CSG Big Little Olympics:Seniors Set The Tone
OnFriday,September20th CSGturnedintoanOlympicarena. SchoolspiritfilledtheairasBigs andLittlesfacedoffinaseriesof RedandGoldcompetitions.From waterballoontossestorelayraces tomentalgames, therewastruly somethingforeveryone.Thisjoyous daywasallduetothehardworkof theSeniorclass,whoseeffortsset thetoneforthe yearahead.
Thisconceptof hostinga “CSGOlympics”started lastspringwhentheseniorswere taskedwithplanningthe firstBig/ Littleeventoftheupcomingschool year.Inthepast,seniorclasseshave organizedandledpepralliesforthe firstBig/Littleevent.TheClassof 2025thougha little moreoutside ofthebox,changingthingsupwith afriendlycompetitionbetween RedandGoldteams.Inlightofthe 2024GamesinParis,seniorsfelt
thethemeof“Olympics”wouldbe perfectforaRed/Goldcompetition. Theeventstartedwith apicnic as Big/Littlepairsgrabbed lunchoutdoors,takinga moment toreconnectandlearnabouteach other'ssummers.Afterlunch,itwas gotime!Big/Littlepairsfloodedthe gymswiththeirRedandGoldteams tolearncheers.TheGoldteameven gotabrandnewcheer,writtenby ClaraCarney,XII,whenshewasin middle school.Afterteamsprepped theircheers,itwastimeforthe gamestobegin!Foraboutanhour RedandGoldteamswentheadto headinvariouscompetitionsas theytriedtorackuppointsfortheir teams.
The day endedwitha“closingceremony” wherethe teamshadacheer-off.To kickstarttheceremony, seniorsran throughabannerandupthemansionveranda stairstobeginadance party.Thisiswheretheenergywas
themostinfectious.UpperSchool President,SammyKleinman,XII, reflectedontheevent,saying,“The seniorclassenergywasatanalltime high,wedancedourfeetoff, [...]itwasthe bestBigLittleever.” Sammy’spassionwassharedwith manystudentsaspositive whispers oftheeventfilledthehallwayslong afteritconcluded.Someevenwent asfarastosayitwas“themostfun theyhave hadallyear.”
TheGoldTeamended upwinningthecompetitionsthat day,butthatdidn’tseemtomatter. Everyonewassoconsumedina bubble ofjoyandexcitementthat thewinningorlosingdidnotmake orbreaktheday.Itwasabeautifuldisplayofthe spiritofthe CSG communityandthe energythat studentswanttobringintothenew schoolyear.The Classof2025 trulysetthe barhighforfutureBig/ Littleevents.
Crumbl cookie review with Mrs. Seals
DoyouloveCrumbl Cookies? Because sodoesMrs. Seals.CrumblCookiesis acompanythatsellsgiantcookieswith aweeklyrotatingcookieschedule, ensuringthatyougettheoptionof tryingnewflavorseveryweek.Recently,IsatdownanddidaCrumbl reviewwithMrs.Sealsduring Crumbl’sbirthdayweek(September23-28).Withtheadditionof CrumblClubtoUpperSchool’sclub lineupandthegrowingpopularityof CrumblCookiesthroughoutColumbus,Iwantedtogetaperspectiveon whetherthesecookiesareactually goodorjustanotherfad.Thatled metodoaCrumblreviewwithour veryownHeadofSchool,someone whoisnotsoeasilyinfluencedby whatispopularbutbywhatisgenuinelygood!
Birthdayweekwehadtheopportunitytotryabrandnewflavor: Crumbl’sConfettiCake.Thiswasa twolayervanilla cakewithsprinkles ontop!Mrs.Sealsgaveitan8/10, sheexplainedshetookoffsome pointsbecause itwasn’tanactual cookie,whichIagreewith.When goingtoCrumblCookie you’re lookingforacookie,notcake! NextupwetriedthebirthdayOreo Cookie.Mrs.Sealsloveschocolate,sothiscookie washighinthe rankingsforher,buttherewas a bittoomuchfrosting,makingit excessivelysweetandresultingin anoverallratingof9/10. Third, we triedtheregularmilkchocolatechip cookie,whichgota10/10.Forabasiccookie,thiswasjusttheperfect consistency:itwasnottoochewy ortoocrunchy;itwasperfectand softandendedupbeingMrs.Seals’ favoriteflavoroftheweek!Nextup
wasthecaramelshortbreadTwix, thisgota10/10frombothofus. IttastedjustlikeaTwixbarwith theperfectproportionsofcaramel, chocolate,andTwixchunksontop! Lastly,wetriedtheoriginalpink sugarcookie,aCrumblclassicas itisoneoftheirmorewellknown cookies!Itreceivedan8.5/10.It isa popularandreliablecookie withwhatMrsSealsdescribedasa fruityfreshflavor,butitendedup beingherleastfavoriteflavorofthe weeksinceitdidnothavechocolate!Allinall,Mrs.Sealsrated Crumbl’sbirthdayweekasolid 8/10,andIratemyoverallexperienceofgettingtoknow andsharing asnackwithMrs.Sealsa 10/10!
Letter From the Editor
HiSilhouetteReaders!Thisyearwehavetwonew articlesthatwillbe reoccuringfeaturesinallofour2024-25 issues.Thefirstiscalled "CookingwithSilhouette" foundon ourFoodPagewhereamember of theSilhouettestaffwill share arecipeandreflectontheprocess,results,andreactionsfromothers.
The secondnewadditionistheintroductionofarchival pieces.Herewewillchoose onepastarticle fromtheSilhouette archivestocomplementacurrentarticle.Wehopeyou allwillfindthisinsightintothepastasfacsinatingandinspiringaswedo!Wehopeyouenjoyournewarticles.
RoseMcLarty,XIIEditorin Chief
Want to write for Silhouette? Share ideas for stories, comics, quizzes, or other content with Silhouette@ColumbusSchoolForGirls.Org
Inthepastmonthsthe studentsoftheUpperSchool havebeenimmersingthemselves intheartsthroughformlevel trips!TheFormXstudentstraveledtothecityofClevelandto seethesecond-largestperforming artscenterintheUnitedStates, andFormXIstudentsvisited Stratford,Ontariotoexperience thefamousStratfordTheatre Festival.
Whenthesophomores traveledtoCleveland,theyspent timebondingasaclassandimmersingthemselvesinartand music.Whentheyarrived,the sophomoresjumpedrightinwith anafternoonatTheCleveland MuseumofArt,wherethey exploredartfocusedonmusic, history,andfeminism.Thenthey tookatourofSeveranceMusic Hall,hometotheCleveland Orchestra.Thenextdaytheclass
traveledtotheRockandRollHall ofFame,wheretheylearnedabout influentialmusiciansthroughout thedecades.Afterthemuseum, thesophomoresgrabbedlunch atWestSideMarketandwalked overtoMitchell'sIceCreamfora sweettreat.Laterthateveningthey traveledbacktoSeveranceHall towatchtheClevelandOrchestra perform,followedbyaQ&Awith secondviolinistKathleenCollins. LaliahLomaxsaid,“Ilovedhow livelyandengagingtheperformancewas.”Afterthelatenight, thebuswasquietasmanystudents tookanapontheirwaybackto CSG.
Meanwhilethejuniorsset offtothesmallCanadiantownof Stratford,Ontario,keepingthe20 yeartraditionofvisitingitstheater festivalalive.Oncetheyarrived theyjumpedintotheactionseeing themusicalSomethingRotten; thisperformancetakesthelifeand
WithanewyearatCSG comesmanychanges.Newtraditions,newrules,newclassesand mostimportantlynewfaculty!To gettoknowthenewfacultyIspoke toanewadditiontotheEnglishand Historydepartments,Ms.Hughes, andanewadditiontotheupper schoolSpanishdepartment,Senora Cole.
IgotinsightfromMs. Hughesaboutherexperience joiningCSG.Ms.Hughesteaches AmericanLiteraturetoFormX studentsandContemporaryFiction toFormXIIstudents.Ms.Hughes wassuperenthusiastictojointhis communitybecauseofthe“rigor andwonderfulreputationCSG has!”HerfavoriteCSGtradition thusfarhasbeenBig/LittleSis events;shecommentsonhow“it wassofuntoseethewholeschool cometogetherandshareinthis traditionthatissuchanintegral partofCSG'shistoryandcommunity.”Ms.Hugheshasadeeplove forteachingandhasexperienced howitcan“translatestudents”.A studentinhercontemporaryfiction class,LilaSchroder,comments onherclass,sheexplainsthatMs. Hughes“drivesgoodacademicdiscussionintheclass”andpromotes a“deepdiveintothemeaningof
thebooksandhistoricalbackgroundbeforereadingthebook”. Ms.Hughes’onepieceofadvice forCSGstudentsisto“always seeknewinformationand perspectivesinordertobroaden ourunderstandingoftheworld aroundus.”Shehelpsstudents gainnewperspectivesandthink globallyacrosscenturiesinher historyclassaswell!Sheteaches twosectionsofWorldHistory: ScienceandTechnologytoForm IXstudents.
Secondly,Italked toSenoraCole,ourUpperSchool SpanishteacherandWorldLanguagesChair.AlthoughMrs.Cole hasbeenapartofthecommunity formanyyearsasamiddleschool teacher,shehasrecentlybecome afamiliarfacetoupperschool students.Shecommentsonhow thetransitiontoUpperSchoolhas beengreatoverallandshe’sloved toseestudents'development asshehastaughtsomeforfour consecutiveyears.Herfavorite partaboutCSGhasbeen“getting toknowthestudents”andseeing “theeffortandenergystudents exhibit.”ColleenHernon,XII,a studentinherSpanishclasscommentsonhow“shepushesusto bebetterstudents”andis“incrediblysupportiveandkindsheisto herstudents!”
timesofWillamShakesperareand turnsitintoafuncomedy!The nextdaytheclasswenttotheFestivalTheaterforalivelyinteractivepre-showperformance.After aquicklunchandstrollaround thegardenstheyreturnedtothe theatertowatchTheTwelfthNight andcompareittotheplaytextthey readinEnglishclass.LaterthejuniorstraveledtotheAvonTheater foranentertainingperformanceof SalesmaninChina.Thenextday everyonesaidtheirgoodbyesto thecityofStratfordandjourneyed backtoColumbus.
Thesetripsarea greatwaytoexperiencetheworld withyourfriendsandclassmates. Theycangivestudentsopportunitiestheywouldnotgetotherwise andmemoriestheywillremember foryearstocome.
Highlighting HOCO
Thelightswerelow,the musicwasloud,andaspiritof excitementfilledtheCraneGymas studentsfiledinforthefirst-ever CSGHomecomingDance.This year,TheUpperSchoolAdministrationintroducedtheideaofa homecomingdancetoCSG,completewithanLEDdancefloor,a snackbar,aphotowallwithprops, aDJ,andafullycarpetedfloor.
Lastyearour“homecoming”lookedalittledifferent.Rather thanadancewehadaHomecomingSocialwithfoodtrucks, festivalgames,ashowingofthe OSUgame,andabonfire.With thebigchangetoadancethisyear, questionsaroseaboutwhichtraditionwouldstick.IspokewithDr. Hattaway,DeanofStudents,toget aninsidescooponwhattheUpper SchoolAdministrationwasplanningfornextyear.Sheexplained thatthedancewouldlikelybecome anannualtraditionifitwerewellattendedandpositivelyreceived bystudents.So,Italkedtoafew studentstogettheiropinionson thisyear’sdance.
Overall,Ireceivedan extremelypositiveresponseabout thisyear’sHomecoming.Athalia Muhirwa,XI,saidshe“verymuch enjoyedthedance.”KendallDavis, X,agreed,sayingsheloved“dancingandhangingoutwith[her]
friends.”AllthestudentsItalked toravedaboutthefood—abuffet withpretzelbites,cupsofhummus andvegetables,slidersandwiches, cookies,andpuddingcups—and theLEDdancefloor.“Thedance floorandthefoodtableweregreat touches!”EmmySloan,Xexclaimed.Allthreestudentsalsosaid theylikedthisyear'straditional feelbetterthanlastyear’s.Onlya fewconcernswerebroughtup:for instance,Emmynotedthatthere “couldhavebeenamoreexciting backdropforthephotowall”and Kendallsuggestedtherecouldbe athemetoaddmoreexcitement. However,theseconcernsareminor andcouldbeeasilyfixedfornext year’sdance.Whenaskedifthis shouldbecomeatradition,Iwas greetedbyanexuberant“Yes!” fromallstudents.Basedonthe optimisticreactionthatIreceived tothisyear’sHomecomingDance, studentscanplanonitbecomingan annualevent.
Golfing Star Kristina Ma
Kristina Ma, Class of ‘25, has had an outstanding golf and academic career. Starting golf at just 5 years old, Kristina participated in the Drive, Chip, and Putt at Augusta National and competed in many junior tournaments before becoming a Unicorn. The minute she stepped onto the course her freshman year, she exhibited all the qualities of the ideal CSG student-athlete. Her major high school goal was to go to the state championship, which she did freshman year placing third. She has won CBL Player of the Year three times, and her lowest round was a 69 at the Worthington Christian Invitational in 2023. Recently, she made it back to the state championship in her senior session, where she finished fourth. Her impressive stats will leave a mark on CSG golf, and her incredible leadership will
stay with her younger teammates. Kristina has taught her teammates to work hard and earn everything they are given, and she always gives the best advice. There has not been one round in which she has not worked with her teammates to find ways to get 1% better each day.
Additionally, Kristina is as committed to excelling in school as she is to excelling on the golf course. She was recently recognized in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship program. As she strives to improve, she constantly pushes her teammates and classmates to be better people, athletes, and students. Best of luck to Kristina as she continues her fabulous academic career at college in the fall of 2025!
Editor In Chief:
McLarty, Rose XII
LaRochelle, Lauren XII
Malloy, Olivia XI
McIntyre, Isabella XI
Walton, Pilar XII
Woods, Delaney XI
Cross Country Race Day Superstitions
Knocking on wood, throwing salt over your shoulder, and opening an umbrella inside are three of the numerous superstitions everyday people tend to follow, but drinking 72 ounces of water on race morning, and eating Biofreeze? Now, I don’t know if that is typical. Recently I had the chance to sit down with a few of the runners on the cross-country team to hear about how CSG’s very own cross-country team attacks race day per their wacky pre-meet rituals.
Starting with the underclassmen, Emmy Sloan, X, and Maggie Carney, IX, had similar race day rituals, both having specific accessories to compliment their dazzling red and gold CSG uniforms. Sloan makes sure to always wear her lucky angel number necklace and Carney is extremely particular when it comes to her race day hair, saying “I always have to have three ponytail holders in my hair and wear one on my right wrist, but never my left.”
The upperclassmen take a different approach to the IXs and Xs, as their pre-race rituals focus on fueling their bodies properly.
Junior Grace Chapman’s favorite race day breakfast consists of the healthiest carb in the world, toaster waffles! She explains, “The waffle with the mix of sugary syrup gives me the energy I need and helps me get in race mode.” Caroline Amato, XI, takes a different approach, opting to pump all the lucky liquids on race day, saying, “I love a good protein smoothie, and always make sure to have at least three full bottles of water before I race.”
The whole team participates in the last race day ritual… Biofreeze. This is the team's holy grail that helps save sore muscles from tensing up during the race. The runners apply this numbing gel every race. Grace Chapman, XI, even goes as far as to say, “I would eat Biofreeze if I could.”
You could say these pre-race superstitions are working because the cross country team has had some major successes this year, from personal records to top finishes at races.
These CSG runners have more than just luck from race day rituals.
Tennis Goes to States!
Sophia McIntyre, IX
The CSG tennis team has had a great season this year, with plenty of great players. They finished their season with a fascinating and successful tennis tournament. We would like to congratulate three tennis players: doubles partners Victoria Dizon, XI, and Priya Mehta, XI, and singles player, Iva Karagirova, X.These three talented players were able to secure a spot in the OHSAA Tennis State Championship at the College of Wooster. Before they left for their matches, I interviewed Victoria Dizon, Priya Mehta, and Iva Karagirova about how they felt going into States. Iva Karagirova said she was “very excited to compete this year for the first time, but she was nervous about the tough competition because she was playing teams from all parts of Ohio.” Karagirova also commented about the types of competition she has faced this season; "So far, the competition has been challenging, and I’ve had to work very hard to win my matches.” She expected the competition to be difficult but
was excited about what the tournament would bring. Next, Victoria Dizon and Priya Mehta talked about their feelings about going to the States. At the time, Dizon said, “I am very excited to go to the States also, considering that there haven’t been many CSG girls who have gone to the States recently. I am nervous about going and playing because it is a big deal. I am excited to bring back something that hasn’t happened in a long time.” Priya Mehta explained how the competition has been pretty competitive so far, “especially since many stacked doubles teams are competing for the championship.” Victoria, Priya, and Iva were excited about the tournament, CSG was cheering them on from the sidelines and watching them play challenging matches. Go Unies!
Bergmann, Sophie XI
Gugle, Abigail X
Harris, Liberty X
Kessler, Reese X
Krsakova, Mia X
Massimiani, Christina X
McIntyre, Sophia IX
Millington-Redmond, November IX
Rajagopalan, Divya IX
Sloan, Emmy X
Dr. Hattaway
4Sports&Health Staying Healthy as the Temperature Drops
While 2024 starts to come to an end we should start asking the question, “How do I stay healthy this frosty season?”. When thinking about ways to stay healthy you should consider how active you are, the food and nutrients you're taking into your body, and your mental health status or how you feel during the colder months.
One key part of staying healthy is making sure you have good exercise habits that you stick to consistently.
An article from MedlinePlus talks about how exercise diminishes as the months get colder and fewer people are outside with “31 percent of adults being less active than at any other time of the year.” Although it is naturally going to be harder to exercise through snowy and icy weather, it is still important to be as active as possible. Even indoor exercise such as “a brisk walk, raking leaves, or climbing stairs, can help.” Overall, staying active and mobile is important when the
weather doesn't permit us to be outside as much as we might like. A nother way to support your health during this time is to maintain a nutritious diet. A report from Everyday Health explains how “a study found that participants consumed an average of 86 additional calories per day in fall compared with spring, and ate more fat and saturated fat in the winter months.” While unhealthy foods are ok in moderation, over time they can have long-term negative effects. Instead, try limiting sweet treats by adding more healthier alternatives. For example, a great healthy snack could be apples and peanut butter which contains protein, potassium, and phosphorus, but really any fruit of choice could prove to be an excellent addition to your diet. Another example is instead of reaching for Lays chips, try having pretzels, which have fewer calories than potato chips and less saturated fat. Although physical
health is important, prioritizing our mental health can have a huge impact on our well-being throughout the year. An article by Maya Jarrell, a Content and Media Strategist at Lees Mcrae College says “According to the Centers for Disease Control, “social connectedness can lead to a longer life, better health, and improved wellbeing.” Humans are very social creatures and winter is a great time to hang out with friends. Whether it is going to a movie, making a trip to the mall, or even attending clubs that seem interesting to you. Now with all this information and more I ask you, how will you be your best self during the colder season?
Energy Drinks: The Truth
Isabella McIntyre, XI
If you look around your classroom you will probably find at least one person sipping on an energy drink. Whether it is an Alani, Monster, or Celsius, these energy drinks have questionable health effects and unique tastes. According to the CDC, energy drinks can lead to insomnia, heart complications, anxiety, and dehydration. However, despite the shortfalls of energy drinks, a large percentage of the student body continues to drink them, leading us to wonder why.
One very popular drink is Alani Nu, a fruity energy drink with 100 mg of caffeine. When asked about why she enjoys drinking Alanis, Clara Dye, XI, said, “I love the taste, especially the peach one, and it is so girly and cute!” I then asked her why she continues to drink energy drinks, know-
ing the adverse health effects, and she responded, “It’s the perfect breakfast because it wakes me up and is yummy.”
Similarly, another XI, Emma Mathwig, who enjoys drinking Monster energy drinks with 160 mg of caffeine, stated, “I like the Pipeline Punch Monster because it makes me feel awake, and I like the taste of battery acid mixed with fruit punch.” Similarly to many other students, she overlooked the health benefits of feeling awake in the morning.
Finally, when Gillian Spangler, XII, was asked about the most common highly caffeinated energy drink, Celsius, which boasts 200 mg of caffeine, she responded, “I love the lemon-lime flavor, and even though I know that it is not the healthiest, I need it to feel awake at school and do my work.” Again, this proves how prevalent energy drinks are in our community because of ac-
Crafting the Perfect Game Day Lunch
Nutrition and food are essential to how athletes perform, so, with 80% of the student body participating in a sport, I began to wonder how these CSG student-athletes were fueling themselves. According to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, athletes should eat a meal high in carbohydrates and protein four hours before sports games, as these nutrients provide the body with energy. They also suggest avoiding meals high in fats and fiber as they can upset stomachs. These recommendations can help athletes begin to build a meal but it is ultimately up to personal preference of the athlete.
The CSG Sage dining staff helps to offer lots of nutritious meal options. I asked several student-athletes about their preferences. Tennis player Iva Karigirova, X, shared her favorite CSG lunch: “[Before a match] I love some General Tso’s and a salad.” This is just one ex-
ample of a meal offered that is a healthy option for athletes as it includes both protein and carbs. In contrast, Madigan Zieg, XII, on the Field Hockey Team favors a different type of meal: “I prefer a salad with chicken on it because you need protein.” This is helpful as this meal is available to students every day at the salad bar and is a consistent option. I also asked Sammy Morris, XII, on the volleyball team, what she avoids on game days. She explained, “ I avoid tacos due to previous experience and nothing too heavy, no General Tso’s.” These different options prove that athletes have varying opinions and preferences that work best for them. Understanding how different meals affect your body can help you perform best when planning a meal for game day. Keep these tips in mind next time you are picking out your lunch before a game.
ademic and athletic demands. These responses prove that regardless of the health effects many students continue to consume energy drinks, proving that for some the reward of energy and productivity is worth the risk of its negative effects. Everyone needs to consider that even if drinking energy drinks might give you a temporary boost in your performance, the negative effects should be seriously acknowledged.
Decade Dance Costume Ideas
SilhouetteStaff Recommends: FallMusic-
Needaplaylistfortheautumnal season?Ourstaff havesubmittedtheir personalfavorite fallsongs.Theyare perfectforplaying inthebackground tosetacozymood astheweathergets colder.Nomatterif youlovelisteningto Hozierandwatching theleavesfallona walk,bakingabatch ofpumpkinbaked goodstoTaylor Swift,orarelooking forsomethingnew, youshouldcheck outthelistbelow!
-Willow-Taylor Swift
-WeFellInLove InOctober-Girlin Red
-LoversRock-TV Girl
Finding Halloween costume ideas for my Pinterest board wassuperdifficultthisyear.Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember any of my great ideas from throughout the year and my usual scrolling through Instagram wasn’t working. As a Halloween enthusiast, this was very concerning to me. EspeciallywithDecadeDanceonly a few days away.That’s why I was inspired to curate a list of costume ideas for our Silhouette readers.
After scouring the internet and brainstorming some ideas of my own, I came across tons of costumes for a duo or couple. The first is the classic Romeo and Juliet from the 1996 Baz Luhrmann movie: just replicate their knight and angel masquerade outfits. Another iconic movie duo is Maxine Minx and Pearl from the horror trilogyXcompletedthisyear.Pearl should wear a red dress and a blue hair ribbon. Maxine’s look is complete with a pair of overalls and her signature blue eyeshadow.
On the other hand, it is always lots of fun to dress up with agroupoffriends.Maybeyouguys cangetreadywitheachotherandif you're lucky one ofyouwillhavea
digital camera to take lots of cute photos.Oneideaformultiplepeople isagroupofSonnyAngels,inspired bythecutecollectiblefigurinesthat havetrendedonlinerecently.Allyou needisasimpleoutfit,apairofangel wings, and an animal hat or ears.
Because it’s not always easytoagreeasagroup,youallmay want some solo costume suggestions.Maybeyoucouldgoasstrong historicalwomen.Forinstance,Joan ofArcwhichyoucanmakeyourown combining any silver or chainmail itemsandaccessories.Analternative lookisMarieAntoinette.Important elements include a tall wig or updo and baroque-era clothes—extra points for bows and anything pink.
If you have completely procrastinated, here are some final Halloweencostumeswithitemsyou probably have already. To be the American Dream, channel vintage Americanawithsomethinggingham, especiallyapjsetaccessorizedwith apillow,sleepingmask,andslippers. Lastbutnotleast,Pilatesprincesses: forthislookpinkpilatesorballet-inspiredathleisureandatiaraisgreat.
Whetheryouwanttodress asascreamqueen,arelookingfora cutecostumeforyourfriendgroup, or something last minute, I hope youfoundsomethingperfectinthis article!
The Decade dance has been a longstanding tradition at CSG. This year, we wanted to delve into the Silhouette archives and see what has been said about this event in the past. The article below is from was written by a student for Silhouette sixteen years ago!
EmilyLau,XI-October, 2008
You know Halloween is just around the corner when leaves fall from trees and blow in the chill autumn breeze, horror movies seem to be the only ones showing at the theaters, and people begin brainstorming ideas for how they will dress up for this festive season. It's time to put your minds to rest! Whether you find yourself trick-or treating, hanging out at a Halloween party, or even passing out candy, these costume ideas will be sure to fit every occasion
If you feel like being original this year, dress up as a “Babe / Boy Toy Magnet." This costume requires old gray clothing such as a sweat suit, inexpensive toy dolls, a needle and thread, and safety pins. Using either multiple safety pins or your very own sewing skills, attach numerous dolls, such as G.I. Joes or other male action figures, to your gray clothing.
When people ask what you are, tellthemyouarea"boymagnet."
If you find yourself down to the wire and inneedof a spur-of the-moment costume, either find an old plastic laundry basket or purchase an inexpensive one. Cut a circle in the bottom so that your body can fit through it. Next, use either a rope or a clothesline to act as suspenders to keep the laundry basketaroundyourbody.Hangyour "dirty clothes" from the basket and callyourselfadirtylaundrybasket. Ifyouandaspecialsomeone would like to coordinate your costumes, be Halloween royalty and go as Burger King and Dairy Queen. These outfits are cute and self-explanatory. Wear your most elegant clothes and print out the BurgerKingandDairyQueenlogos topasteontoyourcrowns.Ifyouare enjoyingthefestivitieswithagroup of friends, get your angry faces on andgooutasanangrymob.Grabas manygardeningtoolsasyoucanfind andraidHalloweenwithpitch-forks raisedintheair!
Sabrina Leaves Quite an Impression
Olivia Malloy, XI
On September 23rd, Sabrina Carpenter opened her new Short n Sweet Tour! One month after Short n’ Sweet, Sabrina’s most recent album, was released. Upon the album’s release it spent three weeks straight as Billboard’s number one album! Most of you have probably listened to some of the album’s top singles on the way to or at school already. Luckily, I got two tickets to the Columbus show, thze first city on the tour! The music sounded beautiful paired with her incredible live vocals. However, her visuals were the aspect that stood out most to me. The concert took place on a vintage New York apartment-inspired set complete with a large window, sixties-inspired furniture, a red heart-shaped conversation pit, multiple rooms, and levels.
The first part of the set list took place during the evening, which could be seen by looking out the window to see a pinkish city skyline. During her first song, Sabrina revealed a sparkling pink bodysuit from underneath a bath towel. In her new costume, she sat down to sing while getting ready at her
vanity. Under the warm glow of lights she cozied up by the fireplace, rain tapping at the window, and thanked her fans. She proceeded to sing a couple more songs in front of a pink and orange sunset with a fluffy pink babydoll dress. She even had a cute pillow fight on her circular canopy bed, fit for a slumber party.
Sabrina titled the middle section of her concert, Sabrina After Dark, where she changed into a black lace capri pant bodysuit with a blue bow and sang “All Because I Liked a Boy” with a dramatic black and white background of sparkling city lights. Then in her conversation pit she spun the bottle to randomly choose the surprise cover song for this city, Abba’s “Mama Mia”.
Finally, she put on her last costume of a blue and silver sparkling maxi two-piece to sing her ballad “Dumb and Poetic” in front of a backdrop of scattered stars. She tore her skirt into a mini and finished the show with a vibrant discoinspired couple of songs. After the sun rose in the window behind her, she woke up her dancers with some caffeine via her song “Espresso.” Her
pre-filmed and witty outro video was also very unique and memorable to escort fans out of the arena.
Sabrina did an amazing job at making her concert feel like a gathering of close friends. I also loved how she tied in the aesthetic with vintage television formatting, including easter-egg filled advertisements, an animated intro, and different segments. I would recommend anyone in the CSG community to get their hands on some tickets if they can!
Gabby Clarke Was Made For The sTaGe!
Reese Kessler, X
Get your tickets ready because CSG has a rising star in the making! Gabrielle Clarke, XII, is the epitome of talent and energy when it comes to theater. Her journey started when she was in elementary school, before coming to CSG, when she took part in a show and immediately fell in love with the art. “I’ve always loved movies and TV shows, and I always wanted to be an actress,” Gabby says. One of her first inspirations to be an
actress came from watching Emma Watson in Harry Potter, a version of which she now gets to star in as she debuts a lead role in the play Puffs, a Harry Potter rendition.
Although Gabby does not take part in theater outside of school, she has been in 14 theater productions at CSG! Her first one being SchoolHouse Rock jr. When asked about her favorite theater memories and performances at CSG, Gabby wasn’t at all hesitant to talk about her time in the show Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie, in which
she played Major Metcalf, as a sophomore. “It was such a fun show…and the energy was always there,” Gabby states.
Mrs. Biashara, the CSG Director, remarks that “Gabby is a charismatic performer that is always willing to help with shows in any way possible. She will paint the set, find props, make promo videos and anything else the group might need. She is inclusive and kind to newcomers and has a calm, powerful energy that grounds the cast. Gabby loves theater so much that she even researches
shows for CSG to do (just ask her about Anastasia).” Theater, whilst it may seem easy, is certainly not. Gabby shares that the biggest challenge she’s had to face is learning to be comfortable in stepping far out of her comfort zone and making bolder choices on stage. Luckily for Gabby, she is one of the few thespians who never struggled with stage fright, and has always been ready to take on whatever new acting task a show has presented her. In fact, Gabby doesn’t allow anything to get in her
way when working on a show, and has a true profound love for “performing, and [getting] to be something entirely different from [herself].” She specifically loves character work and building. Gabby also stated that apart from acting, she loves “the community of theater and all [her] friends.”
Gabby is no doubt going on to do amazing things after she graduates. If there’s one thing she hopes to leave behind
WelcometoCookingwith Silhouette!I’mLauren,thisissue’s Silhouette Chef. Cooking with Silhouette is a new quarterly issue articlethatfeaturesthecookingand bakingofmembersoftheSilhouette staff. Usually, Silhouette features students’ voices and opinions on school-related topics like sports andglobalissues,butthisissuewe are making a new addition featuring the students’ culinary skills! This issue, I will be walking you throughmyattemptatbananabread.
Idecidedtomakebanana bread as it is one of my favorite foods, I have never made it before butloveeatingitanditisoneofmy go-to snacks!This recipe was very
easyasithas4ingredients:thepackaged mix, vegetable oil, water, and eggs (optional: you can add chocolatechipsontopforaricherflavor!).
It is also nut-free so it is a perfect snack to bring to class! I baked it at350degreesFahrenheitforabout an hour and voila the banana bread was ready! This recipe was so easy to make and the Silhouette class as wellasmyfamilyenjoyedeatingthis deliciousloaf!Myfamilydescribed itashavinganicetextureandloved the addition of chocolate chips on top. My fellow editor PilarWalton, XIIenjoyeditaswell,shedescribed it as moistand delicious! Overall, I enjoyed making this recipe, and I hope you try it and come back for the next edition of Cooking with Silhouette.
Exchange Students Try American Fast Food
Haveyoumetthenewexchangestudentsat CSG?Thisyear, 3scholarsfromtheASSISTprogram areattendingCSG!Therearemany elements of a new countryand culture to get used to, one of which is thecuisine.Sincethey’restartingto get settled in, and the food is very different, I asked them about their opiniononAmericanfastfoodsand snacks!
Benita is 15 years old, she’s from Germany and she’s a sophomoreatCSG!Shelovesagood sweet snack. Coming to the US, she was most excited about trying sweets, Chick-Fil-A, and Barbeque becausetheydidn’thavethesefoods in Germany and she heard about themontheinternet.Fromthefoods she already had, her favorites were Chick-Fil-A, Bibibop, Aladdin's, Khaab(thelocalIndianrestaurantin Bexley),Starbucks,DunkinDonuts, Bagels,andCheetos!However,she doesmissagoodbreadwithallkinds of spreads and also all the sweet bakeriesfromGermany.
Like Benita, Felin is also 15 years old, from Germany, and a sophomore at CSG! She has a big sweettoothand says that chocolate is her bestest friend. She’s really excited to try pumpkin pie because her host family loves it! She alreadytriedStarbucks,TimHortons, Wendy's, and Brassica. So far, she loves a good Starbucks cake-pop andarestaurantinGroveCitycalled Cimi’s. She says that they have the bestpizza!FelinalsomissesGerman
breadthathergrandmausedtomake forher.
My name is Mia; I’m 16 years old and I’m a junior from Slovakia. I also love a sweet treat! I already tried most of the fast foods and typical snacks because I was so excited about it. However, my favorite fast food is definitely Raising Cane’s. I had Crumbl a few times now, and I love trying the new flavors every week. My favorite fries are from Chick-FilA, but the thing I love the most is a fun Starbucks drink, especially coffee. Even though I’m loving all the foods and snacks here, I really miss all the Slovakian pastries and sweets my mom used to make.
Hearing about the German bread made me really want to try it too! If you are a CSG student and think there are foods our visiting students should try, you should reachouttoeachofthem,orjusttake them and experience it with them! When you see an exchange student somewhere you should definitely come say hello and ask about their day!Notonlyisitgoodtomeetnew people in your community, but you could also learn a lot about their culture!
What Food Means to Me
Food is something you consume, but you aren't just taking in the proteins, carbohydrates, and calories; your mind and body is ingesting the flavors, cultures, and emotions.Forexample,whenIgoto afamilyreunion,mygrandmothers, uncles’, and aunts’food is too well knowntomyselfandmylovedones. It's not just the taste that makes it such a necessity at gatherings, but thatitbringsoutasenseoftogetherness, belonging, and despite all the dramaIoverhear,asenseoffamily. It's not that foods in general make everyone think of a memorable ex-
perience,it'sthatdifferentfoodscan connect people to happy, sad, and bittersweet memories.As a child, I rememberhearing,“peoplemaynot rememberyouractionsorwordstowardsthem,buttheywillremember how you made them feel.” I rarely remembertheexactdateortimeline ofeventswhenIhavehadaspecific meal,butIalmostalwaysremember the laughter that was shared, the beaming smiles, the music playing, andmostofalltheatmosphere. In my experience, when someone asks me my favorite food it's always mac n cheese, specifically my grandmother's baked mac n cheese. That’s not to say that no
other dish can compare or that no otherchefcancompete,buttome, her mac n cheese deserves a gold medal.WhenItasteit,I'mnotjust savoring the type of cheese or the seasonings,butinsteadmybrainis enjoyingthedopamineIgainfrom being reminded of warm hugs, holidays,andfamilytraditions. When someone says a dish is made out of love I take it seriously. Food can bring out things in people that words may not be able to express. Now that I've shared my experience, I want to leave you with one question, “Whatdoesfoodmeantoyou?”
Stratford Food Review
During Junior’s trip to Stratford Canada, there were two mainactivitiesinthebeautifultown: goingouttoeatandwatchingshows. Weoptedtoexploreavarietyofeateriessothatwecouldgiveyouafull food review of the must-eat places inStratford!Onthefirstnight, after getting rejected from three or four placesinarowduetoourbigparty size, and lack of reservations, we chose to go to a very sparse pub: Gilly’sPub.Althoughthefoodwas mediocre,itdidteachustheimportance of reservation. However, the nightsoonimprovedwhenwestumbled upon a delicious gelato shop,
Gelateriawithagreatvarietyoftasty flavors.Wetriedthehazelnutcrunch and pecan salted caramel and rated thema10/10.Followingdinner,we capped off the night at the Festival Theatre to see Something Rotten. Thenextmorning,wehad adecentbreakfastatthehotelbefore headingtoStratford.Followingthis wehadatastybrunchatAshbourne Café, where we ordered avocado toast witha poachedegg and fruity smoothies. Kiersten Cahill XI said, “Theavocadotoastwassogood;the poached egg was perfectly cooked andithadtheidealamountofspice withanicetouchofarugula.”After stopping at Ashbourne Café we shopped and then walked back to the theater for yet another perfor-
mance.We went to Revival House, aremodeledchurch-turned-high-end restaurant with beautiful outdoor seatingfor ourfinaldinner inStratford. We loved the complimentary focaccia bread with balsamic and oil. Following this we all enjoyed avarietyofdishes,fromgnocchito veggie burgers to tandoori chicken flatbread. Although this was our most expensive meal, the food and atmosphere were amazing, making it worth it. Victoria Dizon XI even went as far as to say that it was “thebestmealI’vehadinawhile.” Overall the trip to Stratford was a major success, even if you are not interestedintheater,wefoundaway toappreciateStratfordforwhatithas toofferincludingamazingfood!
8 Current Events
Do Celebrity Endorsements
Still Matter In Politics?
Delaney Woods, XI
Most of the polls predict the 2024 presidential election will be very close; is it possiblethatcelebrityendorsements will be the factor that helps one candidate push over the top for the win? With this important election coming up in just a few short months, I find myself more immersed in politics than ever before despite being sixteen years old. This is credited to the constant presidential endorsements I see on my social media. Celebrities likeTaylor Swift and American film director Spike Lee have taken to Instagram to say they plan to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. Meanwhile,KidRockhasbeenavocal Donald Trump supporter since the 2016 election; additionally, businessman Elon Musk has takentoX(formallyTwitter)this year to endorse the Republican party nominee.
Seeing all of these endorsements leads me to question whether the opinions of multimillionairesandbillionaires,livingacompletelydifferentreality than most, can affect the opinion of an everyday American. History teacher, Mrs.Smeeding
re-iterated this saying, “I think that while they can be positive because it might make people more likely to vote I also think people should make their own decisions because at the end of the day what’s best for a celebrity may not be best for you.” In past elections, celebrity endorsements have been credited for significantly boosting candidates' profiles; for example, in the 2008 presidential election, Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Barack Obama was recognized as adding an estimated one million votes to his tally. Despite this drastic increase in popularity, celebrity endorsements have had less influence in more recent elections. This is likely credited to the fact that voters are becoming more independent-minded. Everyone in today's society has their reasons for supporting one candidate over another, whether that be issues like healthcare, national security, the economy, and much more. These controversial topics are much more deeply rooted in a person's political ideology than the opinion of their favorite celebrity.
Fake News, Real Consequences
Parents knew it would not be a typical day at school when they dropped off their kids and were greeted by Ohio State Troopers and bomb detection K9s. All this was part of increased security now necessary after former President Trump’s comment about Haitian immigrants living in Springfield, which is just less than an hour from CSG. It only took six days for an apparent throw-away line in a presidential debate to become a serious security threat for the migrants and the city of Springfield.
On September 10, 2024,thefirstpresidentialdebate between Vice President Harris andformerPresidentTrumpwas held.Whenposedwithaquestion about a bill on border security, former President Trump did not answer the question and instead said: “In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that camein.They'reeatingthecats.”
He was referring to the 12,00015,000 Haitian immigrants who resettled there as legal migrants under protected refugee parole status. This remark was widely criticized and has sparked many jokes and trends online, becoming a pop culture moment on a globalscaleovernight.However, therearereal-worldconsequences as a result of this remark.
Just days after the debate, Springfield started to experience the new reality following these accusations, as theProudBoys,awhitenationalist extremist group, and the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacy group, started marching in the streets of Springfield. Within a week, schools and universities had received over 30 bomb threats, and many were forced to shut down and switch to virtual learning. Wittenberg University and Clark State College received numerous bomb and shooting threats aimed at Haitian immigrants, and two hospitals had
Adressing School Shootings
It is challenging to have been hearing so many school shootings in the news over the last year. While it is a complex topic to discuss, it is essential to learn about the ongoing events that have been happening in schools regarding gun violence. According to CNN, there have been about 50 school shootings recently in the United States as of September 19, 2024. 13 of these shootings were on college campuses, and the other 37 were in K-12 schools. These shootings have caused over 20 deaths and around 66 injuries. One of the most recent school shootings took place at the Apalachee school in Georgia on September 4, 2024. According to CNN, the shooting in Winder, Georgia, was this year's deadliest shooting. The shooter was a 14-year-old male, Colt Grey, who went to that very school. Grey had ridden the bus to school that morning, but no one knew that this 14-year-old sitting quietly on the bus had a
rifle in his backpack and would use it so violently that day. At the end of the shooting, two teachers and two students had passed due to casualties at the mercy of Grey that day. At this point, not only has Colt Grey been charged, but his father, Colin Grey, as well for giving his son the firearm itself and for the cruelty to his children.
In most school shootings that have been recorded, at least one person has been shot, not including the shooter. This shows that this is an issue that people in the CSG community should be aware of. As a school, we should strive to make CSG a safe environment where all grades feel comfortable learning. With the presidential election coming up, this issue, such as school shootings and shootings in general, will be brought up and debated as this problem is recurring, and we don’t want history to repeat itself; we want as many schools as possible to be a safe place for children.
to be shut down due to threats of violence. Ironically, Springfield had to cancel their annual CultureFest, celebrating cultural diversity that was scheduled to be held just 16 days after the debate, due to increased threats and increasing safety concerns.
While many people on the internet treated this as a funny moment and even made a TikTok dance to the sound clip, the incidents in Springfield show that the comments put real people in danger. All of this has shown that words matter. One needs to be careful about creating or spreading misinformation online and offline. This incident reminds us that while the internet treated this as a funny moment, the comment put people in danger and led to real threats to a community. Overall, this shows that words matter and do have an impact. Regardless of whether these words were intended as just an offhand comment, they still had real-world consequences.
Tips for firsT Time VoTers
Which Day of the Week Are You?
Sophie Bergmann, XI