10 Behavior Musts for a True Combatant Gentleman

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10 Behavior Musts for a True Combatant Gentleman A true gentleman is defined by one thing and one thing only- his quality of character. Though there have been some adjustments in the actions that constitute a modern gentleman, many of the habits embraced over the last century or so have remained the same. Here are the top 10 behaviors you should keep practicing (or start practicing) in order to be a successful gentleman.

1. Be the Kindest Version of Yourself Kindness is a virtue, and a virtue a true gentleman lives by. Not because he feels he has to, but because he wants to. Practice genuine kindness with those who surround you such as friends, family, and even random people walking down the street. Your smile is your greatest asset.

2. Hold the Door Open Holding the door open may seem outdated and even potentially sexist these days but it's all about intent. Hold the door open for a woman or the elderly or even a man because you want to, not because you think they can't handle it themselves.

3. Be Punctual If you have RSVP'd to an event, have a business meeting to attend, a date, or just plans with your friends- show up, and show up on time! A gentleman is always punctual. When you're late you are sending a message to the other person waiting on you that you have no respect for their time.

4. Learn to Make a Good Impression Making a good first impression is an art- learn it! Give a strong handshake, make eye contact, smile, and approach another with genuine curiosity and desire to explore their personality. Practice introducing yourself clearly, naturally, and confidently.

5. Make Cleanliness a Priority A gentleman knows when to clean it up and respects the power of good hygiene. Maintaining appearance signifies higher class and discipline.

6. Ditch the Hat and Sunglasses Once Inside The second you walk inside take that hat and pair of sunglasses off. Leaving them on makes one seem disinterested in the situation at hand.

7. Open A Woman's Car Door or Pull Out her Chair Only if you mean it. Showing kindness to women is not sexist, it is respectful. If you see that pulling out a woman's chair makes her uncomfortable or angry there are 2 options for you. 1- Apologize and tell her you had no ill-intent, and don't do it for her again. 2- Ask her what her opinion is on the matter and explore more deeply the mind of a woman.

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