Consultation booklet

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Consultation 27th September to 18th November 2016

The proposed future for

Schooling in Gamlingay

Stratton Education Trust and The Cam Academy Trust have given careful consideration to the future of school education in Gamlingay. The number of children in the catchment area of Gamlingay has become too small to support either a lower school or a middle school now that the majority of school funding is via a per pupil amount. The viability of the two schools is an issue in the medium term. SET and CAT now publish for consultation a proposal that the two Trusts think will meet many of the aspirations of parents and the wider community in Gamlingay, and which will provide a sustainable solution for future education. The Trusts are also proposing transitional measures to ensure that the move to a new order of things is as seamless as can be and will not impact unfavourably on pupils currently going through the system. In essence, what is proposed is as follows:  There should, with effect from 1st September 2017, be one school on two sites in Gamlingay and that should be a primary school established as part of the catchment area of Comberton Village College.  That school should, as soon as practicable after 2017, be located at Gamlingay Village College, thus also ensuring continuing wider community participation in the Village College.  For those parents who wish their child to be educated through the three-tier system, joining Stratton Upper School in Year 9, the transitional arrangements make that possible within Gamlingay in the first year. After that, middle-school education can be provided in Potton, with Gamlingay remaining part of the Stratton catchment area as now. The rest of this document sets out in detail how transitional arrangements might work in terms of each current pupil year group and in terms of admissions policies and transport arrangements The Trusts propose that Gamlingay Village College should, before September 2017 (potentially in April 2017), transfer from the Stratton Education Trust to The Cam Academy Trust. There are already three Village Colleges in The Cam Academy Trust and that Trust has a strong 1

belief in schools being firmly rooted in their local communities. This would also be the means of ensuring that the facilities Gamlingay Village College offers the community beyond the school are continued. The Cam Academy Trust would seek to ensure that a significant provision of adult education classes, and other activities based at the College, are continued and developed. There are still some details to work out and no doubt this consultation will throw up other issues. In particular, there needs to be the provision of adequate resources for the transition, including alterations and additions to the GVC site before younger children can move there. We are currently in discussions with Cambridgeshire County Council and the Office of the Regional Schools Commissioner, who are committed to working with us to secure the funding required for the proposed changes. If implementation goes ahead, we will form a technical working party drawn from the two Trusts, the Local Authority and the RSC’s Office. In making this proposal, The Cam Academy Trust and Stratton Education Trust have been guided by a number of key principles:  the needs of pupils must come first: the priority is to ensure that the highest standards of education for pupils within Gamlingay are maintained.  the experience of pupils through this process should be seamless. Children and teachers thrive in secure settings so it is important that “going to school” remains unchanged and that staff and pupils focus on learning.  parents of pupils either currently at Gamlingay Village College or in the process of applying (Year 4) should have a clear understanding of the transition arrangements in place: many of these families already have strong preferences for their preferred education route. September 2017 to July 2020 should be regarded as a transition period. Arrangements would be put in place to ensure parents with children in Years 4, 5, 6 & 7 have their preferences met.  parents of pupils in Years 4 to 7 should not be financially disadvantaged because of this proposal.


 the wider amenities available to the community of Gamlingay, specifically at the Village College site should continue and, if possible, be enhanced. Some Questions Answered As people reflect on the implications of the proposed change a number of key questions will emerge. We hope that the following information will address many such questions, but the process of consultation is also to allow all involved to understand the detail and the issues the proposed change will create. What will be the immediate impact of this proposal on my child’s education? Both The Cam Academy Trust and Stratton Education Trust are committed to “business as usual”. Children across both the First School and the Village College will continue to be taught by their current teachers and supported by the current strong leadership teams in both schools. Your children’s education is paramount and the changes will not affect the day-to-day operations of either school.

My child is in Year 8 at Gamlingay Village College. Year 8 pupils will complete their time at the Village College. As is currently the case, parents should apply for an Upper School place for September 2017. This process has already begun and the opportunities available are not affected by the proposal. The catchment school is Stratton Upper, though where there are spare places, parents are able to apply to alternative Upper School provision or as a “mid-term” applicant to other secondary provision such as Comberton Village College. Parents would be responsible for transport arrangements (as they are now) if they were seeking a place other than at Stratton Upper School. Year 8 pupils would not be considered part of Comberton Village College’s catchment.


My child is in Year 7 at Gamlingay Village College Year 7 pupils would continue their education at Gamlingay Village College until the end of Year 8 (July 2018). Our assumption is that the vast majority of Year 7 pupils will apply for an Upper School place at Stratton for September 2018 so their educational pathway is unaffected by this proposal. Parents will be able to apply for alternative Upper School provision or as a “mid-term” applicant to other secondary provision. Parents would be responsible for transport arrangements if they were seeking a place other than at Stratton Upper School. Year 7 pupils would not be considered part of Comberton Village College’s catchment. My child is in Year 6 at Gamlingay Village College Year 6 pupils will complete this important year at Gamlingay Village College. The proposal envisages Gamlingay being incorporated into the catchment of Comberton Village College with effect from September 2017. This means that those living within Gamlingay will be eligible to apply for a secondary school place at Comberton Village College. Parents of pupils within this year group who want to continue with middle and upper school education will be offered a place at Potton Middle School (formerly Burgoyne). The additional costs of this potential move (i.e. new uniform) would be met. In both eventualities transport would be provided. Should this proposal be implemented, the time for parents to make an application either to Potton Middle School or Comberton Village College would be extended from 31st October 2016 to 16th December 2016 to allow parents to consider their options carefully. My child is in Year 5 at Gamlingay Village College Year 5 pupils will complete their year at Gamlingay Village College. Parents will have the option of pupils continuing their education at the GVC site in Year 6 with the aim of transferring to Comberton Village College for the start of Year 7 (September 2018) or transferring to Potton Middle School (formerly Burgoyne), either for Year 6 or Year 7, to


continue in three tier education. The proposal seeks to support parents in providing this choice. Year 5 pupils currently educated at Gamlingay First School would transfer to the GVC site for Year 6. My child is in Year 4 at Gamlingay First School Year 4 pupils are anticipated to transfer to the GVC site from September 2017. Under this proposal they will continue their education as part of The Cam Academy Trust and transfer to Comberton Village College from September 2019. There would be no need to formally apply for a Year 5 school place. Parents would be able to choose Potton Middle School (formerly Burgoyne) if they have a preference for the three-tier system. Applications would be made in the normal way to Cambridgeshire who would liaise with Central Bedfordshire. Both Local Authorities have been involved in developing this proposal. The deadline for making such an application would be extended to 16th December 2016 with the cooperation of both Cambridgeshire and Central Bedfordshire. We are negotiating with Cambridgeshire to offer free transport as part of the period of transition. Children in Year 3 and future year groups The establishment of a Reception to Year 6 primary school in Gamlingay will be completed in sufficient time for Year 3 and future year groups to be fully immersed in a two-tier education system feeding into secondary provision at Comberton Village College. As now, parents would have the right to apply for alternative secondary provision, including Potton Middle School, with the intention of moving on to Stratton Upper School. Cambridgeshire's transport policy would support parents making this choice from Year 7. What will be the relationship between Stratton Upper School and Gamlingay? All students who currently attend Stratton Upper School will complete their education there. Gamlingay will remain a catchment area for 5

Stratton Upper School as well as becoming a catchment area for Comberton Village College, placing Gamlingay residents in the relatively rare position of having genuine choice. Cambridgeshire’s school transport policy indicates that until the end of Year 11 pupils and students are entitled to free transport (subject to distance from school and safety factors) to either their catchment school or nearest alternative if they are different. This means Cambridgeshire will provide transport to both Stratton Upper School and Comberton Village College. Both schools offer large and successful Sixth Form provision. School transport is not provided free of charge to Sixth Form students but they are able to purchase passes for school buses where there is space available. What will happen to the GVC site and amenities such as the Gym and MUGA? The proposal envisages the current GVC site being retained for education. The Cam Academy Trust is committed to the vision of Village Colleges and has a strong track record of providing community amenities and adult education. This proposal would safeguard the current community facilities and allow for further development.


Response to the Consultation These proposals are published on Tuesday 27th September and the period for receiving representations will run until Friday 18th November. All those who believe that they have a legitimate interest in these proposed developments are encouraged to submit their views by writing to one of the following addresses:

Consultation Response, The Cam Academy Trust, West Street, Comberton, Cambridge, CB23 7DU. Or (with Consultation Response as the subject)

Consultation Response, Stratton Education Trust, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Beds. SG18 8JB. or (with Consultation Response as the subject)

The Trusts will also hold a general meeting about their plans at

7pm on Monday 10th October at Gamlingay Village College.

Please do not hesitate to contact either Stratton Education Trust, or The Cam Academy Trust if you require any further information.


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