Like this determined woodpecker focused on the task at hand, the RCMP are keeping a close eye on thieves and property crime in the valley. This quarter, property crimes dropped to 108 files, down from 141 in the previous quarter. Police believe the drop may be due to several prolific offenders being arrested and remanded in custody.
Property crime is down in the Columbia Valley, according to a quarterly report by RCMP Sgt. Ed de-
During his update to Invermere council last week, the commander outlined that calls for RCMP service have remained very steady from this year to last.
their seasonal homes for the summer and discover missing items or break and enters.”
Invermere Mayor Al Miller told deJong he was impressed that the Columbia Valley RCMP seem to remain one of the few detachments in rural B.C. that consistently manages to be fully staffed. DeJong replied that there has been a considerable uptick in RCMP staffing levels in recent years. The RCMP Depot (national training academy) in Regina, Saskatchewan has seen levels of recruits rise.
During the fourth quarter of the fiscal year (January 1 to March 31, 2024) the Columbia Valley RCMP dealt with 704 files. That’s up only slightly in comparison with 691 files during the same quarter a year ago. Over the full fiscal year (April 2023 to March 2024) the detachment responded to a total of 3,575 files — only nine more than the 3,566 files it dealt with in the previous fiscal year (April 2022 to March 2023).
Mental health calls had dropped to 21 this quarter, compared with 34 the previous quarter.
“It’s hard to say why that is . . . it’s always up and down,” said deJong.
Another police stat that saw a significant plunge this quarter was property crime, which dropped to 108 files, down from 141 files the previous quarter. DeJong indicated the drop may be because several prolific local property crime offenders were arrested and remanded in custody. He added that with the start of the summer season “we may see (property crime) increase again as people come back to the valley to open
“There are more applicants nationally,” deJong explained, adding a majority of them are from B.C. He noted that is good news for places such as the Columbia Valley, since many Depot graduates want to return if not to their home towns, then at least to their home provinces.
Miller asked deJong if he noticed any policing or crime trends in the Columbia Valley.
“Nothing I’ve noticed in the short time I’ve been here,” the commander replied. But he did say that, on a provincial level, recent moves by the B.C. government to re-criminalize possession of small amounts of hard drugs such as heroin and fentanyl will have a big effect.
“It’s back to not allowing public consumption of drugs and police being able to seize drugs,” said deJong. “It gives us more power in terms of addressing those (hard drug) issues.”
The Columbia Valley Metis Association (CVMA) and Metis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) have changed their affordable housing/cultural centre development proposal in Invermere.
The project is one of the biggest efforts ever in Invermere to create affordable housing. It quickly became the hot button issue in town when the proposal first became public in late March. The initial plan called for a four-storey, 36unit affordable housing building and a 3,000-square foot (280-square metre) CVMA cultural centre office to be built on 13th Street.
A public hearing on the development in early April drew more than 150 people — an enormous turnout by Invermere standards. Many people at the hearing were staunchly against the project and many others were staunchly in favour of it. Opponents cited the project’s four-storey height, and said a development of that size along with a cultural centre just didn’t fit in a neighbourhood of mostly single family residential homes and single storey townhouses. Supporters cited the urgent need for any sort of affordable housing — but particularly of long-term rentals – in Invermere.
The CVMA and MNBC submitted a radically revised proposal to Invermere council last week. In the new plans, the fourth storey has been chopped off the affordable housing component, the building has been reconfigured into an ‘L’ shape, the cultural centre has been removed, and four extra units of affordable housing have been added.
“We took the feedback from the community and tried to adjust things as much as possible, in a way that is a win-win for everyone,” CVMA president Topher Burke told the Pioneer Burke said that councillors seemed supportive of the changes.
“Hopefully this will help. There’s still a lot more process and red tape to go. We’ll work through the process and see where we get,” said Burke.
Invermere chief administrative officer Andrew Young explained that council has accepted the new application, but not approved it, and that a new public consultation process will begin.
Mayor Al Miller said he is certainly happy to see that they (project proponents) listened.
“The height and community cultural centre were, I think, the two biggest issues that were brought up by the public. “It is very much worthwhile to direct it back through the (public consultation) process.”
Below is a bird’s eye view of the revised concept plan for the proposed
ment on 13th Street in Invermere. The second image (above) shows the
centre (foreground) and a fourth storey for the affordable housing building in the initial concept plan. The revised plans
the cultural centre and reduces the building to three storeys. SCREENSHOTS FROM COUNCIL
On May 14 the Columbia Valley RCMP responded to a single vehicle rollover on the Windermere Loop Road near the dump.
The male driver sustained minor injuries. A roadside breath sample was demanded and it was determined the male driver was sober and alcohol was not a factor in the crash.
On May 16 police received a call from a transit bus driver stating he was being followed by a car with Washington state licence plates for over two hours. Police intercepted the vehicle as it entered Invermere and spoke with the 63-year-old male driver who indicated he was not aware he was in Canada and did not know why he would be.
The male was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and brought to the Invermere hospital. It was learned the male had been reported missing out of Bellingham, Washington.
On May 18 the Columbia Valley RCMP conducted two separate checkstops, stopping approximately 210 vehicles. Multiple mandatory alcohol screening demands were made; however, no impaired drivers were detected. On May 19 an additional checkstop was conducted in partnership with BC Highway Patrol with approximately 150 vehicle checks with one impaired driver taken off the road.
The May long weekend saw police respond to eight noisy party complaints and 12 traffic complaints. Given this past weekend is one of the busiest in the valley, most people behaved themselves and responded well when contacted by police.
Invermere councillors further discussed plans to create a pedestrian-only area in downtown Invermere this summer and allocated money to the project.
The plan was first proposed by the Invermere Business Committee (IBC) last month and envisions closing off 12th Street between its intersection with main street (7th Avenue) and the back alley that runs parallel to main street half a block to the west. This stretch of 12th Street is adjacent to the Cenotaph Plaza, and is about as smack dab in the middle of Invermere as it is possible to get.
The IBC hopes to create a destination-type feel to the area, beautifying it with extra flower beds, and bringing in musicians or performers, food trucks, picnic tables with umbrellas, a water bottle-fill station, a misting tent, a shaded area, activities and games for kids, and play space, among other things.
“We want to make it a happening spot. Many other places have a pedestrian-friendly area of some kind in the (town) centre,” said Invermere councillor Grant
Kelly. “We do not want to close main street, but we do want to give our downtown some of the vibrancy that pedestrian-friendly areas can create.”
“We want to have it happen this summer,” added councillor Gerry Taft. “We need to try it and see how it plays out.”
The District of Invermere will spend $20,000 on the initiative. The money will come from Invermere’s provincial COVID-19 Safe Restart grant.
The potential closure of 12th Street prompted two letters from concerned valley residents.
“We are opposed. Access to the post office for the disabled, elderly and families with young children can be challenging at the best of times during tourist seasons. Also people sending and receiving parcels would be extremely inconvenienced. Why not consider the locals first and foremost,” wrote Twyla Rad, Nolan Rad, and Fran Rad. They noted instead that there is plenty of room at the site of the old community centre (which is currently an open gravel parking lot), and plenty of parking space there too.
“Please don't make accessing the post office difficult when there are clearly other options,” they implored.
The Invermere Business Committee, with the support of Invermere council, is pressing ahead with plans to turn this stretch of 12th Street into a pedestrian-only area this summer with activities, entertainment, food trucks, picnic tables, flower beds and more. Invermere councillors recently said that residents will still be able to access the post office during the closure.
PHOTO JENNY HUBRECHTIn a second letter, Anna Rad wrote, “I wish to express my disapproval of the plan to close part of 12th Street. This will make accessing the post office even more challenging. The handicapped and elderly will struggle to access. The traffic flow will be hazardous. And finally further parking spots will be lost.”
Invermere councillors referenced the letters, but didn’t entirely agree with the points raised by the Rads.
“I think there is some confusion over where exactly will be blocked. You will still be able to park right in front of the post office,” said Taft
Councillor Kayja Becker agreed that it was “a low risk” move to close the small stretch of 12th Street. “If we try it and it doesn’t work, we can undo it quickly,” said Becker. “I support us trying it and seeing how it goes.”
Monday, May 27th, 2024 at 4:00pm
At the Regular Council Meeting on May 27, 2024 at 4:00pm (also by Zoom), Village of Radium Hot Springs Council will give first and second readings to the following proposed bylaw:
Village of Radium Hot Springs
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 509, 2024
To amend “Village of Radium Hot Springs Zoning Bylaw No. 480, 2022” to comply with the minimum density requirements in Bill 44 – 2023: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023.
Per the Local Government Act
S.464 (4) A local government must not hold a public hearing on a zoning bylaw proposed for the sole purpose of complying with section 481.3 (zoning bylaws and small-scale multi-family housing).
Subject Properties
Proposed Village of Radium Hot Springs Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 509, 2024 applies to the following residential zones in the Village of Radium Hot Springs:
• R1(MH) Single Detached Residential, MH
How Do I Find Out More Information?
• From May 16th to May 27th, view a copy of the bylaw online at radiumhotsprings.ca, or at the Village Office (4836 Radium Blvd) from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
• Contact the Village Office at 250-347-6455 if you have questions.
The predictions rang true - this year’s fire season came out of the corner early like a raging bull landing a solid left (to Fort Nelson) followed by a dizzying uppercut (to Fort McMurray, again).
It’s not even June yet and we’ve been seeing unprecedented evacuations due to wildfires, exacerbated by drought and bone dry conditions.
Not surprising that some residents have pulled up stakes and moved to other parts of the province, and even out of province, to escape the hazard. But there’s really nowhere to run anymore; climate change has seen to that. Even Vancouver Island, known for its wetness, isn’t immune to this wrath. It has reached the point that summers are no longer enjoyable because you don’t know if your house will still be standing at the end of it.
What humankind has done to the earth may never be reversed, but we can’t just throw up our hands in defeat and say there is nothing we can do. While big corporations can keep doing what they are doing all the way to the bank (with governments in tow), we as individuals can do things that at least make us feel good about reducing our carbon footprint.
For example, the David Suzuki Foundation and the United Nations have some good ideas:
• Ride the backs of elected officials to help Canada meet its climate targets.
• Swap your furnace for a heat pump, and replace your gas fireplace with an electric model.
• Wash your clothes in cold water and hang them out to dry (don’t worry, your neighbours have seen underwear before).
• Take public transit or ride a bike. Make a big difference by taking fewer flights that produce a lot of greenhouse gases.
• Consume less, compost more, re-use and re-purpose.
• Support the Indigenous way of life by being stewards and defenders of the land.
• Do not support fossil fuel expansion; install solar panels instead.
• Grow your own food, eat less meat, and share what you don’t need. Don’t waste anything.
• Volunteer to help a “green” organization by cleaning up neighbourhood parks, rivers, beaches, and trails.
The Village of Radium Hot Springs is updating its Official Community Plan, and we want to hear from you!
The Village of Radium Hot Springs is excited to launch the Community Plan Project, an initiative that aims to inspire you to envision the type of community you want to live in.
Let’s dream big and be bold! The project team wants to learn what you value, what’s working in your community, and what needs improvement. Your feedback will set the vision and guiding principles for the village’s community plan.
The Community Plan Project includes refreshing the village’s two major planning documents: the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
What is a community plan and zoning bylaw anyway?
A community plan influences everything you see built around
you in Radium Hot Springs – from where parks and trails are located, to what types of housing and businesses get built.
The building blocks are basic infrastructure, housing, environment, recreation, economy, downtown, and the community’s desire for a bright future for Radium Hot Springs.
Join us at upcoming engagement events on Tuesday, May 28 for coffee chats at the Big Horn Cafe from 9 to 11 a.m.
Share your ideas for the future of Radium Hot Springs. Stop by the Big Horn Cafe to have a chat with the project team and leave feedback on one of our interactive poster boards, or help us build our community art project, the Vision Tree. The coffee’s on us.
What if communities could achieve the exceptional? Find out at Radium Hot Springs Public Library at 7 p.m. during speaker night.
We want communities to rise to the occasion, to be that community people talk about for its awesome successes.
We all have an innate desire to make personal contributions to our community, but the big question is . . . how? Join Chris Fields at this dynamic and interactive presentation to achieve the exceptional.
On Wednesday, May 29, a second coffee chat will be scheduled at Big Horn Cafe from noon to 2 p.m.
Community tour
Meet at Radium Hot Springs Centre at 4:45 p.m. in preparation for a tour from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Village council and staff will inspire you to think about your community a little differently and discuss what to expect from a renewed community plan.
Stay tuned for our community survey launching on May 28.
Village of Radium Hot Springs
You may have heard about budget cuts hurting the arts. Depending on your interests, that may make you angry or it may make you roll an indifferent eye. But during the upcoming David Thompson Secondary School (DTSS) senior theatre class play, it’ll probably make you laugh.
That’s because this year the class is performing the ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’, which they describe as a comedic, capitalist parody of William Shakespeare’s famous play ‘Hamlet.’
The ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’ follows the travails of a high school drama class that see their already meagre finances obliterated by funding cuts. Their creative, capitalistically cold-blooded solution is to raise the cash by selling out ‘Hamlet’ to big business sponsors. The results leave the tale of Hamlet, well, a little different than what you remember from your Grade 12 English class. Mid-scene commercial break, anyone?
Like most parodies, there is perhaps a small bite of truth to the satire, at least in a general sense. Or as Grade 12 student Zoëy Donovan put it: “if we did fund the arts more, then maybe we wouldn’t have to pervert Shakespeare. Or at least it wouldn’t be so easy to make a comedy out of perverting Shakespeare for corporate gain.”
The new, plutocratically-induced plot changes are hilarious, if not logical.
“My death, for instance, is kind of pointless. Both times,” said Grade 11 student Jules Turtle.
Wait, both times?
Yes, both times: Turtle plays the role of Polonius, the blithering advisor who ends up on the wrong end of Hamlet’s sword in the original ‘Hamlet.’ In the ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’ Polonius bites the dust twice.
Dramatic death scenes equal big money for corporate sponsors, you see.
“There’s a lot of death in the original Hamlet. So there has to now be even more death. And even more ghosts,” explained Zoëy.
She plays the role of Hamlet, and is delighted to get the chance to do Shakespeare — even (or perhaps especially) a version full of humourous tweaks.
“It’s not something you’d normally get to do,” said Zoëy.
Grade 12 student Emma Stankovski noted that
while the play may be about selling out in a figurative sense, there’s a chance it may actually literally sell out — as all the tickets will be sold and latecomers won’t be able to get any. Last year’s DTSS senior theatre class play did in fact sell out all its tickets. The message this year is clear: “Get your tickets early,” said Emma.
“Theatre is a great way to express yourself . . . it’s a way to be who you want to be, to be silly if you want to. It’s an escape from the normal pressures of high school,” said Zoëy. “It’s a really supportive class. It’s more of a community than a class.”
Zoëy added she also likes how you can use theatre to — in a humourous way — touch on topics of genuine concern. Such as funding for the arts.
Jules acknowledged that there are many things Columbia Valley residents might do on warm spring evenings in late May and early June, especially if the weather is nice, but implored them to try the ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’ instead.
“You can go to the beach any time all summer. You can see a play in Invermere only two nights a year. Take advantage of the chance to see a play when you can,” said Zoëy.
follow their example and the drama program is really growing,” added Little.
She thanked DTSS senior shop class students who built the set; local musician Bryant Olender who helped with the singing and wrote an original musical score for the play; and local substitute teacher Janet Dahl-Freeman who sewed a costume that students were having trouble finding.
The ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’ performances will be on Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1 at the DTSS theatre. The class includes 30 students in Grade 10 through Grade 12 and all are involved in the show in some capacity. Show time is 7 p.m. for each performance. Delicious snacks are available by donation, prepared by the DTSS chef training program.
Land Act:
“Being part of a theatre production, even as the audience, is a great feeling. Last year I came out of the play giddy. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep,” said Jules.
Tickets are $12 for adults and $7 for students or kids and can be purchased at DTSS, as well as at Stolen Church Gelato and Coffee and the Shenanigans store in downtown Invermere. Children under the age of eight may not enjoy the show — many of the jokes may go over their heads, and there are a lot of dead bodies, which — comedic or not — still may constitute mature subject matter for some younger theatre-goers.
Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land
“There is a magic to watching live theatre, seeing a story come to life on the stage,” added Zoëy.
Theatre class teacher Shelley Little told the Pioneer they had a lot of fun and laughter with this production, and even learned a bit about Shakespeare
Invermere on the Lake
Take notice that I/We, District of Invermere, from Invermere, BC, have applied to the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay Boundary Region, for an amendment to a Licence of Occupation to add a purpose and to add area for water monitoring sites situated on Provincial Crown Land located in the vicinity of Invermere, BC.
“I’m really proud of all the students for how well they’ve worked together. They immediately jumped into making props, sets and costumes. Many of the students came in knowing nothing about Shakespeare, and this was a creative way to learn. We watched ‘Hamlet’ and as we go through this ridiculous version, they are discovering all kinds of connections.”
Notice of Application for a Disposition of Crown Land
WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is 4404082. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS up to July 5, 2024. WLRS may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http://comment.nrs.gov.bc.ca/ for more information.
Little said it’s not essential for the audience to know ‘Hamlet’ to enjoy the ‘Hamlet Thrill-Ma-Geddon’, but added that if you do know ‘Hamlet’ you may get a bit more out of the DTSS play.
Take notice that I/We, District of Invermere, from Invermere, BC, have applied to the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Kootenay Boundary Region, for an amendment to a Licence of Occupation to add a purpose and to add area for water monitoring sites situated on Provincial Crown Land located in the vicinity of Invermere, BC.
Take notice that I/We, District of Invermere, from Invermere, BC, have applied British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS), Boundary Region, for an amendment to a Licence of Occupation to add a purpose to add area for water monitoring sites situated on Provincial Crown Land located the vicinity of Invermere, BC.
Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit http://www.gov.bc.ca/freedomofinformation to learn more about FOI submissions.
“The collaboration and creativity of everyone involved has humbled me again this year. I’m really going to miss the nine talented and creative Grade 12 students who are graduating and leaving this year, but they’ve inspired a high number of younger students to
WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is 4404082. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS up to July 5, 2024. WLRS may able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http://comment.nrs.gov.bc.ca/ for more information.
WLRS invites comments on this application, the Lands File is 4404082 Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Sr. Authorization Specialist, WLRS, Kootenay Boundary Region, at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by WLRS up to July 5, 2024. WLRS may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http://comment.nrs. gov.bc.ca/ for more information.
Location Map – Hatched areas containing water monitoring sites to be added to Licence of Occupation Lands File # 4404085
Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of public record. Access to these records requires the submission of a Freedom Information (FOI) request. Visit http://www.gov.bc.ca/freedomofinformation more about FOI submissions.
Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. Access to these records requires the submission of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Visit http://www.gov.bc.ca/ freedomofinformation to learn more about FOI submissions.
Location Map – Hatched areas containing water monitoring sites to be added Licence of Occupation Lands File # 4404085
of the ‘Hamlet Thrill-MaGeddon’ on May 31 and June 1.
PHOTO STEVE HUBRECHTLocation Map – Hatched areas containing water monitoring sites to be added to Licence of Occupation Lands File # 4404085
A new Indigenous Advisory Committee is being established by College of the Rockies in partnership with local First Nations and Metis communities.
“This collaboration with our Indigenous partners is part of the college’s ongoing commitment to genuine reconciliation with Indigenous communities in our region,” said Dana Wesley, executive director of Indigenous Strategy and
Wesley noted they currently engage closely with Indigenous partners in various ways, but this committee will provide a strategic platform for Indigenous Peoples to advocate for their educational needs.
The committee will incorporate a “distinctions based” approach, acknowledging the specific rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of each, while respecting and acknowledging the
distinct peoples with unique cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.
"It is so important for all students of First Nations ancestry to have a sense of belonging in their educational setting,” said Shuswap Band Chief Barbara Cote. “Having the positive supports in the college helps them to discover more about themselves and to achieve their goals in education for their future independence."
by Lisa Gates from Insightful Ink.
Much like Chief Cote from Shuswap Band, the Ktunaxa Nation Council and the Rocky Mountain Métis Association are looking forward to collaborating with the other partners.
On behalf of the Ktunaxa Nation Council, director of education and employment Eric Einarson said he is looking forward to engaging with the college and the partners.
July 1-5 @ DTSS
Ages 8-13
(just finished grade 4 to just finished grade 7)
8:30am - 2:30pm
Cost for full week $375
Ages 13-17
(just finished grade 8 to just finished grade 11)
7:30 - 9:30pm
Cost for full week $125
July 8-12 @ DTSS
Ages 8-13
(just finished grade 4 to just finished grade 7)
8:30am - 2:30pm
Cost for full week $375
Ages 13-17
(just finished grade 8 to just finished grade 11)
7:30 - 9:30pm
Cost for full week $125
An Indigenous advisory feedback circle took place in March at yaqakit ?itqawxaxamki (the Place Where People Gather) at the Cranbrook campus.
Led by college president Paul Vogt and Wesley, the group held meaningful conversations on how to apply an innovative, people-centred, evidence-informed practice to the committee and listened to the recommendations made by Indigenous partners on how to move forward.
The discussion was captured through a real-time graphic recording
“I am pleased to be continuing discussions and dialogue as we travel together on the path of reconciliation.”
Jeff Crozier, president of Rocky Mountain Metis Association, also expressed his pleasure of working with Ktunaxa and other First Nations to enhance relations and strengthen educational needs.
A Terms of Reference for the committee will be crafted over the spring and summer months before its reveal in the fall of 2024.
For more information, or to register, email: lebourdaiscamps@gmail.com This feature is designed to congratulate our grads for their achievements and to wish them luck on their future endeavors. By advertising in this feature you have helped make it possible for The Pioneer to produce this memento for our graduates of 2024.
Ad deadline: Friday, June 14 Pioneer Publication date: Thursday, June 27
Students in Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 would do well to start preparing, at least psychologically, to have their cell phone use restricted this fall.
The unavoidable new mandate from the Ministry of Education has reached second reading at the local board table and will come into effect in September as part of the updated “code of conduct” for students.
Under 2.7 of the code, it is acknowledged that smart phones, smart watches and listening devices are used as “tools of learning and inclusion,” but that such devices should not impede or interrupt learning time in the classroom.
All schools will restrict the use of digital devices in class except where the teacher requests their use for instructional purposes or a student requires the device for medical needs or learning accommodations.
Each school will determine how these devices are restricted, and students will be responsible for storing and securing their devices if they bring them to school.
One individual who commented on the board’s proposed changes to the code stated that the wording is so “vague” that the potential for an ineffective policy is high.
“Appreciating that this is a complex issue, it still seems that coming out with a strong policy from the start would be most desirable.”
The individual, whom the board did not identify, said the local policy seems to pass the onus on to individual schools. “I feel that stronger guidance from the district would create more cohesiveness.”
The other aspect the person challenged was how these devices can be used as tools of inclusivity when not all students will have access to phones.
Doug Murray, president of Local #4 (teachers’ union), told the Pioneer that teachers favour the proposed restrictions but want clear communication from the district and school administrators on what the new rules will look like . . . and the consequences for students who refuse to adhere to them.
“We don’t want to see it just fall on teachers to enforce,” he said.
Murray said teachers would also like to see an investment in technology so that personal devices are not needed for digital literacy lessons.
In a supportive guide being used by the district, it addresses accommodations for medical and health needs. For example, using a digital device to monitor blood/sugar levels for a student with diabetes, or accommodating language disorders.
A recent academic paper reviewed by the board says removing cell phones from the classroom would likely reduce students’ temptation to play games, surf the Internet, and text their friends, therefore enhancing their ability to focus on their studies.
Delphine Lodge 9215 Main Ave, Wilmer
Many small rural communities are experiencing the challenge of attracting younger entrepreneurial folks to town. The allure of the big city vibe can be too much to compete with. But for those folks looking for outdoor adventure, affordable housing and an exciting career opportunity, Canal Flats is developing just the thing!
Leading the way in small town innovation the village is working with universities, businesses, and non-profits to develop a medical device technology centre. They are building a consortium, a group of multiple organizations working towards the same goal. The consortium will create high value jobs attracting young innovative minds and will offer local training opportunities. Not only will this initiative attract consortium participants to Canal Flats but it will also see investment through research and
development funding and incubator businesses. Attracting new business will have a positive spin off effect to other industries in the area such as food and beverage, recreation, and retail.
Anecdotally, we have seen younger people and families relocate to the Columbia Valley; family and the smalltown lifestyle seems to be a main driver and although we have seen housing prices steadily increasing, Canal Flats is still more affordable than many of the larger centres. We can see through census data that Canal Flats is on the rise: in 2021 the population was 802, up from 668 in 2016. The majority of these new residents have relocated from within BC and there is no doubt, from looking around, that the population has continued to increase since 2021.
The health consortium is one piece of Canal Flats’ strategic priorities revealed last Friday which include: protecting residents and resources, resident attraction,
business attraction, and asset management. These priorities all come together with the development of an attainable housing and commercial development - the phased plan will see 16 residences and 4 commercial bays. Headwaters Academy, operated by the Village of Canal Flats Attainable Housing and Childcare Society will also be expanding to accommodate the growing need for childcare.
Don McCormick was in attendance on Friday representing Columbia Basin Trust. Canal Flats will be the recipient of $1,160,000 from CBT. $960,000 will be allocated towards the attainable housing initiative while the remaining $200,000 will go towards construction of the childcare expansion.
It is evident that Canal Flats mayor, council, and staff have been hard at work building an ambitious goal for the village.
Thursday, May 23
10:15am-1:00pm: Tech Tutors. Invermere Public Library
2:00pm-4:00pm: Tech Tutors. Radium Public Library Free one-on-one help with your computer, phone or tablet! Assistance with websites or electronic forms. Learn about games on your phone or iPad. Please book an appointment with the library you would like to attend. By Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
• 5:30pm-7:30pm: Come Cook With Me. College of the Rockies Invermere Campus. Free. Cooking for families. Learn recipes and cooking tips while making healthy, budget-friendly meals. All supplies provided. Registration required: CBAL – wvcoordinator@cbal.org or 250-409-4251
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in.
• 10:30am-11:30am: Senior’s Fitness Columbia Valley Centre, $2 dropin.
• 11:30am-12:00pm: Little Lambs – Baby Program. Radium Public Library. Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories with your babies! No registration required.
1:00pm-3:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Skills & Drills #2
• 2:00pm-3:00pm: Seniors Tea. Invermere Public Library. Join us for a cup of tea and a chat on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. All welcome!
• 6:00pm-7:00pm: Read it and Eat! Invermere Public Library. Read it and Eat is a cookbook club where we choose a featured cookbook each month, participants choose a recipe to make, and then bring the dish to the meeting to enjoy food and good company! Please contact the Invermere Library for details. The featured cookbook this month is: Smitten Kitchen by Deb Perelman
• 6:30pm-8:30pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Advanced Round Robin.
• 6:45pm: Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Invermere Legion. $30 buy-in. 7:30pm: Families Housing that Fits. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Inclusive and supportive housing in your community. diversefamilyroots@gmail.com
• 7:30pm: Trivia Night Windermere Whitehouse Pub. Host Mandi Cox $3/ person, teams of more than 6 will be split into two groups. Ages 19+
Friday, May 24
10:30am-12:30pm: Edible Adventure from Farm to Table. Edibe Acres and Winderberry. Growing food is an adventure, it’s an exploration deep into the ground and a continuous relationship with nature that proves its importance. Wildsight Invermere are excited to partner with the family of Winderberry and Edible Acres, for this journey behind-the-scenes of their greenhouse operation and certified organic farm. Early bird tickets $30. Book at: https://wildsight.ca/events/edible-adventure-from-farm-to-table/
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in. 10:30am-11:00am: Family Storytime. Invermere Public Library. Join us weekly on Fridays for Family Storytime at the library! With stories, songs & a craft. Geared towards preschool age (2-5) but all welcome.
• 2:30pm-4:00pm: Teen Connect and Create Radium Public Library. Every fourth Friday of the month. Connect with other teens while making different creations each month! For ages 13 to 18. No registration required.
• 6:30pm - close: Meat Draw and 50/50 in the Legion! Members and guests welcome!
6:30pm-8:30pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Novice Play.
Saturday, May 25
10:00am-1:00pm: Hike, Bike & Pull those Weeds! Columbia Lake Provincial Park. Wildsight Invermere and East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) are holding a weed pull on May 25th at Columbia Lake, supporting the Bighorn Sheep Conservation project. Everyone is welcome, especially hikers and bikers who would like to learn how to identify invasive plant species in the area, and then take to the trails with your new knowledge and come back with a bag of weeds! Training will include identification and removal methods, as well as understanding the impact of invasives and recreation on the sheep and other wildlife. Gloves, bags and barbeque will be provided. For more info and to register: https://wildsight.ca/events/hike-bike-and-pull-those-weeds/
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in. 10:30am-11:00am: Family Storytime. Invermere Public Library. Join us weekly on Saturdays for Family Storytime at the library! With stories, songs & a craft. Geared towards preschool age (2-5) but all welcome.
• 11:00am-12:30pm: LEGO/Duplo Club Invermere Public Library. We'll have Lego, Duplo, big blocks & more out to play with on Saturday mornings! All ages welcome.
2:00pm-4:00pm: Buddy Reading. Invermere Public Library. Contact us to book a 30 minute session to read with a librarian. Practice reading aloud one-on-one to build skill, confidence & a love of reading! Open to all ages and reading abilities.
• 2:00pm-4:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. DUPR Play.
• 6:30pm: Meat Draw and 50/50 in the Legion! Members and guests welcome!
Sunday, May 26
• 2:00pm: Birthday Tea – Theresa Rogers & Wanda Seel. Edgewater Community Hall. Everyone Welcome! Hosted by the Edgewater Golden Agers.
2:00pm: Cards, Cribbage and Darts Come to the Legion and have some fun! Members and guests welcome.
7:00pm: Live Music Horsethief Creek Pub & Eatery. Accompanied minors are permitted. No cover.
• 7:30pm: Dads Matter. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Dads connecting, Dads Supporting, Dads Inspiring. Do you have a son or daughter with Diverse Abilities? So do I. diversefamilyroots@gmail.com
Monday, May 27
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in.
• 10:00am-11:00am: Senior's Yoga Columbia Valley Centre, Invermere. $2 drop in, open to all seniors.
• 6:30pm: Poker (Chip up for Charity). The Station Pub $20 buy-in. Every Monday.
• 6:30pm-8:30pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Novice Play.
Tuesday, May 28
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in. 10:30am-11:30am: Senior’s Fitness. Columbia Valley Centre, $2 drop-in.
• 10:30am-11:30am: Homeschool Meetup. Drop-in, all-ages programming with open-ended STEAM play, group activities and art projects. A chance for homeschool kids and families to get together!
• 6:30pm-8:00pm: Second Winds Community Band. We are looking for new band members! Play an instrument? Practice at Invermere Catholic Church Annex. For info please email dalvande@shaw.ca
• 6:30pm-8:30pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Skills & Drills #1
• 7:30pm: Families on Tuesday. Zoom meeting with host Ben Postmus. Families connecting, Families Sharing, Families Supporting Families: Support, Listening, Sharing, Connecting. diversefamilyroots@gmail.com
• Wednesday, May 29
• 10:00am-12:00pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Drop in.
• 10:00am-11:00am: Senior's Yoga Columbia Valley Centre, $2 dropin.
• 11:30am-12:00pm: Story Time. Radium Library - preschool & all ages.
• 3:00pm-4:30pm: After School Club. Invermere Library. A window of transition time between school and home or extra-curriculars. Come colour, bead, play with LEGO and catch up with friends! Open to all school-aged kids and teens. Drop-off allowed for Grade 2 students and up. Younger kids are welcome with a grown-up. Please bring your own snacks! Register: https://invermere.bc.libraries.coop/
• 3:00pm-6:30pm: Wednesday AgriPark Farmer’s Market. Crossroads next to Chamber of Commerce Offices. Local Farmers Market with Live Music. Featuring Farm Fresh Produce; local meat; egss; and honey. Chefs, artisans, and bakers come to sell their goods in the historic barn. facebook@agriparkfarmers
6:00pm-9:00pm: Wednesday Dinners & Meat Draw & 50/50 Invermere Legion. All welcome.
• 6:00pm: Craft Connections Club (for Adults). Invermere Library. We’re painting terracotta plant pots this month! Do you have any plant pots at home, waiting to be painted? Bring them to the library to decorate! If you haven’t got a pot at home, one will be provided for you. (Take advantage of our seed library to grow something in your newly painted pot). Registration Required. publiclibrary@invermere. net
• 6:30pm-8:30pm: Pickleball. Invermere Curling Club. Ladies Night.
Ross, Alister James (Jim) 24 Feb 1958 – 04 May 2024
Jim passed away at the age of 66 in Invermere, BC after a brief battle with an aggressive cancer.
Born in Bournemouth, UK, Jim came to Canada as an infant and spent his childhood growing up in Winnipeg, MB. He graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B.Sc in Geological Engineering and moved to Calgary in the early 80’s to begin a 37-year oil and gas career in Geophysics. In 2006, Jim was given the opportunity for international postings - he and his wife Stacy ultimately lived in Australia, Egypt and Scotland before returning to Canada in 2019. Together, they enjoyed being immersed in local cultures and made many friends and connections around the world.
His greatest passions were year-round fishing and golf. He loved to cook and enjoyed growing his own food garden.
He will always be remembered by his wife of 18 years, Stacy Townson, brother Herb, sister-in-law Valerie and nieces, nephews and cousins on the Ross and Baldock sides of the family. Also remembering are parents-in-law Jim and Mary Townson, brothersin-law Chris (Colette) and Andrew (Linda), sister-in-law Kate and the extended Townson and Willis families. Jim was predeceased by his parents, Bill and Norma (nee Baldock), his brother Barry and sister-in-law June.
As Jim was a private person, no formal services are planned. Family will gather privately to remember Jim and share memories at a later date.
Alcoholics Anonymous. If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. All meetings are at 7 pm. Columbia United AA, Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the BC Service Building, South End-624 4th St. Invermere. Please call 250-3422424 for more information or to speak with someone from our fellowship.
Narcotics Anonymous. Open meeting.
Mondays 7 pm at the BC Service Building, South End. 624-4th St. Invermere
Al-Anon. Are you concerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? For more information or to speak with someone from our fellowship, please call 250-878-2448 or 250-342-8392
Memorial donations, if desired, may be directed to the Canadian Cancer Society, Prostate Cancer Awareness, the Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada, or to other charities of your choice.
Edgewater Legion 6:00 pm on Friday, May 24
Enjoy the Legion’s Famous Wing Night and Cash Bar
Mic Music Jam with Brad Lawrence
Cheers to Louise W. at No Frills. Even when you aren’t at work, you still let me know if a certain item is in stock. Talk about great customer service!
Cheers to Kelsey at Red Apple for the friendly customer service.
A huge thank you to Dale at the Copper Point for going above and beyond for the DTSS golf program. Our kids are so lucky to have you as an instructor.
Cheers to Jeff Perry and Mountain Home Productions for putting on a amazing concert with Colin James.
Huge cheers to Stephen for putting together the Boogie Bash! Great show - well done!
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Anne Myers
March 15, 1949 — January 31, 2024
A Celebration of Life in Jo Anne’s memory will be held at the Lions Hall in Invermere, British Columbia on May 30th, 2024. Please join us at 1:30pm, with visiting and reception to follow.
651 Hwy 93/95
Invermere, BC V0A 1K0
For more information, contact Elkhorn Ranches: 250-342-1267 www.elkhornranches.com
and Design Services Renovations, Masonry & Handyman Services, Blinds,
references. 250-341-5683 Heartfeltcompanionservices. com
Tristram Knives Knife sharpening. $1.50 per knife up to $2.00 over 8 inch blade. Call 250-342-6068
Time to tie up those soccer laces: the Clash of the Titans is back.
The annual event, which has been running for decades, is the biggest soccer tournament in the Columbia Valley. This year promises to be the largest version of the event yet, and will see more than 1,050 youth soccer players come to the valley, along with countless hundreds more family members, coaches, volunteers and supporters in tow.
“It does fill up all the accommodation, all the restaurants, all the shops from Radium down to Fairmont Hot Springs,” Columbia Valley Youth Soccer Association volunteer Bailey Yates told the Pioneer
Past editions of the Titans tournament have drawn up to 60 teams. This year there’ll be more — 70 teams, coming from all across the Kootenay region, as well as from Calgary, Airdrie and other parts of Alberta.
The teams — both girls and boys — will compete in age categories ranging from U11 (under 11 years old) right up to U18 (under 18 years old), including every age category in between.
The Columbia Valley Pioneer is currently accepting applications for a Sales Representative position. This role is ideal for individuals who are energetic, creative, and possess excellent listening and problem-solving skills. If you are a goal-oriented individual with an open mind to new ideas and previous sales experience, we encourage you to apply. The position is full-time with flexible hours, and compensation is based on experience. Must have a reliable vehicle.
Please contact Amanda Nason at 250-341-1111 or advertising@columbiavalleypioneer.com
Drop off resume at: #4A, 1014 8th Ave, Invermere
If the logistics of getting all of those 1,050 players to the right field at the right times for each of their games boggles your mind, you’re not alone.
“It is a pretty big deal to host it,” concedes Yates, adding that an untold number of volunteers, local cit-
izens and local businesses contribute to pulling off the tournament. “It’s a true community event, it really does take a whole village to put on an event like this, and it’s all about the kids,” she said. “Many volunteers, the committee members, they all work endless hours to make it happen — scheduling, planning, sorting out the port-a-potties. It’s a lot of work, and they do it all out of the kindness of their hearts.”
There is excitement at all levels, said Yates. For some of the U11 kids, it’s their first-ever genuine soccer tournament and they are as fired up as if they were playing in the FIFA World Cup. And for some of the older U18 teens, there is more than a hint of nostalgia about participating in this iconic Columbia Valley event for the final time (before many of them leave the valley to pursue post secondary education or career opportunities).
The first game kicks off at 8 a.m. on Saturday, May 25, and the last one will wrap up by 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 26, but the influx of players, family, coaches and other visitors will probably hit the valley in waves starting early in the afternoon of Friday, May 24.
Most of the games will be played on the soccer pitches at Mount Nelson Athletic Park (MNAP), J.A. Laird Elementary School, and David Thompson Secondary School (DTSS).
Yates extended a special thank you to CV Soccer chair Joanne Gray and to tournament organizer Catrien Dainard for their efforts.
WILMER – Debris Bin Event – ends May 27
RIDGE – Chipping Event - ends May 27
STODDART ESTATES – Debris Bin Event – ends May 30 TRETHEWEY BEACH – Debris Bin Event – ends May 30 PANORAMA SUBDIVISION – Chipping Event – ends June 4 UPCOMING:
Edgewater residents are being urged to stop putting fats, oils, and grease down the drain/toilet so as not to clog up the sewer system.
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) has sent out a notice asking residents to be mindful of the materials they are rinsing away after several sewer blockages were discovered.
“It is essential that cooking leftovers (fats, oils, and grease) go in the garbage and never in the sink or toilet,” says RDEK Utilities Superintendent Tom Altmann.
He noted the cost to vacuum all of the sewer lines in Edgewater is between $5,000 and $7,000 and could have to be done twice a year, resulting in operating costs increasing substantially.
Altmann says residents should not put the following down the drain: baking goods, butter, lard, short-
ening, cooking oil, fats and oil from cooked meats, food scraps, gravy, mayonnaise, salad dressings, and wipes (even the flushable variety).
Residents are advised to pour cooled fats, oils and grease into containers and put them in the trash. They are also encouraged to wipe excess materials from dishes and dispose of them in the garbage. In addition: use sink strainers to catch food waste, put food scraps in the garbage, and never flush wipes down the toilet, even if the packaging says it is safe to do so.
Altmann explains that the easiest way to avoid blockages and help prevent overflows of raw sewage is to keep this material out of the drains.
“It’s important to understand that even small amounts of these materials from many residents can add up to be a large and costly problem. The good news is, this is preventable, and we are looking to residents to be part of the solution,” Altmann points out.
Locals Brad and Steve of Smokehouse 93, Invermere, had been dreaming up a barbecue competition for years, to take place in the beautiful Columbia Valley. They wanted to attract folks from all over to celebrate good food and barbecue culture, and to host a worldclass, professional competition in the heart of the Canadian Rockies.
The idea was simmering, and in 2022 they realized they would need a few more cooks in the kitchen, so headed just across the road to the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) to see if their team would be interested in collaborating. It ‘caught fire’ and the Columbia Valley Smoke Show: ‘Barbecue, Brews & Mountain Views’ was born! Soon after, the Lake Windermere Lions Club offered up their brand-new campground to host the competition and this year, took on the organizing host role for 2024. Local businesses of all sizes step up to contribute to the two-day community festival that surrounds the cook-off. To elevate the quality of the competition, the event is a fully sanctioned Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) Master Series contest.
The second annual Columbia Valley Smoke Show will run on Saturday June 1, 12pm -8pm and Sunday June 2, 12pm-6pm. Pitmasters from across North America and local backyard warriors are invited to compete. Competitors are required to cook four types of meat (Chicken, Pork Ribs, Pork Butt, and Brisket). The cooking source is required to be wood, wood pellets, or charcoal. KCBS rules and regulations apply, Both days will offer BBQ competition, demonstrations & presentations from BBQ Pitmasters, market vendors, a Family Fun Zone (lawn games, arts & crafts, competitions), live music, authentic BBQ food, and a Beer Garden. Sunday wraps up with the addition of BBQ Competition Judging and the BBQ Competition Award Ceremony, with a total of $5000 up for grabs!
This year, the event will have 3 entry price options: $15 entry fee includes a brisket or pulled pork meal (with coleslaw and a non alcohol drink). $12 entry fee includes a burger or brat (with potato chips and a non alcohol drink). $5 entry fee to the festival with no meal. Tickets will not be sold prior to the event. Cash or cards will be accepted at the gate. It is recommended that attendees bring cash, just in case…..
So, join us to get piggy with it at the 2024 Smoke Show, held in the heart of the Columbia Valley in Invermere, BC. The competition and festival will take place in the Invermere Visitor Centre/Columbia Valley Chamber carpark and the adjacent Lake Windermere Lions Club Campground, located off Highway 93/95, just five minutes from Invermere’s downtown.
Want to attend the event but need a place to stay? Our partnering accommodators Copper Point Resort and The Kanata Inn are not only conveniently close to the event site, but they also have exclusive room rates for attendees…just tell them you are booking a room for the Smokeshow.
And hey, another great thing about this festival and competition….it will be a fundraising event for local non-profits such as the Lake Windermere Lions Club, with all proceeds reinvested into future or on- going Windermere Lions’ community projects and events. Thanks in advance to all the businesses, organizations, musicians and volunteers who are helping to make Smokeshow 2024 a fantastic event. With your support, we hope to attract local backyard warriors and teams from across North America annually to the Columbia Valley Smoke Show, and to bring the heat and flavour to the Valley for years to come!
Check it all out at: https://cvsmokeshow.ca/
While you are with us, you are always welcome to join us. Sunday at 10:30 am 326 10th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-9535 | www.lwac.ca
Minister: Brent Woodard Sundays at 10:30 am, in-person or on Zoom. For the Zoom link, please visit our website at wvsm.ca. 110 - 7th Ave. in Invermere.
Pastor: Justin Furse
Sunday 10 a.m. Worship Service 4814 Highway Drive, Windermere 250-342-9511 | www.vcachurch.net
St. Anthony’s, Canal Flats: Saturday, 4 pm Canadian Martyrs’, Invermere: Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 9 am St. Joseph’s, Radium: Sunday 11 am Father Francis Dela Cruz | 712 -12th Ave., Invermere 250-342-6167
Sunday 10 a.m. Worship service Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater | 250-342-6633 #4, 7553 Main St. Radium | 250-347-9937
Worship Service, Sunday, 11 a.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. President Kendyn Mackensie • Columbia Valley Branch • 5014 Fairway, Fairmont Hot Springs 250-439-9041
OF CHRIST (Iglesia ni Cristo)
Worship Service: Sunday 9 a.m., Thursday 7:45 p.m. Chamber of Commerce (Lions Hall) For inquiries: 250-688-1643 250-270-2208 or 250-688-0629 For more info about the church, you can Google online at incmedia.org or pasugo.com.ph