to be added to Roy-Pitz Fall Tap Meet Our Brew of the Quarter Ryan Richards Check out Paint Night @ PITZ
CONTENTS Letter From the Editor....................................6 What’s up, Brew?.............................................9 About Us..........................................................10 New Fall Brews................................................14 Local Hops, Wordly Taste...............................18 Behind The Scenes............................................22 October Calendar..............................................30
Twitter: @roypitz Facebook: Roy-Pitz Brewery
Letter From The Editor
Letter From the Editor
Dear Reader, Roy-Pitz has always valued the idea of community and quality throughout all of its work. Whether it is sharing a Daddy Fat Sacks with an old friend or grabbing a bite to eat at The Stube with some co-workers, Roy-Pitz is a place for conversation. There’s always buzz happening at Pitz. Local bands playing to make a name for themselves or artists sharing their work in an open environment. It is very evident that Pitz is much more than a brewery. While working closely with Roy-Pitz to create Tap Into Pitz, I have learned firsthand that life is much more enjoyable by surrounding yourself with happy people who love what they do. They answer questions and tend to people with genuine smiles and yearn to satisfy all of their customers. Customers are looked upon as beer-loving friends. The people at Pitz look forward to new customers and old timers as well as people who simply just need a drink. I hope that Tap Into Pitz can exemplify the sense of comfort that Roy-Pitz provides in-house. Roy-Pitz is a relatively new business that has taken off in the past couple of years with the wide distribution of its beer. After years of simply getting their feet wet in the craft beer industry, they are now looking to enhance the Roy-Pitz experience. The Stube is Roy-Pitz kitchen that serves tasty options to compliment your beer and satisfy your taste buds. The Stube’s menu offers classic foods twisted with Roy-Pitz spirit and artistic touch. Currently, The Stube offers several specials like pulled pork nachos, wings, and pub favorites. Roy-Pitz will be upgrading their kitchen as well as their menu to provide more for its customers. Roy-Pitz visitors will be able to enjoy a dinner menu that will cater to individuals looking for more than a snack. Look for Tap Into Pitz next quarter for an update on the upcoming menu. Thank you for your support, and follow us on Twitter! Taylor Rogers Editor
What’s up, Brew? Meet Roy Pitz “Brew� of the quarter, Ryan Richards Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis posuere ante. Praesent euismod, nisl id rhoncus placerat, nisi leo dignissim purus, in tempus arcu mi sit amet ligula. Nunc scelerisque, diam vel semper vulputate, massa orci vulputate augue, vitae feugiat felis risus ac enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam placerat justo sit amet arcu convallis, ut eleifend augue luctus. Phasellus dignissim, elit sed ultrices faucibus, mauris ex interdum sapien, vitae tempus odio lacus vitae magna. Pellentesque vehicula dapibus dictum. Proin at tellus cursus, mattis sem nec, vehicula turpis. Vestibulum non lectus id massa ultrices suscipit. Maecenas et gravida urna. Fusce congue dignissim orci, eget tincidunt sapien rhoncus placerat. In elementum dapibus ligula accumsan feugiat. Donec ut congue risus, eu
Vivamus tincidunt, tortor eu gravida ultrices, lorem libero dictum urna, tempus fermentum ante neque quis neque. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce convallis dignissim tristique. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porttitor ante magna, faucibus scelerisque tortor cursus vitae.
tincidunt diam. Nulla ut aliquet velit. In ex neque, laoreet at eros at, accumsan dignissim ante. Nullam egestas, nunc sit amet interdum maximus, purus turpis pellentesque sapien, ac dictum erat dui at eros. Cras sagittis felis vehicula lacinia cursus. Proin non rhoncus nibh, vel lobortis sem. Vivamus velit nunc, venenatis vitae nunc et, semper tempus mauris.
Praesent vel ligula mattis, laoreet tellus non, aliquet nibh. Nullam sollicitudin aliquam tellus fermentum varius. Quisque at fermentum orci, vel malesuada enim. Duis imperdiet sapien eget efficitur mattis. Suspendisse a euismod tellus. Sed vestibulum nisi at urna maximus, eu cursus sapien placerat. Duis viverra lectus lectus, in volutpat odio pellentesque eget. Integer a fermentum urna.
About Us Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et mi ac diam interdum iaculis a nec ligula. Nam mollis ut nisl sit amet varius. Morbi eu mattis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet rutrum libero. Morbi dolor eros, imperdiet a convallis vestibulum, mattis quis augue. Fusce sapien dui, vulputate et lacinia in, faucibus at ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus nulla sit amet conse-
quat. Phasellus sit amet bibendum sapien, tincidunt condimentum turpis. Curabitur viverra diam et dolor vehicula venenatis. Duis aliquam leo et odio elementum, in dictum dolor mattis. Nunc venenatis gravida nisi nec pulvinar. Morbi pretium felis sit amet odio maximus sodales. Nam hendrerit, neque et dapibus pretium, sapien tortor semper nisi, eu fringilla erat eros vitae dui. Cras a dictum dolor. Nulla sit amet nulla pulvinar, maximus leo eu, eleifend nisi. Donec imperdiet quam at pharetra iaculis. Fusce diam elit, pharetra sed neque at, eleifend interdum odio. Nulla tempus egestas consequat. In lacus massa, ultrices et dapibus nec, venenatis at leo. Fusce nec euismod lectus. Nullam in dui in eros ullamcorper luctus ac in ante. Suspendisse a urna massa. Praesent ac velit quis sem gravida semper. Sed non congue mauris, quis cursus massa. Cras non dui at nisi sodales vestibulum eu in ipsum. Sed eu urna eget neque tincidunt feugiat quis id ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris aliquam sit amet velit id consectetur. Nunc libero leo, auctor sit amet bibendum at, pellentesque sit amet nibh. Curabitur pellentesque diam massa, a volutpat ipsum iaculis iaculis. Nulla non mattis risus. Sed at faucibus nunc. Nullam mauris lorem, hendrerit at neque eget, malesuada interdum quam. Duis molestie libero et ante rhoncus sagittis. Nunc sit amet odio in ligula pellentesque volutpat malesuada id velit. Sed semper, neque nec sollicitudin tempus, magna dolor dictum sapien, a rhoncus diam odio eget sem. Mauris suscipit convallis rutrum. Cras congue aliquam enim, quis condimentum ante tincidunt ac. Integer elementum tincidunt sapien, quis dictum dui malesuada eu. Phasellus a nisi purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas
Spicing Up Our Fall Brews By Jess Malick Roy-Pitz offers an array of tasty brews annually as well as special beers to perfectly accommodate each season. Our two most popular brews for this fall are the Gobbler Lager and Sour Hound. We also have Laydown Stay Down on tap for the winter which we expect to be very popular! Learn more about these three, delectable beers then come out and taste them out for yourself! Fall Seasonal Brews Now Available… Our first popular and unique brew just for the fall season is the Gobbler Lager, which is a German brew. It is brewed with nine different specialty malts, including
chocolate, caramel and toasted, to give the beer an authentic, hearty, amber-lager taste. Yeast is then added to enhance the “maltiness”. In addition to the malts, we scatter in some German Floral hops to balance the malty sweetness. We give this lager an extended cold conditioning time to make it super smooth and drinkable. The Gobbler Lager is the perfect turkey beer! We recommend you put it in a German Tumbler and pair it with rich meats and spicy foods. Gobbler Lager is offered in three, convenient sizes: Growler for $15, ⅙ Keg for $60.67 and ½ Keg for $141.57. • ABV: 5.5% • O.G.: 1.056 • Suggested temperature: 38 degrees Fahrenheit
Our second fall brew is the Sour Hound, which is a House Beer Sour. This is another German brew, and is light brown with reddish hues (which we think are the perfect colors for fall-time)! The beer gives aromas of dried fruit, apple, tea, cola and toasted oak while the layering of German specialty malts bring out flavors of cherry walnut, caramel and chocolate. When brewing the Sour Hound, we add in aged hops to the boil to protect the beer and give it a tea-like earthiness, as well as flaked oats to give a creamy thickness. We then top the brew off with toasted oak chips to give it a charred, woody profile to round out the finish. The unique souring process of the Sour Hound gives the beer a refreshing tartness that nicely intertwines with the oak and malt flavors. We recommend that you try the Sour Hound in a Pint or Tulip and pair it with Belgian waffles, mussels, duck, frites, fennel or apple salad. Sour Hound is offered in two sizes: ⅙ Keg for $63.20 or ½ Keg for $154.12. • ABV: 5.0% • O.G.: 1.049 • Suggested temperature: 36 degrees Fahrenheit
Beer on Deck… With winter quickly approaching, Roy-Pitz will focus and feature a non-traditional brew, Laydown Stay Down. It is a Belgian inspired brew, but is created in opposite tradition of most Belgian breweries. Instead of using simple malts and allowing the spices and sugar to give color, we use complex malts for flavoring and coloring, using simple sugars for alcohol and sweetness. Laydown Stay Down, also known as LSD, is the strongest beer created so far at Roy-Pitz. To brew, we start with spicy and floral hop aromas and toasted plum from the malt and yeast. The sweetness of the beer from the malt and Belgian candi sugar balance the bitterness of the hop and esters from the alcohol. The recipe was worked on by Zak Danielson, who is a schoolmate and graduate of The World Brewing Academy with Roy-Pitz and current brewer at New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado. We recommend that you try Laydown Stay Down in a Belgian Style Chalice paired with spicy meats, seafood and mild cheeses. • ABV: 9% • O.G.: 1.082 • Suggested temperature: 45 degrees Fahrenheit
Local Hops, Worldly Taste Roy-Pitz will release the black spot lager in October Through all of the triumphs and tragedies that happen around the world every day, there is one concept that is internationally shared. Enjoying a fresh, crisp brew. Roy-Pitz, which is brewed out of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, has several homegrown beers implementing the dark taste of German roots while incorporating their own artistic twists on their special beverage. Craft beer is really making a name for itself in America throughout the past 10 years. The unique taste that incorporates international flavors and ingredients perfects a delectable meal or a plays a companion on a Friday night with friends. No matter your reason for drinking craft beer, it means much more than simply a beverage. It is history. Have you ever gone to your local brewery and wondered what inspired your favorite beer? (Okay, maybe that’s just us) Here at Tap Into Pitz, we are obsessed with beer and learning about all aspects to perfect it to your taste buds. In order for us to compliment every taste of the beer, we must learn how it came to be in the first place. Roy-Pitz will be presenting a dark, roasted German lager in October to bring in the autumn season. We are very excited for the reveal that includes local ingredients to really make this your beer taste as homey as grandma’s apple pie. When you think of the history of German beer, lager is the initial kind of beer that comes to mind. However, we have done our homework and found out that it was first ale that the German’s created. Today,
German blond lagers hold about 2/3 of the German beer industry but it was ale that had a strong hold of history. German’s have been brewing ales for at least three thousand years while lagers, more specifically brown lagers, only started brewing for five centuries. The German lagers that are most familiar to you that are made up of a blond, crisp taste have only been around for 150 years. The hoppiness of your beer has only started about 30 years ago. Most of today’s lagers are a collaborative mix of century’s old taste combined with a more modern hoppy flavor. At Roy-Pitz, our brewers value and respect the history of beer yet they strive to artistically to add their stamp of creative twists.
Roy-Pitz is excited about all beers that they create in-house and distribute across the map. Although they have old time favorites that are locally and widely craved by craft beer enthusiasts, they also strive to keep their loyal drinkers on their toes. There are several beers at Roy-Pitz that are available on tap consistently. Best Blond and Lovitz Watermelon Lager are the two most commonly purchased beers in Roy-Pitz. Best Blond is Golden Straw in color, a German Style Blonde Lager that is brewed with all German ingredients. This lager boasts a gen-
erous portion of Pilsner malt blended with small amounts of crystal malts providing an authentic German aroma and taste. With an ABV of 4.5%, Best Blonds best compliment healthy options such as fresh sandwiches and salads topped with fruits and citrus marinade dressings. On your next visit, grab a sandwich from The Stube and enjoy your brunch with a Best Blond. Lovitz Watermelon Lager is more of a summertime lager with its refreshing taste but the unique aspects of the fruit and sweetness is what keeps it on tap
all year long. By the time the brewing and vessel conditioning stages are complete, you are left with an unbelievably smooth-tasting beer with a captivating aroma and very subtle taste of watermelon that imparts its way into this already crisp lager. Truly our customers’ favorite session beer, this one will have you reaching for another glass.
Roy-Pitz was created in Chambersburg, PA where it resides on Roy Pitz Street. Both brewmasters and owners, Ryan Richards and Chris Collier, were born and raised in Chambersburg, PA. Nonetheless, Roy-Pitz values local ingredients and has a respected loyalty to their hometown. Roy-Pitz is excited and proud to announce they will be revealing a limited edition beer in October named “Black Spot Lager.” The “Black Spot Lager” will be a part of Roy-Pitz Liquid Art series and will be a dry hop black lager. The difference between this German lagers compared to their others, they will be do the dry hopping process to create this one-of-a-kind beverage. They typically will only use this process to create their IPA beers. “It gives us an opportunity to be able to change the flavor subtly, without everybody getting too mad at us for changing the ingredients a little bit,” Chris Collier said. “It’s really designed to bring good flavors to the beer. When we make several changes and we use local ingredients, it’s really to enhance the quality of the product.” Both Collier and Richards are also excited to announce their partnership with Hop Stuff Yard. Hop Stuff Yard is a local hop yard located in the Mercersburg area. Roy-Pitz will incorporate the hops from the hop yard into their new beer this October. Ryan Richards mentions the excitement he has to bring local flavors and ingredients to the Chambersburg area. “There’s not a lot of mulching houses or hop growers or hop yards, in general. So, it’s exciting for us to use something local, to help support another local business and support the local economy, all while creating something new, unique and exciting,” says Richards. Taylor Rogers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et mi ac diam interdum iaculis a nec ligula. Nam mollis ut nisl sit amet varius. Morbi eu mattis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet rutrum libero. Morbi dolor eros, imperdiet a convallis vestibulum, mattis quis augue. Fusce sapien dui, vulputate et lacinia in, faucibus at ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus nulla sit amet consequat. Phasellus sit amet bibendum sapien, tincidunt condimentum turpis. Curabitur viverra diam et dolor vehicula venenatis. Duis aliquam leo et odio elementum, in dictum dolor mattis. Nunc venenatis gravida nisi nec pulvinar. Morbi pretium felis sit amet odio maximus sodales. Nam hendrerit, neque et dapibus pretium, sapien tortor semper nisi, eu fringilla erat eros vitae dui. Cras a dictum dolor. Nulla sit amet nulla pulvinar, maximus leo eu, eleifend nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et mi ac diam interdum iaculis a nec ligula. Nam mollis ut nisl sit amet varius. Morbi eu mattis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet rutrum libero. Morbi dolor eros, imperdiet a convallis vestibulum, mattis quis augue. Fusce sapien dui, vulputate et lacinia in, faucibus at ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus faucibus nulla sit amet consequat. Phasellus sit amet bibendum sapien, tincidunt condimentum turpis. Curabitur viverra diam et dolor vehicula venenatis. Duis aliquam leo et odio elementum, in dictum dolor mattis. Nunc venenatis gravida nisi nec pulvinar. Morbi pretium felis sit amet odio maximus sodales. Nam hendrerit, neque et dapibus pretium, sapien tortor semper nisi, eu fringilla erat eros vitae dui. Cras a dictum dolor. Nulla sit amet nulla pulvinar, maximus leo eu, eleifend nisi. Donec imperdiet quam at pharetra iaculis. Fusce diam elit, pharetra sed neque at, eleifend interdum odio. Nulla tempus egestas consequat. In lacus massa, ultrices et dapibus nec, venenatis at leo. Fusce nec euismod lectus.
AT ROY PITZ Liquid Art Show
Wine Tasting
Open Mic Night
Topper BrothersPlaying
Open Mic Night
Wine Tasting
NAS TrioPlaying
Come In and Visit! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ullamcorper mauris commodo dolor egestas feugiat. Aenean cursus quis sapien ac feugiat. In in gravida orci. Praesent pellentesque orci sit amet risus fermentum venenatis. Maecenas auctor lorem ut libero bibendum vehicula. Sed sed elit id diam posuere sollicitudin. Praesent a velit lorem. Phasellus commodo non mi et semper. Cras consequat sapien odio, quis porttitor neque rutrum eget. Donec et interdum turpis. In odio nulla, dictum non nulla ac, interdum suscipit ligula. Vestibulum suscipit vestibulum risus, vitae sagittis felis porttitor sit amet. Curabitur fringilla scelerisque finibus. Nam posuere porttitor nunc, eu ullamcorper mi semper cursus. Nam placerat lobortis arcu, id blandit ex. Donec at tortor tincidunt, feugiat est eu, mattis nisi. Sed ipsum enim, hendrerit quis mattis vel, tempor in justo. Suspendisse blandit leo in porta dignissim. Morbi libero erat, ultrices id metus quis, vehicula maximus enim. Praesent hendrerit, eros vel consectetur consectetur, urna nulla dignissim ipsum, blandit pharetra erat urna quis felis. Sed et dolor vulputate, finibus arcu at, mattis risus. Nunc interdum mattis congue. Fusce hendrerit blandit orci et rhoncus. Integer blandit volutpat quam eget malesuada. Ut commodo elit non tortor ultrices iaculis. Quisque egestas blandit sem. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sit amet dapibus tellus, eu cursus mauris. Morbi consequat dapibus metus, a accumsan quam rutrum nec. Maecenas pulvinar fermentum nunc, malesuada rutrum mi porttitor ultricies. Vivamus ut erat quis ipsum finibus viverra. Sed semper semper posuere eu tristique luctus.