The Combatant Gentleman's Guide to Buying A Drink for a Stranger in a Non-Stalkery Way
You are in a bar, and across the room, you see an interesting stranger you would like to chat up. Toward this goal, you want to buy this person a drink. But how do you do this without coming across as a stalker? Here are 7 tips for buying a stranger a drink:
Assess the Situation Before you begin, make sure that this person is actually accessible. Not only should you make sure that this person is by themselves, but you should also make sure that this person is not too busy. Are they constantly on their phone or laptop? Do you they look preoccupied? If so, you should probably pick someone else.
Limit Expectations Buying a stranger a drink is really not that different than buying a fish a worm. Sometimes they will bite and sometimes they won't. Whatever you do, do not come across as expecting