Learn – Grow – Thrive
An Academy of
WELCOME FROM THE HEADTEACHER We are delighted that you are interested in your child attending Everton Heath Primary School. We are a small village school set in rural Bedfordshire catering for up to 70 children in the main school and an additional 10 children at the on-site ‘Evertots’ Pre School. We are a successful school at the heart of the community which provides each young person exciting opportunities to achieve their best, celebrate their talents and contribute to life in the 21st century. We believe through hard work and vision each one of us can follow our individual dreams and realise our unique talents while still coming together to benefit the school, the community and the world around us. To ensure we achieve excellence for all our children, we are proud to recently become members of The Cam Academy Trust. We believe that their support, development opportunities and expertise will further enhance our school; ensuring we continue to thrive and flourish. We welcome visits to the school and will be very happy to show you around. We look forward to working in partnership with you.
Aileen Russell Headteacher, Everton Heath Primary School
EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING & LEARNING At Everton Heath Primary School we benefit from small class sizes led by a strong and dedicated team. We take pride in standards that are above national average and achievements that are consistently good for all children. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum within a safe, secure, happy and caring environment. All our children are encouraged to do their best and work towards achieving their full potential. Strong professional development for all staff is at the heart of The Cam Academy Trust and who provide many opportunities for staff development.
Parents and families are at the heart of our small village school. The partnership between home and school means all children have the opportunity to make positive steps towards achieving their individual potential in a supportive and encouraging environment. We will provide the best opportunities for all children to enjoy, achieve and, in the process, feel valuable members of the local and global community. Regular communication is essential and something we pride ourselves in. Care, guidance and support are strong, forging excellent links with all members of the school community.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better start for my children’s education. The school has a warm, welcoming family-like atmosphere and the staff have each and every child’s interest at heart.” – Parent Comment 2018
Everton Heath Primary School provides a warm, friendly and secure environment for all pupils, staff and parents. Our ethos is very much held in the belief that we will nurture individuals on their journey to achieve full and unique future lives. We strive to make our school a place where staff, governors and parents work actively together to ensure children receive a rich, inspiring, dynamic and engaging education, enabling each child to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Throughout the academic year all of our children have opportunities to engage in a wide range of educational and creative enrichments, both in school and out. Every child can participate in a range of performances, clubs and festivals. School visits are far ranging including sporting events, day trips and residentials. Our range of extensive after-school clubs stimulate the children’s interests and help to develop their independence and creativity. We are extremely lucky during the summer terms to make use of our own heated swimming pool within the school grounds.
“Our children have made leaps and bounds both academically and socially since beginning at Everton Heath Primary. So many opportunities for them at such a young age has built up a huge amount of confidence. It’s wonderful to know they feel safe, appreciated by both teachers and peers and wake up excited for the school day ahead.” – Parent Comment 2018
Everton Heath Primary School 33 Potton Road, Everton Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2LE 01767 680534 everton@cbc.beds.sch.uk www.evertonheath.org.uk
An Academy of