The Combatant Gentleman's Guide to Buying A Drink for a Stranger in a Non-Stalkery Way

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The Combatant Gentleman's Guide to Buying A Drink for a Stranger in a Non-Stalkery Way

You are in a bar, and across the room, you see an interesting stranger you would like to chat up. Toward this goal, you want to buy this person a drink. But how do you do this without coming across as a stalker? Here are 7 tips for buying a stranger a drink:

Assess the Situation Before you begin, make sure that this person is actually accessible. Not only should you make sure that this person is by themselves, but you should also make sure that this person is not too busy. Are they constantly on their phone or laptop? Do you they look preoccupied? If so, you should probably pick someone else.

Limit Expectations Buying a stranger a drink is really not that different than buying a fish a worm. Sometimes they will bite and sometimes they won't. Whatever you do, do not come across as expecting

something out of it. It is not a payment for services. It is nothing more than a means to break the ice. Treat it this way, and the recipient of the drink will likely be far more receptive to you.

Have Patience Always remember that over-eagerness is not an attribute most people find attractive. You should wait for the right moment to buy this person a drink. This means that you wait until this person is almost done with their current drink. Ordering a drink for someone who just ordered one will come across as amateurish at best.

Pay Attention Many guys have the tendency to order drinks for other people that they themselves like, instead of what this other person likes. The easiest thing to do is to order this person the same drink they have been drinking. But if you want to be creative — and creativity never hurts — order this person a similar drink. Or order a better brand of the same drink.

Be Smooth Never bring the drink over yourself. Not only does this reek of over-eagerness, it gives the recipient reason to doubt you, especially in light of recent news stories about drink spiking. Let the bartender or waiter deliver the drink. Not only is it safer, but you look smoother.

Make Your Move The time has finally come. The object of your fascination has accepted your drink and seems receptive. Maybe they've tipped their glass to you, or nodded, or made eye contact. Now is the time to walk over to this person and say hello. When you do, do not act like a dog in heat. Strike up a casual and friendly conversation.

Don't Be Pushy After you have introduced yourself and started a casual conversation, play it cool. When this initial conversation comes to an end, excuse yourself and return to your seat. Let this person make the next move. Let this person be in control. If there is any connection between you two at all, something will happen. Naturally. -COMBATANT GENTLEMEN, Premium quality without designer markups

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