Five Fashion Forward Trends You Need Right Now
When it comes to fashion, what is hot and what is not fluctuates with such regularity it’s no wonder many men opt to ignore fashion trends and stick with what they are comfortable with. Whether you consider yourself a fashion forward gentleman with his finger on the pulse of the latest trends or a regular blue jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, here are the five spring and summer fashion trends that you need to know right now.
Monochromatic Matching Monochromes may sound boring, but they are anything but. Thematic styling — think color family — is this spring and summer’s go to look. The versatility of this style extends itself to any kind of event or scenario you can think of. For a perfect office wear look, go for rich navy tones. Attending a weekend wedding? Dove grey is a striking choice. The color palettes are as varied as you could wish. As we move into warmer summer weather, why not strike out and try softer pastel colors or more neutral tans and ecrus. Just remember not to go overboard with one color family; no more than three tonal items per outfit is the rule.
Vertical Stripes and Checks If you look in your closet right now you will probably find a plethora of stripes and checks, so how can they be on trend right now? If you take a closer look at what is coming down the runway this season, you may find that your closet needs a little updating. Stripes are nothing new in fashion, but there is a fine line between stylish and dowdy. The key to staying on the right side of fashionable is the size of your