Alien cicatrix II (part 01 of 03) - Global pictures of the alien interferences

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THE GLOBAL PICTURE OF THE ALIEN INTERFERENCES FROM “ALIEN CICATRIX 2″ by Dr. Corrado Malanga, July 2005 We are so grateful to Daniele F. and Nikola Rikov for making this translation real!

THE GLOBAL PICTURE OF THE ALIEN INTERFERENCES In order to better explain what an alien interference is I will use a three-dimensional flowchart for the whole phenomenon, as it is already described in the book Alien Cicatrix (Still not available in English, as of today, T.N.). Before explaining the entire sequence of the alien action process on the abductee, we need to introduce the different characters in this story. They are represented here by special objects to ease their recognition in the flowchart during the abductee’s life, when the issues related to the abductionsmanifest themselves. As you can see in the following diagram, which we will read starting from the bottom left corner, there’s a blue parallelepiped that represents the abductee’s body. If we proceed upwards we can find three spheres having different colors. They represent: the abductee’s Soul (redwith an A on top – Anima), his/her Mind (blue with an M on top – Mente.) and his Spirit (green with anS on top – Spirito). These three entities are an integral part of the abductee, whose vital essence is completed with his body. Above, still on the left, there’s an orange cone, representing the alien’s body. The orange cone represents, either the Five fingered alien, or the Saurian, or the Insectoid, or the Bilobate which we also called Heart shaped.

NOTES: INTERFERENZE ALIENE – ALIEN INTERFERENCES Corpo Alieno – Alien Body Sei Dita – Six Fingered ( the shadow being which uses a tall blond cyborg when visiting our Universe ) I PERSONAGGI DELLA STORIA – THE STORY’S CHARACTERS

These are the names we used also in Alien Cicatrix. At the bottom right we can see a black ellipsoid with the word LUX: this is the Light being. Going upwards we can see a toroid with the word memoria aliena (alien memory), which represents the Alien Memories, both the active and the passive ones. The AAM (AMM, Alien Active Memory) or the APM (APM, Alien Passive Memory), exclusively belongs to the alien species we already mentioned. Going still upwards there’s a transparent cylinder with the word 6 Dita – 6 fingered , which represents the extra-dimensional parasite that can have at times an artificial body (created with a machine), and characterized by a humanoid ephebic structure: white haired, with various shaped pupils and six fingers. In order to follow all of these characters, we need to use this symbology to outline the abductee’s life. The whole picture, even if it could seem at first hard to understand, actually includes simple smaller windows having a black background, which are called CICLO VITALE (vital cycle), RIGENERAZIONE (regeneration) and COPIATURA (copying), and finally a window with a red background named supersoldati (supersoldiers).

NOTES: Ciclo vitale – Life cycle Nascita – Birth Utilizzo copia per scopi militari – Using the copy for military goals Rigenerazione – Regeneration

We’ll consider the whole scheme in detail at the end of this section, but let’s look at the starting point now: the moment when the abductee is born.

NOTES: Ciclo vitale – Life cycle

When the abductee is born, he has a body containing a Mind, a Soul and a Spirit, having their own Consciousness, and since they are overlapping, they are not aware of being the sum of three different things. It is now that the LUX starts to parasitise the abductee, and the also by the Six fingered alien hooks itself to the abductee. In particular, the LUX parasites the person even before the fetus is detached from the mother’s placenta. The Six fingered alien, as it is described in Alien Cicatrix, will intervene only later on, when it is convenient for him to make use of the abductee Soul’s resources; now it is not possible to know exactly when, but this is not particularly important. We are still in the first few days of life, or actually in the first few hours, when the newborn is already taken through a physical abduction. At times this kind of interference takes place when the abductee is still in the mother’s womb and still connected to the placenta. The “soon to be abductee” Consciousness tells that “those beings” need to program her/him: this programming places in the newborn’s brain the so called Alien Active Memories (AAM) in a forbidden access area. The programming can use different techniques, depending on the alien which performs it. As an example, the Saurian alien uses the abductee’s optic nerve as a “transmission cable”: he inserts the data in a way that looks to the to the abductee, during the hypnosis, as a series of electrical stimuli appearing as images and colors. Now that the abductee has already been parasitized by the LUX and the Six fingered, he/she is taken again, they momentarily take out the LUX and the Six fingered in order to avoid useless interferences, and he/she gets to be re-programmed introducing an Alien Active Memory. The AAM is the sum of an alien’s Spirit and Mind, but it doesn’t include his body, as we can see from the upper extension of the following graph:

NOTES: Memoria Aliena – Alien Memory Rigenerazione – Regeneration

The abductee, in the bottom right part, is programmed using an Alien Active Memory and in the meantime they momentarily take out his Soul component (the little red ball). The Soul is used in a regeneration cycle: it enters in the alien’s body that has his own Mind and Spirit (AAM), and revitalizes it, so to guarantee his physical survival. Then the alien is split up: the body goes in a “fridge”, if we can say that. In the worst alien worst case scenario the alien body could be already dead, and so the corresponding AAM is then left in the the abductee’s body until it is possible to find a new place for the AAM in a newborn alien body. So the Soul stays for just a few seconds in the assembled alien (upper left), but she must then be absolutely put back again in the the abductee’s body, which is the only one where she can permanently stay. Now let’s see what happens when following the arrow pointing upwards on the right. Through this operation (taking out the Soul, T.N.), repeated at least twice a year, the Soul revitalizes the alien, which in this way will not die, neither in his body, nor in his Spirit and Mind. This revitalization cycle takes place regardless of the presence of the AAM and for all the alines who need it. To be more clear, each abductee has only one AAM, but she supplies her energy, through her Soul to a bunch of aliens: the Saurian, the Insectoid, the Heart shaped and the Five fingered blonde (Orange). Moreover she supplies her energy, every now and then, also to the LUX and the Six fingered, who do not need to take her body away. (T.N.: since the abductee can be either a man or a woman, we use alternatively female or male third person pronouns.) The LUX actually parasitize the abductee continuously, and the Six fingered has an optimum Mind control on the abductee, which he uses on the abductee’s mind while he is comfortably closed in his place, in his dimension, probably using a console or some kind of tool which communicates with the abductee. As we already said in Alien Cicatrix, the Six fingered alien uses a physical body only when he needs it, but he actually does not have a body, just like the LUX and the AAM which don’t have a body. He partially disconnect the abductee’s Soul and brings it to his dimension, and

there, with no hurry and using the proper equipment, he draws the energy he needs. After this “milking process”, the Soul, which never totally disconnects from the the abductee’s body, not even in this lapse of space-time, gets to be normally connected again to the body of the legitimate owner until the next exploitation.

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