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WELCOME FROM THE HEADTEACHER We are delighted that you are interested in your child attending Hartford Junior School. The Staff and Governors are determined to provide a high quality, inclusive and enriched learning experience for all the pupils at our school. We work together to ensure that every child receives the standard of education they deserve, and we are always willing to go the extra mile to find that special something that really makes a difference to a child’s school experience. Our ethos is ‘effort, encouragement, excellence’ and we expect all members of our school community to continually strive to meet these high expectations. By putting in the extra effort and encouraging each other, we are creating something truly excellent at Hartford Junior School. With the support of The Cam Academy Trust, and close links with Hartford Infant School, we aim to create an enjoyable, academically-rigorous curriculum that challenges learners to aim higher. We always welcome visits and will be very pleased to show you the progress we are making. We hope that your partnership with Hartford Juniors is a long and happy one!
Steve Davis Headteacher, Hartford Junior School
HIGH QUALITY TEACHING & LEARNING At Hartford Junior School we work hard to deliver the very highest standards of teaching and learning. Our well-qualified teachers develop a good understanding of the needs of the pupils in their classes, and are always looking for creative ways to engage them in lessons. Our curriculum has been developed to raise aspirations for all our children, and we ensure that pupils know how to develop further and become the best that they can be. Expectations are high, and the pupils relish the challenge that more demanding learning presents. We are always seeking to develop the skills of our staff further, and as part of The Cam Academy Trust we have close links with local Teaching Schools Networks. Our staff are closely involved with programmes for professional development, ensuring we can deliver cutting-edge teaching with the very latest understanding of how to create great outcomes for children.
Our school ethos of ‘effort, encouragement, excellence’ is based around the idea that everyone is capable of achieving to a high standard. We enable our pupils to have high expectations of themselves and each other, taking pride in their achievements and developing the resilience to try something new. We encourage pupils to be resourceful learners, identifying ways they can improve their understanding and reflecting on the progress they’ve made. We closely support our pupils as they develop the self-belief they need to develop during their four years with us – and beyond.
A POSITIVE & CARING ETHOS Hartford Junior School provides a warm, friendly, secure environment for pupils, staff and parents. We work hard to ensure that pupils feel safe and happy, and put trusting relationships at the heart of this work. As a ‘Restorative Approaches’ school, we believe that communication is crucial to building this trust, and train older pupils to act as ‘peer mediators’ for when their friends need help. We work hard to support parents and carers as their children grow older, and have a dedicated and knowledgeable team of staff who are able to support families through any challenges that present themselves. We believe that the link between home and school is a crucial one, and that by working together we can create the very best opportunities for all the children at our school.
WIDER EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES We know that lessons are just the start for some pupils, and offer a wide range of clubs and activities to further develop their interest in the world. We offer the opportunity to take part in sports clubs every day after school, and our sports teams are well represented at Countywide tournaments. We also offer the chance to receive music tuition, and every year children take part in a year group performance of a play which families are invited to. School visits are an important part of our curriculum, so trips to museums, theatres and outdoor centres are supplemented by residential trips in Years 4 and 6. The problem-solving, teamwork and cooperation skills the children develop as part of these trips are the skills they will need to be engaged, successful citizens of our 21st Century world. Our hope is that all the children look back on Hartford Junior School as the place that set them up for the exciting years ahead!
“My daughter is thriving because of the high standard of teaching and care she receives. The whole school community is welcoming and friendly and the staff professional and helpful. I am constantly impressed by the wide range of opportunities my daughter is given and I would highly recommend the school to anyone.” – Parent
Hartford Junior School Mayfield Crescent Hartford Huntingdon PE29 1UL 01480 454695 office@hartford-jun.cambs.sch.uk www.hartfordjuniorschool.co.uk
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