Last Call: Your Guide to the Perfect Summer Wedding Shoe

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Last Call: Your Guide to the Perfect Summer Wedding Shoe

Weddings have different personalities and styles. Some are large and formal, while others have a much more relaxed vibe. For many people, attending a wedding is a great time to show some personality and maybe even bring out a wild side. And while actions can help with that, so can clothes. If you’re looking for that perfect pair of shoes to complement your outfit for the big day, here are some winning combinations for a “best dressed” look for every suit color.

Matching Your Tuxedo If you’re going to a formal “black tie” wedding, you’ll be limited to a black-and-white tuxedo. However, there are several options of footwear to don with the tux. One is the classic black oxford. While not the most visually exciting shoe in the world, it does a good job of making you look tidy, presentable, and respectful. If you decide to wear oxfords, go with the wholecut variety that are made from one piece of leather. If you want to add a little fun to your outfit, go with a pair of black evening slippers. For a bold statement, consider getting slippers that are embroidered with a unique pattern, such as a skull and crossbones.

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