EXCELLENCE FOR ALL An Academy of the
WELCOME FROM THE PRINCIPAL We are a very successful 11-16 school where strong academic performance is coupled with a strong community feel. Our size enables all students to flourish within a supportive environment, where each feels valued and empowered. Students are encouraged to continue their learning outside the classroom and a very high proportion get involved in the wide range of extra-curricular activities available to them. We are committed to improving what we do and aim to be excellent in all aspects of our work. Sharing ideas and good practice with colleagues across the Comberton Academy Trust is one key aspect of this ongoing improvement. I look forward to working with you in the future. Simon Holmes, Principal.
The Principal and two Assistant Principals complement each other well, and are ambitious for the college’s future Ofsted 2013
Students make a positive contribution to the life of the college. Their self-esteem is increased by being given positions of responsibility, including prefects. Ofsted 2013
HIGH QUALITY TEACHING & LEARNING The expertise of our teaching staff is reflected in the excellent progress that our students make. We have been in the top 30% of schools nationally for student progress made for each of the past five years, with individual subjects regularly in the top 10%. We set high academic standards and strive hard to ensure all students are suitably challenged, including those who are gifted and able in some or all areas of the curriculum.
Effective questioning pitched at the right level for each student tells the teachers whether or not students have understood the work Ofsted 2013
Examinations data confirms that students of all abilities make excellent progress. Our curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities while keeping a focus on the core skills that will help students achieve throughout their lives. The relationships built up between staff and students helps make sure that students have work that is appropriately challenging while being achievable.
Our size means that we get to know all our students quickly and well; this is a clear advantage in terms of helping them achieve their potential. Each child is valued as an individual and supported by a strong and coordinated pastoral system.
We firmly believe in extending learning and opportunities beyond the classroom and offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Sporting representation is encouraged and subject-based opportunities include annual trips to France and Germany, theatre visits, regular projects with local and international artists as well as many others. Students can also take part in the annual ski trip, bi-annual music tour or study for the Duke of Edinburgh award.
Students enjoy the extensive range of clubs and afterschool activities which enrich their learning experience. Ofsted 2013
Every year we welcome students into all year groups and whilst most come from our partner primaries, a number come from other schools. We strive hard to ensure a smooth transition to the College. Primary link events mean that the vast majority of students starting in Year 7 from our partner primary schools will already have visited the college a number of times. Our staff liaise closely with primary colleagues to find out about your child’s capabilities, interests and individual needs. Once at the College, all new students are supported by our year 11 team of prefects, as well as their tutors and other staff.
An Academy of the Melbourn Village College The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, Herts. SG8 6EF T 01763 223400 F 01763 223411 E office@mvc.org.uk W www.mvc.org.uk Principal Simon Holmes