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6 • The Upper Columbia Pioneer

August 19, 2005

PERSPECTIVE Report dashes Historical Lens cold water on town council By Elinor Florence Pioneer Publisher The report presented to Invermere council this week should have come as no surprise. The first draft of a report commissioned by Invermere council and mostly paid for by three large developers merely restates what observers and residents have been saying for several years, and more vociferously, in recent months: “We’re running out of water.” In fact, that was the headline in a Pioneer article six months ago when a previous report referred to the limited ability of Paddy Ryan Lakes to support the expected volume of development. Council’s response at that time was to berate the editorial writer for being too pessimistic and to continue on its merry way, issuing building permits and entertaining new proposals from developers. The town redoubled its efforts to find groundwater in Athalmer but so far hasn’t struck the deep aquifer that is believed to have enough volume and quality to service the whole town. However, it’s far too serious a situation to take any pleasure in saying we told you so. The council, staff and permanent residents of Invermere are now in a real bind. We can’t issue new development permits because we don’t have enough water, and we can’t pay for a water system big enough to service new development without asking the developers. Our town is too small to raise enough money through taxes and too small to qualify for the big bank loans needed to pay for it ourselves. Moreover, there are some legal and ethical issues around clamping down on building permits when we have already given the green light to some developments. We have let the problem go on for so long that we practically don’t have enough water for our own use. The report suggests the water shortage could become “critical” by next summer, even without new development. It’s a complex issue and one that will be the talk of the whole valley for months to come. The situation has an upside: in the long term, it has created an opportunity for council and developers to get together and find solutions to the water shortage before it gets any worse. In the short term, there’s only one thing we can do: save water.

Circa 1923

Photo from the Ede Family Collection.


Council must get used to change By Bob Ede Pioneer Staff The draft report from Urban Systems has hit town officials and developers like a hammer. Growth and building starts have been unprecedented within the past five years, with additional development being proposed to see the town of Invermere potentially grow to an estimated population of 10,000 by the year 2010. The question is can the municipality sustain and service this growth? Will infrastructure keep pace with development? The report warns of potential problems with water and sewer, roadways, and quality of life issues. Water is an immense concern, as the report states: “The District could face significant, even drastic, water limitations within the next two years during the months of July and August, assuming the rate of development as planned by the developers is achieved.” The report explores other water sources and the costs associated with each. The town has for some time now been looking for other sources of water. Meanwhile developer permits continued to be issued without a solution to the water shortage. The Invermere mayor and council have stated on many occasions that development will pay for itself. History shows us that this does not always bear out. The town today suffers with torn-up roads, rising taxes, overcrowded beaches, and downtown brawls. If you think these things have nothing to do with growth, think again. These are signs of a town growing too quickly. The council has previously stated publicly their opposition to the Jumbo Resort development. Perhaps

it now feels that it might be perceived as anti-development if it doesn’t approve any and all development within town boundaries. Even without a study, many long-time residents and local newcomers have been concerned about the rate of growth. Their concerns are often met by labels levelled by town officials and local media, of “NIMBY” (not in my back yard), or “intolerant” and are told at every turn that they just can’t stand change. Numerous residents have even gone as far as to move away, since Invermere is no longer the town they originally loved. One person even described it like watching a loved one die. The council is now forced to make a difficult decision of freezing or limiting building permits and allowing only for growth that it can honestly service. This solution is almost a worst-case scenario, and could have dreadful legal consequences for the town. Furthermore, affordable housing, if it ever did have the possibility of fruition, will be as good as dead in the foreseeable future. But after four years of an abundance of development getting a rubber stamp of approval, it was only a matter of time before the pendulum swung - or, more to the point - reality set in. The mayor and council may very well continue to lead us after the upcoming election in November, as it is unclear, given the circumstances, who would want to inherit this mess. Editor’s Note: Bob Ede is a lifetime resident of Invermere who has serious concerns about the overdevelopment of the valley. He chose to write this piece as a guest editorial because he wishes to express his own viewpoint without speaking on behalf of The Pioneer.

The Upper Columbia

P IONEER is independently owned and operated and is published weekly by Elinor Florence. Box 868, #8, 1008 - 8th Avenue, Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Phone (250) 341-6299 Toll Free 1-877-341-6299 Fax (250) 341-6229 Email: upioneer@telus.net www.uppercolumbiapioneer.com The material, written or artistic may not be reprinted or electronically reproduced in any way without the written consent of the publisher. The opinions and statements in articles, columns and advertising are not necessarily those of the publisher or staff of The Upper Columbia Pioneer. It is agreed by any display advertiser requesting space that the newspapers responsibility, if any, for errors or omissions of any kind is limited to the amount paid for by the advertiser for that portion of the space as occupied by the incorrect item and there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for the advertisement.

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August 19, 2005

The Upper Columbia Pioneer • 15


New Frontiers - Old Truths By Dieter Magnus Lake Windermere Alliance Church Many have watched the latest development in the space program with great interest. The launch of ‘Discovery’ – would everything go safely and smoothly? The work on the space station – using the ‘Canada Arm’ (don’t you love it!). This is reality television that is powerful, simple and actually is real. What still amazes me the most when I watch the news coverage of these events are the pictures from space. The vastness of what is beyond this earth is incredible. The pictures of earth from space remind us of how small a space we take up in this universe. Who are we? Why are we here? Here is a poem written by Greg Asimakoupoulos. The Cape Canaveral carnival has only one real ride. It’s called the Shuttle. What a thrill! It travels far and wide. The Shuttle’s fast. You buckle up. The lift-off makes you sick. The flame that thrusts you heavenward is not your common wick. From out in space you see the earth. It’s round and green and blue. It fills each rider with God thoughts. It’s such an awesome view. But you don’t have to go Mach speed to see God’s grand design. Discovering his handiwork can happen anytime. The complex patterns we observe within a star-filled sky are matched by backyard hornets’ nests or redwoods standing high. There are the lightning bugs that glow

and swallows that return. The way the body heals itself, the symmetry of ferns.

Although the view some have from space is really quite amazing. You need not ride Discovery to see what leads to praising. As we look at the world around us, honest consideration leads us to see that intelligent design is far more likely than evolution. The mainstream of scientific thought is moving in that direction. The more we learn, the more impossible progressive evolution becomes. If the design of the earth and the universe is intelligent, whose intelligence is it? If the trail leads to God, is it logical to believe He would create and abandon this world without further communication? Would He lay down contradictory beliefs that end up in the same place? Or would He clearly say: “Here I am. Here is the truth. Believe it.” The author of Psalm 19:1-6 writing 3000 years ago said this: “God’s glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening. Their words aren’t heard, their voices aren’t recorded, but their silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is spoken everywhere. God makes a huge dome for the sun a superdome! The morning sun’s a new husband leaping from his honeymoon bed, the daybreaking sun an athlete racing to the tape. That’s how God’s Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset, melting ice, scorching deserts, warming hearts to faith.” (“The Message” Translation) In this valley we see an incredible picture of God’s glorious work. On your next hike, on the 12th tee box, or as your boat gets to the middle of the lake, stop! Look around. Soak it in. Enjoy God’s creation and marvel at the creation He has given us to enjoy. Then answer this question. What might the God who created this want from me?


Sunday, August 21st • 10:30 am Worship and Life Instruction. “True Life and Death.” Children’s Church for ages 3 to 5 and Kindergarten to Grade 2, during the morning service. Senior Pastor Rev. Dieter Magnus • Associate Pastor Rev. Jared Enns 326 - 10th Avenue, Invermere • 342-9535


Sunday, August 21st 10:15 am Invermere - Christ Church Trinity Worship & Sunday School New Minister Sandy Ferguson will give his first sermon on Sunday, Sept. 4 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 342-6644


Sunday, 10:00 am Celebration Service Children’s church during the message part of the service. Children 4 - 12 years. • Sunday, 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Senior Pastor Rev. John Cuyler • www.vcassembly.com Highway 93/95, 1 km north of Windermere • 342-9511

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Canadian Martyrs Church, Invermere

Saturday, 7:00 pm Mass • Sunday, 9:00 am Mass

St. Joseph’s Church, Hwy 93/95 Radium Sunday, 11:00 am Mass

St. Anthony’s Church, Canal Flats • Sunday, 4:00 pm Mass Father Jose Joaquin 712 -12th Ave., Invermere • 342-6167

ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Regular weekly worship services every Sunday at 1:30 pm Sr. Pastor Rev. Bryan K. Schinde Assoc. Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Ave., Invermere • 1-866-426-7564

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday 10:00 am Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater Radium Seniors’ Hall • 342-6633

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Downtown Invermere



������������ COLUMBIA VALLEY HOMES FOR THE BIRDS - These colourful birdhouses are not only an attractive addition to this back yard in Radium, but they are a way of attracting our feathered friends.

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