July 1, 2011 Vol. 8/Issue 26
Your Weekly Source for News and Events
The Columbia
The Columbia Valley Pioneer • 1 July 1, 2011
P i neer
TEE TIMES See our ad on Page 14
Serving The Upper Columbia Valley including Spillimacheen, Brisco, Edgewater, Radium, Invermere, Windermere, Fairmont and Canal Flats
beautiful blooms
Water vote results
With the help of an especially rainy spring, the Columbia Valley is at its most lush, and colourful garden buds are in full bloom everywhere. Green thumb Annmarie Deagnon snapped this photo of a butterfly feeding on a Lilac bush in her garden in Fairmont.
3 Graduate PARADE
36 Play N’ Stay
home mortgages
Photo submitted by Annmarie Deagnon
The do-it-yourself mortgage.
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home renovation loans
equity lines of credit
With a Flexible Choice Mortgage and FlexLine LOC, we’ve got the tools but you call the shots. Apply online or in branch. Pick your rate, term and payment options, and we’ll hammer out the rest. Talk to us today. www.kscu.com