Columbus Bar Lawyers Quarterly Spring 2020

Page 58

Life Outside the Law


Judy McInturff has an energy and enthusiasm which fuels her multitalented creativity. She uses her artistry to better understand herself and the world around her. She is a former pianist and violinist, a painter, poet and writer, all of which enable her to give back to family, friends and the legal community.

Many of Judy’s poems have been written for holidays or to celebrate a family member’s life events. She says her family looks forward to the gift of each new poem. Judy describes her painting process as beginning with a photo of the pet or the house she plans to replicate. When she is in painting mode, she loses track of time, and thoughts of personal or work challenges flee while she concentrates on the next color to use or image to create. She generally works with acrylic

Judy taps into her different moods by creating art, poetry or stories that are reflective of what is happening in her life or around her. She relaxes by painting portraits of her friends’ pets and homes to give as gifts from her heart; she composes poetry to celebrate others’ milestones or family celebrations; she writes short stories and books when personal life events inspire her; and she writes plays when she is worried about national events. She talks about how her writing connects both her and the reader with what matters, with personal, but hopefully universal, insights. Judy knows she has written something of value if the reader either laughs or cries in response to her prose. Lately, she has written two children’s books, soon to be published by Five Rainbow publications, which were inspired by her young granddaughter who has a disability, and a play. PAINTING by JUDITH MCINTURFF 58 | Columbus Bar L aw yers Quarterly Spring 2020

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