important for getting oxygen to the bloodstream. Let’s just say I am glad I brought a new book bag with a water bladder inside. Every time I felt my heart pumping and my lungs exhausted I would suck on my bladder straw as I walked. I remembered the sermon of my team mate and did not push myself to keep in step, but stay in eyesight of the others. I took time to look around me at where this hike was taking me and the changing scenery at every turn. After getting through the main valley we realized we were about a mile or so away from our lunch resting point. No one really ate breakfast and so our bodies were starved for energy. We rested on the side of the trail to eat. It was at this point I and another team member decided that we’ve pushed ourselves far enough. Our new goal was to get to Holly Lake and then return back to the car. We knew we would slow down the other two members and didn’t want to risk ascending the mountain as it was getting dark. We all made it to the lake before bidding the other half of the team luck and well wishes. We rested and began a steady ascent back to the car. I took this moment and preached that we all have moments where we thirst. Like the woman at the well, she thirsted for a Savior who would love her beyond her lifestyle and mistakes. Jesus thirsted on the cross for God to come and receive him back into heaven after completing the calling that was placed on his life. During this hike our bodies thirsted for the nutrients and oxygen found in the water we drank and food we ate, but along the challenging parts of the hike we could see the beauty around us. I preached we all have moments of thirst and yes, we need to make sure we keep the water created by God at our side, but we also need to look to God to fill us and take away our thirst in a way that can’t be filled in any other way. A hike to push myself and get me closer to a personal goal for the summer turned into a message that I will carry with me for life. As I push through the last years of seminary I cannot compare my call to those around me; and I will be sure to keep God close at hand so my body will stay nourished for the steep climbs still ahead. ACMNP is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to offering a Christian presence in the national parks. ACMNP gives students the chance to have a life-changing summer or winter by developing their own leadership skills and helping other people encounter God in the wonders of creation. Team members lead interdenominational worship services in park campgrounds and lodges, work full time (paid!) hospitality jobs with park concession companies, develop relationships with coworkers and internationals, explore issues of faith and the environment, grow in their leadership skills, and play in the park during their free time! For more information, check out


VANTAGE Fall 2015

s u sta i n a b l e d e v e l o p m e n t

G IPL : Conne ct ing Fa i t h , Comm unit y and Pl anet fr om Colum bi a’s Ca m p u s by Rachel Reiff Ellis L a s t M a r c h , a s m a l l c a d r e o f v o l u n t e e r s arrived at the Harrington Center and began toting boxes up the stairs, past the chapel, and down the hall into Suite 231a. Originally intended to be an office for Rev. W. Frank Harrington himself, the light and airy space is now the new home for Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL). GIPL is the only organization whose unique mission sits at the intersection of faith and the environment. At its core, GIPL educates and empowers religious communities of all faiths to practice Earth stewardship as part of their mission and as an expression of their faith. GIPL stands poised to fund initiatives that save congregations both energy and money, and ultimately help them integrate creation-care into their mission. An affiliate of National Interfaith Power & GIPL Executive Light, GIPL also advocates at local, state, and national levels for sustainable policies and action Director Kate that strengthen our nation’s commitment to environmental protection. McGregor Mosley It wasn’t coincidence that brought GIPL’s operations to Columbia’s campus. When the lease was up on the nonprofit’s former office at First Christian Church in Decatur, the nonprofit’s Executive Director, Kate McGregor Mosley ’06, saw an opportunity. “We’re a religious organization, first and foremost, so for us to house ourselves on the campus of a religious academic institution is very advantageous in growing GIPL’s mission in service to the religious community,” she says. “And given that GIPL seeks to elevate eco-consciousness among all people of faith, being visibly present on the campus of the center GIPL at a Glance of learning for future faith leaders has a positive impact on CTS’ commitment to nurture imaginative and effective Who we are: Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL), leaders for the church.” founded in 2003 as part of the national Interfaith Power Mosley is only one of many long-standing connections & Light movement. between CTS and GIPL. Mark Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics and director of the MDiv Program, is a Where to find us: Harrington Center, Suite 231a or at chairman of GIPL’s Board of Directors. Additionally, Dr. Stan Saunders, Associate Professor of New Testament, and Dr. Bill Brown, Professor of Old Testament, are key What we do: GIPL helps equip communities of all workshop leaders and lecturers for GIPL. Douglas sees faiths with the resources they need to become better Columbia as fertile soil in which seeds of Creation-minded caretakers of Creation. Since 2003, GIPL has awarded ministry can be planted. But that soil needs cultivating, he over $720,200 in matching grant funds through our says, in order to bring forth fruit. Power Wise program, and partnered with over 500 “Columbia has the interest and the motivation to congregations to help them complete energy efficiency connect faith and environment, but we can expand on the upgrades to their buildings. In addition to grant money, ways we incorporate it into campus life,” says Douglas. we offer worship resources, classes, and support for “We need to integrate environmental issues into the core congregations as they implement Earth stewardship curriculum, and expand the campus focus on sustainability.” initiatives. GIPL saves congregations money Douglas says Columbia’s two LEED Gold-certified buildings show a great commitment to a sustainable future, How to reach us: Give us a call at 404-377-5552 and the student-lead environmental group, SAGE (Shaping or email us at to see what GIPL has to Attention to God’s Earth) is advised by Brown, Saunders, offer your congregation. Or stop by our office in the Harrington Center—we’d love to see you! VANTAGE Fall 2015 11

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Our online journal discussed “New Lenses for the Text” and “Water”. Developed for

church members, the journal is available only online at Each issue focuses on a particular topic from a variety of theological perspectives and includes a lead article, response articles, and teaching resources to guide further discussion. All the content can be downloaded and reproduced without charge.

Douglas, Mosley and others. SAGE has grown remarkably since he began teaching at the seminary. SAGE has helped initiate several projects, such as a recycling program in the buildings, composting in the Refectory, and the development of the community garden. But there’s much more to be done, says Douglas. “We’re behind on food,” Douglas says. “We haven’t yet identified a ready source of water for the garden, and that keeps us from developing it into a bigger mission for the school.” For example, he says, Columbia could grow much more than it currently does in the garden. Those crops could be farmed by Global Growers, a locally-based mission that trains refugee farmers, reconnecting them to their agricultural heritage in their new home. There are plenty of other eco-opportunities for Columbia, too: expanding on the recycling program, providing charging stations for electric cars, even installing solar panels on its roofs. Douglas sees GIPL’s presence on campus as a potential catalyst for these projects. “There’s great capacity for reciprocity between GIPL and CTS,” says Douglas. “GIPL has connections in the environmental sphere, including foundations that give grants for sustainability initiatives.” Already, students like Dana Waters, a third-year MDiv student, are arriving at Columbia with issues of environmental justice at the forefront of their calls to ministry. Waters is deeply involved with SAGE, is serving his second year as student representative of the CTS Sustainability Committee, and calls himself an “enthusiastic volunteer” with GIPL. His commitment to Creation-minded ministry was reinvigorated during a Sunday night youth meeting he led a few years ago. “We were discussing the environment, and I asked them, ‘How many of you learned something about climate change in school?’ And all of them raised their hands. Then I asked, ‘How many of you have ever talked about climate change in church?’ None of them ever had. Not one.” Waters says that conversation was pivotal for him, and opened his eyes to how separate matters of faith and matters of the environment seemed to be in the context of the church. “I felt so ashamed in that moment,” says Waters. “How are we not talking about it in church when Genesis 2:15 calls us to be caretakers of the earth?” At Columbia, Waters says he’s actively sought classes that help deepen his understanding of ecology from a Biblical perspective, like Stan Saunders’ Creation, Eschatology, and Ecology, which he describes as a “beautiful merge of Biblical text and climatology, and how the two are intrinsically woven together.” Waters hopes to take his theological foundation from Columbia and combine it with his passion for environmental justice to help bridge that separation between the church and ecoissues throughout his ministry. In a broken world where political divisiveness stalls progress toward healing environmental injustice, Waters sees faith as the beacon that can lead the way forward. “What faith brings to the table is hope,” says Waters. “Eco-theology and environmental justice are taking their place right alongside all other major social issues that need to be understood and addressed by the church in the 21st century,” says Mosley. “For future faith leaders, GIPL is a prime example that ministry happens in diverse ways. For current church leaders, GIPL also can participate in and foster their ongoing education to be relevant, faithful leaders in their ministerial context.” To learn more about how GIPL resources can enrich your ministry, visit


VANTAGE Fall 2015

lifelong learning online

S c a n n i n g t h e c o m m e n t s from a recent class on sacred journaling, it would seem these statements all show the eagerness and excitement of students about to embark on a new time of discovery and connection. But these are the closure statements. They were the last entries made before the class ended, and the students’ enthusiasm was still apparent.

Be yond Avatars and C hat R ooms: L ifelong Learning Takes Learning to the N e xt Le vel – Online

“Hi all. Thanks to each of you for your candor and spirit of sharing during this class. I’m leaving this class grateful for time spent in communion with each of you. As I reviewed the discussion forums, I’m amazed by the wisdom, the richness, and the movement of the Spirit through the conversations. There is something about writing that allows for a bit more vulnerability of our inner selves (one of the things I’ve loved about this class).”

There are benefits and drawbacks to online learning, and certainly those will be different for each participant. While some folks enjoy being in the same space as fellow learners, others may prefer the anonymity of “virtual space,” and while others may prefer answering questions and receiving feedback instantly, there are those who prefer to spend more time on answers and follow-up questions. “What a gift this course has been during this particular time in my life. Every aspect of it has been deeply enriching and life-giving for me: the community of fellow journeyers sharing with such transparence and insight (including and especially our instructors), the invitation and accountability of daily journaling, the course text--which I found to be quite readable and very helpful, and the Holy Spirit within and around all of these, moving me to a newness and healing that I could not have anticipated when I signed up for this course.”

Online classes present the same amount of information as a “brick and mortar” class, if not more. Because sharing is no longer dependant on “raising your hand” fast enough, to make sure information is given in a timely manner and at a volume where everyone can hear, answers and comments are often more thoughtful. When speed and volume are taken out of the equation of classroom conversations, all voices are heard, and weigh equally. After the expense of time away from work and family, and of travel, attending classes in-person can become cost-prohibitive … quickly. Online learning does away with the need to be absent from day-to-day responsibilities, and with the financial burden of travel to, and accommodations in, a new environment. “My experience in seminary was not much like this at all—it was more rigorously academic, and I did not find many places to wrestle with big issues of theology and spirituality in community with others. (Certainly I wrestled with big questions myself.) I am eager to continue in the spiritual formation program at CTS for this reason. I appreciate the opportunity to have wonderful conversations together, and hope that I’ll see many of you in person or online in other courses in the near future!”

Using online coursework for lifelong learning is an obvious choice because it creates sustainable ministry by developing church leadership, Christian education and formation, spiritual formation and spiritual direction. The Center for Lifelong Learning currently has two online courses open for registration, Reading Contemporary Confessions from a Global Perspective and Thriving as a Church Ministry Staff Associate, but more will be added in time. To see a complete list of lifelong learning opportunities, both onsite and online, please visit


The Center for Lifelong Learning

(CLL) contributes twiceweekly to the Columbia Connections blog “Along the Journey.” The posts, often written by program participants or alumna/ ae, focus on education, leadership and spirituality. In March, the CLL’s blogpost “When Churches Want a Pastor Who Can ‘Bring in Young Families’” generated over 23,000 blog site visits. Journeying Together features articles and interviews relevant to the Center’s many opportunities and reaches nearly 4,000 recipients (journeyingtogether.ctsnet. edu). Be sure to follow Lifelong Learning on Facebook and Twitter!

VANTAGE Fall 2015


r e as o n a b l e s e r v i c e

ThM Pr o gr a m R e-l aunched Martha Moore-Keish, ThM Director and Associate Professor of Theology C o l u m b i a T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry i s p l e a s e d t o a n n o u n c e that we are now receiving applications for our newly focused Master of Theology (ThM) program for admissions in the fall of 2016. The ThM is a one-year program for students who already have the MDiv degree or its equivalent and who wish to deepen their understanding of a particular area of study through reflection, research, and writing for the service of the Church. Previous graduates of this program have gone on to teach, lead churches, and pursue doctoral studies in a variety of areas. The new version of our program, starting in 2016, will feature even more focus on developing research skills through close work with faculty mentors in research of mutual interest. In order to attract and nurture students whose research interests are closely aligned with those of the current faculty, we have developed five possible areas of focus for students to consider. These areas are based on some of our faculty strengths and do not fully encompass the breadth of opportunities for this degree program—but we hope prospective students will find themes here that resonate with their own theological questions. The proposed areas of focus for ThM study include: Old Testament Wisdom Literature Students will have opportunity to explore Wisdom literature in Israelite and cognate ancient Near Eastern traditions. Study of biblical texts, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Hellenistic Jewish and early Christian texts will allow The ThM program at Columbia Theological Seminary was an students to trace the trajectory of the Wisdom tradition in invaluable year that not only aided in my discernment process, the ancient world. Scholars in this area will guide and mentor but also helped develop my skills in research and writing. After students in careful exegesis of texts, investigation of their finishing my MDiv, I had trouble deciding whether to pursue reception histories, and the analysis of various contemporary further education or to go into ministry. The ThM provided theological interpretations. the academic rigor I sought within in a context of deep concern for the church. I came out of the ThM program feeling better equipped both as a scholar and a pastor, which undoubtedly continues to shape me as I now work on my doctoral studies.

World Christian Theologies Students will have opportunity to explore particular trajectories in contemporary Christian theological reflection, especially in African, Indian, North American, and Asian— Sheldon Steen (MDiv ’12, ThM ’13), now studying for his American traditions, including postcolonial approaches. PhD at FSU in Religions of Western Antiquity Scholars in these fields will mentor students in understanding historical and missiological roots as well as contemporary theological expressions of Christianity in a multi-religious world. Interested students may pay particular attention to the distinctive theological gifts of Reformed Protestantism to this global conversation. The Church and Creation Care Students will have opportunity to explore biblical literature with a particular eye to ecological questions in the contemporary world. Scholars in Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Christian ethics will guide students in careful exegesis of texts, exploration of their history of interpretation, and contemporary ethical reflection on how scripture might inform faithful Christian responses to environmental crises today. 14

VANTAGE Fall 2015

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Reformed Protestant Theologies Students will have opportunity to explore specifically Reformed approaches to Christian theology, both historically and in the present day. Scholars will mentor students in understanding historical roots of Reformed Protestantism, in various expressions from the 16th century to the present. Students in their research projects may elect to focus on a historical figure or movement, a particular theological doctrine, or a constructive theological theme. Sex, Gender, and the Church Students will have opportunities to explore biblical, theological, and ethical approaches to sexuality and gender. Faculty will guide students in careful reading of biblical and historical texts, exploration of various contemporary theological and ethical reflections, and will encourage faithful Christian responses to the various issues of human sexuality that confront the church today. Inquiries and applications are welcome! For further information about the ThM program, please contact me at For information about the application and admissions process, contact Betsy Lyles, Director of Recruitment and Admissions, at LylesB@

For more details, please see story on page 20.

The ThM program at Columbia Theological Seminary was pivotal in my development as a scholar. Coming from the MDiv program, exploring an indepth thesis with the help of both great faculty and collaborative colleagues both instilled confidence in me that I could pursue doctoral studies and prepared me for the rigors of a PhD program. — Brian Powers (MDiv ’09, ThM ’11)

VANTAGE Fall 2015


r e as o n a b l e s e r v i c e

The K l ine A r c hives,

T h r e e h i s t o r i c c o l l e c t i o n s from the C. Benton Kline, Jr. Special Collections and Archives of the t he Dig i ta l L ibr a ry of John Bulow Campbell Library at Columbia Theological Seminary are available for use online thanks to a project G e or g i a , a nd t he Digital funded by the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) P u bl ic L ibr a ry of A m erica through the University of Georgia’s Digital Library of Georgia (DLG). A DPLA initiative to create seven pilot sites to serve as regional hubs for digitizing local archival materials was supported by funds from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Additional funding was also provided by the Arcadia Foundation. As a result of this project, researchers now have online access to the Charles Colcock Jones papers (1831-1856), the James Woodrow papers (1808, 1836-1916 [bulk 1850-1867]), and a collection of sermons and other writings of Rev. John Newton (1783-1797). The Columbia Seminary materials were selected for inclusion through a competitive process that began in 2013. Columbia Seminary was one of twenty-three cultural institutions around the state that nominated, altogether, about 60 collections of published and unpublished materials relating to Georgia history. Of five collections nominated by the Columbia Seminary archives staff, three were identified as “high priority” for inclusion. Professor Emeritus Charlie Raynal helped Columbia Seminary Archives Hosts Georgia Archives Institute Intern the archives identify and document the significance For three days in June, Columbia Theological Seminary’s Kline archives served as a host site for Georgia Archives Institute intern Kevin Brown, a records analyst with the Archdiocese of Atlanta. of the collections. Both During that time, he arranged and described three collections of historic materials relating to Jones and Woodrow were seminary history. The internship was designed to provide him with practice in appraising materials, Columbia Seminary faculty assessing their condition, organizing and describing them, and creating catalog records. He also members during the 19th met the entire library staff and spent time with librarians from other units, including Technical Services, Special Collections, and Systems. century, each had ties to “I enjoyed my three day internship. It was really an eye opening experience and I learned a Georgia, and each was great deal,” Kevin said afterward. “I am grateful for the archival education aspect of the internship, involved in significant but even more impressed by the amount of face to face time I got with the entire staff. You all really are a hospitable group. I couldn’t have dreamed of a better experience.” issues of his day (Jones The Columbia Seminary archives hosts up to two Georgia Archives Institute interns each year, with religious instruction providing hands-on training for people who are new to the field while also enhancing access to the of slaves and Woodrow archives collections. with questions relating to The Georgia Archives Institute is an annual two-week archives training program that was founded in 1967 by Carroll Hart, the director of the Georgia Department of Archives and History science and evolution). Rev. (1964-1982). During the first week of the institute students receive an introduction to the care and Newton founded Beth-Salem management of archives and in the second week each student spends three days engaged in “hands Presbyterian Church in on” work at a local institution. Most of the students who enroll in the Institute are already employed 1785 on the Georgia frontier in archives and take their experience, and the beginnings of a network of professional relationships, back to their workplaces. near the current location of Lexington, GA. Beth-Salem church later relocated to Lexington where, in 1828, Columbia Seminary offered its first classes in the church manse. The collections can be accessed by going to the “digital collections” page of the library’s web resources ( and clicking on the “Historic Manuscripts in the Digital Library of Georgia, or by going directly to the Columbia Seminary page on the DLG site: 16

VANTAGE Fall 2015

r e as o n a b l e s e r v i c e

I n t h e l a s t e d i t i o n o f Vantage, efforts were announced for opening a new Center for Academic Literacy and Intercultural Competence this fall. In addressing “academic literacy,” the stated goal is to equip students with various competencies—analytical, communicative, cross-cultural. These are meant to help students flourish during their time at Columbia Theological Seminary and in their future ministries. The Center opened in October with the hiring of the Rev. Dr. Zandra L. Jordan as its first director. Zandra holds a PhD in the joint program of English & Education from the University of Michigan. She also holds an MDiv from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology with a Black Church Studies Certificate, an MAT in English from Brown University, and a BA in English from Spelman College. Zandra’s experience includes working as an Academic Skills Tutor & Consultant, a teaching assistant, and a peer advisor at Candler School of Theology. She was an Assistant Professor of English at Spelman College for seven years and an English instructor at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA for three years. Currently, Zandra is Minister of Christian Education at Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, where the Rev. Dr. Damon P. Williams (MDiv ’12) is pastor. While Zandra and Melissa Tidwell (our first writing coach) are both part-time, the hope is to move toward a full-time Center soon. Some of the programs already in place for academic support include the following: 1. H elp for ESL students. Students for whom English is a second language can see Cheryl Maddox (our ESL instructor) for editorial assistance related to grammar, syntax, and word choice. For all other writing needs, students may schedule a writing consultation with the Center for Academic literacy. 2. W riting consultations. Students may schedule 30-minute writing consultations with the Center for Academic Literacy. These sessions address a variety of needs at any stage of the writing process, including thesis development, argumentation, organization, interpretation, analysis, and writing mechanics. 3. G uidance on research projects. The library staff helps students shape a research topic, search journals and databases, identify and assess sources, and work with commentaries. No appointments necessary. In a recent discussion with Vantage, Zandra stated, “We don’t intend to be personal editors or proofreaders, as much as empower students to become their own editors. We do this by helping them identify patterns in their writing, be they analytical, structural, or grammatical, and offering strategies for revision.” Zandra also hopes to connect with faculty about the formation of writing assignments. “We plan to host workshops and other events for the larger student body as well,” says Zandra. “Topics for these may include exegesis, critical reading strategies, essay exams, writing as a spiritual practice, and collaboration with other scholars. We want students to understand that the academic process does not have to be solitary and detached. We live out what it means to be in God’s community, even while we read and write. It will be especially exciting as we start to develop seminars around intercultural competence. We want students to be aware of their own identity when they compose various texts, and be able to discern the cultural context of others. Cultural experience is not just relational, but includes our interpretive framework or worldview. All of these competencies have so many applications in the Church and the world in which we live. I am excited to be a part of what Columbia Seminary is doing with the formation of the Center for Academic Literacy.”

C enter for Academic Lite r ac y Opens

“ We live out what it means to be in God’s community even while we read and write . . . We want students to be aware of their own identity when they compose various texts, and be able to discern the cultural context of others.” Dr. Zandra L. Jordan

VANTAGE Fall 2015


2 0 1 5 g r ad u at e s

Doctor of Educational Ministry Patricia Jane Turner-Olds Richmond, Virginia Griot Intergenerational Faith Formation in a Digital Age 1st Reader: Kathy L. Dawson 2nd Reader: Kevin Park MACE, Union Presbyterian School of Christian Education MDiv, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology of Virginia Union University Doctor of Ministry Ashley Michele Beaty-Perry Dothan, Alabama Embracing the Other: A Journey from Dominance to Marginality 1st Reader: Paul Johnson 2nd Reader: Kevin Park BA, Auburn University MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary MSM, Troy State University Christopher Franklin Denny Elizabethtown, North Carolina Worship Fully Engaged 1st Reader: Martha Moore-Keish 2nd Reader: Rodger Y. Nishioka BA, Presbyterian College MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary

James Daniel Freeman Shreveport, Louisiana Faith at the Margins: A Creative Exploration of Biblical Call Narratives 1st Reader: David L. Bartlett 2nd Reader: Kimberly B. Long BA, Trinity University MDiv, Union Presbyterian Seminary Michael Andrew Ingram Nashville, Tennessee Seed-Based Ministry: An Organic View of Pastoral Presence in a Consumer Culture 1st Reader: Marcia Y. Riggs 2nd Reader: Rodger Y. Nishioka BA, Trevecca Nazarene University MDiv, Vanderbilt Divinity School Rachael Banzhoff Knoll McDonough, Georgia Beginning at the End: Stories of Hope and Renewal in Revelation 1st Reader: E. Elizabeth Johnson 2nd Reader: Pamela Cooper-White BA, The George Washington University MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary Franklin Elliott Lewis Chester, West Virginia That All May Dance: Exploring Tai Chi and Qi Gong as Christian Spiritual Practices 1st Reader: Kimberly B. Long 2nd Reader: Martha Moore-Keish BA, Marshall University MDiv, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary ThM, Columbia Theological Seminary

Joseph Gilbert Moore, Jr. Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Discerning and Implementing a Vibrant Ministry with Children, Youth, and Young Adults at Outer Banks Presbyterian Church 1st Reader: Rodger Nishioka 2nd Reader: Kevin Park BA, Davidson College MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary Cecelya Arlene Taylor Atlanta, Georgia Practicing Spiritual Disciplines as Means of Growing Spiritually through Conflict 1st Reader: Marcia Y. Riggs 2nd Reader: Marsha S. Haney BA, University of Georgia MTS, Candler School of Theology MDiv, Interdenominational Theological Center Searcy Allen Wilcoxon IV Mobile, Alabama Worshiping Through the Ages: A Season of Shared Memory in the Midst of Spiritual Amnesia 1st Reader: Kimberly B. Long 2nd Reader: T. Erskine Clarke BA, Presbyterian College MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary

Master of Theology Jacob Kaller Geerlings Chattanooga, Tennessee There is a God in Israel: Divine Representation in the Call Narratives 1st Reader: Brennan W. Breed 2nd Reader: Christine Roy Yoder BS, Emory University MDiv, Columbia Theological Seminary Master of Divinity Casey Shawn Allen Muskogee, Oklahoma BS, Northeastern State University Ridgley Irene Beckett Spartanburg, North Carolina BS, Converse College Bethany Elaine Benz-Whittington Atlanta, Georgia BA, University of Tennessee Matthew Tyler Benz-Whittington Memphis, Tennessee BA, University of Tennessee Jeffery Alan Cain, Sr. Kennesaw, Georgia BSEd, University of Georgia MPA, University of Georgia Ontonio Markolee Christie Fort Myers, Florida BA, Edna Manley College of the Visual Arts Margaret Anne Dickey Atlanta, Georgia BA, Piedmont College George Fishburne, Jr. Miami, Florida BA, Florida Memorial University MPA, Central Michigan University


VANTAGE Fall 2015

* Degree completed December 31, 2014 ** Will be awarded the degree at commencement exercises at the United Theological College of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, May 21, 2015

2 0 1 5 g r ad u at e s

Margaret Lisle Gwynn Garrity Black Mountain, North Carolina BA, Davidson College

Seung Song Decatur, Georgia BA, University of Georgia

Jong Wook Ha Columbus, Georgia BA, Pusan National University, Korea MBA, Seoul National University, Korea PhD, Georgia State University

Melissa A. Tidwell Atlanta, Georgia BS, Jacksonville State University

Patrick Benjamin Harley Greenville, Tennessee BA, Auburn University

Allison Corwin Wehrung Davidson, North Carolina BA, Furman University

Jeromey Arthur Howard Beggs, Oklahoma BS, Oklahoma State University

Hampton Neal Irby Williams Tiger, Georgia BA, Roanoke College

Barbara Elaine Johnson Aiken, South Carolina BA, Mount Union College MA, The Ohio State University PhD, The Ohio State University

Kristin L. Wolf Atlanta, Georgia BFA, Shorter University

Patrick Jared Jones Columbus, Mississippi BA, Mississippi State University Bonnie Marie Mellage Auburn, Nebraska BA, Hastings College Robert Thomas Newman Olive Branch, Mississippi BA, The University of Mississippi

Kathryn Anne Walters Richardson, TX BA, Austin College

Sarah Ashley Wolf Durham, North Carolina BS, Appalachian State University Fred Eugene Young III Knoxville, Tennessee BA, University of Tennessee

Master of Arts in Practical Theology Ridgley Irene Beckett Spartanburg, North Carolina BS, Converse College Kelly Couch Muskogee, Oklahoma BA, University of Oklahoma Margaret Lisle Gwynn Garrity Black Mountain, North Carolina BA, Davidson College Kira Lee Hader Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina BA, Montreat College Jeromey Arthur Howard Beggs, Oklahoma BS, Oklahoma State University Bonnie Marie Mellage Auburn, Nebraska BA, Hastings College

Samuel Ellis Shaus Edmond, Oklahoma BA, University of South Carolina Cynthia Yvette Summerour Snellville, Georgia BA, University of Georgia Kathryn Anne Walters Richardson, TX BA, Austin College Master of Arts in Theological Studies Sylvia Maier Broome Atlanta, Georgia BA, Eckerd College MeiYing Shi Shanghai, China BA, Shanghai Normal University Mary-Ellen Hunt Vian Atlanta, Georgia BA, Emory College JD, Emory Law School

Yun Bin Shine Park An-seong, South Korea BA, Arkansas State University

Stephen S. Yuh Columbus, Georgia BS, University of Rio Grande MS, University of Illinois

SongYin Paik Gyeryong, Republic of Korea BA, Hannam University MA, University of Denver Sylvia H. Ramos Atlanta, Georgia BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute MBA, University of Phoenix Samuel Ellis Shaus Edmond, Oklahoma BA, University of South Carolina


Dr. Jacob D. Myers was appointed Assistant Professor of Homiletics. He recently completed his PhD at Emory University. Among his many research interests are alternative epistemologies for sermon development and delivery, and the ways in which preaching interacts with cultures and traditions.

Kimberly Gale Skeen Thomasville, North Carolina BS, Shorter University

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Lifelong Learning January Seminars

Diana Butler Ba ss to Ke ynote J a nuary Seminar Gr ounded Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World

M u c h i n k i s s p i l l e d on the digital and written page about the state of religion in the 21st Century. Our vocabulary is peppered with terms such as the Nones, the Dones, and the Spiritual but Not Religious. But what if what appears to be a decline actually signals a major transformation in how people understand and experience God? The Center for Lofelong Learning invites you to explore these questions and ideas at Grounded: Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World. Join our keynote speaker and commentator on religion, politics, and culture Diana Butler Bass and members of the Columbia Theological Seminary faculty in exploring the contours of what Bass terms a spiritual revolution. Our sense of the sacred is changing, but God continues to be at work in the world, leading us to a more grounded, integrative, and experiential theology. Drawing from her new book, Grounded: Finding God in the World—a Spiritual Revolution, Bass will invite participants to consider what the implications of the contemporary spiritual habitat may hold for their particular context, our faith communities and the wider creation animated by our Creator. In the course of several plenary sessions, workshops and worship, participants will consider how these shifts in understanding the sacred within us and the world may be at the heart of a spiritual revolution that surrounds us – one that is challenging not only religious institutions but political and social ones as well. Seminary faculty will lead the following workshops: Grounded in Conversation: Culture as a Source for Theological Reflection? Tim Hartman, Assistant Professor of Theology What are the theological implications of appealing to nature and human experience as sources of divine revelation? This workshop will explore the interrelationship of revelation, religion, and culture in contemporary Western and non-Western theologies and the implications for ministry and life. 20

VANTAGE Fall 2015

Grounded in Conversation: Preaching from a Grounded Perspective Jacob D. Myers. Assistant Professor of Homiletics Grounded preaching, that is, preaching attuned more to belonging and becoming than to being, breaks open out of experiences with the God who meets us in the flesh. Practical in orientation, this session commends a radically different approach to the God revealed in and through scripture. Such an approach (a “grounded” approach, to be sure) opens us up to ways of preaching beyond certainty and open to the impossible. Grounded in Conversation: With the Women from the Reformations World Haruko Nawata Ward, Associate Professor of Church History This workshop introduces several women leaders, who cultivated new venues in Christian vocation during the 16th and 17th centuries. These women include reformers in Europe as well as leaders in Jesuit missions in Asia. The workshop encourages participants to explore these roots of their faiths and receive nutrients for their own creative blossoming. Grounded in Conversation: Presbyterians throughout U.S. History William Yoo, Assistant Professor of American Religious and Cultural History What has it meant to be Presbyterian in the United States? This workshop explores the multifaceted history of the American Presbyterian experience from the colonial period to the present, across diversities of age, ethnicity, gender, geography, and race to see how Presbyterians have found grounding in divine revelation and understood the sense of the sacred amidst changing cultural, religious, and social patterns. Grounded: Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World will take place January 19 – 21, 2016, in the Harrington Center at Columbia Theological Seminary. Registration is open now at

j o y f u l G i f ts to the Seminary July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Columbia Theological Seminary gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their support. This Annual Report includes donors whose gifts were received July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. Gifts received after June 30, 2015, will be acknowledged in next year’s report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the report. We apologize for errors or omissions and ask that you bring them to our attention. Please report corrections to Diane Thorne, gift records coordinator, at 404-687-4590 or

Table of Contents Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partners in Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Columbia Gift Societies

Presidents’ Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Marshall Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Marcellus McPheeters Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodrow Wilson Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agnes Law Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles A. Stillman Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 25 25 27 28 29 31

Giving by Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

34 37 38 42 43

................ Memorials & Tributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gifts to Endowed Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. McDowell Richards Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Key to Special Notations * Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle † Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2015


b o a r d o f t r u st e e s 2 0 1 5

Anthony L. Amos

Gail S. Glover

Travis V. Olmert

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia

Greer, South Carolina

Emily J. Anderson

Elizabeth C. Goodrich

Anna G. Owens

Maryville, Tennessee

Birmingham, Alabama

Decatur, Georgia

Lee W. Bowman

Gregory A. Goodwiller

Pendleton B. Peery

Greenville, South Carolina

Oxford, Mississippi

Charlotte, North Carolina

Bennett A. Brown III

Joseph S. Harvard III

Margaret C. Reiser

Carrollton, Georgia

Durham, North Carolina

Atlanta, Georgia

Eva O. Carter

George J. Hauptfuhrer III

Bradley D. Smith

Birmingham, Alabama

Atlanta, Georgia

Columbia, South Carolina

Laura A. Cunningham

Billy M. Honor

Ruth Millie Snyder

Washington, D.C.

Atlanta, Georgia

Charlotte, North Carolina

Thomas R. Daniel IV

James M. Jeter

J. Todd Speed

Austin, Texas

Moultrie, Georgia

Decatur, Georgia

Joe Ella Darby

Andrew P. Kintz

Jan O. Swetenburg

Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee

Charlotte, North Carolina

Pam G. Driesell

Dennis M. Love

Leanne Van Dyk

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, Georgia

Decatur, Georgia

Richard T. DuBose

Jeffrey D. McEwen

Thomas W. Walker

Montreat, North Carolina

Charlotte, North Carolina

Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Lucie B. Eggleston

Elizabeth B. Moore

Columbia, South Carolina

Pensacola, Florida

Searcy A. “Buz� Wilcoxon IV

Mobile, Alabama Florida S. Ellis

Charles R. Nash

Atlanta, Georgia

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Nancy P. Giguere

Philip S. Noyes

Greenville, South Carolina

Atlanta, Georgia

Valarie D. Wilson

Decatur, Georgia Christine R. Yoder

Decatur, Georgia Richard A. Oglesby, Jr.

Atlanta, Georgia


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Partners in Ministry

The Partners in Ministry is an initiative started in 2003 to raise awareness of Columbia Theological Seminary and encourage direct and generous giving to our annual fund. Our partners’ gifts have been generous and consistent; in fact we have raised more than $4.5 million from this initiative. The events have focused on all the ways God is at work at the seminary, in our churches, homes and communities. For more information about the Partners in Ministry program, please contact Pam Cottrell, Office of Institutional Advancement at 404-687-4588.

Leadership Partners Pledged $50,000 or more over five years Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. Florida S. and Mr. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Dr. † Stephen A. and the Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen

Faith Partners Pledged $25,000 or more over five years Fulcrum Equity Partners, Inc. Mr. David H. Gill, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA

Impact Partners Pledged $5,000 or more over five years Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Dr. and Mrs. E. Lane Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead The Rev. Christie L. and Mr. William H. Ashton III Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell Dr. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. W. Howard Boyd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Butler II Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Dr. Connie L. Carson Mrs. Eva O. Carter and Dr. Clyde L. Carter Mrs. Charlotte M. Connah Mr. James C. Connah Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell and Mr. L. Joseph Loveland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore The Rev. Jane E. Fahey Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Mrs. Rutledge I. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Gum Mr. and Mrs. Dexter V. Hancock Susan and Wyatt Haskell The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Hechenbleikner The Rev. Alexandra K. and Mr. Charles V. Hedrick Dr. C.P. Huang The Rev. and Mrs. In Soo Jung Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Johnson Mrs. Catherine D. Jones Mr. and Mrs. James Kimble Dr. Charles C. Knox Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lagrone Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III Ms. Jane Boyd Lee Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn McCants Mr. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Thad L. McNulty IV Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Moriarity Dr. Deborah F. Mullen Myers Park Presbyterian Church Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nash Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr Mr. J.P. Noble, Jr. and Ms. Nancy Madden Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. O’Neal The Rev. W. Larry Owens Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Perkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Query Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. and Mrs. N. Allen Robertson Ms. Mary L. Rogers Mr. Ross C. Royce Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rozier Mr. William E. and Mrs. Margaret C. Scheu The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Seaman, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. and Ms. Charlotte G. Montague The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Dr. and Mrs. William A. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Mrs. Frances S. St. John Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mr. George E. Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Toole The Rev. Lucy E. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Kennon D. Walthall The Revs. Deborah D. and John D. Wells Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mrs. Sue S. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Zwier

Contributors Commitments to the Partners in Ministry program at other levels Anonymous Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Adams Mr. † and Mrs. Robert W. Albright Ms. Ashley P. Alderman The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson-Glaze The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos Mrs. Deborah Ashendorf Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ashurst Mr. Stephen W. and Dr. Carolyn S. Ashworth Rick and Beth Atkerson The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros The Rev. and Mrs. Alan D. Bancroft Dr. and Mrs. David L. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. N. William Bath Dr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Bayley II Mr. and Mrs. Brian Beaubien Ms. Terri D. Beck The Rev. Ridgley I. Beckett Mr. Jonathan Benoit Mr. Bryan B. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Bondurant Mr. Marc D. Brinks Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brooke III The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Brooks Mr. Herbert H. Browne, Jr. The Rev. Sidney M. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Q. Burks Mrs. Barbara C. Cade Mr. and Mrs. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr. Ms. Jeanne C. Camp Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Lee and Betty Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Carswell Mr. James R. Carter The Rev. Mary Clark Ms. Suma M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Coburn Mr. Shane C. Coldren Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cole Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coles Dr. Deborah M. Conner and Mr. Stephen D. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Corlew Mr. and Mrs. W. Reynolds Couch Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Crichton The Rev†. and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Crutchfield The Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Daffin Mr. Glenn H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Davis

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Partners in Ministry

Ms. April A. Deal Mr. David B. Delozier Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Dixon Ms. C.J. Drymon Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. Charles M. Durham Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckstine Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Edwards, Jr. The Rev. Bobbie F. Epting Mr. and Mrs. F. Alex Erwin The Rev. Debra D. Feagin Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze The Rev. Catherine E. Foster Mr. and Mrs. William K. Fuller The Rev. Lauren L. Furr-Vancini and Mr. Jeffrey T. Vancini Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garren Dr. and Mrs. J. Sherrick Gilbert Dr. Richard T. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Mr. Charles H. Goodman Mr. Braxton L. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller Gorrie Dr. Cheryl A. Gosa Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Ms. Elizabeth G. Greaves Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Green Mr. and Mrs. William Green Mr. and Mrs. Torsten J. Greife Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grier Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Dr. Edwin G. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Haisten Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Hankins Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan L. Harris Ms. Mary Ann Hartman The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay Ms. Valerie S. Hayes The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Hiett Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hinkle The Rev. and Mrs. John A. Hinkle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hodges The Rev. and Mrs. William H. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mr. Billy R. Holley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blair Hollis Mrs. Cecile M. Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Horres Mr. and Mrs. Jethro H. Irby III The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. The Rev. Derrick L. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins Mr. Virgil W. Jensen Mr. Ezra B. Jones III Colonel and Mrs. LaVert W. Jones Mr. W. Seaborn Jones The Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Kackley 24

VANTAGE Fall 2015

Mr. Leland C. Keller The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly and Mr. James F. Mooney Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. Yong H. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Kiman Kim Mr. Soon Y. Kim Mr. Andrew P. and Mrs. M. Towles Kintz Dr. Stuart J. Knechtle Mrs. Beverley T. Krannich Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. Charles B. Lassiter Mr. Moo H. Lee Mrs. Coleman M. Legerton Mr. Robert M. Lewis, Jr. Mrs. Mary Caroline Lindsay Ms. Carolyn Lord Mrs. Andrea G. Luke The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Marston Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. McClure Mr. and Mrs. William J. McDaniel Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Pender R. McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McGimsey Dr. and Mrs. James E. McGriff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. McInerny Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. McIntyre The Rev. Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod Mr. Stephen R. Messier Mrs. Kathryn W. Michael Mr. Donald W. Millen Mr. Walter W. Miller Mrs. C. Faye Mills Mr. David Y. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Morgan Mr. William S. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Muirheid Mrs. Leigh S. and Mr. Carroll E. Mullis II Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Nall The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newsome The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daeki W. Oh Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Orr Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Parlato Mr. and Mrs. Macon G. Patton, Jr. The Revs. Pendleton B. and Lindsey W. Peery Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Ms. Nancy Phillimore and Mr. Brian Barkley The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. David Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Rex T. Pless Mr. and Mrs. David B. Plyler Dr. John B. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pritchard Judge Caryl P. Privett Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Dr. Sandra L. Randleman The Rev. and Mrs. Ross M. Reddick Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed The Revs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and Nicholas K. Reed Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves The Rev. Catherine Cavazos Renken and Mr. Bradley J. Renken Ms. Devon M. Reynolds

Mr. Walter K. Richardson, Sr. Mr. Nathan H. Ridley Mr. and Mrs. David L. Robertson, Sr. Mrs. Mel D. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Rogers Mr. A. P. Romjue Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rue The Rev. and Mrs. Matthew E. Ruffner Drs. Carson L. and Janet T. Salyer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Sanders Mr. Michael T. Sandwith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Schreck Mr. Chris Schroder Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Shockley Mr. M. Earle Simmons Ms. Betty G. Slater Mrs. Anna C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bridges W. Smith Mrs. Carolyn T. Smith Mr. John E. Smith II Ms. Judy B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Marriner Smith Mr. Rush S. Smith, Jr. The Rev. Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Mr. Alan W. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. J. Todd Speed Mr. and Mrs. Al O. Stacer Mr. Jimmy C. Stapleton The Rev. Daniel D. Stephens Mr. Mark A. Stephens Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Davis C. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tecklenburg Mrs. Caye W. Teegarden Ms. Jane A. Thomas The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Ms. Elizabeth R. Thompson Mrs. Katherine Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Elmore C. Thrash, Jr. The Rev. A. T. Todd Mr. John C. Tuck Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Turbayne Mr. William E. Turnipseed Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Tveit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Mr. David A. VanderMeer and Mr. Brent Ivey Ms. Mary-Ellen H. Vian Mr. James L. Vowell Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Walker Mr. Peter M. Wallace Mr. Richard L. Walthall Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III Dr. and Mrs. David T. Watson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Webster The Rev. and Mrs. John E. Westlund, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Mr. E. Keith Williams The Rev. Khalia Jelks Williams and Dr. Damon P. Williams Mrs. Reid Willingham Mrs. Jane L. Wilson

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Peter Marshall Society $5,000 to $14,999.99 I n d i v i d ua l s

Presidents’ Society $15,000 or more I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mr. Irwin Belk John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Drs. W. Thomas and Dabney W. Dixon Mrs. Florida S. and Mr. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. Gail S. and Mr. Marion B. Glover The Rev. Sharol R. Hayner Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Mr. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. † Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr.



O r g a n i z at io n s

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Cousins Charitable Lead Annuity Trust, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL* Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX Edwin Malloy Charitable Lead Trust, Cheraw, SC

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Betts and Dennis Love Family Foundation Blanche Lipscomb Foundation Comerica Charitable Trust The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation The Ellis Foundation Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Griffith Theological Research Foundation John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Morris Communications Corp. Pesto, Inc. Synod of the Sun Presbyterian Foundation Texas Presbyterian Foundation

Anonymous Dr. Lee W. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Bennett A. Brown III Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bryan Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. The Rev. Pamela G. Driesell and Mr. L. Joseph Loveland, Jr. Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston The Rev. Eleana M. Garrett Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere Mr. David H. Gill, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gross Susan and Wyatt Haskell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Samuel B. Hay, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. Bill Hubbard Mr. Joe E. Hutton † Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson Mrs. Gay M. Love Mr. Jeffrey D. McEwen Mrs. Ellen R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pellot Mr. and Mrs. James D. Philips, Jr. Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Margaret C. and Mr. Robert E. Reiser Mrs. Helen C. Richardson† Mr. William E. and Mrs. Peggy Corbin Scheu Mr. B. Franklin Skinner Dr. and Mrs. Boyce Thomas Mrs. Arlene L. White* Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Willey Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters



O r g a n i z at io n s

The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration, Inc., Clearwater, FL Covenant Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA* Davidson College, Davidson, NC ELCA - Southeastern Synod, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Gastonia, NC First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA* Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Kairos Church, Atlanta, GA New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC* North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL* Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA* Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA* Starmount Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama Fulcrum Equity Partners, Inc. Gay and Erskine Love Foundation The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation, Inc. The National Christian Foundation National Christian Foundation East Tennessee The Noyes Foundation Patrick Family Foundation Printpack, Inc. Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 to $4,999.99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Adle* The Rev. Mary G. and Mr. Anthony L. Amos The Rev. Jody L. and Mr. Billy Andrade Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Armistead Dr. Mark A. Douglas and the Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong Mrs. Randolph N. Armstrong The Rev. Christie L. and Mr. William H. Ashton III Mrs. Jane E. Bailey Mr. David D. Baird Mr. and Mrs. James S. Balloun Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Blackburn The Rev. Dorothy T. and Dr. Russell S. Blackwelder Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Blincow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen Mr. W. Howard Boyd, Jr. Mrs. Mary Kate Brearley Glasser The Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Brooks The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. M. Rebecca and Mr. John F. Burton The Rev. and Mrs. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carini Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carr, Jr. Lee and Betty Carroll Dr. Connie L. Carson Mrs. Eva O. and Dr. Clyde L. Carter Mrs. Frances S. Childs Dr. Kimberly L. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coggin The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Crawford* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Crichton Mr. and Mrs. William N. Crosby Mr. Bradley Currey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Darden Dr. Kathy L. Dawson Dr. Mary Lynn Dell Dr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Denning Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. David H. Dillard Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr.

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. DuBose The Rev. Karen R. Dukes and Mr. Marc W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway The Rev. Christine K. Dungan The Rev. S. Elizabeth Fairleigh Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster Dr. and Mrs. H. James Free Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gandy Mr. and Mrs. C. Ben Garren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller Gorrie Mr. William M. Graves Dr. Joan S. and Mr. William A. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Torsten J. Greife Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Gum Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie Mrs. Nell F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hall III Mrs. Anne M. Haltiwanger Mrs. Betsy P. Hammet* The Rev. and Mrs. C.J. Hammet, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Dexter V. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Hankins Mr. and Mrs. C. Miner Harrell The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart and Mr. Charles T. Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Hechenbleikner The Rev. Alexandra K. and Mr. Charles V. Hedrick Dr. C. P. Huang Dr. and Mrs. D. Orvin Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. William L. Jenkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. and Mrs. Ben C. Johnson Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones* The Rev. and Mrs. Walter M. Jones, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. In Soo Jung Mr. Andrew P. and Mrs. M. Towles Kintz Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kline Dr. Charles C. Knox Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lassiter III* The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn McCants Mrs. Jean M. McCarter Mr. Jack L. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. McKay, Jr. Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Thad L. McNulty IV Dr. Margaret G. and Mr. Charles E. Miller The Rev. and Mrs. A. Cecil Moore, Jr. Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Moriarity Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Dr. Deborah F. Mullen The Rev. Cecil B. Murphey 26

VANTAGE Fall 2015

Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nash Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka Dr. J. Phillips Noble Mr. W.J. Noonan III Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Norris The Rev. Margaret R. Northen Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. O’Brien Mrs. Lamar E. Oglesby Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. John A. O’Neal Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Ashley D. Pace, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Richard W. Paddon Dr. Kevin Park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Perkins, Jr. Mrs. Anne Porcher Z. Perrin Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ragsdale II Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Reece Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Reed Mr. and Mrs. W. Kim Richardson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Roberson Mr. and Mrs. N. Allen Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy Ms. Mary L. Rogers Mr. Ross C. Royce Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rozier Dr. Stanley P. Saunders and Ms. Brenda L. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus The Rev. and Mrs. John T. Schuldt Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Seaman, Jr. Mr. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. and Ms. Charlotte G. Montague The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Shouse Mr. William A. Sibley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Simmers Mrs. Betty C. Simmons* The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Dr. Bertram C. Sippola Mr. John E. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Smith Dr. and Mrs. William A. Smith, Jr. The Rev. Dr. R. Millie Snyder and Mr. Leif T. Aus Dr. and Mrs. Cary G. Speaker Mr. and Mrs. James S. Stokes The Rev. Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Shellie S. Stroman, Jr.* Dr. Raymond L. and Mrs. Jan O. Swetenburg Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor Mrs. Sally S. Telford Mr. George E. Thurmond Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Toole Mr. and Mrs. James H. Topple Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vaughan Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Kennon D. Walthall Dr. G. Dana Waters III Drs. Ralph C. and Vanessa C. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. David D. Weitnauer The Rev. Searcy A. Wilcoxon IV Mrs. Sue S. Williams Mrs. Emily C. Wood* Mrs. Bonnie P. and Mr. Stephen E. Wurzbacher Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Zwier



O r g a n i z at io n s

Bayside Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS Cedarwood Holdings, Inc., Jacksonville, FL Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL* Cherokee Presbytery, Cartersville, GA* Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Dugald W. Hudson Charitable Trust, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC First Presbyterian Church, Greeneville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Murfreesboro, TN First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL* Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Grand Chapter of Arkansas, Forrest City, AR Gretna Presbyterian Church, Gretna, FL Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN Immanuel Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Madison Presbyterian Church, Madison, GA Mount Carmel Christian Church, Stone Mountain, GA Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Mount Pleasant, SC Newnan Presbyterian Church, Newnan, GA North Alabama Presbytery, Huntsville, AL* Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Bogart, GA* Northwest Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Oconee Presbyterian Church, Watkinsville, GA Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Real Estate Management Services Group, Naples, FL Redeemer Church, Snellville, GA Sandy Springs Christian Church, Atlanta, GA Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shallowford Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* South Aiken Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC Southminster Presbyterian Church, Taylor, MI Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL St. Augustine Presbytery, Jacksonville, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gadsden, AL Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC* W.J. and Jane C. Noonan Charitable Trust, Pensacola, FL Washington Street Presbyterian Church, Dublin, GA Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The Argo Foundation Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation Community Foundation of South Georgia, Inc. Dr. P. Phillips Foundation Eaton Deadening Plantation, Inc.* Foundation for the Carolinas Graciecam Foundation Inc. The Graves Foundation J.H. Ellwood & Associates, Inc. National Christian Foundation Tampa Bay National Philanthropic Trust The Pittulloch Foundation Presbyterian Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

The Spartanburg County Foundation The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Waccamaw Community Foundation Wheaton College William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation

Woodrow Wilson Society $500 to $999.99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Mrs. Linda N. Albright Ms. Ashley P. Alderman Capt. and Mrs. Edward L. Alderman Dr. and Mrs. J. Eade Anderson Rick and Beth Atkerson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres The Revs. Amy L. and Ryan J. Baer Dr. and Mrs. William R. Barron Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Baxter Mrs. Ann L. Beasley The Rev. and Mrs. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Cynthia M. and Mr. Steve N. Benz Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Bishop Dr. Susan L. Boardman-McKissack and the Rev. William F. McKissack Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Bondurant Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Bowden The Rev. and Mrs. John R. Bradshaw Mr. Marc D. Brinks The Rev. Janet Ann Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Mr. John A. Bullard and Ms. Kathryn Scofield Ms. Margaret C. Cairnes Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Candler Ms. Jennifer Carlier and Ms. Louise A. Hill Mrs. Margaret H. Carr Dr. and Mrs. William B. Carr, Jr. Dr. Janet N. Carter Dr. Anna and the Rev. W. David Carter Florence Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt The Rev. Martha J. Clinkscales and Mr. David R. Forquer Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton Mrs. Pamela W. and Mr. Chris L. Cottrell, Sr. Dr. John B. Cousar, Jr. and Ms. Leslie L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey The Rev. Joe Ella Darby Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. R. Ellis Dunbar Dr. Nathaniel J. Dunlap Drs. M. Julian and Sue M. Duttera Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye The Rev. Dr. S. Sarah F. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. F. Alex Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Evans*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Flowers Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. M. McCoy Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Israel Galindo Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ginn Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Graves Dr. Thomas H. Guthrie Mrs. Shirley C. Harris* Ms. Mary Clark Caldwell-Hartsfield The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Drs. Susan M. Heafield and Brian A. Wren The Rev. and Mrs. Roy W. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb Mrs. Cecile M. Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Horres Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Hulteen The Rev. Glen F. Hutchison Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Jeter The Rev. and Mrs. J. Ernest Johnson Dr. Paul J. Johnson III and Ms. Dale Ann Joslin Chaplain William A. Jokela and Ms. Jane L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Nesakumar Joseph Dr. and Mrs. Jasper N. Keith, Jr. Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Kinser Mrs. Nancy C. and Mr. Mark W. Kinzer Dr. and Mrs. John W. Larson Dr. and Mrs. John H. Law Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. LeCraw, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. S. Edwin Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. C. David Markle The Rev. Rebekah A. and Mr. Derek S. Maul Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. McInerny Mrs. Adele D. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McLeod Dr. Paige M. McRight Mrs. C. Faye Mills Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt The Rev. Laurel D. Nelson and Mr. N. Rick Castor Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Oglesby, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth B. and Mr. Charles A. Orth The Rev. Kathryn Owen Aumann and Mr. Wait Aumann Mr. SongYin Paik and Ms. ShinAe Kim Dr. Sung-Joo Park Dr. and Mrs. W. Jefferson Pendergrast, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Roland P. Perdue III Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. David B. Plyler Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. The Revs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and Nicholas K. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. J. Steve Rhodes The Rev. and Mrs. James T. Richardson Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Rutland Dr. Patricia L. and Mr. Jack H. Senterfitt The Rev. Martha C. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shafe The Rev. Janet Ann Briscoe and Dr. R. Page Shelton Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. Mr. T. Clark Simmons*

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Dr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Smith Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson V. Smith, Jr. Mr. Rush S. Smith, Jr. and Ms. Paula M. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Al O. Stacer Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. C. Brent Trexler Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Wallingford Mr. R. Lee Walthall Dr. Haruko N. and Mr. Peter H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webb III The Revs. Laurie Taylor Weicher and John V. Weicher Dr. and Mrs. John E. White Mr. Thomas J. Wigley Dr. S. Allen Wilcoxon and Ms. Patti L. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilkinson Mrs. Almonese B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Wilson* Mrs. Valarie D. and Mr. Carter Wilson The Revs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and Nicholas K. Reed Drs. Susan M. Heafield and Brian A. Wren Ms. Pamela A. Yetunde Dr. Christine Roy Yoder and Mr. Reinald S. Yoder



O r g a n i z at io n s

Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Chatham Capital, Atlanta, GA Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA Eastern Virginia Presbytery, Portsmouth, VA First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, MS First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA First Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS Highland Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC Holston Presbytery, Kingsport, TN* Korean Presbyterian Church Of Minnesota, Brooklyn Ctr, MN Mississippi Presbytery, Canton, MS* Morrow Presbyterian Church, Morrow, GA New Way Church, Austin, TX Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA* Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery, Birmingham, AL* St. Andrew Presbytery, Oxford, MS St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN* Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Twelve Hours Management Co., LLC, Atlanta, GA The Village Church, Prairie Village, KS

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

The CBT Charitable Trust Personal Care, Inc.

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Columbia Gift Societies

Agnes Law Society $250 to $499.99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Come See Columbia Day* The Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Azumah Dr. Stephen A. and Mrs. Edna M. Bacon Mr. Peter J. Barratt Dr. Harry H. and Mrs. Madeline H. Barrow Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Beasley III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Benoit The Rev. and Mrs. Frank I. Blankinship III Mrs. Gwynn L. Blount Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount Mr. Bryan B. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. David E. Boozer, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James E. Bowden Mr. Herbert H. Browne, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. The Rev. Tara W. and Mr. Brian R. Bulger The Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr. Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn.† Ms. Julie M. Cline and Mr. Thomas E. Frey Mrs. Gretchen A. Cloud Mr. James C. Connah The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook Mrs. Sharon H. Cooper Stone The Rev. Sharon K. Core and Mr. Nicholas J. Kuhn Mr. Harry L. Crawford, Jr. Mrs. Charlotte A. Crosland Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Crotwell Ms. Mary Lynn Darden The Rev. Jean L. Davidson Ms. Linda D. Davis The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Dr. Robert S. Dendy Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Denny Mrs. Diane L. and Mr. Thomas K. Duane The Rev. Mary Kathleen Duncan and Mr. David Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Eldridge The Rev. Virginia Simmons Ellis and Mr. Harry W. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant The Rev. and Mrs. George H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Folks The Revs. Rodney A. and Jody P. Foster Mr. Daniel Freymeyer Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk The Estate of the Rev. Irwin P. Gates, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore The Rev. Marcella A. and Dr. Justin A. Glass The Rev. and Mrs. Craig N. Goodrich The Rev. C. Annette and Mr. Jeffrey S. Graham Mr. and Mrs. William Green Dr. and Mrs. Guy D. Griffith Dr. and Mrs. J. William Harkins III Dr. George D. Harper, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Harris, Jr. 28

VANTAGE Fall 2015

The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Hay Mr. Nicholas G. Hill The Rev. Sandy and Mr. Robert M. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Hix Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hoffman III Dr. and Mrs. Adlai C. Holler, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Billy M. Honor The Rev. Leah R. Hrachovec Dr. James and the Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler Mrs. Emily C. Huie Dr. .† and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mrs. Judith A. Hunt Dr. and Mrs. Ramon E. Hunt The Rev. Robert F. Hunt The Rev. and Mrs. William C. Hunt, Jr. Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Dr. Sara C. Juengst Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller The Rev. Caroline M. Kelly and Mr. James F. Mooney Dr. and Mrs. Larry K. Krannich The Rev. Laury W. Larson The Rev Rebekah Close LeMon and Dr. Joel M. LeMon Mr. Robert M. Lewis, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. Dr. Tommie G. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McCormick The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Ms. Sara S. McDaniel Dr. and Mrs. Douglas S. McLeroy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Messier Mr. Donald W. Millen The Rev. Cynthia M. and Mr. James L. Montgomery Dr. Robert L. Montgomery Dr. Martha and the Rev. Chris Moore-Keish Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon The Rev. and Mrs. H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Oates III Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg Mr. and Mrs. Macon G. Patton, Jr. The Revs. Pendleton B. and Lindsey W. Peery The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff Mrs. Barbara G. Poe* Dr. and Mrs. John B. Ponder Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Dr. Catharine A. Enright Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Reno Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richardson Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs Mrs. Mary Martha and Mr. J. Kenneth Riviere Dr. and Mrs. A. Don Robb III Dr. Stephen C. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers* Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ross Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Seelman The Rev. Mindy S. Serafin The Rev. and Mrs. R. Paul Sherwood, Sr. The Revs. Rebecca S. and John D. Shillingburg Mr. M. Earle Simmons Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spradley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James I. St. John The Rev. Jan Stewart-Tolbert and Mr. Jerry C. Tolbert

The Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Strong Ms. Sandra D. Taylor* Mrs. Edythe T. Tebbs Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tecklenburg Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Thompson III The Rev. Yvonne M. Thurmond The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Vance Ms. Mary-Ellen H. Vian Dr. and Mrs. William B. Wade, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David T. Watson The Rev. and Mrs. Andrew C. Whaley Dr. Jennifer S. Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Wick II The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn The Rev. Khalia Jelks Williams and Dr. Damon P. Williams Mr. R. Dan Winn, Jr. Drs. Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters III



O r g a n i z at io n s

Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* East Tennessee Presbytery, Knoxville, TN* Epiphany Lutheran Church, Conyers, GA First Presbyterian Church, Beaufort, SC* First Presbyterian Church, DeFuniak Springs, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN* Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC* Korean American Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC* Middle Tennessee Presbytery, Nashville, TN* Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Peace Presbyterian Church, Lakewood Ranch, FL Peace River Presbytery, North Port, FL* Rogersville Presbyterian Church, Rogersville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC St. John Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, TN Tampa Bay Presbytery, Clearwater, FL* Weathercoat, Inc., Athens, GA

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

JTM Minerals, LLC The Malloy Foundation


October brought the creation of the new Center for Academic Literacy and Intercultural Competence at the John Bulow Campbell Library. This center is designed

to help our basic and advanced degree students from this country and elsewhere to become more academically prepared, culturally competent, effective religious leaders for the church of Jesus Christ and God’s changing world. Story on page 17.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Charles A. Stillman Society $100 to $249.99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Drs. Fahed L. Abu-Akel and Mary S. Zumot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Adams* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Alema-Mensah The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allan Mr. and Mrs. Bona I. Allen IV Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Allvine Mr. and Mrs. Warren K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Anderson The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Armistead Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ashworth Dr. Carolyn S. and Mr. Stephen W. Ashworth Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Dr. Royce W. Ballard The Rev. and Mrs. Juventino R. Ballesteros Ms. Shirley L. Ballowe The Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Barber, Sr. The Rev. Carrie Bowers Barnes and Mr. D. Hamilton Barnes Mr. Thomas M. Barnhardt III Dr. and Mrs. Earle P. Barron, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Batts The Rev. and Mrs. C. Frank Beall The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley Dr. and Mrs. James W. Beaty The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald L. Bell, Jr. Dr. Carol T. and Mr. Michael S. Bender Mrs. Clark D. Benson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Berry Dr. Charles H. Berthoud and Ms. Christine L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. David E. Betts Mrs. June R. Bishop The Rev. Ewell C. Black, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Buren Blankenship Mr. Edward A. Boedecker Dr. and Mrs. R. Jerome Boone Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Booth The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Boston Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Botsford Dr. and Mrs. David L. Boumgarden Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bovee Mrs. Theodora L. Bowen Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Dr. Frank M. Brown Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. F. Sibley Bryan, Jr. Ms. Susan D. Buell Ms. Ann W. Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Morgan W. Bunch Mrs. Elizabeth B. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. James E. Burgess The Rev. Sidney M. Burgess and Dr. N. Melissa Tate

The Rev. Margaret Burnett Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns The Rev. Catherine Neelly Burton and Mr. John P. Burton Dr. Ella F. Busby The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Busey Mrs. Jimmie M. Byal The Rev. John D. Campbell, Jr. Dr. Kelly D. Campbell Mrs. A. Leigh Campbell-Taylor and Mr. Clark Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Candler, Jr. Ms. Anne G. Carey Dr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Carpenter The Rev. Jennifer Sumner Carswell Dr. Michael E. Chang Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Chapman Mrs. Roberta L. Childress Judge Martha C. and Mr. George R. Christian The Rev. Molly C. and Mr. Colquitt I. Clark III Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mrs. Marjorie M. Claytor Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cleek Dr. and Mrs. Eldon V. Clemans Ms. Mary N. Cobb* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Coburn The Rev. Franklin D. Colclough, Sr. The Rev. Ernestine B. Cole Mrs. Beverly B. Collins Ms. Phyllis B. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lester H. Comee, Jr. Mr. Douglas D. Connah, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Connolly The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Pemberton I. Cooley III Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Coon Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Cooper The Rev. Mary Jane K. and Mr. Gary A. Cornell Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cousar Dr. and Mrs. W. Franklin Covington The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Craig Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craven Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Cross Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Curran The Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Daffin The Revs. Mary D.P. and David J. D’Alessio Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. David The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Davis The Rev. E. Rebecca Davis Mrs. Jane P. Davis Ms. Linda K. Davis The Rev. Kay A. Davis-Dudding and Mr. Fred Dudding Ms. April A. Deal Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Dean Mr. and Mrs. D. Barry Delozier Ms. Lois E. Dickey Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Dirvin Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Dorman Dr. Barbara D. and Mr. Lou J. Douglass Mr. Clarke B. Dowling Dr. Philip W. Dunford The Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Durham Mr. and Mrs. J. Frazer Durrett, Jr. The Rev. Martha M. and Mr. Paul E. Ebel The Rev. Bobbie F. Epting

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Mrs. Iris H. Eskew The Rev. Katherine S. Evans Mrs. Ande Evers Mr. Richard D. Ezell and Mr. J. Michael Morgan Dr. and Mrs. L. Franklin Fant, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fitze The Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Floyd The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Foil, Jr. Mrs. Mary F. Forbes Reed Dr. and Mrs. Leighton S. Ford Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Fossett, Jr. The Revs. Katherine and Andrew Foster Connors Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frampton Dr. and Mrs. James T. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Friese* Dr. and Mrs. Simeon B. Fulcher The Rev. Lauren L. Furr-Vancini and Mr. Jeffrey T. Vancini Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Gahan* Dr. and Mrs. T. Schley Gatewood, Jr. Kay and Phil Gehman Ms. Barbara Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gignilliat, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gillander, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie IV Dr. and Mrs. John J. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Goodman Mr. Braxton L. Goodrich The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Googe Dr. Cheryl A. Gosa Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grant-Dooley Dr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Griffin Ms. Kelly K. Gunter* Ms. Diane S. Hader The Rev. and Mrs. W. Hugh Hamilton III Dr. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Hankins Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larron C. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harriss Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Hartman Dr. T. Fleetwood Hassell Ms. Martha L. Hatcher Mrs. Sally W. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Hay Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hay The Revs. Marilyn T. and Ingram P. Hedgpeth Dr. and Mrs. Armand E. Hendee Drs. Robert W. and Suzanne W. Henderson The Rev. Nancy M. Hendrix* The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Henning, Jr. The Rev. Carolyn K. and Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Norman W. Hibbard Drs. Peggy C. Hinds and Mark D. Hinds Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hinkle* The Rev. Maryellen S. and Mr. Glenn P. Hittel Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hodges Ms. Vivian J. Hodo Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Holaday, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Holcombe The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Holmes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Hood, Jr. Dr. Thomas W. Horton, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Howe The Rev. and Mrs. Gary E. Howell Dr. and Mrs. James H. Huffaker VANTAGE Fall 2015


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Hufford II Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Huh Mr. John E. Huie The Rev. Scott W. Huie The Rev. and Mrs. C. William Hull Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hull Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley The Rev. Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huss, Jr. The Rev. Dawn Martin Hyde and Mr. Timothy A. Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Inman The Rev. and Mrs. James H. Irwin, Jr. Ms. Mary C. Irwin The Rev. C. Anderson James Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Virgil W. Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Jepson The Rev. Alice A. Johnson Mrs. Betty N. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson The Rev. and Mrs. G. Wallace Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnston Mr. David E. Jones Dr. and Mrs. G. William Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jones, Jr. Mr. W. Seaborn Jones Mrs. Mary Jane Jordan Dr. Eun-Gee Jun Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Dr. and Mrs. James M. Kennedy Dr. Sandra M. and Mr. David L. Kern Dr. Myong Sun Kim and the Rev. Michael W. Woods The Revs. Melissa L. McNair-King and Andrew P. King Drs. Barrie M. and Randal V. Kirby The Rev. and Mrs. Gerald H. Kirby Dr. Deborah A. Kirk Mrs. Myrl B. Kirstein Dr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Kropp Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Land Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Lang Mrs. Griselda N.C. and Dr. Emmanuel Y. Lartey Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Richard G. Laurens Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth Dr. and Mrs. Sheppard D. Lawrence The Revs. Caroline Leach and Gibson P. Stroupe The Rev. and Mrs. Myung Jong Lee Mrs. Coleman M. Legerton Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Lehfeldt The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg The Rev. and Mrs. W. Marvin Lindsay III The Rev. Emily Zeig Lindsey and Mr. Rodney P. Lindsey II Dr. and Mrs. J. Miller Liston The Rev. and Mrs. Clayton K. Little, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Reginald S. Lowe, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James S. Lowry Dr. John S. Lyles .†


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Mace Mrs. Elizabeth F. MacNair Ms. Louise D. Mahon Mrs. Diana W. and Mr. W. Blair Malcom Dr. and Mrs. Carl B. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John D. Massey Mrs. Jacqueline W. Mathes The Rev. M. Beecher Mathes The Rev. and Mrs. Arvie L. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. Steve A. Mays The Rev. Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Pender R. McElroy The Rev. and Mrs. William E. McElveen Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McEwen IV Ms. Jocelyn E. McKinney The Rev. Kathryn A. McLean Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Ms. Emily F. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen The Revs. Nancy E. Meehan Yao and James C. Yao Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Michael Mrs. Marjorie S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller* Dr. and Mrs. Roger G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mitchell III The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Eugene F. Monroe Mr. James H. Montgomery Ms. Mary L. Montgomery* The Rev. and Mrs. Lardner C. Moore, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Park H. Moore, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William O. Moore, Jr. Dr. Susan E. Moorefield and Mr. Ken M. Muenster Mr. J. Michael Morgan and Mr. Richard D. Ezell Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Morris The Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Moss III Dr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Murchison, Jr. Dr. Laurey H. Murphy Dr. Robert F. Murphy, Jr. Mrs. Lisa N. and Dr. Eric T. Myers Dr. Sara J. Myers and Dr. David L. Petersen Dr. and Mrs. Raj Nadella Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Nall Dr. and Mrs. William R. Neelly Drs. Wanda S. and William K. Neely The Revs. Lisa Traynham Nelson and Ron E. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Vance S. Nesbit The Rev. and Mrs. Neal A. Neuenschwander Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon Neville III Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Newman The Rev. and Mrs. A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. Drs. Melanie G. and James D. Nogalski Mr. and Mrs. Travis V. Olmert Mr. David B. Parsons and Ms. M. Theresa Ball Ms. Christopher A. Paton Mrs. Lee R. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Paul Dr. and Mrs. Mills J. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Peek The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Peters Dr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Pettit Ret./CMS and Mrs. Frank C. Phillips Mr. Walter J. Phillips Mr. Gary W. Phipps The Rev. Lori E. Pistor and Mr. Terry L. Allebaugh The Rev. Ann L. Pitman

The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Platt Dr. and Mrs. Scott M. Poole Dr. A. Lamar Potts Mr. and Mrs. John M. Preston V Judge Caryl P. Privett The Rev. Joy W. Pruett The Rev. Rebecca Z. and Mr. Larry C. Purcell Ms. Joan W. Quattrocchi Ms. Linda S. Quick Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Quillian III Mr. and Mrs. James G. Rakes Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Redd* The Rev. and Mrs. Ross M. Reddick Dr. and Mrs. W. Harrison Reeves Dr. and Mrs. William T. Reinhold The Rev. Catherine Cavazos Renken and Mr. Bradley J. Renken Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rhodes Mr. Hugh Richardson, Jr. Drs. David B. and Emma Jane P. Riddle Mrs. Hilda C. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts Mrs. Mel D. Robinson Mr. Peter D. Robinson.† Mrs. Rachel R. Robinson The Rev. Libby McIntosh Rollins and Dr. David N. Rollins The Rev. Marianne McMasters Romanat and Mr. A. Kyle Romanat Mr. A. Paul Romjue Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mrs. Jervey D. Royall Dr. Lisa C. and Mr. John M. Rzepka Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mr. and Mrs. Lyndel D. Saxbury Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Schafer Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt Mrs. Mildred Schofield* Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck Mrs. Sandra J. Schrohenloher Mr. Emory A. Schwall Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Scott* Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Seaborn II Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Seelman Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp Dr. and Mrs. Angus R. Shaw III Mrs. Florence H. Shelor The Rev. and Mrs. Earle F. Sickels* Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sides Mrs. Anne J. Sims Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Ms. Judy B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Smith Dr. Steven R. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. Gray Southern Mrs. Ann M. Speer Mr. J. Wesley Starnes Mr. Mark A. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Stone The Rev. and Mrs. Cory S. Stott The Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Stribling The Revs. Caroline Leach and Gibson P. Stroupe Dr. and Mrs. James G. Stuart Mrs. Mary Beth Stuart Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sturdivant

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Dr. Augustus E. Succop III The Rev. Tina E. Sweet The Rev. Susan P. Takis Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Mrs. Patricia Talley Newbold Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Taratus Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tate III Dr. and Mrs. John G. Taylor, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Taylor The Rev. Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel and Mr. Thomas W. Teel The Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Terrell The Rev. Michelle and Mr. David Thomas-Bush Mrs. Katherine Thomson Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen Mrs. Diane K. and Mr. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Tillman, Jr. Mrs. Martha B. Tissington* Dr. A. Taylor Todd The Rev. Elizabeth Toland Smith and Mr. Bart Smith The Revs. Jill P. and Joel L. Tolbert Dr. Jeffery L. and Mrs. Cherlyn A. Tribble, Sr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest R. Tufft Mrs. Anne S. Turnage The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Mr. Ian M. Turner* Dr. Chris S. Tuttle and the Rev. Carrie Rhoads Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Uthlaut* The Rev. Dr. Augusta B. Vanderbilt The Rev. Earl M. Vaughan The Rev. Hannah H. Vaughan and Mr. Norman J. Robinson Dr. Carolyn J. and Mr. Benton E. Visser The Revs. Kimberley D. and Derek A. Wadlington Dr. and Mrs. Desmond M. Walker Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Wall The Rev. and Mrs. J. Gary Waller Mr. John T. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Watkins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Watkins Mr. Donald D. Watt The Rev. J. Ed Wayland, Jr. Dr. Frank D. Weathersby The Rev. and Mrs. Clarence D. Weaver, Jr. Ms. Ruth L. Webb The Rev. Monica L. Wedlock Kilpatrick and Mr. Jonathan G. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Wellborn, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Wells, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. William W. Westlund The Rev. Karen Whelchel-Redwine Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Whitmire The Rev. Norman M. Whitney, Sr. Kenneth and Carol Wideman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wier, Jr. Mrs. Janice P. and Mr. James A. Wiesner The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev. Patricia B. Willard Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Williams The Rev. and Mrs. Reginald C. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williamson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Wilson Dr. Myong Sun Kim and the Rev. Michael W. Woods

The Rev. and Mrs. Jia De Wu Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wubbena, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William Yoo The Rev. and Mrs. Samuel T. Young The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. Youngblood



O r g a n i z at io n s

ARCHE, Atlanta, GA Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA* Bowling Green Presbyterian Church, Bowling Green, SC* Buntyn Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN* Collierville Presbyterian Church, Collierville, TN* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dawson Presbyterian Church, Dawson, GA Dunnellon Presbyterian Church, Dunnellon, FL* Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Stone Mountain, GA* Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Fayette Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, GA* Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Athens, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Chipley, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC* First Presbyterian Church, Dadeville, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Decatur, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Florence, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Inverness, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* First Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta, GA* Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC* Fort Gaines Presbyterian Church, Fort Gaines, GA* Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC* Good Hope Presbyterian Church, Iva, SC* Korean Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine, FL* Monticello Presbyterian Church, Monticello, GA* New Hope Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Northminster Presbyterian Church, Macon, GA Northminster Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA* Oakmont Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL* Old Brick Presbyterian Church, Muscle Shoals, AL* Parkway Presbyterian Church, Panama City, FL Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL* Peace Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, Forest Park, GA* Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* Rivermont Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TN* Rock Spring Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA* Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC* Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* South Alabama Presbytery, Daphne, AL* St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL* Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Longmont, CO Tallapoosa Presbyterian Church, Tallapoosa, GA* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Surfside Beach, SC* United Presbyterian Church, Sandersville, MS Westminster Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, AL* Ysabel Odom Sunday School Class, Newnan, GA

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Community Foundation of West Alabama North Georgia Psychotherapy, P.C.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 to $99.99 I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Normer M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bond Almand Ms. Margaret I. Alsup Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Anderson The Rev. Jaina W. Anderson Glaze and Mr. Phillip Glaze Dr. and Mrs. David B. Antonson Mrs. Jane L. and Mr. Michael D. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Arnold The Rev. Joe P. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ashurst Mr. Richard J. Astalos Mrs. Marilyn B. Ault Ms. Carolyn J. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ayers, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ball Dr. and Mrs. James B. Bankhead, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Barks, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. D. Clyde Bartges Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Bates, Jr. Ms. Martha J. Becker* The Rev. Ridgley I. Beckett Dr. and Mrs. David M. Bender Mr. James M. Bicknell.† Mrs. Judy D. Bicknell Mr. and Mrs. Norris E. Birchfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blackwell Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Bomar, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Marion B. Boozer The Rev. Scarlette K. and Mr. Bob H. Bostick The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard G. Boswell The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Boyer Ms. Gladys P. Bracy* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Bradshaw Mr. John L. Brady The Rev. Cynthia W. and Mr. Craig A. Brasher Ms. Debbie L. Bray* The Rev. and Mrs. Ladson M. Brearley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenner Mrs. Berney M. Bridges The Rev. Margaret B. and Mr. William L. Brinck Ms. Carolyn H. Broady* Mrs. Carolyn S. Brooks Mr. James C. Brown Mrs. Marylyn B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brueggemann Ms. June A. Buechner* Mrs. Gretta W. Burns* The Rev. and Mrs. David A. Bush Mrs. Ann G. Bussey* The Rev. Constance M. Button Ms. Mildred P. Cabbage The Rev. and Mrs. J. Reid Cameron The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Campbell Mr. W. Curtis Campbell Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Candler III Mr. M. Douglas Carlson Bert and Kaye Carmichael The Rev. Katherine L. Carpenter and Dr. James C. Klagge Mrs. Catherine W. Carter VANTAGE Fall 2015


Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Castner Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman The Rev. Frank K. Chapo Mr. Miguel A. Chavez Mr. James E. Cheeks, Jr. Ms. Faye J. Chiles Ms. Barbara R. Clark Dr. and Mrs. David L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clayton Ms. Allison P. Cochran Mrs. Jane F. Cofer Dr. David D. Colby and Ms. Laura A. Clay Mrs. Marimae Coleman* Mr. and Mrs. David C. Colwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Colwell The Rev. and Mrs. Jerry F. Conner, Jr. Ms. Mary V. Conner The Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Conner Mr. and Mrs. William A. Coombs* Mr. and Mrs. F. Dean Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Corlew Ms. Miriam G. Craig Mr. Robert L. Craigmile Ms. Barbara A. Crenshaw Dr. and Mrs. James K. Crutchfield Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cushman, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. Ms. Gloria W. Davis Dr. Jannar W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Deer, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Susan L. DeHoff Dr. and Mrs. J. Jey Deifell, Jr. The Rev. E. Peter Denlea Drs. Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover Mrs. Jean P. Dennis Ms. Anna K. Dickson The Rev. Andrew J. Ditzel Ms. Pauline E. Doty Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Dowd, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy M. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Worth Duderstadt Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dunaway The Rev. Erica E. Durham Mrs. Nancy T. Edenfield* Ms. Sarah Gay Edwards Dr. Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Elkind Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Elliott* Mr. and Mrs. Don Elrod Dr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Evans Dr. David W. Fahner Mr. William J. Farrar The Rev. Debra D. Feagin Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fenton The Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. The Rev. Kaye L. and Dr. Joseph A. Florence The Rev. Catherine E. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Franchot


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Ms. Julie R. Frith The Rev. Joseph E. Gamble The Rev. and Mrs. W. Mark George The Rev. William M. Gettys Mr. Alvin F. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gillespie, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gilreath Mrs. Ann H. Gisch Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gordon The Rev. G. Everett Gossett Mr. Everett E. Gourley, Jr. Ms. Michelle D. Graham Ms. Louella L. Grayson* The Rev. Sharon E. and Mr. John K. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grier Mrs. Venise G. Grier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Griffis Colonel Thomas C. Grissom Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hair Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hallford Ms. Mary A. Hammett* Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hammond* The Rev. Stephanie Coble Hankins and Dr. C. Davis Hankins Mr. and Mrs. E. Victor Hanson Mrs. Ann T. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Harrison The Rev. and Mrs. Abel M. Hart Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher The Rev. and Mrs. Bill R. Havens The Rev. and Mrs. William V. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hawks The Rev. Linda W. and Mr. Charles W. Hawthorne Ms. Roberta S. Henry The Rev. Paul D. Henschen and Ms. Susan A. Simle Mrs. Ann J. Herman Mr. Gerald H. Hess Mrs. Mary D. Hicks Mrs. Gladys C. Hiles Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill Dr. J. Richard Hobson Mrs. Nancy C. Hollingsworth The Rev.† and Mrs. James E. Hollis, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lewis E. Holmes The Rev. J. Barron Hopper, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. Horel Mrs. George A. Horkan, Jr.* The Rev. and Mrs. R. Eugene Horne, Jr. Mr. John R. Hornick and Ms. Betty R. Bacon The Revs. Wilbur H. and Michele L. Howie Drs. William R. and Sara L. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hughes Mrs. Barbara S. Hull Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. George B. Hutchins The Rev. and Mrs. Seong Cheol Im The Rev. and Mrs. William T. Iverson Mrs. Carole H. Ivey Dr. Sarah E. Jackson* Mr. Jonathan H. Jacobs and Ms. Elizabeth C. Sams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Janes The Rev. and Mrs. Young Chul Jeon Mr. and Mrs. Haney R. Jones, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Jones Colonel and Mrs. LaVert W. Jones* Mrs. Linda P. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Walk C. Jones IV Dr. Winona M. Jones-DuCille

Dr. David M. Jordan and Ms. Elizabeth Jackson-Jordan The Rev. Christine T. and Dr. Daniel Kaplunas Ms. Edna R. Kapsch* Mrs. Barbara T. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kemp III The Rev. Shannon J. and Mr. Gregory J. Kershner Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kight Dr. Sarah W. and Mr. Andrew K. Kim Dr. Bernice W. and Mr. Darryl E. Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kirkus* The Rev. R. Courtney Krueger The Rev. Laura L. Kuster The Rev. Sandra E. and Mr. Michael W. Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Laird Ms. Tammy L. Lane The Rev. Connie S. and Mr. Gentle G. Lee Ms. Julie E. Lehman and the Rev. Michael J. Poulos Dr. and Mrs. Errol E. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas K. Lewis III Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley Mrs. Diane D. Leyburn* Dr. and Mrs. Tod A. Linafelt Mrs. Mary Caroline Lindsay Dr. and Mrs. M.T. Dean Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Locey* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Looper Ms. Carolyn Y. Lord Mrs. Andrea G. Luke Ms. Elizabeth M. Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lyles III Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mann Ms. Julia D. Markley Mrs. Thelma C. Marshall* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Dr. and Mrs. John K. McCallum, Jr. Dr. Clyde T. McCants Dr. James W. McCormack Mr. David S. McCowen Dr. and Mrs. Anthony W. McDade Ms. Elizabeth W. McDonald Dr. George H. and the Rev. Barbara B. McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Elliott W. McElroy Dr. and Mrs. Matthew M. McGowan Dr. and Mrs. Sam Evans McGregor, Jr. Mrs. Kathryn M. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McKemie Mrs. Anne T. McKinley* The Rev. and Mrs. Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. Dr. Larry R. McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Medford Ms. Joy E. Menefee Dr. and Mrs. David B. Miller Dr. Gordon C. Miller Mrs. Leigh Ann and Mr. Philip E. Min Dr. T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Montanez Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Moore, Jr. Dr. Albert Ben Moravitz Dr. and Mrs. John B. Morgan III Dr. Linda S. and Mr. Paul M. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Dwane A. Morrison* Mrs. Martha W. Morrow Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morthland Mr. and Mrs. Candler A. Murphey Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Murphy Dr. Spencer C. Murray Mrs. Elizabeth M. Neil

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Columbia Gift Societies

Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Nellis* Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newsome Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Nickle Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Oluwamuyiwa A. Ogunmoyero Mr. Richard A. Oliver, Sr. and Ms. Marjorie H. Anderson* Dr. and Mrs. William D. O’Neal Dr. Rhonda J. O’Reilly The Rev. and Mrs. Daniel B. Parker Mr. Thomas K. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Pearce, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Peebles Dr. William J. Pendergrast Dr. and Mrs. Grady J. Perryman Dr. Martha Jane and the Rev. Harry F. Petersen III The Rev. and Mrs. Lyle W. Peterson Dr. Harry W. Philips Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Phillips The Rev. and Mrs. William G. Phipps Mrs. Katherine L. Potter* Ms. Julie E. Lehman and the Rev. Michael J. Poulos Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Dr. and Mrs. George K. Preston III Mr. and Mrs. James C. Price Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Prout Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Punnett Mrs. Patricia F. Randolph* The Rev. and Mrs. John M. Reagan, Jr. The Rev. Greta S. Reed Dr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Reid Ms. Nancy L. Reimer Ms. Devon M. Reynolds Dr. Jeanne C. and the Rev. Jeffry L. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. P. David Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Clifford L. Rigby Mr. John A. Robinson, Jr. The Revs. Judith Gabel Roeling and Ted W. Roeling The Rev. and Mrs. David W. Rogers Mrs. Sara H. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Beryl G. Rosenberger Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Rourk Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Rowland* Mrs. Hayden S. Sams The Rev. Thirza C. Sayers The Rev. Merritt Nickinson Schatz and Mr. Noel R. Schatz Ms. Ruth M. Seadler Dr. and Mrs. Rex R. Selters Dr. and Mrs. George P. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shell Dr. James C. Shelton Dr. Anne T. and Mr. William S. Sherren The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Dr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Slagle Ms. Betty G. Slater* Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Smith The Rev. and Mrs. Donald W. Smith The Rev. M. Joy Smith and Mr. Charles R. Paulson

Mr. and Mrs. H. Carlton Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stack Mrs. Ann F. Starks Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stauffacher Dr. Linda T. and Mr. Gary D. Steber Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart* Ms. Penelope D. Stokes-Hall* The Rev. and Mrs. Bert C. Swearingen Ms. Nellie S. Swensen* The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall Mrs. Elizabeth A. Swink Mrs. Cynthia S. Tarrant The Rev. and Mrs. David H. Tart III Dr. and Mrs. L. Jackson Taylor Mrs. Caye W. Teegarden Mrs. Jo Anne W. Thach* The Revs. Tricia Dillon Thomas and Clayton A. Thomas Mrs. Angee Thompson Ms. Elizabeth R. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Elmore C. Thrash, Jr. Mrs. Doris S. Tippens Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Topple Mrs. Meredith E. and Mr. Robert Torre The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend Ms. Constance W. Treloar Mrs. Elizabeth R. Trulock The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Tyre Mr. and Mrs. Rex O. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson* Dr. Christine B. Vogel Dr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Voye Dr. and Mrs. G. Oliver Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Bart Walker Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Walkup* Mr. and Mrs. Marcus H. Wall The Rev. Peter M. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. James A. Ward, Jr. Ms. Loida G. Waters Drs. Thomas J. and Julia S. Watkins Mrs. Joy B. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. C. Geoffrey Weirich* The Rev. John E. Westlund, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whittington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Williams, Jr. Ms. Margaret C. Williams* Dr. and Mrs. William W. Williamson, Jr. The Rev. and Mrs. Don L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Wilson Mrs. Jane L. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson Mrs. Sandra R. Winslett* The Rev. and Mrs. Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. Ms. Virginia B. Wohlford Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Woodmansee Mr. and Mrs. John W. Woods Mr. and Mrs. James P. Worden* Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Yancey Dr. Beth Yarborough and Mr. Mike G. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael York

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant



O r g a n i z at io n s

Arlington Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Behavioral Specialists LLC, Peachtree City, GA Blountville Presbyterian Church, Blountville, TN* Booneville Presbyterian Church, Booneville, MS* Boston Presbyterian Church, Boston, GA* Cahaba Springs Presbyterian Church, Trussville, AL* Christ Presbyterian Church, Ormond Beach, FL* Christ Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* Cold Springs Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN* Community Presbyterian Church, Atlantic Beach, FL* Covenant Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA* Faith Presbyterian Church, Canton, GA* Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Canton, MS* First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Cullman, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Fernandina Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Fort Walton Beach, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, TN First Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Lynn Haven, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Piedmont, AL* First Presbyterian Church, Port Charlotte, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Somerville, TN* First Presbyterian Church, Starke, FL* First Presbyterian Church, Thomaston, GA* First Presbyterian Church, Williston, FL* First-Trinity Presbyterian Church, Laurel, MS* Fort King Presbyterian Church, Ocala, FL* Glen Leven Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN* Government Street Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Grace Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, FL* Heritage Presbyterian Church, Acworth, GA* Hillside Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC* Kingston Presbyterian Church, Conway, SC Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, Kennesaw, GA* Lake Shore Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL* Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL McDowell Presbyterian Church, Greeleyville, SC* Montgomery Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA* Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church, Sandy Springs, SC* Murray Hill Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA* Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Port Orange Presbyterian Church, Port Orange, FL* Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection, Conyers, GA Providence Presbytery, Rock Hill, SC* Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cocoa Beach, FL* Second Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL* Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, McCalla, AL* St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA* Thursday Study Club, Fairforest, SC Timmonsville Presbyterian Church, Timmonsville, SC* Transylvania Presbytery, Lexington, KY* Trinity Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL* Tropical Florida Presbytery, Pompano Beach, FL* Washington Presbyterian Church, Washington, GA* Western North Carolina Presbytery, Morganton, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL* Woodland Presbyterian Church of Quincy, Gretna, FL*

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Giving By Classes




Earle P. Barron, Jr. CS Gerald L. Bell, Jr. CS Frank K. Chapo TG James H. Huffaker CS John H. Law WW Clayton K. Little, Jr. CS G. Daniel McCall, Sr. AL William O. Moore, Jr. CS

Robert L. Ashworth CS Ewell C. Black, Jr.† CS J. Reid Cameron TG J. Harley Chapman TG Richard A. Cushman, Sr. TG R. Eugene Horne, Jr. TG Mary Jane Jordan CS David A. Long III TG Richard W. Paddon WM James T. Richardson WW Robert E. Smith WW Bert C. Swearingen TG David H. Tart III TG Frank D. Weathersby CS Don L. Wilson TG

Alumni/ae names are listed by year of first degree only.

D. Clyde Bartges TG

Teddis H. Beasley, Jr.† WW Robert S. Busey CS Kenneth P. Craig CS Archie Davis† CS Richard A. Dodds CS Lewis S. Hay CS Cyrus S. Mallard, Jr. WW William D. O’Neal TG





Presidents’ Society

J. Phillips Noble WM

Malcolm M. Bullock AL Dan A. Dunaway WM Leighton S. Ford CS William F. Lee WM

Wyatt M. Aiken, Jr. AL Stephen A. Bacon AL James W. Beaty CS G. Everett Gossett TG Gary E. Howell CS Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. TG Robert G. Newman CS Thomas R. Roddy WM Robert V. Sturdivant CS


$15,000 or more

1946 PM Peter Marshall Society $5,000 – $14,999

WM William Marcellus McPheeters Society $1,000 – $4,999

Wade P. Huie, Jr.† AL Lyle W. Peterson TG

1947 John W. Craven CS


Woodrow Wilson Society



$500 – $999

J. Eade Anderson WW Park H. Moore, Jr. CS



Agnes Law Society

J. Calvin Chesnutt WW Albert G. Harris, Jr. AL Charles L. Moffatt WW

$250 – $499

CS Charles Stillman Society $100 – $249

TG Thomas and Anne Holbrook Goulding Society $10 – $99

1952 William A. Crosland† AL Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. TG William R. Hoyt TG William T. Iverson TG Richard G. Laurens CS Matthew M. McGowan TG John M. Reagan, Jr. TG James G. Stuart† CS J. Ed Wayland, Jr. CS Samuel T. Young CS

1953 Philip W. Dunford CS Abel M. Hart TG Roy W. Hicks WW Douglas W. Hix AL John R. Hornick TG Robert L. Montgomery AL Lardner C. Moore, Sr. CS Spencer C. Murray TG William M. Schotanus WM Ernest R. Tufft CS


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Kenneth E. Boyer TG John D. Campbell, Jr. CS William F. Henning, Jr. CS Robert F. Hunt AL Gerald H. Kirby CS

Thomas W. Horton, Jr. CS

John T. McCrea AL



1957 Frank M. Brown CS Joseph W. Conyers, Jr. CS Robert S. Dendy AL George H. Fitzgerald AL Irwin P. Gates, Jr.† AL C.J. Hammet, Sr.† WM Robert H. Hull CS Glen F. Hutchison WW William F. Shouse WM

1958 Gary D. Barber, Sr. CS Gordon C. Campbell TG Robert L. Conner TG Fred W. McDaniel, Jr. CS Mills J. Peebles CS Harry F. Petersen III TG Harry W. Philips TG Angus R. Shaw III CS Sefton B. Strickland, Jr. WM Edwin G. Townsend TG G. Dana Waters III WM

1959 Herbert B. Barks, Jr. TG Robert W. Boston CS John R. Bradshaw WW Ladson M. Brearley, Sr. TG James T. Frazier CS George B. Hutchins TG Eugene B. Norris TG Roland P. Perdue III WW Lawrence H. Richards TG J. Gary Waller CS Clarence D. Weaver, Jr. CS

1962 Harry M. Ferguson, Jr. TG George D. Harper, Jr. AL Wayne W. Hoffmann CS Ray A. Howe CS Clyce H. Hurst, Jr. CS Calvin W. Kropp CS Robert M. Lewis, Sr. AL A. Cecil Moore, Jr. WM Robert R. Morris WM Bobby E. Pettit CS Beryl G. Rosenberger TG John G. Taylor, Jr. CS

1963 Robert L. Armistead CS C. Frank Beall CS Charles C. Bovee CS Ann W. Bullard CS Jerry F. Conner, Jr. TG Martin L. Harkey, Jr. CS S. Edwin Lewis WW William E. McElveen CS Clifford L. Rigby TG William D. Russell WW Dorothy D. Smith WW L. Jackson Taylor TG Morris A. Taylor CS

1964 Elizabeth H. Ball TG Martha M. Blount AL James E. Bowden AL M. McCoy Franklin WW Simeon B. Fulcher CS A. Stuart Nickles, Jr. CS Jack C. Oates III AL Rex R. Selters TG Norman M. Whitney, Sr. CS Alex W. Williams CS Robert A. Wilson TG

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

1966 Anonymous CS David B. Antonson TG Joe P. Arnold TG William V. Arnold CS Joseph W. Berry CS T. Erskine Clarke CS J. Jey Deifell, Jr. TG Joseph S. Harvard III WM C. William Hull CS James S. Lowry CS Elliott W. McElroy TG Donald W. Smith TG Earl M. Vaughan CS William W. Westlund CS Daniel E. Youngblood CS

1967 William R. Barron WW Bert K. Carmichael III TG Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. WW Joseph E. Gamble TG Robert H. Horel TG Mac Irvin AL J. Miller Liston CS Robert O. Moss III CS H. Gudger Nichols, Jr. AL Robert P. Piephoff AL George K. Preston III TG

1968 John S. Bacot, Sr. TG Juventino R. Ballesteros CS Marion B. Boozer TG Leonard G. Boswell TG R. Leon Carroll, Jr. WM Philip R. Gehman CS William G. Phipps TG Thomas A. Sizemore TG G. Doug Slagle TG John E. Westlund, Sr. TG

1969 Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. WW Lester H. Comee, Jr. CS James M. Kennedy CS P. David Reynolds TG

† Raised to the Church Triumphant






James B. Bankhead, Jr. TG John J. Gleason CS Bill R. Havens TG William C. Hunt, Jr.† AL G. William Jones, Jr. CS Cecil B. Murphey WM Robert C. Wilkes, Jr. CS Eugene D. Witherspoon, Jr. TG

J. Steve Rhodes WW Gibson P. Stroupe CS Joyce C. Tucker AL

Buren Blankenship CS Richard H. Brooks WM Richard T. Gillespie IV CS W. Hugh Hamilton III CS Cliff H. McLeod, Jr. TG William B. Wade, Jr. AL

Normer M. Adams TG Paul D. Henschen TG J. Barron Hopper, Jr. TG T. Jeffreys Mitchiner, Jr. TG A. Don Robb III AL William J. Tyre TG David D. Weitnauer WM

Sharon K. Core AL Michael L. Fitze CS Errol E. Leslie TG Tod A. Linafelt TG Eric T. Myers CS Charles Livingston Newton WM Margaret R. Northen WM Greta S. Reed TG Harold M. Stone CS

1971 Ronald A. Botsford CS Wayne D. Griffin CS G. Wallace Johnson CS John W. Larson WW Tommie G. Malone AL John K. McCallum, Jr. TG Kenneth J. Terrell CS Jim Watkins CS

1972 J. Ernie Johnson WW Gene Lassiter CS Caroline Leach CS David E. Swindall TG

1973 E. Victor Hanson TG William J. Holmes, Jr. CS William P. Lancaster, Jr. CS Richard P. Neldon AL J. Mark Wilburn AL

1974 Fahed L. Abu-Akel CS Harry H. Barrow AL William B. Carr, Jr. WW S. E. Fairleigh WM Sheppard D. Lawrence CS A. Lamar Potts CS

1976 Joan S. Gray WM Winona M. Jones-DuCille TG William O. Nisbet, Jr. WM Cary G. Speaker WM R. Michael Winters III AL

1977 James H. Foil, Jr. CS Lewis E. Holmes TG Gerald P. Jenkins CS Alice A. Johnson CS M. Thomas Norwood, Jr. TG R. Scott Woodmansee TG

1978 Anonymous AL Paul O. Ard, Jr. CS Anna L. Case-Winters AL Virginia Simmons Ellis AL William A. Jokela WW George H. McDonald TG Walter W. Peters CS James I. St. John AL Sally-Lodge Henderson Teel CS

1979 Joanna M. Adams WM Cheryl A. Gosa CS Jasper N. Keith, Jr. WW Lib McGregor Simmons WM


Partners In Ministry (PIM) events are being planned for multiple locations over the next couple of years. With decreasing support from

denominational sources, we are connecting with alumni and key donors to build up the Annual Fund which supports student scholarships. Let us know if you would like to host a PIM event for your area.

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

1981 Janet Ann Briscoe WW Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. WM Mary Jane K. Cornell CS Michael A. Daffin CS Robert F. Murphy, Jr. CS Stephen R. Vance AL

1982 David J. Bailey CS J. Kim Crutchfield TG Donald R. Frampton CS Norman W. Hibbard CS John A. Hunter CS Randal V. Kirby CS Rebekah A. Maul WW Laurey H. Murphy CS Grady J. Perryman TG Harry H. Phillips TG Janice P. Wiesner CS

1987 Curry W. Davis, Jr. TG Adlai C. Holler, Jr. AL W. Douglas Hood CS Clyde T. McCants TG William F. McKissack WW Stephen R. Nickle TG Gail R. Perkins CS Jeri Parris Perkins WW Martha Jane Petersen TG Robert P. Reno AL Frederick H. Talbot CS Karen Whelchel-Redwine CS Jennifer S. Whitaker AL


Sara C. Juengst AL Lawrence M. Peebles TG

Anonymous TG Clyde L. Carter WM Pemberton I. Cooley III CS Pauline E. Doty TG Charles C. Heyward, Sr. CS M. Joy Smith TG Dean R. Strong AL




Frank L. Arnold TG Kimberly L. Clayton WM Jon M. Coon CS Robert S. Hay AL Walter M. Jones, Jr. WM Daniel B. Parker TG James W. Platt CS Scott M. Poole CS Raymond R. Roberts CS Merritt Nickinson Schatz TG Kathryn E. Thoresen CS Charles C. Williamson CS Richard B. Wilson TG

1985 Mary G. Amos WM David A. Bush TG Julie M. Cline AL Martha J. Clinkscales WW Jannar W. Davis TG C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. CS Robert F. Inman CS William L. Jenkins, Jr. WM Wanda S. Neely CS Vance S. Nesbit CS R. Page Shelton WW Gerald L. Voye TG

R. Jerome Boone CS William J. Connolly CS Jean L. Davidson AL Richard I. Deibert AL E. Peter Denlea TG Susan L. Denne TG Lina Robinson Hart WM J. Richard Hobson TG Ramon E. Hunt AL Arvie L. Maynard CS Steve A. Mays CS Judith Gabel Roeling TG Samuel F. Rutland WW Bradley D. Smith WW Augusta B.Vanderbilt CS Thomas W. Walker WM

1990 Susan L. BoardmanMcKissack WW Sidney M. Burgess CS David L. Clark TG Elizabeth M. Deibert AL W. Mark George TG Wilbur H. Howie, Jr. TG Tammy L. Lane TG Douglas S. McLeroy AL Joan W. Quattrocchi CS Martha C. Sexton WW Earl J. Smith CS

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

1992 Anonymous CS W. Franklin Covington CS David J. D’Alessio CS Mary D. P. D’Alessio CS Kay A. Davis-Dudding CS Julie E. Lehman TG M. Beecher Mathes CS Sam E. McGregor, Jr. TG Susan E. Moorefield CS Lisa N. Myers CS Lisa Traynham Nelson CS Neal A. Neuenschwander CS Lori E. Pistor CS Michael J. Poulos TG Robert A. Stauffacher TG

1993 Richard C. Atkerson WW Carol T. Bender CS J. Malcolm Brownlee, Jr. AL Katherine L. Carpenter TG E. Jones Doughton TG Martha M. Ebel CS Richard D. Hawks TG Linda W. Hawthorne TG Paul H. Lang CS Carl B. (Jake) Marshall CS Ron E. Nelson CS Ann L. Pitman CS Jeffry L. Reynolds TG Patricia L. Senterfitt WW Donald E. Stribling CS Walter B. Tennyson, Jr. CS C. Arthur Wall CS

1994 Kathy L. Dawson WM Barbara D. Douglass CS Craig N. Goodrich AL Robert G. Googe CS Peggy (Owens) Hinds CS Scott W. Huie CS W. Marvin Lindsay III CS John R. Ragsdale II WM Jeanne C. Reynolds TG Michelle Thomas-Bush CS Thomas J. Watkins TG William W. Williamson, Jr. TG

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Giving By Classes




Connie S. Lee TG Paige M. McRight WW Carrie Rhoads Tuttle CS

Jane L. Armstrong TG Ryan J. Baer WW Frank M. Eldridge AL Morgan M. Hay WW Laura L. Kuster TG Sandra E. Lacey TG Melanie G. Nogalski CS Nicholas K. Reed WW Catherine Cavazos Renken CS Jill P. Tolbert CS Carolyn J. Visser CS Kimberley D. Wadlington CS Monica L. Wedlock Kilpatrick CS

Carrie Bowers Barnes CS Tara W. Bulger AL Mary Kathleen Duncan AL Alexander W. Evans TG Eun-Gee Jun CS Christine T. Kaplunas TG Nancy C. Kinzer WW Kathryn E. Owen WW Ross M. Reddick CS John D. Shillingburg AL Rebecca S. Shillingburg AL Andrew C. Whaley AL Khalia Jelks Williams AL

2003 1995


David E. Betts CS Frank I. Blankinship III AL Benjamin S. Booth CS Margaret B. Brinck TG Eleana M. Garrett PM Ingram P. Hedgpeth CS Deborah A. Kirk CS Larry R. McQueen TG Joy W. Pruett CS Stephen C. Robertson AL John A. Schmidt CS James C. Shelton TG Ernest T. Thompson III AL Jia De Wu CS

Anonymous TG Jocelyn C. Bauer P Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton WW Laura A. Cunningham WW C. Annette Graham AL Carolyn K. Heyward CS Walk C. Jones IV TG Roger G. Miller CS H. Scott Ramsey WW Jan Stewart-Tolbert AL J. Alexander Ward, Jr. TG

1996 Anonymous WM Ernest A. Alema-Mensah CS Constance M. Button TG Molly C. Clark CS Katherine S. Evans CS Louly F. Hay PM Marilyn T. Hedgpeth CS Robert W. Henderson CS Nancy M. Hendrix CS Thomas K. Lewis III TG Diana W. Malcom CS Earle F. Sickels CS

1997 Margaret Burnett CS M. Becky Burton WM Christine K. Dungan WM Erica E. Durham TG Sandy Hill AL Linda P. Jones TG Jacqueline H. Lindberg CS Kathryn A. McLean CS John B. Morgan III TG William T. Reinhold CS David N. Rollins CS Libby McIntosh Rollins CS Marianne McMasters Romanat CS Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. CS Hannah H. Vaughan CS


VANTAGE Fall 2015

1999 John R. Cook AL Susannah A. Cook AL Carol L. DiGiusto CS Richard A. Floyd CS Lauren L. Furr-Vancini CS Caroline M. Kelly AL Gregory J. Kershner TG Shannon J. Kershner TG Laury W. Larson AL Linda S. Morgan TG Dennis E. Reid TG M. Beth Yarborough TG

Cynthia M. Benz WW David L. Boumgarden CS Sarah F. Erickson WW Elizabeth C. Goodrich PM David M. Jordan TG R. Courtney Krueger TG Rebekah Close LeMon AL J. Daniel Montanez TG Joseph G. Moore, Jr. TG Laurel D. Nelson WW Rhonda J. O’Reilly TG Pendleton B. Peery AL Ian C. Punnett TG R. Millie Snyder WM Susan P. Takis CS Christopher S. Tuttle CS James W. Wells, Jr. CS

2004 John C. Brearley CS Janet N. Carter WW L. Franklin Fant, Jr. CS Thomas L. Griffis TG Walter M. Hall III WM Tina E. Sweet CS John V. Weicher WW


2000 Robert M. Alexander CS Royce W. Ballard CS Susan D. Buell CS Ella F. Busby CS E. Rebecca Davis CS David W. Fahner TG Guy D. Griffith AL Cynthia M. Montgomery AL Augustus E. Succop III CS

Jaina W. Anderson Glaze TG C. Davis Hankins TG Leah R. Hrachovec AL C. Anderson James CS Young Chul Jeon TG Albert B. Moravitz TG Clayton A. Thomas TG Joel L. Tolbert CS Christine B. Vogel TG Laurie Taylor Weicher WW


2001 David M. Bender TG Cynthia W. Brasher TG Christopher L. Crotwell AL Linda K. Davis CS Andrew Foster Connors CS Katherine Foster Connors CS William V. Hawkins TG Barbara P. Jordan AL Bettina B. Kilburn WW Myung Jong Lee CS James W. McCormack TG Anthony W. McDade TG Sandra E. Monroe CS J. Ronald Wilson CS

Dorothy T. Blackwelder WM Russell S. Blackwelder WM Scarlette K. Bostick TG Karen R. Dukes WM Kaye L. Florence TG Stephanie Coble Hankins TG Sharol R. Hayner P Susan M. Heafield WW Maryellen S. Hittel CS David B. Miller TG John R. Richardson AL Mindy S. Serafin AL Cory S. Stott CS Tricia Dillon Thomas TG Derek A. Wadlington CS G. Oliver Wagner TG Patricia B. Willard CS Michael W. Woods CS

2008 Anonymous WM Amy L. Baer WW Richard N. Baxter WW Catherine Neelly Burton CS David D. Colby TG Debra D. Feagin TG Marcella A. Glass AL Andrew K. Kim TG Andrew P. King CS Emily Zeig Lindsey CS H. Gray Southern CS

2009 Christie L. Ashton WM Mary Lynn Dell WM Diane L. Duane AL Sandra K. Hedrick WM Barrie M. Kirby CS Bernice W. Kirkland TG Nancy Meehan Yao CS David W. Rogers TG Thirza C. Sayers TG R. Paul Sherwood, Sr. AL Elizabeth M. Turner CS Desmond M. Walker CS Kathryn M. Wolf Reed WW James C. Yao CS

2010 Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. TG D. Hamilton Barnes CS C. Ben Beasley CS Jennifer Sumner Carswell CS Andrew J. Ditzel TG Catherine E. Foster TG Seong Cheol Im TG Myong S. Kim CS Sarah W. Kim TG M.T. Dean Lindsey TG Melissa L. McNair-King CS Leigh Ann Min TG Linda T. Steber TG Yvonne M. Thurmond AL

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

2012 Charles H. Berthoud CS Joe Ella Darby WW Nathaniel J. Dunlap WW Dawn Martin Hyde CS Sandra M. Kern CS Sung-Joo Park WW Lisa C. Rzepka CS Paul S. Seelman CS Liz Toland Smith CS Damon P. Williams AL

2013 A. Leigh Campbell-Taylor CS Sharon E. Gregory TG

2014 Margaret I. Alsup TG Jody L. Andrade WM Jennifer Carlier WW Eldon V. Clemans CS Elizabeth M. Lyles TG Oluwamuyiwa A. Ogunmoyero TG Rebecca Z. Purcell CS

2015 Ridgley I. Beckett TG SongYin Paik WW Mary-Ellen H. Vian AL

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Memorials & Tributes

Memorials Mr. Robert W. Albright By Mrs. Linda N. Albright Mrs. Joanne Astalos By Mr. Richard J. Astalos Ms. Mary V. Conner Epiphany Lutheran Church, Conyers, GA First Baptist Church, Willing Workers Sunday School Class, Hartwell, GA Mr. and Mrs. James E. Martin Ret./CMS and Mrs. Frank C. Phillips Mr. Walter J. Phillips The Rev. Donald B. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey Mr. Richard “Dick” Baker By Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Blincow Dr. Joseph A. Blissit By Mrs. Barbara T. Keller Dr. Dewey T. Bowen By Mrs. Theodora L. Bowen The Rev. William H. Boyd By Mr. W. Howard Boyd, Jr. The Rev. Murdoch M. Calhoun By The Rev. William M. Gettys Mrs. Venise G. Grier Mrs. Angee Thompson Ms. Loida G. Waters The Rev. Howard D. Cameron By Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Hood, Jr. The Rev. William R. Childress By Mrs. Roberta L. Childress Mrs. C. Drayton Cooper, Jr. By Mrs. Sharon H. Cooper Stone The Rev. C. Drayton Cooper III By Mrs. Sharon H. Cooper Stone Dr. Charles B. Cousar By Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Anderson The Rev. and Mrs. Paul O. Ard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John S. Bacot, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. Barrow The Rev. and Mrs. Leonard G. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenner Mrs. Carolyn S. Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Ms. Susan D. Buell Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Bert and Kaye Carmichael Mrs. Catherine W. Carter Dr. and Mrs. J. Harley Chapman Mr. and Mrs. James M. Clayton Ms. Phyllis B. Collins

The Revs. Susannah A. and John R. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cousar Mrs. Elizabeth B. Cousar Dr. John B. Cousar, Jr. and Ms. Leslie L. Reed Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cousar Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Dean The Rev. Elizabeth M. and Dr. Richard I. Deibert Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Dowd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mr. and Mrs. Don Elrod The Rev. S. Elizabeth Fairleigh Kay and Phil Gehman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore Mrs. Vivian H. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hallford Ms. Roberta S. Henry The Rev. Paul D. Henschen and Ms. Susan A. Simle Mr. Gerald H. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Holcomb The Rev. and Mrs. William J. Holmes, Jr. Dr. James and the Rev. Heidi Hudnut-Beumler Dr.† and Mrs. Wade P. Huie, Jr. Mrs. Barbara S. Hull Mac and Jan Irvin Mr. Jonathan H. Jacobs and Ms. Elizabeth C. Sams Mrs. Dianne L. Johnson The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Ms. Mary Alice Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth The Rev. Jacqueline H. Lindberg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Looper Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mann Mr. James H. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Candler A. Murphey Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Murphy Mrs. Elizabeth M. Neil Dr. and Mrs. Vance S. Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. James L. Newsome Dr. and Mrs. William O. Nisbet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell Mrs. Hayden S. Sams Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls The Rev. Thirza C. Sayers Dr. and Mrs. George P. Sessions Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth The Rev. and Mrs. David E. Swindall The Rev. Susan P. Takis The Revs. Tricia Dillon Thomas and Clayton A. Thomas Ms. Elizabeth R. Thompson Dr. Kathryn E. and Mr. Thomas M. Thoresen The Revs. Jill P. and Joel L. Tolbert Dr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Topple Mr. and Mrs. Rex O. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Whittington, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Wigley Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Wilson Mrs. Emily C. Wood

Dr. Eugene L. Daniel, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. G. Wallace Johnson Dr. Ellis B. Davis, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hunter Mrs. Nancy G. Dendy By Dr. Robert S. Dendy Dr. Ludwig R. Dewitz By Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson By The Rev. Dr. Susan L. DeHoff Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dickson By The Rev. Dr. Susan L. DeHoff The Rev. Albert B. Drake By Mrs. Dorothy M. Drake Mrs. Annie Ruth Dukes By The Rev. Karen R. Dukes and Mr. Marc W. Johnson The Rev. Joseph C. Eckstine By Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moffatt Mrs. Marcia Mansfield Fox By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. David C. Garrett, Jr. By The Rev. Eleana M. Garrett Mrs. Thelma Gentry By Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Kirkus Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Orth Mrs. Betty C. Simmons Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr. Mr. Hal M. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore Dr. James H. Griesmer By Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Dr. Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. Herbert B. Barks, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William D. Russell The Rev. Leroy P. Gwaltney III By The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee The Rev. Benjamin Haden By The Rev. and Mrs. William E. McElveen Carl and Alna Hall By Mr. and Mrs. James P. Worden Dr. John A. Hare By Mrs. Ann T. Hare The Rev. Samuel P. Hart By Mrs. Ann H. Gisch Mrs. Mary C. Hartsfield By Mr. and Mrs. F. Stephen Hartsfield

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Memorials & Tributes

The Rev. William W. Hatcher By Ms. Lois E. Dickey Ms. Martha L. Hatcher Mrs. Ruth D. Hatcher Dr. Stephen A. Hayner By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. William H. Anderson ARCHE, Atlanta, GA John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr. James M. Bicknell Mrs. Judy D. Bicknell Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Bomar, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Ms. Ann W. Bullard Mr. and Mrs. James E. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. T. Erskine Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Colwell The Rev. and Mrs. Lester H. Comee, Jr. Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cunningham

The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ditzel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Jones Doughton Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Drake Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. Ande Evers Ms. Julie R. Frith Kay and Phil Gehman Ms. D. Gayle Gellerstedt and Mr. William J. Funk Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gordon Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team, Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Mrs. Anne M. Haltiwanger The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hudak Dr. Bettina B. and Mr. Norman W. Kilburn Mr. Andrew P. and Mrs. M. Towles Kintz Blanche Lipscomb Foundation, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Paul

Presbyterian Women, Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA The Pittulloch Foundation, Stone Mountain, GA Mrs. Barbara G. Poe The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Ms. Nancy L. Reimer Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Reno Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Roddy Dr. Lisa C. and Mr. John M. Rzepka Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN Mr. Thomas L. Shields, Jr. and Ms. Charlotte G. Montague Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Smith South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Mrs. Caye W. Teegarden Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Y. Thorne, Jr. The Rev. Liz Toland Smith and Mr. Bart Smith Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Vinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walker The Rev. Peter M. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. John E. White Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wolters Mrs. Emily C. Wood Ms. Jeanne Hill By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA

Gifts to Endowed Funds Funds established or added to during the fiscal year are listed. Jefferson K. Aiken, Sr. and Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Scholarship Fund Jane and Donald Bailey Scholarship Fund Benton Chair of Christian Education Cecil D. Brearley, Jr. Scholarship Fund Vernon S. Broyles, Jr. Leadership Center Brother Bryan Scholarship Fund Harry H. Bryan Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. Andrew H. Bullard Memorial Scholarship Fund Scott Candler, Jr. Scholarship Fund T. Erskine Clarke Lectureship Charles Blanton Cousar Scholarship Fund Bettie and Bonneau Dickson Scholarship Fund Dixon Sustainability Fund Betty and Dick Dodds Scholarship Fund Dan Alexander Dunaway Fund for Urban Church Development Dr. McCoy and Mary Franklin Scholarship Fund Dr. Joseph M. Gettys Scholarship Fund Hal and Anita Gilmore Fund Shirley Guthrie Memorial Fund HALY Scholarship Fund Joseph E. Hannah Memorial Scholarship Fund William W. Hatcher Scholarship Fund Stephen A. Hayner Global Leadership Fund B.S. Hodges Memorial Endowment Fund Jefferson T. Howell, Jr. and Martha A. Howell Scholarship Fund Wade and Vee Huie International Scholarship Fund Douglas Henry Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Fund William L. Jenkins D.Min. Scholarship Fund Catherine Boyd Johnson Scholarship Fund Vanessa Knight Memorial Scholarship Fund


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Aaron W. Leland Memorial Scholarship Fund Reginald Shaw Lowe Scholarship Fund Lydia’s Fund Arch L. MacNair Scholarship Fund Mansfield Memorial Loan Fund Mathes-Woolfolk Memorial Scholarship Fund Mildred S. and Dean G. McKee Endowment Fund John Nelsen Award Jane C. Noonan Scholarship Fund William J. Noonan Scholarship Fund Oldenburg Quadrangle Douglas W. Oldenburg Scholarship Fund Mary B. Ormond and J. Will Ormond Scholarship Fund Joseph and Geraldine Patrick Scholarship Fund J. McDowell and Evelyn Knight Richards Fund for Continuing Education James T. and Sally G. Richardson Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell Richardson Endowment Fund The Rev. C. Walker and Louise M. Sessions Scholarship Fund Shepherd-Johnston Scholarship Fund Elizabeth McGregor Simmons International Fund Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. Fund for Supervised Ministry John I. Smith Scholarship Fund George and Sally Telford Award Cecil A. Thompson Fund James Samuel Ross Tippens Scholarship Fund Dr. Herbert T. and Birma Scott Uthlaut Scholarship Fund William Rivers Waddey Scholarship Fund G. Dana and Catherine Yancey Waters Scholarship Fund Weitnauer Family Scholarship Fund Claire and Stephen Williams Scholarship Fund Emily Wood Scholarship Fund

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Dr. J. Trent Howell, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. George W. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Mrs. Vee Huie By The Rev. Scott W. Huie Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Bond Almand Drs. William V. Arnold and Margaret Anne Fohl Mrs. Gwynn L. Blount Mr. James C. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann Ms. Barbara R. Clark Mr. Douglas D. Connah, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dean Copeland Mr. Bradley Currey, Jr. Ms. Gloria W. Davis Mrs. Jean P. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Fossett, Jr. Kay and Phil Gehman Mrs. Anne M. Haltiwanger Mrs. Sally W. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. James E. Hinkle Mr. John E. Huie The Rev. Barbara P. Jordan Drs. Barrie M. and Randal V. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Madden Ms. Elizabeth W. McDonald Mrs. Kathryn M. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Pearce, Jr. Mrs. Barbara G. Poe Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Reno Mr. Hugh Richardson, Jr. Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Ms. Constance W. Treloar Mrs. Elizabeth R. Trulock Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Wellborn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williamson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael York Mr. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Moseley, Jr. Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston By Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allan Mr. John L. Brady Ms. Mary C. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lyles III Thursday Study Club, Fairforest, SC Mr. John T. Wardlaw Mrs. Ginger Kaney By The Revs. Tricia Dillon Thomas and Clayton A. Thomas The Rev. John A. Kirstein By Mrs. Myrl B. Kirstein Dr. C. Benton Kline, Jr. By The Rev. Dr. Susan L. DeHoff Dr. Gary Eugene Laird By Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Laird

Mrs. Sandra Mackey By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford

Mr. Joseph S. Serafin By The Rev. Melinda S. Serafin

Dr. Arch L. MacNair By Mrs. Elizabeth F. MacNair Ms. Emily F. McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. McMullen

Mr. J.C. Shaw By Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich

Mrs. Helen G. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Sr. By Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mr. Laurence E. Mansfield, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. and Mrs. William A. McManus Mrs. Willyne P. Mansfield By Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Mansfield III Mr. Frank Mayes By The Rev. and Mrs. William E. McElveen Dr. Neely D. McCarter By Mrs. Jean M. McCarter Mr. John McLean, Jr. By The Rev. and Mrs. J. Gary Waller The Rev. Marshall B. Neil III By The Rev. and Mrs. Roland P. Perdue III Dr. William G. Neville By Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon Neville III Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton By Mr. Charles L. Newton II Mrs. Alice Aiko Nishioka By Ms. Marilyn Y. Nichols Dr. J. Will Ormond By Ms. Sarah Gay Edwards The Rev. Gail R. Perkins Burt and Martha Vardeman Mr. Edward P. Perrin By Mrs. Anne Porcher Z. Perrin Dr. J. Davison Philips By Drs. Martha M. and Richard L. Blount Dr. Richard R. Potter By Mrs. Katherine L. Potter The Rev. Marcus Brown Prince III By Dr. Jeri Parris Perkins and Mr. Phillip D. Perkins Mrs. Evelyn Richards By Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. J. McDowell Richards By Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Harkey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. McCord Smith Dr. Joseph L. Roberts, Jr. By Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

†Raised to the Church Triumphant

Dr. R. Mickey Shealy By Mr. and Mrs. John M. Preston V Dr. Beth Yarborough and Mr. Mike G. Fanning The Rev. Timothy F. Simpson By Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brueggemann The Rev. Kathryn A. McLean Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. By Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sloop The Rev. Thomas A. Stallworth By Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth Dr. Hubert V. Taylor By Mac and Jan Irvin The Rev. George B. Telford, Jr. By Mrs. Sally S. Telford Mrs. Betty Thomas By Bethany Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA The Rev. James S.R. Tippens By Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Mrs. Peggy B. Vaughan By The Rev. Earl M. Vaughan Mr. William Rivers Waddey By Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Carini Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Jones Mr. and Mrs. L. William Silzle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Whitmire The Rev. Eldon D. Wadsworth By The Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Barber, Sr. Mrs. Bette W. Waters By John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mr. Edward A. Boedecker The Rev. Sidney M. Burgess and Dr. N. Melissa Tate Ms. Mildred P. Cabbage Judge Martha C. and Mr. George R. Christian Mrs. Beverly B. Collins Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. David Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Finkel Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Ms. Diane S. Hader Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Holaday, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morthland Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Prout Mr. John A. Robinson, Jr. Ms. Ruth M. Seadler Mrs. Jane L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Yancey Mr. F. Hansell Watt, Jr. By Mr. Donald D. Watt

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Memorials & Tributes

Mr. J. Michael Whitaker By Dr. Jennifer S. Whitaker Mr. James R Wilburn By The Rev. J. Mark Wilburn The Rev. Frank C. Wilkinson By Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson The Rev. Dr. Allison Williams By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bedford Dr. Walton H. Reeves, Jr. and Dr. Catharine A. Enright Mr. L. Neil Williams By Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Curran

Tributes The Rev. J. Benjamin Acton By Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Richardson, Jr. The Rev. Collin B. Adams By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN Dr. E. Lane Alderman By Ms. Ashley P. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Brennan Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston

Dr. F. Harry Daniel By Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Castner Ms. Mary Lynn Darden By Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore Dr. Dent C. Davis III By Dr. Bernice W. and Mr. Darryl E. Kirkland Dr. Kathy L. Dawson By Dr. and Mrs. Eldon V. Clemans Dr. Dabney W. Dixon By Dr. Ann Clay Adams and the Rev. C. Fritz Bogar Dr. and Mrs. William P. Brown Mrs. Florida S. Ellis By Mrs. Lamar E. Oglesby Dr. H. Alan Elmore By Chaplain William A. Jokela and Ms. Jane L. Hughes The Rev. Sarah F. Erickson By Dr. and Mrs. C. Jarred Hammet, Jr. Faculty and Staff By The Rev. Dawn Martin Hyde and Mr. Timothy A. Hyde The Rev. Jennifer Fouse Sheorn By Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Dr. Joseph M. Gettys, Sr. By Miss Jean L. Gettys

Mr. Spears Alexander By The Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Alexander

Mrs. Anita B. Gilmore By Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilmore

Mrs. Jane E. Bailey By Dr. and Mrs. David J. Bailey

Dr. Catherine G. Gonzalez By The Rev. and Mrs. William V. Hawkins

Mr. D. Hamilton Barnes II By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN

Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez By The Rev. and Mrs. William V. Hawkins

Dr. Harry H. Barrow By Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coggin The Rev. Teddis H. Beasley, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Beasley III Mrs. Bethany E. Benz-Whittington By Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers Mr. Matthew T. Benz-Whittington By Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rogers The Rev. Randolph S. Calvo, Jr. By Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Snyder Dr. Charles B. Cousar By The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff The Rev. Laura A. Cunningham By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey


VANTAGE Fall 2015

The Rev. Patrick B. Harley By Dr. and Mrs. W. Franklin Covington Mrs. Sara R. Harrington By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Harvard III By Mrs. Sally S. Telford The Rev. Sharol R. Hayner By Ms. Ann W. Bullard The Rev. Martha J. Clinkscales and Mr. David R. Forquer The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Jeter Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA

Dr. Stephen A. Hayner By The Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. Abernathy, Sr. Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Dr. Carol T. and Mr. Michael S. Bender The Rev. Pamela Cooper-White, Ph.D. and the Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D. The Revs. Laura A. Cunningham and H. Scott Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer Dye Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mrs. Nancy P. and Dr. Jeffrey K. Giguere The Rev. Elizabeth C. and Mr. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. H. Scott Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Drs. Robert W. and Suzanne W. Henderson Drs. Peggy C. Hinds and Mark D. Hinds Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Jeter Kairos Church, Atlanta, GA Dr. Myong Sun Kim and the Rev. Michael W. Woods Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Oates III Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Sadler Mrs. Jody D. and Mr. D. Ed Sauls Mr. William E. and Mrs. Peggy Corbin Scheu Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shafe Mrs. Elizabeth B. Sloop Dr. Augustus E. Succop III Ms. Sandra D. Taylor Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN Dr. Joy C. Heaton By Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Cooper The Rev. Christopher A. Henry By Mr. and Mrs. C. Geoffrey Weirich The Rev. Richard G. Hill By Mr. Nicholas G. Hill Dr. Douglas W. Hix By Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Talbot Mrs. Martha Ann B. Howell By Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Ogden Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr. By The Rev. Scott W. Huie Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Norris Dr. Stephen M. Huntley, Jr. By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham Dr. Edwin G. Hurley By Dr. Loretta G. Brown The Rev. Alice A. Johnson’s 30 years of service By Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Dr. Barbara E. Johnson By Mr. Daniel Freymeyer

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Dr. Ben C. Johnson By Dr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt

Dr. Kathleen M. O’Connor By Ms. Barbara Gifford

Mrs. Nancy N. Jones By Presbyterian Women, Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Gahan

Mrs. Claudia S. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

The Rev. David Jordan By Mrs. Anne J. Sims

Dr. Douglas W. Oldenburg By Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Oldenburg

The Rev. William G. Karnes By Mrs. Carole H. Ivey

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Orth By Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal Mrs. Betty C. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Elmore C. Thrash, Jr.

The Rev. Kimberly S. LeVert By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Adams

The Rev. John N. Payne By The Rev. Joe P. Arnold

The Rev. Robert M. Lewis, Sr. By Mr. Robert M. Lewis, Jr.

The Rev. Pendleton B. Peery By Mr. and Mrs. Stokely G. Caldwell, Jr.

The Rev. Gregory J. Lund By Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Elliott

The Rev. Robert P. Piephoff By Mrs. Mary H. Stallworth

Mrs. Elizabeth F. MacNair By Ms. Emily F. McMullen

The Rev. H. Scott Ramsey By Dr. and Mrs. George W. Ramsey

Dr. R. Dale McAbee By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham

Mr. J. David Randolph By Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Keller

The Rev. William E. McElveen By Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cottingham

Mr. William C. Ratcliff By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN

The Rev. Deborah A. McKinley By Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Neldon Lucy Margaret and Carrie Gail Melton By Ms. Margaret I. Alsup Mrs. Betsy Broyles Moore and Mr. Calvin B. Moore By Mr. William E. and Mrs. Peggy Corbin Scheu

The Rev. Steven H. Rhodes By Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr. Dr. Marcia Y. Riggs By Dr. Yvonne M. Collie-Pendleton Mrs. Peggy M. Rowland By Mrs. Betty Marie Stewart

Dr. David R. Moorefield By Dr. Susan E. Moorefield and Mr. Ken M. Muenster

Mr. J. Martin Sadler By Ms. Mary Lynn Darden

Mr. J. Michael Morgan By The Rev. Sharol R. Hayner

Dr. Daniel N. Sansbury By Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake

Mr. William S. Morris III By Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel McCall, Sr.

Mr. Johnathan L. Sasser By Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler

Dr. Deborah F. Mullen By Dr. Christine B. Vogel

Mr. Samuel E. Schaus By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN

The Rev. Laura E. Neely By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN The Rev. Richard T. Nishioka By Ms. Marilyn Y. Nichols

Mrs. Peggy Corbin Scheu By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. and Mrs. Roland P. Perdue III

Dr. Rodger Y. Nishioka By Dr. and Mrs. Eldon V. Clemans

Mr. William E. Scheu By Dr. and Mrs. John N. Bartholomew Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mrs. Lucie B. and Mr. Robert D. Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gillander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener The Rev. and Mrs. Roland P. Perdue III Mrs. Mildred Schofield By Georgetown Presbyterian Church, Georgetown, SC Mr. and Mrs. G. Dal Schreck By Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn McCants Dr. Cary G. Speaker By Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Speaker The Rev. Andrew F. Stockstill By Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stack Dr. George W. Stroup III By The Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sizemore Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sumner By The Rev. Jennifer S. Carswell and Mr. Brian Carswell Mr. Douglas E. Taylor By Ms. Elizabeth M. Lyles The Rev. Joel L. Tolbert By The Rev. and Mrs. Robert G. Googe The Rev. Elizabeth M. Turner By Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Jr. Mrs. Patricia F. Randolph Dr. Leanne Van Dyk By Mr. and Mrs. Torsten J. Greife The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. The Revs. Kathryn M. Wolf Reed and Nicholas K. Reed The Rev. Christopher P. Vogado By Waverly Road Presbyterian Church, Kingsport, TN Dr. Thomas W. Walker By Dr. Carol L. DiGiusto Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hoener Dr. Don Wardlaw By Dr. and Mrs. Gene Lassiter The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Allison Williams By Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Cleghorn† Dr. Stephen C. Williams 20th Anniversary By First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA The Rev. Rachel E. Winter By Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Ley

Dr. J. Phillips Noble By Dr. T. Fleetwood Hassell

Mrs. Emily C. Wood By Ms. Eugenia T. Pratt Mr. William York By Mrs. Orlean Y. Castronis

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

VANTAGE Fall 2015


Columbia Founders

The Columbia Founders have demonstrated extraordinary levels of support for the seminary, some over the course of a lifetime. Words cannot adequately express the depth of appreciation felt by all friends of Columbia for the sacrificial ways in which the Founders have contributed to the seminary’s programs, buildings, and grounds. Their generosity calls all of us to practice better stewardship of what we have been given. Thanks be to God!

I n d i v i d ua l s Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. The Rev. Lucy R. and Mr. John G. Aldridge Dr. Mary Virginia Allen† Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Almand† Dr. Harvard A. Anderson† Ms. Bonnie Arnall† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayres Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† The Rev. N.G. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† Ms. Jocelyn C. Bauer Mrs. Nellie M. Beatie† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton Mrs. John T. Benton† Mr.† and Mrs. John Blue III Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr.† Mrs. G. Scott Candler, Jr. Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cates Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Clotfelter† Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cornelson IV Mrs. Ann D. and Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dalton, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Mr.† and Mrs. J.K. Dickson Mr. H. Talmage Dobbs, Jr.† Mrs. Boyce Edwards† Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellis† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Mr. and Mrs. Langdon S. Flowers† Mr. John P. Garrard† Mr. † and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gillespie† Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Goulding† Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. Harry C. Hannah, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth Harpster†


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington Ms. C. Virginia Harrison† Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev.† and Mrs. Fred J. Hay The Rev. Louly F. and Mr. Sam B. Hay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayne Hollis Dr. George Howe† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jeter Dr. Charles C. Jones† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Love Mr.† and Mrs. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.†, Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Mrs. Ruth R. McDonald† Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Mr. T.S. McPheeters† The Rev. James L. Merrick† Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. Max Milligan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III Dr.† and Mrs. W. Donald Munson Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Dr. J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr. † Dr. J. Will Ormond† Dr. B.M. Palmer† Mr.† and Mrs. Clarence E. Palmer.† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Mr.† and Mrs. John D. Pellett, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Query† Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Mrs. Lou H. Reaves Dr. and Mrs. J. McDowell Richards† Mr.† and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Mr. and Mrs.† B. Franklin Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mr. John E. Smith II Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† The Rev. Paul E. Smith, Jr.† Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Spencer Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Mrs. Agnes D. Spivey† Dr. Charles A. Stillman† Mr. H.A. Street† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas† Mr. Clyde H. Thompson† Mr.† and Mrs. Malcolm A. Thompson Dr. James H. Thornwell† Mr. J.M. Tull† Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Susan W. and Mr. John F. Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Wilgus† Mr. L. Neil Williams† Mrs. Sue S. Williams The Rev. John L. Wilson† Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mrs. Julia M. Woodward†



O r g a n i z at io n s

Agape Christian Council, Decatur, GA Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, SC Campbell Trust, Atlanta, GA Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Charleston Atlantic Presbytery, Charleston, SC Charlotte Presbytery, Charlotte, NC Clairmont Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA Easley Presbyterian Church, Easley, SC First Presbyterian Church, Aiken, SC First Presbyterian Church, Athens, GA First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, SC First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, GA First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, MS First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, SC First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle Beach, SC First Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL First Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL First Presbyterian Church, Shreveport, LA First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL First Presbyterian Church, Sumter, SC First Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Flint River Presbytery, Albany, GA Florida Presbytery, Chipley, FL Foothills Presbytery, Simpsonville, SC Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church, Fountain Inn, SC Fourth Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA Greater Atlanta Presbytery, Atlanta, GA Independent Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL Indiantown Presbyterian Church, Hemingway, SC Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX Nazareth Presbyterian Church, Moore, SC New Harmony Presbytery, Florence, SC North Avenue Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Northeast Georgia Presbytery, Watkinsville, GA Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL Presbyterian Church (USA), Louisville, KY Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA Riverside Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL Roswell Presbyterian Church, Roswell, GA Savannah Presbytery, Brunswick, GA Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Dunwoody, GA

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

St. Simons Presbyterian Church, St. Simons Island, GA Synod of Living Waters, Spring Hill, TN Synod of South Atlantic, Jacksonville, FL Synod of the Sun, Irving, TX Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA Trinity Presbytery, Lexington, SC Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Winter Park Presbyterian Church, Winter Park, FL

F o u n d at io n s


C o r p o r at io n s

Blake P. Garrett, Sr. Foundation CF Foundation, Inc. Churches Homes Foundation, Inc. Cousins Foundation, Inc. Cully A. & Lois Dowdle Cobb Foundation David H. and Mary Lou S. Garrett Foundation David, Helen and Marian Woodward Foundation English Memorial Fund Garrett Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation Griffith Theological Research Foundation H.P. Bridges Ministers’ Trust Heart of the City Foundation Helen C. Richardson Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation, Inc. John I. Smith Charities, Inc. Lettie Pate Evans Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. Mabel Stowe Query Foundation Nora Smith Foundation Patrick Family Foundation Presbyterian Foundation Samuel E. and Mary W. Thatcher Foundation, Inc. Schumann Foundation, Inc. Shaw Family Foundation SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations The Bailey Foundation The Citizens & Southern Fund The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta The Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund The Hack Foundation, Inc. The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Imlay Foundation, Inc. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation The Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation The Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church The Pattillo Foundation The Pellett Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts The Pittulloch Foundation The Rockdale Foundation The William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Inc. Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc. Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation

J. McDowell Richards Society

The J. McDowell Richards Society was inaugurated to recognize those who have made provisions for a gift to Columbia in the course of their estate planning. Planned gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estate gifts of residences or other real estate holdings, or an intended bequest to the seminary, all qualify a contributor for membership in this society. Those interested in learning more about the tax and income advantages of planned giving are invited to contact Arnie Hulteen at 404 687-4671 or toll-free at 1 888 601-8918. Anonymous† Anonymous Frances D. Fabrick Revocable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr. Dr. Joanna M. and Mr. Alfred B. Adams III Dr. Millard E. Agerton† Mrs. Jane H. Aiken† Dr. and Mrs. Jefferson K. Aiken, Jr. Dr. Mary Virginia Allen† Mr. K.F. Anderson† The Rev.† and Mrs. James T. Anderton Mrs. Marguerite M. Appleby† The Rev.† and Mrs. Donald B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James J. Baird, Jr. Ms. Rose M. Barnwell† Ms. Myra A. Barron† Mrs. Ruby H. Barron† The Rev. C. Benjamin Beasley The Rev. Eugene G. Beckman† The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† John T. Benton, Jr. and Suzanne B. Benton The Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Benton† Mrs. John T. Benton† Ms. Julia C. Boswell† Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bradfield Dr. Cecil Brearley, Jr.† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brearley Mrs. Helen D. Brown† Mr. Leonard T. Brown† Dr. Loretta G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brown The Rev. Mary Miller Brueggemann Dr. Walter A. Brueggemann Dr. Harry H. Bryan† Dr. and Mrs. John C. Bryan Mrs. Nell Scott Buice† Ms. Mary C. Campbell† Ms. Anne C. Carr† Ms. Edith G. Carter† Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castles Mr.† and Mrs. John R. Chambless Mr. Curtis W. Cheshire Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Chesnutt Mr. Scott Clayton† The Rev. Roy W. Coker Mrs. Juliana C. Cole† The Rev. Franklin G. Colladay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conant† The Rev. Mary Jane K. Cornell Dr.† and Mrs. Charles B. Cousar The Rev. † and Mrs. William A. Crosland Mrs. Claire L. Cross

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

Ms. Margaret I. Dalzell† Mr. J. Kenneth Davis† Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig R. Dewitz† Dr. and Mrs. Bonneau H. Dickson† Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Dodds The Rev.† and Mrs. Robert I. Doom, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. William T. DuBose Dr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ector† Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris Edwards† Dr. and Mrs.† Sterling J. Edwards, Jr. The Rev.† and Mrs. R. Foster Edwards Dr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elmore Mr.† and Mrs. Robert E. Eskew Mrs. C.W. Fargason† The Rev. Helen Q. Fisher† Dr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Ms. Verna Freeman† Dr. and Mrs.† James H. Gailey, Jr. Mrs. Jane H. Gardiner† The Rev. Eleana M. and Mr.† David C. Garrett, Jr. Mr.†and Mrs. Ben G. Gautier Ms. Alice G. Geekie† Ms. Sara Gibbs† Drs. Catherine G. and Justo L. Gonzalez Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Grafton† Dr. and Mrs. D. Raymond Guterman Ms. Ruth C. Hambright† Mrs. Elliott K. Harbison† Mrs. Mildred R. Harding† Mrs. Edna M. Harman† Mrs. Marion J. Harper† Dr.† and Mrs. W. Frank Harrington The Rev. Carolyn Robinson Hart The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Carlisle Harvard Dr. and Mrs.† T. Fleetwood Hassell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer The Rev. Fred J. Hay† The Rev. Morgan M. and Mr. Robert S. Hay, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Basil V. Hicks Mr.† and Mrs. John G. Hiles Mrs. Helen R. Hodgson† Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Hoffmann Mrs. A.C. Huber† Dr. Wade P. Huie, Jr† Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Hunter, Jr. Mr. Walter Ingram† Mr. Charles E. Irvin† Dr. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. James III Dr. E. Elizabeth Johnson and the Rev. Peter M. Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Johnson Mr. William R. Johnson Mrs. Shirley S. Johnston Mrs. Walter M. Jones† Dr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jordan Dr. and Mrs. William C. Keller† Mr. Berthold S. Kennedy† Mrs. Elza D. Kirckhoff† Dr. and Mrs. C. Benton Kline, Jr.† Mrs. Helen J. Kohl† Dr. and Mrs. William P. Lancaster, Jr. Mrs. O’Neal H. Lannon† The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Lee Dr. John H. Leith† Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland Ms. Madeline S. Lewis†

VANTAGE Fall 2015


J. McDowell Richards Society

Mr. Robert M. Lewis, Jr. Mrs. Jane L. Liston† Dr. and Mrs. David A. Long III Mr. Edwin Malloy, Jr.† Ms. Louise O. Manning† Dr. William H. Marquis† Dr. and Mrs.† Albert F. Masters III Ms. Lina Matthews† Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr.† Ms. Pearl I. Mayo† The Rev. R. Donnell McCall† Mrs. Elizabeth G. and Mr. James F. McCallen The Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCrea Mr.† and Mrs. W. Sloan McCrea Dr. Janet McDonald† Mrs. Dorothy McEwen† Ms. Celeste S. McGill† Dr. Angus M. McGregor† The Rev. Angus W. McGregor Mrs. Adele D. McKee Ms. Dorothy E. McKuen† The Rev.† George R. and Dr. Belle Miller McMaster Ms. Anne Elizabeth McMichael† Dr. Jack B. McMichael† Ms. Theo McNeil† Mrs. Almetta W. Mencer† Drs. Laura S. and Charles M. Mendenhall III Mr.† and Mrs. James D. Miller, Jr. The Rev. Max Milligan, Jr.† The Rev. J. Fred Moore† Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore† Dr. and Mrs. Chester W. Morse† Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Ms. Mary S. New† Dr. and Mrs. John L. Newton† Mr. John A. and Mrs. Kemie Richards Nix Dr. and Mrs.† J. Phillips Noble Mr. and Mrs. William J. Noonan, Jr.† Dr. T. Russell Nunan† Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Oldenburg Dr. J. Will Ormond† Mrs. Florrie I. Palmer† The Rev. and Mrs. Stanford Parnell† Mrs. Geraldine A. Patrick† Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Patrick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bob E. Pettit Dr.† and Mrs. J. Davison Philips Ms. Ailene S. Phillips† Mrs. Aubrey Pogue† Mrs. Ina B. Poston† Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Price The Rev. and Mrs. Harold B. Prince† Mr. James W. Putnam† Mr. and Mrs. David A. Quattlebaum III Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ramey, Jr. Dr.† and Mrs. Thomas E. Rast Dr.† and Mrs. Charles E. Raynal, Jr. Ms. Harriet Reeves† Mrs. J. McDowell Richardson† Dr. Keith L. Riddle Mr. John J. Robertson†

Mrs. Sibyl R. Robinson† Dr. Richard F. Rouquie, Jr. Mrs. Susan V. Russell† The Rev. John H. Sadler† The Rev.† Richard W. and Mrs. Suanne B. SauerBrun The Rev. Anne J. Sawyers† Dr. Ruth A. Schmidt† The Rev. and Mrs. William M. Schotanus Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schwanebeck† The Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Scott Mr. † and Mrs. J.C. Shaw Ms. Bonnie J. Shoemaker Ms. Jane E. Silkworth† The Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons and Mr. W. Gary Simmons Mr.† and Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons Mr. T. Clark Simmons The Rev. John D. Simpson† The Rev. Glenn W. Small, Jr. Mrs. Nancy H. Small† Mrs. Dorothy D. and Dr. Robert E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Smith† Mrs. Laura Maddox Smith† Mr. William T. Smith† Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smyth† Mrs. Barbara M. Snelling Dr. Cary G. Speaker Dr. and Mrs. James O. Speed, Jr. Ms. Margaret H. Spencer† Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stamper† Mrs. Mary A. Staples† The Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Strange† Mrs. Varnelle C. Swanson†

Dr. B. Harrison Taylor The Rev.† and Mrs. George B. Telford, Jr. Mrs. Mary G. Terry† Mr. John W. Thatcher Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Thomas† Mrs. Vera C. Thompson† Mr. and Mrs. William M. Timberlake Mrs. Eva G. Towne† The Rev. Edwin G. Townsend The Rev. Joyce C. Tucker Mr. Richard L. Turner† Mr. Raymond C. Turpin† Mrs. Lillian T. Urschel† Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Uthlaut, Jr. Mrs. Nancy M. Van Deventer† Mr.† and Mrs. Roland Walker The Rev. Thomas B. Warren† Dr. and Mrs† G. Dana Waters III The Rev. E. McKinley Weaver† Mr. and Mrs.† John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Mrs. Annie Weltner Mrs. Lulu S. Westcott† Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Wham† Mrs. Celeste B. Wilkinson Mrs. Sue S. and Mr.† L. Neil Williams The Rev.† and Mrs. Jack J. Wolf Walter† and Emily Wood Mr. J. Barnett Woodruff† Mr. Charles A. Wyatt† Mrs. Sara R. Wyatt† Mr.† and Mrs. Thomas L. Yount Dr. Christopher E. Zorn† :

For more details, please see course description on page 56.


VANTAGE Fall 2015

* Includes gifts from Presbyterian Women to Columbia Friendship Circle

† Raised to the Church Triumphant

About Our Alums

1960s Joe Harvard ’66 is interim pastor at First Scots Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC.

1970s Bill Lancaster ’73, DMin ’84 has written a new novel, Starman, about marriage and divorce . . . . . David Beville ’74 retired from Trinity Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA . . . . . John D. McClelland ’74 retired from First Presbyterian Church, Homer, LA . . . . . Cary Speaker ’76 (DMin) is interim pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL.

1980s Mark Diehl ’80 is interim pastor at Pawley’s Island Presbyterian Church, Pawley’s Island, SC. . . . . . Mary Jane Cornell ’81 is interim pastor of Conyers Presbyterian Church, Conyers, GA . . . . . Ted Land DMin ’84 has become transitional shepherd for the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca in Roswell, NM, leaving behind the positions of interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Marianna, FL and coordinating presbyter for the Presbytery of Florida. He and wife Polly recently celebrated 47 years of marriage . . . . . Ray Roberts ’84 is pastor of River Road Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA . . . . . Chuck Hasty ’89 is pastor of Grace Church of Columbus, Columbus, GA.


2000s A new book, Imagination, Ideology and Inspiration, edited by Jonathan Kaplan ’02 and Robert Williamson, Jr ’01 exploring the legacy of Walter Brueggemann is now available from Sheffield Phoenix Press. The following Columbia graduates contributed essays to the book: Nathan Lane MATS ’01, Timothy Beal ’91, Tod Linafelt ’91, Amy Erickson ’00, Nancy C. Lee ThM ’93, David Knauert ’03, Davis Hankins ’05, Mark Gray ’96, Scott Ellington ’90, Meda A.A. Stamper ’99, Tom Sakon ’00, and David Dault ’02 . . . . . Kazy Hinds ’00 is a candidate for city commissioner and mayor in Piqua, OH . . . . . Janelle Tibbetts Vaughan ’00 is interim co-director of children’s ministry at First Presbyterian Church, Granada Hills, CA . . . . . Emily Heath ’01, ThM ’05 is senior pastor of the Congregational Church in Exeter, NH, and a writer whose work is

Ta u ta Pa n ta

Thomas Baughman DMin ’90 retired from St. Johns Presbyterian Church, Reno, NV . . . . . Tae Su Cheong ’90 is interim pastor of Louisville Korean Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY . . . . . Clover Beal ’91 is co-pastor at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Denver, CO . . . . . Greta Reed ’91 has a book recently published, Sacred Enticement: A Skeptic’s Journey to Faith. Her target audience is “skeptics, who typically stay away from church, and doubters in the pew.” . . . . . Keith Riddle ’91, DMin ’95 is director of mission for Bon Secours Roper St. Francis Healthcare and Hospitals, Charleston, SC . . . . . Andy Walton ’92 is pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, FL . . . . . Craig Goodrich ’92 is pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL . . . . . Richard Floyd ’92 is interim associate at Trinity Presbyterian, Atlanta, GA . . . . . Jenn McGee ’98 is full-time chaplain at Anchor Care and Rehabilitation Center, a skilled nursing home and rehabilitation facility in Palm Bay, FL . . . . . Scott Ramsey ’98 is interim pastor at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, McLean, VA.

tauta panta

The alumni/ae, faculty, staff, administration, and students of Columbia Theological Seminary are part of a living tradition that reaches back to the earliest days of God’s people reflecting on their world, their experience of God, and their sense of God’s calling. The title of this section of Vantage reminds our readers of our common connection to this venerable and ever-changing stream of witness. Tauta Panta refers to “all these things,” as in “Seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6.33).

VANTAGE Fall 2015


T a u ta Pa n ta

| Alumni/ae News & Notes

regularly featured in the Huffington Post. She currently sits on the national board of directors for the United Church of Christ . . . . . Michael Garrett DMin ’02 is interim pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC . . . . . Jody Moore DMin ’03 and his wife Jeanne are proud parents of twins . . . . . Joseph Gilbert Moore III and Anna Carolyn Moore were born August 11. Joseph weighed 5 lbs 7 oz, and Anna 3 lbs 7 oz . . . . . Cader ’05 and Cameron ThM ’04 Howard are proud parents of a baby girl. Anna Charlotte Howard was born October 5 weighing 6 lbs 10 oz, 19 inches long . . . . . Jaina Anderson ’05 married Phillip Glaze July 25 at First Presbyterian Church, Athens, AL . . . . . Shannon Ball ’05 is working at the Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church . . . . . Clay Fouse ’05 and Schaap Freeman ’05 are proud parents of a baby girl. Alice Duncan Fouse was born August 22 . . . . . Young Jeon ’05 is organizing pastor of New Vision Presbyterian Church housed in Johns Creek Presbyterian Church, Johns Creek, GA . . . . . Jihyun Oh ’06 is interim pastor of Hamilton Mill Presbyterian Church, Hoschton, GA . . . . . Jerry Long ’06 is pastor of Batesville Presbyterian Church, Batesville, MS . . . . . Tom Price DMin ’06 is pastor of Worthington Presbyterian Church, Worthington, OH . . . . . Bill ’06 and Sarah ’06 Searight have moved to Rose Valley, PA, where Sarah is interim associate pastor for congregational care and older adult ministry at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and Bill is supply pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Springfield Township, PA . . . . . Michael Woods ’06 is staff chaplain at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH . . . . . Michael York ’06 is associate pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Vero Beach, FL . . . . . Deidra Crosby ’07 is pastor at Madisonville Presbyterian Church, Madisonville, TN . . . . . Elizabeth Gabbard ’07 was installed October 18 as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Arkadelphia, AR . . . . . Cheryl Gans ’07 is co-pastor at The Presbyterian Church at Marion Oaks, Jacksonville, FL . . . . . Jill Tolbert ’07 is teaching math at Winder-Barrow High School, Winder, GA . . . . . Scott Tucker ’07 is teaching Old and New Testament and Ethics at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School in Atlanta . . . . . Kevin Hay ’08 is associate pastor of Opequon Presbyterian Church, Winchester, VA . . . . . Emily Zeig Lindsey ’08 was installed as Moderator of Presbytery of Lake Erie June 16 . . . . . Marty Cauley DMin ’09 has a book recently published. Dying to Go on Vacation is the humorous, and sometimes


VANTAGE Fall 2015

heartbreaking, story of faith, hope, and struggle as a father receives a diagnosis of terminal cancer in the middle of his most productive years. He goes on to explore how to live positively even when bad things happen to good people . . . . . David Rogers ’09 is associate pastor for spiritual formation at Cross of Life Lutheran Church, Roswell, GA.

2010s Craig McDonald ’10 married Megan Worley August 15 . . . . . Ross Reddick ’11 is pastor of Spanish Fort Presbyterian Church, Spanish Fort, AL. He and his wife Leah are proud parents of Paxton (Pax) James Reddick born August 26 . . . . . Cassie Todd ’11 and husband Matt are proud parents of Kinsley Kay Todd born October 1, weighing 9 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long . . . . . Andrew Whaley ’11 is pastor of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, VA . . . . . Sarah McClelland Brown ’13 is pastor of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Eastman, GA . . . . . Doug Friesma ’13 was ordained August 23 as pastor of Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church, Statham, GA . . . . . Sunghee Hammersley ’13 is in the supervisor in training program of the pastoral care department, Palmetto Hospital, Columbia, SC . . . . . Meredith Loftis ’13 is associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN . . . . . John McDonald ’13 is associate pastor of education and mission at First Presbyterian Church, Ithaca, NY . . . . . Nick Setzer ’11 and Mia Levetan ’13 were featured in the Longview, TX News-Journal as the husband and wife team at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church and the youngest pastors ever to serve that church. Mia was ordained July 17, 2015 at Cottonwood Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City, UT . . . . . Kristin Reinhold ’12 is designated pastor at Green Ridge Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, VA . . . . . Rachel WhaleyPate ’13 and husband John are proud parents of Miriam Jane Whaley-Pate born August 4, weighing 8 lbs and 20 inches long . . . . . Erin Gaston ’14 was ordained and installed December 14, 2014 at South Aiken Presbyterian Church, where she is associate pastor for youth and outreach. She married Jeff Morgan on April 18 . . . . . Lauren Van Wicklen Peters ’14 is campus minister at Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL . . . . . Will Ratcliff ’14 and Bonnie Mellage ’15 have relocated to Tarkio, MO, where Will is pastor of Tarkio Presbyterian Church . . . . . Ridgley Beckett ’15 was ordained August 28 at First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC and is serving as associate pastor for every member in ministry at Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church,


T a u ta Pa n ta

| Faculty & Staff

Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus

McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament received the Niebuhr Medal from Elmhurst College on October 23. Established in 1995 to recognize extraordinary service to humanity, the Niebuhr Medal reflects the values of esteemed Elmhurst graduates Reinhold and H. Richard Niebuhr, two of the 20th century’s most influential theologians.

Mt. Pleasant, SC. On October 3, she married Will Joyner in Charleston, the day that marked history for the most rainfall in a 24-hour period in Charleston . . . . . Rebekah Lamar ’15 was ordained September 13 at Idlewild Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN as associate pastor for Christian Formation. She is married to Ashley Lamar ’05 who is a fifth grade math teacher at Grace-St. Luke’s School in Memphis . . . . . Allison Per-lee ’15 was ordained August 30, and is interim pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA . . . . . Melissa Tidwell ’15 is the first writing coach for Columbia’s Center for Academic Literacy that opened Tuesday, September 22 . . . . . Katy Walters ’15 was ordained September 6 and installed September 27 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA where she is associate pastor for youth and young adults . . . . . Fred Young ’15 was ordained August 23 and installed as pastor of Timberridge Presbyterian Church, McDonough, GA.

In Memoria m

Dan C. Armstrong, Sr. ’67 . . . . . . . March 28, 2015 Murdoch M. Calhoun ’54 . . . . . . . . April 3, 2015 Richard R. Crowe DMin ’92 . . . . . August 14, 2015 Archie Davis ’54 . . . . . . . . . . . August 29, 2015 Michael Dusing ThM ’91 . . . . . December 27, 2014 James H. Gailey ’41 . . . . . . . . . October 17, 2015 R. Hollis Gause ’49 . . . . . . . . . September 6, 2015 Charles J. Hammet, Sr. . . . . . . . . . August 1, 2015 J. Bryan Hatchett ’53 . . . . . . . September 26, 2015 Fred Hill ’63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 6, 2015 Thomas W. Horton ’48 . . . . . . . October 3, 2015 James H. Quillan ’73 . . . . . . . . . August 22, 2015 James G. Stuart ’52 . . . . . . . . . December 6, 2014 Claude O. Tucker DMin ’88 . . . . . . January 3, 2015 Charles C. Vorderberg ’96 . . . . . November 29, 2013 Barbara Yonteck ’71 . . . . . . . . . . . July 25, 2015

John Azumah, Professor of World Christianity and Islam, Director of International Programs, is leading

classes on “Five Faces of Islam” at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta along with a retired Imam and a Dominican specialist. These classes were on Sundays September 13, 20, 27, as well as October 4, 11 and 18. The classes were aimed at informing participants about the spectrum of diversity within the worldwide Islamic community. John published “Christian-Muslim Encounters in sub-Saharan Africa” in Douglas Pratt et all (eds), The Character of Christian-Muslim Encounter: Essays in Honour of David Thomas (Leiden: Brill, 2015). David Thomas was Dr. Azumah’s PhD Advisor from the University of Birmingham, UK. John also wrote with David Thomas et al (eds), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History 1500-1600, Vol 24 (Leiden: Brill, 2015). In October, he published “Through African Eyes: Resisting America’s Cultural Imperialism,” in First Things. John was a plenary speaker at the 50th Anniversary of Fuller’s School of Intercultural Studies from October 21-24, where he addressed the theme “Mission in the Islamic World: Making Theological and Missiogical sense of Muhammad.” Coming Up: From December 3-5, John will speak at Connecting Mission Leaders Conference for Presbyterian Mission leaders at Tulsa, OK on “The Missional Church Movement from a Global South Perspective.” John is speaking on the theme “Understanding Islam and Engaging with Muslims” at Urbana Students Missions Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, December 27-31. Brennan Breed, Assistant Professor of Old Testament,

taught a continuing education course on the Psalms and preached two sermons at Hanshin Church in Seoul, South Korea in late June and early July. He delivered a keynote address, “Royal Theology and Prophetic Critique: A Biblical Vision for the Church,” at a conference held at Hanshin Church on July 7th. On August 21-23, Brennan spoke at Kairos Church’s Men’s Retreat. In August, he published a reflection on social constructs, race, and the Confederate battle flag at the Huffington Post. Brennan co-edited the September issue of Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, in honor of Carol A. Newsom’s career, with Columbia Seminary alums Davis Hankins and Bobby Williamson. To this issue, Brennan contributed the article, “A Divided Tongue: The Moral Taste Buds of the Book of Daniel” (pp. 113-130). On Wednesday nights in September, VANTAGE Fall 2015


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Brennan taught a four-part class at Roswell Presbyterian Church on the books of Amos and Micah. On September 20, he delivered the Bill Jones lecture at Brownstone Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines, NC, titled “Daniel as You’ve Never Seen Him Before,” and he preached at the morning worship service. During the weekend of September 25-27, Brennan spoke and preached at St. Simon’s Presbyterian Church for their annual Church Anniversary weekend on “Justice and the Neighbor.” On October 4, 11, and 18, he taught a class at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on “Biblical Prophets and the Call of Justice.” On October 23-25, Brennan taught on “The Humanity of God in the Old Testament” at the Church of the Epiphany retreat at Kanuga, NC. Coming up: At Trinity Presbyterian Church on November 1, 8, 15, 22, and December 6 and 13, Brennan will lead the high school group in a reflection on Wisdom Literature in the Bible. At Columbia Theological Seminary, he will co-host the “Bible, Empire and Reception History” conference with Raj Nadella, and will preside at the session on the use of “The Bible in the Americas”. During the annual Society of Biblical Literature meeting in Atlanta in late November, Brennan will co-present the paper “Making the Right Hole Appear in the Right Place: Ecclesiastes 4:17-5:6 in Text and Tradition” with Davis Hankins in the Ideological Criticism section. He will also present the paper, “A Nomadic View of the Psalter: A Response to William Yarchin” in the Book of Psalms section, and will respond to a panel reviewing a commentary on Daniel in the Old Testament Library series that he co-authored with Carol A. Newsom in the Book of Daniel section. Brennan will be teaching a series on “Biblical Wisdom Literature” at Church of the Epiphany on January 10, 17, and 24. He will also have an essay on the formation of various biblical canons on the Ancient Jew Review website (http://www.ancientjewreview. com) in November. William Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, began a nine-month

sabbatical at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ (, boldly going where no Old Testament scholar has gone before! He is part of a 12member research team involved in a NASA-funded program to study the “societal implications of astrobiology.” While there, he is also writing a new introduction to Old Testament exegesis that offers best practices and includes a diversity of approaches to be published by Westminster John Knox. 48

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Kim Clayton, Director for Contextual Education,

preached for two weeks in Montreat this summer for the Worship and Music Conference. She is preaching and moderating the Session at Rehoboth Presbyterian Church during August through October while their pastor and Columbia Seminary alumna Rachael Whaley Pate is on maternity leave. Kim was the McLaughlin Endowment Preacher on September 20 at University Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill, NC and will also preach at the Covenant Network Conference in November in Denver, CO. Michael Cook, Lecturer in Pastoral Theology and Care, published Black Fatherhood, Adoption, and Theology:

A Contextual Analysis and Response. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2015. He also wrote “Unemployment and the Black Family: A Pastoral Theological Reflection.” Journal of Pastoral Theology 25, no. 1 (2015): 6-17. Michael has a forthcoming article: “Pastoral Psychotherapists: Theologians in Practice.” Journal of Pastoral Theology 25, no. 3 (2015). He has posted on the Columbia Connections blog “Opening the Heart to Something New,” in November 2014; “Metaphors: Sources of Hope, Healing, and Insight,” April 2015; and “Spiritual Formation: An Expression of SelfCare,” July 2015. Michael was the keynote speaker at the 5th Annual Black Male Symposium on April 17 at Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC. He gave the lecture “Black Males: Facing Challenges and Embracing Opportunities.” He was also a panelist for the Society for Pastoral Theology Annual Conference during June 18-25 in Denver, CO on the theme “Practicing Public Pastoral Theologies in Contexts of Difference.” Michael was a faculty leader for the 3rd Annual Black Theology and Leadership Institute during July 11-18 at Princeton Theological Seminary. He gave a lecture “Caring for the Souls of Black Males.” Michael was a panelist at the AAPC Southeastern Annual Conference during October 22-24 at Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, NC on the theme “The Client Who Changed Me Theologically.” He was also a co-workshop facilitator for “Black Lives Matter in Pastoral Counseling.” Kathy Dawson, Associate Professor of Christian Education, Director of MAPT Program, taught a Human

Growth and Faith Development educator certification class at Montreat during July 27-31. On August 29, Kathy gave two workshops at the STEPS event for Charleston Atlantic Presbytery. On September 12 she was keynote at a Salem Presbytery leadership event on “The Hopeful Church.” Kathy is also currently serving on the PC(USA)

Task Force on Christian Educator Certification for the Office of General Assembly. This group has been working throughout the summer to bring a recommendation to the OGA committee in the fall. During October 10-11, Kathy led an all church retreat for Decatur Presbyterian Church. Keith Phillips (MDiv/MAPT ‘17) assisted. The topic was Intergenerational Ministry. On October 18, she preached at Palms Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville Beach, FL for Holly Inglis’ (DEdMin ‘12) installation as Associate Pastor. The Hope4CE blog that Kathy facilitates now has around 1000 followers. Sarah Erickson, Director of Lifelong Learning, was

elected as president at the May meeting of the Association of Leaders for Lifelong Learning for Ministry ( after serving two years as Vice-President. ALLLM invites all interested viewers to join them for the final two installations of a webinar series on social media and the church on Nov. 17 and Jan. 19; see the website for information and to register. On July 26, she led worship at Northminster Presbyterian in Macon, GA, and on September 27, Sarah participated in the service of installation for Katy Walters, MDiv/MAPT ’15, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA. World Communion Sunday in October found her leading worship at Ray Thomas Memorial, Marietta, GA. Sarah has also been invited to write a week of devotions for the summer edition of These Days. Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching, delivered a paper at the Marten

Preaching Conference at Notre Dame. She served as a distinguished preacher for the Samuel Proctor Institute at Haley Farm in Clinton, TN. Anna was the chaplain of the week at Chautauqua Institute in Chautauqua, NY. She preached at Duke Chapel in Durham, NC. Anna led the annual congregational retreat for 4th Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC. She led a preaching conference for the Sacramento Presbytery at Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe, NV. Anna preached and lectured at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI for the Bast Preaching Series. Israel Galindo, Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning,

continues to write for the seminary’s Columbia Connections blog for the “Along the Journey” section including: “Four Goals of the Organizational Leader,” “Pastoral Leaders as Resident Theologians,” “For the Bookshelf: Living on the Border of the Holy,” “Prayers, The Force, Energy, and Causality,” “Dimensions of Personal Care for the Christian Educator,” “For the Bookshelf: How Learning Works,” “Are You A Positive Listener?,” “Being a Good Guest Presenter’s Host,” “Education, Formation, or Teaching?,” “For the Bookshelf: A Failure of Nerve,” “The One Year

Seminary,” “Creating a Killer Course,” “Helping Learners Grow as Learners,” “Clarifying Misunderstandings,” “For the Bookshelf: The Apathetic and Bored Church Member,” “Seven Critical Factors in Bringing About Change,” and “The Facts About Reactivity in Conflict.” In June, he published “Triangle Games,” in The Digital Flipchart. In July, Israel taught “A Systems Approach to Congregational Leadership,” a DMin seminar, for Columbia Seminary. He posted “Eight Big Ideas on Assessment,” in the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning blog for Theological School Deans. In August, Israel did a faculty consultation with Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, OH. He posted “The Political Dean,” in the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning blog for Theological School Deans. Also in August, Israel was program support for the Colloquy for Mid-Career Clergy at the Center for Lifelong Learning. He published Seeking the Holy: An Introduction to the History and Practice of Spiritual Direction for Today’s Churches, August 2015. He posted “Eight Challenges You WILL Face During Your Tenure as Dean,” for the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning blog for Theological School Deans in September. Israel presented on leadership in organizations at the Vermont Center for Family Studies, Burlington, VT in September. This fall, he published Mastering the Art of Instruction: The Nine Essential Instructional Skills Every Teacher Needs to Master, as well as Stories of the Desert Fathers: Ancient Wit and Wisdom for Today’s Bewildering Times. He also published Theories of Learning: Approaches to Teaching and Learning for Christian Educators and Theological Faculty (Didache Press, 2015). Israel co-taught “Life as A Sacred Story with Carl McColman” and “Using Dialogical Learning in Bible Study” at the Center for Lifelong Learning during September 2015. In October, Israel presented “Approaches to Christian Education Formation in the Congregational Context,” for a local clergy group at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. He posted “Four Blind Spots Every Dean Needs to Avoid,” in the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning blog for Theological School Deans. He presented “Building A Better Rubric,” at Tech Tuesdays, Columbia Theological Seminary. On October 28, he participated in a panel on “The Call of the Church in God’s Changing World” as part of the Columbia Seminary presidential inaugural events in October. Coming up: He will teach the course “Contemporary Readings in Christian Education: Children and Children’s Ministries,” at the Center for Lifelong Learning. Israel will present at the ATS Chief Financial Officers and Technology Professionals conference, Phoenix, AZ, in November. He will also present at the “Leadership in Ministry Workshops” at the Center for Lifelong Learning.

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Bill Harkins, Senior Lecturer of Pastoral Theology and Care, Co-Director of ThD Program, presented on

practical applications of Family Systems Theory for CPE residents at the Training and Counseling Center of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta. In May, (May 12-19) he served as Psychological Health Faculty for Episcopal CREDO for Recently Ordained Clergy at Trinity Episcopal Conference Center on the Outer Banks at Salter Path, North Carolina. He officiated and was guest preacher at a wedding at St. Peter’s, Fernandina on Amelia Island, Florida, in late May. And Bill attended the Pastoral Advisory Board gathering for the Training and Counseling Center at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in early June, where he has served on the Board for 12 years. He conducted a workshop for CPE residents at Gwinnett Medical Center in July on Family Systems Theory. Bill’s 2-part essay “Get Out!” was published in Columbia Connections in May. Bill now enters his tenth year of service as Priest Associate at the Cathedral of St. Philip, where he regularly preaches, teaches, and officiates. In August Bill co-led a Men’s retreat for Vanderbilt Divinity School alumni at the Pingree Park campus of Colorado State University, “Finding the Sacred in Creation.” Bill conducted a community-wide presentation on “Theological and Psychological Perspectives on Mary Oliver” at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip, 2 September 2015. He presented a workshop on “The Empty Nest: Navigating the Spaces Between Myth and Reality,” at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 15 September 2015. Bill was named by Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefforts-Schori to a national commission on “Leadership and Impairment,” an 18-month appointment designed to examine the stressors-physical, emotional, and spiritual, to which church leaders are vulnerable, and to “explore the canonical, environmental, behavioral and procedural dimensions of matters involving the serious impairment of individuals serving as leaders in the Church, with special attention to issues of addiction and substance abuse. A report of the commission’s work is to include recommendations for both action and further review, as appropriate, in order to clarify lines of authority, to ensure mutual accountability, and to promote justice, wellbeing and safety within both the Church and the world.” Bill will serve as Psychological Health faculty for CREDO for Recently Ordained Clergy, October 6-12, at Chapel Rock Conference Center in Prescott, Arizona. He will deliver an address to the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Community on Family Systems Theory for Ministry at Gwinnett Medical Center in December. 50

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| Faculty & Staff

Kimberly Bracken Long, Associate Professor of Worship,

served as faculty at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Montreat Worship and Music Conference, June 21-July 3, where she taught a class titled Rethinking the Christian Wedding and led a workshop on the proposed revisions to the Directory for Worship. She led, with David Gambrell, Associate for Worship for the PC(USA), consultations on the Book of Common Worship in Atlanta in May and San Francisco in August. More consultations were held in September, October, and November in Chicago, Austin, and Princeton. Inclusive Marriage Services: A Wedding Sourcebook, edited by Long and David Maxwell, was published by Westminster John Knox Press in October. She presented a pre-conference workshop on Inclusive Marriage Liturgies and gave a seminar on Marriage and the Bible at the Covenant Network Conference in Denver, November 5-7. Martha Moore-Keish, Associate Professor of Theology,

led workshops in July at the ELCA Worship Jubilee in Atlanta and spoke on contemporary ecumenical dialogue at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Tallahassee, FL. She presented workshops on “Grace and Gratitude” at the PC(USA)’s Big Tent gathering in Knoxville, TN during July 31-August 1. She wrote the lead article for @thispoint on “Common Waters: Global water crises and Christian baptism” for Spring 2015. With George Hunsinger, she published “20th Century and Contemporary Protestant Sacramental Theology,” in The Oxford Handbook on Sacramental Theology, ed. Matthew Levering and Hans Boersma (Oxford University Press, 2015). Martha was the keynote speaker at Teens 4 Christ youth leadership event in Mobile, AL during September 11-13 and preached at First Presbyterian Church, Covington, GA on September 20. She participated in the final writing meeting of the international ecumenical dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome during November 3-6. Coming up: Martha will attend the AAR meeting in Atlanta November 21-24: participating in a panel discussing the forthcoming book Dogmatics in Outline by Brian Gerrish and chairing a panel on Comparative Theology. Cam Murchison, Professor Emeritus of Ministry, is

serving as Transitional Pastoral Associate at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Asheville from June 15, 2015 through the period it is without a Pastor/Head of Staff. He began a three-year term as Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of

Western North Carolina on August 1, 2015. He published “Advent and Animals” in the Advent 2015, Journal for Preachers. Michael Morgan, Seminary Musician, taught a threesession Sunday series on the English Bible at Northside Drive Baptist Church and a class on church music at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta in July and August. On August 29-30, he led presentations singing the Psalms and the poetic imagery in the 23rd Psalm, along with an exhibit of rare Psalters, at Spring Hill Presbyterian Church in Mobile, Alabama. On Sunday afternoon, August 30, Michael led a Psalm Festival along with Dr. Randall Sheets and the choir of Spring Hill Church. Beginning in September, he will be serving a 3-month interim as organist at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church on the Emory campus. Over Reformation Sunday weekend, Michael will be celebrating the English Bible and Psalms with Westover Hills Presbyterian Church in Little Rock, AR. Deborah Flemister Mullen, Dean of Faculty/Executive Vice President, Associate Professor of American Christianity and Black Church Studies, will participate

in a panel on “The Call of the Church in God’s Changing World” as part of the Columbia Seminary presidential inaugural events in October. Jake Myers, Assistant Professor of Homiletics, has a

book coming out in November called “Making Love with Scripture: Why the Bible Doesn’t Mean How You Think it Means” with Fortress Press. He is also leading a 6 week series at Trinity Presbyterian Church titled “Church as Cultural Curation.” Raj Nadella, Assistant Professor of New Testament, was in New York in May to work with a PC(USA) study team that is drafting a denominational policy paper on human trafficking that will be submitted to the next General Assembly in 2016. Raj is writing the biblical/theological piece for the policy paper explicating the link between trafficking and neoliberal global economy. Raj published an essay this July in the Huffington Post’s On Scripture series, focusing on the war industrial complex in the United States. He has contributed an article to a volume entitled “Many Yet One? Multiple Religious Belonging” to be published by the World Council of Churches this November. On August 23, Raj preached at Druid Hills Presbyterian Church. Coming up: At Columbia Theological Seminary, Raj will co-host the “Bible, Empire and Reception History” conference with Brennan Breed. He will also preside at the session on “The Bible and Empire in Asia.” He will present a paper at the SBL annual meeting in Atlanta this November. The paper entitled “The Jerusalem Temple

and Its Role in Land Consolidation in the First Century” will be in the Economics in the Biblical World section. He will teach a three-week series on “The Birth Narratives in Luke” in the adult forum at Central Presbyterian Church in late November and early December. Raj is currently working on essay for a Semeia issue and a piece on trafficking that will appear in Presbyterians Today. In early January, Raj will travel to Bangalore, where he will be joined by John Kutsko, the Executive Director of SBL, and Trista Krock, SBL’s Director of Global Conferences. They will explore the possibility of hosting an international SBL conference in Bangalore in 2019. Rodger Nishioka, Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education, lectured and preached at the Sequoyah

Hills Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN. He was keynote speaker at the Northeast Region conference of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators in Rochester, NY. Rodger preached at the Mid-South Presbytery meeting in Memphis, TN, and at the Idlewild Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN. Rodger was a presenter at the PC(USA)’s Big Tent conference in Knoxville, TN. He preached at the General Assembly of the Church of the Brethren meeting in Tampa, FL. Rodger was keynote speaker at the PCUSA 1001 New Worshipping Communities National Conference in St. Petersburg, FL. He preached at the University Presbyterian Church in Seattle. With Prof. Ralph Watkins, Rodger led a training event on Evangelism for leaders from the Flint River Presbytery. He preached at the Lake Hills Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN. Rodger preached and presented a workshop on “Nurturing Faith in Adolescents” at the Madison Presbyterian Church in Madison, GA. He led a workshop on Ministry with Young Adults for the Cincinnati Presbytery and preached at Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati. Rodger was the Carson Lecturer and Preacher for the Highland Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, PA. He was the Ruth Lamb Lecturer and preached at the Guilford Park Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC. Rodger preached and delivered two keynote presentations to the National Presbyterian Youth Workers Association Conference in Lake Tahoe, NV. He led an all-church retreat for Calvary Presbyterian San Francisco, First Presbyterian Burlingame, and Old First Presbyterian San Francisco in Mt. Hermon, CA. Rodger led the clergy retreat for St. Augustine Presbyterian in Amelia Island, FL. He led workshops for the Central Florida Presbytery in Orlando and preached at the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Orlando. Rodger was keynote speaker for the National Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center Associates gathering in Montreat, NC. He lectured at a multi-national gathering of youth ministry leaders at Trinity College in Singapore. Rodger published VANTAGE Fall 2015


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a lead article titled: “Forgetting the Past With a Purpose” for the fall issue of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Advocate. Rodger was chosen to serve on the Advisory Board of a new initiative on the Theology of Joy funded by the Templeton Foundation and conducted through the Yale University Divinity School. He will deliver a paper in February on the relationship between Resilience and Joy. Kevin Park, Associate Dean for Advanced Professional Studies and Assistant Professor of Theology, was a retreat

speaker for the Auburn-Opelika Korean Church on July 26-27. Kevin led a workshop “Presbyterians: Our Beliefs” for the PC(USA) Big Tent event in Knoxville, TN on July 31. He was the speaker for the EM spiritual revival hosted by the Korean Churches of the greater Richmond area including Petersburg and Hopewell and the preacher for the Richmond Korean Central Presbyterian Church on September 19-20. Kevin participated in a panel on “The Call of the Church in God’s Changing World” as part of the Columbia Seminary presidential inaugural events on October 28. He contributed to the 2015 Peacemaking Advent Devotions, “Proclaiming the Good News of God’s Peace.” Kevin will publish a paper, “Toward a Reformed Theology of Stewardship,” for the Presbyterian Foundation’s web site. Kevin will also publish a paper on race and theological aesthetics for the “Theological Conversations” project sponsored by the Office of Theology and Worship, PC(USA). Charlie Raynal, Professor Emeritus of Theology, is

working with Nancy Snell Griffith, former archivist of Presbyterian College, on the history of the former Synod of South Carolina of the PCUS. The book is nearly complete and has been accepted for publication by Wipf and Stock Publishers to be out by year’s end. Marcia Riggs, J. Erskine Love Professor of Christian Ethics, was invited to preach for the ordination service of

Jeromey Howard ’15 at United Christian Presbyterian Church of Richmond, MO in June. Dominique A. Robinson, Staff Associate for Contextual Education, traveled to Jacmel, Haiti with the Missions

Ministry of the Ray of Hope Christian Church during June 13-20. She hosted “Selfie Sunday” at New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA on June 28. In July, Dominique preached for the youth and young adult Sundays at St. John 52

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A.M.E. Church, Huntsville, AL and New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA. She birthed a new liturgical dance ministry – Unspoken Praise – at New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA and they were invited to share in the Back to School service at Zion Hill Baptist Church, Atlanta on July 24. On July 31, Dominique hosted a joint youth lock in with Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, College Park, GA. In August, Dominique preached the Back to School Services for New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA and St. Stephen A.M.E. Zion Church, Asbury Park, NJ. She also hosted the dedication and “open house” of the newly upgraded youth center of New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA. Under her leadership, Unspoken Praise, shared through their ministry of dance at Friday Night Live held at Providence Baptist Church, College Park, GA and the SoulFest Concert held at New Life Presbyterian Church, College Park, GA. She preached for YouthQuake 2015 at St. Paul A.M.E. Church, Lithonia, GA and for the Annual Children’s and Youth Day at Zion Baptist Church, Marietta, GA. She was also named the J. Philip Swander 2015 Brave Preacher by the Beatitudes Society. In September, Dominique will preach for New Life Presbyterian Church’s Youth & Young Adult Sunday. In October, she participated in a private screening of “The Armor of Light,” a documentary on the life, tragedy and aftermath of Jordan Davis; spoke at the Blacks in Government Black & White Ball in Atlanta; taught at Trinity A.M.E. Zion Church’s Women’s Retreat, Myrtle Beach, SC; and preached for New Life Presbyterian Church’s Youth & Young Adult Day. She also hosted a screening of Armor of Light at New Life Presbyterian Church, a prayer conference call line for youth and Rep Yo School Rally where youth participated in an open dialogue with law enforcement, attorneys, judges, educators, community leaders and activist about the matters that plague their communities. Coming up: In November, Dominique will preach at the YES! Weekend at Green Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church, Portland, ME, the Teen Chapel Service at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA and speak for the Jordan Davis Foundation Scholarship Banquet in Atlanta. Michael Thompson, Director of Communications,

preached at First Presbyterian Church of Covington, GA on July 26. Over the summer, he was appointed Secretary for an organizational board to create a new local chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to serve Rockdale and Newton Counties. Michael also participated in the

PC(USA)’s Big Tent conference in July, and later the Religion Newswriters Association conference in August. Michael hosted a table at the Decatur Book Festival. Jeffery L.Tribble, Sr., Associate Professor of Ministry,

attended a number of summer conferences including the Eastern North Carolina Episcopal District Training Institute in Greenville, NC; the Bishop Arthur Marshall Faith and Order Institute of the South Atlanta Episcopal District in Rock Hill, SC; the Midwest Episcopal District Training Institute in Knoxville, Tennessee; the Connectional Council, Presiding Elder’s Council, and Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society Quadrennial Meeting in Orlando, FL. He was a preacher and presider for the Atlanta District Conference and Christian Education Convention August 7-8 at New Life A.M.E. Zion Church in College Park, GA. Leanne Van Dyk, President and Professor of Theology,

officially began on July 1 and will be inaugurated on October 28 to be followed by a panel on “The Call of the Church in God’s Changing World”. Leanne introduced Sharol Hayner for her presentation about her new book co-authored with Steve Hayner, Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death (InterVarsity Press). On September 10, Leanne gave the convocation sermon and on September 17 she spoke at the Company of New Pastors meeting at Columbia Theological Seminary on “Church After Pew: Pastoral Ministry in the Light of the Pew Research Report.”

response paper, “Characteristics of Japanese Martyrdom and the Changes of Discourses in their Hagiographic Representations” for the panel “Transformation in Practices and Discourses on Japanese Martyrs in Europe, Japan and Mexico,” at The 21st World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), held at Erfurt University, Erfurt, Germany, August 24, 2015. While there, she also visited the University’s Archives and historical sites. Erfurt is where Martin Luther became an Augustinian monk and began to form his reformation ideas. Luther translated Erasmus’s critical edition of the Greek New Testament into German at nearby Wartburg Castle. The city of Erfurt remains bi-confessional. On July 3, Haruko was invited to give a lecture, “Witnesses of the Incarnate Christ in Persecution and Oppression: From the Reformations Period of the Church to the Charleston Massacre in 2015,” for Dr. Sawako Fujiwara’s graduate seminar, Introduction to Ecumenical Theology at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. She attended the annual meeting of the Japan Missiological Society, held at Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan on July 4. On May 29-31, she attended The Teaching Professor Conference in Atlanta, GA. On October 17, Haruko was one of the five panelists for the Women of Color in Ministry Conference in Atlanta. On October 23, she will read her paper, “A Jesuit Catechism for Women’s Salvation?: Myotei mondo reexamined,” for the panel, Theologies of Race, Colonialism, and Christian Expansion I, at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kris Veldheer, Instructor for Interactive Teaching,

attended MoodleMoot 2015 from August 3-7, in Minneapolis. MoodleMoot was a conference for users of the learning management system Moodle where she participated in workshops and networked with other institutions who use Moodle from around the world. She also attended the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans from October 2-4. Kris will present at the ATS Chief Financial Officers and Technology Professionals conference in Phoenix, AZ, November 11-13. She will also attend AAR/SBL in Atlanta from November 21-23. In December, Kris will present “Using Turnitin to Reduce Plagiarism and improve Students learning” at Tech Tuesdays, Columbia Theological Seminary. Haruko Nawata Ward, Associate Professor of Church History, contributed a chapter, “Images of the Incarnation

in the Jesuit Japan Mission’s Kirishitanban Story of Virgin Martyr St. Catherine of Alexandria,” published in Image and Incarnation: The Early Modern Doctrine of the Pictorial Image, edited by Walter S. Melion and Lee Palmer Wandel by Brill Publishing in August 2015. Haruko delivered the

Ralph Basui Watkins, Peachtree Associate Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, led a men’s retreat for

C. N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC, during September 18 – 20 called “Real Men Serving a Real God.” He lectured at Zion Hill Baptist Church, Atlanta, September 23 on “From Social Networks to Networked Evangelism: 21st Century Evangelism Models.” On September 27, Ralph was the Evangelism Sunday preacher at the 8:30 and 11:00 am worship services for Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church, Duluth, GA. Ralph participated in his MFA Thesis Show at The Apex Museum during October 16 – 23 called “Faith in Sweet Auburn: The Next Chapter,” as he received his MFA in Photography from Savannah College of Art and Design. On November 8, Ralph was the Church Anniversary Day Preacher at Mt. Tabor Baptist Church, Columbus, GA. Coming Up: In November, he will participate with the Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies on the theme “The Arts, Race, and Activism: From the Classroom to the Streets” and at the

VANTAGE Fall 2015


T a u ta Pa n ta

American Academy of Religion with a paper presentation / video presentation on “The Generational Divide in the Black Church: The Future of the Prophetic Witness in a Time of Crisis.” Debra Weir, Associate Director Spirituality and Lifelong Learning, is co-teaching with Sarah Erickson an academic

course this fall semester, Faith and Formation: Christian Education and Spiritual Formation. Debra hosted an event Common Ground, Holy Ground, Spirituality Program 20th Anniversary Celebration on September 18-19. She launched the first cohort for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction program and served as small group supervisor for the program during Sept. 27-Oct. 2. Debra co-led with Brennan Breed, Stan Saunders, and Carl McColman the Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life on October 8-11 for the Certificate in Spiritual Formation program. Debra continues to serve as ruling elder for spiritual formation at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Christine Roy Yoder, Professor of Old Testament Language, Literature, and Exegesis, co-hosted and

presented a paper in August at the Seminar on Israelite Sapiential Literature (SISL) at Columbia (also attended by Profs. Brennan Breed and Davis Hankins). She is teaching a three-week series (September 20 & 27, October 4) about Genesis 1-3 at Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta. In October, she will teach a two-week Wednesday night series on Israelite wisdom literature at Cumming First United Methodist Church in Cumming, GA. In early November, Prof. Yoder will present on her sabbatical-year research for her book tentatively titled Contours of Desire in Israelite Wisdom Literature at the Henry Luce III Fellowship in Theology Conference in Pittsburgh, PA; Prof. Raymond Van Leeuwen (Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Eastern University) will respond to and facilitate a conversation about her research. Later that month, she will attend the “Bible, Empire and Reception History” conference at Columbia Seminary (co-hosted by Profs. Raj Nadella and Brennan Breed), and will preside at the session on “The Bible and Ancient Empires”. She will also attend the Society of Biblical Literature meeting in Atlanta, where she will join other contributors to celebrate the publication of a volume titled After Exegesis: Feminist Biblical Theology (eds., J. A. Lapsley; P. K. Tull) in honor of Prof. Carol A. Newsom; Prof. Yoder’s 54

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| Faculty & Staff

contribution to the volume is titled “Path and Possession in Proverbs 1-9: A Feminist Biblical Theology of Flourishing.” Lastly, this May, after ten years and the publication of ten volumes, Prof. Yoder stepped down as the editor responsible for all articles related to wisdom literature, the Psalms, and realia for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, a 32-volume and online series published by Walter de Gruyter. She continues to serve as a standing editorial member of Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO). William Yoo, Assistant Professor of American Religious and Cultural History, preached at Korean Central

Presbyterian Church in Chamblee, GA, on June 7 and at SeMeHahn Korean Presbyterian Church in Laytonsville, MD, on June 21. He conducted archival research at the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia, PA, from June 22 to 24 for his book project with Westminster John Knox Press, The Presbyterian Experience in the United States: A Sourcebook. He participated in the Wabash Center’s Teaching and Learning Workshop for Pre-Tenure Theological School Faculty from July 20 to 25 in Crawfordsville, IN. He preached at Ray-Thomas Memorial Presbyterian Church in Marietta, GA, on August 23. He will teach on the history of race and Christianity in the United States at a Wednesday evening Bible Study at Decatur Presbyterian Church on September 2. He will preach and teach Sunday School at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, TN, on September 6. Three current Columbia Theological Seminary students (Karl Heimbuck, Anna Owens, and Emily Randle) will travel with William and assist in leading worship at First Presbyterian Church to strengthen the seminary’s connection with the faithful ministries of local congregations. He will be preaching at Newnan Presbyterian Church in Newnan, GA, for Theological Education Sunday on September 20. In October, he will be attending the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in New Orleans (October 2-4) and the Association of Theological Schools Roundtable Seminar for Newly Appointed Faculty in Chicago (October 9-11). He will be returning to Philadelphia from October 22 to 28 to present a research paper on the nature and purpose of the General Assembly for a joint meeting of the Committee on General Assembly and the Board of the Presbyterian Historical Society within the PC(USA) and to conduct archival research for his book project with Routledge, American Missionaries, Korean Protestants, and the Changing Shape of World Christianity, 1884-1965.

lifelong Learning thompson scholars 2016

When April 26–29, 2016 Where Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia campus Application Deadline January 4, 2016


The Center for Lifelong Learning

offered 38 opportunities on campus, at Montreat Conference Center, and online. Highlights include: Leadership in Ministry cohort program; Preaching the Verbs; Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality; a Lectionary Studies Seminar: Lent B to Christmas C, and Sea-Kayaking in the Bahamas: An EcoTravel Seminar. The Thompson Scholars evangelism in ministry event focused on “Spiritual Pioneers: The Call, Risks, and Blessings of Church Development.”

Ca n The y See Your C hur ch? Thompson Scholars Explores Evangelism in the Digital Age T h i s i s t h e v i s u a l a g e . The number one activity on the web is the posting of pictures and video. How can churches make sure they are seen in this age of visual storytelling, while still holding true to the traditions that make them sacred spaces? The Center for Lifelong Learning is pleased to announce that this is the focus of the 2016 Thompson Scholars program, Can They See Your Church? Evangelism in the Digital Age. This workshop will empower leaders to rethink how we do evangelism in the visual age. The conversation and strategies will be deeply rooted theologically and sociologically as to why and how we might best engage the visual generation. Dr. Ralph Basui Watkins, the Peachtree Associate professor of evangelism and church growth at Columbia Theological Seminary, socio-theologian, photographer and visual storyteller, will lead this event. Watkins has recruited Rev. Keith Anderson to help lead the program. Anderson is pastor at Upper Dublin Lutheran Church near Philadelphia, author of The Digital Cathedral: Networked Ministry in a Wireless World (required reading for the program), and co-author, with Elizabeth Drescher, of Click2Save: The Digital Ministry Bible. His work has appeared on The Huffington Post, ON Scripture, Day 1, and The New Media Project. Keith is co-editor with Elizabeth Drescher of The Narthex, an online magazine about the changing contours of American Christianity and serves on the editorial committee for Odyssey Network’s ON Scripture lectionary commentary series and the advisory board for the Day 1 radio program. He speaks regularly with local and national church groups, synods, and other organizations on the practice of digital ministry and the impact of digital culture on face-to-face ministry. He was recently named one of the “12 Top Digital Ministry Experts You Should Know” by Can They See Your Church? Evangelism in the Digital Age, will take place April 26– 29, 2016, at the Center for Lifelong Learning on the Columbia Theological Seminary campus. To complete an application, please visit The application deadline is January 4, 2016. Applicants will be notified of their status by the end of January. Preference will be given to applicants who have not participated in previous Thompson Scholar seminars. For additional information, including a link to the application, visit The Thompson Scholars program is generously supported by an endowment in honor of Cecil Thompson, former professor of evangelism at Columbia, making it possible to offer the seminar at a lower cost to participants than comparable programs at the Center for Lifelong Learning.


Dr. Michael Lee Cook was appointed Lecturer

in Pastoral Care and Counseling. He is a recent Columbia Seminary ThD alum (’14) and a licensed pastoral psychotherapist in private practice at Micah Counseling Services in Peachtree City, GA. VANTAGEFall Fall2015 2015 VANTAGE

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L i f e l o n g L e a r n i n g ’ s g o a l is to sustain learning over a lifetime of ministry. From exploring new ideas, navigating changing church landscapes, to honing ministry skills, the Center for Lifelong Learning offers vibrant learning and cohort opportunities specifically created to build and enhance your skills in church leadership, Christian education and formation, spiritual formation and spiritual direction. The Center for Lifelong Learning’s courses are taught by topnotch seminary faculty as well as instructors who are nationally recognized as expert in their fields. These continuing education courses and events serve as opportunities to learn with and from others to sustain you throughout a lifetime of ministry and service. We invite you to explore, discover and grow as faithful disciples engaged in God’s transforming work by enrolling in one or more of these upcoming courses. For more information, or updated class info, please visit January 19 – 21 (January Seminars 2016) Grounded: Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World with Diana Butler Bass See story on page 00. January 28 – 31 Metaphors, Imagination, and the Art of the Psalms Certificate in Spiritual Formation The Psalter contains some of the most artful and evocative language in all of Scripture. Chief among its poetic features is the frequent use of metaphors to describe the contours of faith and the character of God. From the transplanted tree of Psalm 1 to the watchful shepherd of Psalm 23 to the sun-soaked Torah of Psalm 119, the Psalter stirs our theological imaginations and prompts us to understand God, the world, and ourselves in ever new and creative ways. In this course we will explore the metaphorical landscape of the Psalter and reflect on how this artful language functions to nurture our spirituality, and infuse our lives and ministries with imagination. — with Ryan Bonfiglio February 16 – 18 Spirituality in the Smartphone Age Some commentators praise the power of technology to help us organize and connect. Others say the Internet is decimating our attention spans and weakening our relationships in real life. The truth is somewhere in between. This workshop will give participants a theological grounding to navigate the joys and perils of this continually-evolving digital age, and practical wisdom to apply in the context of their ministry settings. This program is for pastors, Christian educators, and other church leaders charged with helping congregations think critically and live faithfully as 21st century followers of Jesus. — with MaryAnn McKibben Dana


VANTAGE Fall 2015

Compass Points Certific ate Courses February 21–24 Biblical and Theological Foundations This course will explore biblical foundations, methods of interpretation and resources for scriptural study within the unique context of camp and conference ministry. Participants will be introduced to the basics of theology, an overview of historical creeds, and how theology shapes the practice of ministry in our camp and conference centers. — with Martha Moore-Keish and Mardee Rightmyer. February 24 – 27 Program Design and Implementation Course content will include an overview of human growth and developmental in relation to Christian education. Learners will encounter a variety of models of teaching, as well as methods of curriculum and program development, interpretation, implementation, and evaluation in a camp and conference setting. Participants will explore camp, conference and retreat models and how they are an extension of a ministry’s mission statement. — with Kathy Dawson and Joel Winchip

February 25 – 28 Immersion Experience: An Invitation to a Deeper Spiritual Life Certificate in Spiritual Formation Discover the key ideas and foundational practices for the grand adventure of a deeper spiritual life! During this Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon course, you will explore the origins of the Christian spiritual tradition, while learning the formative elements of Biblical, monastic, and Christian spirituality from the Reformation onward. The schedule includes time for personal reflection through guided journaling — an exercise for exploring your own unique journey with the living God. You will also get to know fellow participants in small group and one-on-one settings, which will support your practical application of the knowledge acquired throughout the course — with CTS Faculty February 29 – March 2 Finance for Churches This program is for congregational leaders—lay, staff, clergy—who provide leadership in the congregation’s financial ministry. This course addresses the needs of congregational leaders to understand and provide effective and efficient ways to implement church finances to support the ministries of the congregation. The focus of this course is practical knowledge and best practices related to church finance. — with Steve Law, Principal, Financial Leadership for Churches

March 31 – April 3 Sacred Survival: Engaging African American Spirituality Certificate in Spiritual Formation Deep within the African American community are rich spiritual traditions born of a legacy of survival, suffering, courage, and creativity. Through a distinct spirituality and rich cultural heritage, African Americans have made their own history and developed their spirituality as a result of the encounter of a particular people with their God. In this course we will engage lived-experiences, stories, songs and rituals, and trace questions of African American spirituality as a source of survival, healing and hope for oppressed communities. We will explore the historic presence of African American spirituality, as well as the ways in which we understand its impact and presence in today’s society. — with Khalia Williams April 4 – May 6 | An Online Course Reading Contemporary Confessions from a Global Perspective This five-week online course offers an opportunity to those who work in congregational or other ministry settings to review four contemporary confessions and the purpose and function of confessional statements in the life of a church. As we read these different theological documents from four different parts of the world, and through the interactive online discussion with the course leader and our peers, we will deepen our understanding of these statements in conversation with other confessions of our traditions and our own contexts of ministry. — with Margit Ernst-Habib April 11 – 13 Spiritual Formation and Older Adults Older Adult Ministry Certificate Course The last third of life presents some of life’s great spiritual challenges. This course explores the journey of aging as a series of stable periods and transitions, each with spiritual, theological and ethical issues— aging and frailty, taking responsibility, finding meaning, being in relationships, leaving a legacy, facing diminishment and death. — with Henry C. Simmons, PhD April 14 – 16 Theological Reflections and Affirmations during Older Adulthood Older Adult Ministry Certificate Course This course will explore a number of theological concepts, with a particular focus on how these relate to older adulthood, including the following: heaven; resurrection; the realm of God’s rule; guilt and forgiveness; bereavement; the nature of body/soul; cremation vs. burial or donation of body to science; organ donation; medical ethics related to end-of-life issues; aging as God’s plan for human life; and the church as a caring and supporting community. — with Rev. Marvin Simmers, Ed.D. April 21 – 24 | Montreat con ference center Wisdom of the Christian Mystics Certificate in Spiritual Formation Over the centuries, the mystics have included men and women, clergy and lay, Catholic and Protestant, rich and poor, educated and ordinary. What they share in common is their love of God and whole-hearted approach to living the Gospel in their daily lives.

This course will introduce you to some of the greatest Christian mystics, from well-known figures like Francis of Assisi and Julian of Norwich to lesser known (but important) individuals like John Cassian and Jan Ruusbroec. We’ll look at some of their key writings, reflect on the major themes and principles of Christian mysticism, explore how their teachings on prayer can be applied in our lives today, and discuss how we can apply their wisdom to Christian discipleship today. — with Carl McColman April 26 – 29 Can They See Your Church? Evangelism in the Visual Age (Thompson Scholars 2016) See story on page 00. May 2 – 6 | s acred heart monastery cu llman, alab am a Attuning Yourself to the Sacred Within: A Contemplative Retreat You are invited to set aside the rigor of daily life, to rest and attend to the presence of God within. This week-long retreat will include times of silence and solitude, plenary sessions with experienced leaders, contemplative spiritual practices, and gentle conversation in small groups. Whether you are a long-time practitioner of contemplative prayer or a curious seeker, this retreat is an opportunity to rest, renew and grow in the contemplative life. — with Deedra Rich and Ben Campbell Johnson May 2 – June 3 | an Online MOOC Course Thriving As a Church Ministry Staff Associate This five-week online course will focus on the role and function of the pastoral associate staff in the congregational context. Being an effective children’s, youth, or program minister requires more than just expertise about one’s ministry specialization. Because most children’s and youth ministers work in the congregational setting as associates, they must understand staff relationships, staff functions, teamwork, personal professional skills, and relational intelligence in dealing with pastors, staff members, and congregational members. — with Israel Galindo


Two new certificate programs, the Certificate in Older Adult Ministry and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction, were launched during the year. New programs for 2015-2016 include the Colloquy

for Mid-Career Clergy; Grounded: Exploring the Sense of the Sacred within Us and the World with Diana Butler Bass; Change, Organization and Generosity in Smaller Congregations (Smaller Churches Seminar Series 2015); and Being the Beloved Community: Welcoming Children of All Abilities to Church.

VANTAGE Fall 2015


lifelong learning

V a n tag e Vol. 106, No. 1, Fall 2015 E dito r

Michael Thompson D esign

Lucy Ke P hotog r a phy

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May 9 – 12 Being the Beloved Community: Welcoming Children of All Abilities to Church Where to start? What questions should we be asking? What can we do at church and in our communities when the needs arise? These and other questions will be considered during this conference, which will explore the theological and practical dimensions of this ministry. Participants will learn that every church can do something to transform relationships and practices. — with keynote speakers Dr. Bethany McKinney-Fox and Mark Crenshaw; and workshop leaders Barbara Newman, Stacey Ramirez, Cyndi Johnson, Sarah McKenney, Katie Sternhagen, Dr. Lorna Bradley, Dr. Evelyn McMullen, and Rev.Christin Johnson Norman June 12 – 15 | F irst B a ptist Chu rc h GReenv ille, SC Hospitality as Spiritual Practice: The Welcoming Voice of the Book of Ruth Certificate in Spiritual Formation The Old Testament book of Ruth has certainly been misplaced in the Christian Bible and too often ignored in Christian thought. If read in its historical and original literary context, however, it serves as a pivotal book for all people of faith. Our prayerful study of the Book of Ruth will introduce us to the deep discipline of hospitality – hospitality to far more than just a visitor in our home. The hospitality embedded in Ruth’s story encourages us to open our arms and hearts to: life on life’s terms, God on God’s terms, grace beyond imagination, and the inevitable evolution of faith and faith practice. — with Jim Dant and Debra Weir

C ont r i b uto r s

Randy Calvo, Jr. ’81 Pam Cottrell Corie Cox Mary Lynn Darden Rachel Reiff Ellis Sarah Erickson ’03/DEdMin ’10 Israel Galindo J. William Harkins Arnie Hulteen Karen Ware Jackson Zandra Jordan Martha Moore-Keish Melva Lowry MDiv/MAPT ’17 Kate McGregor Mosley Deborah Flemister Mullen Chris Paton Barbara Poe Sandra Taylor Diane Thorne Valrie Thompson Leanne Van Dyk Debra Weir Nancy Weitnauer

This issue of Vantage is available online at Go to News & Publications,


Dr. Kathy Dawson, Associate Professor of Christian Education, was honored as the 2015 recipient of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) Educator of the year award. Dr. Dawson used her acceptance speech to unveil a web-based, multi-platform Christian Education resource available at


VANTAGE Fall 2015

then Vantage.


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c a n d l e l i g h ts

Photo credit: Central Presbyterian Church, Atlanta / Meg Buscema

Climate change is an issue that impels us to think about God’s justice and how we echo it in the world. — Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Therefore the land mourns, and all who live in it languish; together with the wild animals and the birds of the air, even the fish of the sea are perishing. — Hosea 4:3 (NRSV) Small yet strong in the love of God, like Saint Francis of Assisi, all of us, as Christians, are called to watch over and protect the fragile world in which we live, and all its peoples. — Pope Francis We cannot hope to create a sustainable culture with any but sustainable souls. — Derrick Jensen, author and environmentalist That each day I may walk unceasingly on the banks of my water, that my soul may repose on the branches of the trees which I planted. — Egyptian tomb inscription The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. — Rachel Carson, marine biologist There must be more to life than having everything!” — Maurice Sendak, illustrator and writer One individual cannot possibly make a difference, alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference—all the difference in the world! — Dr. Jane Goodall, primatologist

The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives. ­— Chinese proverb The environment, after all, is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest. It is one thing that all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become. — Lady Bird Johnson, First Lady of the United States Climate change is destroying our path to sustainability. Ours is a world of looming challenges and increasingly limited resources. Sustainable development offers the best chance to adjust our course. — Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations If you want creativity, take a zero off your budget. If you want sustainability, take off two zeros. — Jaime Lerner, Brazilian politician Philanthropy without scale and sustainability is like any other bad business that will simply wither and die on the vine. — Naveen Jain, entrepreneur and philanthropist In my experience, poor people are the world’s greatest entrepreneurs. Every day, they must innovate in order to survive. They remain poor because they do not have the opportunities to turn their creativity into sustainable income. — Muhammad Yunus, entrepreneur Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance. — Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations

VANTAGE Fall 2015



Fall 2015

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Contents Vantage Point: Sustainable Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Inauguration of Dr. Leanne Van Dyk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Loaves and Fishes, Salmon in Particular. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A Christian Ministry in a National Park. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 GIPL: Connecting Faith, Community and Planet from Columbia’s Campus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Reasonable Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Class of 2015 Graduates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Joyful Gifts to the Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tauta Panta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Alumni/ae News and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Faculty/Staff Publications and Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Lifelong Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 20, 56 Candlelights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Look inside for our new section “Candlelights”! Each issue, we will highlight inspirational quotes and artwork reflective of our theme. Our next issue will be about “Experiential Learning.” Feel free to submit your own ideas to

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Orientation for new international students.

Back row: John Azumah, Leanne Van Dyk, Cheryl Maddox. Front row: Skip Johnson, Gerlyn Henry (Canada/MDiv), Rev. Shinyoung Ko (Korea/MAPT), Rev. John Muhinyia (Kenya/exchange student), Jung Gum Bark (Korea/MATS), Derrick Saddler (Jamaica/ exchange student)


In lieu of a Spring ’16 Colloquium, we are taking the seminary off campus for Winter and Spring ’16 alumni/ae regional gatherings. These events will take

seminary resources to our alumni/ae in their places of ministry, cultivating ministerial support networks while strengthening our overall alumni/ae association membership.

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